The SHOEBURYNESS SPECIAL - Shoeburyness High School

High School
Caulfield Road
eping You Informed
Our Regular Newslette
Issue 290
- Ke
Friday, 15 June 2011
Tel: 01702 292286
Fax: 01702 292333
The Head’s Lines …
“I don’t believe it!”, as Victor Meldrew would say, another school year has passed. It started
with record examination and attendance results, included an award from the Specialist Schools
and Academy Trust, sporting awards a plenty, a public speaking appearance in a national final in
Birmingham, success in the West End for our Theatre Arts, Duke of Edinburgh Bronze and
Silver Awards and the news that Shoeburyness High School is again heavily oversubscribed for
next year. I could go on and on but let’s just say it’s been another busy year at Shoeburyness.
These last few weeks are hectic for the school but, for me, they are some of the best of the
year because they combine our three Awards Evenings. We started with our Year 9 and 10
evening, which was followed on Thursday 7th July by Gradu8. We had two special guests,
Sandra Roberts, Chief Executive of the Southend Education Trust and Chris Barker, captain of
Southend United. We also had over 600 students, parents and staff; it was a true celebration
of achievement. This was followed on Monday by the Year 7 Awards afternoon. Totally
different, rounded off with strawberries and cream rather than bouncy castles, but just as
enjoyable. It was fantastic to see so many primary school teachers, including headteachers,
there to see the progress of their former students. It reminds us all we are one community
working together.
Our Year 10 students are in the middle of their work experience placements and, with the Year
11 and 13 having left following their exams, you would think that the school would be quiet, but
it’s not, it’s still buzzing. This includes the launch of the Shoeburyness Art Trail. It’s our first
Art Trail and involves our primary feeder schools; it’s a real celebration of children’s art and it
is fantastic. Look on the news section of our website for further details.
To finish the week I have heard news of two of our former pupils: Michael Osborne gained a
1st class honours in Biology at Sussex University, Luke Roker a 1st class honours in
Accountancy and Business at York and Alice Copping a 1st class honours in History and Law at
Next year? Well, we have Academy Status and the Shoeburyness Learning Community Trust
to look forward to. We are also introducing Higher Learning Groups at Key Stage 4 to follow
on from our Academies in Key Stage 3 and to add to our successfully embedded fast tracking
at Key Stage 4. We will also be continuing our 1:to:1 tuition, launching our ASQ Campaign (Ask
Some Questions) for students, staff, parents & governors and finally the start of Costa del
Shoebury, our way of getting comfortable with languages and learning together.
Yes, next year will be as busy and as exciting as always. We know where we want to be, not
just to become an outstanding school but the No. 1 school nationally. It’s what our students
and community deserve and we are determined to get there. Next year will be another step
along that road. It just leaves me to wish everybody a fantastic summer holiday (don’t forget
all our Extended Schools and School Sports Partnership activities). Stay safe and take care.
Proud of our Students, Proud of our School.
Mr M Schofield, Headteacher
Tower of London Trip 2011
On the 25th May, the Year 8 Achievement Group went on a trip to the Tower of
London. The trip was organised to help us understand more about Tudor history,
which we have been studying.
First we walked to Thorpe Bay Station, boarded the train and headed to London.
From Fenchurch Street Station we walked to the Tower and collected our tickets.
We started at the White Tower which contained lots of swords and armour and a
huge dragon made from weapons. From here we sat and ate our lunch, whilst
watching the ravens. It is said that if the ravens leave, the Tower will fall.
Next we had a talk with a tour guide named Chris. He showed us how religion
changed during Tudor times. He gave us a badge each which had a symbol for either
Catholics or Protestants and explained what they believed. He also showed us where
a priest was held and told the story of how he escaped.
After that we split into groups and explored the rest of the Tower. We saw
Traitors Gate, where prisoners would arrive, the Torture Chamber and also the
Crown Jewels. The Crown Jewels are held in a huge vault to keep them safe. They
were very beautiful.
We made our last stop at the Tower shop, before catching the train back to
Shoebury. It was a great day for all of us.
By Daniel Spink, Megan Fane, Daniel Chapman
and George Judd
End of Term Arrangements – Friday 22 July 2011
As the school year comes to an end, I would like to inform you that on Friday 22 July 2011
the school will close at 12 noon.
In addition to this you also need to be aware that the new term begins in September as
outlined below:
Start of Term Arrangements – September 2011
Students in Years 7, will be expected to start school on:
Tuesday 6 September 2011 at the normal time of 8.30am
And Years 12 and 13 will be expected to start school on:
Tuesday 6 September 2011 at 9.30am and report to the W.O.H.
Students in Years 8, 9, 10 and 11 will be expected to start school on:
Wednesday 7 September 2011 at the normal time of 8.30am.
