Title Whether or Not Weather is Affected? Project Idea

Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning
Whether or Not Weather is Affected?
Fifth Grade Fifth Grade
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Project Idea:
Entry Event:
Standards &
Whether or Not Weather is Affected?
Students will create weather tools to explore weather patterns and the role that our natural landforms play
in affecting those weather patterns in our community. A local meteorologist will visit the classroom and
challenge the students to beat him at predicting the weather.
A local meteorologist will visit the classroom and discuss weather, weather patterns, and weather tools.
The discussion will provide information on our local and statewide weather patterns. He will give the
students a challenge to predict the weather. Can you “beat the weatherman”? The group that comes the
closest to predicting the weather in a multimedia presentation forecast will be featured on the evening
weather edition as the weather man’s assistant.
Objectives Directly Taught or
Learned Through Discovery
Identified Learning Target
SC.O.5.1.01 realize that scientists
formulate and test their explanations
of nature using observation and
- Attend a presentation from a local
meteorologist concerning weather,
climate, weather tools, and weather
SC.O.5.1.05 cooperate and
collaborate to ask questions, design
and conduct explorations,
investigations to find answers to
solve problems.
- Work together to design weather
tools, collect weather data, and
gather weather and climate research.
- Construct a graph to display
collected weather data.
SC.O.5.1.11 construct and use
charts, graphs and tables to organize, - Practice reading weather maps to
gain insight on predicting weather.
display, interpret, analyze and
explain data.
SC.O.5.2.20 use a variety of
instruments and sources to collect
and display weather data to describe
weather patterns.
- Create and use a variety of weather
instruments, such as anemometers,
barometers, thermometers, and rain
gauges. They will create a weather
station with their tools.
- Collect weather data from their
weather stations.
- Create a graph to display their
collected data.
SC.O.5.2.19 identify and describe
natural landforms and explain how
they change and impact weather and
-Whole-class internet research of
different websites, using a
- Individual/group internet research
on landforms and their effect on
weather and climate.
Evidence of Success in
Achieving Identified Learning
-Students will be given a knowledge
rating scale prior to discussion and
then answer follow up review
questions pertaining to the content
discussed during the presentation.
-Students will complete an
AlphaBoxes vocabulary activity
following the presentation. SWAT
will be played as a follow up.
-Students will create a Cooperative
Learning Group Contract. See
-Students will follow the
collaboration rubric and be scored
-Students will be responsible for
creating their own weather tools to be
used in data collection.
-Students graph will be scored
according to a graphing rubric.
-Practice questions on reading a
weather map will be answered.
-Students will use their created tools
to create a weather station.
-Collected weather data will be
documented in the science notebook.
-Student’s graph is scored according
to a graphing rubric as listed above.
-Students will predict weather for the
following day based on their data
collection and current weather maps.
-Students will participate in class
discussion of landforms and their
impact on weather. Various websites
will be viewed on the whiteboard and
instructions will be given for further
Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning
Whether or Not Weather is Affected?
Fifth Grade Fifth Grade
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-Students will complete a KWL
chart about how weather is affected
by landforms.
-Students will use information gained
to write a summary of how landforms
can affect weather, and describe what
landforms are prominent in
determining our region’s weather
21st Century
Information and
Learning Skills &
Technology Tools
21C.O.5-8.1.LS3 - Student
presents thoughts, ideas, and
conceptual understanding
efficiently, accurately and in a
compelling manner and
enhances the oral or written
presentation through the use
of technology.
Teaching Strategies Culminating
- Receive training on PowerPoint,
Microsoft word, and internet research.
This will be done collaboratively with
the computer/media teacher.
Thinking and
21C.O.5-8.2.TT2 - Student
Reasoning Skills: collaborates with peers,
experts, and others using
telecommunications and
collaborative tools to
investigate curriculum-related
problems, issues, and
information, and to develop
solutions or products for
audiences inside and outside
the classroom.
- Participate in a follow-up, phone
interview with the local meteorologist.
The groups will have created a list of
interview questions to be asked by the
designated group speaker.
- Pose their hypothesis to the
meteorologist to receive his/her insight
into their investigations.
-Students will use the knowledge
gained through exploration, research,
and expert advice to develop a detailed
presentation of their investigations of
weather and the role that landforms
play in creating weather patterns.
Personal and
21C.O.5-8.3.LS3 - Student
Workplace Skills: sets challenging goals and
strategically plans to reach
those goals, monitors
performance and adjusts
effort and strategies, seeks
assistance when needed, and
demonstrates focused
commitment to reaching the
established goals.
-Project plan/contract will be created by
each group. The plan must be
submitted for approval by the teacher.
Students will be instructed to seek
information within the group before
posing a question to the teacher or
class. Only if the entire group agrees
that the question should be raised, will
it be allowed.
-Groups will work collaboratively to
adhere to the steps of the plan/contract.
