
The Competition
plenty of cans so they can cast their
votes for your structure!
On Wednesday, November 2, a panel
of distinguished Jurors from the archi‐
tectural, engineering, and construction
industries, and local celebrities will
meet to view and judge the structures.
All judging is impartial and confidential.
Nothing may be on or at your structure
that identifies the school or community
group that created the structure. After
judging is complete, all signage will be
placed at the structures by the Canstruction Committee members.
Award Categories
Structures are judged in the following
■■ Most CANtabulous - Juror’s favorite
■■ Most CANtastic – most nutritious
assortment of food
■■ Best CANcept – best use of labels to
paint the picture of your structure
■■ Best CANfiguration – best structural
■■ Biggest CANglomeration – structure
with the most cans
■■ Most CANteresting ‐ Honorable
The Awards Reception
You’ve spent months designing, collect‐
ing cans, test-building, and finally build‐
ing your structure for the competition ...
now it’s time to celebrate!
Your 5 official Team Members, Mentor
and Chaperone will be invited to attend
the Canstruction Awards Reception at
6 PM on Wednesday, November 2, for
a celebration. Additional tickets can be
w w w. cans t ru c t ionli. org
All about...
At the conclusion of the exhibit on
Thursday, November 10, Teams must
return to RXR Plaza to decanstruct their
structure. Cans must be neatly packed
in cartons, with like items together, to
facilitate distribution once they arrive
at the food bank. We will transport all
cartons to Long Island Cares before busi‐
ness hours on Friday, November 11.
Be sure to be on the lookout for postevent publicity. In past years, we’ve seen
William F. Collins, AIA, Architects, LLP Canstruction Long Island featured on
“The CANrose Triangle” TV, in the newspapers and in many local
Bragging Rights
If your structure is lucky enough to win
one of the awards ... tell the world!
Once the awards have been presented,
you are free to tweet about your fabu‐
lous creation, post photos and videos of
your Team and your structure on Face‐
book, LinkedIn, Flickr and all other social
networking sites.
Keep in mind that your participation in
Canstruction is a great story to include
on your school or group website, in your
newsletter, and in e-mail blasts. Some
organizations have even used photos of
their structure for their official holiday
If you have any questions about the
process of designing and creating your
structure, please contact our Team Liai‐
son Ellen Talley at [email protected].
If you are interested in becoming a
Canstruction Sponsor, please contact
our Sponsorship Coordinator, Chris
Sagistano at [email protected].
If you’d like to join us on the 2012
Canstruction Steering Committee,
please contact our Executive Director,
Tracy Lobdell at [email protected].
Blow your own horn, and spread the
word about this great event, too!
For thousands on Long Island, the day
begins and ends with the anguish of
hunger. Canstruction Long Island is de‐
termined to end this suffering.
At our event, teams of engineers, archi‐
tects, construction professionals, stu‐
dents and community groups are given
24-hours to defy expectations, logic, and
gravity as they build fantastic sculptures
from thousands of cans of food.
Driven by the knowledge that their
structures will change lives by lifting the
spirits of those in need, by raising public
awareness, and most importantly, by
filling the shelves of local food banks,
dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to
bring their creations to life.
Once completed, the super-sized
masterpieces are judged in a variety of
categories as this unconventional art
exhibit is opened to the public. The cost
of admission: one can of food.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
2010 Winner, Juror’s Favorite
“Sticking Your Neck Out to Fight Hunger”
At the end of the exhibition, all cans are
donated to Long Island Cares, Inc., The
Harry Chapin Food Bank.
Since 2007, Canstruction Long Island has
donated over 143,000 cans, the equiva‐
lent of approximately 98,000 meals, to
help feed the hungry in Nassau and Suf‐
folk Counties.
The Exhibit
All of the structures will remain on ex‐
hibit to the public everyday (weekends,
too!) from October 28 through No‐
vember 10, from 8 am to 6 pm. Cost of
admission is one can of food, but visitors
are encouraged to bring as many cans as
they like.
