want freedom? declare independence from israel!

or Die!
Issue 49 July 2013
For Boston
By: Charlene Shortsleeves
In the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings much was made of the crowd’s cheering
as Boston police announced the capture of
two suspects. But did the police even kill and
capture the right men? The Tsarnaev brothers
were initially picked out from their appearance in a “suspicious” crowd scene movement
on surveillance video at the marathon’s finish
line. No evidence of them placing bombs has
surfaced, and we have seen no real pictures of
the “shootout.”
However, eyewitnesses to the shootout
involving the alleged Boston bombers have
thrown up another contradiction to the official
narrative, asserting that MBTA Transit Police
Officer Richard H. Donohue Jr. was not shot
by Dzhokhar Tsarnaev but by other cops in a
“friendly fire” incident.
want freedom?
declare independence
from israel!
“A nation cannot be both ignorant and free” –Thomas Jefferson
“Loyalty to country always. Loyalty to government; only when it deserves loyalty”
–Mark Twain
By: Donald “Pogo” Meserlian, PE
National Leader: Patriot’s Citizens Campaigns
[email protected] (973) 228-2258
“Israel is the tail that wags the rabid American dog!” In 1776 the colonies declared their independence from British tyranny. The sovereign states
must now declare their independence from the tyrants
in Israel and in our own government. The endless
unprovoked middle east wars, on behalf of Israel,
based on the false flag events of 9/11/01 will only
cease when America stops being manipulated by
the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
(AIPAC). The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy by John Meirsheimer and Stephen Walt focuses
on AIPAC’s influence on US foreign policy and its
negative effect on American interests. See www.
thesovnews.com... “A Trilogy of truth dedicated
to the families of the 9/11 victims” and the “9/11
Lamestream media reports had blamed
the Tsarnaev brothers for the shootings of
both MIT campus police officer Sean Collier
and Donohue, feeding the narrative that the
Issue 49 888-516-2214
The Sovereign’s Quotables
Notable Quotables
“‘The Machine,’ they exclaimed, ‘feeds us and clothes us and houses
us; through it we speak to one another, through it we see one another, in it we have our being... [T]he Machine is omnipotent, eternal;
blessed is the Machine.’”
—E.M. Forster from his novel The Machine Stops (1909). Forster
(1879 – 1970) was an English novelist, short story writer, essayist and
“Sadly, we have been conditioned to believe that the job of the
government is to keep us safe, but in reality the job of the government is to protect our liberties. Once the government decides
that its role is to keep us safe, whether economically or physically, they can only do so by taking away our liberties. That is
what happened in Boston.”
– Former Congressman Ron Paul in a column penned in April 2013,
referring to the Boston Marathon bombing.
“It has become appallingly obvious that
our technology has exceeded our humanity.”
– Albert Einstein. German born American Physicist, Einstein
(1879-1955) developed the special and general theories of relativity. Awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.
Fun Facts
My Clone Sleeps Alone
EEG Cloning does not refer to human cloning, but a
disabling neurological weapon. EEG Cloning is generally referred to a method of copying someone else’s brainwaves onto another person via a wireless method. It is an
Information Weapon and is also referred to as a “mind
virus” as it works just like an automated computer program and directly affects
information processing in the human brain. EEG Cloning can also be used for behavior modification as it alters the Targeted Individual’s very important and unique
neurological patterns. These patterns represent an individual’s personality, which
is both a summation of genetics and nurture. It is similar to the method of “brain
imprinting,” which is a slow repetitive direct neurological brainwashing technique.
Neurological weapons result in all sorts of disabling psychiatric conditions from
“split personalities” to Tourette Syndrome. Can result in “Forced speech” which has
proven useful for false confessions and screwing up certain politicians’ speeches,
and as a result many now read from Teleprompters. Audio/visual hallucinations can
also now be generated by using exact audio and visual programming during EEG
Cloning. Just like how the brain learns as a baby to interpret the world through its
senses, artificial senses can be “grown” into a target in a similar fashion so that the
artificial signal will be interpreted in the brain as real senses. Conversely, it can split
the sensory perception interpretations of the Targeted Individual.
Counter-Intelligence Database
David Horowitz
David Horowitz is a pundit known for his stridently antiIslamic rhetoric. Since the false flag 9/11 attacks, Horowitz has gained attention as a leading member of a network
of well-funded organizations and public figures that have
helped drive so-called Islamophobic discourse in the US.
