Summary of Assignment Project Title Tulinde Tusome

Summary of Assignment
Project Title
Tulinde Tusome: Creating Safe and Protective Spaces for Improved Learning
in Kwale and Kilifi Counties, Kenya
In partnership with Global Affairs Canada, Plan International Canada and
Plan International Kenya are implementing the 5-year project titled Tulinde
Tusome. The project’s ultimate outcome is improved access to protective and
quality school and community environments for children, particularly
vulnerable girls and boys, in Kwale and Kilifi Counties. The project’s
intermediate outcomes are outlined below:
1. Increased responsiveness of duty bearers to effectively address
children’s right to identity and to prevent and respond to SchoolRelated Gender-Based Violence affecting vulnerable children,
particularly girls in Kilifi and Kwale
2. Vulnerable girls and boys are better able to claim their rights to quality,
safe and protective education in Kilifi and Kwale
3. Child protection and education policies and plans at national and
county level are more responsive in addressing child rights violations.
The project spans 5 years, from July 2014 to August 2019 and will target
180,000 direct beneficiaries (120,000 girls and boys; 60,000 women and
men) and 1,700,000 indirect beneficiaries.
Summary of
To lead the Tulinde Tusome team through specific quality processes related
to designing, delivering and monitoring project trainings. The consultant is
expected to build the skills and capacity of the team to lead these processes
on their own after the consultancy is completed.
Location of
Start Date
Kilifi and Kwale, Kenya
Duration of
15 days
Note: This will not be 15 consecutive days, but spaced over a period of
approximately 30 business days.
Week of November 7, 2016
Plan International Canada Inc.
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Purpose of the Consultancy Assignment
Tulinde Tusome is entering the third year of implementation within a five year project timeframe.
The project benefits from strong relationships with school and community stakeholders, local
government, and partners. The project encompasses many different training programs to build
the skillset and capacity of local stakeholders and beneficiaries. The project has documented
lessons learned from training sessions carried out in the first two years and is seeking a
consultant to establish and lead the team through a comprehensive process to design, deliver,
monitor and adjust training programs that are geared to achieve results and behaviour
change impact.
This position will be based in Kilifi, with travel to Kwale. It will be essential to work closely with
colleagues in Kwale and Kilifi offices, as well colleagues in Nairobi. This consultancy contract
will be managed by Plan International Canada in partnership with senior management at Plan
International Kenya.
Scope of Work
The Consultant Program Quality & Training shall undertake the following tasks:
a) Focus on Results
Prior to starting work on the training packages, the consultant must:
Understand the specific outcomes that are outlined in the project’s Performance
Measurement Framework (PMF), including the baseline status, progress to date and
the target to be achieved.
b) Lead a Quality Training Cycle
The consultant will be provided with two training packages on the thematic areas of child
protection, gender equality and adolescent sexual reproductive health and rights. She/he will
be responsible for leading Tulinde Tusome team members and local partners through the
following activities, building their capacity to lead these activities independently after the
consultancy is finished:
Establish and formalize a step-by-step process to design, deliver, monitor and adjust
training programs that are geared to achieve results that can be applied to all training
sessions. An existing work plan and M&E tools are in place which will the consultant
will leverage and build the team’s capacity to use (as further stated in the next section
Review previous training reports and beneficiary feedback to identify and summarize
successful approaches that should be maintained, and challenges that need to be
addressed to achieve results.
In collaboration with local partners, facilitators, and Plan International Kenya and
Canada technical advisors, review and edit the two existing training manuals,
exercises and approaches to ensure achievement of training objectives and emphasis
of key messages.
Conduct preparatory, mock-training sessions with the facilitators. Ensure facilitators
understand the expected outcomes (beyond completed activities to changes in
attitude, beliefs and practices) of the trainings and are prepared to execute the work
plan to achieve those.
Attend at least one training session for each package, to ensure plans translate into
practice. Document observations on successes and challenges to feed back to the
team and process.
After the trainings, lead reflection and feedback sessions with Tulinde Tusome team
and local partners / facilitators. Identify and integrate concrete actions to emphasize in
upcoming trainings, as well as address challenges in approach.
Based on participant and partner feedback, lead the Tulinde Tusome team to update
the training packages, ensuring integration of lessons learned.
Building on the existing M&E system, finalize a simple and concise monitoring
checklist for Plan and local partners to seek feedback after the training and to use
during follow up with trained participants, to ensure training has translated to action.
c) Build Internal Capacity to Deliver a Quality Training Cycle
• Break down tasks and responsibilities within each step of the quality training cycle.
• Identify key positions within the Tulinde Tusome team and partners that can lead
different responsibilities of the quality training cycle (technical review, feedback to
local partners, observation of training implementation etc.)
• Guide Tulinde Tusome team members and partners through tasks during both
training cycles, providing the opportunity for team members to lead specific tasks.
• Provide training, support and feedback to Tulinde Tusome team members to fulfill
the training cycle responsibilities identified.
d) Integration of Gender Equality, Child Participation, Child Protection and Inclusion of
Special Needs Children
• Applying a children’s rights-based approach, assess the level of gender equality,
child protection and meaningful child participation integrated into the trainings to
ensure that all activities are safe, supportive and inclusive.
• Identify barriers, risks and opportunities to higher achievement of gender equality,
child participation, child protection and inclusion, as well as practical, feasible actions
to address those factors within the training programs.
• Ensure trainings have the appropriate design elements and processes in place to be
gender responsive, promote child participation, and support the meaningful
participation of special needs children.
Expected Deliverables
1. Comprehensive training plans (preparation, delivery and follow up processes) for two
training packages. Training plans must be within the project budget.
2. Completed manuals and facilitation guidelines to support two training programs, updated
to integrate feedback from training participants, local partners / facilitators and Plan staff.
Finalized training packages must:
- Be gender responsive and have the processes in place to ensure meaningful
child participation, including for special needs children, and ensure all child
protection measures are addressed.
- Include key messages related to the project objectives and results.
3. Simple and concise monitoring checklist for each training package.
4. Through working sessions in this consultancy, build buy-in and ownership of revised
training packages and process from local partners / facilitators and Plan staff.
5. Through working sessions in this consultancy, build the ability of Tulinde Tusome team
to independently lead future quality training processes.
6. Brief report outlining the outcomes of the consultancy and recommendations moving
Consultants/Bidders are asked to provide:
A detailed technical proposal clearly outlining the proposed approach for this
assignment, including how the trainings will be assessed with a gender and child
protection lens.
Curriculum Vitae(s) of proposed staff outlining relevant program quality, training,
child protection, and gender equality expertise and experience.
A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs.
A proposed timeframe detailing activities and a schedule/work plan (including a
Gantt chart), in line with the timeframe provided in this TOR.
Names and contact information of three references who can be contacted regarding
relevant experience.
A copy of 2 - 3 previous examples of similar work undertaken.
A Consulting Firm Profile (including all details of the firm and board of directors), if
The financial proposal should contain:
 Itemized consultancy fees/costs
 Itemized field expenses, including lines for transport and accommodation. Plan will
cover costs associated with local transportation to project sites.
 Itemized administrative expenses
 Validity period of quotations
If the applicant is a consultancy firm, the consulting team profile should contain:
 The full names of all participating consultants and their roles, including technical
 Physical address of the firm
 Telephone number(s) of the firm (if applicable) and participating consultants
 Full name and contact information of the contact person within the consulting team
 Date of registration and Registration Number
 Copy of registration or other certificate, VAT and PIN
 Full names of Directors/Proprietors
Educational Qualifications, Knowledge & Experience:
• Master’s degree in International Development or relevant area. A Bachelor’s degree
with a relevant combination of academic qualifications and experience may be
accepted in lieu of advanced university degree.
• Demonstrable recent and substantial work / consultancy experience in program
quality implementation and participatory training processes and facilitation,
specifically in the areas of education, child protection and gender equality.
Experience in Kwale and Kilifi counties on these thematic areas is a strong asset.
• Progressively responsible work / consultancy experience in training design and
development, implementation and monitoring, with practical experience in integrating
quality considerations at each stage.
• Experience coordinating consultations with children using a children’s rights-based
• Preferable (but not required) to have experience working with or supporting
programming for children with special needs.
Key Skills specific to the Assignment:
• Ability to review, analyze and synthesize information to produce high quality training
• Ability to make decisions that prioritize achievement of project outcomes and results,
considering the best interests of the child.
• Strong knowledge on child protection, child participation, gender equality, adolescent
sexual reproductive health and rights, and education development issues in Kenya.
• Ability to communicate clearly and work cooperatively in a cross-cultural setting.
• Ability to formulate strategies and concepts, thinking creatively and innovatively.
• Analytical thinking skills and abilities to influence others.
• Written and spoken fluency in English; fluency in Kiswahili is an asset.
About Plan International
Plan is an international child-centred community development organization without political,
religious or governmental affiliations. Plan’s vision is of a world in which all children realize their
full potential in societies which respect people’s rights and dignity.
Plan Kenya’s country goal is transformed institutions and societies that respect and fulfil rights
of all children in Kenya. This is in tandem with the Plan Global Programme Framework and the
Kenya Vision 2030 development strategy which aims to provide a high quality of life to all its
citizens by the year 2030. To contribute to this goal, Plan Kenya is guided by its Country
Strategy Plan (CSP) and implements five country programmes with the following corresponding
goals: Right to Health, Right to Quality Education, Right to sustainable and Dignified Livelihood,
Right to Inclusion and Protection and Right to Just and Democratic Governance. In facilitating
the fulfilment of children’s rights, Plan Kenya works as a facilitator by creating spaces for
engagement at grassroots, district and national levels in order to effectively address the
systemic hindrances to realisation of child rights to survival, development and protection. This is
aimed at enabling different development actors come up with strategies for addressing the root
causes and ensure sustained fulfilment of child rights.
Plan commenced its operation in Kenya in 1982 and currently works in seven rural programme
units in Kwale, Kilifi, Tharaka, Machakos, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Bondo, and in the urban
programme unit of Nairobi.
Plan Canada was established in 1968 and is one of the largest National Offices of the Plan
Federation. Plan Canada’s anticipated revenue for FY15 is nearly $186 million. The
organization has about 180 staff including a robust technical team with advisors in Child Right’s,
Child Protection, Gender, Health, Education, Livelihoods and Youth Employment. Plan’s
monitoring and evaluation (M&E) Unit advises project design to ensure the achievement of
results and advance knowledge management. Compliance managers advise in the area of
financial oversight and donor compliance
How to Apply
All applications received by the submission date will be reviewed by a selection committee
based on pre-determined criteria. Upon selection, the consultant(s)/ firm will be invited for a
discussion and requested to submit a detailed inception report and work plan prior to starting
the assignment. Technical and financial proposals should be sent to the following email address
and clearly marked “Tulinde Tusome – Consultant Program Quality and Training”:
Human Resources Unit
Plan International Canada Inc.
Email: [email protected]
With a copy to: Mackenzie Vanderhyden
Email: [email protected]
Closing date for submission of the application package is: 28 October 2016
Disclosure of Information/Child Protection
It is understood and agreed that the Consultant shall, during and after the effective period of the
contract, treat as confidential and not divulge, unless authorized in writing by Plan, any
information obtained in the course of the performance of the Contract. Information will be made
available for the consultants on a need-to-know basis. Field visits will be facilitated by Plan’s
staff. The selected consultant will commit to respect Plan’s Child Protection Policy to prevent
any harm from participating children and youth.