St. xS t. er St . Fo st t. ge S Brid Dr . re Canal St. W. Sh o r R Jefferson Ave. ail ute t Co mm W. S hore Dr. por ur y wb Ne gA ve . rt/ Lo rin kp o Ro c St . st on Bo Av e. W es te rn . Rd ach Be Ra il mu ter po rt /N ew bu ry po rt Ro ck e. Oce an A v . St re ve Re Pleasant St. l) na aso (se rry Fe rop Wi nth Bra nch Es se St . woo d Ker n Liberty Hill Ave. t. las ki S Pu t. Av e. W es te rn nw ay Ly n Co m e pik Tu rn m Sa le Shore Rd. rth No Bro ad wa y St. Hall New Fo st er S Summit St. St. Ly nn t. Ave. Lincoln . St Sa lem . St n e Lin ue Bl Lo th ro p St. Su mm er Broad way ton S W es te rn Lincoln B os St . st on Bo Av e. Ave. St. o n Av e. Mald e n St. Vine S Ranto ul St. Cab ot St. St. Un Vin e dway Broa t. y St. Ferr Liberty St. St . M un ro e Bu sw ay ion Ave. t. tS on St . . St ly ay dw oa Br SL 1 land g Is Lon nd la Is on ps Blvd . sey Morr is St . ter es rch Do E. Sq uantu m St. lvd. . St. Liberty Edgewater Dr. Dr . ar d . St rt Hi ll Fo . St Mi dd t. dle S Mid t St. san W hi Plea St. Liberty ck St. Hanco Sh ipy t. St. Nec k rl St. Pea le Summer St. Red Line Quincy Ave. Wa shin St. gton Rock Island Rd. Fore River St. E. Howard epe n Ave denc e . Burgin Pk Ind kw tin y. g St . St. Pine . St . Ra n St. Cen tral St. . St. Webster St. Ab in Liberty St. SOUTH WEYMOUTH 18 3 Unio To Kingston/Plymouth P P . St Great Pond alb lph T St nd To Montello Commuter Rail Station e Pl nt a as Derby Exit 15 ot St. n Po . St Oak St. Columbian Square South Shore Hospital hit e . th ou m ey W St 230 St. Ple W Cen ne Hollis a Park Ave. io Union St. Pi Elm St. t. tS n sa St . St er ty Lib t. tre S Forest St. ail mute rR le Com akevil ugh/L leboro Midd t. lP Un ain S tria t. S. M Nec kS . St ng to n ite St. an Gr wy. nite Gra . St rth No St. rth No W es tS t. French St. t. Sea S Ave. W. Elm . St s am St. lard Wil St. . St ut tn es Ch us t. Dr . nd St. o Black Rock Country Club Lovell Corners St. ion ze ton 53 Main St. az yI Pond S M Southern Artery St. Beac h C Av en e. tra l S. rn ac eB Ad di St nt um Sq ua E. St. m ntu d. kR atuc Wa mp d. tR High St. ing St. Wa sh Old Ward 53 eS t. t. 222 Un High S dS Pin ail . t. 225 rR ute mm 139 W. ve. kA Par Colum bian Co Av e W ar Main St. uth lof 222 . nS 225 mo Randolph St. St. de t. Exit 16 Ply Cranberry Pond Randolph Lin High S St High St. Ri Rd ce . aB She dr. Cm ua Sq . St on r ts be Ro Randolph Ave. Randolph Ave. . St ide lls Hi aw bu at ick P P E. WEYMOUTH Pleasant St. gto ee Rd. d nt St. hin Hobart St. Manat ar W Pleasa Ch . Jackson Square St. St. Wa s 18 / on gst t. Ln . m Co t. lS cia er m St. Kin nS bia di an St d ar Ch . St sex . . West St lum In t. Water St. . Freeport St Red Line Ave. ester Dorch e. Can to n Av Th om Dorche ster Ave. Aucklan d St . St n Bo wd oi Av e. Ce ntr al to Ca n lS dle Mid cia Whitmans Pond Main St. t. . St er Broad St. nS To Greenbush . A Es ton er St. gto er Riv Bare Cove Park st Ea St St. . ve yA em d ca mm Lake Co hin t. ack nS hB ee Co 222 l St. d Ave St. HINGHAM out Gr rth No t. xS ing . To Hingham Center (connection to Route 714 to Hull) . St Jeffrey sh Wa Summ St estea . P P n St. HOLBROOK/ RANDOLPH N. Frankli . To Middleborough/ Lakeville To Avon ut Hom Holbrook Town Forest HOLBROOK . 238 240 al Great Esker Park . St 222 Broad St. 3 Forest Street Conservation Land . St e Ess t. wS Sha 225 t. t. St ion t. Lincoln Square P St on 139 U n St To Brockton ll S h BAT 28 Mi ut So . Exit 20 Highland Ave 139 gt Crawford Square hin t. . 24 53 St. St. WEYMOUTH LANDING/ EAST BRAINTREE P P W aln e. Av in S St 139 BAT Brockton Area Transit 508-588-1000 tson n ve 230 as W Ma tte St. ercial Comm od All N. ye fa Warre n hu t. Ste h rc C ro wo ild BAT 53 Braintree Town Forest W 37 28 G St. 18 ch S t. t. en S Be WEYMOUTH t. Pea kS Liberty St. 220 St. ge Brid ra Fede yS ert Lib 240 222 be n St. St. rove t. Bicknell Square Lib Canto Oa 221 ee G 238 Sea S Hingham Shipyard Lincoln St. 3A Gr ard BRAINTREE . Plain St Richardi Reservoir le S Plain St. . . d Mid Cleveland Ave. t. Bridge St. Evans St. Pond Meadow S earl P d. tt R se us ag ss We . P P BRAINTREE . St Reed St t. Germantown yA ve 236 nS . inc yw nS Exit 17 e Av 230 . Pond St Upper Reservoir Qu 37 Sunset Lake Braintree Municipal Golf Course Rd. Ha t. al ntr oines . le S Midd d. Desm Unio Unio t. d. a Reg Hewitts Cove Fort Point tta R 3A St St. Elm . . St Hill R Rd in kl an t. 238 ont S . St ial ll S 222 Greenbush Commut er Rail 230 St. West Five Corners erc ne il Rd Adams St. St. Sto Quincy Reservoir 236 gton ve. rrs A Taffra . Exit 18 St. South Shore Plaza Logan Express Braintree–Logan Airport 1-800-23-LOGAN King To Hingham Center (connection to MBTA Route 220) Webb Park r St. ck St mm t. Rive Bi 225 e rn mon Com Exit 7 L yA ve. Faxon Park Co Raccoon Island ng S 214 aw Exit 19 Spri St. er St. Sh Crown Colony Rd. 93 225 inc ho ation St. South Qu QUINCY ADAMS P P 230 Trem n St. Wa s Wa 215 in Wash Washington St. St. 238 t. ll S me am Sc t. S ter oda North St. Unquity Rd. Easte rn . St os s Cr lm Be Sw an W av er a St. noli Mag . St No rfo lk t. nS W. S Blue Hills Pkwy. eH ill A ve. Wate r Rh ym We Blu t. 216 . St a Palm 225 230 236 238 245 220 221 ton St. wt . 