History, Head and Heart! - Seapatrick Parish Church

Growing in God’s Love and Sharing It with Others
November 2016
History, Head
and Heart!
Alpha - Page 5
An Evening with Graham Kendrick - Page 5
Harvest Thanksgiving - Page 7
Being church at the heart of
Banbridge and Seapatrick
Ven. Roderic West, The Rectory, 63 Lurgan Road, BT32 4LY..........................Tel: 4062 2612
Curate Assistant:
Rev. Catherine Simpson, 26 Larchwood Avenue, BT32 3XH..........................Tel: 4066 9086
Non Stipendary Minister (NSM):
Rev. Dr. Rory Corbett.................................................................................................... Tel: 4062 2744
Youth and Childrens Ministry Co-ordinator:
Mark Wells......................................................................................................................... Tel: 4062 2744
Parish Office (Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm)
Parish Office, Holy Trinity Church, Church Street, Banbridge, BT32 4AA Tel: 4062 2744
Parish Email...............................................................................................................info@bchurch.co.uk
Parish Website..........................................................................................................www.bchurch.co.uk
Diocesan Website................................................................................... www.downanddromore.org
Parish Records & Parish Magazine
If you are new to the Parish or if any of your details have changed (e.g. address,
phone number, etc.) please let the Parish Office know. Also if you know of someone
who is not currently receiving a Parish Magazine, but would like to do so, please
let us know. The Parish Office can be contacted on 4062 2744 or by email to
[email protected]
Intern Appointed
The vestry report in the June Magazine noted that a grant of £26,000 had been
received from the Church of Ireland Orphans and Children’s Society to help us develop
and deliver programmes and courses for children from 0 – 14 years and their families.
We recently advertised for an Intern to help develop and deliver these programmes
and courses and be involved in other aspects of the Church’s ministry and mission.
We welcome Anna Williams who is starting with us in November. Anna is excited
about the opportunity to serve God in a local church context, to develop skills,
experience new things and grow in her own discipleship as she serves God. Anna is
from Hillsborough and has completed a Masters in Global Ethics and is taking some
time out after her studies to complete an internship as she seeks to hear where and
what God wants her to do next.
A Church Internship is about growing as a disciple of Jesus through; Biblical study,
practical ministry training, personal discipleship and working in a ministry team for a
fixed term. It is not a salaried post, but money from the grant will be used to offset
From the Rector...
Greetings in the name of Christ
It’s an amazing story involving heart, head and history. A key from the Titanic, the ship that
sank on its maiden voyage from Southampton to New York City, was sold for £85,000 on 22nd
October 2106. There were 2,200 passengers and crew on the ship, and only one third of them
survived the tragedy.
The key belonged to a third-class steward, Sidney Sedunary. He died when the Titanic sank and
the key was subsequently found on his body. Although the key was rusty and unremarkable,
it was no ordinary key – it was a key for the life-jacket cupboard on one of the lower decks on
the ship.
According to the report of the inquiry following the tragedy, the steward had fulfilled his duty,
presumably in opening the cupboard and enabling people to escape with their lives. The
person who did the news report described the key, ‘as the key that, for some, unlocked a path
to salvation.’ The price of the key at the auction wasn’t linked to its value as people might value
diamonds or gold, the price had much more to do with history, head and heart.
As we approach Remembrance Sunday, there’s something else which might seem
unremarkable; and is so significant in terms of history, head and heart – the poppy.
This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the Battle of the Somme, one of the costliest battles
in terms of the loss of life during the First World War; the Battle of the Somme began on 1st
July and continued for 141 days, ending 18th November. It was a battle in which thousands of
men from Ulster and other parts of Ireland were killed.
After the First World War the poppy was chosen as a symbol of Remembrance – a symbol to
remind people of the cost of war and the courage, commitment and sacrifice of those who
have served and died. The poppy – a symbol of history, head and heart.