Huw Williams
Deputy Headteacher
Summer 2011
School closes for pupils
after afternoon session on:
School re-opens for pupils
on the morning of:
Friday 22nd July 2011
Tuesday 6th September 2011
Autumn Half Term 2011 Friday 21st October 2011
Monday 31st October 2011
Christmas 2011
Friday 16th December 2011
Tuesday 3rd January 2012
Spring Half Term 2012
Friday 10th February 2012
Monday 20th February 2012
Spring Term 2012 End
Friday 30th March 2012
Monday16th April 2012
Summer Half Term 2012 Friday 1st June 2012
Summer 2012 End
Friday 20th July 2012
Spring Bank Holiday
Monday 7th May 2012
Staff Training Days /
Non-pupil days:
Friday 2nd September 2011
Monday 5th September 2011
Tuesday 20th September 2011
Friday 2nd December 2011
1 other day still to be arranged
Monday 11th June 2012
September 2012
This month Year 7 and 8 entered a Poetry Competition based on the sea or the estuary.
Below is a letter that we received from the Managing Director of Metal—the company
who were running the competition, together with a few examples from Year 8.
Mrs T Watkins
Dear Shoeburyness High
Many thanks for sending through all the fantastic poems from your pupils as
contribution to our Shorelines Literature Festival of the Sea. I just wanted to let you
know that all the poems will be on display within our Solomon Monks Pump House
venue in Chalkwell Park over the course of this weekend (Friday evening / Saturday
16th and Sunday 17th) available for any pupils, parents and teachers to come and
Also, six of your pupils poems have been placed on the long list from which a
selection of poems will be chosen and read by Lemn Sissay at the ‘Poetry on the Sea’
session at the Shorelines Festival between 1.30pm and 3pm.
The pupils are: Henry Whittintham / Naedine Martin / Rona Springham / Marcus
Worboys / Jonathan Wright / Kiri Reeve.
We can’t guarantee that any of them will be actually read on the day, but I would like
to congratulate these pupils on being selected for a long list of around 30 poems
from over 1000 entries.
Many thanks to all your pupils for their hard work, imaginative entries and fantastic
Just in case you (or others) are interested in the full programme for the literature
festival – it can be found on our website here -
With best wishes
Colette Bailey
Managing Director
The might of the sea
Powerful all round
For a lethal wave
Picked out the imperfection
And the fisherman’s graveyard claimed one more
The waves made haste towards the finish line
For they seeked rest
On Poseidon’s unruly boundaries
OH! The might of the sea
By Connor Monaghan
Chapter and Chatter
This Gifted and Talented Book Club meets fortnightly to discuss the books that
we have read, to present reviews and rate books, and to choose a new book for the
following fortnight. Students from Years 7 and 8 attend, and they have all shown a
great commitment to the school’s ethos of ‘reading for pleasure’. In fact they all
have an enormous appetite for books (and biscuits)!
We have been able to meet two published authors during the year. Mr Dale
introduced us to his friend Simon Packham who has written a novel about teenage
cyber-bullying. Amongst other things, his talk, which was captivating, involved using
a ball of wool to represent the twists and turns of a plot. More recently we met
Tim Bowler at Southend High School for Boys, who introduced us to his series of
books about a character called Blade. The novels are about modern teenage life,
and were inspired by Tim’s hatred of violence.
I’m now going to let some of the students tell you something about themselves and
the books that they enjoy:
‘Hello, my name is Victoria and my favourite book I’ve read this year is Born to Run
by Michael Morpurgo because so much goes on in the book you feel like you’re there.
In the book a boy finds some dogs in a river and keeps one for himself but it then
runs away. A lot of things happen to the dog after that. My favourite part of the
book is when he goes back to the boy.’
Victoria Levy 7PDH
‘I love Chapter and Chatter; it really helps me acknowledge the different types of
genres I wouldn’t usually read. My favourite book is ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ by Malorie
Blackman. I enjoy this book because it really helps you see the reality some people
have to go through at such young age. I would recommend this book to any one who
enjoys realistic books, or books which show kids/teenagers with life problems.’
Kiri Reeve 8JXL
‘My name is Jonathan Wright and I am in year 8. I like reading sci-fi, fantasy and
adventure books whereas I don’t like realism books because I find them boring.
The best book that I have read this year is Scorpia by Anthony Horowitz which is
the 5th book in the Alex Rider series. The plot is as follows: Alex Rider, teenage
spy, is in Venice and looking for Scorpia who he knows to have some connection
with his dead dad. He finds Scorpia which is a criminal organization and considers
their offer of working with him. Will Alex stay loyal to MI6 who have manipulated
and betrayed? Or will he take his revenge…
I liked reading this book because it was very gripping and hard to put down. I
would recommend it to people who like reading action and adventure stories or who
like James Bond.’
Jonathan Wright 8KJW
Plus, I must include this one! (I’ll pay you later Miles!)
