A Christmas Carol Test

Multiple Choice Which of the spirits does not speak to Scrooge? (A) The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (B) The Ghost of Christmas Past (C) The Ghost of Christmas Present (D) All the spirits speak to Scrooge. What is Jacob Marley forced to drag about as a result of his sinful life? (A) A huge safe full of lead (B) An ox cart piled with gold (C) Heavy chains forged from ledgers and lockboxes (D) A cross made of gold Why does Scrooge like darkness? (A) It helps him sleep. (B) It helps him to forget his past. (C) It hides the ghosts from his eyes. (D) It is cheap. Who is in the grave in Stave Four? (A) Ebenezer Scrooge (B) Jacob Marley (C) Bob Cratchit (D) Tiny Tim To whom does Scrooge send the Christmas turkey? (A) Fred (B) Belle (C) The Cratchits (D) Jacob Marley Which character is Fred's mother? (A) Mrs. Cratchit (B) Fan (C) Belle (D) Fezziwig In what year was ​
A Christmas Carol​
written? (A) 1830 (B) 1837 (C) 1843 (D) 1846 Where does Martha work? (A) At a seamstress' (B) At a laundress' (C) At a blacksmith's (D) At a milliner's Why does Belle end her engagement to Scrooge? (A) Because she falls in love with Fred (B) Because she falls in love with Peter (C) Because Scrooge is too poor for her (D) Because Scrooge is consumed by greed What is the Ghost of Christmas Present's throne made of? (A) Food (B) Gold (C) Pine needles (D) Fur Who appears in Scrooge's door­knocker? (A) Jacob Marley's ghost (B) Fan's ghost (C) Death (D) The Ghost of Christmas Past Who inherits Bob Cratchit's shirt? (A) Tiny Tim (B) Scrooge (C) Fred (D) Peter What is Scrooge's typical response to "Merry Christmas"? (A) "Bah! Nonsense!" (B) "Pah! Life's too short!" (C) "Bah! Humbug!" (D) "Oh, fiddlesticks!" How does Fezziwig die? (A) He falls ill with pneumonia. (B) He is struck in the head by a horse's hoof. (C) Fezziwig does not die in the novel. (D) Fezziwig does die in the novel, but the manner of his death is unspecified. Who brings Scrooge home from school? (A) Belle Which one of the spirits has a glowing head? (A) The Ghost of Christmas Present (B) Fan (C) Fezziwig (D) The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (B) Jacob Marley (C) The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come (D) The Ghost of Christmas Past Which spirit takes Scrooge to a ship at sea? (A) The Ghost of Christmas Past (B) The Ghost of Christmas Present (C) The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come Who asks Scrooge for a charitable contribution? (A) Two merry gentlemen (B) Two portly gentlemen (C) Two obsequious gentlemen (D) Two angry gentlemen Which character utters the famous words, "God bless us, Everyone"? (A) Tiny Tim (B) Bob Cratchit (C) Scrooge (D) The Ghost of Christmas Present Venn Diagrams 1. On another sheet of paper compare and contrast the three ghosts that appear.​
What are their main similarities? What are their main differences? Do their differences have any thematic significance? (Why, for instance, do they look and dress so differently?) 2. Compare and contrast Ebeneezer Scrooge and Jacob Marley and Fezziwig. 3. Compare and contrast Ebeneezer Scrooge’s life and Bob Cratchit’s life. A Christmas Carol as an allegory. Write the letter of the character who symbolically represents each of the following values beside the description 1. _______Greed, selfishness and a lack of goodwill toward one’s fellow man. 2. _______The poor, portrayed with warmth and sympathy while seeking to draw attention to their plight. 3. _______Generosity, empathy and the Christmas spirit 4. _______With its glowing head symbolizing the mind, represents memory 5. _______Fear of death and moral reckoning A.
The Cratchits Scrooge The Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come The Ghost of Christmas Past The Ghost of Christmas Present Short Answer Questions (answer on another sheet) 1. What is Dickens implying about Scrooge based on the simile "solitary as an oyster" 2. Who lived in scrooge's house before him? 3. Explain how the author uses the epiphany in stave 4 4.
Why did Marley visit Scrooge? What does this visit tell us about Marley? what does marley mean when he say's,"i wear the chain i forged in life"? How does Dickens present the importance of family? (provide quotes from text) What did scrooge really mean when he said," Are there no prisons?"
When Scrooge asks the Ghost of Christmas Present, " Is there a particular flavor in what you sprinkle from your torch?" Of what is scrooge accusing the ghost of and how does the spirit respond? 9. In Stave 1, why did the narrator make a point of Marley’s being dead? 10. Why doesn’t the weather affect Scrooge ? 11. You will have to look this up on the internet ­ Scrooge says that he will “retire to Bedlam. Obviously, he is not talking about the recent happenings at Boone Pickens Stadium in which the most supreme team of ever won. To what was he referring? 12. To what does the knocker change? 13. Marley had no bowels. To what does this pun reference? This is also a toughie. You will have to use the internet to find this. Keep in mind the time frame in which the novella is set. 14. Why Did Scrooge like the darkness? 15. What does it mean to “bonnet” someone? 16. In stave 2, what is important about the way that Scrooge says, “​
Remember it? I could walk it with a blindfold. 17. To whom is Scrooge referring when he says, “Poor boy!” 18. Why does Dickens refer to Ali Baba, Valentine, Orson, Damascus, Sultan, Genii, and Robinson Crusoe? 19. Who does Scrooge pity when Dickens observes “a rapidity of transition very foreign to his usual character.” 20. Why did Scrooge’s sister, Fan, think he Scrooge may have turned out the way he did? 21. What does Scrooge feel after visiting the Fezziwigs? Why? 22. Belle. With what was Scrooge’s love for her replaced? 23. What two words does Scrooge say when he cannot stand to watch anymore or experience the pain of his past? 24. What do the chains of cash boxes, keys, padlocks, ledgers, and deeds that Jacob Marley has to drag around symbolize? 25. When was A Christmas Carol written? 26. What is Scrooge’s typical response to Merry Christmas? 27. To which Shakespearean play is A Christmas Carol compared and why? (You may have to look elsewhere for this) 28. In Stave four what is the climax of the story? Grades will be taken on: Multiple Choice Venn Diagram 1 Stave 1 ? Stave 4? C. Carol Allegory Venn Diagram 2 Stave 2? Stave 5? Short Answer ? Venn Diagram 3 Stave 3? Poster