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Period ________ CHAPTER 7:MEXICO BECOMES INDEPENDENT Spanish Texas, 1763 ­ 1819 1. The Seven Years War caused what changes in land for the major European countries in the New World? Answers: ●
Great Britain gained Canada and all land east of the Mississippi River from France Great Britain gained Florida from Spain Spain gained the Louisiana territory, the Mississippi River delta, and the port of New Orleans from France ○ Spanish Texas is expanded to the Mississippi River ○ The threat of a French invasion is eliminated ○ The East Texas missions and presidios are eliminated 2. When the Marques de Rubi finished his inspection of the frontier of New Spain, he proposed what changes that affected Texas? ­ He proposed all missions in Texas be abandoned except for those in san Antonio and Goliad. ­ All Spanish settlers in east Texas be moved to San Antonio n­ (hotter and drier) ­ (Apache and Comanche raids also slowed down colonization due to no desire by Spain to protect colonists East of san Antonio 3. How did the Texas colonists react to the proposals? The colonists were upset about leaving good farmland they had built out of the wilderness to go to hotter and drier areas near San Antonio. (All the best land was taken. They left behind years of work.) 4. What role did Spain take in the American Revolutionary War? ­ Spain and France sided with the US colonists. ­ Opened up the port of New Orleans ­ Contributed large amounts of clothing, weapons, money and medical supplies. ­ Forced British troops from towns and forts along the Gulf of Mexico. 5. What effect did the purchase of the Louisiana Territory have on the United States and New Spain? ­ It made the US twice as big and a competitor to Spain. ­ Gave the US a border with Texas and made it easier to go across the border. 6. What was the Neutral Ground and how did it affect Texas and Texans? Land between New Spain and the US claimed by both countries but not strongly enough to go to war. Texans were caught in the middle and it made Texas a wilderness without laws and structure. 7. What did the Adams­Onis Treaty settle and how? It got rid of the Neutral Ground. Gave Florida to U.S. and agreed to the Sabine River as the border between Texas and US. USA gave up all claims to Texas. 8. What was life like in New Spain in the early 1800s for colonists? Smugglers, outlaws and fugitives filled the Neutral Ground. There were very few laws or structure. The colonists were on their own. Very independent type of individuals. Challenges to Spanish Rule 9. Who was Father Hidalgo and how did he start the independence movement for Mexico? Father Hidalgo was a priest in the farming village of Dolores who isseued a call for a rebellion against Spanish authorities. This marked the beginning of the Mexican War of Independence (September 16, 1810) He was later killed for treason but his Cry of Dolores was the inspiration for others to lead the revolution. 10. Who was the Republican Army of the North? A group of soldiers from both Mexico and Anglos to revolt against Spanish authorities. They captured Nacogdoches and then Goliad. Later, they were sorrounded by Spanish forces but were able to fight back and win. Later, the Republican Army differed on how to set up a governemnt; Mexicans prefreed appointed and keep Texas; Anglos wanted elected and indpependent Texas.. 11. What was the Battle of Medina? August 1813 ­ The Republican Army was defeated by the Spanish Army near the Medina River. The Spanish cracked down on the settlers in Texas who were believed to be helping the Republican Army and Texas remained in Spanish for 7 more years. 12. What was life like in Texas from 1810 ­ 1820? Texas has a portion of the Neutral Ground and it was lawless and full of criminals, outlaws, and other independence seekers. The strongest survived. The End of Spanish Rule 13.
How did the 1820 rebellion in Spain affect New Spain? The rebellion was taking place in Spain and very little attention was paid to New Spain or Texas. The Spanish upper classes were still in charge but the other classes in Mexico resented their authority and began to join the revolution. In February 1821, Iturbide issued a plan for a Mexican Empire seperate of Spain. 14. What was Iturbide’s plan in 1821 with three guarantees? First ­ Mexico is independent of Spain Second ­ All Mexican citizens were equal. Third ­ Confirmed devotion to the Catholic Church for Mexico. 15. What three towns existed in Texas’s interior in 1821? San Antonio, Goliad and Nacogdoches