For this year, I think that the quite recently added book club has been very
successful; we’ve had about 5 new people join during the course of the year, and
almost all the old members are still here also. Mrs Myers was brilliant at running
and organising book club, with a new theme and selection of books for us to read
and discuss every fortnight. The librarians in CDAC also have done excellently to
supply us with books and ideas, and also for running CDAC itself, a very useful, twostorey library-ICT room mix, which has almost every need for when it comes to
learning and researching.
This year, book club took place in the room straight across from M6, which is just
inside the front entrance. Last year, it was on the second floor of CDAC, where we
all sat on some very comfy chairs!
There were also biscuits and drinks, so you always had a surprise when you got
there. My favourite book of this year would have to have been the 5th Harry
Potter book, all seven of which were excellent sellers. I’ve chosen the fifth book
because it had a lot of dramatic scenes, fantasy and magic in it, all of which I love
in a book. We didn’t get asked to read it in Chapter and Chatter, however, which is
actually a good thing, because it has just over 700 pages, and it took me an entire
two weeks to read it!
I am looking forward very much to next years book club, where I hope there will be
even more people and even more great books to read!
Miles Hutcheon 8EA
To all Year 7s starting in September:
Homework is an important aspect of your learning experience here at
Shoeburyness High School. As the English learning mentor, I am always
available to support you with the work that you are expected to do in your
own time, ready for the next lesson. My room is opposite the maths room
M6. Enter the mentor area by going through the white door directly
opposite the pupil entrance. Mrs Eager, the maths mentor is straight
ahead, and I am on the left.
We will always be happy to see you!
Lunchtime support for English
Every Wednesday I will be running a lunchtime English Extra club when you
will be able to do your homework, with support if necessary, or simply come
and read some of the exciting fiction books that I have in my room.
Creative writing, poetry and media will all be on offer. Bring your lunch, and
meet up with other students who are interested in improving their English
skills! It will be held in my room.
I look forward to meeting you in
September; the first English Extra
is on Wednesday,
7th September
Mrs June Myers
The Life in Abundance team have had a busy few
weeks visiting all the junior schools in Shoebury and
Thorpe Bay and spending time with the Year 6 students
to help prepare them a little better for High School. We
were able to take each class for a lesson and explain the
main differences between secondary school and junior
school, and answer any questions and or help to calm
any fears or worries too; especially the rumour that you
get your head flushed down the toilet!! Definitely NOT the case!! We gave all the children a
gift, each child received a book entitled “Its your Move” and we hope they have found it useful
to read and find out more about what Shoeburyness High School will be like. We were also
involved in the Transition Day on Friday 1st July, and took an assembly for 300 Year 6’s.
We’re really excited about welcoming all the young people to Shoeburyness High School in
September and hopefully they’ll feel happier that they can at least recognise us and know that
we are here for them every day to settle them in, show them around and just be a listening ear
or a friendly face. More from us in September.
Happy Holidays everyone!
Re a ding Cha lle nge a nd R.E.A.C.T . w ould lik e t o t ha nk a ll our pupils a nd
re a ding c oa c he s for e na bling us t o ha ve a not he r ve ry suc c essful ye a r.
Spe c ia l t ha nk s go t o our Re a ding Cha mpions w ho ha ve be en a n inva lua ble
pa rt of our t e a m.
T he se a re our Y e a r 1 0 Re a ding Cha m pions w ho volunt e e r t o c oa c h
Y e a r 7 boys.
H e lp us t o he lp pupils t o suc c e e d: ple a se c ont inue during t he holida ys t o
e nc oura ge t he m t o re a d.
Shoe buryne ss H igh Sc hool is de vot e d t o im proving lit e ra c y sk ills a nd
w ork ing e x t rem e ly ha rd t o offer a ll it s pupils t he be st possible c ha nc e t o
suc c e e d.
Re a ding Cha lle nge is c ha nging it s na m e t o R.E.A.C.T .
M ore ne w s t o follow in Se pt e m be r 2 0 1 1 . H a ve a good sum m er bre a k .
Mrs B J udd
Lit e ra c y I nte rve nt ion Ma na ge r
History Club runs from 3.00 – 4.00pm every Wednesday after school and is made
up of a mix of years ranging from Year 7 to Year 10. We create a wide range of
historical themed artworks from small scale to larger pieces. We also complete
research projects suggested by our members. Our most recent project has been a
large piece of art to celebrate the influence of refugees on the UK which was
submitted as part of the Refugee Week Schools competition 2011. You can
currently see our piece of art on the Refugee Week website and we are very
proud of this achievement! Our next project will be creating our own plaster cast
version of the Medieval Tollund man who was found dead in a bog!
If that didn’t convince you, we watch lots of Horrible Histories and we celebrate
the end of each term with a historical movie night with popcorn and sweets!
We look forward to seeing new attendees in September.
And on behalf of History Club have a lovely summer holiday!
This is the artwork for Refugee Week we created in just 2 weeks!
Mock Court
Congratulations to our team of Year 8 and 9
pupils who took part in the national final of the
Magistrates’ Mock Court Trial 2011.