Another symbol of heart, head and history is the cross. It’s an historical fact that Jesus died on
the cross and was raised to life again. People can know about this historical event, in their heads,
and not realize he significance it has for them and others. People also need to recognize/realize
the extent of God’s love for them, respond to that love and allow that love to touch their hearts
and transform their lives as they choose to follow Jesus and live for him.
History, Head and Heart!
seapatrick parish magazine
A Celebration Praise Concert with Kerygma Choir
19 Nov 2016
Kerygma, The Good News Choir, will feature in a Celebration Praise Concert in Newry
Cathedral on Saturday 19 November at 7.30 pm.
Come and enjoy an uplifting and joyful evening of praise and worship featuring some
of the most powerful and moving Christian songs from a variety of traditional and
contemporary gospel styles, including music to herald the Christmas season.
The choir will be accompanied by an orchestra and praise band and there will be a
guest speaker and solo performers.
For tickets and further information contact:
Christine Morton on 07730791498 or Rhoda McCarter on 07730986910
‘Baby Basics’ and ‘Who Let the Dads Out?’
Over the last few months we have applied for start-up
grants from Cinnamon Network to help establish a Baby
Basics Centre and a new Project for Dads and their Kids
called ‘Who Let the Dads Out?’ Both grants have been
Baby Basics
In the next few months we plan to start a Baby Basics Centre. Baby Basics is a volunteerled project aiming to support new mothers who are struggling to meet the financial
and practical burden of looking after a new baby.
Referrals are made through midwives, health visitors and other professional groups and
Baby Basics provides support directly where it is most needed. Baby Basics volunteers
lovingly collect, sort and package a ‘Moses Basket’ of clothing, toiletries and essential
baby equipment as an attractive gift to new mothers.
The aim is to help new mothers practically and generously, demonstrating the love of
God through our care.
‘Who Let the Dads Out?’
‘Who Let the Dads Out?’ is coming soon. ‘Who Let the Dads
Out?’ provides an opportunity for dads, father figures and
their children to have fun together as they journey through
Each session is founded on the Christian principle of wanting to demonstrate God’s
love to our community in the context of family support, ministry and mission.
Our first ‘Who Let the Dad’s Out?’ will be Wednesday 30th November from 6.30pm to
8.00pm and will be a Games Night. Call in for half an hour or for all of it. See you there!
seapatrick parish magazine
• PVC Windows & Doors
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to existing windows.
Tony McCreanor
Mobile: 0776 288 2471
Citizen and Rotary Watches
Quality Jewellery - Diamond Rings
Personal Service on all Repairs
Remembrance Day Services
Sunday 13th November
At Holy Trinity the Act of Remembrance will begin at 10.50am (between the 2
morning services). Those attending the 9.45am Service are asked to remain for the
Act of Remembrance and those coming to the 11.15am Service are asked to arrive
at church at 10,45am. There will be a break after the Act of Remembrance, during
which people who have attended the 9.45am Service will have the opportunity to
leave the church, and those not attending the Act of Remembrance will be able to
join us for the 11.15am Service.
Thank you to all the Harvest Helpers
Thank you to all those who contributed flowers, fruit and vegetables for our Harvest
Thanksgiving services. Thank you also to all those who gave so generously of their time
to help decorate both churches so beautifully. There were many positive comments
from those attending. In the week following Harvest services flowers were distributed
to Parishioners who are in Nursing Homes while fruit and vegetables were donated to
Newry Hospice who have expressed their grateful appreciation.
Vestry Report
Holy Trinity Church
A recent check of the Parish’s buildings revealed traces of asbestos in Holy Trinity boiler
house. These small quantities are currently being removed by a specialist firm and the
work should be completed w/c 24th October.
It is planned to prune the trees at Holy Trinity once the leaves have fallen.
Holy Trinity Church Hall
The team of architects and other professionals, appointed by Armagh City, Banbridge
and Craigavon Council in conjunction with the office of the First and Deputy First
Ministry, are continuing to progress the plans and specifications for the work of
upgrading the toilets and other minor works at the Hall. Funding for this project is
coming from the Social Investment Fund (SIF)
The ladies’ toilets have recently been repainted and we thank Norman Russell and
Trevor Anderson for their work.
