Summer 2015
Dear Friend:
The Echo Park Community Parade Committee would like to thank the schools, organizations, elected
officials, businesses and Santa Claus for making last year’s parade a tremendous success and we hope
you will join us this year.
The Echo Park Community Parade is an ideal event for this historic community and surrounding
neighborhoods to observe a day of great celebration.
We are pleased to announce this year’s parade schedule:
Date: Saturday, December 12, 2015
Time: 11 am – 2 pm
Route: Sunset Blvd. (between Elysian Park Ave. & Park Ave.)
The following regulations are for the common courtesy, respect and consideration of others, and are
necessary to ensure a successful and enjoyable parade for all.
1. Entries will be allowed to perform a 2-minute routine (maximum)
2. All participation is strictly voluntary
3. Participants are asked to refrain from political messages, including banners, flyers and verbal
4. Megaphones or personal amplifying devices (except for performance music) are not allowed
5. Individuals or organizations are allowed to speak at the discretion of the Parade Committee
and approved prior to the event
6. Changes to the parade lineup are final
7. Handing out items like candy is acceptable, please do not toss these items from vehicles
8. All applicants are required to fill out the included application with signature.
Attached is an entry application for your organization that must be returned no later than Friday,
October 16, 2015. If you have any questions please contact Cindy Ortiz, Parade Committee volunteer,
by telephone (323) 664-2412 or by e-mail ([email protected] or
[email protected]). Entries may be faxed (213) 483-5523 or mailed (Echo Park
Parade Committee, c/o 1157 Lemoyne Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026)
We hope you will participate in this year’s parade, and I look forward to receiving your entry
The Echo Park Community Parade Committee
[email protected]
Mail or Fax to: Echo Park Community Parade, ATTN: Cindy Ortiz
c/o 1157 Lemoyne Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026
FAX: (213) 483-5523 | Questions? (323) 664-2412
COMPLETED entry applications must be received no later than October 16, 2015
Name of Organization:
Name of Contact Person:
E-mail Address:
Emergency Contact & Phone:
Type of Entry:
Briefly describe your organization:
# of participants:
Age Group:
No# of vehicles in entry:
Note: TRANSPORTATION ASSISTANCE will not be available. Please provide your own transportation
to and from the parade.
By signing this agreement, I agree to the following statements:
1. I will not attempt to deceive the organizers of the parade before, during or after the parade
2. Political messages on posters, banners or other printed materials and even expressed vocally are
not allowed
3. As a parade participant in a public setting, I acknowledge I am a role model to youth of my
community and will act accordingly
4. If myself or the organization which I represent is chosen to speak or provide a statement on parade
day at the main stage, I agree it will contain no political messages, be negative or divisive or be
lewd or inappropriate
5. I will be excluded from participating in future events if I am in violation of these requirements.
I have read the attached cover letter and agree to comply with parade participation requirements.
Print Name
Mail or Fax to: Echo Park Community Parade, ATTN: Cindy Ortiz
c/o 1157 Lemoyne Street, Los Angeles, CA 90026
FAX: (213) 483-5523 | Questions? (323) 664-2412