245 Washi ng d. Se St. nA ve Ly n G St. sant Washin gton St. Haverhill Commuter Rail Orange Line e. . Hill Ave Blue . Hill Ave Blue Co Fai mmrm uteoun rRt eld ail e . ill Rd St . t. Ox for dS St . en en Wa rr Plea Fellsway East Blue Hill Av n St. Warr e . tA ve old mb Hu y. Hw dS t. rva r Ha . hH us Vine St . St . ak O Fellsway . St to n ng t. nS gto hin St d ar rv Ha Ave. Hyde Park y. Hw ak e er ty L ib St . . St le m re St. Walton Pk. . St Sa vin g St. W as hi St. Am ory ine eL W as Hyde Park Ave. Br Austin St. Summer St. an Bl St . St. on Ve rn Sa ew N Main St . St . on bi Al . t. rS da Ce Gr “D”een Lin Bra e nch t. eS ntr Ce an g Or . St on gt hin W as . St on gt hin W as Tru m ll St. nR h St. Pkw y. itwe 3 elto . Nort lley Quincy Medical Center Wh t. kS coc Bab Sea St. Sh Av e Broad 216 Meadow 214 210 216 211 217 212 220 214 221 215 222 Cod 214 QUINCY CENTER Ha inistr Main St. Slate Island . t Va 245 St. dS ore lin Adm HULL 714 P Grape Island Houghs Neck St 1 rry Fu 238 Great Pond Reservoir nd George’s Island a nse Qua e ac Sh St. Sea rn 212 210 Adams National Historic Site Fu Exit 8 Po Gallops Island Se Nep o St. . wy St. St. An dre w St . M ai n Pr os pe ct St . St . en re G t. rS me Rd d an dl on S Fult Sprin Main St. . Av e ge lle Co y eS t. ntr Ce Walter St. . St l) Pemberton Point Pk k oo Br nk t. 3A Fra eS Ferry easona Merrymount Park 212 Fr Elm St. . . gu ms 93 BAT N. Mai St. gham Ferry (s Fenno St St Sp ra Ada Granite Links Golf Club La Washington MWRA Water Treatment Facility Lovell’s Island k coc Han Rea dvil le Ly nn wa y l St. omm ercia St . s rle ha C High St. W oo t. Governors Ave. Fore st S t. t. pS thro Win St. rtis Cu rd A ve. cka Pa . St d ar rv Ha N. Ave . dard God Jamaicawa St. Lee Ce nt re a dh De vd . Bl ha m ed D Salem Ferry Salem-Long Wharf North, Boston (May-October) Boston Harbor Cruises 617-227-4321 Deer Island Park Wollaston Beach Ave. tre . ) nal aso (se ry r Fe Nut Island n Ce Rd . . St e. lem Sa Dr. ite y Av Winthrop Beach BOSTON HARBOR an ersit . it Ave Gr Univ St St. m k re St. y. kw nh a Jackson St. il Ora ng e Line Have rhill Com mute r Ra C Pearl St. St. Main St. St. Main d Ave. Highlan Pkwy. k Br oo Alewife eA ve. lidg Coo y. ry Pkw W. Rox bu . St to n hi ng W as Bussey St. oc mon t St. Park ho d. t. Summ kP Bo 713 Winthrop . R d . . St. 245 Cunningham yS Furnace Brook Golf Club rook Pkwy. oo Waln u Ave. d. . Rd ale 217 inc kS Com . Winthrop t. Golf Winthrop Course Center eS Peddocks Island Ce St. d. 7/01-50M 712 kR tuc Hill t es W Mitchell yR All routes and services described or shown on this map are subject to change Winthrop Highlands . Point Shirley ry te Ar Exit 10 Rd. ersit tA ve pa Brook Rd. Randolph Univ 1 mile 0 es Rd WOLLASTON P P Br St Cr om W e St. Centr Qu gs R 211 ce st 713 n er St . . e Av rna Ea St. th to ga P u So n Sum Centr al St. Washington St. Ave . nd hla Hig St. ton ing Wa sh ngs Skilli . Av e rd rva N. Un io nS t. rS t. Ri ve d Pkw y. Pon h es Fr r. D ce en nd pe de In St. Centr e Centre St. o Be East Milton Square e ide ck ng St. nc kR ro on Ha d. ys vu nco hi rato Ha W as Sa lin Pkwy. . lb Ho Ba lle Billin t. VFW S um mer St. Pkw y. Bro oks ide Oa kla nd St. Clippers hip Dr. West St. . St Sa le m Holton St. Rd. St . G ro ve Ha . St rd dfo Me rke Ma ng gra La . St el l La s Rail mmu ter wy . Pk ey Va ll tic My s Valle y t St. ste Fo eS t. t. eS okli n Bro ORIENT HEIGHTS Belle Isle Marsh Reservation . e Av S er St. Be Fu t. P SUFFOLK DOWNS Belle Isle Marsh Reservation Winthrop Ferry WinthropRowes Wharf, Boston 617-846-1077 town-winthrop-ferry k an 212 xt t. dS lar Wil rt S llis Ho NORTH QUINCY P . St ce Tp ke. Ave. Huckins Ave Rd. Fa d viden SCALE 1 inch = 1 mile Fr .E W ar Bridge Ave. ne P Quincy Bay oo . Ave Cou Av e ils rv t. rt t es W ant Bry Bosto n–Pro BEACHMONT 119 Rainsford Island t. Br ve. ite A nS Lowe ll Co Pa l St me . r Fletc her St. St. rke Ma t. rS e. y Av Wav erl . wy . Pk k Br oo wy . Logan International Airport tic S n Gra P t. ingto po Ha P P ll S Hi Wa sh City Hall Ma ll River St. W ay al St. Bosto n New d. R um w ha is M Pond St. . Av e er t. Brooks S Ce re G . all isw W Cross st S t. Fore St. Main st ri In . M er rim ac Ki t. Bright Rd. . School St xt De . St g rin Sp t. ntr eS t St. St. mon rley Wav e Com Ave . nS ingto Lex er St. Park . Rd ch . Pk Spectacle Island l Ty le Ave h Logan International Airport Terminals . ve tA or wp Ne ne . Li ve d lA . tra ve Re ve. en . dA .C tA St N lan or n gh wp ngto Hi Ne rri Green da ew . g/ . Dr Atlan . W Ea ey st mo Br ut ai h nt La re n e din n e or Sh cy ui Q 210N P P St. ne Webster St. Ja so nS Av e. St. mon Com t. St m ha ed Ra od St. El Ne Rd ig H ac St. Li ER TL N South Be ntum er d Re Chestnut St. . qua Riv U B Chestnut St. Rd E. S et St. Highlan d Ave. en wo Lowell Ave. St . iot . Av e d an hl el d. R n Cambridge so hn Jo Ex t. rk Av e. Pa St. Bow . rA ve ke Ba t. nS Wa rre St. re Go . St n yo Se t. St. Waltham Chestnut St. Centre St. St. ton ing Wa sh re y lto . P err ar Rd. w REVERE BEACH mF C . St lby Lexin gton St. d. . St ap le M n R Rd. Peaco ck t. tS res Fo St. ton New ll St. ell S St. Lowe Moody Farw . St nt ce es Cr St . d rd R ha St . n to ng xi Le Muller Rd Walnut St. ingto Lex Bacon St. Hammond St. St. Rd d. ton illo sR ing ant W St. Lex Hi gh la nd St. Walth am nS t. n St. Tom li Nah ley Grove St. NAHANT ld t. Salem s on ms Ada Central Ave. Ma in St . Hill Rd . M ea do wv Grant St . St. am Wa lth eR liff dc Wo o t. Av e. 5th du d. min gto nR Wil Fox Dr . d. Sk elt on R Ca re yA ve . ale . St d. gS t. Sp rin . Rd . ld Go u St. Grove St. Hill Lin co ln St. Schoo l Le roy d. Wym an R Fra ncis Rd. Coll ege W ay er te un Vo l . Spri ng S t St. Rd . en aw she Sh lA ve el rtw Ha t. nS Wy ma Ave . Pleas an d. ngs R Spri Rd. . St Co ok Wyman Rd. Rd . rc ha rd O 3rd . era Shir St. 439 . Em Spring Rd d. hR Flas 441 442 448 449 450W 455 ran uth e Rd Castl 110 116 117 411 424W 426W 439 te Ve So Nahant See Downtown Boston/ Cambridge map on reverse for more detail p Ne . ve tA Babson Park Ave. Rd. h ac Be n tio va er es R ant Rd . 