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Issue 2
May 2015
room f
The Coffee Table
s sport
pus hold
Unam library to undergo renovations
Standard Bank gives visual Arts’
department financial boost
Mr and Miss Unam
Freshman emerge
UNAM has made us proud
– Chancellor Pohamba 6
From the Editor’s
Unam library to undergo
renovations 7
Geography departments records first female HOD
UNAM Language
8 and Literature Department Thrives
Namibians embrace Chinese culture and way of life
Standard Bank gives visu-confucius Institute Direcal Arts’ department finan- 14
cial boost
Mr and Miss Unam Fresh15
man emerge
care about your right to 21
Graphic Designer:
Indongo Ndinelago
EDITOR: PAUL MUNANJALA ([email protected])
LIFESTYLE:A package of
23 beauty and brains: Maria
Shangula, Miss UNAM 2014
RECIPES: Zee’s 24
Zooty Salad
The Coffee Table
Paul Munanjala
Minds :-)
extend my warm greetings to you all
as winter is upon us. Thank you so
much to everyone who took the time
to read our first copy which made its
debut in April; your unwavering support is
encouraging. I would like to welcome you
to our second edition of UNAM Echo which
I have dubbed as the bumper edition. This
copy has a lot of stories that will keep you
informed and entertained as we round off
the semester.
t has taken a lot of hard work from
each and every one in our department
to come up with this edition, so I trust
you will enjoy reading it. The University
of Namibia’s Department of Information
and Communication Studies has given us
media students a great platform to express
our views through this publication. We
take our hats off to them for the support
and dedication to our publication.
our feedback is helpful, so do take
the time to drop us a line on our
Facebook or Twitter pages. Enjoy
our bumper edition as we look
forward to bringing you the third edition
next semester. God bless you all.
The April edition had the following errors/
The story titled “Writing Excellence Centre
Neglected by Students” was written by Blanche
Aina Nashongo wrote the story titled “Nyambe
out, Nghitila in as SRC representative for culture” that was credited to “Beat Reporter”.
We misspelt the name of one of our reporters as
“Akwenya” instead of “Akwenye”.
We sincerely apologise - Editor
from the Editor’s desk
its about learning
new concepts
in life
UNAM has made us proud
– Chancellor Pohamba
cia Kiteba
UNAM Chancellor and immediate past president of Namibia, Hifikepunye Pohamba praised the University for
the concerted efforts it is making to improve the standard
of education in the country and its national and international reputation which is evident by the its ranking
among the top twenty Universities in Africa.
Pohamba commended the institution for having a spread
of students from about 44 countries as well as the establishment of UNAM’s School of Medicine, School of Engineering amongst other achievements.
In his address, the Vice-Chancellor of UNAM, Professor
Lazarus Hangula pledged to take higher education, training and innovation to new heights.
“The highlight of this year’s graduation ceremony is the
exceptionally high number of postgraduate graduates - 57
Masters and seven postgraduate academic degrees (PhDs)
and Gra
By Beaulah Boois
or doctorates - in different fields of knowledge, including
pure and applied sciences”, Hangula said.
I have just graduated upper second in Media, Geography
and Environmental studies, said an excited Chisala Lupele.
“The calling of my name and hearing my parents and
friends cheer for me in the far distance was all what mattered.”
The ceremony was held at the Safari Hotel and Conference Centre.
The library management and development committee of
the University of Namibia in partnership with the Ministry
of Education have agreed to renovate the library early
next year.
Law and Political Science, Mr. Mbenae Katjihingua said.
The first phase will involve the extension of the building
so that the library will move to the new wing, then the
renovation will commence.
The library gave their request to the ministry of Education four years ago when the late Dr Abraham Iiyambo
was a Minister of Education, said Ms. Hazel Van Rooi, the
Librarian in charge of Circulation and Centre of External
Studies who also serves on the Development Committee.
The library has managed to persuade the government to
provide funds for the extension and renovation.
“The library was built in 2000-2001, and since then the
population of students and staffs has increased, including
the public,” Katjihingua said. “Therefore the renovation
will be of importance to cater for the increment.”
The news of the renovation has been received with joy
by students who noted that the renovation and extension
will ensure that the library has sufficient space for books,
computers as well as printers.
She recalled that the money for the renovation was approved in 2012, but renovation had to wait until funds
had been allocated. She expressed optimism that the
upgrade will result in a world-class University Library.
The extension and renovation will start in 2016 and the
process will be done in two phases, Librarian of Faculty of
By Matheus Ebas
“I hope that the library will make use of this opportunity
during the renovation process to provide sufficient space,
Third year Media student, Elina Nghiliwa urged. “This is
a sine qua non for quality service which is lacking at this
Speaker launches book on
Namibian liberation struggle
The department offers various programmes aimed at improving spoken as well as written language skills. Among
the most successful are the National SpellQuizBee, the
English Language Proficiency Programme (ELPP) as well
as the Namibian Teaching of Speakers of Other Languages association (NAMTESOL).
