William Penn Newsletter 24th June 2013

William Penn Newsletter
24th June 2013
40th Anniversary Celebrations – Thursday 3rd July
William Penn School will be celebrating exactly 40
years at the Brooks Green Road site on July 3rd 2013.
To celebrate this we are inviting all pupils past and
present, parents, staff, those associated with the
school and the local community to join us for
afternoon tea.
The 3rd July will also be a non-uniform day for the
children – in exchange for wearing their own clothes
we ask they bring in a plate of cakes or scones,
strawberries, jam or cream.
The celebrations will start at the end of the school day
and will finish at approximately 7pm. Come along at
any time and meet old friends and make new acquaintances. A display of photographs taken over the years
will also be on display.
Please tell anyone you know who have had a connection with the school over the years to join us to make the
celebration truly memorable!
Named Clothes and Missing Belongings
We have found several items of clothing recently and been unable to return these to owners as they have not
been named. Please check your child’s clothing, even if you have named items, as names can fall out or
become too faint to read over time.
In addition, some items that are named have gone missing, for example a PE kit that we are aware of. Please
check at home for items that have inadvertently been brought home with your own child’s clothes. Thank you
Measles Outbreaks
You will have seen in the news that there have been serious outbreaks of measles in England and Wales, with
teenagers being those most affected. This is because many of them missed out on their MMR vaccinations in
the late 1990s and early 2000s when the vaccine was mistakenly linked to cases of autism.
These outbreaks are a serious concern with up to a million children and young teenagers potentially
vulnerable to infection, especially as children of this age are going into secondary school where the spread of
infection is much more likely to happen.
With this letter is a flyer describing the disease and the benefits of the MMR vaccination. It also answers some
common questions about measles and the vaccine. We hope it helps you decide on getting your child
vaccinated against measles (as well as mumps and rubella). The vaccination is free on the NHS and will be
available from your GP.
We recommend that you contact your GP as a high priority to make an appointment if your child has not yet
had two doses of MMR vaccine.
Billingshurst Show
If anyone has a late individual entry form for the Billingshurst Show, please return to school tomorrow for
collection by a representative of Billingshurst Rotary.
School Reports – Explanation of Levels and Return Slips
Many thanks to all those that have returned their slips in acknowledgement of receipt of reports. You will have
noticed that the reports offer extra detail this year in terms of attainment levels. Please refer to the report or
the information here for an explanation of attainment levels. For further clarification, please ask your child’s
teacher at the consultations this week.
The statements in this report are made against National Levels that can best be described as follows:
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
- Level 1 and start on Level 2
- Consolidation of Level 2 and start on Level 3
- Some Level 2 but mainly Level 3
- Consolidation of Level 3 and start on Level 4
- Some Level 3 but mainly Level 4
- Consolidation of Level 4 and work on Level 5
Each level is subdivided into A, B and C with C indicating a developing understanding within the level, B a
secure understanding and A a high understanding. Your child may gain a different level for different subjects
and may achieve different levels for aspects of a subject. The teacher’s assessment will reflect the overall
performance within a subject.
Eco News
When recycling aluminium please remember that its recycling value per ton is £780. Aluminium makes up
about 8% by weight of the Earth's solid surface. Found in over 270 different minerals, the chief ore of
aluminium is bauxite.
Currently, William Penn School is 7th in the UK in the Terracycle biscuit wrapper competition to win £250.
This competition ends 7th October, so there is time to add to the total.
Please continue to use our recycling bins for biscuit wrappers and Danone pots.
Please recycle any brand of baby wipe packaging and any brand of fruit and vegetable pouches.
Pupil Achievements
If you have any pupil achievements that you would like mentioned in the newsletter, please e-mail the office:
[email protected]