1A . wy . 439 Nah R WINTHROP 211 215 Adams n Willo w St. . Co un ty SEE INSET Pk l Rd Humphrey St. 449 St e er Hermon St. r Hil LYNN 435 442 is St. Lew St. Ol d in Tr nt ha Na Summer St. lvd. eB tun Nep 441 Point 448 of Pines 442 449 439 ev p Bea . St U P P 441 448 e. Av ity St. n nio ial S . Rd hro Rd. t. n kli nS Revere/Jack Satter House gha Park gto 459 455 erc St. hin an 107 mm ter Wa s SWAMPSCOTT 456 t. xS se Es 1.3 mile int t. 436 t. St. Co Win SCALE W nS SWAMPSCOTT Blue Line gto . Rd n rita Hin r Rail 450/450W 424/424W 435 Fr Myrtle St. rth No e r ho 411 C Victo ry 201 202 203 Neponset Reservation Gu eS t. y St. phre S ut tn es Ch . gion xin . St . St e Av Le rican Ame Hwy. ve . Le P lem Sa 129 449 450/450W 459 455 434 424/424W St. Re St mute P g in rn Co . 0 429 426/426W WONDERLAND an rry Fe Worc ester Com T Ocean Ave. 129 e Av tic lan At . 1 inch = 1.3 miles SWAMPSCOTT t Walnu Washington B . St rey ph m Hu St St. sant Plea Franklin St. 441 448 442 449 e. 434 . . ch S dm or rb Ha se on . RA ge 439 St St Atlantic Av Hum . St ld tral Cen ar Bo er nn ep N St ER 114 P P 129 on 110 Bea Li e TS ON d. tR e. Av R Pu t St. ke M St. Lafayette t co ps rn n kli rfie t. d. R . St re ui n Sq de . e Av Orient . ve lA . St am Sw e st e ac Vil la 441 448 d. Be MARBLEHEAD 114 Lafayette St. Ea is St. t. l St. Centra al n to ng hi m om ba n gi ar M 455 459 442 Ga S tral M Garfield Ave. as W . tt Ave Evere . St . Br oo k im Br . St St. Water Central St. . dis ra rry (seasonal) m Fe Sale Salem LYNN St. od St. d . St 3r St E AV ntr d. rR t bo Ca t. ey S Burl t. hS Hig St. rby St. Vinnin St. esco Square Ted Pa . e Av P De W. Lynn Garage 116 il Ra 1A r ute u Bl 8 Rd Ce ie Soh Locust St. Pine St SWAMPSCOTT Lew nS Cen Summer Maplewo . d 2n ck TO IL L ale To Stoughton Salem Woods 455 e. Av ity RIVER WORKS Av e. mar Squantum 1 . Turner Dr P P 451 Moon Island QUINCY St. To Cobbs Corner CANTON CENTER an St. t. St rop Wald e Kennedy libraries Presidents Golf Course Pleasant St. 138 . St. 117 al S Win t. th UMass Shuttle JFK/UMass to UMass and JFK Library 617-287-5617 here/commuting/public_transit St. Keystone Apartments Pope John Paul II Park t. 240 Reservoir Pond St 429 Revere St. ntr po on rt Shetland Office Park Salem Harbor 456 ils SALEM 459 in Tr 22 City Hall Fo SALEM St. ge Brid W ve dA Waln u AIRPORT Exit 11 rk Yo an Fr tral nS in do . SILVER LINE WAY 16 RANDOLPH Wampatuck Country Club BEVERLY 465 t. P P rt C Logan Airport Park A sd ed Re . m t. Beverly Harbor St. nS Jackson Park . St SEE ion St. hin n gto INSET U ulin St Rd nt St. er Myrtle St. Cen ano w Bo Ce Clinto Carro n St. ll St. x se Es 436 439 Pa 37 . ke St. Pleasa 716 Sh t. Wa s P P WOOD ISLAND Exit 6 St Turnpi . pm Cha 1A ge S Olde Salem Greens Golf Course 129 tS 435 107 . 435 Dorchester Bay Blue Hills Reservation CANTON St t. an S St Rumney Marsh t. . St ity e St. lp ndo Ra lin tnu 107 Rd Taft S 117 116 Marina Bay Top S 240 138 k 429 424, 434, 450 to Haymarket via Route 1A ury Express 448, 449, 459 to Downtown wb e Boston via Logan Airport N rt/ and Ted Williams Tunnel po elan Exit 21 Su t. hS St. . ve dA l rfie l St. Leb St. on ge nset Dr. Yo r nk Brown Circle 411 119 107 120 qu ik Turnp 716 . St od wo Ga Centra t. nam Ver n Ed Ponkapoag Pond Ran Lin al St. St. nS ano Leb Ave . Exit 5 St. dolph g in er e St. Centr Summer . Buck t. CEDAR Hill Dorchester GROVE BAT Brockton Area Transit 508-588-1000 Duck Pond Ponkapoag Golf Course 424/424W 450/450W es SAUGUS 11 Houghton’s Pond . ter Revere St. 116 St. A 28 St Brid 107 lan To Rockport SL 2 Branch Blue Hills Reservation m To Attleboro/Providence/ Wickford Junction ctor Van e e. Un e Av e. Pro 120 WTC ASHMONT Gallivan B 201 202 215 nd rla d. dg t Ellio 62 St. lon Co 128 22 Beverly Hospital St. 465 129 St. Win 1A ey 411 112 117 COURTHOUSE lvd. Exit 3 a dh 95 Middleborough/Lakeville 111 Blue Hills Reservoir Exit 4 Lo 119 an sto 456 Ch o oly ilton mn ck Ro 202 Ha Hill R en 93 111 Quigley Hospital Cary Square d h Brus Hi Exit 2 t. 3 CANTON JUNCTION 1 shm 236 De P P 495 112 Cu Bo 435 435 428 Ru CHELSEA 201 202 y. tS t. t St. Ave. e Av S Main t St. 245 24 Blue Hill Golf and Country Club Memorial Field tS ash W e Ave. Sagamor 3 210 BAT . Blue Hill River Rd. Fr a Northgate Shopping Center REVERE Cop Russell Pond St llside St. N. 426/426W t. 110 ir Av . SAVIN HILL P St. SHAWMUT 201 18 M TR EN . e Av ni se St. lan s P kw 435 Cliftondale Square nS MAVERICK Centre St. 245 240 cu on u Waln n St. rly Wave t St. Eas Lincol od 27 Blue Hills Reservation Pe ep Plymouth . St St. Main Ave. wo son 217 MILTON . e Av lan 459 448 450/450W Birch 441 442 455 Pond 449 434 424/424W 426W lde Ave . Ave . ervo 111 in g t UMass Boston FIELDS CORNER Brook Rd. gh on nt . n on er . pp d. Rd Ho R an m er Sh St. N Kingston er m m t. ut S t. . Damon Lin o nc Ha . Washington St. 21 203 C 240 Wollaston Golf Club 138 re am Hanson Halifax Av e . . Ave . ntain Park Res 28 Ca tion Mou 1 . Trolley Hi . H P Royall St. G dh De muter Rail Providence/Stoughton Com . St Exit 11 n St JFK/UMASS 93 mon BAT D R EY LL VA ST P . St ve nA on nt Ca stitu Ma St. H Hull/Hin S Hil avin l Av e. Ash t. Turner’s Pond BAT 41 Gib Codman Square nS er ch at ta Popes Pond Con St. in igh Flax Pond City Point 240 217 . Rd ilto Nep . 