Prof Jairos Kangira of the Language and Literature
department said that the programmes have had very
fruitful results, and they have managed to help not only
the UNAM students but also the Namibian community at
large through their outreach activities.
“We have been an encouragement to many people to
improve their reading, writing and understanding of
English as an official language,” said Kangira.
NAMTESOL is very similar to the ELPP as both attempt
to improve reading and writing among teachers. The
SpellQuizBee on the other hand, is a National High
School Spelling and Quiz Competition intended to
provide a worthwhile educational experience for learners while encouraging the reading culture among young
The ELPP was established in 2013 and it maps out training programmes for English teachers in the country. It is
an essential programme for teachers because they are
supposed to have the best command of the English lan-
The Speaker of the National Assembly Professor Peter
Katjavivi recently launched a book titled Re-Viewing
Resistance in Namibian History that documents the
role of the resistant movement in the struggle for
UNAM’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Lazarus Hangula,
welcomed guests to the book launch which brings together the work of experienced academics and a new
wave of young Namibian historians.
By Blanch Engelbrecht
Results showed an overall improvement in English language proficiency among Namibian students.
By Diana Master
guage as they are the ones who groom future leaders.
Kangira emphasised that the programme is open to all
teachers with a desire to improve their language skills.
“Not only English teachers should take part in this programme because each and every teacher is supposed to
transmit information to their learners and help them understand irrespective of the subject they teach,” he said.
Elifas Mweyanale, a teacher in Otjiwarongo who attended the annual training workshop held in the town from
the 18th to the 23rd of August 2014 says the five-day
event was very rewarding.
“It was an eye opener, the practical events were very fascinating”, Mweyanale said. “I think every teacher should
strive to improve their English skills.”
The workshop was attended by teachers from schools
in the Oshikoto, Ohangwena, Omusati, Otjozondjupa,
Kunene and Kavango regions respectively.
The winner of the 2012 spelling Bee, Jacoba Keister, now
a second year law student at UNAM says the programme
did not only improve her spelling and vocabulary but
it has also opened many doors for her. Therefore, “I
encourage learners from all schools, countrywide to take
part for their own good,” said Keister.
Jeremy Silvester the editor of the book spoke about
the origin and the background of the book, while Ellen
Namila, the University’s Librarian threw light on the
history projects that the university has been involved
in including the Archives of the Anti-Colonial Resistance and Liberation Struggle project (A.A.C.R.L.S).
Dr Petra Mbenzi who was one of the speakers at
the event focussed on a chapter in the book titled
‘Revolutionary Songs as a Response to Colonialism
he Outreach programmes offered by
the Language and Literature department at the University of Namibia have
proven to be exceptionally successful following good progress in grade 10 to 12 results
last year.
UNAM Language
and Literature
in Namibia’, sang some of the songs and encouraged
the audience to sing along. The elderly section of the
audience sang with an air of nostalgia.
‘Legal documents could be confiscated during the
liberation struggle and people would go to jail because of that, but no one could confiscate a song”,
said Mbenzi. “Most of these songs were not in English
which gave Namibians freedom to sing and receive
hope from the songs because they could not be
punished for singing a revolutionary song as the Boers
would not know what the song was about.”
About 25 copies of the book whose cover price is
N$395 were sold at the launch.
CES to improve distance learning
By Haitembu Absalom
The Centre for External Studies (CES) is making concerted efforts through its Faculty Liaison Committee
(FLC) to improve its programme offerings.
prepare them for the clinical environment as well as
provide annual report on its activities said Dr Nchindo
Mbukusa, Deputy Director of the CES.
A committee meeting held between the CES and Faculty of Education recently concluded that the terms
of the CES-faculty liaison is to enable the CES to have
more inputs into the development of academic programmes for Open and Distance Learning (ODL).
CES Secretary Agnes Felix said “The terms of reference of the CES-FLC are to provide a forum for discussion, exchange of ideas in relation to development of
academic programmes and quality enhancement of
teaching and learning; and assist faculties with the
identification of opportunities for ODL programmes.”
“The purpose of the CES-FLC is to provide feedback
on program competencies and ensure they reflect
current professional practice,” CES’ Assistant Registrar
Carin Slabbert said.
FLC makes recommendations on resources that would
enrich students’ learning experience and better
Members of the CES-FLC have the mandate to support
UNAM’s academic strategy and to give advice on the
consistency of quality and application of standards
across every programme.
