Word of Week Duty for Mrs. Otter class I need those of you who

Word of Week Duty for Mrs. Otter class
I need those of you who expressed an interest in being on SEMS TV for word of the week to do a little task for me. Our word is “Policy.” I need you to write up a Vocabulary Couplet Poem for this word. Our class will vote on the two couplets we think best represent the word and its meaning. I have provided two definitions for “Policy” below. I have also included some synonyms and antonyms for it. Under that are two sample couplets, in case you have forgotten how to write one. Good Luck! You need it by middle of class tomorrow, Wednesday, April 27. Definitions for the word “Policy”: ­an officially accepted set of rules or ideas about what should be done ­a set of guidelines or rules that determine a course of action ­Synonyms: ​
code, rule, law ­Antonyms: ​
anarchy, lawlessness, disorganization Directions for Vocabulary couplet:
A couplet is pair of lines that rhyme and have the same meter (or beat). The two lines work together to complete a thought, idea or action. Write a couplet that contains the word’s definition, or part of the definition, in the first line. The second line will give an example of the word as it is used. Your two lines need to rhyme perfectly OR be a slant­rhyme. Example Couplet for the word “adhere”­­”perfect rhyme” Adhere​
means to stick on tightly and ​
bond Hair color can adhere; it can make you a b
​londe. Example couplet with ​
slant ​
means to stick on tightly and ​
bond Like white on rice they ​