Summer 2 - iMontpelier

TERM: Summer 2
TEACHERS: Miss Fortet, Miss Tabony, Miss
Will you excel in EXCEL? It’s time to investigate this exciting
computer programme where you will learn to input data.
Imaginations at the ready! This half-term it is time to get
creative. We will be looking at two different units, starting
with stories from other cultures. We will be reading the wellknown tale of Hansel and Gretel before comparing it to the
Russian tale of Baba Yaga. It will then be time to create our
own versions. How exciting that will be! In the second unit we
will continue our story telling narratives but with a superhero
theme. If you had a super power what would it be and why?
How could you use that super power? Superheroes be ready, it
is time to save the world.
Inspired by Sports Day we will look at the history of the
Olympic games, comparing and contrasting past and present
Can you feel the rhythm? We will be creating, selecting and
combining sounds using interrelated dimensions of music.
Can you be a problem solver? We will be developing our reasoning skills by exploring different solutions to mathematical
challenges. This half-term we will also investigate how to use
the column method to add and subtract. Our final challenge
will be to develop our mental maths skills and rapid recall of
multiplication facts and the corresponding division facts.
This term we will look at seeds and plants in more detail; observing
the cross section of a bulb using a magnifying glass. The children
will have the opportunity to plant a surprise bulb from a lucky dip
and see whether they can use their knowledge and prior learning
to plant them under the best conditions. Furthermore, we will be
visiting Kew Gardens to consolidate our learning and investigate
plants in different environments.
In assemblies
this term KS1
will hear stories
about kindness. They will
also learn about being
good sportsmen and women in readiness for Sports
Day. We have Year 1,
Year 2 and Reception
class assemblies to enjoy.
Art & Design Technology
It’s a puppet! This term we will enjoy a visit from an experienced puppeteer and use the skills we have learned to assemble and combine materials to make our very own puppets.
Building Learning Power
We will become Questioning Queen Bees when
we begin to investigate the life of Grace Darling.
We will need to be Planning Pandas
as well as Collaborative Koalas when
we plan our Community Café later
this term.
Growing up!
We will be introducing the concept of
gender stereotypes and
looking at the similarities
and differences between
girls and boys.
This term our
upcoming events
Puppet workshops
Kew Gardens
Art week
Sports Day
Enabling Enterprise
We will look at
how sports can
bring people together across
the globe. We will also be
learning key enterprise skills
and investigating the needs
of a society when we design
our own city as part of our
Enabling Enterprise project.
Religious Education
Water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink! We will
continue to investigate the importance of water in different
religions and listen to stories from other cultures.
We will be using mapping skills to locate Rio de Janeiro—the home of the 2016
Olympic and Paralympic games. We will then bring sporting achievements closer
to home by looking at significant sports personalities in Ealing.
Physical Education
It’s Sports Day! This half term we will practising athletics,
including throwing and jumping skills, in preparation for the
big day and of course Rio 2016!
Can you name any objects in our classroom in French? This
half term we will learn classrooms objects as well as investigating the country of France.
The Big Write
Please remember:
Homework is given out every Thursday and expected in
your class tray on Tuesday. It is often posted on the class
MLE page.
Big Talk homework is given every two weeks.
Spelling words are posted on the class MLE page. They
are tested every week.
Please write in pencil for maths. When you have a pen licence you may write in black pen only (not biro).
Please read every day at home. Bring your completed
reading record into school on Tuesday.
Your class PE day is XXXXX. Please remember your PE
kit on this day.
What is BIG Talk?
1. Big Talk is a part of the school day when we all talk in High Level Language.
2. In Big Talk we use ‘power talk’, ‘wow’ words (big or interesting words) and long, clever
3. When we do Big Writing we use our Big Talk Language.
What is Big Writing?
Big Writing is a writing lesson that allows pupils to review their skills in writing and apply their skills independently by
writing a range of text types.
Big Writing lessons take place across the curriculum to encourage pupils to use their writing skills all the time.
During Big Writing, pupils use ideas from discussions they have had in class, but also from discussions they have had
at home. The idea is that pupils already have lots of ideas to include in their writing, so that they can focus on the skills
required to write accurately.
What is Talk Homework?
1. Once a fortnight your child will bring home a TALK homework slip.
2. The TALK homework slip will tell you what the talk topic for homework is. Please turn off any distractions and spend
‘special’ time talking to your child about the topic/writing challenge.
3. You could have a regular slot every week when the TV is turned off and sit down to eat (if you do not already). Then
you could have a power talk as well (use formal language, ‘wow words, clever sentences etc.)
4. The following are ways you could make ‘power talk’ sessions last longer and be more interesting:
• Each give your own opinions on the subject
• Use the ‘because’ word to explain why you think that.
• Discuss why other family members not present might have a different idea.
• Use the ‘because’ word to explain why they might have a different idea.
• You could make links with how things were when you were young, or when your parents were young.
• Discuss whether things may be different in the future.
What else can we do?
1. Use ‘wow’ words. These are big words or interesting words. Tell me what they mean if I do not know.
2. Play games with me, especially some of the more old fashioned games like board games and card games.
3. Play lots of word games with me. These are especially good
when we are travelling or waiting for something. Here are some
• Give a ‘wow’ word in a sensible sentence and I have to guess
what it means.
• Give an adjective (describing word) and then in turn we have to
give more that have a similar or opposite meaning.
• How many can we find? Take turns beginning with A…B…C…
(Boys’ names, girls’ names).