On the 18th June, 200 students, 50 magistrates
and legal professionals and 150 teachers, parents
and guests descended on Birmingham
Magistrate's Court to compete in this year’s final.
Well done to the
following pupils for
taking part in the
national final!
Madeline Griffiths
Charlotte Griffiths
Josh Mann
Kennedy Wall
Rosie Walton
Sam Highstead
Lizzie Welsh
Katie Diggle
Ella Wibrow
Amy Wibrow
Becky Clarke
Bryn Alcock
Out of 429 schools from England, Wales and
Northern Ireland our school was one of fourteen
teams to qualify for the national final which was
held in Birmingham.
This was a fantastic achievement and a great
reflection of the hard work that the students
have put in. Well done to everybody who has
taken part.
2Smart Road Show
On the 9th June, 120 Year 7s
travelled to the Cliffs Pavilion for the
2Smart Road show. The road show aims to
provide young people with information
about bullying, alcohol, drug, and knife
issues, aiming to educate the pupils to make
better informed life
We all enjoyed a
brilliant day and the
students were a credit to
the school. I’m sure
they benefited from the
It’s been a busy term for the newly formed ‘Shoebury Dynamix’ dance and singing
troupe. On 12th May both troupes performed at the Jack Petchy Award evening it was
the first time the troupe had performed together. The troupes did the school and the
Theatre Arts department proud their performance was outstanding. The 12th June saw
the dance troupe perform in their first competition at the Palace Theatre for ‘Dance Challenge’, again they performed extremely well one of the judges was amazed at how tight
the group danced together. Unfortunately we did not win but we did come third. At the
same time the dance troupe was also learning a dance for the Red Cross – Dance For
Life Competition which was a 5 minute routine based on child soldiers. The competition
was held in Brentwood against other dance schools, the troupe again performed extremely well and won the Essex Final the troupe them performed again at the Bernie
Grants Arts Centre in London last Saturday. Sunday 26th June the troupes performed at
Her Majesty’s Theatre in the West End they performed three numbers an enjoyable day
was had by all and the students were a true credit to the department and the school.
To finish off the already hectic term the Theatre Arts department held their Summer
Showcase and I have to say it was one of the best Theatre Arts shows; the talent from all
the students was amazing.
All that’s left for me to say is how extremely proud I am of all the students that performed
in the recent events and to thank them for all their hard work! I look forward to another
successful and busy time in the Theatre Arts department next year! We begin the year
with rehearsals for our school production ‘All Shook Up!’.
Miss S Oddy
Year 7 Spotlight
On July 8th 2011, our Year 7 Spotlight group spent the day learning about the army. In
the morning they listened to an ex-service man explain what life is like out on the
battlefield. They then the carried
out a military style circuit, took
part in an army themed quiz,
sung army songs, performed an
army dance, acted out a script
set in no mans land – the list
goes on and on! Quite possibly
though, one of the funniest
things they did that day was to
cover themselves in war paint
and trek around the school
taking silly photographs, as
though they were soldiers
attempting to camouflage
themselves. As you can see,
they even managed to break
into Mr Schofield’s office!
Big congrats to all the Spotlight groups this year, they’ve worked very hard and have
achieved so much. Here’s wishing them all the best for next year!
Schools Food Challenge
Schools Food Challenge has given £50.00 to the Shoeburyness High School for
taking part in the East of England Agricultural Show.
The school received a finalist certificate and the students Mohammed Sesay, Luke
Duggan, Elizabeth Welsh and Leanne Davey have also received finalist certificates.
Well done to you all for your brilliant performance.
Mrs Winchester
For those of you that do and those of you that are thinking of
doing, this is our Extended Schools Activity & Club timetable for
Summer 2011.
Finishing Date:
Shoebury Shakers
11th July
12th Sept
Street Beats
12th July
13th Sept
13th July
14th Sept
Shoebury & Southend Swords
14th July
15th Sept
15th July
16th Sept
Zumba, Rosemary Conley & Slimming World continue throughout the holidays,
except on the August Bank Holiday.
Extended Schools would like to take this opportunity of
wishing you all a very enjoyable Summer for 2011.
Karen & Steph, Shoeburyness Extended Schools
01702 292286 ext 182 & activities
As you have read earlier, our Gradu8 celebration was a
great success. We received the following kind
message from a very proud parent:
I must say, as a parent at Shoeburyness High School, I
was really impressed with the incredibly smooth
running of the Gradu8 Awards Evening.
Mr Schofield’s speech had me bursting with pride as he
listed all the things we should quite rightly be proud of
about the students, their achievements and the school
in general.
I want to thank everyone involved for sharing the
evening with my family and so many parents and Year
8 students.
Thank you to all who made this such a shining success.
£10 per full day 10am to 3pm, £5 per half day 10am to 12noon
Age restrictions apply see over.