Visitors will vote on their favorite
structure by placing the cans they have
brought into collection bins next to
the structure they like best. Be sure to
tell your friends, family, and everyone
you know to visit the exhibit and bring
Canstruction is the annual international
design/build competition that helps
fight hunger in our local community.
Canstruction is produced annually by
Canstruction Long Island, Inc., an allvolunteer 501(c)(3) public charity, under
the auspices of the Soliety for Design
To learn more about us and our event,
and to view past structures and videos
of them being built, visit our website at
P. W. Grosser, Inc.
“Stomp Out Hunger”
Sponsored by:
“One Person CAN Make a Difference ... Harry Chapin, A Life, A Legacy”
2010 Winner, Best Use of Labels
H2M architects + engineers
Why Participate?
■■ To give back to the community
Keep in mind that Canstruction is a com‐
petition, and structure design concepts
and descriptions should remain a secret
until the event. Don’t post comments,
drawings, or photos of your structure
on any of the social media sites until
after the prizes have been awarded at
the Canstruction Awards Reception on
November 2, 2011!
■■ To help your fellow Long Islanders
Choose your cans wisely
■■ For FUN!
■■ For bragging rights!
■■ To show off your school or commu‐
nity group’s talent and creativity
Each team member participating in the
Buildout will receive an official 2011
Canstruction Long Island T-Shirt, and
food/beverages will be provided as
the Teams build their structures at RXR
Plaza in Uniondale. In addition, each
Team will receive tickets to the Awards
Reception for 5 Team Members, 1 Men‐
tor and 1 Chaperone. Additional tickets
will be available for purchase.
The Awards Reception is a great oppor‐
tunity to celebrate your tremendous
accomplishment, and view all of the
completed structures!
More than 320,000 people on
Long Island face hunger on a
daily basis ... you CAN make a
The LiRo Group
“Whale You Help Feed the Hungry?”
Where Do We Start?
Register your Team!
Come up with a design
Go to to down‐
load the registration form, and send
that, with your school’s $150 entry, fee
Assemble your Team, agree upon who
will perform what tasks and start brain‐
storming to come up with your structure
Canstruction Long Island
PO Box 624
Jericho, NY 11753
Be creative, but start simple.
Canstruction is the type of event that
calls upon a variety of different talents,
allowing everyone an opportunity to
Generate interest among your friends
and co-workers to see who wants to be
a part of the competition.
Select ways for each individual to partici‐
pate that capitalize on their strengths,
skills and interests!
Talents and skills that will benefit your
Team as you compete in Canstruction
■■ Imagination & creativity
■■ Freehand drawing or CAD skills
■■ Donation solicitation skills
■■ Basic carpentry skills
Gibbons, Esposito & Boyce Engineers, PC
2008 Winner, Honorable Mention
“Come Sail Away ... From Hunger”
materials on-hand and cut to size so
that you can be sure they work properly
within your structure. Please note that
no cutting is allowed at RXR Plaza on the
night of the Buildout.
Shhh ... it’s a Secret!
■■ Organization & planning skills
■■ Shopping expertise
■■ McGuyver-like resourcefulness, too!
Use a hunger-related theme, such as the
bowling pins and bowling ball entitled
“Strike Out Hunger”, or the Sailboat
structure entitled “Come Sail Away ...
From Hunger”.
A drawing of your structure (either
freehand or CAD) must be submitted to
the organizing committee no later than
September 9, 2011, but don’t wait until
the last minute! Take advantage of the
time you have now to get a jump on
your competition!
Remember, the labels on the cans will
paint the picture of your structure so
choose your cans carefully ... size and
color do matter! Take a close look at the
can labels, and see how they relate to
the colors in your structure. This may
take a little time studying the grocery
store shelves to find just the right size
and color cans to use!
Transporting your cans
Cameron Engineering & Associates, LLP
“Wall-E, a CAN-do Robot”
Calculate the cans you’ll need
Structures can be as small as a few hun‐
dred cans and as large as many thou‐
sands of cans! It depends upon what
type of structure you want to build, and
how intricate a design you come up
with. Keep in mind, though, that we are
trying to donate as many cans as we can
to Long Island Cares!
