Use the quotation to answer the question. 1. Which

Use the quotation to answer the question. 1. Which action taken by the U.S. government is the best example of promoting the general welfare of U.S. citizens? a. creating the Food and Drug Administration in 1930 b. using the first atomic weapons in 1945 c. attempting to rescue American hostages in Iran in 1980 d. reopening the crown of the Statue of Liberty to tourists in 2009 2. What technological advance made the growth of the suburbs possible? a. the Internet b. the railroad c. the autmobile d. the diesel engine 3. All of the following are true of sharecropping EXCEPT: a. it often included former slaves working for their former masters b. it became prevalent in the South following the Civil War c. it was outlawed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 d. it created a lack of opportunity in the South that encouraged some African-­‐Americans to migrate north 4. Based on economic theory and historic U.S. consumer behavior, what would most likely happen to sales of small, fuel-­‐efficient automobiles in the United States when the price of gasoline decreases? a. Sales would remain the same, as the two products have nothing to do with each other. b. Sales would increase, as low gasoline prices generate a higher demand for small, fuel-­‐efficient automobiles. c. Sales would decrease, as small, fuel-­‐
efficient automobiles sell best when gasoline prices are high. d. Sales would increase at the same rate as the gasoline prices decrease. 5. The English Bill of Rights of 1689 states that “suspending laws . . . by regal authority without consent of Parliament is illegal.” This reflects which aspect of the U.S. Constitution? a. the limits on executive power b. the separation of church and state c. the division of the legislative branch d. the independence of the judicial branch 6. Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois… a. worked closely together during the early civil rights movement b. often disagreed, as DuBois fought for immediate challenges to racist systems and Washington favored more gradual, longer-­‐term change c. both preached acceptance of Jim Crow laws, and were denounced by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference d. were forerunners of Marcus Garvey’s black nationalism movement 7. The Fourth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution prohibits “unreasonable searches and seizures” of citizens and their property. This amendment protects A. suspects who have been taken into police custody for further investigation by officials. B. the privacy of individuals where there is only suspicion of wrongdoing. C. drivers of motor vehicles who are stopped at official police checkpoints. D. individuals accused of committing public disturbances from being detained by citizens until police arrive. 8. The cartoon illustrates President Theodore Roosevelt’s attempt to A. ignore antitrust laws B. conserve natural resources C. limit the power of monopolies D. eliminate foreign ownership of United States corporations 9. The Lend-­‐Lease act was important for all of the following reasons, except: a. it gave Britain desperately needed supplies to fight Hitler b. it eroded popular support for Roosevelt in the United States c. it showed clearly which side the United States supported in World War II d. it paved the way for more American support of the Allies, including eventual military support 10. If a person wanted to move to a new country because it had economic opportunities, the economic opportunities would be considered an example of what type of factor? e. push factor f. pull factor g. migrate factor h. money factor 11. Which of the following problems was a focus for the “Great Society”? a. the need to rebuild European society in the 1950s b. poverty and racial injustice in the 1960s c. mistreatment of Vietnam War veterans in the 1970s d. widespread American drug use in the 1980s 12. American philosopher John Locke once said, “Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has a right to, but himself.” Which democratic idea best relates to this quote? A. A two-­‐party system keeps leaders from gaining too much power. B. The authority to rule should come from the consent of the governed. C. People have inherent rights to life, liberty, and property. D. Religion and government should be two separate entities. 13. The Truman Doctrine spelled out America’s “containment” policy. The Doctrine was stated in response to: a. the invasion of South Korea by North Korea b. the threatening of the Greek government by communist insurgents c. the rise of the Viet Cong in South Vietnam d. Nikita Khrushchev’s apology for Joseph Stalin’s crimes 14. Which of the following best explains the American phenomenon of McCarthyism? a. a reaction against an output of pro-­‐Communist movies that resulted in the blacklist b. an anti-­‐immigrant movement in the wake of new waves of immigrants after World War I c. an overblown response to the real threat of international war, fueled by fear and ignorance d. a measured, careful weeding out of dissidents and spies in government positions during the Cold War 15. What is the primary purpose of the constitutional principle of checks and balances? A. keeping each branch of government separate B. assuring that majority rule will be enforced C. limiting the authority of each branch of government D. sharing power between state and federal authorities 16. The Roosevelt corollary changed the Monroe Doctrine by: a. repealing it b. extending its influence to the entire Pacific Ocean c. adding that the US would intervene in Latin American economies to stabilize them d. asserting that the US would automatically declare war on an European power that sent a naval fleet into South American waters 17. The Declaration of Independence suggests that the primary purpose of government is to A. maintain order. B. establish voting rights. C. provide national defense. D. serve and protect its citizens. 18. All of the following were causes of the Great Depression except: a. overproduction by American industries b. uninformed speculation in the stock market c. unequal distribution of income d. tight regulations on American banks 19. Informed citizens can most actively participate in the democratic process by a. providing oversight of the branches of government. b. determining which laws are firmly based on principles of the Constitution. c. voting against propositions they do not support. d. watching news broadcasts or reading newspapers on a daily basis. 20. Which kind of tax is assessed locally? a. Social Security tax b. unemployment insurance tax c. real estate property tax d. alternative minimum tax 21. Which goal is the most likely reason a political candidate would use the “plain folks” propaganda technique when speaking to an audience? A. to impress the crowd by using difficult vocabulary B. to persuade listeners that he or she is similar to members of the audience C. to avoid talking about particular issues by speaking in generalities D. to prove that people worthy of respect agree with his or her opinions 22. An increase in which area will most likely help a company increase its productivity? A. advertising budget B. workplace efficiency C. accounts receivable D. inventory storage 23. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) works to maintain confidence in the a. banking system. b. stock exchanges. c. commodities market. d. retail network. 24. The primary mission of the Securities and Exchange Commission is to a. approve corporate mergers and acquisitions. b. monitor the financial stability of banks. c. regulate the stock and bond markets. d. enforce antitrust legislation. 25. How does a person’s income level affect the demand for goods or services? A. As incomes rise, the demand for normal goods falls. B. As incomes rise, the demand for inferior goods drops. C. As incomes fall, the demand for normal goods rises. D. As incomes fall, the demand for inferior goods falls. 26. Why was the Chinese Exclusion Act passed by Congress in 1882? a. to restrict where Chinese immigrants could live in the United States b. to specify which jobs Chinese immigrants could hold in the United States c. to limit the number of Chinese immigrants who could migrate to the United States d. to keep track of where Chinese immigrants lived in the United States 27. In the 1930s, the Great Plains in the United States was nicknamed the Dust Bowl due to A. a series of hurricanes that destroyed small towns. B. a drought that drove farmers off their land. C. a series of diseases affecting livestock. D. an area of mining that was harmful to residents. 28. An individual who believed in state control of the economy, full equality of rights for all citizens, and the abolishment of private property would most likely be a follower of: a. Vladimir Lenin b. Francisco Franco c. Benito Mussolini d. Winston Churchill 29. Patterns of immigration to the United States have changed considerably since the nineteenth century. In the twentieth century, there was less immigration to the United States from which region than there was during the nineteenth century? A. Southeast Asia B. Europe C. Mexico D. India 30. Operation Desert Storm was intended to: a. liberate Kuwait from Iraqi occupation b. remove Saddam Hussein from power c. punish Afghanistan for aiding terrorists d. depose Osama bin Laden’s al-­‐
Qaeda group