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Jan. 31, 1939.,
Fil-ed April 20. 1956
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Patented Jan. 31, 1939
Alfred A. Jungbecker, Houston,‘ Tex.
Application April 20, 1936, Serial No. 75,255
3 Claims.
(01. 107—8)
This invention relates to ice shaving machines.
It is an object of this invention to provide an
ice shaving machine which can be quickly and
easily assembled and disassembled for cleaning
5 and repair.
It is the further object of this invention to pro
vide an ice shaving machine which is particularly
adapted to form ice s havings out of ice cubes of
the type produced in electrical refrigerators.
It is the further obj ect of this invention to pro
vide an ice shaving machine embodying means
for the formation of shaved ice masses.
It isa further object of this invention to pro
an ice shaving machine asset forth in the
15 preceding object in w
hich the shaved ice masses
may be formed on a s took
or bar for convenience
in use.
It is a further object of this invention to pro
vide an ice shaving machine as set forth in the
20 preceding two objects in which
the shaved ice
masses may be ?avored to form confections.
Other objects and attendant advantages will
appear in the following description of one prac
tical embodiment
of my invention illustrated in
25 the accompanying dra
wing, in which:
Fig. l is a view partly in section of an ice shav
ing machine, the portion in section being taken
on a vertical plane extending through the hori
zontal axis of the machine.
Fig. 2 is a top plan view of the machine ?rst
illustrated in Fig. 1.
Fig. 3 is a detail view of a rotating member of
the machine.
Fig. 4 is a section taken on line 4-4 of Fig. 3.
Fig. 5 is a fragmentary elevation of the ma
Fig. 6 is a side View of an end cover for the
Fig. 7 is an elevati onal view of a compressed
40 shaved ice mass of the type
which may be formed
within the machine, the View showing the mass
than ice cubes of the type referred to. Such pas
sageway is formed at an angle to the axis of the
machine in order that blades of the cutting ap
paratus later described will engage with corners
of the ice cubes rather than the sides. the object 5
being to reduce the shock of engagement, and to
obtain a shaving movement.
A cover It is provided for the upper end of the
extension l4, and slidably mounted in such cover
there is a plunger I? for applying downward pres-‘ 10
sure to the ice within the extension iii. The
plunger I‘! comprises a rod is which extends
through an aperture formed in the cover IS, a
plate 19 mounted at the lower end of the rod is
and designed for engagement with the ice. and v‘l5
a head 28 secured to the upper end of the rod 18.
Rotatably mounted within the housing I 0. there
is a hollow member 2|. Such member is sup
ported at its forward end by a cylindrical exten
sion 22 which extends through an aperture 2320
in the forward wall of the housing, and at its
rear end by a plurality of spaced lugs 52!! which
engage with a ?ange 25 on the rear end of the
housing. It is formed With a central horizontal
recess 26 which tapers outwardly towards the :25
rear of the housing, and is constructed with four
exterior flat surfaces 21 which extend between
the lugs 24, and with four slots 28 located below
the passage l5 in the extension i4. and arranged
at the forward edges of the surfaces 27.
Secured upon the ?at surfaces 2'! by means
of screws 29, there are four plates 30 formed with
cutting edges 3| which extend over the slots 28.
These plates are formed with slots 32 for re
ception of the screws 29, instead of with aper- 35
tures, in order to facilitate their removal and
The extension 22 on the member 2| protrudes
beyond the forward end of the housing ill, the
protruding portion 33 being reduced and thread- 40
as being formed on a stick.
The machine illustrated in the drawing com
prises a housing It constructed with a
manner to engage with a shoulder 34 at the rear
through which the machine is secured in place
upon a table or other suitable support.