UNAM switchboard providing
excellent service
The University of Namibia’s Switchboard has been commended for providing quality service on its
social media page, Facebook.
Reviews received on UNAM’s Switchboard Facebook page, recently had comments such as “excellent service” “very kind and polite” as well as “good value”.
“Our office helps people who call in from outside with various enquiries by putting them through
to the relevant offices within the institution in order to get the information they are looking for”,
said Riaan Ballhaw, a switchboard operator. “Unfortunately it is not guaranteed for the clients
that there is always someone in the office in which they are put through to assist them every
time they call in.”
Apart from clients that are put through to speak to university officers, the switchboard also has a
programme for persons living with disabilities by assisting with different materials that help them
pursue their studies if they are students at UNAM.
“So far we haven’t experienced anyone we help complaining about the service we offer them and
that keeps us going day-by-day,” Ballhaw added.
According to the Supervisor of the Estates Department, Aldine Louw, keeping clients in touch
with their information source is not easy, but requires hard work and concentration, from the system operators of the switchboard office as well as focus that enables them to transfer the clients
to the right offices.
The institution’s switchboard has been the prime window for the entire University over the years.
It is also the source of information for everyone who calls in to get information about the institution.
By Ilona Ipundaka
By Paulus Hamutenya
Dr Martha Akawa’s appointment as Head of the Department of
History, Geography and Environmental Studies at the University of
Namibia (UNAM) is history in the making.
Fenny Nakanyete who is a Geography lecturer at UNAM said the
decision to appoint a female lecturer to head the department is an
indication of gender balance in leadership positions and encourages
other departments to follow suit.
“She is the first female to lead this department since the inception
of the University of Namibia”, Nakanyete said. “We are very pleased
with the gender balance equation in this regard.”
On her part, Dr Akawa reiterated the importance of gender balance
and equal treatment and upholding of merit. “I think it is a good
move for the department to appoint me as HOD,” she said, adding
that the English Language Centre also appointed Agnes Simataa as
the HOD in 2014.
Maria Hamakali who is a Geography student at the department
noted that the appointment does not only uplift Dr Akawa but
everyone and more especially women. “We feel empowered and
encouraged to believe in ourselves and be positive that we can,” she
The Department of Geography, History and Environmental Studies
was established in 2008 with less than 200 students and has since
increased its enrolment to 400 students.
All the previous HODs were males.
Namibians embrace Chinese
culture and way of life
– Confucius Institute Director
Liita Anghuwo
Biological Sciences is
like eating chocolatecoated biscuits
- Student
By Jo
vita Shet
Students currently pursuing their studies in Biological Sciences at the University of Namibia (UNAM) are having
the time of their lives.
The course which is offered by the Department of Biological Sciences in the Faculty of Science for both undergraduate and postgraduate students has given students the enthusiasm and eagerness to want to learn everything that is on offer particularly in Marine, Micro-Biology, Veterinary Science, Medicine and Pharmacy.
Studying Biology is like “eating chocolate-coated biscuits,” first year student Taimi Haihonya said. “I find Biological Sciences very interesting.”
She further explained that students are not only learning about how living organisms interact with non-living
organisms, they also have an opportunity to do some practical experiments on these organisms.
“We want to understand nature, so we look at what animals need in order for them to survive and furthermore
we look at what could have happened if there was no food for animals to survive,” third year Micro-Biology
student, Sweetheart Albinus said.
Namibians’ interest in Chi-
nese language and culture is growing
in leaps and bounds going by the
level of subscription to language and
cultural modules at the Confucius
Institute at UNAM.
Students have signed up for Chinese cooking lessons and Tai Chi
that is also offered by the Confucius
Institute to further enhance their
understanding about the Chinese
culture, Sufang Zhang, Director of
the institute said.
Tai Chi is a Chinese system of slow
meditative physical exercise designed for relaxation, balance and
Zhang is of the view that the Confucius Institute presents an excellent opportunity to explore China’s
unique blend of ancient and modern civilization, and experience its
science and beauty noting that this
opportunity will open students’ eyes
not just to China but to the whole
world. Learning Chinese is a ticket
and gateway to China, he added.
Students at the institute felt that
it was huge opportunity for both
UNAM students and non-students to
learn Mandarin. The students were
proud of their acquisition of a new
language and expressed a desire to
pursue their studies in China.
Confucius institute was established
with the aim to satisfy the demand
for learning Chinese language and
culture in Namibia. It is the latest
addition to the 26 existing Confucius
Institutes in Africa, and over 400
Institutes worldwide.
Analytical laboratories open
to members of the public
By Chimwemwe Zulu
The chemistry and biochemistry department in the faculty of science at the University of Namibia plans to extend
its analytical laboratory service to members of the public.
