Happy Birthday to our favorite 4th-6th grade teacher! Happy Birthday

April 15, 2016
*Apr 21—Round Up Day - Regular hours*
Apr 28—Open House/Pre-Register 5—7pm
May 4—Bee Off event (3rd—6th grade)
May 6—Track & Field Day
May 2—6—Teacher Appreciation Week
May 10—CHERISH Challenge
Dear Parents,
May 11—Spring Concert - DATE CHANGE
May 12—All school field trip to Elitches
May 13—Awards/Lunch
May 16—Kindergarten Graduation
May 17—8th Grade Graduation
While this week has been sort of quiet with Grades 5-8 in Washington, DC, we certainly kept busy. A highlight this week was being Secret Service Agents for Jesus! To continue that value at home, I thought I would give you some ideas that would be easy and
fun to implement as a family. The Bible verse we have chosen for Service is: Use your
freedom to serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13 May God bless you this week as
you serve others.
Christ-Centered Living ∞ Honor ∞ Exploration ∞ Responsibility ∞
Integrity ∞ Service ∞ Heroism
Mrs. Lange
*Because of our 3 snow days this year, we need
to make up school hours! Because of this, there
will be NO April break.
April 21 will be regular school hours.
April 22 will be a school day with regular Friday
Over the next few weeks we will be doing a
CHERISH challenge.
There will be a prize for all who complete
the challenge!
See page 3 of the newsletter for more information.
We are looking for monetary donations to
purchase plants and flowers to enhance the
entrance appeal of our school in time for our
open house, April 28. Please place donations in
the church offering plate or at HMS front
office, labeled “donations for plants”. Thank
Monday—Pizza—Green Pepper
Tuesday—Sub Sandwiches
Wednesday—Cheese Enchiladas
Thursday—Hot Dots
Pizza Days $1.50 slice
Drinks: $.50
All meals $3.00
Burrito-Friday $1 (cash only)
Happy Birthday to
our favorite 4th-6th
grade teacher!
Happy Birthday
Mr. B!
HMS Pre-Registration
HMS Open House!
It’s time to be thinking about Open House/Pre Registration! Open House is from 5-7pm. We need participation
from all families, please bring enough food for 10 people! Families, please plan to bring food according to the list
below (by last name).
A-F: Sandwiches
G-L: Chips
M-S: Fruit/Veggies
T-Z: Dessert
Here is how our CHERISH Challenge will work. By May 10 each person must memorize a portion of our CHERISH core
PreK-K: Needs to say the letters and what they stand for. (in bold)
1-2: Needs to say letters in order, what they stand for, and the value. (top line)
3-8: Needs to say letters in order, what they stand for, the value, and the memory verse.
Christ-centered living—Reflecting God’s character in attitudes and actions
“You come to Him as living stones, a spiritual house that is being built into a hold priesthood. So offer spiritual
sacrifices that God accepts through Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 2:5
Honor—Showing value, dignity, and high regard for people and property.
“Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God.” 1 Peter 2:17
Exploration—Discovering new information to gain a deeper understanding of God and His creation.
“For ever since the world was created, people have seen the earthy and sky. Through everything God made,
they can clearly see His invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature.” Romans 1:20
Responsibility—Following directions, completing tasks, and taking ownership of choices, words, and actions.
“In all the work you are given, do the best you can. Work as though you are working for the Lord, not any
earthly master.” Colossians 3:23
Integrity—Being truthful, fair and deserving of the trust of others.
“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much” Luke 16:10
Service—Working for the benefit of others.
“Use your freedom to serve one another in love.” Galatians 5:13
Heroism—Making decisions that align with convictions and beliefs even if it means standing alone.
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the
Lord your God with be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9
Dear Parents,
We've had a week full of art, building, paint, tornado like mess in our classroom, and just plain fun! We're beginning a unit about trains. Each child helped 'build' their train out of large moving boxes. We painted them and added accessories to their train carts. Our class is full of glitter trains! Some of the 'needed' accessories that were built
this last week were a television, a kitchen sink w cabinets, several aquariums, purses, art decor for their walls, and a
toolbox. We built each item out of small boxes. Now that we've completed the building project next week we will
start learning about trains. All curriculum will be tied to our train unit!
Next Thursday, April 21, from 8-11 am is Kindergarten round-up. If your child is currently in Kindergarten they
will be visiting Mrs. Lange's class for the day. If your child is in Pre-K they will stay in the classroom with me and
will be doing Kindergarten work for the morning. If you know of anyone that's Pre-K or Kindergarten age please
invite them to attend this fun event!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Smith
Hello Parents.
The weather has been absolutely amazing and we thoroughly have enjoyed being outside this week! We have walked 4 out
of 5 days this week. On Thursday, we took an extra long walk just to enjoy this beautiful spring weather.