Contact Steph or Karen
on 01702 292286 ext 182/181 for further details
Breakfast Club also available from 8:30am to 10am at £1.50
Featuring all of your favourites….
Dance Workshops
5 day Mary Poppins Performing Arts Workshop
Art Spot, Gymtastics, Shudo, Fencing,
Street Beats, Soccer School,
Tennis Academy, Athletics,
Climbing Wall Challenge, Steel Drum Workshop,
Trampolining, Ultimate Frisbee,
Nutty Professor Workshop, Cookery,
Level 2 Bikeability
And of course…. Wacky Wednesday
Can we tempt you? for booking form, terms & conditions see back of flier!
Under 8’s childcare from 8am to 6pm is available at
The Shoebury Children Centre in Delaware Road.
Please contact Lynda on 01702 293882 for further details.
Year 8 – Kenya Topic
This year in Geography we have been studying Kenya. As part of our learning, we
recently visited the ‘Africa Alive Safari Park’ in Suffolk to help us understand all the
animals and the lives of the Maasai tribe. This was very interesting and gave us a clear
insight into the lives of the African tribes. Mrs Melville gave us a fun and creative project
to participate in. We had to plan and build our own Massai huts! We watched videos and
researched on the internet to make sure we completed the project to the best of our
ability. Our group completed the task exceptionally well. Geography has been a fun and
enjoyable experience this year.
By Georgia Kershaw, Courtney Kelly and Daisy Jarrett
News from Year 12
Jane Pearce, one of our current Year 12 students, has won the most prestigious ‘Diana
Award’. Jane was nominated by Connexions worker Brenda Lewis with supporting
information from her Year Managers.
This Diana Award, recognised and endorsed by the Prime Minister, is given for individual
outstanding, sustained and selfless contributions to the community. It will be presented to
Jane in a posh awards ceremony taking place this September in London in recognition of
Jane’s integrated Youth Support Service.
Jane is a carer within her own family unit yet has managed to devote time, effort and
thoughtfulness to those in similar situations over the past seven years at her local’ CHILL’
Club. She takes pride and pleasure supporting them at regular youth meetings, outings
and visits, ensuring they have time to spend doing the sort of everyday activities most of
us take for granted as so much of a young carer’s time can be otherwise consumed with
caring for adults living with often debilitating conditions.
To say we are proud of Jane would be an understatement. This is such an esteemed
award we truly are beaming with joy that she has been given it in honour of her tireless
dedication and devotion; but to receive it in the name of Princess Diana who in her own
right touched so many hearts and minds with her caring nature……..just like our
Jane……….Well done Princess Jane !
Miss Walsh, Year 12/13 Manager
It has been a very busy few weeks in the run up to the end of term and sadly the end of
the national Aimhigher programme. Fortunately, however, the school will continue to
run our own in-house activities aimed at raising aspirations and introducing students
to the benefits of higher education.
Aimhigher Roadshow
Our Year 9 Aimhigher students went along to
Cecil Jones College to take part in the annual
Aimhigher Roadshow. They were able to meet
some student ambassadors from the University
of Essex and enjoyed some interactive activities
aimed at finding out
more about the
variety of higher
education courses
available followed by
a short question and
answer session.
Summer Schools
The University of Essex holds several
residential and non-residential summers schools
running during July and August. Some of our
Year 9 students have already spent a weekend
with their parents at the University of Essex
campus in Colchester., whilst some of our Year
10 students will be attending Drama and Sport
summer schools at the Southend Campus and
Writtle College in Chelmsford. Summer schools
present an excellent opportunity for students to
experience university life by living on campus
for a few days
NHS Careers Day at
Basildon Hospital
A group of Year 9 students
visited Basildon Hospital to
take part in a career day.
They found out about the
numerous careers
available through the NHS
and also learnt something
about the qualifications they will need to enter
the various professions. They took part in some
practical sessions with specialist staff and were
able to try out some of the medical equipment.
Year 8 & 9 Campus
Trip to the University
of Essex
We were very lucky this
year to have been
allocated additional
funding to enable us to
include some Year 8
students in our
Aimhigher activities.
We were therefore able
to take a group of 20
Year 8s along with our
Year 9 Aimhigher
students. Apart from
some fun activities they had a good look around
the campus, had lunch in the student café and
gained a good insight into student life.
Outdoor Activity Days at Stubbers
A small group of students from Year 9 and Year
10 took part in an activity day at Stubbers along
with student from other schools. They worked
in teams on tunnelling, raft-making and high
wire. The day was rounded off with a barbeque
supper before returning home in the early
evening. This is a really important Aimhigher
activity as the students are able to gain valuable
skills in team-building, communication and
UCAS and Student Finance Workshop by
20:20 Learning
25 of our Year 12 students attended a
workshop in school to help them prepare for
their university applications. An external trainer
came into school and covered the UCAS
procedure and gave some help with the
preparation for personal statements. They were
also able to find out a little more about the
implications of the recent rise in tuition fees and
how this could affect them.
