Common genera of large fungi. Appendix 7 Page 1 of 25

Common genera of large fungi.
Appendix 7
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References following families and genera refer to some relevant pages in reference books:
Arora (Ar), Barron (Ba), Bossenmaier (Bo), Hanlin (H, where x-y refers to volume and page
number), Lincoff - Audubon (A), Lincoff!-!Simon and Schuster (L), McKnight & McKnight
(Mc) Miller (M), Phillips (P), Schalkwijk-Barendsen (S)
1A “Mushrooms” – fleshy and not perennial, with gills, on many substrates.............................. 2
1B “Mushrooms” – fleshy and not perennial, with pores, on many substrates ............................54
1C “Mushrooms” – typically fleshy and not perennial, with teeth, on many substrates ..............62
1D “Mushrooms” – fleshy and funnel shaped, smooth or with ridges, the chantarelles ..............71
1E Bracket fungi – woody and persistent, on trees and dead wood.............................................85
1F Puffballs, earth stars, bird's nest fungi – on soil, leaves or detritus, often tough...................101
1G Ascomycetes – fleshy and typically delicate ......................................................................128
1H Coral fungi –branched or clubbed, often tough ..................................................................147
1I Jelly fungi –moist and gelatinous, becoming dry and tough, on wood..................................154
1J Stinkhorns –soft club-shaped, and smelly, on soil ...............................................................159
1K Club shaped fungi – stinkhorns, dead mens’ fingers, earth tongues, etc..............................165
1L Crust fungi – dry, smooth or with pores or teeth, on wood .................................................166
1M Subterranean fungi ............................................................................................................175
1N Slime molds.......................................................................................................................177
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2 (1A) Gilled mushrooms – the Agaricales – these include classic "mushrooms" that have a cap
and a stem, with the spores produced on thin "leaves" called gills, on the underside (exception,
Schizophyllum) of the cap. Some agarics, particularly those growing on wood, have an eccentric
stalk, or no stalk and the cap appears to grow directly from the substrate. See the pictorial
glossary for major variations in shape and the terms glossary for descriptive words. Spore colour
is important for the Agaricales, and is not always related to gill colour – some coloured gills have
white spores and vice versa – make a spore print!
2a (1A) White or light coloured spores...................................................................................... 3
2b (1A) Pink spores.................................................................................................................... 7
2c (1A) Dark coloured spores (cinnamon, purple-brown, yellow-brown, grey, nearly black) ...... 8
3 (2a) Gilled mushrooms with white or light-coloured spores
3a (2a) Often on ground, but many substrates ............................................................................ 4
3b (2a) Often on wood, but identify by elimination.................................... Tricholomataceae, 12
A731-810; Ar129-237; L54-68; M87-158; Mc133; S64-91, 239
4a (3a) Gills free from stalk ....................................................................................................... 5
4b (3a) Gills attached to stalk ..................................................................................................... 6
5a (4a) Volva (cup) present at base of stem, which may be fragile and also be left as warts on the
cap; ring present or absent ........................................................................ Amanitaceae, 34
A525-55; Ar263-92; M25-39; S53-7, 226
5b (4a) No volva of any kind, but base of stem may be bulbous; may have scales on cap, but
never warts; ring usually present and often breaking loose ......................... Lepiotaceae, 35
A509-23; Ar293-310; M40-46; S51-2, 222
6a (4b) Gills thick and fleshy, waxy when rubbed; cap often brightly coloured; always on
ground; ring usually absent................................................................. Hygrophoraceae, 36
A654-668; Ar103-29; M47-56; S58-63, 231
6b (4b) On ground, usually near but not on wood; gills free or attached; cap often colourful and
peels easily; sturdy, brittle stipe..................................................................Russulaceae, 37
A679-707; Ar63-103; M62-86; S38-49, 207
6c (4b) Many habitats but often on wood; latex absent .............................. Tricholomataceae, 12
A731-810; Ar129-237; L54-68; M87-158; Mc133; S64-91, 239
7 (2b) Gilled mushrooms with pink spores A641-79; Ar238-62; M158-64;
7a (2b) Gills free from stem; usually on wood; volva present or absent ............. Volvariaceae, 38
Pluteaceae: Ar253-62; S103-5, 285
7b (2b) Gills attached to stem; usually on ground; volva absent.................. Rhodophyllaceae, 39
Entolomataceae: Ar238-53; S107, 288
8 (2c) Gilled mushrooms with dark coloured spores (cinnamon, purple-brown, yellow-brown,
smoky grey, nearly black)
8a (2c) Gills free; cap easily separable from stem................................................Agaricaceae, 40
A500-9; Ar310-41; M189-94; S137-42, 325
8b (2c) On ground, usually near but not on wood; gills free or attached; cap often colourful and
peels easily; sturdy, brittle stipe..................................................................Russulaceae, 37
A679-707; Ar63-103; M62-86; S38-49, 207
8c (2c) Gills attached.................................................................................................................. 9
9a (8c) Gills notably extending down stem (decurrent), or no stem............................................10
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9b (8c) Gills attached broadly (adnate) or narrowly (adnexed) ..................................................11
10a (9a) Sessile on wood, or with stout stem and decurrent gills on wood or ground; gills forked,
especially near base..................................................................................... Paxillaceae, 41
A668-673; Ar476-80; Ar481-7; M195-8, key M195 includes Phylloporus, which is easily
mistaken for Paxillus except that its flesh bruises blue.
10b (9a) Gills decurrent, thick, fleshy, not turning inky; always on ground and often near
conifers; never on dung ........................................................................ Gomphidiaceae, 42
A650-4; Ar481-7; M164-9;
11a (9b) Caps typically conic to bell shaped; often turning inky but when young, cap is never
slimy; saprotrophs, they are often found growing on dung or manured grass or wood..........
.................................................................................................................. Coprinaceae, 43
A596-609; Ar341-66; M170-7; S143-51, 331
11b (9b) Similar to Coprinaceae, but never turning inky; fragile mushrooms that typically grow
in grass with long thin stipes ......................................................................Bolbitiaceae, 44
A556-61; Ar466-75; M198-201; S124-7, 312
11c (9b) With a fibrous partial veil that often leaves a cobwebby ring on the stipe; never on dung;
typically saprophytic on wood, humus or soil, or mycorrhizal ............... Cortinariaceae, 47
A556-8, 611-23, 712-8; Ar396-466; M202-225; S109-23, 291
11d (9b) Sturdy fruiting bodies with a convex viscous cap; persistent annulus that is never
cobwebby; usually on grass, mulch or dung...........................................Strophariaceae, 53
A708-25; Ar367-96; M180-9; S129-36, 316
12 (3b) Tricholomataceae Any white-spored fungus that grows on wood is a member of this
family, but in addition they are also found in diverse habitats and can be saprotrophic or
mycorrhizal. A731-810; Ar129-237; L54-68; M87-158; Mc133; S64-91, 239
12a (3b) Only on wood, stem central, eccentric, or lacking .......................................................13
12b (3b) On ground, needles, humus, dung, but rare on wood; stem usually central...................22
13a (12a) Stem central or nearly so ...........................................................................................14
13b (12a) Stem eccentric, very short, or absent..........................................................................19
14a (13a) Flesh easily broken....................................................................................................15
14b (13a) Flesh tough and pliant, difficult to break....................................................................18
15a (14a) In cespitose clusters, close together but not joined above ground; stalk with a ring
...................................................................................... Armillaria mellea and Cystoderma
A. mellea: A736; Ar196; Ba246; Bo 34; ,L85; M106; Mc136; P37; S79, 256; Cystoderma:
A510; Ar198; Bo38, 40; L18; M113; Mc152; P152; S91, 271
15b (14a) Solitary or cespitose, stem without a ring...................................................................16
16a (15b) Cespitose, stalk without a ring......................................................Armillaria tabescens
A737; Ar197; M108; Mc137; P37; S79, 256
16b (15b) Single........................................................................................................................17
17a (16b) Cap 4-20 mm wide, gills short or extending down stalk (decurrent)............ Omphalina
A760, 787, 796, 810; Ar161-6, 221-3; Ba297; M123; Mc177; P77; S90, 268-9
17b (16b) Cap 2-20 cm wide, gills broadly attached (adnate) to notched (adnexed) ......................
