Comparing The Jungle with Fast Food Nation For this

Comparing The Jungle with Fast Food Nation
For this writing activity, you will read an excerpt from Upton Sinclair’s 1906 The Jungle and an
excerpt from Eric Schlosser’s 2002 Fast Food Nation. You will write an essay comparing the
intentions, content, and effects of these two publications.
The Assignment
1. Read the following two excerpts:
a. Excerpt from The Jungle (1906) by Upton Sinclair, from North Carolina digital
history textbook
b. “The Most Dangerous Job,” excerpt from Fast Food Nation (2002) by Eric
Schlosser, from
2. Write a one to two-page essay comparing the two excerpts. The paper should answer the
following questions:
a. What is the goal of both excerpts?
b. What kinds of details do both authors include in their excerpts to make their
c. What were the effects of The Jungle’s publication and what have been some
possible effects of the publication of Fast Food Nation?
Essay Requirements
Content and Length
• 1-2 pages in length
• Type it in Times New Roman, double-spaced, and 12-point font
• Thoroughly analyze and interpret the text
• Support with specific quotes, details, and evidence
• Avoid plot summary
• Give your essay an original title
• Revise for content and edit for grammar, spelling, and mechanics
• Style includes vocabulary, sentence structure, word usage, and command of English
• Must introduce quotes correctly and analyze appropriately
• Correct MLA parenthetical citation, page numbering, and works cited page required
Due Date: Monday, August 10, 2015