Shoebury Fair 2011
The sun came out (phew) and the Community poured in through the gates. The fair was
thoroughly enjoyed by well over 3,000 people and once again was a huge success. The Z
“Peas” did Shoeburyness High proud and came away as the Winners of It’s A Knockout
Olympics Juniors – well done Year 7. The Extendables unfortunately didn’t do so well
and after a very valiant effort only made 6th place with EGL claiming first place in the
It’s A Knockout Olympics Adults – must try harder Extended Schools Instructors!
There was the traditional Coconut Shy, Crazy Kitchens and Tombola’s and then the
random Bog Roll Basketball, there was food stalls; Burgers, Jacket Potatoes, Noodles,
Pizza (a big thank you to Domino’s for coming back for a second year) and Cakes, Ice
Cream, and Chocolate Fountains, there was Displays and Competitions – well done to our
very own Helen Wallis who walked away as Queen of the Victoria Sponges 2011 and
celebrities, Mario Mugan (Big Brother Housemate 2011) and Blair Sturrock (Southend
United Footballer) and of course the Police Horses (one of which was actually called
A big big thank you from the Shoebury Fair Committee to all those that supported the
fair before, during and after. We’ve had some wonderful feedback, and judging by the
photos (see our Extended Schools Gallery at Shoebury
Fair 2011 was a day to be remembered by all those that attended.
Till next year then……….
Karen Stock MBE
Shoeburyness Extended Schools
For more Extended Schools information please either visit our website, click on the Community tab on the home page and enter
the world of Extended Schools or contact Karen or Steph at Extended Schools on
01702 292286 ext 181 or 182, or email us at
[email protected]
A taster of photo’s on our Extended Schools Gallery –
Want to see more? Then visit services gallery
being offered at
Shoeburyness High School
Sept 2011 to July 2012
Shoeburyness High School are delighted to offer a varied
GCSE provision for the 2011 — 2012 academic year
Courses provided by experienced qualified teaching staff
in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere,
open to all learners of all ages.
All courses will be run at Shoeburyness High on
Monday evening from 7pm to 9pm,
and will cost £7.50 per session.
Payment is required in advance, payable in termly blocks
Please see Session Timetable for details
Course Descriptions
This course is for students who have already studied some
French and would like to refresh their skills by working towards
a GCSE in the subject. Students can enjoy practising the four
skills of speaking, writing, reading and listening in French. In
addition to regular attendance to submit coursework, students
must be prepared to commit to self-study time in order to
complete the GCSE qualification in one year.
In History we start the year by exploring a breadth study of
Medicine Through Time from the prehistoric era to the modern
day. We then complete a local study on Colchester Castle which
makes up the coursework component of the GCSE. We finish the
year by completing an indepth study on the American West
looking at the reasons for settlement West and the conflict on
the Plains.
The English Language GCSE covers aspects of non-fiction, mainly
media, texts and an anthology of poetry. A novel based on a
different culture, traditionally “Of Mice and Men” and one of
Shakespeare's plays, traditionally “Romeo and Juliet”, are
studied in preparation for an exanimation which covers both of
these text and a writing task. There is also an element of
delivering short speeches to the class, two individually and one
group discussion.
The GCSE Mathematics class covers all foundation level topics up
to C grade, including Pythagoras’ Theorem, Trial and
Improvement, Algebra, Shape and Space, Data and much more.
The course is 2 hours per week starting in September up until
the summer examination. The exam board used is Edexcel.
12th Sept 2011
Monies Due
(When & How Much)
26th Sept
3rd Oct
10th Oct
17th Oct
31st Oct
£52.50 (Autumn )
7th Nov
14th Nov
21st Nov
28th Nov
5th Dec
12th Dec
9th Jan 2012
16th Jan
23rd Jan
30th Jan
6th Feb
GCSE Core Science covers Biology, Chemistry & Physics plus
practical coursework. Key topics include Classification, the
environment, the earths atmosphere, Chemical reactions, the
electromagnetic spectrum, generating electricity & energy for
the future.
There is an emphasis on practical skills and
investigative work.
20th Feb
£60.00 (Summer)
27th Feb
5th March
12th March
19th March
16th April
23rd April
30th April
In addition to the session fees above there
will also be a £30 Exam Fee payable
Course Enrolment Form 2011/12
Name: ………………………………………………………………………….…..
Address: ……………………………… Title: …………………………………..
Date of Birth: ……………………..………………….
Postcode: ……………………………………………..
Telephone Number(s):…………………………………………………………….
E-mail Address: …………………………………………………………………...