Follow Canstructionli on Twitter, too, for
news about sales at local grocery stores,
and suggestions for brands of cans to
use when you need a specific size and
Obtain your cans
color. We’ll also be tweeting tips and
helpful hints to guide you as you prepare Teams are responsible for obtaining all
of the cans they will need to build their
for the competition!
structure. Cans can be obtained by
holding a food drive within your school,
approaching grocery stores or food
distributorships and requesting can
donations, and soliciting cash donations
from family, friends and companies your
organization works with, to purchase the
cans you need.
Canstruction® Long Island, Inc. is a
recognized 501(c)(3) public charity, so
donations may be made to the charity
on behalf of your Team, providing your
sponsors the benefit of a tax-deduction
as they support your Team.
Determine how to build
Make use of your engineering, drawing
and mathmatical skills to determine how
you will make your structure come to
life, and how many cans you will need.
You are limited as to what “building
materials” you can use, other than cans,
to create your structure. You will be
given all of the competition details when
your Team registers.
When you are done test-building your
structure, your Team will pack your cans
in cartons for transport to the exhibition
site at RXR Plaza in Uniondale.
Then What ...?
Once you have the cans you need, it’s
time to start test-building your structure
to be sure that it is structurally sound,
and that the final product matches your
design intent.
During your test-building phase, you’ll
Lizardos Engineering Associates, PC want to have any approved building
“We CAN Wipe Out the Wave of Hunger”
We will arrange to have you cans trans‐
ported from your practice-build location
to the exhibition site prior to the Build‐
out date. Your Team just needs to show
up on the night of the Buildout with lots
of energy and any approved building
supplies you may be using.
The Buildout
On Tuesday, October 25 your Team
should arrive at RXR Plaza ready to un‐
pack your cans and build your structure.
You have all night to to complete your
build, if necessary. Be sure to dress com‐
fortably for the Buildout. You will receive
your Team T-Shirts when you check in at
the Registration Desk that night. Dinner
and beverages will be provided for all
participating Team Members.
Why Participate?
■■ To give back to the community
Keep in mind that Canstruction is a com‐
petition, and structure design concepts
and descriptions should remain a secret
until the event. Don’t post comments,
drawings, or photos of your structure
on any of the social media sites until
after the prizes have been awarded at
the Canstruction Awards Reception on
November 2, 2011!
■■ To help your fellow Long Islanders
Choose your cans wisely
■■ For FUN!
■■ For bragging rights!
■■ To show off your school or commu‐
nity group’s talent and creativity
Each team member participating in the
Buildout will receive an official 2011
Canstruction Long Island T-Shirt, and
food/beverages will be provided as
the Teams build their structures at RXR
Plaza in Uniondale. In addition, each
Team will receive tickets to the Awards
Reception for 5 Team Members, 1 Men‐
tor and 1 Chaperone. Additional tickets
will be available for purchase.
The Awards Reception is a great oppor‐
tunity to celebrate your tremendous
accomplishment, and view all of the
completed structures!
More than 320,000 people on
Long Island face hunger on a
daily basis ... you CAN make a
The LiRo Group
“Whale You Help Feed the Hungry?”
Where Do We Start?
Register your Team!
Come up with a design
Go to to down‐
load the registration form, and send
that, with your school’s $150 entry, fee
Assemble your Team, agree upon who
will perform what tasks and start brain‐
storming to come up with your structure
Canstruction Long Island
PO Box 624
Jericho, NY 11753
Be creative, but start simple.
Canstruction is the type of event that
calls upon a variety of different talents,
allowing everyone an opportunity to
Generate interest among your friends
and co-workers to see who wants to be
a part of the competition.
Select ways for each individual to partici‐
pate that capitalize on their strengths,
skills and interests!
Talents and skills that will benefit your
Team as you compete in Canstruction
■■ Imagination & creativity
■■ Freehand drawing or CAD skills
■■ Donation solicitation skills
■■ Basic carpentry skills
Gibbons, Esposito & Boyce Engineers, PC
2008 Winner, Honorable Mention
“Come Sail Away ... From Hunger”
materials on-hand and cut to size so
that you can be sure they work properly
within your structure. Please note that
no cutting is allowed at RXR Plaza on the
night of the Buildout.
