Publicity Toolkit - Landscape Ontario

COMPANY NAME:___________________________________________________________ BOOTH #________
CONTACT NAME:_____________________________________________________________________________
CITY:_____________________PROV/STATE:_______________________POSTAL/ZIP CODE:______________
)____________________________________ FAX: (
CELL: (_____)________________________E-MAIL:_________________________________________________
MEDIA CONTACT(Specify if different from above): ___________________________________________________
)_____________________________________ FAX: (
CELL: (_____)________________________E-MAIL:_________________________________________________
What is newsworthy about your announcement?
□ New Product
□ Entering New Market
□ Introducing a Green product or service
□ Celebrity Endorsement □ Product Demonstration □ Announcing an acquisition/merger/partnership
□ Other (Please specify): ______________________________________________________________________________
Will your best selling models be on display at Garden & Floral Expo 2013?
□ Yes
□ No
Product Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Description: _________________________________________________________________________________
What differentiates your products and services from competitors? What does your company do that no other companies are
What trends (statistical and anecdotal) in the market lead you to believe you have a compelling offer? What is your unique
selling position?
FAX BY SEPTEMBER 20, 2013 TO 905 875-3942 OR EMAIL: [email protected]
An initiative of:
Get Noticed
Get the news out about your company’s products and services. Complete the Publicity Questionnaire and post up to two (2) press
releases in your on-line booth profile. Information provided by you may be incorporated into Show Management generated pitches to
industry media. Attendees viewing on-line booth profiles will access your news.
Start Today
Start your show promotion early to build anticipation and excitement for the products, incentives and personalities attendees will see,
experience and meet in your booth. Go into your on-line profile and create up to two (2) press releases about your company. Enter
releases no later than September 20, 2013.
Press Kits hosts an online Media Room. When you upload your press releases in your online profile you provide media with direct
access to your company news and product introductions. You are also welcome to bring one (one) hardcopy of your press materials to
be posted in the Garden & Floral Expo 2013 Media Office on Tuesday, October 22, 2013. Be sure to have some copies in your booth.
The editors of Landscape Ontario Magazine and Landscape Trades magazines will consider news submissions for publication.
Releases are the foundation of industry news and are often used as inspiration for developing articles of interest to the green industry.
Garden & Floral Expo 2013 provides retail buyers, media and other industry professionals with access to the latest and most cuttingedge products and services available. Stories found at the show often get told in industry and business media sources. Contact the
editors for Landscape Ontario Magazine – Allan Dennis at [email protected] and [email protected], Sarah
Willis, editor for Landscape Trades.
Publicity Plan
Determine the newsworthiness of your announcement. New product announcements, acquisition/merger/partnership
announcements, entrance into new markets are of interest to media.
Define your target audience and develop a list of appropriate news outlets.
Use a professional format for writing the news release.
Limit content to one page.
Capture an editor’s attention with a snappy lead paragraph. Include a “story angle”. Cover the basics: who, what, when, where
and why in the lead paragraph.
Limit technical details. If technical details are relevant, attach a product sheet.
Quote senior staff to add weight to your announcement.
Include photographs to enhance the release.
The final paragraph should be an overview of what the company does, where it is located and who to contact for more
Spell check release and post in your Garden & Floral Expo 2013 online profile by September 20, 2013.
Distribute to media list as soon as possible for maximum impact.
Bring copies to show for distribution in your booth. Drop one copy in the Media Office by October 22nd.
Apply for the Best Promotion Award no later than September 27, 2013.
An initiative of: