topic sentence

Higher Education Language & Presentation Support
good paragraphs
• To understand how a paragraph is structured
• To show cohesiveness in a paragraph, and coherence in a
piece of academic writing
• To be aware of the different types of paragraphs in a
piece of academic writing
• How long should a good paragraph be? Is there a
minimum/maximum length/number of sentences?
• Is a one-sentence paragraph ok? Yes/no? Why?
• Do I need to have references in every paragraph?
• A paragraph is a related group of sentences which
develops one main idea.
• The topic sentence expresses the main idea and usually
occurs as the first sentence in each paragraph.
• Supporting sentences follow the topic sentence.
• A paragraph may also contain a concluding sentence, or
sentences which provide a transition to the following
Choose Appropriate Paragraph Length
• A series of long paragraphs can make prose dense and
unpleasant to read. If it is too long – break it at a logical place
and create new topic sentence.
• Also look for paragraphs only two or three sentences long.
They make academic writing seem disjointed or skimpy. Try
combining a few short paragraphs into one, using a single
topic sentence to hold them together.
(Example of student writing that needed restructure)
Long or short?
• How a paragraph can be structured
• Examples of good topic sentences
• Use of linking words
• Handout examples+ link to Monash essay
Paragraph structure
• An introduction is used in an essay, a report, an article, a
thesis, a journal, a literature review, or any other piece of
academic writing.
• If an introduction is poorly written, then you have lost your
readers' goodwill and have confused them right from the
beginning, and can be sure of losing marks.
• If the introduction is poorly written, then it usually follows
that the rest of the essay /report etc. will be disorganised and
confused. Getting the introduction right makes it far easier to
write the rest of the assignment.
Writing an introduction
• Any introduction must contain the following:
• Brief, relevant background information and/or other
contextualising material
• A thesis statement
• Scope points
• Depending on the type of essay, etc. – your point of
• Any definitions that are needed to explain or limit the
scope of the essay question.
Over the past twenty five years, since Australia embraced
multiculturalism as a policy, issues of intercultural communication
have become more and more prominent in the workplace.
However, until relatively recently, little had been written on these
issues, and even now, many organisational managers have no
training or knowledge of how to deal with communication
problems, even though most workplaces are staffed by people of
diverse cultures. Particular problem areas include the difficulties
that some non-English speakers have in understanding safety
instructions (figures produced by the ABS in 1997 show that
migrant workers have a higher incidence of accidents at the
workplace); an ignorance of the different forms of non-verbal
communication used by other cultures (for example it is
considered impolite in some societies for an employee to look
directly at his or her employer), which can lead to
misunderstandings and unpleasantness; and the lack of
knowledge about differing expectations. Based on interviews with
managers and staff in six organisations (public and commercial),
this report examines these three problem areas, and shows that
many of the difficulties faced by both natives and migrants in the
workforce are caused by a lack of awareness of, and training in,
intercultural communication.
This provides background
information about the subject.
This sentence explains the
problem. Note that words
from the report question are
being reused to signal
appropriate content
The scope points start here
and identify the subjects to be
The thesis statement explicitly
states the specific focus of the
report – to examine – and tells
how this is achieved. I.e.
through interviews.
Workplace diversity is now recognised as an important feature in organisations,
especially in multicultural nations like Australia. What communication problems might
arise in a culturally diverse workplace, and how can managers best deal with them?
The conclusion should:
• summarize all your arguments from the body, refer back to the
scope points from the introduction and the central topic; and
evaluate it. This gives your essay a sense of unity.
• usually be a paragraph in length, but an extended essay (3000+
words) may have two or three paragraphs.
• make your final statement about the topic.
• note any implications resulting from your discussion of the topic,
as well as recommendations, forecasting future trends, and the
need for further research.
It is clear, therefore, that not only do employees have to be
trained for working in the Australian multicultural workplace, but
managers also need to be trained. Managers must ensure that
effective in-house training programs are provided for migrant
workers, so that they become more familiar with the English
language, Australian communication norms and the Australian
work culture. In addition, Australian native English speakers need to
be made aware of the differing cultural values of their workmates;
particularly the different forms of non-verbal communication used
by other cultures. Furthermore, all employees must be provided
with clear and detailed guidelines about company expectations.
The interviews with managers and staff reveal that a majority of
managers must also have training in cross cultural communication
and in managing a culturally diverse workplace. Above all, in
order to minimise communication problems and to maintain an
atmosphere of tolerance, understanding and cooperation in the
multicultural workplace, managers need to have an effective
knowledge about their employees, to understand how their social
conditioning affects their beliefs about work and to have the
communication skills to develop confidence and self-esteem
among diverse work groups. The culturally diverse Australian
workplace may never be completely free of communication
problems, however, further studies to identify potential problems
and solutions, as well as better training in cross cultural
communication for managers and employees, should result in a
much more understanding and cooperative environment.
This sentence provides a link
to the previous paragraph
and refers to the main subject
discussed in the body . It uses
keywords such as 'managers'
and 'multicultural workplace'.
These sentences refer back to
the problem areas stated in
the introduction (scope
points) and identify solutions.
This refers back to the thesis
statement in the introduction
and identifies a key finding of
the study.
This is a statement about
what the writer considers to
be the most important
The final sentence suggests
future trends and makes a
final recommendation for
further study.
Workplace diversity is now recognised as an important feature in organisations,
especially in multicultural nations like Australia. What communication problems might
arise in a culturally diverse workplace, and how can managers best deal with them?
• The conclusion should not:
• just sum up
• end with a long quotation
• focus merely on a minor point in your argument
• introduce new material
• Just rewrite the scope points from the introduction