This comes as an advantage to those who wish to analyse samples in the laboratories, said Dr Veikko Uahengo, the
Head of Chemistry and Biochemistry Department. The service will be available for both students at the university
and the public but at a charge for the latter so that the money can be used to maintain the equipment at the laboratories.
Uahengo urged the University administration to invest in more laboratories for effective teaching and better service delivery.
By Malawo Kasonde
Standard Bank gives
visual Arts’ department financial boost
Standard Bank Namibia is supporting twenty six students and the Department of Visual Arts
to the tune N$120,000 based on merit and excellence.
The amount allocated to student bursaries amounts to N$64,000 while the rest of the
money is for departmental activities such as exhibitions and fashion shows.
In an interview, Professor Kingo Mchombu who is the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and
Social Sciences, commended Standard bank for their continued support and recognition of
the arts.
Although visual arts is not recognised by many, the bank has played an important role by
filling in this gap, said Mchombu.
He noted that Standard Bank is a valuable partner that has been supporting the department
in the past ten years.
Mr and Miss Unam
Freshman emerge
By Roger Gatsinzi
Linus Kwenani and Niita Shikongo won the coveted Mr and Miss UNAM Freshman recently from a field
of worthy candidates.
When asked about the emotions they felt when they were announced as winners, Shikongo said that she
felt overwhelmed with a “feeling of shock” noting that “there were beautiful and intelligent competitors so
I had to remain humble about it.”
I felt an “adrenaline rush”, Kwenani said. “The hugs I got from my family made it very special.”
The winners were of the view that to make it in any endeavour people must remain true to themselves noting that brains must complement beauty. They see this as a stepping stone to greater things including Mr
and Miss UNAM.
. Dear Aunty
I would like to express my
disappointment with the “Unam
Echo” publication. Who is their
designer? As a first year student, I
feel I can do better. The issue feels
like you are reading someone’s
assignment. I feel insulted as an
artist. Please help!
. Dear Aunty Agony, months ago I found my boyfriend pants down! Cheating on me. Then came an hour of
serious fighting between me and the other girl. Then later, I hit him with all I could get my hands on. Some days
later, he apologized and this went on for a week. So I decided to give it another try. Truth is, it’s still hurting, and I
have not gotten over it. Yet, I cannot leave him or live without him. I don’t trust him anymore; it is just sad. How do I
move on from this?
A wise woman knows how to love and a wiser woman knows when to leave. The pain you felt and still feel are all
due to the level of betrayal you got, compared to the love you gave. Ask yourself why you got back with him. There is
no such a thing as “love” without trust, otherwise what you get at the end of the day are all games. This is why you
find most girls get lost in this circle because they hire themselves out to play the role of the FBI. Instead of being a
girlfriend, you will now be ‘checking his phone, wanting to know where he is, with whom’ etc. And what will be the
point if all you will do is find out that he is cheating? Make up your mind. Remember people do not change unless
they want to. And yes, you can survive without him. You had a normal life before him, and in due time all this will
not hurt. Know your worth.
. Hi Aunt Agony, I’m in my last year and I’m dating a foreign guy also in his
last year. Thing is, I don’t know how or if the relationship will survive because
of distance when he leaves. I’ve been trying to bring it up, but I fail to. Should I
raise the topic of marriage? Because I can’t live without him. And he seems not
to think that far ahead.
Answer. I believe the first thing you should do is sit down and talk
about the way forward. Do you want to continue having the relationship or is
the distance too much? If the distance is too much to handle and you do not
trust yourself, then you should end the relationship .If he is not thinking about
marriage, then it is because he does not feel ready. So give him time to think
about his next move before you raise the topic of marriage
Dear concerned reader; it is a good
thing that you are expressing your
thoughts. The Unam Echo is a
student publication, managed by the
students. The publication allows the
students to apply their knowledge
and gain practical experience in the
areas of journalism, photography,
advertising, marketing and graphic
design. It is a learning process and
we hope to improve. We all learn
from our mistakes. You can get in
touch with our design team via
Facebook and sign up to make the
publication better.
. I am in my 1st year and my boyfriend dumped me for a 3rd year
girl. Am thinking since I have not lost a lot of years, I can still move to
another school, ‘cause seeing him with her kills me. Please advise me.
Answer. First things first, you need to relax! You have been
at UNAM for less than six months and now because your ex has a new
girlfriend you want to pack your bags and run? Everywhere you turn in
this life you will encounter problems. So does that mean you will always
pack and go? Understand that your aim of coming to UNAM was to get
an education not a boyfriend. That guy just happened to be someone
you just met on your way to your destiny. So keep your head up; you
have a long way to go and to grow. Someone else will come through. But
remember education first. All else will fall in place with time.
