e2020 Manual for teachers

e2020 Manual for teachers
e2020 Manual for teachers
Student login
Teacher login
Student Page
Lobby page
Prescriptive testing
Course information
A look at the complete course structure
Remediation Campus
Remediation Access
Adding Students for Remediation Campus
Assigning Courses and Options
Assign a course
Course options
Modify student course options
Customize a course
Progress reports
Student progress
Printing reports
Attendance log
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Student login
On the e2020 system students have a separate portal they use to log into the system. This
separates student and teacher accounts.
Student login site
For a student to login, he or she must go to this web site.
Login page
The student login page should look something like this example.
Login information
The students will use their student ID for both the username and password. After the student enters
this information he or she will press the enter key on the keyboard or click the enter button on this
screen. They both perform the same function.
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The lab manager you will create the student username and password information.
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Teacher login
The teacher has a separate log in page from students. In this lesson we will walk through the steps
for logging onto the e2020 teacher admin portal.
Teacher login address
The login page is located at this web address. Enter the information in your browser's address bar.
Administrator login
The login page will prompt you for your username and password. This password was issued to
you by the credit recovery coordinator. If you do not have a login or cannot remember, please
contact the Instructional Technology department at extension 40680 email us at [email protected]
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Login credentials
Enter your login information and click the enter button on the page or press the enter key on your
computer keyboard.
Update your information
After you log in, make sure you head on over and click the Update my information link to change
your password. The default password given to you must be changed as soon as possible.
Change your password
Go over to the password field and change your password to something that is easy to remember
but difficult for students to guess. Click the update button at the bottom when you are done. If you
forget your password you can contact the Instructional Technology department.
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Student Page
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Lobby page
After a student logs in he or she will see a home section to view, select and begin their course
work. The student also has access to the course information, progress and grades.
The lobby
Education 2020 calls this start page for students, the lobby.
Course list
The left panel of the lobby contains all the courses assigned to the student by the lab manager.
The courses are divided into categories by the subject. In this example you will see that social
studies has one course assigned and math has two courses assigned. To begin a course a
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student will click on the class. For example, in math the student will click on either algebra 1A or
algebra 1B. At this point the student will be taken to the point in the course where he or she last
The default tab that opens is the communications tab. This is where the student can view any
email sent by the lab manager to the student or can begin a chat with the lab manager. The chat
feature is not enabled by default. It is setup on a student by student basis. Announcements posted
by the lab manager to all students will be listed under the announcements panel.
Course information
The course information tab provides information on specific classes. Click on one of the classes in
the my course list to get information about that course.
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Course information up close
In this example we are looking at algebra 1A. The first indicator shows that the course has been
completed by the student. The red boxes indicate the level of completion. This is just an example.
In a real world class the indicator would progress from left to right all the way until the course was
The progress bar is color coded. Red indicates the student is behind the targeted completion date.
Blue indicates the student in on target and green indicates the student is ahead of the targeted
completion date. The lab manager must setup the start and target dates correctly in order for this
progress bar to reflect the correct progress through the course.
The bar below indicates the overall grade for the class based on the current completion of the
course. The grade you want to be looking at is the one next to the tab for the overall grade. The
actual grade refers to the percentage completion of the course and a zero for all other lessons and
activities not completed. This is why this grade is so low at the beginning of the course.
Below the progress and grade bars is information about the current lesson the student is taking. In
this example I set it back a bit to show what a lesson in progress would look like to the student.
The three buttons at the bottom provide a way for the student to sign out of e2020. The course map
button provides a visual representation of where the student is, relative to the entire course. We'll
look at example next. The next activity button will take the student to the next activity in the class or
lesson. This is usually the button students will click to begin working on their assignments for
the day.
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Course map
The course map button takes the student to a page that provides a visual representation of where
he or she is in the course. The left provides a list view of the current lesson or activity and all
previous and up coming lessons or activities. The right side provides information about the current
activity in the lesson. In this example the student is in the vocabulary activity portion of the lesson.
Course lesson list
The list is divided into distinct topics and lessons. The activities are ordered under each lesson. In
this example the topic is algebra tools and the lessons are listed below.
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Lesson activities
The lesson activities are shown on the right. In this example the lesson is logical reasoning and all
the activities are shown in the box. The current activity for this lesson is vocabulary. In the same
area the student will find the state standards being taught for this lesson. The skills and objectives
are also available.