A807-9; Ar144-6; Ba302; Bo52; L72; M89; Mc194; P46; S64-9, 240
18a (14b) Gill edges serrate (sawtooth) .......................................................................... Lentinus
A764; Ar141-3; Ba294; M91; Mc159; P208; S102, 284
18b (14b) Gill edges smooth...................................................................................Xeromphalina
A809; Ar221-3; Ba267; Bo52; M93; Mc195; P78; S93, 274
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18c (14b) Gill edges smooth; cap covered with stiff hairs.............................................Crinipellis
A758; Ba266; L758; P63
19a (13b) Gill edges serrate or hairy .........................................................................................20
19b (13b) Gill edges smooth......................................................................................................21
20a (19a) Stem always absent; gills facing upwards, and split down middle..........Schizophyllum
A92-3; Ar590; Ba295; Bo74; L292; M94; Mc80; P210; S169, 364
20b (19a) Stem absent or eccentric; sawtooth gill edges ............................................. Lentinellus
A764-5; Ar141-4; Ba293-4; L117 M96; Mc158; P208
21a (19b) Cap flesh-coloured to brick red with reticulate ridges.................................... Rhodotus
A795; Ar130; Ba190; Bo48; L166; M98; Mc183; S99, 280
21b (19b) Cap smooth; stem short or absent; flesh soft or tough .................................... Pleurotus
(AlsoPanus, Panellus, Phyllotopsis, Pleurocybella) A 493, 744, 761, 790-8, 809; Ar132-7;
L111-4; Ba290-2; Bo48, 55, 93; M98-105; Mc181; P206; S99-102, 281-3
22a (12b) Stem with a ring........................................................................................................23
22b (12b) Stem lacking a ring....................................................................................................24
23a (22a) Ring always single; veil and cap appearing mealy or powdery....................Cystoderma
A510-512, 523; Ar198-200; Bo40; L18-9; M113-5; Mc152; P35; S91, 271
23b (22a) Ring single or double; veil and cap not appearing mealy. Armillaria and Catathelasma
A731-7; M106-13; Armillaria Ar189-94; Ba246; Bo34; Mc133-7; P37-9; S79, 256;
Catathelasma Ar189, 195; Ba246; L52; Mc137; P56
24a (22b) Fruiting body revives in water; stem 1-4 mm wide and pliant....................................25
24b (22b) Fruiting body does not revive in water –or– stem usually more than 4mm wide or
fleshy or brittle.................................................................................................................27
25a (24a) Cap covered with long stiff hairs ..................................................................Crinipellis
A758; Ar202, 210; Ba266; M115; P63
25b (24a) Cap smooth or felty ...................................................................................................26
26a (25b) Cap surface composed of round cells; small delicate mushrooms often in troops; stem
yellow brown to black ....................................................................................... Marasmius
A770-8; Ar201-14; Ba262-6; Bo44; L28-33, 35-6; M115-9; Mc165-8; P74; S77, 254
26b (25b) Cap cuticle composed of hyphae; small delicate mushrooms often in troops; spores
turn blue in iodine ........................................................................................Xeromphalina
A809; Ar221-3; Ba267; Bo52; M93-5; Mc195; P208; S93, 274
27a (24b) Parasitic/saprotrophic on decaying mushrooms .........................................Asterophora
A738; Ar200-1; Ba260; L50; M120; P78;
27b (24b) Not parasitic/saprotrophic on decaying mushrooms ...................................................28
28a (27b) Gills adnexed to decurrent (may be subtle)............. Clitocybe/Omphalina/Omphalotus
Clitocybe A744-51; Ar148-64; Ba253; Bo34, 46; L73, 78-84, P51; S70-5, 245 Omphalina
A706, 787, 796, 810; Ar166, 221-3; Ba267; P77; S90, 268-9; Omphalotus A787-8;
Ar146-8; Ba295; L86; M120-129; Mc178
28b (27b) Gills adnate to adnexed but never decurrent...............................................................29
29a (28b) Cap margin inrolled at first; stem brittle, sometimes stuffed; does not revive; in humus,
on leaves or rotten wood; often in fairy rings.................. Collybia, Flammulina/Baeospora
Collybia A752-8; Ar146, 201-220; Ba257-9; Bo38, 38; L41-5; Mc147-51; P60; S76, 251;
Flammulina A759, Ar202, 220; Ba289; Bo40; L46; Mc150; S89, 266; Baeospora A738-9;
Ar202, 212; Ba260; M129-36; P77; S93, 274
29b (28b) Cap margin straight or, if inrolled then stem is fleshy ................................................30
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30a (29b) Relatively small and fragile; stem brittle and 1-4mm wide, equal, lacking a ring; gills
broadly attached to notched, seldom decurrent; gills may be coloured, but spore print white
A778-86; Ar224-37; Ba282-8; Bo46-8; L90-6; M137-42; Mc170-7; L90-6; P79; S95-7,
30b (29b) Stem thicker and fleshy to pliant ...............................................................................31
31a (30b) Gills fleshy; gills or cap pink or violet................................. Laccaria, or Mycena pura
A762-3, 784; M141-6; Laccaria Ar171-3; Ba278-9; Bo40; L75; P57-60; S 98, 279;
Mycena pura Ar230; Bo48; L94; P80
31b (30b) Gills not fleshy, and usually no part pink or violet.....................................................32
32a (31b) Gills bruising black, stem appears water-soaked........................................ Lyophyllum
A768-9; Ar166, 171-6; Ba281; Bo44; L53; M146-8; Mc163; P48; S85, 262
32b (31b) Gills not bruising black .............................................................................................33
33a (32b) Cap 6-45 cm broad and edge may be fluted; surface of gills and stem chalky white
...................................................................................................................... Leucopaxillus
A748, 767-8; Ar159, 166-8; Bo36, 42; L87; M 145-51; Mc161-3; P60; S83, 259
33b (32b) Stem long and thin for size of cap; cap convex and knobbed; gills notched
A776-7; Ar169-71; Ba281; Bo46; L48; M152; Mc169; P50; S84, 260
33c (32b) Stem thick, fleshy, robust; cap convex and sometimes with a depressed centre; gills
broadly attached or notched...............................................................................Tricholoma
A667, 733-5, 740, 750, 778, 799-808; Ar176-82; Ba298-301; Bo50, 52, 69; L54-68; M1527; Mc185-93; P40-5; S64-9, 240
34 (5a) Amanitaceae Many in this family are poisonous, often deadly, so should be avoided as
potential menu items. Common features in the field include 1) white spores,
2)!development from an "egg" which when cut open has stem, cap and gills (unlike young
puffballs), 3) a universal veil which either splits creating the cup (volva) at the base of the
stem and may also leave warts on the cap, 4) a partial veil that leaves a ring (annulus) on
the stem. Two genera.
34a (5a) Volva and/or universal veil slimy and glutinous ............................................. Limacella
A554; Ar262, 291-2; Ba243; Bo4; L17; Mc213; P37; S57, 230
34b (5a) Volva and/or universal veil fibrous or filmy or hairy ......................................... Amanita
A525-55; Ar262-90; Ba235-41; Bo2, 4; L1-16; M25-39; Mc215-39; P14-29; S53-7, 227
35 (5b) Lepiotaceae This group is relatively closely related to Amanitaceae since both groups
have free gills and white spores (Chlorophyllum has green spores), but the Lepiotaceae do
not have a volva even if their stem is bulbous. The cap surface is often scaly, but these are
not due to remnants of the partial veil, which often forms a ring. This ring can become
entirely free and slide along the stem. Many Lepiota species fruit in grass, often in fairy
rings, while others appear to be mycorrhizal with conifers
35a (5b) Spore print and mature gills green, in grass ............................................ Chlorophyllum
A509; Ar293-5; L21; M41; Mc240; P33
35b (5b) Spore print and mature gills white, various habitats............................................ Lepiota
A513-23; Ar293-309; Ba242-4; Bo22; L25-7; M40-6; Mc241; P30-4; S51, 223
36 (6a) Hygrophoraceae This is a typically brightly coloured group (nevertheless, the spores are
white) that always grows in the ground or on duff, and not on logs or other wood, or on
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dung, or parasitically. When the gills are rubbed together very hard they feel waxy, and
leave a waxy layer on the fingers. They do not produce latex. There is one genus,
A 654-68; Ar103-29; Ba272-7; Bo18, 20; L97-104; M47-56; Mc202-13; P63-73; S58-9,
37 (6b) Russulaceae There are two genera in this family, both with brittle caps whose often
brightly coloured cuticle peels off easily, and brittle stems that never have a ring. Both
genera have white, pale brown, or yellow spores that turn blue in iodine. All species in this
family grow on soil, and are typically thought to be mycorrhizal. A679-707; Ar63-103; M
37a (6b) Produces a milky latex when cut ................................................................... Lactarius
A679-97; Ar63-82; Ba304-10; Bo26-30; L118-33; M62-78; Mc326-40; P84-107; S44-9,
37b (6b) Does not produce latex when cut .......................................................................Russula
A697-707; Ar83-102; Ba311-4; Bo30-2; L134-50; M79-86; Mc317-26; P109-33; S38-43,
38 (7a) Volvariaceae One of two pink-spored families of gilled fungi. The most conspicuous
characteristic of Volvariaceae is the free gills. There are two genera both of which are
common (but not exclusive) on wood
38a (7a) Volva present at base of stem, on wood or other substrates............................Volvariella
A677-679; Ar258-62; L158-9; M158-9; Mc252; S105, 287
38b (7a) Volva absent, always on wood............................................................................ Pluteus
A673-6; Ar253-8; Ba186-8; Bo14, 24; L160-1; M158-60; Mc248-52; P138-9; S103-5, 285
39 (7b) Rhodophyllaceae The most conspicuous feature of this pink-spored family is the
attached gills. Species of this family that have central stalks are always on ground and
never on wood.
39a (7b) Gills long and decurrent .................................................................................. Clitopilus
A641-2, 649; Ar239-41; Ba189; L162; M161; P134; S288
39b (7b) Gills short and decurrent or notched, often with a conic cap or a knob on a convex cap
A641-8; Ar242-50; Ba183-9; Bo16; L163-5; M161-4; Mc310-2; P135-7; S107, 289
40 (8a) Agaricaceae Aroira and Miller recognize one genus, Agaricus, but Lincoff (Audubon
guide) includes additional genera including Lepiota. Agaricus contains a large number of
edible species mushrooms form which the commercial A. bisporus was bred. Typically
Agaricus are edible and choice, with the exception of A. xanthodermus and allies, which are
poisonous. A. xanthodermus bruises yellow, and all Agaricus species that bruise yellowish
should be avoided. The other caution is to ensure the spores are dark, since the fruiting
bodies can superficially resemble Amanita.
A500-9; Ar310-41; Ba192-4; Bo2; L202-7; M189-94; Mc254-62; P189-94; A137-42, 325
41 (10a) Paxillaceae. Miller recognizes one genus, Paxillus, while Audubon includes three.
Paxillus has clay to yellow brown spores and decurrent gills; two species grow on wood,
and one on soil
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A668-73; Ar476-80; Ba224; Bo22; L236-8; M195-8; Mc312-4; P171; Miller key includes
Phylloporus, which is easily mistaken for Paxillus Ba159 except that its flesh bruises blue.