The group will be allowed to make
amendments to the plan as the need
arises, but must be submitted for
21C.O.5-8.3.TT8 - Student
recognizes personal limits in
his/her knowledge and
develops strategies and skills
for using technology to seek
Evidence of Success
-Students will contribute to the final
presentation of the group. (Each
presentation will include some form of
technology, though not necessarily
limited to a PowerPoint presentation.)
-Training on computer/ media research. -Information gathered and presented in
final project is valid, credible, and
Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning
Whether or Not Weather is Affected?
Fifth Grade Fifth Grade
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Driving Question:
Assessment Plan:
Assessment and
Differences between various weather instruments.
Differences between weather and climate.
How landforms impact weather patterns.
Recognize symbols on a weather map.
Construct a weather station.
Keep a log of weather data.
Create graph of collected data.
Read weather maps.
Make weather predictions based on collected data.
Create multimedia presentation.
How do landforms in our area affect the weather?
Major Group Products
Each group will be responsible for the creation of a weather station
to measure and record data.
The final group project will be a multi-media presentation focusing
on the prediction of the weather in our area. This will be presented
before the 5th grade class, parents, and teachers.
Major Individual Projects
Each individual student will be responsible for his/her own science
notebook which will serve as a record for research and a place for
Each individual will create a graph to display each set of weather
data collected from the group’s weather station.
Rubric(s) I Will Use:
Critical Thinking & Problem
Other Classroom Assessments
For Learning:
X Written Communication
Content Knowledge
Oral Communication
Combination Rubric
X Other
Presentation Questions
X Practice Presentations
Knowledge Rating Scale
X Notes
Peer Evaluation
Cooperative Learning Checklist
Online Tests and Exams
Concept Maps
KWL Chart
Focus Group
Task Management Chart
Journal Writing/Learning Log
Cooperative Learning Group
Map The Product: See Storyboard/Timeline for information on how to guide the unit and information about Making a Weather
Final Project
The students’ final project will be a presentation in the form of a weather forecast. Students will have
been collecting weather data for three weeks. During that three week period, students will spend time
familiarizing themselves with weather tools, weather symbols, and weather maps. They will also learn
how landforms in our area contribute to the weather we experience. They will closely monitor the
changes in weather as they use their self-constructed weather tools.
During the entry event, the meteorologist from our local news station will have given the students a
Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning
Whether or Not Weather is Affected?
Fifth Grade Fifth Grade
Page 4 of 5
challenge to “Beat the weatherman!” Students will use the information gained from their weather station,
internet research, discussions with the meteorologist, as well as any other research performed by each
individual group to create a weather forecast for the final day of the project.
The presentation must include some form of multimedia technology. They may choose to do a
PowerPoint presentation, a video forecast, a blog, etc.
Each forecast must include the following information:
High/Low Temperature
Wind Speed/Direction
For a detailed description of the final project, see attachment: Final Project
Knowledge and Skills Needed
Already Have
Before the
1. Use weather tools
2. Interpret weather maps
3. Knowledge of basic landforms
4. Internet research
5. Use of PowerPoint/ other forms of multi-media
6. Use of collected data to create a graph
School-based Individuals:
Media/Computer teacher
possibly social studies teacher
Power Point
Internet research
Local news station meteorologist
Manage the
Materials for the weather instruments are listed under Step 4 in the storyboard.
All other material will vary based on individual group presentations.
See Storyboard/Timeline for information on how to guide the unit and information about Making a Weather
GROUPS: Group leaders will be chosen randomly. Each student will be given a number as they enter the door. Six
numbers will be drawn. The six students with those numbers will be titled Group Leaders. These leaders will then
choose their teams. All students must have groups composed of at least one boy and one girl. This may help to cut
down on popularity and favoritism issues.
Once groups have been chosen, students from each group will work collaboratively to compose a group
contract. See attached cooperative learning group contract sample to give students an idea of what a
If your students are not accustomed to working in groups, you will want to spend some time describing
expectations of how to work in groups efficiently. Generally 5th grade students have had very little
experience with working as a team; therefore it may be appropriate to have a discussion on what it means
to be a good team member before contracts are written.
Teach21 Teach21 Project Based Learning
Whether or Not Weather is Affected?
Fifth Grade Fifth Grade
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CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: This PBL is based on 45 minute class periods. If you are working with a smaller
time frame, then you will need to adjust the steps of the plan accordingly.
Tables with four student chairs are ideal for the unit. (If you do not have tables to seat four students to a
group, then you will need to rearrange your desks into pods for each group.) Groups should be given an
identification number, so that you will be able to easily recognize each separate group and they will realize
when they are being referred to.
Project Evaluation: Upon completion of the project, all students will complete a self-evaluation as well as a cooperative
learning checklist. This will allow students to reflect on their participation and knowledge gained in the
PBL and gives you an idea of how students felt about the responsibilities of the PBL and how they worked
Students will also be given opportunity to discuss any issues that they feel need to be addressed before
the next PBL is launched in class. Comment cards will be accepted and any issues that need to be raised
during class will be addressed.
All assessments used during the process of the PBL will be reviewed and noted for any improvements
that can be made.
Resource Files
Resource Files