State standards
When you click the disclose triangle the standards are listed.
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Skills and objectives
Click the skills and objectives disclosure triangle to view which are covered in this activity.
Return to lobby
When the student is done he or she can return to the lobby by clicking the return button.
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Prescriptive testing
All classes begin with a prescriptive test. This test assesses the student knowledge of the subject.
Generally, the better a student performs on the prescriptive test the fewer activities he or she will
need to take. This is not always the case. It depends on the class and the assignments or which
items were missed in the prescriptive test.
Testing for review
The prescriptive test will determine the student understanding of the subject and what the student
will need to review before taking a test or going on with more advanced topics in the course. The
student will click the begin button to start.
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Course information
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A look at the complete course structure
The courses displayed for a student and available for students have been aligned to the district
scope and sequence. The full original courses are available for teachers to view at any time. This
is useful when a teacher is called on to help customize a course for a student.
Tools and reports
In the tools and reports section click the course structure link.
All the courses
All the courses available through e2020 will be displayed.
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Yslesta and YISD courses
The courses modified for the district are also shown in the list. Click on one of these to view the
modified course.
Course outline
The course outline will be shown with teach topic, lesson and activity disclosed. To view an activity
click the link for that activity. Activities like homework and quizzes or tests contain the answers.
This is why it is important to change your password so students don't have access to this
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Remediation Campus
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Remediation Access
Teachers at high school campuses have the option to control a remediation campus. This campus
is apart from the credit recovery campus at your school. Teachers within a remediation campus
have most of the options available to credit recovery lab managers. This access includes the
ability to add students, add courses and modify those courses on a student by student basis. In this
chapter we will be looking at the accessibility features for teachers at the remediation campus.
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Adding Students for Remediation Campus
You will eventually receive a student that has never taken an e2020 course. This student will not
be found in the system. You will need to add the student manually. This process is very simple and
Add student
Click add student in the manage students menu.
Login information
The student information page is divided into sections. The first section requires the student's name
and login information.
Enter the student's first and last name in the appropriate fields to the left.
On the right you will enter the student's username and password. The district standard is to use the
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student's ID for both. This makes it easy for the student to remember and easy for you to log in as
the student in case the student has a question or is having issues with a lesson. For remediating
students the account username must begin with the letter 'r' so it does not conflict with an existing
account in credit recovery. The student password should still be his or her student ID.
* Do not enable the allow student to chat feature. We have found that this encourages cheating
and unwanted discipline issues. There is no need to have an external student number.
Sample student information
All the required fields are filled.
Other information
In the other information section select the student's current grade, enter the current date for the
start date and make sure that the status of the student is active.
Use the notes field to enter any special information about the student. This is a good place to enter
information for home bound, special education and other special circumstances. This is an
optional step but it is a good place to document information about students for future reference and
for use by other lab managers. Student's tend to bounce to other campuses and this information is
helpful to lab managers at other campuses.
*Birth date information is optional.
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We have all of this information at the district offices so it is not critical for you to enter this
information. If you can fill in any or this information it can be very helpful in the future or to other lab
Educational background
This information is not required.
User options
These options are very helpful for current and new students. The eReader option enables a
feature that reads text to a student. This can be very useful to some students. New students should
be required to watch an orientation video. This will demonstrate all the options and features of
e2020 and how they can use and continue through the online course material.
Enable user options
I highly recommend you enable both the eReader and orientation video.
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Contact information
This information is available at your campus so it is not required that you enter that information
Parent contact
The parent contact information should be at your campus. You don't need to fill in this information.
However; in a lesson to come, you will see how this feature can be used to keep parents informed
of the student progress. This can also be extended to the classroom teacher and counselor.
School access
Your campus should automatically be selected but check to make sure.
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Finish adding the student
To finish and save the new student information, click the add student button.
A confirmation screen will appear. You have the option to add another student or to return to the
active student list.
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Assigning Courses and
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Assign a course
Once you have found the student you can assign courses to that student. There are many courses
available in e2020, but only a few are authorized for the student to take. These courses have been
developed and aligned to the district scope and sequence and to the current state essential
knowledge and skills. The courses that are available are divided into courses for recovering a
failed credit or courses to receive credit. What's the difference? I'm glad you asked.
