chapter 21 test america in world affairs, 1865-1912

Matching (40 points)
Match the description in the first column with the name in the second column by
writing the correct letter in the space provided.
- 1. Secretary of State who arranged for the purchase of Alaska by the
a. John Hay
b. Yellow journalism
- 2. Commander of the naval squadron that defeated the Spanish in the
Battle of Manila Bav
- 3. The uprising of Chinese nationalists against foreigners in China
- 4. Organized the Rough Riders to fight in the Spanish-American War
- 5. Reporting that emphasizes crime and scandals to increase newspaper sales
c. Benito Juarez
d. George Dewey
8 . Roosevelt Corollary
f. William H. Seward
g. Yellow fever
- 6. Put Europe on notice that the United States would police Latin
h. Boxer Rebellion
i. Emilio Aguinaldo
- 7. Leader of the Filipino patriots who first fought the Spanish and then
the Americans
- 8. The policy of making Latin American republics dependent on the
j. Dollar diplomacy
k. Theodore Roosevelt
U.S. by investing,money in them
9. Secretary of State who issued the Open Door Notes
-10. Disease that had to be controlled before the Panama Canal could be
Multiple Choice (40 points)
For each of the following, place the letter of the best choice in the space provided.
- 11. The idea that the U.S. should not get in-
- 13. The Hawaiian ruler who resented the
volved in European affairs and that it
should not allow Europe to get involved
in American affairs was
a. imperialism.
b. yellow journalism.
c. expansionism.
d. isolationism.
influence of Americans in the islands
and who wanted Hawaii to be run by
Hawaiians was
a. Queen Liliuokalani.
b. Valeriano Weyler.
c. Emilio Aguinaldo.
d. Philippe Bunau-Varilla.
- 12. One reason why northerners became
suspicious of Britain during the Civil War
was because
a. Britain fought on the side of the
b. Britain sold slaves to the South.
c. British companies built warships for
the Confederates.
d. a British army tried to conquer
Copyright O 1986 by Harcourt Brace Jwanwich. Inc. All rights reserved.
G. Blaine's
purpose in calling the Pan American
Conference was to
a. prevent the Spanish-American War.
b. get the Panama Canal built.
c, enforce the Open Door Notes.
d. get the nations of the Western
Hemisphere to establish stronger
trade ties.
- 14. Secretary of State James
- 15. In order to put down rebellion in Cuba,
General Valeriano Weyler
a. brought in American troops to aid
b. deported rebellious Cubans to
c. herded Cubans into concentration
d. improved the people's living
- 16. Which of the following was NOT a cause
of the Spanish-American War?
a. the fight at the True Blue Saloon
b. American sympathy for the Cubans
c. stories of Spanish atrocities
d. yellow journalism
- 17. Which of the following lands was NOT
claimed by the U.S. as a result of the
Spanish-American War?
a. Puerto Rico
b. Guam
c. the Philippine Islands
d. the Hawaiian Islands
-18. The U.S. issued the Open Door Notes in
order to
a, end the Boxer Rebellion.
b. keep the China trade open to
American business.
c. help settle the Venezuela Boundary
d, invite Latin American nations to the
Pan American Conference.
- 19. The anti-imperialists opposed annexing
the Philippines because they
a. felt Spain should keep the
b, argued that the Philippines had few
natural resources.
c. believed it was morally wrong to
annex the Philippines.
d. preferred annexing Hawaii.
-20. Before work on the Panama Canal
began, Colonel William Gorgas was
sent to Panama to
a. make the Gaillard Cut.
b. eliminate yellow fever.
c. command the U.S.S. Nashville.
d. stop volcanic action in the Canal
Chronological Order (20 points)
Place the following events in order by numbering 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and
SO on.
-21. The U.S.S. Maine is sunk.
-22. The U.S. becomes a power in the Far East.
-23. The Panama Canal is completed.
-24. The Spanish-American War begins.
-25. The United States purchases Alaska.
Bonus Essay
Answer the following question in at least one full paragraph. Describe at least three
areas of American expansionism after the Civil War.
Copyrighl O 1986 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. All rights reserved.
Identification (30 points)
Decide which name best completes each sentence below. Then write the letter of the
correct name in the space provided.