Shhh ... it’s a Secret!
■■ Organization & planning skills
■■ Shopping expertise
■■ McGuyver-like resourcefulness, too!
Use a hunger-related theme, such as the
bowling pins and bowling ball entitled
“Strike Out Hunger”, or the Sailboat
structure entitled “Come Sail Away ...
From Hunger”.
A drawing of your structure (either
freehand or CAD) must be submitted to
the organizing committee no later than
September 9, 2011, but don’t wait until
the last minute! Take advantage of the
time you have now to get a jump on
your competition!
Remember, the labels on the cans will
paint the picture of your structure so
choose your cans carefully ... size and
color do matter! Take a close look at the
can labels, and see how they relate to
the colors in your structure. This may
take a little time studying the grocery
store shelves to find just the right size
and color cans to use!
Transporting your cans
Cameron Engineering & Associates, LLP
“Wall-E, a CAN-do Robot”
Calculate the cans you’ll need
Structures can be as small as a few hun‐
dred cans and as large as many thou‐
sands of cans! It depends upon what
type of structure you want to build, and
how intricate a design you come up
with. Keep in mind, though, that we are
trying to donate as many cans as we can
to Long Island Cares!
Follow Canstructionli on Twitter, too, for
news about sales at local grocery stores,
and suggestions for brands of cans to
use when you need a specific size and
Obtain your cans
color. We’ll also be tweeting tips and
helpful hints to guide you as you prepare Teams are responsible for obtaining all
of the cans they will need to build their
for the competition!
structure. Cans can be obtained by
holding a food drive within your school,
approaching grocery stores or food
distributorships and requesting can
donations, and soliciting cash donations
from family, friends and companies your
organization works with, to purchase the
cans you need.
Canstruction® Long Island, Inc. is a
recognized 501(c)(3) public charity, so
donations may be made to the charity
on behalf of your Team, providing your
sponsors the benefit of a tax-deduction
as they support your Team.
Determine how to build
Make use of your engineering, drawing
and mathmatical skills to determine how
you will make your structure come to
life, and how many cans you will need.
You are limited as to what “building
materials” you can use, other than cans,
to create your structure. You will be
given all of the competition details when
your Team registers.
When you are done test-building your
structure, your Team will pack your cans
in cartons for transport to the exhibition
site at RXR Plaza in Uniondale.
Then What ...?
Once you have the cans you need, it’s
time to start test-building your structure
to be sure that it is structurally sound,
and that the final product matches your
design intent.
During your test-building phase, you’ll
Lizardos Engineering Associates, PC want to have any approved building
“We CAN Wipe Out the Wave of Hunger”
We will arrange to have you cans trans‐
ported from your practice-build location
to the exhibition site prior to the Build‐
out date. Your Team just needs to show
up on the night of the Buildout with lots
of energy and any approved building
supplies you may be using.
The Buildout
On Tuesday, October 25 your Team
should arrive at RXR Plaza ready to un‐
pack your cans and build your structure.
You have all night to to complete your
build, if necessary. Be sure to dress com‐
fortably for the Buildout. You will receive
your Team T-Shirts when you check in at
the Registration Desk that night. Dinner
and beverages will be provided for all
participating Team Members.
The Competition
plenty of cans so they can cast their
votes for your structure!
On Wednesday, November 2, a panel
of distinguished Jurors from the archi‐
tectural, engineering, and construction
industries, and local celebrities will
meet to view and judge the structures.
All judging is impartial and confidential.
Nothing may be on or at your structure
that identifies the school or community
group that created the structure. After
judging is complete, all signage will be
placed at the structures by the Canstruction Committee members.
Award Categories
Structures are judged in the following
■■ Most CANtabulous - Juror’s favorite
■■ Most CANtastic – most nutritious
assortment of food
■■ Best CANcept – best use of labels to
paint the picture of your structure
■■ Best CANfiguration – best structural
■■ Biggest CANglomeration – structure
with the most cans
■■ Most CANteresting ‐ Honorable
The Awards Reception
You’ve spent months designing, collect‐
ing cans, test-building, and finally build‐
ing your structure for the competition ...
now it’s time to celebrate!