A student can recover a credit for a course he or she has taken but failed. A student can also
recover a credit for a course he or she has never taken. Courses for students who have taken a
course but failed are abbreviated to help the student recover a failed course quickly. The aim is to
focus on the student's weakness in the subject and to help the student quickly recover a credit. A
student who has never taken the course and thus has not failed must take the complete course so
he or she can benefit from the full course content and instruction. Courses that begin with Ysleta
are for students that failed a course. Courses that begin with YISD are for students that have never
taken the course.
Add course options
There are two options for adding a course to a student. You can select the radio button on the left
next to the user ID and click the courses link. You can also click on the student's name.
Lots of course options
There are many course options but for the moment we will focus on adding a course for this
student to take.
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Add course link
Click the add course link.
Available courses
There are many courses available in e2020 but only a handful are available for the student to take.
Filter for the course
The easiest way to find the course you need is to filter out the one's you don't need. In the subject
pull down menu select the subject area for the course and click Search.
Narrow but not narrow enough
The list of courses has been narrowed to language arts and to four pages or courses. This has not
taken use to the courses we need. The courses we need are begin with Ysleta or YISD. Since the
list is in alphabetical order we can select the last page to get to the Y page.
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Order by subject
Clicking on the last page is one option. Another option is to sort the names in reverse alphabetical
order. Click on the name heading to reverse the list order. Now that the list is in reverse order you
can see all the Ysleta and YISD courses. Courses that begin with Ysleta are for students that failed
a course. Courses that begin with YISD are for students that have never taken the course.
Assigning a course to a student is the same no matter how the course is named. In this example
we will assign a course that was failed by the student.
Select a course
Select the course that needs to be added by placing a check mark to the left of the course. The
course name will appear above the list.
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Add selected course
To add this course to the student click the add selected courses link found at the bottom right of the
Confirm the course
A page will appear with the name of the course to be added. Verify that this is the correct course
and click the submit link. If you made a mistake click the cancel link.
Add more
The last page will provide a final confirmation that the course was added. You have two options
available. The back to courses link will take you back to the page we originally started with that
has all the course options. The add more link will take you to all the available courses. Let's look at
an example of each.
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Back to courses link
The back to courses link will take you to this page.
Add more link
The add more link will take your to the full course listings and provide a list of the currently
assigned courses to the student. Let's assign another course just for practice.
Select course subject
Select the course subject to filter the list and click the search link.
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Reverse order
Click the name heading to reverse the order of the list.
Select a course
In this example the student needs credit for a course he has not taken before. So I will select a
course that begins with YISD.
*Remember, courses that begin with Ysleta are for students that have failed the course and need
Check mark the course
Place a checkmark on the course.
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Add selected course
Click the add selected courses link.
Confirm and submit
Confirm this is the correct course and submit the course for assignment to the student.
Were done
We are now done adding courses for the student to take. Now its up to the student. The student will
log into his or her account and select the course to begin.
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Course options
All courses have similar standardized options. These options can be modified to meet student or
classroom needs. Not all the options should be modified. I will cover which options must remain in
place and which can be modified. I will discuss how these modifications can benefit you as a lab
manager and the student.
Course basics
All courses are named according to a convention. Courses begin with either Ysleta or YISD.
Courses that begin with Ysleta are to be taken by students that have taken the course but failed
and need to recover it for credit. Courses that begin with YISD are for students that have never
taken the course and need the credit. This course is much longer than that for students that
previously took the course and failed. The Ysleta customized course is designed to help a student
meet his or her needs by reviewing and taking only what the student needs to bring his or her
skills up to a passing level.
The assessment thresholds are all set to the district minimum passing grade. The grade weights
are also set to the district standards. They state that all assignments are weighted at 60 percent of
the grade and all assessments are weighted at 40 percent of the grade.
*Do NOT change the grade weights.
Assessment time limits
The time limits are set at these defaults. These settings are good for most situations. They can be
modified to individual student needs. We will cover those options when we arrive at course
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Auto grade method
The auto grade method is set to provide a student with a grade for the assignments completed.
Teacher supported means that the teacher must grade some of the assignments and then submit
the grade. Automatic with grade is set by default.
Start and target dates
Start and target dates are the only options that need to be updated for each student. We will cover
this process when we cover the customization of courses.