- 1. The Russian minister entertained members of the House of Representa-
tives to get them to approve the a) Treaty of Paris, b) Alaska Purchase,
c) McKinley Tariff.
- 2. As head of a revolutionary government, a) Sanford Dole, b) Queen Liliuokalani, c) King Kamehameha Ill proclaimed Hawaii to be a republic on
July 4, 1894.
- 3. The mysterious sinking of the American battleship the U.S.S. a) Olympia,
b) Maine, c) Oregon produced much pressure for war against Spain.
- 4. In Mexico a) Benito JuArez, b) Emilio Aguinaldo, c) Philippe Bunau-Varilla
led a revolt against the French-imposed emperor Maximilian.
- 5. When it was passed in 1890, the a) Alaska Purchase, b) Treaty of Paris,
c) McKinley Tariff produced a severe economic depression in Hawaii.
- 6. After being returned to power by the Americans, a) Philippe Bunau-Varilla,
b) Benito Juarez, c) Emilio Aguinaldo later led Filipino patriots in a struggle
against American control.
- 7. In the Hawaiian Islands a) King Kamehameha Ill, b) Queen Liliuokalani, c)
Sanford Dole issued a constitution similar to that of the United States.
8. Starting as a representative of a bankrupt French company, a) Emilio
Aguinaldo, b) Philippe Bunau-Varilla, c) Benito JuArez eventually represented the Republic of Panama when the United States signed the canal
- 9. When a) Sanford Dole, b) King Kamehameha Ill, c) Queen Liliuokalani
became the absolute monarch of Hawaii, Americans responded by seizing control of the islands.
- 10. The a) McKinley Tariff, b) Alaska Purchase, c) Treaty of Paris caused a
great deal of controversy, passing the Senate only by an extremely close
Chronological Order (20 points)
Use the time line on pages 610-61 1 of your book to number the following events from
1 to 10 to show the order in which they occurred.
- 11. McKinley is assassinated
12. Panama Canal is begun
- 16. U.S. enters the Great World War
- 17. NAACP is founded
- 13. Chilean Crisis
- 18. Roosevelt is elected President
- 14. Pure Food and Drug Act
- 19. Cuba revolts against Spain
- 15. Spanish-American War
-20. Wilson is elected President
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Picture Research (20 points)
Examine the illustrations in Chapter 21 of your book. Then for each description below
write the number of the page on which the illustration appears.
-21. Theodore Roosevelt fearlessly leads the charge up San Juan Hill in this
oil painting by Frederic Remington.
-22. The man in this photograph wanted very much to be President, but it
was as Secretary of State that he organized the first Pan-American
-23. This pair of campaign posters shows that in 1900 Bryan and McKinley
would again be opponents in a Presidential race.
24. This portrait by John Singer argent leaves little doubt that Theodore
Roosevelt was a man of great energy.
-25. This American ship in Japan's Edo Bay helped to convince the Japanese to open two of their ports to trade with the United States.
36. The American eagle covers vast territory in this 1904 cartoon.
27. Boxers such as the one in this black-and-white photograph made foreigners in China seek prctection.
-28. This oil painting of Commodore Dewey at the Battle of Manila Bay
makes naval warfare appear not only safe but beautiful.
-29. The French act on Spain's behalf in this painting that shows the signing
of the agreement to end hostilities in the Spanish-American War.
-30. This watercolor of the island of Oahu reminds us that for many years
American whaling ships stopped at the Hawaiian Islands.
Map Reading (30 points)
Use the map on page 627 of your book to decide whether each statement below is
for true or 0 for false in the space provided.
true or false. Write
-31. American troops left from Tampa because it is the American city closest
to Cuba.
San Juan Hill is approximately 1,250 kilometers from Tampa.
-33. Tampa is located on the Gulf of Mexico.
-34. Havana lies near the western end of Cuba.
San Juan Hill is situated to the east of Santiago.
-36. Jamaica li'es between.the United States and Cuba.
-37. Havana lies almost directly due south of Tampa.
-38. The Bahamas lie west of Cuba.
-39. Florida and Cuba lie more than 500 kilometers apart.
-40. Cuba is longer than the peninsula of Florida.
Completion (40 points)
Complete each sentence by writing one of the terms from the list below in the space provided.