Electrical Work
The electrical wiring in our parish properties were tested early this year, some
improvements and upgrades are required. This work will commence in the near future.
Health & Safety
First Aid courses are planned for those in leadership roles in Parish organisations. Risk
assessments for all organisations are currently being completed.
seapatrick parish magazine
• All types of plumbing and
heating maintenance
• Domestic and commercial
• Plumbing and heating
• All makes of oil and gas
high efficiency condensing
Zedbuk ‘A’ rated boilers
supplied and installed
• Boiler Grant Work
• Insurance work undertaken
• Bathroom and En-suite
supplied and installed.
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• Solar hot water installations
• Central heating power
• Disabled showering
adaptions supplied
and installed
Tel: 028 4062 4082
Mobile: 07742 593 487
Getting Creative at Mothers’ Union
Come along and have fun with Christmas Crafts in the Parish Hall on Wednesday 16th
November at 8.00pm. You don’t have to be artistic to enjoy the evening as Caroline
Walton will be there to guide and help us.
Please bring your overseas boxes with you to this meeting.
Ladies serving supper: Dawn Strain, Pamela Shannon, Josephine Scott and Rosemary
Diary Dates Reminder
Tullylish Women’s Fellowship on Thursday
10th November at 8.00pm. Meet at Holy
Trinity at 7.30pm.
Gilford Mothers’ Union on Monday 21st
November at 8.00pm. Meet at Holy Trinity
at 7.30pm.
Ladies Guild Coffee Morning
Thank you to everyone who supported
the Coffee Morning on 22nd October.
There was a great buzz as people
chatted and relaxed. The Coffee Morning
raised £700 approx. Thank you!
St Patrick’s Ladies Guild
The next meeting is on Tuesday 8th November at 8pm in the Church Hall Seapatrick.
We will have with us Jason Diamond who will talk to us about the Bronte Family and
the local connection. Our Christmas Lunch will be on Tuesday 13th December in the Bannville House Hotel.
The menu for our meal will be available at the November meeting and payment can
be made to Mildred.
Ladies serving supper are Rosemary Porter, Ann Wilson, Martha Nicholson, Violet
Lowry. Celebrate@8
Sunday 13th November @ 8.00pm
Holy Trinity Church Hall
Café-Style Church – An informal time of Worship, Teaching and Ministry.
And of course there’ll be tea/coffee …………..
seapatrick parish magazine
Men’s Society
Our next meeting will be on Monday 21st November. Clive Coffey, an extremely experienced mountaineer, will be giving us a talk on his
recent trip to Kurdistan. Clive will be showing slides and entertaining us with tales of
his climbing experiences over the years. Our Christmas dinner this year will be: Venue: The Bistro
Date: 5th December
Time: 7 pm for 7.30 pm
Cost: £22
Everyone is very welcome - don’t worry if you haven’t been able to attend all/any of
this year’s meetings or if is this is your first time - you will be made most welcome. Menu choice available from Parish Office, David Adams & the Church Wardens. Please confirm your attendance and menu choice by 14th November (& why not bring
a friend?). Monday Club
At our meeting in October we had Mr Herbie McCauley giving us a talk on how to get
our gardens sorted out for the winter and when to plant for the summer. He got plenty
of questions asked and gave us some very good tips. It was a very enjoyable afternoon.
We also had some more new members join us who were made very welcome. Hope
to see some more.
Peggy Magill
Parent & Toddler Group
The Parent & Toddler Group meets in the Parish Hall at
Holy Trinity on Wednesday mornings from 10.30am
to 12.00pm. Please come along and join us – we would
love to see you there. Contact the Parish Office on 4062
2744 if you would like further information
Knitting & Crochet Club
The Knitting and Crochet Club meets in St Patrick’s Church Hall, Seapatrick on Thursday
mornings from 10:30am- 12pm.
Ready Steady Go - Fridays 6:30-7:30
We are almost two months into our BIG PICTURE program in READY, STEADY, GO this year
and we have been having lots of fun. We have been learning all about the life of Abraham,
Jacob and Joseph and can’t wait to see what the next part of THE BIG PICTURE looks like.