42 (10b) Gomphidiaceae Most notably, this family has thick decurrent gills and smoky-grey to
black spores. There are two genera. A650-4; Ar481-7; Bo16; M164-9;
42a (10b) Cap cuticle gelatinous; white flesh in cap unreactive to iodine .................. Gomphidius
A652-4; Ar481-6; Ba200; Bo16; L234-5; M164-9; Mc316; P212-3; S35, 205
42b (10b) Cap dry to viscid or tacky; coloured flesh in cap turns blue in iodine....Chroogomphus
A650-1; Ar486-7; Ba199; L233; M164-6; Mc314; P212-3; S35, 204
43 (11a) Coprinaceae. This family has black to purple-brown spores that are borne on attached
or notched gills, which may deliquesce into inky slime. The cap is often conical with a dry
to viscid cuticle, and the stem is usually relatively thin and fragile. All are saprophytes on
dung, humus, grassy areas. Several are poisonous, and even the edible ones should not be
eaten with alcohol.
43a (11a) Gills white on young fruiting bodies, then black and inky with age, and/or cap with
umbrella-like striations; on wood, humus, dung, grass...........................................Coprinus
A596-602; Ar342-53; Ba195-9; Bo6, 8; L233-31; M170-4; Mc276-80; P204-5; S143-5,
43b (11a) Cap narrowly conic, brittle; with a thin rigid stem; single to numerous on dung or in
grass, but not cespitose........................................................................................Panaeolus
A602-4; Ar353-60; Ba205; L217-8; M174-7; Mc283; P205; S147, 324, 336
43c (11a) Campanulate to convex cap, usually on humus or wood, often numerous or cespitose;
many species ..................................................................................................... Psathyrella
A599-609; Ar361-6; Ba204; Bo8; L221; M177-9; Mc281-5; P201-3; S149-51, 337
44 (11b) Bolbitiaceae. This family is closely related to the Coprinaceae; the fruiting bodies are
superficially similar, but they have lighter coloured spores.
44a (11b) Stem tall and 1.2-3mm wide; cap narrowly conical and delicate ................................45
44b (11b) Stem thicker than 3mm or if thin then cap is convex or yellow ..................................46
45a (44a) Cap white to pale cinnamon; gills nearly free ..................................... Conocybe lactea
A559-61; Ar472; Ba211-3; M198; P185; S127, 314
45b (44a) Cap yellow- to red-brown; gills nearly free.........................................Conocybe tenera
A559-61; Ar472; Ba211-3; L200; M199; Mc309; P185; S127, 314
46a (44b) Cap yellow, bell shaped, margin striate; on cow dung in grass.........Bolbitius vitellinus
A559; Ar474; Ba211; Bo6; L222; M198-200; Mc307; S124, 312
46b (44b) Cap convex, cream coloured to tan to brown, not striate ................................ Agrocybe
A556-8; Ar467-70; Ba212-4; Bo6; L195; M198-201; Mc204-5; P195; S125, 313
47 (11c) Cortinariaceae. This is a large family with brown spores and entire gills that are always
attached to the stem. Many species have the characteristic cobwebby/fibrous veil (called a
cortina) that collapses to leave a thready ring on the stem. None are found on dung, but
many are saprophytic on wood, humus or soil. Many others are mycorrhizal with
hardwoods or conifers. A556-8, 611-23, 712-8; Ar396-466; M202-225
47a (11c) On wood, sometimes buried wood .............................................................................48
47b (11c) On ground, and not from buried wood .......................................................................50
48a (47a) Stem absent................................................................................................. Crepidotus
A636-8; Ar405-6; Ba220-1; Bo12; L290; M203; Mc295-6; P210; S121, 307
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48b (47a) Stem present, central or eccentric ..............................................................................49
49a (48b) Fruiting body and spore print bright rusty orange to brown; cap hairless when young;
stem central; from wood................................................................................... Gymnopilus
A623; Ar407-11; Ba222-3; L198; M202-5; Mc298-9; P172; S123, 310
49b (48b) Spore print dull brown; cap and/or stem typically scaly or knobby; cespitose .. Pholiota
A524, 556-8, 621, 639, 712-8, 726; Ar384-96; Ba215-8; Bo32; L190-4; M205-11; Mc2704; P175
50a (47b) Veil membranous, cap orange, nearly flat, and radially wrinkled, never in cespitose
clusters...................................................................................................... Rozites caperata
A635; Ar411-2; Ba219; Bo14; L197; M210; Mc302; P168; S123, 311
50b (47b) Veil, if present, hairy or cobwebby............................................................................51
51a (50b) Stem thin, brittle, fragile, with a ring; cap thin, fragile, often striate, usually hairless,
conic to convex and sometimes with a shallow depression .................................... Galerina
A620-3, 716; Ar399-402; Ba221-2; Bo12; L196; M210-3; Mc296-7; P186; S115, 300, 324
51b (50b) Stem fleshy to pliant, not brittle or fragile; cap not fragile, variously shaped, seldom
striate ...............................................................................................................................52
52a (51b) Cap dry, conic to bell shaped, often hairy; gill edge with clavate cystidia.........Inocybe
A626-32; Ar455-62; Ba225; Bo14; L168-71; M213-5; Mc301-2; P181; S117-9, 303
52b (51b) Cap viscid, usually convex; veil present or absent; stem fleshy and dry; cylindric
cystidia on gill edge ............................................................................................ Hebeloma
A624-5; Ar463-6; Ba224; Bo14; L187-8; M215-7; Mc300-1; P179; S115, 301
52c (51b) Cap dry or viscid; if viscid then no cystidia on gill edge; cobwebby veil..... Cortinarius
A611-20; Ar417-54; Ba226-30; Bo10; L172-86; M217-25; Mc288-95; P139; S109-13, 293
53 (11d) Strophariaceae. This family has purple-brown spores, a central stem, and attached
gills. The Agaricaceae have free gills. Continariaceae have red- to yellow-brown spores and
a hairy annulus that may be a few persistent fibrils on the stem.
53a (11d) Persistent superior ring (except for S. aeruginosa which has almost no ring, but a
viscous yellow to bright green cap) .................................................................... Stropharia
A725-30; Ar374-80; Ba206-7; Bo32; L208, 201-2; M180-3; Mc262-6; P196; S129, 316
53b (11d) Thin stem, conic cap, moist-tacky-viscid; with to without ring; never cespitose; on
dung, grass or humus............................................................................................ Psilocybe
A719-25; Ar368-76; Ba204; L209; M180, 183-5; Mc274; P197; S136, 323
53c (11d) Convex cap, sometimes with low knob, occasionally with thickened stem; on wood
................................................................................................................... Naematatoloma
A708-10; Ar381-4; L213-5; M180, 185-9; Mc268-70; S321
54 (1B). Mushrooms with pores, fleshy and not perennial – family Boletaceae. – Superficial
resemblance to gilled mushrooms, but with spore-bearing surface (hymenium) arranged on
fine or coarse pores, sometimes in loose radial rows (boletoid arrangement).
A562-95; Ar488-545; L239-48, 255; M241-72;
54a (1B) Cap and stalk conspicuously covered with coarse, dry black/brown scales; spores umber
brown to blackish brown. Pores angular. Wooly ring(s) on the stalk. Flesh bruising reddish,
then black...................................................................................................... Strobilomyces
A580-1; Ar543; Ba159; L240; M242; Mc112-3; P244
54b (1B) If cap and stem have scales, then spores not brown/black............................................55
55a (54b) Tubes not consistently vertical, rather contorted and may be closed. Mostly in the
western regions ............................................................................ Gastroboletus turbinatus
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Ar544-5; M242-3; Mc349
55b (54b) Tubes straight and open.............................................................................................56
56a (55b) Tubes radially arranged in rows, with arrangement most noticeable near the stalk.....57
56b (55b) Tubes not radial; mouths most often round to angular, cap dry ..................................58
56c (55b) Tubes not radial; mouths most often round to angular, cap viscid ...................... Suillus
A581-90; Ar491-506; Ba170-7; Bo58-62; L250-6; M247-56; Mc113-20; P245; S28-31,
57a (56a) Mouths of tubes uneven; yellow; strong radial pattern resembling gills with cross-gills;
2-5mm broad, and shallow; cap brown and dry................................... Gyrodon merulioides
A565; Ar490; Ba177; M244
57b (56a) Mouths of tubes even; tubes long...............................................................................59
58a (56b) Mouths of tubes white, then pink with age; spore print pink; bruises brown; stem with
netlike ridges; taste extremely bitter ......................................................................Tylopilus
A590-5; Ar532-5; L241; M244-5; Mc121-4; P240;
58b (56b) Mouths of tubes may be white, but not turning pink with age; not bruising brown; stalk
may or may not have netlike ridges; taste mild to bitter ....................................................60
59a (57b) Cap dry to moist; pores have strong radial arrangement; spores wine red to reddish
brown.......................................................................................................... Fuscoboletinus
A574-5, 583; Ar505-7; Ba172; Bo58; M245-7; Mc109; P262; S33, 202
59b (457b) Cap usually viscid to slimy; if dry then pores radially arranged; spores cinnamon or
olive brown or brown ............................................................................................... Suillus
A581-90; Ar491-506; Ba170-7; Bo58-62; M247-56; Mc113-20; P245; S28-31, 196
60a (58b) Stalk with conspicuous dark brown to black hairy tufts at maturity ...............Leccinum
A577-8; Ar536-42; Ba166-7; Bo23, 58, 60, 93; L257-8; M256-9; Mc111-2; P238; S32, 201
60b (58b) Stalk never with dark brown to black hairy tufts........................................................61
61a (60b) Spore print yellow; spores white to pale yellow; stalk not having netlike ridges
A576; Ar510; Ba165; L247; M259-60; Mc110; P236
61b (60b) Cap dry; tubes fine to coarse but not radially arranged; spore print olive brown to
yellow brown .......................................................................................................... Boletus
A565-74; Ar511-31; Ba159-77; Bo56; L239-48, 255; M260-72; Mc102-8; P217, S28-9,
62 (1C) Fungi with spore-bearing teeth – Hydnaceae - sometimes with a appearance similar to
gilled mushrooms, or like a bracket fungus – a variable group.