Next Wednesday, we are excited to go to the Loveland Recycle Center. If you are able to help drive, please let me
know. We will leave at 8:30am and return around 10:00am.
Thursday, we have Move Up Day! All day we will be doing things in celebration of Earth Day. If you are willing to donate any flowers to plant, please let me know. I need them by Wednesday.
Have a wonderful weekend! Stay warm. I’m praying our trees and budding flowers are protected from this approaching
-Mrs. Lange
Jesus went up on a mountainside to pray. Mark 6:46
Jesus went up on a mountainside to pray. Mark 6:46
Only one month of school left from this coming Monday, April 18!
We had a great Class Birthday Party at Fly High Trampoline Park on Monday!
The CFC Team worked well together on their hike to Bobcat Ridge on Thursday. There were two groups, Team Gracie
and Team Christine. Each team made sure that all their team members stayed together and were healthy. Both teams took
pictures of God’s Creation and they will be made into a PowerPoint to share at school.
I hope and pray the science projects are taking shape! Only two more weeks!
Grades and Missing Assignments will come home Monday, April 18. Check grades and assignments online at https://
Major Assignments and Tests:
5th Grade Math Test Chapter 9—Monday April 18
Grades 4-6 Math Basic Facts Test – Tuesday, April 19
Spelling Test Lesson 33—Wednesday, April 20
Bible CHERISH test – Wednesday, April 27
Science Fair Projects must be at school on the Morning of Thursday, April 28 for setup for the fair that evening.
The CFC Team Quote: Now it shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the
mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; And peoples shall flow to it. Micah 4:1
Upcoming Events
Grades 4-6 Science Fair – 5:00 P.M. Thursday, April 28 (students will display
projects in the HMS Gym)
Education Day – Wednesday, May 4 – All day in Brighton
Grades 4-6 End of the Year Program – Thursday, May 5 at 6:30 P.M. – HMS Gym
Yours in the Master Teacher–Jesus,
Mr. Bragaw – Mr. B
E-mail – [email protected]
School – 970-667-2427 - website www.hmsrichards.org
Home/Cell – 720-985-3886
One Nation Under God
Please contact Mr. Hammond:
Email [email protected]
Call or Text 970-232-8674
3rd and 4th Grade
The students worked hard early in the week typing their essay on the best type of pet and creating a poster. All
the students were so excited to share and see each other’s pets on Wednesday! Thanks to parents for bringing
them and for providing an audience for the students’ reports – even if it was a bit of a chaotic day! There were
some pretty adorable pets! On Thursday, we celebrated Beverly Cleary’s 100th birthday – she’s still living! Students each selected a different book from some of her best works – Ramona the Pest, Henry and Ribsy, The
Mouse and the Motorcycle, Socks, among others – to read a chapter. They illustrated and presented their
favorite part of the chapter to the class. Finally, they made birthday cards for her, which I will send to her fan
mail. The students really seem to enjoy her writing style, so I highly recommend taking your child to the public
library and checking them out!
Next week:
We will finish off our book, Henry Huggins and write a report in class. We will start a new short unit on
“trash” as Earth day approaches!
Reading Logs: 100 minutes due every Monday.
Next choice book report due April 20
(done at home)
7th & 8th Grade
Another reminder- Thursday, April 28 during the HMS Open House, starting at 5 pm, the 7th and 8th graders
will be kicking off their 30-day health challenges and we would love to see all parents come and participate! All
student groups finished off the major pieces of their health projects before taking off on the D.C. trip!
They’ve put a lot of effort into making great projects and are looking forward to sharing them with you!
Next Week:
We will be reading Eric Liddell and learning about his life as a missionary in China.
The students will also work on editing their health projects.
Homework for the Week ahead:
Reading Logs: No reading log due over the trip- 100 minutes due next Monday, April 25
Final book reports due May 5th
What a wonderful service we had at Campion Adventist Church last Sabbath!
Thank you to everyone that brought your child to church on time. The kids looked so great in their Sabbath
BEST. Thanks for worshipping with us!
I am so proud of all the students involved, they were a blessing to the whole church with their musical talents. I
am praying that each students continues to realize what a blessing it is to share their talents for the honor and
glory of GOD.
Please contact Anastasia Cate if you would like to help with decorations for our K-3 pageant.
cell: (970) 744-8541
We have a conflict with the evangelistic meetings that will take place in the second week of May. They will be using our lawn to set up a tent. Therefore, the venue for our Spring Concert most likely will change to the Campion
Academy Gym. Stay tuned for details.
Last two appointments of the year::
Music at Loveland SDA: May 7 (Grades 4-8 & 2-3 Grade Strings)
Spring Concert: May 11 (All Grades) ← Date HAS CHANGED
Yves Clouzet
[email protected]
cell: (970) 685-7895