We have been having lots of fun in our games, crafts and story time so bring your kids
down and join in the fun.
Some things you could be praying for as we continue in READY, STEADY, GO:
Pr a y fo r s a fe t y e a c h n i g h t a s w e m e e t , fo r c h i l d r e n a n d l e a d e r s .
Pray for the person teaching the story each night.
Pray that children would make real commitments to God.
Pray that these truths would stick with these children for the rest of their lives.
Thanks for the leaders who give up their time each week to be with us and help to
run an amazing program.
Pray that we have lots of fun.
For all children of Primary School age - Fridays from 6:30-7:30
For more information, please phone Mark at 07803736543 or email at [email protected]
Planning your Holidays?
Come to the New Wine Ireland Summer Conference in Sligo
Sunday 9th – Friday 14th July 2017
The conference provides a great opportunity for people of all ages and backgrounds to
spend time worshipping God, receiving from him through practical teaching and prayer
ministry, as well as meeting new people and spending time with family and friends.
Relevant and fun filled programmes keep those aged 0-18 happy while the adults can
enjoy the main sessions, seminars and workshops throughout the week. Our key values
of worship, teaching and ministry are held firmly in all our programmes.
You can fill your day with seminars, teaching or you can take a trip to the beach, get
involved in the many community events or enjoy the sights of Sligo. You set the pace for
the week.
For more information visit www.newwineireland.org
The Rector and Select Vestry acknowledge with thanks and appreciation the bequest of
£5,000 to the Church by the late Mrs Janet Sherwood and the sum of £165 received from
relations and friends in lieu of flowers to mark the passing of Mrs Mary Anna Graham. Such
donations are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
seapatrick parish magazine
6th November – The Third Sunday before Advent
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Morning Worship
Evening Prayer
St Patrick’s, Seapatrick
10.00am All Age Service
9th November – Wednesday
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
13th November – The Second Sunday before Advent
For details of Remembrance Day Services see pg. ????????
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Morning Worship
Uniformed Organisations Service
8.00 pm
St Patrick’s, Seapatrick
Morning Prayer
16 November – Wednesday
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
20th November – The Sunday before Advent
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Morning Worship
including Holy Communion
Evening Prayer
St Patrick’s, Seapatrick
Morning Prayer
23rd November – Wednesday
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
27th November – The First Sunday of Advent
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Morning Worship
Evening Prayer
St Patrick’s, Seapatrick
Holy Communion
30th November – Wednesday
Holy Trinity, Banbridge
Holy Communion
A creche is available at the 11.15am Service - see page 21
Sunday Space/School
We are well into our program for Sunday School and Sunday Space for this year and
we are having a great time. With stories, crafts and amazing games it has been great
fun so far.
All children whatever their age are welcome at Church with their parents/grandparents.
At Holy Trinity, children leave the 11.15am service at approximately 11.45am to go to
Sunday Space.
At St Patrick’s, children leave the 10.00am service at approximately 10.30am to go to
Sunday School in St Patrick’s Church Hall. In St Patrick’s the first Sunday of the month
is an ‘All-Age’ service and children remain in Church.
Youth Fellowship
spire is a place for young people to have fun, make friends and explore faith. It involves
games, talks, nights out and weekends away (and maybe even some free food). We are
already a few weeks into our program for this year and I know that it’s going to be a
good one! This year we’re going to be going through the book of John together as we
figure out who Jesus really is and see what that means for our lives.
29th October @ 7:30 Bowling trip
We’re planning to head off for a bowling trip just before Half term gets kicked off. If
you haven’t been to Inspire before and just fancy a trip get a form to Mark and come
along. There might even be a visit to McDonalds on the way home!
For more information, please phone Mark at 07803736543 or email at mark@bchurch.
Some things you could be praying for as we continue in Inspire
Young people will come and be committed to making this part of their week.
They would engage in the John program and get excited about God’s word.