A426-37; Ar611-30; Ba122; M282-8;
62a (1C) Cap absent; fruit body covered with long, white, hanging teeth ..................................63
62b (1C) Mushroom-like appearance, with cap present; stem central, off centre, or lacking.......66
63a (62a) Oval fleshy mass with long spines but no branches....................................................64
63b (62a) Multiple branches with long spines............................................................................65
64a (63a) White; on wounds of living hardwoods ....................................... Hericium coralloides
A429; Ar614; Ba122; Bo64, 93-5; M283; Mc91; P279; S173, 370
64b (63a) Yellowish; on wounds of living hardwoods ......................................... Hericium weirii
Ar614; M382; S173, 370
65a (63b) Teeth hanging only from branch tips ........................................... Hericium coralloides
A429; Ar614; M283; Mc91; P279
65b (63b) Teeth along the branch .................................................................. Hericium ramosum
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Ar615; Bo64, 93-5; Mc92; P279
66a (62b) Mushroom shaped, only on pine cones, cap small and stem off centre
..........................................................................................................Auriscalpium vulgare
A426; Ar629; Ba127; Bo64; M284-5; Mc87; S173, 369
66b (62b) Never on cones; cap large; stem central or lacking ....................................................67
67a (66b) Stalk present and central ...........................................................................................68
67b (66b) Stalk absent, shelf-like fungus on living trees ............................................................70
68a (67a) Flesh very tough, not breaking easily...........................................................Hydnellum
A431-4; Ar622-9; Ba124-6; Bo64; M286; Mc92-7; P274; S171, 366
68b (67a) Flesh brittle and easily broken, with colour zones ......................................................69
69a (68b) Cap dry, orange, hairless; taste mild ............................................................. Dentinum
A428; Ar616-9; M286; S368
69b (68b) Cap with scales, brown to red-brown; taste bitter............................................ Hydnum
A434; Ar611-20; Ba123; Bo64, 66; M286; Mc88, 93-9; P273; S173, 368
70a (68b) Woody conk on conifer ........................................................................Echinodontium
A429; Ar612-3; M284; P279
70b (68b) With multiple fleshy, overlapping shelves .............................................. Steccherimun
A428, 436-7; Ar612; Ba128; M284; Mc99;
71 (1D) Chantarelles. These basidiomycetes resemble classic mushrooms, with a cap that may
be deeply depressed in the centre giving a funnel-like shape. Spores are borne on the
outisde/underside of the funnel, which may be smooth or have broad gill-like ridges.
A387-98; Ar662-8; M224-32; S165
71a (1D) Fruiting body yellow-orange-red, at least on the gills .................................................72
71b (1D) Fruiting body purple-lilac-grey-blackish.....................................................................82
72a (71a) Fruiting body all the same colour; cap hairless or nearly so .......................................73
72b (71a) Fruiting body of two colours, small or recurved scales on the cap..............................77
73a (72a) Fruiting body reddish to orange............................................Cantharellus cinnabarius
A387; Ar664; Ba250-1; M226; Mc82; P214; S165, 358
73b (72a) Fruiting body light orange, yellow, or creamy white ..................................................74
74a (73b) Fruiting body 8-25mm wide............ Cantharellus minor or Cantharellus tubaeformis
A391-2; Bo51, 54; M228; Mc84; P214
74b (73b) Fruiting body larger...................................................................................................75
75a (74b) Fruiting body thin with short discontinuous ridges or largely smooth, yellow to orange
......................................................................................................Craterellus cantharellus
A391; Ba190, 248; M226; Mc85; S168, 359
75b (74b) Fruiting body fleshy with well formed gill ridges ......................................................76
76a (75b) Fruiting body white with light orange tint ..............................Cantharellus subalbidus
A392; Ar662; M225
76b (75b) Fruiting body orange ..................................................................Cantharellus cibarius
A387; Ar659, 662; Bo54, 57; M228; Mc81; P214
77a (72b) Cap funnel to trumpet shaped with large recurved scales...........................................78
77b (72b) Cap convex to somewhat depressed in centre, with small scales (squamules) ............80
78a (77a) Fruiting body 3-7cm wide, fruiting in spring .................................... Gomphus bonarii
A397; Ar661-2; Ba249; Bo54; M226
78b (77a) Fruiting body 5-15cm wide, fruiting in fall ................................................................79
79a (78b) Spores on low blunt ridges, buff to yellow .................................... Gomphus floccosus
A396; Ar661; M228; Mc86
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79b (78b) Spores on pore like surface, deep yellow .................................... Gomphus kauffmanii
A397; Ar660, 662; M226
80a (77b) Gills contorted and wrinkled, nearly absent, orange......................................................
..............................................................Cantharellus tubaeformis, Cantharellus lutescens
A392, 394; Ar662, 665; Bo51, 54; M228; Mc83, 84
80b (77b) Gills blunt but well formed........................................................................................81
81a (80b) Cap dark brown, stem yellow ..................................... Cantharellus infundibuliformis
A393; Ar665
81b (80b) Cap yellowish brown, stem greyish-orange ..........................Cantharellus tubaeformis
A391-2; Bo51, 54; M228; Mc84
82a (71b) Never cespitose, in deep moss; cap 12-45mm wide ............... Cantharellus umbonatus
A741; M230
82b (71b) In cespitose clusters on ground; larger caps ...............................................................83
83a (82b) Gills absent (smooth hymenium); cap 20-60mm wide; very thin flesh; ashy grey to
blackish.....................................................................................Craterellus cornucopioides
A395; Ar666; M230; Mc85
83b (82b) Gills present, thick, fleshy, purple .............................................................................84
84a (83b) Deep purple, strongly warted, 1-5cm wide ..................................Polyozellus multiplex
A397; Ar658, 668; Ba248; M231; Mc77; Craterellus multiplex P214
84b (83b) Light purplish to purplish brown, wrinkled, 3-10 cm wide............... Gomphus clavatus
A396; Ar661; Ba258; Bo54; M231; Mc86
85 (1E) Polypores (Mushroom-like and bracket fungi) – tough or woody (unlike boletes) on
dead or dying trees (although these may be underground), often perennial and some species
can be very large; spore bearing surface with pores. Some polypores grow on soil or duff.
A439-492; Ar549-611; Ba134, 144-7; M272-281
85a (1E) Spore bearing surface composed of free tubes................................... Fistulina hepatica
A440, 455, 457; Ar552-4; M273-4; Mc129; P261
85b (1E) Spore bearing surface composed of pores (united tubes) .............................................86
86a (85b) Fruiting body forms large, woody, perennial conks, hoofshaped or shelflike; when cut
in half, each layer of tubes reflects a year's growth ...........................................................87
86b (85b) Not hoofshaped or shelflike, or not perennial, or not with layers of tubes ..................92
87a (86a) Upper surface smooth and shiny, shelflike fruiting body............................................88
87b (86a) Upper surface rough, uneven, not shiny, hooflike or shelflike....................................89
88a (87a) Upper surface grey to brown; pores bruising when scratched..Ganoderma applanatum
Ar576; Ba139; Bo72; M273-4; Mc127; S180, 377
88b (87a) Upper surface red to brown with white flesh................................... Ganoderma tsugae
Ar575, 578; M274; P263
88c (87a) Upper surface orange red with light brown flesh ...........................Ganoderma lucidum
Ar577; M273
89a (87b) Upper surface smooth ...............................................................................................90
89b (87b) Upper surface rough and cracked...............................................................................91
90a (88a) Upper surface dull grey-brown to grey; hoof shaped ......................Fomes fomentarius
Ar575, 581; Ba141; Bo72; M273; P264; S179, 374
90b (88a) Upper surface brown, shelflike or nearly flat; white pores ....................Fomes annosus
Ar579; M273, 276
91a (88b) Upper surface rough and brown, on conifers .................Fomes pini or Fomes pinicola
Ar579; M273, 276
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91b (88b) Upper surface cracked, on hardwoods ................... Fomes rimosus or Fomes igniarius
92a (86b) With a stem, single or several caps, can be large .......................................................93
92b (86b) Convex cap without a stem........................................................................................96
93a (92a) With a short lateral stem; pores angular to hexagonal ...................................................
..................................................................... Favolus alveolaris and Polyporus squamosus
Ar563; 556, 561; Ba144; M273, 277; Mc129; P269; S176
93b (92a) Central well-developed stem with one to several caps................................................94
94a (93a) Single cap from a central stem...................................................................................95
94b (93a) Multiple caps from a central stem ..............................................................................96
95a (94a) Cap tan; stem with a black foot; on hardwood ................................. Polyporus elegans
Ar562; M273; P256; S175-7, 371
95b (94a) Cap dark brown with a hairy margin, stem yellow brown, 1-2mm pores .......................
............................................................................................................. Polyporus arcularis
Ar563; M273, 278
95c (94a) Cap dark brown with a smooth margin; pores <1mm ..................... Polyporus brumalis
Ar555, 563; M273
96a (94b) Sulphur yellow or bright orange, hairless cap with light margin; on ground or wood
..........................................................................................................Polyporus sulphureus
Ar573; M273, 278; P260 (Laetiporus sulphureus)
96b (94b) Multiple grey-brown caps on short white stems; white pore; on ground near wood
............................................................................................................Polyporus frondosus
Ar565; M273, 278
97a (92b) Pores lilac to purplish, usually densely overlapping, on hardwood................................