Dear Aunty
How do I tell my friend to stop being
a hoe? Like really, she has a new
boyfriend every three months and
still will be sleeping with about two
men. Her reason is that men cheat
so she is doing the same thing. I
am just worried that she might
contract AIDS. I fear that she will
not reach her final year. You should
see the way she dresses. I am even
sometimes embarrassed to walk
with her. She needs help!
Dear concerned friend,
It is a good thing that you care so
much about your friend and her
well-being. You need to sit down
with your friend and have a sincere
talk with her. I think your friend
is trying to fill an emotional void
within her. Make her understand
that she is beautiful and does not
need to be sleeping around to be
whole. Remember that as her friend
it is not your duty to judge her but
to simply be there for her.
. I have a baby with a guy I had
“something” with years back. I wanted us
to raise the baby together as a couple but
he was still with his girlfriend. The girlfriend
left him and I thought it would be time to be
together but to my surprise this guy has a
new girl now. Yet he knows I was waiting for
him. Is it fair? Because I feel now my parents
should just force him to marry me. I can’t
Answer. My dear, the best advice
I can give to you is to move on with your
life and raise your child. I know that it is
difficult to raise a baby on your own but it is
better than raising your child with someone
who is irresponsible and does not care for
you or your baby. It is not fair that you are
neglected by the father of your baby but by
asking your parents to force him to marry
you is just a recipe for disaster because
there is no guarantee that he will be there to
take care of you and your baby. So the best
thing you can do for yourself and your baby
is to raise him/her on your own or raise the
baby with somebody who will be there to
support you and your child and not abandon
Khomasdal Campus
nya N
By N
Khomasdal Campus holds sport event
Khomasdal campus’ student representative council (SRC) recently held a sports weekend and student night at the
campus sports facilities and the main hall respectively.
The “sports weekend and student night” featured entertaining and educational programs such as music, debates among
the students on issues impacting student life, soccer and volley ball matches.
Commenting on the poor attendance at the event, the SRC for Information and Publicity, Charlie Somseb said that
“Khomasdal campus is a reserved campus or rather has reserved students.”
“In fact we took a different approach altogether”, Somseb said. “Prior to this weekend’s events we advertised and made
a campaign specifically preparing for the events but still the results are the same.”
By John Man
Oshakati Campus
Oshakati campus gives back
University of Namibia (UNAM)’s Oshakati Campus will embark on a book-keeping training programme for out-of-school
youth across all 13 regions of Namibia.
This was announced during the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Ministry of Finance,
University of Namibia (UNAM) and Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) at the Oshikango business
Centre of Helao Nafidi in the Ohangwena Region recently.
UNAM’s Communication and Marketing Officer for the Oshakati Campus, Linus Hamunyela said that, identification of
the potential trainees will start as soon as possible and the training is to kick off afterwards.
A total of 350 out-of-school youths will be selected from all 13 regions of the country for this two-year training
Hamunyela noted that the training aims to equip the successful candidates with book-keeping skills and to enable them
to become book-keepers to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in their respective regions.
Ongwediwa Campus
By Bo
Ongwediva Engineering Campus goes green
and high tech
The Ongwediva campus uses renewable energy and also has standby generators because of the sensitivity of its
equipment and machinery.
This also means very intense security measures as its two hundred and forty plus students and lecturers use finger print
scanners to access machineries and to enter lecture halls.
Ongwediva Engineering Campus was founded in 2008 and produced its first graduates in 2013.
Does UNAM care about
your right to shelter??
Lloyd Winini
With Windhoek’s crazy rent prices, it is hard for
students to get accommodation.
A year from the sun rise of //kharas
There is no doubt that Keetmanshoop will become
a hub where people from different cultures will
come together and share innovation. This is because
UNAM’s Southern Campus offers four undergraduate
programmes namely nursing science, education,
business administration, entrepreneurship and new
The increasing number of enrolled students who
flock from all corners of the country bear testimony
to this hence putting pressure on accommodation;
so finding one is no longer a walk in the park. Even
though the campus is still taking baby steps, the drive
for development is in full swing and the university is
working on developing the campus and making it more
One of the most anticipated events this year was
celebrating 25 years of independence in a way the
university knows best. The tradition of cultural
diversity best describes the south and the Southern
Campus. The commemoration was joyous and glorious
with staffs and students outdoing themselves in
their best traditional attires and performances. The
excitement around the celebrations could be felt like a
light sea breeze.
The southern campus while moulding its students for a
better future is eagerly anticipating its first graduation
ceremony. The campus staffs are working round the
clock to produce one of UNAM’s finest with excellent
pass rates.