That the young people would be challenged to live out their faith.
Pray that we can help our young people to find their place amongst God’s people.
Thanks for the leaders who give up their time each week.
That we would all have great fun each week.
seapatrick parish magazine
Discount available for local walking
groups and for Duke of Edinburgh Award
participants. Ask for details.
(028) 38398800
(028) 40662223
2nd Banbridge Scout Troop and Crozier Explorer Unit
Are you between 10 1/2 & 14 or 14 & 18 or 18 & 25 then why not try the scouting
Scouts are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities as part of their
programme including traditional Scouting skills, such as camping, survival and cooking,
as well as a wider spectrum of adventurous activities, from abseiling to zorbing.
Participation rather than meeting set standards is our key approach, and there are a
number of badges and awards that Scouts can gain to recognise their achievements.
With the support, direction and guidance of Unit leaders, Explorer Scouts are
encouraged to lead themselves, design their own programme and work towards the
top awards that Scouting offers. With exciting prospects like being a part of camps and
expeditions both home and abroad; adventurous activities such as mountaineering,
parascending and off shore sailing; Explorers offers fun and adventure for all. Explorers
also have the opportunity to be a part of The Young Leaders’ Scheme which develops
their leadership skills and sense of responsibility, by helping to run meetings for
younger sections.
Not to be left out the over 18’s can become the new batch of adult leaders that we as
a movement need to provide the programme for our young people. Being a member
of this section (Network) you can still work towards gaining your Queens Scout Award
and DoE Gold.
If you are interested in any of the above, contact any of the leaders within the group
for further information.
‘We couldn’t believe that you invited us all in, thank you so much.’ (local teenagers)
2nd October
Eva Elizabeth Iris McGregor
30 Oakridge, Banbridge
24th September Ashlea McCullough and Russell Connell
5th October
Laura McPolin
14 Areema Heights
7th October
Barbara Joan Langran
Bannview Care Home
seapatrick parish magazine
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Diocesan Synod
The Diocese of Down and Dromore was in good heart when it met for the annual Synod in
Holywood Parish Church on 20th October 2016. In his presidential address the bishop noted
some of the changes in society, but more particularly, in ministry and leadership, which had
occurred since his consecration in 1997.
The Bishop highlighted elements of a flourishing diocese; from the statistics we heard in his
Presidential address and in the stories shared with us in the “Conversation on the Work of God.”
Looking to the future, Bishop Harold said that to be faithful and effective we needed to discern
and release the gifts of the ascended Lord expressed in Ephesians 4:11 – those of apostles,
prophets, evangelists and pastor–teachers – and went on to speak about each in turn.
He concluded: “I want to say ‘Thank you’ to all who have used their God–given gifts over those
nearly twenty years when I have been your overseer. We would not be where we are without
your ministry, lay or ordained.”
In Synod business, members approved revised Diocesan Regulations on elections and also
agreed that the overall assessment for the Diocesan General Fund in 2017 would be a 2.5%
reduction on the figure charged to each parish in 2016.
Bishop Dan Herzog, in his address at the Holy Communion Service, when he was speaking about
ministry and mission reminded Synod it’s “We get to do this!” rather than ‘We’ve got to do this!’
In other synod business: Synod members heard that the review and restructuring of the diocesan
administration was nearing completion. After lunch synod heard three presentations: Historian
and parishioner of Ballylesson, Dr Brian Walker, shared six intriguing little–known facts about
1916 while Julie Currie (Children’s Officer for the Diocese) took to the podium with a copy of the
recently completed and printed Year 1 Jigsaw Curriculum. The final presentation came from Matt
Peach, a member of the Board of Directors of the Kilbroney Centre in Rostrevor.
Bishop Ken Clarke in a Synod postscript wrote; “If a movement is to stay a movement it has to
keep moving!”
A great world–changing movement started 2000 years ago through the life death and
resurrection of a carpenter from Nazareth. The Movement is called the Church of Jesus Christ!
