Romeo and Juliet Act Two Quotation Test

Act 2 Quotation test
Quotation Clue
Mercutio describes Rosaline Act 2 Scene 1
“Rosaline’s bright…….[…]and her …… ……..”
Romeo describes Juliet by saying she is like a bright light
“….. is the ……..” (Romeo Act 2 Scene 2)
Romeo describes Juliet’s eyes
“….. of the ……. ….. in all ……. …...” (Romeo Act 2 Scene 2)
Act 2 scene 2 – Juliet thinks about Romeo’s name (him being a
“What’s in a …….? That which we …… a…… by any …… ….would
….. as ……..”
Friar Lawrence Act 2 Scene 3 on young men in love
“Young ….. ….. then …..not ….. in their ……, but in ….. ……”
Friar Lawrence Act 2 Scene 3 on how their love might bring the
feuding families together
“For this ……may so ……prove to ….. your households’ …… to ……
Friar Lawrence on rushing into love and the dangers
“…. and ….: they …. that run …..”
Mercutio about Rosaline Act 2 Scene 4
“that same ….. …… wench, that Rosaline, …… him so”
• Mercutio in response to the letter Tybalt sent to
Romeo Act 2 Scene 4
“A ………, on my ………...”
Mercutio about Tybalt -mocking his fencing skills Act 2
Scene 4
“A very …… ………!”
Romeo joins in the sexual punning Act 2 Scene 4
“why then is my ……… well ………..”
Mercutio happy that Romeo seems to be over Rosaline
and back to his old self – dramatic irony – Romeo is in
fact happy because he loves Juliet Act 2 Scene 4
“Now are thou ……., now art thou ……”
“Why, is not this better than ……for ……..?”
Mercutio mocks the Nurse and says she’s ugly Act 2
scene 4
“to …. her ….., for her………. the …… …..”
Mercutio to the Nurse – insulting her about her age
Act 2 Scene 4
“….. , ……… lady”
Quotation from memory