3 th iso McCormack Housing Bayside Expo Center 18 Th 138 ent Ma rth . 435 . ve dA E Mt. a BAT Blvd. BAT P 28 ke 60 119 Sarg St ce 7 Av e t. rd S Harv 27 215 217 240 rto Ma oli t St . Greenbush Su ln Wa in S rly Ave St. . ST St 18 21 22 23 26 d ill R lee rS da st Ea Canton St North Scituate ad BROADWAY Kane Square y nc Franklin Field Housing 26 an ttap . Express to Haymarket 116 114 SOUTH STATION 17 ui 22 Mo N Rd St. Long Wharf (Central) 18 15 23 River St. PA ok St. . St Euclid Ave. 129 450/450W 459 434 455 424/424W 411 119 429 426 428 CHELSEA 111 11 16 Q R a TALBOT AVE N PE Bro e. 9 t. 16 d. bi um ol C Gallivan Blue Hills Reservation 95 NORWOOD Ma Wave t St. Eas Main K R PA N O ST t. MORTON ST Curry College M Exit 1 Exit12 . wy. yS 17 26 27 245 p ro sh Bru ey YL O *B t. A C t. rS ve Ri 716 Va ll yS 15 19 17 201 18 202 210 e. sS uma 28 et 24 Wolcott Square et n St. 112 UPHAMS CORNER dle 45 t Av TA AT . St d lan iel ef 1 e. Main St. . . Rumney Marsh Linden Square No Meadows Golf Course Wyoma Square Sluice Pond St rk 426/426W 1 t. DOWNTOWN CROSSING 8 n St. St P P Neponset River Reservation St Unio ANDREW 5 16 41 15 ingto er 716 ac Be H ak W hols CT3 sh Wa ing hS Eastern Av WORCESTER SQ FOUR CORNERS/ Ge ne GENEVA va Talb o M um Tr t. S on . 29 28 29 31 ac Rowes Wharf NEWTON ST Du 19 D Be HAYMARKET Long Wharf North AQUARIUM AQUARIUM 10 Grove Hall Harambee Park 21 ut Sa le St. m 108 St. Charlestown Navy Yard HERALD ST eld Pa 428 120 N 31 24 30 27 31 28 33 29 245 716 y. igh . ve dA Nic ru STATE Wa ln TO G N Boston Nature Center M ou Beach Pk . 4 LI eric (proposed) Hw t. 28 29 n egio t. Cleary Square ROUTE 128 Everett St. 110 . NORTH STATION EY 14 on S an Fowl Meadow Trenton Rd. ea St EAST BERKELEY ST 45 St Franklin Park Zoo Mort t. er 411 110 t. Everett Square 434 t. 114 Tremont St. Spring Pond Lincoln Ave. 428 Woodlawn rtm St nfi Ham t. 429 y n Lyn Elm S . St k ric r He Cummings Center . 22 Exit 18 451 h St. P 435 450/450W H xS 465 St. nS gto hin as W 99 wa 109 Da en MASS. AVE. AVE dS r. 21 L an Am ss y. ad Ce t. READVILLE P P D 31 Me Hw Br . St nS . 436 Ly n 429 430 se . 99 St Wa rr t. Browns Pond Saugus Iron Works Saugus Center 429 430 Fuller St Market Basket UNION PARK ST inc for Peabody Loop M on W. M . t ui 16 FAIRMOUNT y. . St ern .V t. . C 24 33 tS HYDE PARK w on ilt M Mt East S Av e W es 32 River St. Glen Ln Dr. it ircu BLUE HILL AVE 32 33 33 Dedham Line . St 465 435 LENOX ST 22 irc ins . l w i n St. ris St CHINATOWN TUFTS MEDICAL Qu aw av . mm ve dA P P k Tu rtle Po n d P A 29 St Cu Cr Se 36 37 38 39 40 42 50 51 o Wo i n g Pkwy. ck NEWMARKET 44 42 14 ve. nA En ne k or co . Appleton St. 121 PL t. 16 21 30 31 32 34 34E 35 gto St. . wy Pk m GOV’T CTR R O nS ntin 50 Pkwy. ry R d . da Grove ek in g ha BOWDOIN A C St. 203 Hu B En n n t. tS W. ou 128 Exit 13 y Av Ave. ton s We Stony Brook Reservation . ne BACK BAY/ SOUTH END 14 19 23 28 22 29 STONY BROOK St. . EVERETT 109 St Li DUDLEY SQUARE n . St ar pl Po Main St. Middlesex re t. . er St. Ave. y wa Go ll S . St n 429 St Salem I MELNEA CASS BLVD to or C ee RUGGLES M u ve nA . St . St sa e e er ng ra . Th St h t. ry S rb ante Gr 43 JACKSON SQUARE 44 Hi po an els ac P t. Es 93 er 42 k al W ro Be xS t. SULLIVAN SQUARE P SYMPHONY MASS. AVE ine n L ch NORTHEASTERN ee ran Gr ” B E “ C th St. et 95 on Summ Highland lls Fe Sou M lita y. w g La ec 40 38 a Pk 34E 34 Bo yls 32 14 30 50 105 428 430 ad Sp PRUDENTIAL GREEN ST FOREST HILLS Roslindale Square Be ul ee 41 Arbor w . d. St. nwoo Gree . ve dA rk is Pa ry St H M 109 104 se Granada Highlands Complex S land New Br ya nt St . Revere 97 CHARLES/MGH ES YN H E R Franc . St h bu . . rry 16 Riv C O ge t. eS ox .R W St St Fe Ch SCIENCE PARK/ WEST END M tta Co Clyd . wy Pk ec 99 106 105 ASSEMBLY LECHMERE EN e. Av ry Be Pa Gr 39 Bussey St. Belgrade Ave. n St. an . CT2 les har 41 Arnold Arboretum 35 Washingto hl e Av . St n ai M St. ford Med ill tH bu rk 36 108 110 112 134 710 Es Mt. Hood Memorial Park and Golf Course 92 Egleston Square Dr . P ox t. 37 . . g Hi tic s My St. Main College Ave. St. stnu Che tR es W BELLEVUE t St. san Plea e Av . . St nd . ve .A D R E AV Jamaica Pond y 51 90 97 99 100 106 Gateway Center 91 CT2 in 104 97 ille St. Woodv t. Pearl S 99 86 14 39 ROSLINDALE VILLAGE P P P P eS Pa wy. t. sS os Cr COMMUNITY COLLEGE 55 430 430 St. Lynnfield St lyo 1 Ma Bro Mystic Ri ROXBURY CROSSING Monument Pk . Weld St St . St rth St op lla Ho s as M G L P Faulkner Hospital W St. nt ld Ho Uph 92 BRIGHAM CIRCLE FENWOOD RD MISSION PARK . St 38 . t. Assembly Row IN D R IL s in k er an St er n ai M No am illi r th 7th S ya ie St. t. am S ver MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS LONGWOOD MEDICAL AREA HEATH "E" Branch Pond St. t. rry Medford St. Br 105 Fe 99 . e Av rn ste nf Breeds Pond ut Saugus Iron Works Saugus Center 430 Salem St. 60 ck m St. W est way W in Rd. d. ST K D R FO D N LA ST B