......................................................................................................Polyporus pargamenous
97b (92b) Pores lilac to purplish, usually densely overlapping, on conifer logs and stumps ..........
.............................................................................................................Polyporus abietinus
97c (92b) Pores not purplish or pores sulphur yellow (see Polyporus sulphureus) .....................98
98a (97c) Pores very large (1-3mm) and irregular, or with a gill-like arrangement.....................99
98b (97c) Pores round, pure white or smoky grey....................................................................100
99a (98a) Cap very hairy, rusty red to yellow brown ........................................Lenzites saepiaria
Ar586, 590; Ba143; Bo72; M280; Mc128; P268; S179, 375
99b (98a) Cap ash grey with fine short hairs; pores large (1-3mm) and irregular...........................
.............................................................................................................. Daedalea quercina
Ar586-9, 596; Ba143; M280; Mc125; P268
100a (98b) Cap velvety with multicoloured bands; pores minute and white; in dense overlapping
clusters on hardwood...........................................................................Polyporus versicolor
Ar594; M281
100b (98b) Cap hairy, yellow- to grey-brown; pores white ............................. Polyporus hirsutus
Ar 560-1; M273
100c (98b) Cap velvety, smoky grey; pores grey ............................................. Polyporus adustus
101(1F) Puffballs, earthstars, and bird's nest fungi – these basidiomycetes are distinctive
fungi that typically are easy to identify to the broad group. Puffballs and earthstars are
closely related in the order Lycoperdales; bird's nest fungi are in the order Nidulariales.
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101a (1F) Puffballs .................................................................................................................102
101b (1F) Earthstars ................................................................................................................123
101c (1F) Bird's nest fungi ......................................................................................................127
102 (87a) Puffballs – rounded fruiting bodies that become dry at maturity, releasing spores
through cracks or a hole (ostiole) that develops as the puffball grows. With or without a
stalk to support the fruiting body
102a (87a) Round to pear shaped, powdery surface at maturity; without a stalk (true puffballs)
102b (87a) Round to pear shaped on a distinctive stalk (stalked puffballs) .............................115
102c (87a) Resembling a puffball or an immature mushroom that never opens; may be brittle or
tough at maturity but never powdery (false puffballs)....................................................120
103 (102a) True puffballs Lycoperdales, Basidiomycetes. These do not have a stem, and
usually are round to pear-shaped. The outer peridium does not recurve to form rays like an
earthstar. All true puffballs have powdery glebas (spore masses) at maturity, which range
from yellow to black.
Ar677-715; M298-310
103a (102a) Young puffball cut in half has firm dark purplish spore mass (gleba); skin is often
103b (102a) Young puffball cut in half has firm white spore mass (gleba); skin is usually thin107
104a (103a) Fruit body 3-6 cm across, outer skin splitting into lobes but never curving back ..105
104b (103a) Fruit body 4-14 cm across, outer skin splitting and curving back like an earthstar106
105a (104a) Outer skin covered with warts ............................................ Scleroderma aurantium
Ar708; Ba92; M300-1; P284; (S. citrinum) P285; S163, 356
105b (104a) Outer skin smooth..................................................................... Scleroderma bovista
Ar708, 710
106a (104b) Outer skin cracked and roughened............................................ Scleroderma geaster
Ar710; M300; Mc363
106b (104b) Outer skin smooth ................................................................. Scleroderma flavidum
Ar710; Mc362
107a (103b) Round, oval or flattened oval; >10 cm across; if pear shaped then > 8cm across..108
107b (103b) Round, < 6cm across ...........................................................................................109
107c (103b) Pear shaped or nearly so, with a sterile base; < 7cm across ..................................113
108a (107a) Puffball 10-20 cm across; surface cracked to form irregular scales ..........................
........................................................................................................... Calvatia lepidophora
Ba93-4; Mc353
108b (107a) Puffball 20-50 cm across; surface very smooth ............................. Calvatia gigantea
Ar678-82; M302; Mc353; S155-7, 348
108c (107a) Puffball 20-50 cm across; surface sculptured and cracked ............ Calvatia booniana
Ar684; Ba94; M302; Mc353
108d (107a) Puffball 8-15 cm across; outer skin with pyramid-shaped warts .......Calvatia sculpta
Ar684; Ba94; M303; Mc353; P282
109a (107b) Puffball 3-5 cm across.........................................................................................110
109b (107b) Puffball 8-25 mm across......................................................................................112
110a (109a) Round, with paper thin outer skin; light and easily detatched..................Bovista pila
Ar697; Ba94; M304; Mc351; S155, 346
110b (109a) Round to oval, thicker skin, remaining attached...................................................111
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111a (110b) Chalky white surface with pointed grey-tipped warts, no odourCalvatia subcretacea
Ar688-9; M304Mc352-3;
111b (110b) smoky grey, smooth, disagreeable odour ........................................ Calvatia fumosa
Ar688; M306; Mc352
112a (109b) Chalky white with small pure white warts outer skin soon begins to crack and fall
away ................................................................................................Lycoperdon candidum
Ar695; Ba88-90; Bo71; M306; S153-5, 344
112b (109b) Dull white, smooth, outer wall persistent; pore in old age ........Lycoperdon pusillum
Ar698; M306; Mc356
113a (107c) Outer skin light brown, smooth or with a few hairs, in clusters on wood ...................
......................................................................................................... Lycoperdon pyriforme
Ar691; M308; Mc356; P283
113b (107c) Outer skin with fine hairy spines, usually not on wood ........................................114
114a (99b) Outer skin dull white with pointed spines that break off ........... Lycoperdon perlatum
Ar693; Bo71, 78; M308; Mc355; P283
114b (113b) Outer skin light to bark brown with 3-6mm long whitish coarse hairs ......................
........................................................................................................Lycoperdon echinatum
Ar694; M308; Mc354; P283
114c (113b) Outer skin white to dingy brown with short (1mm) separated hairs ...........................
........................................................................................................Lycoperdon umbrinum
Ar691, 694; M308; Mc355
115 (102b) Stalked Puffballs Tulostomatales. This group is united by having a stalk which can
be dry, gelatinous, or woody. Most are mycorrhizal.
Ar715-724; M310-3
115a (102b) Club shaped fruit body, stalk not separated from spore sac, gleba with numerous
chambers............................................................................................. Pisolithus tinctorius
Ar711-3; M311; Mc366; P285; S163, 357
115b (102b) Spherical to oval spore sac on a cylindrical stalk; gleba powdery and homogeneous
116a (115b) Stalk covered with a thick gelatinous layer that may have chambers....................117
116b (115b) Stalk thick or woody but never gelatinous ...........................................................118
117a (116a) Spore sac red, at first covered with a thick red gelatinous layer (common name is
apt: the slimy stalked puffball) ......................................................... Calostoma cinnabaria
Ar718; M312; Mc344; P285
117b (116a) Spore sac yellow, stalk long, gelatinous layer very thin............. Calostoma lutescens
Ar716, 718; M311; Mc343
117c (116a) Stalk short, spore sac naked .......................................................Calostoma ravenelii
Ar716, 719; M311; Mc344
118a (116b) Stalk >10 cm long, in desert regions....................................................................119
118b (116b) Stalk 1.5-6 cm long, tough to woody, widely distributed........... Tulostoma simulans
Ar720; Ba91; M312; Mc364; P284; S163, 355
119a (118a) Stalk 20-40 cm long, 6-15 mm wide, volva simple ................... Battarrea phalloides
Ar717; M313; Mc363; S163, 355
119b (118a) Stalk 10-45 cm long, 20-40 mm wide, volva with several layers . Battarrea laciniata
Ar718; M311
120 (101b) False puffballs. Outwardly similar to a puffball, but spore mass never powdery.
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120a (101b) Fruit body 1-5 cm wide, cross section shows only tiny chambers; rounded rubbery
white to yellow peridium is stained red ............................................Rhizopogon rubescens
Ar754; Bo88-9; M314; Mc349; P287
120b (101b) Gleba with branched, buff-coloured flesh, or fruiting body on a stalk ..................121
121a (120b) Fruiting body pear shaped, greenish yellow, dry; gleba has branched, sterile buff
flesh ..............................................................................................Truncocolumella citrina
Ar752; M314; Mc349
121b (120b) Fruiting body with an obvious stem .....................................................................122
122a (121b) Fruiting body stalk 15-30 cm long and narrow cylindric cap 6-10cm tall; in desert
................................................................................................................ Podaxis pistillaris
Ar724-5; M315; Mc365; S152, 343
122b (121b) Stalk no more than 25 mm long; on conifer wood near snowbanks; cap yellow
brown and viscid, rounded........................................................Nivatogastrium nubigenum
Ar735; M315
122c (121b) On earth, especially in flowerbeds and nursries; cap dingy white, hairy ...................
................................................................................................... Endoptychum agaricoides
Ar731; M316; P281; S152, 342
123 (101b) Earthstars are a distinctive group of fungi related to puffballs, that have an outer and
an inner wall. The outer wall splits at maturity (forming rays) to expose the inner wall, but
may close up under some conditions. The inner wall surrounds the spore sac (gleba) and
may develop a pore (ostiole) at maturity. Ar699-706; M295-8
123a (101b) Rays open when wet, close around the spore sac when dry. Spore sac hairy ............
.......................................................................................................Astraeus hygrometricus
Ar700, 705; Ba91; M296; Mc358; P284
123b (101b) Rays remain open, inner spore sac smooth...........................................................124
124a (123b) Spore sac with many ostioles ................................................ Myriostoma coliforme
Ar704; M296
124b (123b) Spore sac with one hole (ostiole) at the top ..........................................................125
125a (124b) Inner spore sac on a short stalk................................................Geastrum coronatum
Ar702; Ba95-6; Bo76; M296; S158, 349
125b (124b) Inner spore sac not on a stalk...............................................................................126
126a (125b) Spore sac in an 'bowl' when the rays open; inner surface of the bowl cracked...........