By Johanna Mat
Thousands of UNAM students are jilted by landlords or are struggling to get proper accommodation because the university simply refuses to build
new hostels to accommodate a significant number
of students.
The campus administration is also working towards
forming its first student representative council as well
as its first soccer, netball, volleyball, choir as well as
other student societies. It is clear that the talents on
campus is remarkable and other campuses should
watch out for the southern campus as its going to be
number one very soon.
The landlords are not to blame. No! They are just
taking the opportunity that they have been given
by the UNAM administration.
The Unam Southern Campus is headed and
administered by Coordinating Director, Dr Erold
Naomab, 13 academic staffs and 10 administrative
staff members.
The question is why you would want to improve
your brand before you have improved your services? Perhaps the administration is not aware of
the problems that students are facing.
The campus which is the 12th regional campus of
UNAM has enrolled close to 50 pioneering students
for this year, including 14 from the //Kharas Region,
three from Hardap, eight from Omaheke, two from
Otjozondjupa, one from Kunene, four from Erongo and
Oshana, one from Ohangwena, five from Khomas and
one from Zambezi, as well as one from our Southern
African neighbour - Zambia.
Perhaps they just don’t care what happens to
students who don’t live in Windhoek.
The southern campus opened its doors last year
February to the people of Keetmanshoop. The campus
is situated in its former regional centre in Kronlien.
We have been let down. The pleas and cries for a
basic human right have been denied to students
by the body which was set up to serve them.
Amid the homeless, squatting, overpriced rooms;
you open your eyes and realise that the image of
the university is more important than the wellbeing of a student.
It is funny how our University can afford to spend
money on rebranding. Millions! But they cannot
afford to build a hostel block.
Yes, rent prices are N$3,000 and above in most
cases. EMONA itself charges a minimum of
N$2,100 for a room, sharing if I must add. Daylight
EMONA. A home away from home that takes
advantage of those seeking refuge in it. At least
EMONA returns the deposit fee after your tenure,
your very basic landlord will do all they can to
keep you away from any kind of deposit; providing
you with the most absurd excuse they can come
up with.
By S
A package of beauty and
brains: Maria Shangula,
Miss UNAM 2014
‘Beauty without brains’ is not a term associated with
Maria Shangula, Miss UNAM 2014 and the brand
ambassador for the UNAM Clothing line.
The Ongwediva-born and raised beauty Queen
started school at the tender age of 4 in 1998 at
Kabousie Primary school. She later moved to Gabriel
Taapopi Secondary School where she matriculated in
Having two older siblings; a sister, Helena Hella
Shangula and brother, Isak Etuna Shangula makes
Maria Tuwilika Shalunga the family’s lastborn.
The current final year law (LLB Honours) students
listed talking, hosting friends and families, singing,
dancing, swimming and reading good books as the
activities she really loves and enjoy.
Miss UNAM 2014 said she never saw herself
participating in any beauty pageant; she was always
sceptical about pageants as she thought it was a
shallow process to judge someone to their core
where their values lay in them displaying their bodies.
Who would have thought a dare would result in a
crown. Maria dared herself to take part in the beauty
pageant as her mother and friends kept encouraging
her to participate. However, she remains grateful
for having taken part as it helped with boosting her
physical and mental confidence.
Her crowning as Miss UNAM didn’t come without its
share of controversy as there were whispers around
campus that it was obvious that Maria would win
due to her social status and ties on campus. However
this is Maria’s response “This is the first time I am
hearing this, but then again people will always have
an opinion, you can’t really please everyone.”
What most people don’t know is that she worked
hard if not harder than competition as this was her
second attempt. Her first attempt was in 2013. She
had to put her soul and body into it as she prepared
herself mentally and physically for the pageant on her
2nd attempt which proved fruitful.
Being a public figure ought to be difficult, but
the soft-spoken Maria had a different outlook on
difficulties as she said, “Don’t take every negative
experience as a setback; take it as a learning curve
that will help you achieve greater things, the lowest
point in your life elevates you to greater heights”.
Her best experience as Miss UNAM 2014 is being
able to be a brand ambassador for UNAM, being able
to engage in projects that affect students, as a Peer
Counsellor and Career Advisor. These roles is what
she really appreciates about the title.
Maria Shangula’s dreams are to change the world by
touching different hearts and to encourage a positive
outlook on life: How great and fulfilling life can be
if you set your mind to pursue something you really
love and by positively impacting the lives of others by
doing something that makes you happy.
Making room for
Green pepper
Cherry Tomatoes
Cucumbers (optional)
Apples (optional)
Grapes (optional)
Onions (optional)
Dressing (two options)
Dressing 1
Knorr Light Yoghurt & Herb Salad Dressing Dressing 2
Lemon juice
Olive oil
Brown sugar
Black pepper
Amidst assignments, attending classes and
all other little things that constitute student life, finding the time to exercise, let
alone eat right, tend to fall to the bottom of the list of priorities for an average
UNAM Student.