EA U B L A ST S TR RY EN A C U .M ST B S ST E T AW ES H W ST U T B EN K ST ST L U L A U A .P T .P ST T S E ST G N D R SA T LI NE O R EA K S O O C C PL C O C E B A AV ER B N IT R M O St. M C U ard S v S r D LL Ha R A A H K N C E O ST D PA AV S N K D A N R R A N A B B O RV IR GT RE ST A S H FA IN UA G SH Q IG T A S R G NS W ST O N A ST PP LL ST A A D T R EN R N T R S A EA N D W LE E TO G AV EN D O O W SH A W D N LA ER TH SU H nd e ton S 97 95 FENWAY RIVERWAY BACK OF 60 THE HILL m VF St. d. nt 108 Lak m rhill . St Fells W ad Playste rt R rbe He St. T 66 Larz Anderson Park New Sa Ly n Birch Pond Wa ln ell S t St. Centennial Park 436 434 Appleton St. Breakheart Reservation 411 108 430 St. lem SEE INSET P WELLINGTON Mystic River 90 ay 106 131 137 Pkwy. dw 136 . St Su e Hav hn Rd. . St lley YAWKEY . ilto tR Cohasset To Hyannis Jo t. r Borde South . St in Ma d. oR ald e. W Av s. as M gton U ST ng ill Dr. Blue H et 24 100 oa Green “B” BraLine nch 429 Main St. MALDEN 105 Medford St. t. CT2 90 St St. n St. . es For r. . d. Sylva Red Line ark il mmuter Ra gue Whitman Campello Main St. S rk n c sti My Arlin K IC W IS H C TH le DED P Montello Brockton Pa ai St. St. St. U TN SO ES H C da ENDICOTT WESTWOOD Gloucester West Gloucester St. e. Av M Grove stic ve t. e S ridg Square One Mall Lebanon Street Loop iot B t St Endicot Exit 25 Low Exit 26 128 lD nnia LYNN Pe nny R 106 Ell Exit 23 114 Boston Children’s at Peabody 434 SAUGUS Main St. MELROSE Exit 19 Balc Beverly Local Bus 978-283-7916 Endicott Plaza Northshore Mall t. PEABODY 129 St. P P Ea 108 St. Laurel t. Forest St. St Square One Mall m St. Upha Grove 131 OAK GROVE 91 47 St. Pearl er mm . Ave ield My Gro an Franklin Co ns Abington St. Main Su Garf St. d. ard R Ha All so Spra t St. CENTRAL ir P Warre n Ave . Pleasan 100 . 85 ut Bellevue Golf Club 131 St. Porter Liberty Tree Mall 62 B B Exit 22 St. e Purchas 465 435 rS Salem Country Club Lynn Woods W aln 429 St. ard How y. Pkw ells MelroseWakefield Hospital 136 137 106 132 MALDEN CENTER 108 Stop & Shop M ys tic Meadow Va Glen Mall Inman Square ton ing sh Wa St. . St St. Mystic Blanch Hammond St. gra en ersit T.F. Green Airport Wickford Junction Vin c To Franklin/ Forge Park 1 ing t. nS DEDHAM CORPORATE CENTER P P Exit 14 Attleboro S. Attleboro . St ve ro G hit DED po Stoughton 24 Providence W W. Wy om nce S St. Pkwy. ve ell S 95 Goodwins Circle nF Lyn 106 Low 1 Walden Pond 1 428 Memorial Park Elm 436 Bow Ridge St. 428 Franklin Sq. t. WYOMING HILL P 28 Br St. St. 128 Exit 66 NSMC Union Hospital/ Atlanticare Medical Center Saugus Plaza Silver Lake MELROSE nS Lynn Fells MELROSE/ CEDAR PARK KENDALL/MIT ervo Res nkli 87 64 51 Georgetowne Ne Rhode Island d. P Norfolk Country Club S. Weymouth Bridgewater 295 e m tR raf Ru Norwood Memorial Airport Braintree Holbrook/ Randolph (special events only) Mansfield lsto Boy Le 38 W 93 Foxboro 495 La Exit 15 Univ E. Franklin/ Dean College Ave. tern Legacy Place JFK/UMass Canton Jct Canton Ctr Sharon d. t. nS Fra Ell Pond 99 Union Square 70A 70 mb Laurel MELROSE 131 HIGHLANDS 132 85 66 86 Ave. 131 Pine Banks Park Av e 89 69 BROOKLINE HILLS P P Dedham Line Je ide Pearce Lake 112 BROOKLINE VILLAGE High St. DED ers Wate r t. 62 Danvers Square Exit 24 Exit 44 1 mS Upha . 439 nte Hawkes Pond Bellevue Golf Club Town Forest do Ce 129 St. ells P F ard How Lynn Exit 21 Exit 20 114 An 1A 451 22 P P NORTH BEVERLY 97 St Holten St. Exit 67 Salem St. 129 . ple DANVERS L Suntaug Lake 128 95 St. St Ma Exit 67C . St St. Exit 45 Breakheart Reservation t. P Molineaux Circle Av e. 68 . Ca ct tJ ke as m nt a Na gh in th ou .H m W ey Norfolk 95 35 Eas ey rs He gh Norwood Depot Norwood Central Windsor Gardens Plimptonville Walpole St r ffe South Station Back Bay Route 128 80 83 North Station Readville nd a Winona Pond Nahant St. St. ing Boston Regional Medical Center P 101 e Linch en Gre” Bran C “ LONGWOOD 40 Wigwam Pond 1 Four Corners/Geneva Talbot Ave Morton St Quincy Center Fairmount Hyde Park hla t. dS Bro ge 439 Broad 426/426W 429 436 455 r St. Farra 456 459 439 Pillings Pond 428 tS t t. n han 426/426W 429 441 435 442 436 455 439 456 459 Wakefield High School 129 90 . y. r St. y. Pkw Needham Heights Needham Center Needham Junction n lbion Exc 441 442 455 459 62 . St no 35 Exit 49 1 Logan Express Peabody–Logan Airport 1-800-23-LOGAN Griswold Pond s Ea Fells Reservoir West Wate r rm . Glenwood St. Riv E. A ay HARVARD Ca 129 87 St w Bake VFW St. DED DED Rockport Hig w Ne WAKEFIELD St. Wakefield r St. Square Wate St Doonan St. 93 adw ns . Clifton St 710 t . er .V M il P P or yp St t mm Co LYNNFIELD Fa dS 325 101 60 134 30 so Pon 95 . . q rS y rte ke Po Yaw t on lm Be ille nv to n w o Ne wt e le .N W da rn bu Au tr kC tic Na ck ati am h .N W ing am Fr d ou or Forge Park/I-495 Newmarket Uphams Cnr Endicott Dedham Corp. Center Islington an hb Wellesley Square hl ut gh ou or 90 As So tb es W on aft Gr er st ce or W 290 Wellesley Farms Wellesley Hills Rail 52 ay sw ll Fe Central St. Express to/from Boston Haymarket Station Lawre 77 73 St St y le er av W am th al W 290 C om m ut e r er Dedham Mall 34E Malden Ctr Worcest er /F ram ingham School St. e St. . St DEDHAM Chelsea Brandeis/Roberts . St g Ba k DED l St. m El t es W cord n Co Silver Hill Hastings Kendal Green ir R Wren St. im Greenwood Swampscott Melrose Highlands Lynn Cedar Park River Works Wyoming Hill W. Medford n . . r te s es ch arm g F n an M rly ssi ve ro Be es C t a id Pr serr t on ey 2 Lincoln rvo Centre St St 35 101 Bro 88 . 