Assessment options
These options here are all checked to provide students with the greatest opportunity for success
and content review. There is one option here that should be looked at for modification. The
automatic progression option will pass a student through the assignments, quizzes, tests and
exams without your input. This was placed to help lab managers deal with the bulk of students
taking courses. The limitation lies in that a student will automatically be progressed through the
course even if he or she is failing the course. This is another option which can be turned off if you
feel a student is not attempting to pass a course but merely get through the course.
Teacher review
This section has only two options selected. Quiz and test activities review are not selected
because this would force the teacher to review the student's assignments before he or she could
take the quiz or test. It is checked for exams and retries at failed quiz or test attempts. The quiz and
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test options can be made active on a student by student need.
Pre Testing
Pretesting moves the end-of-lesson quiz to the beginning of the lesson, enabling students who
pass the pretest at a predetermined passing threshold (default is 80%) to skip that lesson entirely.
The student only gets 1 attempt at the pretest. If the student fails the pretest, the program will force
the student back to participate in all activities for that lesson.
Quiz review method
The default option is to provide the student with the questions and answers after the quiz is
complete. This is set to help the student analyze the test results.
Prescriptive testing
Allows students to take a comprehensive diagnostic pretest at the start of a course which pulls one
question from each lesson in the course so that a student may “test out” of lessons. A customized
course is created automatically for the student that only includes lessons that correspond to
questions the students answered incorrectly.
Vocabulary inter activities
This feature enables additional activities to help the students build vocabulary skills. They provide
immediate feedback to the student. The can be enabled to provide additional help to students.
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Enforce activity times
This option is not enabled by default. This is so that we allow students ample time to work on and
complete the activities.
NCAA course options
This option is available to comply with athlete and scholarship requirements.
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Modify student course options
Course options can be modified on a student by student need. In this lesson I will cover the
options which you can change for a course. Only these options should be changed. Passing
threshold and grade weight options cannot be changed. These are part of the district standards.
Select student
To modify a course for a student you will need to find the student. Once you have found the
student. Click on the student's name.
Student courses
You will be taken to the student courses list. Find the course you want to modify and click on it
once. In this example I will modify the Geometry course.
Select and edit
Click once on the radio button and click the edit options link.
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Course options page
You will be taken to the course options page for this student only. The options you change here
will not be reflected at your campus or for other students. If you want to change the options for all
future courses taken by students at your campus, use the modify campus course options lesson.
The following steps will outline only those options we recommend can be modified for each
student. When appropriate, I will tell you when an option might be modified to suite the needs of
your entire campus.
Time limits
Time limits can be modified to meet the needs of individual students. These can be modified to
comply with special education student ARD requirements.
Auto grading
The auto grading method can be modified if teachers need more control over assessing student
progress. The default is automatic with grade. This means the student continues from one
assignment to the next with a grade generated automatically by the software. Teacher supported
leaves more of the grading in the hands of the teacher. This means that the teacher must be pro
active in looking at all the student assignments and quizzes. Several assignments are not included
as part of the overall grade until the teacher reviews and provides a grade.
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Start and target dates
The start and target dates for the completion of the course should be set for each course and
student. This ties directly to the course completion progress for the student in the course. This will
help you and the student determine if he or she is on target to complete the course. This date is
usually set to end of the school year or to a date agreed upon by the lab manager and counselor
or teacher recommendations.
Assessment options
These options are set to afford the student the greatest flexibility when taking an assessment. One
option that you might want to change for all courses is the automatic progression option. This is
checked by default. It is set to help the student progress through the course quickly without too
much input from the lab manager. This option does have a serious drawback. It will progress the
student along the course even if he or she is failing the course. Remove the check mark to prevent
this error.
The student will be stopped if his or her grade goes below the passing threshold. This is set at the
beginning of the page to 70. This way the lab manager or teacher can recommend the student
return and cover assignments to help him or her perform better on the assessment.
Teacher review
This option only has two options checked. These options prevent a student from taking a quiz, test
or exam before the teacher or lab manager has had the opportunity to look at the assignments. In
this way the lab manager or teacher can decide if the student has done enough of the work or
understands enough of the concepts to successfully take the quiz, test or exam.