-Wezi Mwelwa
The month of May happens to be both the
National Fitness and Sports month and
the National Salad month. So, as the overall temperatures begin to fall, what better
time to take up and incorporate exercise
into one’s daily routine.
One of our readers when asked why they
do not take up exercise simply said
“Although I would love to exercise more
often, I do not have money to pay for gym
-Wezi Mwelwa
Oftentimes people think that to exercise
they must join a gym and pay membership
fees; however, this is not the only option
One can always exercise from the comfort
of their own home or room, using only the
resistance that their weight has to offer.
This month, Unam Echo Lifestyle introduces you, its readers, to a 30-day workout challenge, which we strongly encourage
you to try. In addition to this, we showcase
a recipe from our writer which pays homage to National Salad Month.
Why not give both a try and let us know
what you think by writing to us at:
-Tear or slice lettuce into bite-sized pieces.
-Julienne (thinly slice) green pepper and onions.
-Halve cherry tomatoes and grapes
-Remove the pips from the plums and cut plum into
-Arrange salad in a bowl, placing the lettuce on the
-Add remainder of ingredients
-Drizzle the salad dressing you prefer over the salad.
-Serve and enjoy.
Tip: Remember to keep exercise fun and simple and set yourself a realistic
and attainable goal. Exercise is about consistency, if at first you don’t succeed, get up and try again. Remember to keep hydrated as you exercise!
Replenish the water your body loses through exercise and sweating.
Tankiso: Up and
coming makeup
The Coffee
-Wezi Mwelwa
With the end-of-semester exams fast approaching. The Coffee Table would like to wish all UNAM students the best of
luck as they prepare for the Exams.
It is our hope that the following piece resonates with not only the students, but with all our readers.
-Tove Jeomba Kangotue
The flames grew higher and threw
orange and black shadows on the walls.
Outside, the frigid wind brushed against
the old Pionierspark’s house.
A line of actors with different facial
expressions and make-up entered
through a narrow passageway into the
living room creating an illusion of badlywounded patients waiting for some sort
of aid.
As a young girl, Tankiso Baipoledi would
always sit in front of the television set
to watch horror movies. She was not
afraid of the ghostly looking characters
and suffering victims, but she was rather
fascinated by how real it all looked.
”People around me always thought I was
weird, I would play with tomato sauce
and pretend I was injured”, Tankiso said.
Now at 23, she has become a make-up
artist. Tankiso, pursuing a Bachelor of
Arts Degree (Honours) and majoring
in Creative Expression and Drama, is
specializing in Special Effects Makeup. “I was first introduced to this type
of make up last year in my third year,
during one of my drama modules”
Tankiso said. “They started teaching
us how to make fake blood with a lot
of mixed ingredients and coffee, how to
create an illusion of burns, slit throats
and busted finger nails and I just knew I
was in the right place.”
Tankiso uses normal make-up most of
the times like lipsticks, eye shadows, eyes
liners and concealers. “It is really just
basic common sense sometimes”, Tankiso
said. “It is not that hard.”
These actors, the effects and the
ambience are all in a day’s work for
Don’t Quit
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit.
Life is queer, with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don’t give up though the pace seems slow…
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor’s cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out…
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
As you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit…
It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.
-Author Unknown.
If you are a student and would like your work to appear in future issues, do not hesitate to contact us. Write to us at:
[email protected]
Don’t forget to include your name, all relevant details and a copy of your work.
By Joy Kaperu
University is a crucial time to prepare for life. God
wants you to enjoy as a young adult, an independent,
productive life focused on fulfilling His purposes for
you. Yet many university students end up in confusion about God’s calling for them.
It does not have to be that way for you. If you avoid
common mistakes students make while in university,
you can do much more than just survive the experience. You can thrive, turning university into a launching pad for an adulthood in which you reach your full,
God-given potential.
Here’s how you can thrive at university:
Get closer to God.
Do not make the mistake of throwing away your faith in
university. Expect that your faith will be questioned and
sometimes attacked as you interact with students and
lecturers who have different perspectives on faith and
Christian theology. But use those challenges as opportunities to seek God in fresh ways and discover more about
what you believe and why; which will ultimately deepen
your faith because God has promised to be found by those
who search for Him wholeheartedly as stated in 2Peter
3:18 - “but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord
and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now
and forever! Amen.”
Expect that you’ll encounter moral challenges, too,
in the form of all sorts of temptations to sin. But you can
overcome temptation if you stay close to God in prayer
and remember that it is worthwhile to sacrifice sinful
pleasures so you can later enjoy the greater pleasures that
come from living faithfully. Rather than just fitting your
relationship with God into your life, revolve your entire life
around God. Make Him the centre of it all.