51 n St. Salem Wakefield rn Weste rki Malden Hospital St. lem Sa Exit 31 St. ley lles n St. We . to ce rd St in Pr rva Ha t. nS io r Ma 90 Av e Newto M irl 495 36 in oo Sch . t. er Ay Sh Reading Winchester Ctr Wedgemere WEST ROXBURY r Sp s St. St. St er S St. 190 Beverly to HIGHLAND P P ISLINGTON P 128 ey Baker & 37 Vermont sts. S East Ipswich N. Wilmington 95 rm Ve 36 High Rowley Wilmington Concord t. tS on . Ame Motley Pond er wd mm ole South Acton or t. North Beverly . wy t. SEE INSET 96 BEACONSFIELD Hancock Village Pk C St Newburyport Hamilton/Wenham ng Weld St. St Dr. To Walpole Center Andover Littleton/I-495 W VF eS DAVIS r Rail r ive s R ion rle rvat a Ch ese R Rd. Field Pk rang er er St. St. Lawrence Anderson\Woburn Mishawum . org 96 71 Pe Middlesex Fells Reservation 710 Fellsway SEE INSET 89 94 66 Putterham Meadows Golf Course Putterham Circle St Medford Square Ge Powder House 72/75 St. ng t. 710 Exit 33 r bu Lynnfield Lynnfield Center Country Club Country Club GREENWOOD Union Square Robert T. Lynch Municipal Golf Course d Lag k Ba Pine on 95 2 . n Po d. R dn DED 109 Bradford 3 St ond mm Ha y Riverside Lo Su lp Wa t. hS Haverhill N. Billerica ton igh Oakley Rd. Pkwy. nd Po le ud mm Exit 16 Hig y ord Mass. Tu BROOKLINE 37 DED Dedham Local Bus 781-843-4505 109 495 Ballardvale Br Goden St. d D ar stc N. Leominster St. St. on . . St. Co nc St. r Fo 132 Wright’s Pond 325 436 455 456 459 Ra r ute t. ll St. way Spri PORTER Co lsto Needham St. MBTA Commuter Rail System To Wachusett Fitchburg gton St. St. m m Ha Rd m ha ed Ne . St Dedham Town Forest Lowell Main d. gton Arlin hin Was Forest on Clift . ley G St. moor River Exit 17 e St. 3 nR ngto . Ridge St . Galen St ng La Exit 18 Grov 93 Arli . St e. . . St h Hig New Hampshire re VA Hospital Weld Pond DOVER Co St. t. Willow St. m Av Park St mill Rivermoor Industrial Park ne nS ha alt W ve tt A se t. . 52 Millennium Park Pi gto . nS . d St. Woo rlin St hu c Wa St uth So . Bow St Bu ge St. n Rd ngton Washi t. rid ell Low ai . St. Main S inn mb gto an Dedham Country Club St St. Main W Ca . rtm St W St. s es m St. le Ha Saw Ave . urg Co n St. mm o N P w t o nd Pk wy. on S t. . St on 96 89 Square 83 mmute Fitchb Mt. Auburn CHESTNUT HILL P P wt St. Spot Pond 710 t. 65 se Ne 94 88 Russell Field Rindge Ave. on rds Melrose Highlands Stone Zoo Exit 32 Tufts University Clarendon Hill 77 Alb nS Doleful Pond 99 hS . ine Huro n St. hi 86 Boy Hig t. rry St. St. tS Lowe Broad Buckman Pond South Reservoir H 87 t. ha Ric t. mS 136 STONEHAM 93 Lawrence Memorial Hospital tS . kwy nkli 325 . 80 ay tnu Salem Sale S ion WAKEFIELD . Spring St Fra Dark Hollow Pond St Wyman igh St. rnpike W as RESERVOIR 9 . St e. t. King Rail Reserve Golf Course St. Elm 28 Marble St. North Reservoir 94 dw e. n Av eaco Re 60 St. Central Av nS 426/426W 429 t/ or 435 kp 455 Roc 459 Crystal Lake 86 N. B Brighton Center mm Hammond Pond Rd. 38 57 on dS Gree t “D” Bn Line . ranc h Hammond Pond Reservation . Hancock MEDFORD 79 rs Soldie Ha 9 Cutler Park Wilson Mountain Reservation Dedha da M lain Faneuil St. St. oa 137 es Maple St st 16 . dg oli Co Cordis St. 129 100 Pkwy. Br ve eA CLEVELAND CIRCLE "C" Branch 30 y Re Nichols Ave. St. Comm We st d St. on xin at P 135 Westfi el ils Le Dedham St t. Gre St. Dedham St. . Ave P P nA ve 350 St. 64 BOSTON COLLEGE "B" Branch Unicorn Country Club 326 Mt. Auburn Hospital Washington St. The Mall at Chestnut Hill am dh sS er . d t. Charles Riv St or os Needham Country Club ve 501 503 Newton Commonwealth Golf Course le t. Gro t. Lake Quannapowitt 137 . Middle Reservoir Danehy Park Arsenal Mall Kenrick St. Va l rn S Fan . Bo 78 ubu Dr . St 132 325 gto WAKEFIELD ll S Broadway South Ken sto 351 72 t. euil S d. De ill m Needha South St. Clay Brook Rd. Cr P P . th S pr Cy St t. M Mill St. ck NEEDHAM JUNCTION rS Sou . Ro High Rock Town Forest ve St t. eS Pin Ch ar les Ri St St. Redstone Shopping Center Middlesex Fells Reservation dL Aberdeen Ave. 70 70A Oak Square t. . West Medford 87 77 Fresh Pond Watertown Mall t. rR il uter Ra 80 Express to/from Burlington via Rt. 2 and Rt. 128 A Mt. ok Exit 39 St 134 ALEWIFE 73 ro Elm St. t. 75 Arsenal St. Oak Hill Plgd. Oak Hill es Riv er 128 HERSEY P P t. tS Mount Ida College 95 e. Av gh tS sB h ont ee St. Dodge BEVERLY 95 Winona St. es we Bear Hill Country Club tvale rke Exit 41 P P Mon Ma LYNNFIELD Lo W alk er As . lsb Mulbe Alm St LYNN Exit 40 128 95 Exit 36 429 106 108 131 136 137 411 430 Ch 136 Exit 56 Express to/from Medford Square/ Boston, State St. Station via I-93 WEDGEMERE High S 60 2 71 Beacon 52 N Great Plain Ave. m ha ed Hi on n t. WEST MEDFORD 62 84 67 350 76 351 79 62/76 Salem St. 129 READING rth win 38 nS 95 Spy Pond t St. Express to/from Boston via MassPike Tre m kli co y. 74 con S th Ave. arl NEEDHAM D C df Marked Tre . ve lA ll we NEEDHAM CENTER ra t en Dedham St. Ridge Hill Reservation W al N. Bea Commonweal ele . St nt sa ea . Ave . . Arlington Center P t. 16 501 57 503 Fr Ba Pkw 78 lS St. urn Aub St. Washington St. . . . he ton ahan e Av nA ve n eL W 3 St ss 20 St. eacon Charles River Country Club Ch r. 67 o Cr St 350 lD Hil d. St. ss Cro nu NEWTON CENTRE St. . d sR WATERTOWN Mt. Wa rd 52 ale lai P Newton Centre Plgd. . nd . Bro . 