1. Compare and contrast:
a) How would you CHARACTERIZE Mrs. Stevenson at the beginning of the drama.
b) How does this change as the plot progresses (moves forward)?
c ) What about her character remains consistent (stays the same) throughout the story?
Use the chart below to ORGANIZE YOUR IDEAS, then COMPOSE AN ANALYSIS using
specific EVIDENCE FROM THE TEXT on a separate piece of paper
Characterization in the
Characterization at the
How she stays the
SAME throughout
2. Examine point of view
a) Using only the reactions of other characters, make an inference about what they
believe about Mrs. Stevenson. Why do they feel this way about her?
b) Explain how the reactions and beliefs of the other characters, help to shape the suspense
and conflict in the drama.
3. Dramatic Irony (audience/reader knows something that the characters do NOT)
a) Find at least 2 moments of dramatic irony, and logically explain the effect that these
moments have on the audience’s mood.
b) What is the author’s intended purpose for employing (using) the literary device of
dramatic irony?
4. Who holds the most POWER/CONTROL in the story? How do you know? Cite specific
evidence to explain your point.
Opinion Question (no quotes required)
8. Why is “Sorry Wrong Number” more effective as a radio play, than as a short story?
Opinion Question (no quotes required)
9. Why do you think that people enjoy experiencing suspense when reading a story or watching a