Your 5 official Team Members, Mentor
and Chaperone will be invited to attend
the Canstruction Awards Reception at
6 PM on Wednesday, November 2, for
a celebration. Additional tickets can be
w w w. cans t ru c t ionli. org
All about...
At the conclusion of the exhibit on
Thursday, November 10, Teams must
return to RXR Plaza to decanstruct their
structure. Cans must be neatly packed
in cartons, with like items together, to
facilitate distribution once they arrive
at the food bank. We will transport all
cartons to Long Island Cares before busi‐
ness hours on Friday, November 11.
Be sure to be on the lookout for postevent publicity. In past years, we’ve seen
William F. Collins, AIA, Architects, LLP Canstruction Long Island featured on
“The CANrose Triangle” TV, in the newspapers and in many local
Bragging Rights
If your structure is lucky enough to win
one of the awards ... tell the world!
Once the awards have been presented,
you are free to tweet about your fabu‐
lous creation, post photos and videos of
your Team and your structure on Face‐
book, LinkedIn, Flickr and all other social
networking sites.
Keep in mind that your participation in
Canstruction is a great story to include
on your school or group website, in your
newsletter, and in e-mail blasts. Some
organizations have even used photos of
their structure for their official holiday
If you have any questions about the
process of designing and creating your
structure, please contact our Team Liai‐
son Ellen Talley at [email protected].
If you are interested in becoming a
Canstruction Sponsor, please contact
our Sponsorship Coordinator, Chris
Sagistano at [email protected].
If you’d like to join us on the 2012
Canstruction Steering Committee,
please contact our Executive Director,
Tracy Lobdell at [email protected].
Blow your own horn, and spread the
word about this great event, too!
For thousands on Long Island, the day
begins and ends with the anguish of
hunger. Canstruction Long Island is de‐
termined to end this suffering.
At our event, teams of engineers, archi‐
tects, construction professionals, stu‐
dents and community groups are given
24-hours to defy expectations, logic, and
gravity as they build fantastic sculptures
from thousands of cans of food.
Driven by the knowledge that their
structures will change lives by lifting the
spirits of those in need, by raising public
awareness, and most importantly, by
filling the shelves of local food banks,
dedicated volunteers work tirelessly to
bring their creations to life.
Once completed, the super-sized
masterpieces are judged in a variety of
categories as this unconventional art
exhibit is opened to the public. The cost
of admission: one can of food.
Greenman-Pedersen, Inc.
2010 Winner, Juror’s Favorite
“Sticking Your Neck Out to Fight Hunger”
At the end of the exhibition, all cans are
donated to Long Island Cares, Inc., The
Harry Chapin Food Bank.
Since 2007, Canstruction Long Island has
donated over 143,000 cans, the equiva‐
lent of approximately 98,000 meals, to
help feed the hungry in Nassau and Suf‐
folk Counties.
The Exhibit
All of the structures will remain on ex‐
hibit to the public everyday (weekends,
too!) from October 28 through No‐
vember 10, from 8 am to 6 pm. Cost of
admission is one can of food, but visitors
are encouraged to bring as many cans as
they like.
Visitors will vote on their favorite
structure by placing the cans they have
brought into collection bins next to
the structure they like best. Be sure to
tell your friends, family, and everyone
you know to visit the exhibit and bring
Canstruction is the annual international
design/build competition that helps
fight hunger in our local community.
Canstruction is produced annually by
Canstruction Long Island, Inc., an allvolunteer 501(c)(3) public charity, under
the auspices of the Soliety for Design
To learn more about us and our event,
and to view past structures and videos
of them being built, visit our website at
P. W. Grosser, Inc.
“Stomp Out Hunger”
Sponsored by:
“One Person CAN Make a Difference ... Harry Chapin, A Life, A Legacy”
2010 Winner, Best Use of Labels
H2M architects + engineers