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The current option is set to prevent the exam from being automatically taken without reacher
review. Enable this option for quizzes and tests if you feel the need to review student work before
each quiz and test. This does take more lab manager and teacher time because a student cannot
progress with a quiz or test until the lab manager or reacher reviews and permits the assessment.
Until then the student has to wait before beginning the next lesson.
This option is on by default. This option will quiz the student for each lesson and assess if he or
she has mastery of the content. If the student has mastery most of the content can be bypassed by
the software. If the student does not master the quiz then he or she will take the course from the
beginning. This is a great way to help students that already know the content to bypass content
they have already mastered.
Prescriptive testing
This option will test the student at the beginning of the course so the software can customize the
course to meet the student's needs. The software will skip sections the student has mastered and
focus on sections where the student failed show mastery. In this way the student can more quickly
bypass sections he or she has already mastered.
Vocabulary interactives
This option is off but it can be enabled to help students with vocabulary exercises. The vocabulary
exercises within the lesson are assessed as part of the overall grade. Activating vocabulary
interactives will provide additional vocabulary enrichment activities with immediate feedback.
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Enforce activity times
This option is not checked by default. In this way student have more time to complete the course
Reasons for changing options
It is always a good idea to document everything. This is your chance. Provide a brief narrative for
why you need to modify the student course options.
Submit modifications
Click the submit button to update the course modifications for this student. If you are changing the
course options for your campus then this will modify the course for your campus and all students
taking the course.
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Customize a course
Customizing a course can only be done under certain circumstances and with certain restrictions.
The board approved regulations indicate under which circumstances a course can be modified
and what are the consequences of modifying a course for a student. Those regulations can be
found under the regulations chapter.
In short, a course can be modified for special education students in accordance with the student's
ARD. A course can also be modified for students who failed a course and received a grade
between 60 and 69. This course modification must be done with the aide of the classroom teacher
or department. Students who take a modified course can only receive a 70 for a grade in the
course. These are the two primary reasons to modify a course. With this information in mind, let's
walk through the process of modifying a course for a student. Courses can only be modified on a
student by student basis.
You should customize a course before a student begins. This will alter the prescriptive test and the
pretest for each lesson. You can still alter a course once a student has begin. This should be done
when the student is not logged into the course as this might affect the students progress through
the course at the time. The next time the student logs in he or she will work on the modified course.
The student will not have to do anything on his or her end to continue with the course.
Select Student
Find the student for whom you want to customize a course. Click on the student's name in the list.
You will be presented with the course page for the student.
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Select a course
Click once on the radio button for the course and then click the customize link.
Course outline
The basic outline for the student is displayed. In the following example we will look at how you can
remove or add lessons to a course.
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The first level
In this example we are looking at the first level or topics for the course. To view the next level click
on the topic. In this example I will click the Similarity topic.
*Don't click the check box as this will remove the complete topic from the course.
The next level will appear with the lessons associated with that topic. At this point you can remove
a lesson from the topics by clicking on the check mark to remove the check mark. In this example I
will remove the check mark for Proving Triangles Similar.
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A removed lesson
In this example once you remove the check mark the course will no longer be available to the
student and will change from blue to red.
You can also modify individual activities or assignments within a lesson. In this example we will
modify the Ratios and Proportions lesson. Click once on the Ratios and proportions link.
Customize activities
Clicking on a lesson will disclose all the activities associated with that lesson. For this lesson I will
remove the direct instruction and journal activity from the list. Click on each of the check marks to
remove the check mark.
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Removed activities
Now we have removed two activities from a lesson. The activity level is the deepest level you can
Continue modifying
Continue removing lessons and/or activities from the student's course as needed. If you make a
mistake or loose tack, click the cancel link at the bottom of the page.
Continue to update course
Click the continue link to continue with the course modifications.
*Remember if you change your mind or want to cancel, click the cancel link.
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Course summary
The next page presents a summary of the course hours for completion. This is an average time
and your students time will vary greatly.
Go back and make changes
If you think you made a mistake after looking at the summary, click the back link. If this looks fine
then click the continue link.
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Grade weights
The grade weights should comply with the original course weights. There should be no need to
change these.
*Remember, the district standards indicate that assignments, homework, and projects account for
60 percent of the grade. Assessment account for 40 percent of the grade.