If you have a disability or medical condition that we need to know about? If yes,
please specify:………………………………....……………………………………
I would like to enrol on the following course(s)
Name of Course(s)
Fee for First Term Enclosed
(Please state how much)
Please make cheques payable to Shoeburyness High School
Send Completed Booking form and fees to
Extended Schools, Shoeburyness High School
Caulfield Road, Shoeburyness, Southend-on-Sea, Essex SS3 9LL
For more information or further details on any of these courses please call
Jill, Training School on 01702 292286 ext 173 or
Steph or Karen, Shoeburyness Extended Schools on 01702 292286 ext 181/182
Please note: enrolment is not secured until payment is received &
courses are run subject to minimum numbers
South East Essex Community Healthcare
Immunisation Team
Warrior House
42 – 82 Southchurch Road
Southend On Sea
Essex SS1 2LZ
Tel: 01702 577030
Answerphone: 01702 577031
Dear Parent
Immunisation News
In the autumn term your daughter will be offered the HPV vaccine to protect
her against cervical cancer. Cervical cancer is caused by a virus – the Human
Papillomavirus (HPV). The course of three vaccines given over 6 months
protects against the two types of Human Papillomavirus that cause about 70%
of all cervical cancers.
Your school will inform you of the vaccination dates, prior to this the
immunisation team will send written information and consent forms.
If you would like more information, please visit or telephone
01702 577031 to speak to an immunisation nurse.
Yours faithfully
Immunisation Team
South East Essex Community Healthcare is hosted by South East Essex
Primary Care Trust.
Shoebury Cricket 2011
Thanks to all the
players for your
efforts and
commitment to
training. Have a
great summer, Best
Wishes from Mr
Lewis and Mr Miller
English Schools Athletics
Regional Final
10 : 273pts : Shoeburyness High School, Essex
13.7s = 19pts
15.5s = 6pts
Millie Edwards
Olivia St Clair
28.8s = 18pts
30.2s = 13pts
Sophie Ellis
Abbie Jones
2m55.1s = 11pts
= 0pts
Elizabeth Welsh
5m44.0s = 14pts
= 0pts
Georgia Holdaway
Morgan Lupton
14.9s = 15pts
16.3s = 10pts
62.6s = 10pts
= 0pts
Tyla Shaw
Yasmin Walton
High Jump
1.32m = 15pts
1.32m = 15pts
Sophie Ellis
Morgan Lupton
Long Jump
4.00m = 13pts
3.86m = 12pts
Tyla Shaw
Yasmin Walton
Triple Jump
9.09m = 16pts
= 0pts
Abbie Jones
6.91m = 13pts
7.85m = 17pts
Faith Nyamande
Carol Webb
19.94m = 15pts
16.09m = 10pts
Geogie Almond-Ive
Olivia St Clair
29.30m = 24pts
14.66m = 7pts
Georgia Holdaway
Elizabeth Welsh
Woodside Stadium, Horseshoe Lane, Garston, Herts. : 22/06/11
On the 22nd June 2011, the Inter girls’ team travelled to Woodside Stadium Herts., for the East Anglian
Regional Athletics Final. It was a miserable day, raining for nearly four hours straight, but the girls
didn’t let it defeat them. There were some fantastic performances on the day, such as Abbie Jones
breaking the school record again in the triple jump, jumping 9m 09, and Georgia Holdaway, throwing a
huge 29m 30. The girls did very well to get to the final and should be proud of their overall
performances. Well done Ladies. Miss Sargeant
Abbie Jones, Georgia Holdaway, Tyla Shaw, Faith Nayamande, Carol Webb, Sophie Ellis, Georgie
Almond-Ive, Lizzie Welsh, Olivia St Clair, Yasmin Walton, Morgan Lupton, Millie Edwards, and both
Kelsie Monaghan and Ebony Goodwin as reserves
Friday 15th July 2011 – Issue 59
86% A* to C in GCSE PE in 2010
100% Pass Rate in BTEC PE in 2010
We are Proud of Our
Students’ Achievements!!!
Cricket Season (Mr Miller)
2011 Borough Athletics Championships
Borough Highlights
Cricket this year has seen some outstanding
commitment from all years, with numbers
being high for all five training sessions
throughout the week.
The year sevens reached the quarter-finals of
the Essex Cup. They continued to improve in
each game beating Belfairs, St Thomas
Moore and Thorpehall. The whole squad
have trained hard this year and have been a
pleasure to take on the away fixtures and
training sessions. With this commitment and
dedication maybe we can go on to bigger and
better things next year.
Year 8s have progressed well and will finish
3rd in their league but were sadly knocked out
in the local league semi-final to Southend
High, hopefully if they can continue their
training they will go one further next year.
Sam Stone being the most improved player
whilst Jamie Hudson, Toby Watson, Oliver
Salmon and new on the scene Sam Staines
all showing high enthusiasm and commitment.
Year 9s have managed to find a number of
new players for this season. Although they
have continued with the football team’s
unfortunate win ratio the boys have remained
positive and committed to training, with the
two stands out players being Sam Ruff and
Callum Burns-Green.