Our Synod was timely evidence that His Movement continues in this Diocese and around the
world. There is momentum and thank God this Christ–inspired missional movement is still
In the words of Psalm 118 verse 23: “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvelous in our eyes.”
Diary Date - Christmas Tree Festival
St John’s Parish Church, Mullabrack
Thursday 24th - Sunday 27th November
Teas, Saturday Morning Big Breakfast & Christmas Dinners will also be served
Further details available soon
seapatrick parish magazine
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seapatrick parish magazine
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Flower Rota November 2016 Parishioners in
Sunday 6th November
Communion Table:Mrs E Dickson, 55 Bramblewood Manor
Mrs A Dutton, 23 Knollwood
Porch: Mrs L Dawson 40 Castlewellan Rd
We can no longer be certain that
hospitals will provide us with
notification of parishioners who
have been admitted. If you or
Sunday 13th November
Communion Table:
Mrs L Mayles, 22 Weavers Green any parishioner you may know is
Porch: Mrs E Johnston, 64 Blackskull Road in hospital, please let us know
by telephoning the Parish
Sunday 20th November
Office or the Rectory.
Communion Table:
Mrs R Weatherall, 10 Bridgeways
Mrs D Russell, 27 Larchwood
Mrs J Hawthorne 52 Whyte Acres always Sunday Nearest 24th
Sunday 27th November
Communion Table: Mrs G Anderson, 6 Burnbrae Court
Mrs J Bryson, 23 Maryville Park
Mrs M Moore 21 Ballydown Meadows
Flower Rota Arrangements
Flower Rota
St Patrick’s Church
Volunteers are required for
Flower Rota for St Patrick ’s
Church. If you are able to help
out please enter your details on
sign-up sheet in Church porch
indicating which dates you are
willing to cover. Parishioners
may wish to mark a birthday or
anniversary by placing flowers in
the church.
Mrs Audrey Reid looks after the Flower Rota
for Holy Trinity Church.
Flowers can be placed in the church as follows:
Friday 9.30am to 3.30pm - (Please ring the Parish Office first to ensure the church is available
Saturdays 10.30am to 12pm - Other times by special arrangement only – please contact Audrey Reid.
Audrey’s contact details are: T: 07850 212758 E: [email protected]
Anyone wishing to go onto the Flower Rota, please contact Audrey Reid or the Parish
Office, giving your details and preferred month.
Creche on Sundays at Holy Trinity
There is a creche available at the 11.15am Service in Holy Trinity. Children for creche are
taken out to the Parish Hall part way through the service at the same time as those leaving
to go to Sunday Space. Parents are welcome to go out with their children to the creche.
Creche Rota
6th - Sara Hillis, Julie McCreanor & Claire Carson
13th - Joanne McKnight, Natalie McCart & Stephen Rutherdale
20th - Jenna McGregor, Elaine Cromwell & Lisa Whittel
27th –-Caroline McMullan, Angela Knox & Jane Mawson
seapatrick parish magazine
Tel: 028 406 28483
Parish Organisations
You will see below the list of our parish organisations and their various days and times.
For further information and contact details, please contact the Parish Office - 4062 2744.
Weekly – Children/Young People Day
Sunday Space
Sunday School
Sunday Creche
Sunday Inspire (Yrs 8-14 in School)
Sunday Cub Scouts
Monday Scouts
Monday Explorer Scouts
Monday Brownies (A)
Monday Squirrels
Tuesday Beavers
Tuesday Guides
Tuesday Senior Guides
Tuesday Badminton
Tuesday Parent & Toddlers
Brownies (B)
Ready, Steady, Go
Weekly – Over 18s
Bowling Club
Knitting & Crochet Club
Sunday Tuesday Wednesday
Monthly – Over 18’s
Monday Club
Men’s Society
Ladies Guild
Mothers’ Union
Refresh 2nd Monday 3rd Monday 2nd Tuesday 3rd Wednesday 2nd Thursday 2.30pm-4.30pm
The deadline for articles for the November magazine is Monday 10
Please leave any articles into the Parish Office, drop them into
or send them to the
seapatrick parish magazine