There are various outlooks of a man in the novel ?Lord of th

There are various outlooks of a man in the novel ?Lord of the Flies.? Piggy and Ralph viewed man as
being essentially good and that evil happens because something was wrong with people. Jack used powe
r over others and believed that forces more powerful than him must be appeased through ceremony and
sacrifice. Simon believed that both good and evil lay within each person. William Golding?s point of
view is also represented by one of the characters. Piggy and Ralph believed that man was essential
ly good and when something was wrong with a person, evil arose. They emphasized in law and order fro
m the day of the arrival on the island. One night Ralph and Piggy went to Castle Rock to regain orde
r but Jack?s refused Ralph?s status of chief. Ralph and Piggy also believed that they could use the
conch on Jack?s side of the island but Jack did not agree. ??the conch doesn?t count at this end of
the island??(Page 166). Piggy and Ralph believed that the conch and Ralph?s status would work everyw
here because they still believed in law and order. In one incident Jack Roger and the Maurice went t
o the shelters where Samneric, Ralph, Piggy and the littluns were sleeping. That night the three men
arrived at the shelters and stole Piggy?s glasses after a fight. Ralph and Piggy were furious and a
ll Piggy wanted to do was reclaim his glasses, ?I just take the conch to say this. I can?t see no mo
re and I got to get my glasses back. Awful things has been done on this island??(Page 188) ??what?s
right is right. Give me my glasses, I?m going to say ? you got to!? (Page 190). Piggy and Ralph beli
eved that Jack would return the glasses because stealing was wrong, therefore Jack had to. Ralph and
Piggy believed that if Jack had wanted fire all he had to do was asked them for it. The two did not
know that the glasses were stolen as a representation for power over Piggy and Ralph. Without the g
lasses Piggy is vulnerable and weak. Furthermore Piggy and Ralph had lost their means of comfort, w
armth and rescue. Towards the end of the novel after Piggy?s death, Samneric warned Ralph about Jack
?s plan to hunt him. The twins also told Ralph that Roger was going to sharpen a stick at both ends.
Ralph did not understand this. Ralph was going to be sacrificed like the sow.
Jack used power over
others. During the first meeting on the island Ralph appointed Jack and his choir to be hunters bec
ause he sensed Jack?s need for control. During the beginning of the book Jack understood fear after
he experienced the feeling of being watched and hunted. The understanding of the dear allowed Jack t
o use the fear in a different manner. Jack?s painted face used as a mask to cover his identity. Thi
s made him feel liberated from consequences. The feeling of anonymity gave him confidence what he wa
nted to do. Jack used chants and dances as a way of dealing with the fear. Jack believed that forces
more powerful than him must be appeased through ceremony and sacrifice. The fear of the beast and t
he idea of the beast was a large issue on the island. Jack?s idea of appeasing the beast and soothin
g fears of the beast was barbaric. Jack and the sexually killed a sow, which they later beheaded. Th
e placed the head of the sow on the end of spear while the other end of the spear was stuck into he
ground. ?The head is for the beast. It?s a gift. (Page 151). One night all the boys except for Simon
were gathered together at Castle Rock. The heard thunder and saw little flashes of light at the dis
tance. It had also begun to rain. To overcome the fear they began to chant, ?Kill the beast! Cut his
throat! Spill his blood!? (Page 168). They became mesmerized by the chant. Simon was noticed crawli
ng out of the jungle. The boys formed a horseshow to trap Simon. The all had the urge to hurt and ki
ll Simon. Jack?s need to be I control grew stronger and fiercer with the novel?s progression.
represented the purity found in man. He was a unique child who believed that both good and evil res
ided within each person. Through the story Simon acted as the Christ figure. Simon was epileptic and
had E.S.P. Simon foresaw the fate of Ralph and his own. ?You?ll get back all right. I think so, any
way.? (Page 121). Simon viewed his fate and witnessed the killing of the sow. Prior to one of his se
izure?s he saw his death. The Lord of the Flies spoke to him and said, ??we shall do you. See? Jack
and Roger and Maurice and Robert and Bill and Piggy and Ralph?? (Page 159). Shortly before his death
he came to the realization that the beast was not a creature but something that was within Jack and
the hunters. He believed that he should tell the truth despite the consequences. In turn he was sac
rificed for the continuation for the evil on the island. William Golding?s view of a man was shown
through Simon. Simon saw and understood both the good and morality that was inside of Ralph and the
evil that was inside of Jack. The longer the boys were isolated from civilization, the ones who held
the beast inside of the, developed and became primitive, destructive and savage. As time away from
civilization grew the close they reached destruction and chaos.
The main outlooks of man represente
d in the novel were shown through Piggy, Ralph, Jack and Simon. Jack used his power to manipulate an
d power over others and when he was in the presence of more powerful forces he used ceremony and sac
rifice to calm the force and ease the fear. Simon knew that both good and evil were within a person.
Golding viewed civilization as a surface covering a person?s true potential for evil. Lord of the F
lies proved that dark side of human nature could be as vicious and as terrifying as the unknown itse
lf, and even the most innocent of use are vulnerable to it.
there various outlooks novel lord flies
piggy ralph viewed being essentially good that evil happens because something wrong with people jac
k used power over others believed that forces more powerful than must appeased through ceremony sacr
ifice simon believed that both good evil within each person william golding point view also represen
ted characters piggy ralph believed essentially good when something wrong with person evil arose the
y emphasized order from arrival island night ralph piggy went castle rock regain order jack refused
status chief also they could conch jack side island agree conch doesn count this island page conch s
tatus would work everywhere because they still order incident roger maurice went shelters where samn
eric littluns were sleeping night three arrived shelters stole glasses after fight were furious want
ed reclaim glasses just take this more glasses back awful things been done this page what right righ
t give going page would return because stealing wrong therefore wanted fire asked them know were sto
len representation power over without vulnerable weak furthermore lost their means comfort warmth re
scue towards novel after death samneric warned about plan hunt twins also told roger going sharpen s
tick both ends understand going sacrificed like used power over others during first meeting appointe
d choir hunters sensed need control during beginning book understood fear after experienced feeling
being watched hunted understanding dear allowed fear different manner painted face used mask cover i
dentity made feel liberated from consequences feeling anonymity gave confidence what wanted chants d
ances dealing with fear forces more powerful than must appeased through ceremony sacrifice beast ide
a beast large issue idea appeasing beast soothing fears barbaric sexually killed which later beheade
d placed head spear while other spear stuck into ground head gift night boys except simon gathered t
ogether castle rock heard thunder little flashes light distance begun rain overcome began chant kill
throat spill blood became mesmerized chant simon noticed crawling jungle boys formed horseshow trap
urge hurt kill need control grew stronger fiercer novel progression represented purity found unique
child both resided within each person through story acted christ figure epileptic foresaw fate back
right think anyway viewed fate witnessed killing prior seizure death lord flies spoke said shall ro
ger maurice robert bill shortly before death came realization creature something within hunters shou
ld tell truth despite consequences turn sacrificed continuation william golding view shown understoo
d morality inside inside longer boys isolated from civilization ones held inside developed became pr
imitive destructive savage time away civilization grew close reached destruction chaos main outlooks
represented shown manipulate others when presence powerful forces ceremony sacrifice calm force eas
e knew golding viewed civilization surface covering true potential lord flies proved dark side human
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