Maintain healthy habits
and boundaries.
In university, you must learn to make your own decisions
so you can successfully navigate the different aspects of
your life. Be sure to work when it is time to work, rest
when it is time to rest, including getting enough sleep,
choose your friends wisely, choose your extramural activities wisely, eat nutritiously, exercise regularly, and invest
in your spiritual growth by going to church and praying
and reading the Bible regularly. Ask God to help you say
“no” to bad choices that simply are not the best for you in
Find great friends and
Do not make the mistake of not being intentional in
relationships. Purposefully seek out friends who have a
similar worldview to yours, challenge you to keep growing
closer to Christ, and are responsible, loyal, loving, truthful,
encouraging, self-sacrificing, and respectful. When relating
to other students and faculty members who do not share
your faith, be a good Christian witness by demonstrating love and respect, as well as academic excellence and
integrity. Proverbs 24 says, “A man of many companions
may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer
than a brother.”
Keep your commitments.
Do not make the mistake of being incompetent. Ask God
to help you develop a strong character and reputation, 1
Timothy 3:7, “He must also have a good reputation with
outsiders, so that he will not fall into disgrace and into the
devil’s trap”. Honour the commitments you make whenever possible. Avoid making excuses or exaggerating. Take
full responsibility for your attitudes and actions.
Balance work and play. Do not make the mistake of living out of balance. Rather than overworking and burning yourself out or playing too much and becoming lazy,
spend time working and playing regularly so you can be
both productive and recharged. There is a time for everything as stated in Ecclesiastes 3 verse 4.
::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Use your downtime wisely.
Do not make the mistake of wasting opportunities. While
you should devote most of your time and energy to your
relationship with God and then your academic pursuits,
it’s also important to take advantage of opportunities
such as internships, mission trips, student organisations,
and special events that can help you grow. Also, use some
of your downtime to learn better time and money management skills so you will be well prepared for life after
university, Matthew 11:19, “but wisdom is proved right by
her actions.”
Adapted from Thriving at College, copyright 2011 by Alex
Chediak. Published by Tyndale House Publishers, Wheaton, Ill.,
Recognise that growth requires challenge.
Do not make the mistake of ignoring your grades, since
they matter, but do not become preoccupied with them,
either. Just do the best you can to please God when you
work. Keep in mind that learning how to think well is a
greater University goal than just getting good grades. But
also recognise that your grades can be valuable indicators
of how well you are learning, and that God may use your
grades to either confirm or redirect your sense of His calling for you.
Unam setting
the pace in
by Adolf Kaure
Having played five matches in the league,
the UNAM rugby team is sitting pretty at
the top of the Namibian Premier League
with 16 points.
The team won three matches, drew one
and lost one, hence it is looking more and
more like a league title contender. With
former National coach, Johan Diergaardt,
at the helm, this dream could turn out to
be a reality rather than a fantasy at the end
of the season. Diergaardt coached Namibia
at the 2011 Rugby World Cup.
UNAM are currently leading the log
standing by two points ahead of
Wanderers, who remain the only team to
have beaten them.
consistent, pundits said. Players like prop
Hauta Veii, lock Mahepisa Tjeriko and
hooker Rico van Wyk who are prone to
injury need to keep fit as they are key to
UNAM’s success.
Many of the faithful UNAM supporters
have refused to raise their hopes too high,
claiming that reaching the semi-finals
would be considered a success.
All eyes will be on UNAM to see how
far they can go, with many games still
remaining before the season ends. Will
they lift the title? That will be revealed
when the last ball is kicked.
Even though the UNAM team boasts a
number of players who represent the
national rugby team, rugby pundits have
labelled United and Wanderers as the two
favourites to ‘taste’ the ultimate glory.
Players like lock Max Katjiteko, centre
Daniel Arries and wing Silvano Beukes are
currently consistent Welwitschia squad
If Unam want to go on and win the
lucrative league title, injuries have to be
avoided and they need to keep being
Two UNAM football players
Suffer injury
By Eunike Kautsima
Two UNAM football club players were injured during their game against the Rebels
which took place recently.
Bruce Goseb, a defender was injured on the head while Tjiposa Njengomasandu
sprained his ankle. The two players received first aid and were admitted at the
Roman Catholic hospital.
Goseb is expected to play in the next game, however Njengomasandu is still
receiving physiotherapy at the hospital, said the team manager Iteni Eto’o
Sakaria. Sakaria noted that they hardly get injuries during their games because
he encourages his players to carry out vigorous exercises (warm ups) before the
matches commence.
By Adolf Kaure