Sixteenth Amendment
Theodore Roosevelt
Eugene V. Debs
Robert M. La Follette
Woodrow Wilson
William Howard Taft
direct primary
William E. B. Du Bois
Federal Reserve Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
1. As the reform governor of Wisconsin,
tried to make the government
more responsive to the wishes of the people.
, a specific proposal is placed on the ballot for the people to decide
2. In a
in a general election.
was the progressive Democratic candidate for President who won the
election of 1912 largely as a result of a split in the Republican party.
was a founder of the Niagara Movement and the NAACP.
5. Investigative journalists called
exposed evils by writing about them and
demanding reform.
allows people to vote for candidates who would compete in the final
6. The
was the Socialist candidate for President whose strong support in the
election of 1912 showed that Americans were in a reform-minded mood.
8. The
authorized the collection of a federal income tax
was to give the government power to slow down or
9. The purpose of the
stimulate business activity.
10. While President,
lost much progressive support because he allowed
conservative Republicans to influence his policies.
Multiple Choice (40 points)
For each of the following, place the letter of the best choice in the space provided.
- 11. The Supreme Court case in which the
Court upheld a law that limited women
laundry workers to a ten-hour day was
a. Lockner v. New York.
b. Muller v. Oregon.
c. Madison v. Marbury.
d. Plessy v. Ferguson.
Cowright 8 1986 by Harcourt Brace Jovanwich. Inc. All rights reserved.
- 12. The right of a business to operate as it
wishes without government control is
a. public trust.
b. free enterprise.
c. private practice.
d. municipal socialism.
-13. Many of the problems that the progressives hoped to solve had been
brought about by the
a. Industrial Revolution.
b. beginning of the Great War in
c. Depression of 1893.
d. Spanish-American War.
- 14. The progressives worked to make local
and state governments
a. pay their employees a minimum
b. hire more female and black
c. practice free enterprise.
d. become more responsive to the will
of the people.
. .
The law that provided that labor unions
were not to be thought of as trusts in
violaton of antitrust laws was the
a. Clayton Antitrust Act.
b. Sixteenth Amendment.
c. Hepburn Act.
d. Northern Securities Act.
-16. Woodrow Wilson's plan to keep trusts
from becoming too powerful was to
a. have the federal government regulate
the trusts.
b. charge trusts high taxes in order to
control them.
c. break up trusts and restore
d, threaten the leaders of trusts with
prison terms.
17. The muckraker who specialized in
economic and business investigations,
among which was a detailed study of
the Standard Oil company, was
a. Lincoln Steffens.
b. James J. Hill.
c. Ida Tarbell.
d. Florence Kelley.
- 18. The taking over of utilities by local gov-
ernments in order to protect the public
from being overcharged for utility service
is called
a. the Wisconsin Idea.
b. prohibition.
c. free enterprise.
d. municipal socialism.
Theodore Roosevelt felt that the best
way to control the trusts was to
a. destroy them.
b, have the government take them over.
c. have the government regulate them.
d. give the owners of trusts government
20. During the Progressive Era immigrants
and blacks
a. gained rights equal to other Americans'.
b. continued to be treated as secondclass citizens.
c. were encouraged by progressives to
run for public office.
d. generally did not support big city
political machines.
True or False (20 points)
Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false by writing
0 for false in the space provided.
+ for true or
The beginning of the Great 'War in Europe was one reason why the
Progressive Era came to an end.
-22. J. P. Morgan was a progressive who specialized in reforming city governments.
-23. The socialists called their party the Bull Moose party in the election of
-24. Progressives were not interested in laws that provided for economic
-25. The Seventeenth Amendment provided that U.S. senators be directly
elected by the people.
Identification (30 points) ,
Match the name in the first column with its description in the second column by
writing the correct letter in the space provided.
