Key Terms: Martin Luther How did the Roman Catholic Church

Assess Knowledge
Key Terms: Martin Luther
How did the Roman Catholic Church control daily life in medieval Europe?
How did location affect Martin Luther?
Saturday, March 16, 13
Martin Luther
Voicing Your Opinion
Saturday, March 16, 13
Anticipatory Set
Do you have problems with a current organization (school, business, etc.)? Please write
down the problems you have with different organizations and explain why.
Saturday, March 16, 13
Martin Luther: Driven to Defiance
What grievances did Luther have with the Roman Catholic Church?
What method did Luther use to voice his opinions? Was this a traditional means to
communicate with the Catholic Church?
How did his actions change the world?
Saturday, March 16, 13
Reform movement aimed towards the
Roman Catholic Church because of a belief
that the church had lost sight of its spiritual
Luther’s fo$owers and later reformers came
to be ca$ Protestants because they protested
the church.
Martin Luther
Saturday, March 16, 13
95 Theses
Brainstorm organizations (in the same way that Luther had grievances with the Roman Catholic Church) with which you have grievances and
what they are.
Examples: School administration or community government.
In your group create your own "95 Theses". Use an existing organization's document that requires evidence that an offense has occurred.
Examples: A group could use a school handbook to discuss grievances they have with school administration. Or they could discuss grievances
against the federal government in relation to the Constitution
In your groups brainstorm ways in which your "Theses" could most appropriately be heard.
Examples: Sending a letter, printing on the Internet or announcements at a town meeting.
Saturday, March 16, 13
An attempt to return the Catholic church in the
1530‘s to an emphasis on spiritual matters, to make
its doctrines more clear, and to stop the spread of
Council of Trent - Met during three different
periods between 1545 and 1563 to define the official
church position on matters of doctrine.
Pope Paul III
Saturday, March 16, 13
Assess Knowledge
Key Terms: Indulgences, grievances, Reformation, Protestantism, Gutenberg printing press, CounterReformation, Council of Trent
What grievances did Luther have with the Roman Catholic Church?
How did Martin Luther protest against the Roman Catholic Church?
How did the Catholic Church respond to the Reformation?
Saturday, March 16, 13