..................................................................................................................Geastrum triplex
Ar703; Ba95-6; Bo76; M296; Mc361; P286
126b (125b) Spore sac exposed but not on a stalk; inner surface of the ray smooth.......................
............................................................................................................. Geastrum saccatum
Ar703; Ba95-6; Bo76; M298; Mc361; P286
127 (101c) Bird's nest fungi are a distinctive group with tiny (4-15 mm wide) fruiting bodies
most of which remarkably resemble their common name; commonly on sticks or woody
debris. There are several genera, including the most common ones described here.
127a (101c) Fruiting body 10-15 mm wide and high; cinnamon to grey brown; membranous
covering over the top later revealing a striped inner wall; "eggs" (peridioles) white.............
...................................................................................................................Cyathus striatus
A828; Ar779-80; Ba97-8; M294; Mc367; P288; S161, 353
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127b (101c) As for Cyathus, but inner walls not striate; peridioles nearly whiteCrucibilum
A828; Ar779; Ba97; M294; Mc366; P288; S161, 354
127c (101c) Fruiting body 3-10 mm wide and 5-20mm high, with a flaring mouth. "Eggs" grey
to light brown, embedded in a gel................................................................ Nidula candida
A829; Ar780; Mc368; P288; S161, 354
127d (101c) Fruiting body 1.5 mm and spherical, yellow orange to whitish at maturity. The single
"egg" is shot off by a ballistic mechanism given sufficient moisture .Sphaerobolus stellatus
A830; Ar781; Ba98; P288
128 (1G) Ascomycetes is a large group of typically small fungi, seldom more than 5 cm in the
largest dimension, and often microscopic. Fruiting bodies are typically delicate, but may
also be tough or leathery, particularly when dry. Ar782-887; M324-46
128a (1G) Resembling a mushroom with a 'stem' and 'cap', both of which may have an uneven
(pitted) surface, but the stem hollow and the cap never having gills, pores or teeth.........129
128b (1G) Resembling a cup ...................................................................................................139
128c (1G) Resembling a tongue(s) or finger(s) growing from soil or litter...............................145
129 (128a) Morels and false morels Morels are delicious and highly prized edible fungi, but the
superficially similar false morels are generally poisonous. Typically morels resemble pine
cones on stalks, fruit in springtime particularly in a forest the years first following a fire;
false morels fruit spring and autumn. Ar784-816; M324-335
129a (128a) Head and stem continuous, hollow; head ridged or pitted (true morel) .................130
129b (114a) Head or cap attached at the top of the stalk, not hollow; head wrinkled or smooth or
saddled shaped, but not ridged or pitted except on the stem (false morel) .......................133
130 (129a) True Morels A326-9; Ar784-96; M324-6
130a (129a) Head light to dark brown, ridged, bell-shaped; recessed at attachment to stem; stem
long and thin ...................................................Morchella hybrid and Morchella semilibera
A328; Ar791; Ba72-3; M324-6; Mc40; P303; S181, 391
130b (129a) Head clearly attached directly to the stem ............................................................131
131a (130b) Conical head with radial black ridges between brown pits ...... Morchella angustipes
Ba72-3; M324-6; Mc37
131b (130b) Ridges and pits brown or white............................................................................132
132a (131b) Ridges and pits both yellow brown; pits not radially arranged .. Morchella esculenta
A327; Ar787; Ba72-3; Bo78, 93-4; M324-6; Mc39; P301
132b (131b) Ridges white, pits deep brown; pits not radially arranged .........................................
.................................Morchella deliciosa and (smaller with conical cap) Morchella conica
A326-7; Ar789; Ba72-3; M324-6; Mc38;
133 (129b) False Morels A329-39; Ar796-816; M327-35
133a (129) Fruiting in spring (summer in the mountains) ........................................................134
133b (129b) Fruiting in summer or autumn .............................................................................137
134a (133a) Cap bell shaped, brittle, smooth or wrinkled; stem smooth and evenly thick ........135
134b (133a) Cap cuplike, lobed, saddle-shaped, stem ribbed ...................................................136
135a (134a) Cap smooth, tan coloured .................................................................... Verpa conica
A329; Ar794; Ba74; Bo80; M327-8; Mc43; P303; S181, 380
135b (134a) Can deeply wrinkled, skirtlike ........................................................ Verpa bohemica
Common genera of large fungi.
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A329; Ar793; Bo80; M327-8; Mc42; P302
136a (134b) Fruiting near or under melting snowbanks; yellow in KOH .............Gyromitra gigas
A338; Ar800; Ba73, 76; M327-8; Mc52; P302; S183, 382
136b (134b) Stem robust (2-5 cm thick, 5-12 cm long), deeply ribbed, with red stains; cap brown
8-20 cm broad, lobed but not wrinkled, brittle ...................................Gyromitra californica
Ar804; Ba73, 76; M328-30; Mc49;
136c (134b) Cap saddle shaped and wrinkled, brown or red-broad, 2-8cm; stem equal, 1-2cm
thick, smooth, pale .............................................................................. Gyromitra esculenta
A336; Ba73, 76; Bo33, 80; M332; Mc51; P302
136d (134b) Cap massive (5-20cm wide) and extremely wrinkled, red brown; stem white and
often with red stains .........................................................................Gyromitra caroliniana
A336; Ar 800, 802; Ba73, 76; M328, 331; Mc50
137a (133b) Stem short, ribbed, white, head cup shaped and brown .............................................
........................................................... Paxina acetabulum (also called Helvella acetabula)
A332-3; Ar807; Ba75-7; Bo82; M333; Mc43; S185, 383
137b (133b) Stem long (4-10cm), ribbed with white indentations and reddish brown ridges
................................................................................................................Helvella lacunosa
A334; Ar815; Ba75-7; M335; Mc45; P304
137c (133b) Stem nearly smooth .............................................................................................138
138a (137c) Stem 5-10cm long, 3-10mm wide, white; head saddle shaped and pinkish
.................................................................................................................. Helvella elastica
A334; Ar813; Ba75-7; Bo82; M335; Mc45
138b (137c) Stem 6-8 cm long, 5-15mm wide, pinkish; head saddle shaped and reddish brown
................................................................................................................. Gyromitra infula
A339; Ar802; Ba73, 76; Bo82; M335; Mc53; P303
139 (138b) Cup fungi, order Pezizales, are typically thin and brittle, brightly coloured, and grow
directly on the ground with the exception of Urnula (see 129a)
139a (138b) Cup bright orange-yellow, with or without blue stains.........................................140
139b (114b) Cup another colour ..............................................................................................141
140a (139a) Cup orange-peach with no stains ....................................................Aleuria aurantia
A349; Ba53; M336; Mc59; P306; S187, 388
140b (139a) Cup orange-yellow with conspicuous blue stains ....................... Caloscypha fulgens
A349; Ba55; M 336; Mc59; P306
141a (139b) Cup scarlet inside, lighter outside .......................................... Sarcoscypha coccinea
A343-4; Ba55; Bo88; M336; Mc33; P305
141b (139b) Cup another colour ..............................................................................................142
142a (141b) Cup folded vertically, shaped like a rabbit's ear, 2-6cm high, red-brown...................
.......................................................................................................................Otidia smithii
A351-2; Ba65; Bo75; 84; M336; Mc61; P307; S186, 387
142b (141b) Cup shaped, or flattened or urn-shaped................................................................143
143a (142b) Deep grey cup, darker inside, 3-4.5 cm wide; on a stalk 3-4 cm long........................
................................................................................................................ Urnula craterium
A342; Ba64; M338; Mc36; S189, 390
143b (142b) Flattened or cup-shaped cup ................................................................................144
144a (143b) A deep cup 4-12 cm wide, partially buried in the ground, pinkish; margin splitting to
resemble rays, but unlike Geastrum, lacking a gleba...................... Sarcosphaera coronaria
A346-7; M338; Mc58; P307; S186, 387
Common genera of large fungi.
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144b (143b) Deep brown cup shaped cup, 3-10 cm wide ...........................................Peziza badia
A331-5, 337-8; 485; Ba61-2; Bo84; M338; P305; S186, 384
144c (143b) Cup flattened, disk-like, sometimes with margin turned under, 3-10 cm wide; brown
disk with whitish beneath; especially associated with conifers..................... Discina perlata
A330-1, 396; Ba63; Bo80; M340; Mc47; P304
145 (128c) Earth Tongues (Ascomycetes, Helotiales) These resemble their common name,
usually a flattened fruiting body, sometimes without a distinct stalk. This order and similar
looking species are discussed in A356-66; Ar865-78; M341-5; H
145a (128c) Fruiting body with cap and stalk, cap convex; abrupt margin with sterile tissue
below ................................................................................................... Leotia and Ludonia
Ar872; Ba67; Mc33; P308
145b (128c) Fruiting body lacking a distinct margin between sterile and fertile tissue .............146
146a (145b) Fruiting body gelatinous or rubbery, variously shaped but not club-like; pink to red,
purple, brown, black, on wood ...............................................................Bulgaria and allies
Ar875; Ba57; H2-164; P310
146b (145b) Fruiting body cup-like or disk-like, with or without a stalk ............Ciboria and allies
Ar877; H1-60
146c (145b) Entire fruiting body black or brown or light brown ...................................................
.................................................. Geoglossum, Microglossum, Spathularia, Trichoglossum
Ar866-8; Ba89; H1-198, 1-220, 2-214; Mc29, 32; P309; S189, 392
147 (1H) Coral fungi are basidiomycetes and their fruiting bodies are finger or club shaped,
erect, typically brittle or tough, and can be large and brightly coloured. Fruit bodies can be
single or branched, and the branches can be cylindrical or flattened A398-414; M232-40
147a (1H) Single cylindrical fruit bodies.................................................................................148
147a (1H) Many-branched fruit bodies ....................................................................................150
148a (147a) Fruit bodies cylindrical in cross section with sharply pointed tips; brittle; clustered
but not branched; white or tending to violet............................................Clavaria zollingeri
A402; Ba111-2; Bo68; M232; Mc71; P291; S167, 361
148b (147a) Not violet or different shape ................................................................................149
149a (148b) Wide club with flattened top sometimes slightly depressed in the centre, cylindrical
in cross-section; bright orange-yellow, 6-15 cm tall................... Clavariadelphus truncatus
A404; Ba113; Bo68; M234; Mc72; P291; S166, 360
149b (148b) Club shaped but with a round wrinkled top; orange red; 7-30 cm tall........................
...................................................................................................Clavariadelphus pistillaris
A403; Ba113; Bo68; M234; MC73; P291
149c (148b) Club shaped to flattened, salmon coloured, 2-6 cm tall ......... Clavariadelphus ligula
A403; Ba113; M234; MC73;
150a (149b) Branches delicate, without a fleshy base..............................................................151
150b (149b) Branches coarse and blunt or flattened.................................................................152
151a (150a) Branches irregular, thick, contorted, smoky or bluish grey; whitish just at the base;
fruit body 2-10 cm high........................................................................... Clavulina cinerea
A403; Ba114; M234; P292; S167, 362
151b (150a) Branches irregular or equal; fruit body not smoky grey........................................153
152a (151b) Branches irregular, overall contorted; fine tipped, whitish ............ Clavulina cristata
A402; Ba114; M237; P292
Common genera of large fungi.
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152b (151b) Branches even, sometimes dichotomous, overall orderly; white to dark cream
...........................................................................................................Clavicorona pyxidata
A401; Ba116; Bo68; M237; MC73; P292
153a (150b) Robust fleshy white base with tapering salmon coloured branches; flesh bruises
black ........................................................................................................Ramaria formosa
A408 (Ramaria spp A406-10; Ba116-9; Bo70); M238; Mc75-6; S167, 363
153b (150b) Robust fleshy white base with blunt branches that are white to tan, occasionally
salmon pink to dark red .............................................................................Ramaria botrytis
A407; M238; Ramaria Ba116-9; Bo70; Mc75; P293-9
153c (150b) Coarse branches with broad flattened leaflike margins; cream colour........................
............................................................................................................... Sparassis radicata
A411-2; Ba120; M238; Mc76; P290; S165, 360
154 (1I) Jelly fungi are heterobasidiomycetes in the order Tremellales. Fruiting bodies typically
are small and brightly coloured, usually on wood. Their gelatinous flesh becomes tough and
may be inconspicuous in dry weather. A379-86; M317-23
154a (1I) Irregular masses with no particular form, or tiny cups, always on wood...................155
154b (1I) Stalks and clubs, sometimes spoon shaped or fan shaped, with teeth ........................157
155a (154a) Yellow cups 4-15mm wide, on wood in early spring; difficult to distinguish in the
field from Peziza, see 130; check for asci vs basidia with cruciate septa)Guepiniopsis
A382; Ba105; M318; Mc65; P300
155b (154a) Jelly-like irregular masses of earlike lobes (yellow, orange, brown).....................156
156a (155b) Yellow to orange; firm with a white base; collapses when dried ...............................
..........................................................................................................Dacrymyces palmatus
A381; Ba102; Bo86; M319; Mc64; P300
156b (155b) Orange to golden yellow, horny when dried, base not white ... Tremella mesenterica
A385 (Tremella A384-5, 419; Ba102-4); Bo86; M320; Mc67; P300
156c (1455b) Fruit body 3-15 cm, ear shaped and lobed or wrinkled, tough and gelatinous;
cinnamon brown................................................................................. Auricularia auricula
A380; Ba105; M320; Mc64; P299
156d (155b) Fruit body 2-6 cm, dark brown with brown warts ........................ Exidia glandulosa
A382-3; Ba106; Bo84; M321; Mc66
157a (154b) Cylindrical branches, ≤1 cm in diameter, resembling a robust coral fungus. Stalks
pliant and viscous, typically pale yellow....................................................Calocera viscosa
A380-1; Ba103; Bo84; M321; Mc64
157b (154b) Not coral like, resembling an eccentric mushroom...............................................158
158a (157b) Gelatinous and translucent, dull whitish, and often spoon shaped 1-3cm tall and
wide, with small white teeth ................................................... Pseudohydnum gelatinosum
A383; Ba107; Bo86; M322; Mc66; P300
158b (157b) Funnel or fan shaped without teeth; pink to rose-peach; firm gelatinous, on ground
by conifers .......................................................................................Phlogiotis helvelloides
A383; Ba107; Bo84; M323; Mc66; P300
159 (1J) Stinkhorns, basidiomycete order Phallales. These are distinctive fungi whose spore
masses are borne in pits or on the tip of a 2-10cm tall stem in a smelly slime that is
attractive to flies. Stinkhorns develop within an egg-like structure until the spores are fully
mature, like the related groups puffballs and earth stars.
Common genera of large fungi.
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159a (1J) Spore slime exposed or borne aloft at maturity; fruiting body variously shaped,
emergiung from an “egg” whose skin (peridium) forms a sack at the base......................160
159b (1I) Peridium either remaining intact or rupturing to form irregular holes at the top; volva
A834; Ar762; Mc346
160a (159a) Fruiting body unbranched but sometimes with a lacy skirt or veil; spore slime
coating the outer surface of the ‘head’ unless washed off or eaten by flies.. Phallaceae, 161
160b (159a) Fruiting body branched to form several arms (that may be fused at the tips) or as a
latticework; spore slime on the inner surface (upper surface if unfolded)..Clathraceae, 164
161 (160b) Phallaceae medium sized, foul smelling fruiting bodies on soil or rotten wood
161a (160b) Netlike skirt (indusium) prominent, hanging from the lower margin of the head..162
161b (160b) Skirt absent, spore slime on tip ............................................................................163
162a (161a) Fruiting body and indusium 7-25 cm tall, white except for green spore slime,
indusium forms a netted globe; tropical ............................................ Dictyophora indusiata
Ar770; Ba99
162b (161a) Fruiting body 3-6cm tall, temperate ...................................... Dictyophora duplicata
Ar770; Ba99; Mc347; P290
163a (161b) Fruiting body a single stalk with dark green slimy spores at tip, no distinct ‘head’
................................................................................................................. Mutinus caninus
Ar771; Ba100; Mc347; M. elegans P290; S159, 352
163b (161b) Fruiting body club shaped (2.5-5cm high, 1-3cm wide), whitish pink; with pits in top
filled with a dark slimy spore mass....................................................Phallogaster saccatus
A834; Ar762; M290; Mc346
163c (161b) Head smooth, green, slimy............................................................. Phallus ravenelii
Ar768; Ba99; Mc348
163d (161b) Head wrinkled, green, slimy ........................................................Phallus impudicus
Ar768; Ba99; Mc348; Mc346; S159, 359
164 (160b) Clathraceae Fruiting body emerging from an ‘egg’ that contains a gelatinous layer.
Head often chambered or latticed. Ar772
164a (160b) Fruiting body a stalk, with many chambers, seated in a volva (cup)..........................
........................................................ Simblum sphaerocephalum and Clathrus columnatus
Simblum A833; M292; Clathrus A844; Ar772-6; M292; Mc345
164b (160abUpraised arms at apex, with green slime on each arm...................... Lysurus borealis
Ar776-8; Ba100; M291; Mc345
164c (160b) Head regularly chambered and red ................................Simblum sphaerocephalum
A833; M292; Mc346
165 (1K) Club shaped fungi – This is an artificial grouping of fruiting bodies with a similar
basic morphology from a variety of groups (stinkhorns, dead mens' fingers, jelly fungi, club
fungi). Note that in this section, the intent is to distinguish between these similar groups,
and then typically the key leads you to the taxonomic group, usually earlier in the key.
165a (1K) Erect cylindrical or club-shaped fungus, whose upper end may be tapered and covered
with a smelly slime; stem relatively fragile and hollow; not branched........... Stinkhorns 159
165b (1K) As in 130a, and with a small black head but without the stench ........... Morchella 130
165c (1K) Robust cylindrical or club shaped fungus, not slimy or branched Clavariadelphus 149
Common genera of large fungi.
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165d (1K) Erect branched cylinders, 3-10cm tall, yellow ........................................ Calocera 147
165e (1K) Tall (10-50cm) stem with a 2-3cm knob at the tip, or a dry mushroom-like cap ...........
........................................................................................... (stalked puffball) Battarrea 119
165f (1K) Short stem bearing a 2-6cm tall erect, ear-shaped rolled cup, dark brown .....Otidia 142
165g (1K) Fingerlike, dull brown-black, 4-8 cm long, tough flesh .............................Xylosphaera
Ar886; M343
165h (1K) Cylindrical club, reddish, 2-5 cm tall, growing from insect.......................... Cordyceps
Ar878-82; M344-5; Mc29; P312
166 (1L) Crust fungi (dry) These are low-growing basidiomycete fruiting bodies (typically on
wood) whose spores are borne on pores or teeth. Some species are quite smooth and
resemble paint, which can be cracked in a regular pattern.
