v.5 Use Special Reports in a Practical Way

v.5 Use Special Reports
in a Practical Way
Presented by:
Mark Fisher, Shelby Consultant
©2013 Shelby Systems, Inc.
Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective holders.
This class will equip the Shelby user to create and run very practical and useful General Ledger
special reports. The user will learn the basics of setting up a special report and how to apply
them by running regular General Ledger reports such as the Balance Sheet and Budgeted
Financial statements. Creating and running a simple Cash Flow statement is an added bonus to
this class.
What You Will Learn in This Session
Basic Steps – “How To”
Total Budget Income and Expense Summary
o Financial Spreadsheet – create graph
o Budgeted Financial Spreadsheet – History
Operating Fund Department Summary
o Income/Expense Statement
o Budgeted Financial Statement – create graph
Consolidated Balance Sheet
o Combine Funds
o Summarize Net Assets
Cash Flow Statement
o Print Special Report List (set-up)
o Cash Flow/Balance List
Basic Steps
Below are the basic steps to creating a special report. It is similar to creating a chart of account
but much simpler. Line numbers will replace account numbers in the setup and are only used
for the order of printing each line.
Once a special report is built, most of the regular financial reports that can be generated from
“Monthly Reports” can be run from the special reports portion of General Ledger reports. The
most common include:
Income and Expense Statement
Budgeted Financial Statement
Financial spreadsheet
Balance Sheet
Designated Fund Summary
Create Special Report
General Ledger Home Base
Special Reports
Special Reports Design
1. Right-click, then choose New to create a new report format.
2. Enter a Title for the report.
3. Right-click in grid to begin entering report line.
Create Report Lines — Build Report
Line #: Determines the order each line prints. Normally use increments of 10 to allow
room for insertion of new lines if needed.
Line Type: Includes Header, Detail, and Totals the same as the chart of accounts.
Description: Title for each line
Reverse Sign when Printing: Check this box if normal credit account – liability, net
assets, income account.
Fund#, Dept#, Account Low, Account High: This is where you determine which accounts
print on this line. Enter by specific account number, account range, by department, or
fund. Enter multiple lines, by fund or department level, or leave the department blank
to print the same account number across departments.
Total Budget Income and Expense Summary
The goal for this special report is to summarize all budgeted income and expenses into one line
each. With this summary you can use the 12-month spreadsheet to see at a glance the net
income for each month the last 12 months. It helps give the big picture as to the church’s
monthly income and receipts.
The budgeted financial statement is also a good report to use with this special report design. It
is very helpful to create a 5-year history of actual income and expenses which can be used for
future financial planning and lending institutions.
Creating a special report is similar to creating a chart of accounts but much simpler. The goal is
to determine what prints on each line.
Total Budget Income and Expense Summary
Create new report
Add lines
Print all income on one line….Line# 10.
This line will pull all accounts from Fund 1 and Dept 10. In this database they are all income
accounts plus all accounts in Fund 1 and Dept 120 within the range of 40000 – 49999, which
are also income accounts.
The intent with this line is to print all “budgeted” income.
Note the “reverse sign when printing is checked because of printing income accounts.
Print all budgeted expenses on Line# 20
Notice the Dept# is blank so this line will total all accounts within Fund 1 that are within the
range of 5000 – 59999.
This is an example of the power of using special reports.
Print Total Line
In this example, I could have chosen any of the Total Level options from 0-9 since there will be
no subtotals.
Normally when creating a Total Line that is returning the difference between Income and
Expense lines you choose the “reverse sign” option.
This is a simple report with the intent to show Budgeted Income less Budgeted expenses.
The power of this report is the ability to run several General Ledger report formats, such as the
Financial Spreadsheet and Budgeted Financial Statement, using this report format.
Completed Report
Run Financial Spreadsheet with this format
1. Reports
2. Special Reports
3. Financial Spreadsheets
The Financial Spreadsheet gives a 12-month view of either actual activity or budget. It will go
back 12 months from the period that is selected. It will cross fiscal years.
Run Financial Spreadsheet
Select the period from which to go back 12 months.
Select interface with Excel.
Use Include/Exclude to choose from a list of all existing Special Report Designs.
Run report in Excel
Graph Results in Excel
Run Income/Expense Summary
in Budgeted Financial Statement
With the ability to create report preferences in the Budgeted Financial Statement, it is very easy
to create a multi-year report reflecting total income and expenses for the desired time frame.
Since this report can be interfaced with Excel, it is a simple process to create a graph.
This is a great analytical tool for projecting future income and expenses.
With the ability to create special report designs, the user can create a high-level report such as
this example or drill down to the department or account level as he chooses.
Operating Fund Summary By Department
The goal is to create a one page budget summary. This special report design will have each
Department total on a separate line.
Create one line for
each Budget Dept#.
This is an example for
the Personnel Dept.
Repeat line numbers
until each department
has been listed.
Operating Fund Summary by Department
Special Report Design
Each of the detail lines are connected to a specific department.
The Total Lines are checked with the reverse sign option.
Total Line 6 is the net for the Church Budget.
Total Line 7 is the Net for the Fund 1 – Operating Fund
This report allows for creating a one page budget summary by using this design with the
Budgeted Financial Statement.
Operating Fund Summary by Department
Budgeted Financial Statement
Consolidated Balance Sheet Special Report
Combine Funds and Major Categories into simple one page balance
Notice that the Fund# and Department# are blank.
This allows for all account numbers within that to be summarized one line across funds.
Follow this pattern to create a simple consolidated balance sheet.
Consolidate Balance Sheet Final Design
Notice the blank header lines: #60,70,80,130 create blank lines for spacing.
Always run the regular report to verify the final results.
Consolidated Balance Sheet Final Results
Cash Flow Special Report Design
To create and run a cash flow statement in the General Ledger a special report is
required. Once the design is created, then the cash flow statement is a report option
under special reports.
This is a simple example that will explain the report setup and execution.
Create line for all cash
Notice the description,
Balance-Opening, in the
line type. This is required
for the cash accounts
Choose the account
ranges for you cash.
Print Report Set-Up to view design
General Ledger Home Base
Special Reports Design
Place cursor on desired report
Tool Bar > Reports
Special Reports List
Printing this report is extremely helpful. It shows how each line is constructed with the line type
options and G/L links.
This report will help explain the setup for the cash flow report.
Cash Flow Special Report List
Report with G/L links
Report without G/L links
Cash Flow Statement Design
Remember the line containing cash accounts needs to have the “line type” set to
Opening Balances.
Notice on the report above the reverse sign options for each account type:
o Income – Reverse Yes
o Expense – Reverse Yes
o Accounts Receivable – Reverse No
o Accounts Payable – Reverse No
Complete the process by running the Cash Flow Report under “Special Reports.
Cash Flow Statement Results
Opening Balance: This is the ending balance from previous month.
Ending Balance: Will be the beginning balance for the next month.
Mark Fisher
Shelby Consultant
[email protected]
Mark Fisher has been a Shelby Independent Trainer since 1998 and currently serves Shelby
customers as a Shelby Consultant. He was previously the Business Administrator at Shandon
Baptist Church in Columbia, SC where he gained valuable experience with Shelby software
programs. Mark’s unique blend of skills and experience allows him to bring practical knowledge
to the ministry organizations he trains full time.