- 1. Robert M. La Follette
- 2. Louis D. Brandeis
- 3. Ida Tarbell
- 4. Carrie Lane Chapman Catt
- 5. William E. B. Du Bois
- 6. William Howard Taft
7. Woodrow Wilson
8. Booker T. Washington
- 9. Samuel Jones
- 10. Eugene V. Debs
a. Black educator whose moderate approach to racial problems
was rejected by younger blacks
b. Journalist who was both a historian and a muckraker
c. President whose excessive weight limited his work
d. Mayor of Toledo, Ohio, whose government was noted for
honesty and service
e. Publisher of McClure's magazine, which printed many muckraking articles
f. Lawyer who used extensive research to support his arguments before the Supreme Court
g. A founder of the NAACP and the editor of its journal The Crisis
h. President who had been a popular professor and successful
college president
i. President of the NAWSA and a strong advocate of women's
j. Governor whose Wisconsin ldea was a model progressive
k. Socialist party's Presidential candidate for several elections
Completion (30 points)
Write the term from the list below that best completes each sentence.
Bull Moose
Muller v . Oregon
Seventeenth Amendment
Eighteenth Amendment
New Nationalism
Volstead Act
Federal Reserve Board
Niagara Movement
Wisconsin ldea
Hepburn Act
11. Roosevelt's
in the 1912 campaign.
12. Ratification of the
13. In the case of
to regulate the length of workdays.
14. Robert M. La Follette's program, the
Copyright O 1982 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc All r~ghtsreserved
was the name he gave to his Progressive party program
put prohibition into effect all over America.
the Supreme Court ruled that states have the authority
, included the direct primary.
15. By adjusting the rediscount rate, the
national economy.
can speed up or slow down the
16. The
party was another name for the Progressive party.
17. The
enforced the prohibition amendment.
18. The
it to set maximum railroad rates.
strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission by allowing
19. In 1905 a group of blacks organized the
20. When the
United States senators.
to present their demands for
was ratified, Americans began to vote directly for their
Matching (40 points)
Match the statement in the first column with the name in the second column by writing
the correct letter in the space provided.
- 1. American officer who commanded the Allied Expeditionary Force
a. Victoriano Huerta
- 2. Fines that the Allies wanted Germany to pay for the damage done by
b. Bernard Baruch
the war
c. John J. Pershing
- 3. General who established a military dictatorship in Mexico, not recognized by the U.S.
- 4. Mexican fighter who conducted border raids and murdered U.S.
d. William G. McAdoo
e. Fourteen Points
f. League of Nations
- 5. Name given to Great World War air battles
g. Pancho Villa
- 6. British strategy to keep Germans from obtaining supplies from other
h. Blockade
i. Reparations
- 7. Wilson's plan for a just and lasting peace
j. He[bert Hoover
- 8. Served as the U.S. Food Administrator during the Great World War
- 9. Head of the War Industries Board who tried to organize American
industry as though it were one large industry
k. Neutrality
I. Dogfights
- 10. Term that describes America's attempt not to take sides in the Great
World War
Multiple Choice (40 points)
For each of the following, place the letter of the best choice in the space provided.
- 11. Which of the following best describes
President Wilson's view of the role of the
U.S. in world affairs?
a. The U.S. should try to annex ,more
land in North and South America.
b. The U.S. should not attempt to control
other nations but should encourage
the spread of democratic ideas.
c. The U.S. should encourage European
nations to settle more colonies in
Latin America.
d. The U.S. should avoid war with
foreign nations by stopping foreign
Copyright 6 1986 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc. All r~ghtsreserved.
The Mexican Revolution was of concern
to the U.S. because
a. it reminded people of the War for
American Independence.
b. the U.S. feared Spain would send
troops to Mexico.
c. the Mexican rebels asked for help
from the U.S.
d. U.S. investments in Mexico were
- 13. When President Wilson interfered in
Mexican affairs, U.S. involvement was
a. welcomed by the followers of Huerta.
b. welcomed by the followers of
c. welcomed by the followers of Villa.
d. generally resented by all Mexicans.
- 14. The effect on women^, blacks, and
17. Which of the following best describes
, the type of fighting that took place on
the Western Front?
a, naval warfare
b. trench warfare
c. submarine warfare
d. 'cavalry warfare
Mexican-Americans of America's entry
into the Great World War was that
a. discrimination increased.
b. their lives changed very little.
c. new opportunities became available
to these groups.
d. many in these groups lost their jobs.