502 504 Boylston St. 52 n Mystic Lakes St. Pl Oakley Country Club Watertown Yard P Ward St. St ee tP St 59 Rosemary Lake . an 52 NEWTON HIGHLANDS Gr ea n St. okline St Watertown Square St. Crystal Lake St. rick Kend . St. Gr ide t. N.E. Business Center Shuttle Newton Highlands–Needham Jewish 781-890-0093 Community Center ning Ne ho 135 gh Hi ard G Rd st St. t. Exit 19 g NEEDHAM HEIGHTS P P Fore aS rd Edmands Park St. 59 Chr ha B 59 d od in . gton hin Was Man nA ve . 30 n St. nt Hu lai Mill ster . St tP e Pl 60 . St hoo St 59 t St. Lincol St. tte 550 series routes run express to/from Boston weekdays 9 Oak . St ge eR nt St. rn bu Wo Vin eS t. Lin coln St. READING re WINCHESTER CENTER t. Channing Rd. Rd. Newton Corner St P ch hur Rid rvic a as . Exit 17 che ell ea St. il Fo 134 . t yS rc ye Cabo St. t St. Gould St. . e Av t. al ntr Ce ew Gr Be t istin nn . High Plgd. ai 3 Menotomy Rocks Se Park Sc O 52 . rd S 59 ter S ve. yA sle lle We St . e Av al Hu st s 558 St. . Green St M Rd 73 Fa NEWTONVILLE ELIOT P P Boylston bs We re Rd. ntr t. rS da Fo Wellesley Ave. ice 129 Ra Montvale Ave. t. C ross t. Belmon wn St. rto Wate Ad fts Cold Spring Park wa r Ce . . Cra St. Beacon Eliot St. Wellesley Country Club St er S Wo od Exit 20 Wellesley Ave Centennial Park . Charle Ce To Framingham/ Worcester s Win . Rd m Hom Oak St. St ott erv . av W elo Allison Plgd. am on Chestnu d n kla bb t. ge S brid t. rS Oa d. WELLESLEY P HILLS A st S St erle California St. Ave wealth WABAN P P bequin MW Green Line Shuttle Framingham–Woodland 508-935-2222 . Ad a St ia rn 553 554 Comm t. P nt Tra p St. ant 556 16 d St. s Rive MW . s Plea ifo Highlan er S 9 St er t. to ter Wa n St. ingto m Ave . 20 Riv l Ca NEWTON Full Quino WELLESLEY rles h Was d Wil e Memorial Park w To Newburyport North Beverly Si illo hin Centre St. Camp Curtis Guild St. East S dS o wo HuCountry Club tch ins on Rd . We st Belmont St. 70A St. Albemarle Plgd. . Brae Burn Country Club da ff R Cli a W Ce n i sh Walnut St. Cha sant . St le mp Te 30 16 . St n o gt Lo . Glen Rd WELLESLEY FARMS P S. Exit 21 t . Plea t. St. Austin 59 Express to/from Dudley Square via MassPike . nd Ave la h ig H Express to/from North Boston via MassPike WOODLAND Gr e “D en ” B Lin Bea e con ra St. nc h 16 . ell No 354 WOBURN e St. St. k rattle Oa Ma B ss Minu Su ac mm hu teman se Bik Com e tts e mute r St . Av way r e. . nA ve Low William St. . ale Ave Lak Winchester . St St Ave . St. St. Exit 22 rd S Cam d. St. nd St. rov eG Pin Lower Falls Park Conco nS pel R v eA 170 Exit 16 505 dR ha Crafts St Rive P WEST NEWTON lan 70 W alt S wn r St. ont Wa rre ut Waln d. St. 553 554 16 Wo od . t. Woodland Golf MW Course e. er St. t. eS RIVERSIDE P "D" Branch 558 d. nR atio cre Re t Win rby rS Belm 554 Cha Ridgeway Rd. ay ew dg Ri Exit 15 Exit 14 cord Com Hig 354 . H mm ter d. rR le Ty Fle tche r St. Exits 23, 24, 25 ke Con il t. West Cummings Park St . Sy Ea h St. a er R mut t Walnu 30 St. 90 Mass. Turnpi wn . rto St te Wa d. on St 556 De ve Pin 30 AUBURNDALE P d. t St. ng R Lori wt 558 er ge Rd cord rS u Waln . Marriott Hotel Riv . Rd d. ry t. St kR ave m oo lva St. Br ve S 558 Ca Elm ow er Ne t. Ri Ave . Riv ad Be ha rd . St Me High S St. fo er R St. Gro P id ARLINGTON 76 eR WAVERLEY burg t. Main br . Olympi . St S igh Con d. Fitch nS de Lin 170 505 m m 128 r t. t. Ru m Su es arl Park Cir. E as Mars sR k Oa y av W 60 Pine S Maple 62 ay W ut er Exit 37 Montv 38 2A BELMONT erle Beaver St. St. 170 70A Ash S r ive rvic sa 20 558 Ch 95 ute 556 554 WALTHAM . St Roberts Se ea Pl alt W BRANDEIS/ ROBERTS P P dA ve hla 553 uth t. 20 So ell S Low t. Exit 41 Brandeis University or m t. C 77 Gr om South St. Exit 36 t. . 354 . St m 79 62/76 d. d. sto We Dale . w illo Woburn Mall ch S St a as 67 St eR R 70 Cedarwood rvic lo . W. Se E. 554 Bentley College Prospect St. St t. nS e. Av nd kla Oa pe Main St. 78 . St. mit S South St. ow Rd Lyman St. W Dale Sum Market Place Dr. St nd ton St. 117 Po er 78 St. on p Ap Belmont Country Club Co Bea N.E. Rehab Hospital Arlington Heights 84 554 Waltham Highlands mm ll C St. 354 S nt Turkey Hill Su To Malden Station 99 101 104 105 106 108 131 136 137 411 430 Drop-off only 28 . ge BELMONT Lexing To Fitchburg/ Wachusett n Prospect Hill Park W W Waltham Shuttle Waltham–Bay Colony 781-890-0093 m om n C ay ma ew ute Bik te n e Pl nd Drop-off only 93 Cross St d Ri Av e. a Tr To t Ave . 4th Ave. 170 2 Metropolitan Parkway Dr. WALTHAM ALE 4th . West St. s L le Ave. . ela To West Medford 28 Ha ve rh i e. Sa W St L let 70A 70A Dr. Arlington Reservoir LEX . St Exit 27 . Harr ton Drop-off only Mystic River n Av Eato in k oc LEX . t. 170 ALE ester n. Farm Rd. nc Lake S rd . Rd L Taf t ln t. Gatehouse Dr. Cat Rock Park co ter S 70A The Great Meadow 225 . St t an ea Pl LEX Fa n illia 62 Hardy Pond Lin Win . 4 p Rd . 