Adjust weights
In the previous example the weights were out of compliance so they were changed. In this
example assignments and labs account for 60 percent of the grade and the assessments account
for 40 percent. Click continue when the grade weights are updated.
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Summary of changes
The last page before submitting the changes indicates the changes that were made from the
original that you began with for this student. This is your last chance to make sure the changes are
as you would like them to be for the student. You can always click the back link to return to the
lessons outline. When you are done click the submit link.
Course modifications
You will be taken back to the course page. To the right of the course you will see a number
indicating the number of options bypassed in the course customization. These are based on the
original course assigned to the student. This keeps track of all modifications made. Click the
bypass number to view what was bypassed.
Bypass list
In this example you can see that two options were bypassed in a lesson. It does not indicate the
lesson that was removed completely.
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There is an option to undo the bypasses. I recommend you do this with caution. Make sure the
student has not already taken the lesson or it might affect the grade or overall performance.
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Progress reports
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Student progress
It's very important to keep track of student progress per course. Education 2020 has an easy to use
progress report monitor.
Select a student
Find a student for whom you want a progress report. Click on the student's name. You will be taken
to the course page for the student. To the left of the page you will see information about the
selected student.
If you click on the student's name again you will be presented with his or her information page.
This is the page where you can update the student's grade level.
The view courses link will take you back to the student's courses page.
The progress report link will take you to the progress report page. Click this link now.
Progress report for all courses
The page will display a progress report for each of the courses a student is taking. In the following
topics I will discuss the components of each progress report.
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Completion and grade
The top of each report contains the course name. Bellow that is the percentage complete for the
course. Below that is the overall grade received as of the date of the report. This overall grade is
what you need to monitor as the student progresses through the course. The overall grade is the
grade the student has received up to this point.
Start and target dates
This section is where it is important to have a start and target date. This information helps you keep
track of where the student is in his or her progress for the course. Make sure you change these in
the course options when the course is assigned. It can also be done for the course at the campus
level. If you change this at the campus level then the course will already be set for each student
with the defaults for the beginning and ending of the school year. You can then change these to
meet the individual student needs.
Grades and target completion
This section displays a relative grade and an actual grade. What's the difference between a
relative grade and an actual grade? I'm glad you asked.
The relative grade assumes a student will receive zeros for the activities not complete. Thus this
grade will appear very low at the beginning and increase as the student advances through the
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course. The actual grade reflects a grade based on the assignments completed and the
percentage of the course completed. This is why setting the start and target dates is important. If
they are not set properly this actual grade will not properly reflect the grade for the course.
The target completion is dependent on the start and target dates. This example shows 100 percent
because the dates have not been updated and it shows the course is 100 percent completed
when this is not the case.
The rest of the information
The rest of the information is self explanatory. This is useful information when determining if the
student is on target or struggling with the course.
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Printing reports
You might have a need to print a progress report. This is a good way to keep a physical document
of the student's progress. It comes in very handy during summer courses. It is also a useful
document to have when attending a meeting with principals, parents, counselors and student.
Selecting courses
By default all the courses are displayed. You might not need to print all the progress reports for
each course. In this case you can click the current courses pull down menu and select a course to
Get progress
Once you have selected the course click the get progress link.
Printer friendly
At the bottom of the page you will see a printer friendly link. Use this link to get a printer friendly
version without the menu options and other information from a web page you don't need in the
report. Use the menu options to print this page to your printer.
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Attendance log
Education 2020 provides very good attendance logs. These logs provide information of when the
student logged in and how much time the student spent on e2020. The log also indicates the
amount of time the student spent doing work or sitting idle.
Tools and reports
In the tools and reports section you will see the attendance log link. Click this link.
Basic attendance
The basic attendance page lists the current days of the week. The student's are listed on the left.
Total times are indicated for each day and in the last column on the right is the total for the week.
You can get individual reports for each student. This provides more detailed information. Click on
a student's name for this display.
Session, time and activities
The page displays the daily sessions, the total times spent and activities completed in those times.
The report indicates which activity was completed in those time periods. It also reports how much
time the student spent idly doing nothing on the system. In this example it is the 2 minutes shown
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at the end of the report. This report is a great way to keep track of and document a student's
progress for a course.
Report dates and print
The top of the page has options for selecting dates for the student's attendance. Enter the from and
to dates. Click the submit button. To print the report click the report link.
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