- 15. Other Allied leaders would not accept
Wilson's idea of peace without victory
because they
a, could not accept the idea that all the
death and destruction had been for
b. did not want Wilson to be credited
with ending the war.
c. knew that Americans would reject the
peace treaty.
d, felt America was a latecomer to the
- 18. The purpose of the Selective Service Act
was to
a. draft men into the military.
b. provide a better way to choose
members of Congress.
c. discourage war protesters.
d, make American industry more
- 19. The treaty that officially ended the Great
World War was the
a. London Peace Treaty.
b. Treaty of Berlin.
c. Versailles Peace Treaty.
d. Treaty of Paris.
- 16. In order to stop neutral countries from
trading with Britain, the Germans used
a. their veto power in the League of
b. their air force to bomb ships that
were bound for Britain.
c. a naval blockade.
d. submarine warfare.
-20. The international congress proposed by
President Wilson to settle disputes
between nations was the
a. United Nations.
b. Security Council.
c. League of Nations.
d. Organization of American States.
Chronological Order (20 points)
Place the following events in order by numbering 1 for the first, 2 for the second, and
SO on.
-21. Wilson is elected to a second term as President.
-22. The
Lusitania is sunk.
-23. Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated.
-24. Germany makes the
Sussex pledge.
-25. The United States enters the Great World War.
True or False (20 points)
Tell whether each of the following statements is true or false by writing
0 for false in the space provided.
+ for true or
- 1. A primary objective of Germany's submarine warfare was to keep supplies from getting to Great Britain.
2. The patriotism of Americans was so high during the war that government
control of the production and distribution of goods was not needed.
- 3. When the Great World War started in Europe in 1914, most Americans
wanted to enter the conflict so it could be ended quickly.
- 4. Some deadly new weapons of the Great World War were tanks, machine
guns, and poison gas.
- 5. The Versailles Peace Treaty stated that Germany must pay for damages
caused to Allied nations by the war.
- 6. Lines of trenches ran across northern France from the sea to Switzerland
on the Western Front.
- 7. Although Wilson's efforts to take pad in Mexico's affairs were ineffective,
they improved relations between the U.S. and Mexico.
8. The last of the Fourteen Points in President Wilson's program for peace
proposed an international body to be called the League of Nations.
9. The fact that President Wilson had kept America out of the war gained him
needed support in the election of 1916.
- 10. During the war suspicions and fears led to actions against radicals and
minorities that violated their rights of free expression.
Chronological Order (20 points)
Use the time line on pages 674-675 of your book to number these events from 1 to
10 to show the order in which they occurred.
- 11. U.S. enters Great World War
- 16. Versailles Peace Conference
-12. Second World War begins
- 17. Period of Great Depression begins
-13. Teapot Dome Scandal
- 18. Great Stock Market Crash
-14. Roosevelt is elected President
- 19. Lindbergh makes solo Atlantic flight
- 15. 1937-38 Recession begins
Great World War begins in Europe
Identification (20 points)
Decide which name best completes each sentence below. Then write the letter of the
correct name in the space provided.
-21. The radical union leader a) Bernard Baruch, b) William D. Haywood, c)
Herbert Hoover was arrested as a result of strikes called during the war.
-22. In 1915 a) Venustiano Carranza, b) Victoriano Huerta, c) Vittorio Orlando
seized control of Mexico as a military dictator.
-23. A Supreme Court decision written by a) Oliver Wendell Holmes, b) Herbert
Hoover, c) David Lloyd George says that there are limits in the use of free
Copyright O 1982 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Inc. All rights reserved.
-24. The chief British negotiator at the Versailles Peace Conference was Prime
Minister a) William D. Haywood, b) David Lloyd George, c) Vittorio Orlando.
-25. As head of America's War Industries Board, a) Oliver Wendell Holmes, b)
Herbert Hoover, c) Bernard Baruch did an excellent job.
Map Reading (40 points)
Study the map on page 677 of your book. Then use the letters from the map below
to identify each site. For numbers 26-40, put an A after each Allied nation, a C after
each Central Powers nation, and an N after each neutral nation.
-26. Turkey
-43. North Sea
-27. Belgium
36. Bulgaria
-44. London
-37. Portugal
-45. Sarajevo
-38, Italy
-46. Berlin
-39. Serbia
-47. Vienna
-40. Sweden
-48. Atlantic Ocean
-32. Runiania
-41, Russia
-49. Paris
Great Britain
-42. Spain
-50. Black Sea
-29. Netherlands
Austria-Hungary -
-35. Switzerland