Year 10s almost caused an upset in the cup
this year making Southend High work for their
victory; the guys (and Georgia Holdaway)
have done very well this year and have
managed to compete in every match. Sam
Hudson, Dev Shah and Sheldon Skeggs
showing that cricket comes first over
everything else, by being first out and last in,
in every training session.
It must also go on record that the staff team
kept a 100% record this year, beating both the
year 11s and the 6th form. Mr Katadi being
the man of the series for the staff.
Boy’s Review (Mr Newman/Mr Gleeson)
It has been difficult to build upon the successes of last year due to a
lack of facilities and limited opportunities to train. This said, we gave a
very good account of ourselves and proudly displayed the talent we
have here at Shoeburyness High School. Even though we held onto
fourth spot overall during the track and relay events, we struggled to
maintain this status during the field events. We finally ended the day
in fifth position beating off strong competition from St Thomas Moore,
Belfairs, Chase and Futures.
Unfortunately there were no school records broken this year, but there
were some exceptionally close timings and measurements. This left
athletes frustrated, even though they should feel proud of what they
have achieved. In addition, we had numerous personal best scores
broken, with all of this highlighting some bright prospects for the
Outstanding performances from the day came from Jamie May (year
7) 100m silver, Elliott Woods (year 7) 200m bronze, Adam Jordan
(year 8) 1500m silver, Ben Burrows (year 9) 100m silver, Josh Mann
(year 9) 1500m bronze, Mark Belsham (year 10) 100m bronze, Kuda
Mubayi (year 10) shot putt silver, and Kieran Stevens (year 10) 800m
bronze. The year seven 4x100m team claimed bronze on the day.
Please make sure next year you all challenge yourselves even further
and work even harder as soon as the athletic season starts. We will
be starting training earlier and hiring the improved facilities over at
Garons Park to support you with achieving your true potential and
continue to strive for - ‘excellence through opportunity…’
The Greatest Throw in the School’s History
Georgia Holdaway smashed Denise Brand’s overall
school record from 1988 by nearly three metres in
claiming the Borough Gold Medal.
2011 Borough Rounders
The year 7 & 8 team took part in the Rounders
Borough Cup on Wednesday 6th July.
Shoebury were the only team that managed to
get three teams out. Shoebury A team came
3rd and Shoebury B and C teams finished joint
5th. I would like to congratulate all the girls for
their efforts on the day. Miss Boatwright
Girl’s Review (Miss Sargeant/Miss Hawker)
The students’ hard work was rewarded by many medals.
Performances which stood out on the day were Lucy Shaw’s Victory
in the 200m, running a brilliant time of 27.6. Also, Georgie AlmondIve’s 3rd consecutive year winning the gold medal in the discus.
Other outstanding achievements were Lauren Hills (yr 7) coming 2nd
in the discus, Zoe Tidd coming 3rd in the 1500m and Millie Edwards,
Sophie Ellis and Crystal Cheng storming the 100m races which won
them the gold medals in three 100m finals. Amy Childs won bronze in
the year 9 long jump. Chloe Brunton-Wilde’s 1500m race, saw her
finish in 3rd place. Finally in the shot putt events, a late starter to
athletics Chloe Angol won the year 8 gold medal and Carol Webb won
silver in the year 9 event.
The Javelin competition was one to remember for all years, with
Charlotte Chaplin (yr 7) finishing 4th, Megan Copperwaite (year 8)
finishing 2nd, Chloe Willats-Barrie (year 9) finishing 3rd and Georgia
Holdaway (pictured right) smashed her own Javelin school record for
the third time this year throwing 31m 32cm to win gold.
The year 8 relay squad broke the school record running 54.3s, and
finished very closely behind the winners to take silver on the finish
line. The new school record holders (pictured right) are Lucy Shaw,
Crystal Cheng, Hannah Self and Chloe Brunton-Wilde.
The girls PE department would like to congratulate all of the girls that
took part, they were a credit to us all and worked extremely hard to
finish in 4th place overall.
Year 8 4x100m School Record Broken
Congratulations to Chloe Brunton-Wilde, Lucy Shaw,
Hannah Self and Crystal Cheng who smashed the year
8 relay record.
Signing off in Style
Congratulations to Tyla Shaw, Faith Nyamande, Sophie
Ellis and Abbie Jones who finished their last Borough
with silver in the 4x100m relay.
378 days to go till the
2012 Olympic Games Starts!!!
European Football Tour 2013 – Real Madrid
Have a Great Summer
As mentioned in the last issue of the Shoebury Special, plans are now
in place for the school’s second European Football Tour to see the
mighty Real Madrid in Easter 2013. If you are interested in travelling
then please collect a letter from Mr Butler or Mr Miller. The cost of the
trip is £750; spaces are being filled so please hurry and secure your
child’s place. £100 deposit secures a place. If you wish to discuss
the payment of the trip then please contact Mr Butler at the school.
Many exciting new ideas and projects will be introduced
into the PE curriculum for next year. We will have more
details in September!!!