The housing H] comprises a hollow vertical ex
tension Hi through which ice is inserted to the
shaving apparatus later described. Such exten
sion is designed to receive ice in the form of cubes
as frozen in an ordinary electrical refrigerator,
and to that end is constructed with a square pas
rger in cross-sectional area
55 sageway I5 slightly 1a
Screwed onto the threaded portion 33 in a
as a means for maintaining the member 2| in
The extension 22, in' addition to being formed
screwed onto the outer end of the rod 38 through
which force is applied to the plunger. A spring
42 mounted on the rod 39, intermediate the end
of the extension 22 and the head 4|, serves to
normally maintain the plunger 38 in the position
A plate 43 is provided for closing the rear end
of the member 2|. Such plate is formed with
hooks 44, which, when the plate is secured in
serve as a handle, may be inserted through the
aperture 46 and the shavings compressed upon
such part. In addition, the ice masses may be
?avored to form confections, or the liquid in the
ice ?avored before being frozen to attain the
same result. Removal of the ice masses after
formation is effected by detaching the cover 43
as will be readily understood.
The machine is disassembled by ?rst unscrew
ing and removing the head 4| from the rod 39. 10
10 place, are inserted between the lugs 24 and turned
to overlap such parts.
Such plate is further
formed with a lug 45 on its rear surface to facil
itate turning, and with an aperture 46 which
extends through the center of the lug 45. The
purpose of the aperture 46 is to permit the in
sertion into member 2| of a stick or bar as here
after explained.
The machine described is capable of being used
either to produce loose shavings or to produce
20 compact masses of shavings. To produce loose
ice shavings, the cover 43 is removed and ice,
preferably in the form of cubes of the type re
ferred to, inserted within the: extension l4. Ice
in other shapes, may, of course, be used, but
the eiiiciency of the machine will be decreased
25 due to a reduction in the size of the shavings.
After the insertion of ice within the extension
l4, the crank 35 is turned in a direction to pro
duce clockwise rotation of the member 2| as
The crank 35 is then unscrewed and removed
from the extension 22, after which the member
2| and the plunger 38 can be withdrawn from the
housing l0, and plunger 38 removed from the
member 2|.
What I claim as new is:
1. In an ice shaving machine, a casing, a ro
tatably mounted hollow member in said casing,
said member being formed with an open end and
with a slot in its side wall, cutting means on the
exterior of said member overlapping the afore
said slot, a hollow extension on said casing de
signed to receive ice and communicating with
the interior of said casing adjacent said cutting
means, a. plunger in said extension for holding
the ice in such part in engagement with said
member, means for rotating said member to cut
shavings from the ice, a removable cover for the
aforesaid open end of said member formed with
an aperture for insertion of a handle, and a 30
30 viewed in Fig. 4, pressure at the same time being
applied to the ice by means of the plunger l1.
As the blades 30 are moved across the opening
at the lower end of the extension M by the rota
tion of the member 2|, they will operate to out
shavings from the ice. The shavings thus pro
35 duced will drop into the interior of the member
2| and then slide downward on tapered inner
surface of such member to the rear end of the
housing where they can be caught in a suitable
plunger in the opposite end of said member ar
ranged for movement in the direction of the
aforesaid open end of said member to compress
40 container.
To produce compressed ice masses, as previous
an opening through said cap to receive a handle
member, and a plunger in said cylinder to com
press the shavings about said handle.
ly mentioned, the cover 43 is secured in place
upon the rear end of the member 2| and the ma
chine operated in the manner just described. In
such case, the shavings entering the member 2|
45 collect against the cover 43, and when a suffi
cient amount of shavings has collected, the
amount being determined from downward move
ment of the plunger H, the plunger 38 is moved
inward compressing the shavings against the
50 cover to form a frusto-conical mass 41 as illus
trated in Fig. 7. If desired, a stick or bar 48, to
the shavings cut by said cutting means into a
solid mass.
2. In an ice shaving machine, a housing, a
hollow shaving cylinder rotatable therein, shaver
blades thereon so that the shavings of ice will
be deposited in said cylinder, a cap to be at
tached to said cylinder to con?ne the shavings,
3. An ice shaver including a housing, a ro
tatable drum therein, a shaver blade thereon, a 45
rectangular opening in said housing for the in
sertion of ice cubes to be shaved, said opening
being disposed so that the cube therein will be
?rst contacted at a corner by said blade to ob
tain a shaving action.