166a (1L) Crustlike or with raised margins .............................................................................167
166b (1L) Margins not raised ..................................................................................................172
167a (166a) With pores or gills ...............................................................................................168
167b (166a) With a netted pattern, or with teeth ......................................................................169
169a (167a) With pores.......................................................................................... Polyporaceae
A414-26; Ar602-8
168b (167a) with gills, flesh brown ................................................................................. Lenzites
Ar586-90; Ba143; Bo72; L294; Mc128; P268
168c (167a) With gills, flesh white ................................................................................ Daedalea
Ar586-9; Ba143; L284; Mc125; P268
169a (167b) Netted (reticulate) pattern....................................................................................170
169b (167b) With teeth............................................................................................................171
170a (168a) Gelatinous, orange, with radiating folds, white spores ................................Merulius
A421; Ar605, 610-1; Ba152; L291; Mc79
170b (168a) Spongy, yellow brown radiating folds, brown spores .................................... Serpula
A415-6; Ar610-1
171a (168b) Grey to pink, gelatinous ...................................................................Pseudohydnum
A383; Ar671; Ba107; Bo86; L268; M322; Mc66; P300
171b (168b) Yellowish, fragile ............................................................................... Steccherinum
Ar612; Ba128; L315; Mc99
172a (166b) Blackish ..............................................................................................................173
172b (166b) Orange, white, brown, or purplish........................................................................174
173a (172a) Unevenly crustlike.......................................................................................Ustulina
A375; P311
173b (172a) Disklike or smooth.......................................................................................Diatrype
174a (158b) Fruiting body orange .................................................................................... Phlebia
Ar610; Ba152; P272
174b (158b) Fruiting body grey to olive brown, warty............................................... Coniophora
Ar605, 611;
174c (158b) Fruiting body brown, sometimes purple, smooth.......................................... Stereum
Ar604-8; Ba154; L316-7; Mc80; P270
175 (1M) Key to subterranean fungi. Subterranean fungi include truffles (ascomycete,Tuber
spp), which are highly prized for their aroma and flavour, and at least 92 other genera of
Common genera of large fungi.
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ascomycete and basidiomycete that fruit underground and are dug up and dispersed by
animals. Tuber fruiting bodies are solid, filled with hymenium and spores, whereas other
subterranean fungi are related to other ascomycete and basidiomycete groups. Some
apparently subterranean fungi are merely the young stage of a fruiting body, including the
‘eggs’ of stinkhorns and Amanita mushrooms. It is important to cut the open to determine
this. Keys and descriptions of families and genera of truffles Ar844-65
175a (1M) Spores borne on basidia .................................................................. Hymenogastrales
175b (1M) Spores borne on asci ..............................................................................................176
176a (161b) Fruiting body resembles an earthball, with a thick outer rind and a large inner cavity
that fills with tissue, becomes divided by sterile bands of tissue, and then fills with black
powdery spores .............................................................................................. Elaphomyces
A355; Ar862; Ba81-2;
176b (161b) Fruiting body warted, black to brown .........................................Balsamia and allies
176c (161b) Fruiting body strikingly lobed or brainlike; warted, white to yellow to grey; or also
warted on the interior ...........................................................................Genea and Genebea
176d (161b) Round to very lobed, hard and sometimes warted exterior; interior waxy with
pockets of fertile tissue; marbeled appearance .............................. Tuber and Pachypholeus
Ar854-62; Bo89
177 (1N) Slime molds. These are not true fungi, but they are considered part of the ‘fungal
union’ because they are saprotrophic, and they reproduce sexually by means of spores that
have walls. These fruiting bodies are small and are found particularly in moist places. There
are six orders and about 800 species. Detailed information in Stephenson and Stempen;
177a (1N) Fruiting body of upright columns, white, yellow or pink, with spores borne externally
on threadlike stalk. Common in temperature regions ....................................... Ceratiomyxa
A845; Ba35
177b (1N) Spores borne internally and enclosed in the early stages of development by a peridium
178a (163b) Spore mass more or less brightly coloured, capillitium conspicuously sculptured
.................................................................................................................... Trichiales, 179
178b (163b) Spore mass purple brown to black, or violet to red-brown; capillitium not
conspicuously sculptured; calcium carbonate in fruiting body .................... Physarales, 180
178c (163b) Spore mass purple brown to black, or violet to red-brown; capillitium not
conspicuously sculptured; no calcium carbonate......................................Stemonitales, 181
178d (163b) True capillitium absent ........................................................................ Liceales, 182
179a (164a) White plasmodium producing pink to red cottony club shaped masses on short stalks
.................................................................................................................Arcyria denudata
A850; Ba40
179b (164a) White plasmodium producing yellow orange top on a thick stalk, opening to a fuzzy
yellow cone..........................................................................................Hemitrichia clavata
A850; Ba39, 41
179c (164a) White plasmodium producing a large pretzel-like network of thickened yellowish
brown strands...................................................................................... Hemitrichia serpula
A851; Ba39, 41
Common genera of large fungi.
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180a (164b) Whitish plasmodium; cortex composed of granular lime; bright white to yellow or
reddish ..........................................................................................................Fuligo septica
A845-6; Ba36
180b (164b) Brilliant yellow plasmodium, sporangium black, lobed, borne on a short stalk
............................................................................................................................ Physarum
A847; Ba39, 44
181a (164c) Sporangia erect, reddish stalks with a central columella, that occur as large tufts
A853; Ba43
181b (164c) White plasmodium producing a large tapioca-like mass that becomes cushion shaped
and pinkish, finally crusty and brown-black ..........................................................Brefeldia
A852; Ba43
182a (164d) 0.5-3cm wide blob, soft and bright pink when young, later turning dry and brown;
sometimes oozing pink “milk” ..............................................................................Lycogala
Bo90; Ba45
182b (164d) Stalked sporangium, typically gregarious and nodding, with a prominent netlike
peridium that persists at maturity......................................................................... Dictydium
A849; Ba44
References – major
Arora, D. 1985 Mushrooms Demystified. Ten Speed Press, Berkeley CA. ISBN 0-89815-169-4
(abbreviation: Ar)
Comprehensive keys, descriptions, photographs – an excellent and extremely comprehensive
Barron, G. 1999 Mushrooms of Ontario and Eastern Canada. Lone Pine, Edmonton AB
ISBN!1-55105-199-0 (abbreviation: Ba)
Many fungal genera are found across North America. Field keys and macroscopic
descriptions, and excellent pictures.
Bossenmaier, E. 1997 Mushrooms of the Boreal Forest. University Extension Press,
U!Saskatchewan. ISBN!0-88880-355-9 (abbreviation: Bo).
Good pictures and field descriptions to local Saskatchewan boreal forest fungi. Crossreferenced to other field guides, where Bossenmaier’s abbreviation is A=Arora, L=Lincoff
Audobon guide
Hanlin, R. 1992 Illustrated Genera of the Ascomycetes, Volumes I and II., Hanlin, R. 1998
Combined keys to the illustrated genera of the Ascomycetes. APS Press. ISBN
0-89054-107-8, 0-89054-198-1, 089054-199-X, (abbreviation:!H; x-y refers to volume and
page number)
Lincoff, G.H. 1981 National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Mushrooms.
Alfred A. Knopf, NY. ISBN 0-394-51992-2. (abbreviation: A)
Excellent descriptions and comprehensive selection; includes lookalikes; pictorial key to
major groups only; tendency to favour common names but includes scientific; scale indication;
p857 has a table of distinctive features of many gilled mushrooms by spore colour.
Lincoff, G.H. (Editor) 1981 Simon and Schuster’s Guide to Mushrooms. Simon and Schuster,
NY. ISBN 0-671-42849-7. (abbreviation: L).
Common genera of large fungi.
Appendix 7
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Green pages are a pictorial key to the major groups, and a text key to major genera in each
group. Photographs and descriptions of species in each genus. Spore colour, mushroom
edibility, saprotroph vs mycorrhiza, are given as thumbnails, and details in text.
McKnight, K.H. and McKnight, V.B. 1987 Peterson Field Guide to Mushrooms. Houghton
Mifflin, NY. ISBN 0-395-91090-0 (abbreviation: Mc)
Comprehensive text descriptions with diagrams of major species, using common and scientific
names. No identification key. Text descriptions and drawings are separate; drawings indicate
important field characters.
Miller, O.K. Jr 1972 Mushrooms of North America, E. P. Dutton, NY. ISBN 0-525-48317-9
(abbreviation: M)
Field keys throughout the book. Detailed text description of fruit bodies, growth habit,
edibility. Photographs of most of the genera/species described in the text; illustrated glossary,
Phillips, R 1991 Mushrooms of North America. Little, Brown and Co., NY.
ISBN!0-316-70613-2 (abbreviation: P)
Multiple pictures of each species described, usually several views including cut and/or
bruised, with scale indication. Text description on same page as photograph.
Schalkwijk-Barendsen, H.M.E. 1991 Mushrooms of Northwest North America. Lone Pine,
Edmonton AB. ISBN 1-22105-046-3 (abbreviation: S)
Focuses on species that grow in western Canada; drawings provide generalized images. Keys
to genera p19-23, and brief descriptions of major genera; pictorial glossary p14 and 397; text
glossary p399; colour illustrations p25-192; species descriptions p194-396; uses common
name and scientific name
Stephenson, S.L. and Stempen, H. 1994. Myxomycetes, a Handbook of Slime Molds. Timber
Press, Inc, Portland OR. ISBN 0-88192-439-3 (abbreviation: SS)
Common genera of large fungi.
Appendix 7
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References – additional
Ainsworth, G. C., Sparrow, F. K., Sussman, A. S. 1973 The Fungi, and Advanced Treatise,
Volumes IV-A and IV-B. Academic Press, NY. ISBN 0-12-045604-4 and 0-12-045844-3
Baier, J. 1991 Mushrooms and Toadstools. Aventium Press, Prague. ISBN 1-57215-133-1
Bigelow, H.E. 1974 Mushroom Pocket Field Guide. MacMillan Publ. NY. ISBN 0-02-510650-3
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