5th Grade Designated ELD Lesson Plan

 WEEKLY DESIGNATED ELD LESSON PLAN Grade: 5 Proficiency Level: Expanding Spiral: Narrative Theme: Social Issues Week: 1 Text: “Through My Eyes” by Ruby Bridges, Treasures page 28-­‐31 Overall Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to use descriptive language and sequencing phrases to share an experience (memoir) from their point of view. They will present to their peers and receive feedback on their effectiveness. Content Standard(s): RL.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. RL 5.6 Describe how a narrator or speaker's point of view influences how events are described. SL 5.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-­‐on-­‐one, in groups, and teacher-­‐led) with diverse partners on grade 5 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. ELD Standard(s): Part 1: A. Collaborative 1. Exchanging information and ideas with others through oral collaborative discussions on a range of social and academic topics 6. Reading closely literary and informational texts and viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed explicitly and implicitly through language 8. Analyzing how writers and speakers use vocabulary and other language resources for specific purposes (to explain, persuade, entertain, etc.) depending on modality, text type, purpose, audience, topic, and content area Part 1: C. Productive 10. Writing literary and informational texts to present, describe, and explain ideas and information, using appropriate technology Part 2: A. 1. Understanding text structure C. Connecting and Condensing Ideas Key Vocabulary: Banned, segregation (segregated), desegregate, boycott, integration (integrated), Marshals, Instructional Sequence: Learning Objective Connection Purpose for Using Language: Describe and infer from a picture Remember (recall/retell) Understand (interpret/infer) Analyze Evaluate Language Structures/Conventions: Describe, Infer, Summarize, Analyze, Connect Ideas, Grammar/Conventions Complex Sentences, quotation marks, sequencing words Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Session 5 SWBAT observe photos, and make inferences SWBAT recall information presented in the Building Background lesson. SWBAT infer character feelings and analyze author’s point of view. SWBAT analyze and deconstruct language in order to and understand complex sentences used in narrative text. SWBAT identify and practice using the language used to establish point of view, to describe and to sequence events in a memoir. This week we are going to discuss the integration of schools in the US. Today we will read a memoir by Ruby Bridges and learn what it Today we will pay close attention to tricky parts of Today we will evaluate how Ruby Bridges uses description SWBAT present a descriptive memoir from their point of view. SWBAT revise their writing after receiving feedback from their peers. Today we will write our own memoirs and receive feedback © 2015 SFUSD Multilingual Pathways Department was like to be the only black student in an all white school. to establish her Point of View and sequencing phrases to move the story along. Engage Teacher will Teacher to guide Teacher will Discuss “Why do guide students in students through guide students in you think Ruby viewing photo to a preview of the close reading, Bridges chose build background text and text deconstruction the title knowledge. features, set a of key text parts “Through My Prompt: purpose for Eyes” for her What’s going on reading and memoir?” in this picture? review vocabulary. What do you see that makes you “If I were in say that? Ruby’s shoes, I Response: imagine I would I notice feel…” /observe____ Because I see___, I infer______ *I Do – Watch, Teacher ‘mini-­‐
Wide Read Close Reading / Reread for listen, adjust lecture’ to Practice skill: deconstructing purpose Teach/Facilitat develop inferring sentences. e/Model background Prompt: knowledge. Prompt: Prompt: What phrases “How do you What does can be used to Prompt: think Ruby is _______ mean? establish an What have you feeling now author’s point of learned? How can we say view? this in our own words? What is the author really saying? Response: Response: Response: Response: “I learned that..” “When it says… I It says______. I I thought… infer…” think it I remember… “So you are means___. I told myself… “The t
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ays… *We Do – saying… Is that I noticed… this makes me Watch, listen, correct?” The author is I felt…. think…” adjust really saying___ Facilitate/ “Another © 2015 SFUSD Multilingual Pathways Department the text and learn some of the uses for quotation marks. from our peers. We will present our final piece to the class. Discuss “What kinds of events make for interesting memoirs?” Video of Ruby Bridges Write. Receive peer feedback, Revise Students write then share their memoir in small groups. Prompt: What feedback do you have? Response: “One example of descriptive language you used was…” “I would like more details Practice/ Apply *You Do – Watch, listen, adjust Independently Structured Practice/Apply Closure/ Reflect/Link important point was…” Talk Moves: 1. Time to Think & make a claim 2. Paraphrase 3. Elaboration Three-­‐way Interview Exit Ticket: “Something I learned was…” “According to the memoir I infer that Ruby Bridges feels…” Talk Moves: 3. Elaboration 4. Rephrase 5. Agree/ Disagree Use Numbered Heads to discuss Ruby Bridges Point of view. Exit Ticket: “I think Ruby was…I think this because… and ….” © 2015 SFUSD Multilingual Pathways Department Talk Moves: 3. Say More: Asking for Evidence or Reasoning Talk Moves 2. Paraphrase 3. Elaboration 5. Agree/ Disagree about …” Talk Moves: 6. Explain what someone else means Students write summary Paragraph “the text said_____after reading carefully, I think this means _________” Reflect on what readers do when they come to tricky parts of the text. Round Table sharing of oral paragraphs. Peer Feedback “One part that was descriptive was...” Pair/Share paragraphs. Nominate great partner for recognition Students present memoirs to class. Students