His acerbic anti-Muslim rhetoric frequently dovetails with
one-sided support for the state of Israel and contempt for
Palestinians. Even though the 9/11 attacks were perpetuated
by US and Israel military assets, Horowitz champions the idea
that “Islamo-fascism” represents the next great evil confronting US. Horowitz was
a vocal supporter of the George W. Bush administration post-9/11 “War on Terror,”
including the decision to invade Iraq. According to a study conducted by Harvard’s
Kennedy School, each of the 866,181 US soldiers injured in Iraq and Afghanistan
is expected to cost the government approximately $2 million in long-term medical
costs. The total cost for all soldiers injured came in at $1.7 trillion, including $800
billion already allocated for injured veterans and the cost of long-term care for an
extra 50,000 casualties currently counted by the Pentagon.
Want Freedom?
Truth Proclamation” for proof that both
Israel and the U.S. planned and executed 9/11!
Last month’s The Sovereign
presents the following proof
that Israel sets U.S. foreign
“The Sovereign Glossary” defines
“Israel Firster...” A person that places
the ambitions, policies and well-being of the Israeli government over that
of their country of residence, usually
America. Israel is the primary concern
and will always be considered before
anything else. If a policy is good for
Israel and bad for America it will receive unconditional support without
concern for America, despite America
being the country of residence, hence,
putting the interests of Israel BEFORE
those of America. A formal organization dedicated to promoting the
interests of Israel, before
those of America seems
to be AIPAC (American Israeli Political Action Committee), whose
sole purpose is to get
the US government to
support every policy and ambition of
the Israeli government. The US Police
State, which has been constructed in
the wake of false-flag 9/11, has seemingly been modeled after how security
forces operate in Israel. Homeland Security would be a perfect example of
this, as their leadership is often trained
by Israeli military/police elements on a
continuous basis.
“The Israel/Homeland
Security Connection” states:
“In February 2007 Homeland Security Chief, Michael Chertoff, and
Israeli Minister of Public Security Avi
Dichter, signed a joint ‘Memorandum
of Mutual Understanding’ (MOMU)
setting terms for security cooperation between Israel and the US.”
“Israel’s interests have absorbed
the Dept. of Homeland Security
(DHS) in a broad range of areas
including police training, counter
insurgency maneuvers, border security, counter terrorism and most lucrative of all cyber-security.”
A Letter to the Editor
quotes Thomas Paine’s
Common Sense
“There is something very absurd in
supporting a continent to be perpetually governed by an island (Israel). In
no instance hath nature made the satellite larger than its primary planet, and
as England (Israel) and America, with
respect to each other, reverses the common order of nature, it is evident they
belong to different systems, England
July 2013 3
(Israel) to Europe, America to itself.”
The front page cartoon shows the
Israel flag over the inverted American
flag; an international distress symbol.
A feathered cap at the top of the flagpole, the crossbow with two arrows and
an apple are symbols from “The Story
of William Tell” one of the 50 stories I
read as a child in Fifty Famous Stories
Retold by James Bladwin. William Tell,
renowned for his archery skill, refused
to bow down to the hat of Switzerland’s
tyrant and was forced to shoot an apple
placed on top of his son’s head. He had
hidden a second arrow under his vest,
that accidently dropped to the ground.
The tyrant demanded to know what use
Tell meant for the second arrow, Tells
proud answer was: “Tyrant, this arrow
was for your heart if I had hurt my
child.” Tell did shoot the tyrant with
one of his arrows and thus set his
country free. America needs patriots
willing to fight todays tyrants!
Of prime importance
is the cartoon statement: “I Pledge Allegiance.” The act of
to the flag, and to the
Republic for which is
stands” clearly indicates
the the flag itself is the
object of the pledge and
the “Republic” is separate from the
flag. In fact we’re not a Republic but
rather a corporate controlled nation:
the definition of facism!
Worshiping the flag violates the
second of the 10 Commandments from
The Holy Bible; Exodus 20 states:
“You shall not make for yourself
an image (graven) in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth
beneath or in the waters below. You
shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God,
am a jealous God etc.”
I will only pledge allegiance to the
Constitution of the United States; and
neither pledge allegiance or salute
the flag!
In conclusion, America can only
become free by insuring the tail
doesn’t wag a rabid dog and we insist on being independent of Israel by
using whatever means necessary to
achieve this goal.
The 10 Commandments establish
the moral laws for people. The first 10
amendments to the Constitution, “The
Bill of Rights” establish the God given rights to our freedom. The “Pledge
of Allegiance” to the flag, instead of
the Constitution, is blasphemy and
America’s religous leaders should accept this fact and enforce the second
Nobody should ever be loyal to
tyrants or their tyrannical governments. Obama take heed!
“I have met the enemy and he
is US” ...Pogo S