70A 170 Cambridge Reservoir rd Ave t. St. ison dfo nL w irla To Wellington Station a Ave Exit 35 WINCHESTER Winch To Haymarket Station (limited service) 350 LEX To Wellington Station Logan Express Woburn–Logan Airport 1-800-23-LOGAN MISHAWUM t. dS 350 St. 76 Veterans Memorial Senior Ctr. t. 134 Ca Min d. Rd o Rd. W en R lo pe a Tr Trapel North Waltham Express to/from Alewife Station via Rt. 2 Conco Lexington Ridge Exit 28 Bay Colony LEX Philli ALE . Be 2A 62/76 LEX ALE Av e ALE ALE Alewife Commuter Shuttle Alewife–Lexington–Waltham 781-890-0093 Foll ord e ss Ru . St ell ss Ru . t ll S 2A LEX Hayden Woods Lexington Lahey Co 4 225 LEX Hayden Ave. nc Tracer Lane . Marrett Rd St. LEX Trapelo Rd. National Heritage Museum ol S e Alfr rd Rd g xin o So Av e am . ts S. . Bedford Rd 3 rce n Pie lom et . St us ho Horn Pond . lth Wa e ch Rd ad sa n Sh Exit 29 M LEX Ca 2 e th d. R ve. ry A LEX Sc t. Bedfo Le urn Wob LEX as LEX . Rd rd a nch LEX Lexington Lexpress Bus Local service to schools and malls 781-861-1210 humanservices/lexpress.cfm LEX M Rd. tt arre 2A ny . Sto k Rd o Bro tt Cambridge Reservoir St. Lexington Center or W re t. lS Mil St. Lincoln Middle LEX 76 62/76 Lincoln Park am Ad 354 BUR LEX e npik Tur ar M LEX Van De Graaff Dr. 94 95 96 101 Exit 37C ANDERSON/ WOBURN P nS t. r Rd. East St. . St Win MacDonald Stadium W W as Exchange St. 97 99 101 104 105 106 108 131 136 137 411 430 t. To Davis Station To Van de Graff Dr m North Woburn ll S an Wym Exit 33 Wheele sex dle Mid th Mass Ave. Lincoln St. . Rd en or W Exit 30 muter . an Com St Minutem Bikeway ford d s Ma . Old Mass Ave 2A 62 Be lR Pau ve sA . BUR Express to/from Boston State St. Station via Rt. 128 and I-93 Burlington Plaza BUR St m Trade Center 128 we S Wall Lahey Clinic LEX s c Lo 350 LRT LEX St re ve Re LEX d. re R eve . ALE LEX k St. d. rt R po . Wood St Air LEXINGTON 76 62/76 Waltham Woods Willard Woods N. Hancock St. 76 76 62/76 . Rd Pine Meadows Country Club Minuteman National Historic Park LEX coc Han Lincoln Labs 225 all Bla BUR d. Rd. well Bert 95 128 ds on Sim 4 Rd. James St. Brook Stony Exit 31 Express to/from Alewife Station via Rt. 128 and Rt. 2 62/76 . 44 Hartwell 351 Exit 32 nR inso Rob r hO 93 To Harvard Station To Malden Station 93 . Exit 52 Express to/from Alewife Sta. via Rt. 128 and Rt. 2 Rd. Burlington Mall e Av . uth Rd So re 91 Hartwell 101 Hartwell 76 62/76 d 10 Maguire Rd. LEX 420/430 Bedford St. REV t. 2n ui . ag 29 Hartwell t res ac Pe 3A nS gto xin Le BUR Exit 25 Cen St. 352 in Burl LEX t. ter S BUR M gton 351 BUR ntr eS 99 101 104 105 Pleasant St. Malden Government Center P Ce Drop-off only 129 es Ea 134 Center School chc BUR e. Av Rd M t. BUR wy . To West Medford 99 101 108 132 St. Pleasant To Haymarket Station Exit 38 38 nS Bir BUR ill 62 e. Av Hall LRT . Ave Northwest Office Park M r REV Hanscom Field . Ave 4th . Dr Preston Court te Win Bedford St. ce ng 225 . a Terr ni em Bi an ke Co w m ay m u e. Av . ins ut LEX d. BUR r Tu in Rd d. e ag rri Ca Mill Pond Reservoir nR 351 3 R 4 igg uth d. W So LRT Be 3rd at R M ge eto St rd o df pike Pa 350 BUR 354 62 urn ex T dles d. Mid R Gre Dr. . St Burlin REV Alewife Commuter Shuttle Alewife–Lexington–Bedford 781-890-0093 62 mis Rd. rk two Ne ge BURLINGTON 352 Pk 94 96 Drop-off only P P . Pearl St y Dr. Crosb Rd. Pa . gton Rd 62 inc BUR EMD Serono Burlington Springs Brook Park Pr 62 LRT ica Old Biller BEDFORD P North Burlington ey Ave . 326 City Hall 101 108 Exit 32 To Van de Graff Dr 99 132 e ov Gr Bedford Local Transit 781-275-2255 62 lls Hi To Malden Station ay W e id BUR Va ll ide 94 95 96 101 134 326 354 710 To Sullivan Station Woburn St. d. Oak Park Dr. . Dr. . WILMINGTON St. ke sR 351 R rs tte Bu To State Street To Harvard Station St 38 St ship St. l ai LRT pi g rin Sp Woods ow Chestnut rn Tu ex es dl id 351 Bedford St. n 101 354 To North Medford To Sullivan Station R er ut m om lC el w Lo M 3 BUR od 95 96 101 St. d. nR st o Bo 3A LRT Lowell Regional Transit Authority 978-452-6161 ula wo t. ke pi rn Tu Pa We st ut S estn Ch ex es dl id M LRT BILLERICA ai d. To West Medford St. Florence To Haverhill Lowell ll R BUR Burlington “B” Bus Local service to schools and malls 781-270-1965 residents/burlington_ public_transit.php ay Elm ne To North Woburn ers stic M To Sullivan Station Riv My To Lowell ck 3A LRT o Lo t. yS Da LRT Bi 62 62/76 000 000 Colors are randomly assigned Dashed lines are route variations 000 Express route 000 Non-MBTA route/shuttle This map was prepared for the MBTA by the Central Transportation Planning Staff © MBTA 2016. All Rights Reserved. No portion of this map may be reproduced without the permission of the MBTA. Bedford VA Hospital 000 000 To Harvard Station t. per sw t St. Salem St. Clip Bu stnu To West Medford hS R Che To Davis Station Central Square, Lynn Pi 000 000 t. rS ve Do 94 95 96 101 134 326 354 710 Malden Center s llin Co 000 000 87 Hig ed To Clarendon Hill 88 Lin 89 To Sullivan Station e To Wellington Station 90 To Medford Square 94 To Medford Square 96 Davis Hig Square hla nd Av e. Harbor Ferry Bus Routes To Harvard Station To Arlington Center Tunnel Dock TOWN 87 To Lechmere Station 88 To Lechmere Station 96 Public restroom Visitor information Divided highway *Boylston: Accessible for Silver Line only. To Billerica, Lowell U.S. route 3 State route 1 Amtrak service Bicycle rack at station Pedal & Park (bike storage) Point of interest Interstate 93 Park St. Medford Square Cedar St. Buildings ter t. dS P Water Win an P Municipal boundary ll Ho Red Line and station Orange Line and station Blue Line and station Green Line and station Street intersection stop Silver Line and station Commuter Rail and station Accessible station Parking available at station PayByPhone (parking) Davis Square Coll ege Ave . LEGEND gt on St . Sharp St. St.
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