American Literature: History of the Salem Witch Trials 35 Points

American Literature: History of the Salem Witch Trials
35 Points Possible
Name: _____________________________________
Hour: _______
Directions: Answer the following questions or fill in the blanks. The questions come from the Discovery Education Web site on the Salem Witch
Trials. Go to the following Web site for this assignment:
Salem Witch Trials: The World Behind The Hysteria
1) How many innocent men and women were hanged for witchcraft? _____________
2) An old man was _______________
__________ under heavy rocks for refusing to stand trial.
Life In Salem 1692
3) As part of the _________________________
__________, Salem was under British rule.
4) During the hysteria, New England towns were under attack by ______________
_____________and French Canadians.
5) To the Salem villagers, misfortunes tended to be seen as having what lurk behind them? ___________
Life In Salem 1692: Religion and Witchcraft
6) What was the cornerstone of 17th century life in New England? _______________
7) The Puritan lifestyle was ____________________ and _______________.
8) Since Puritans were expected to live by a rigid moral code, what did they believe should always be punished?
9) The Puritans believed that those who followed Satan were what? _______________
10) More than how many witches had been tried and hanged in New England during the 1600s? _______
Life In Salem 1692: Economic and Social Divisions
11) What were the two distinct parts Salem was divided into in 1692?
_______________ _______________ and _______________ _______________
12) Despite a three-hour walk between the two communities, Salem Village did not have its own church and minister until what
year? __________
13) Who was the Puritan minister who denounced the worldly ways and economic prosperity of Salem Town as the influence of the
Devil? ______________________________
Life In Salem 1692: Puritan Children
14) When Puritan children played with toys and games, many people saw this as a _______________ distraction.
15) The few books that were written for Puritan children warned against __________ _______________ and described punishment
that children would suffer for sinful acts.
16) These people, _______________, sparked the witch hunt, while these people, _______________, set the wheels in motion.
The People Behind The Trials
17) The people in the community who made up the witch hunt were wrapped in jealousy, ego, fear, and what?
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A zealous minister
18) One of the most ardent believers in witchcraft was a respected Boston minister who wrote on many religious topics. Who w as
this man? _______________ _______________
19) This minister wrote a book in 1689 that described a case of supposed witchcraft that had occurred in Boston the previous year
about three children. What is the name of this book?
_________________________ _________________________
20) George Burroughs did something unusual at his hanging that most Puritans believed a witch or wizard could not do. What did
Burroughs do?
An afflicted girl
21) How old was Ann Putnam Jr. when she sparked the Salem witch trials with her accusations? ______
22) In the winter of 1692, Ann and other “circle” girls began behaving strangely by babbling, __________ or staring blankly.
23) Ann and her parents accused dozens of townspeople of witchcraft. Most of the people they accused were what to the influential
Putnam family? ____________________
24) In 1706, Ann Putnam Jr. did something none of the other circle girls ever did. She stood before her ____________________ as
the pastor read her ____________________.
A Caribbean slave
25) Tituba was a slave captured and taken from what Caribbean island? _________________________
26) Tituba played fortune-telling _______________ and told the girls stories of magic and spirits from the Caribbean, which were
activities that were strictly forbidden by Puritan code
27) Tituba was put in prison, but she did not stand trial because she had ____________________ to being a witch.
A homeless beggar
28) As an odd homeless woman who did not fit the Puritan mold, what woman was one of the first to be accused of witchcraft by the
circle of young girls in Salem? _______________ _______________
29) Many villagers claimed Sarah Good’s “curses” were responsible for failed crops and death of livestock. What did Sarah Good
do that made people believe she was “cursing” them? It’s when she walked away from people who refused her something after she
30) How old was the little girl named Dorcas that was put in prison and chained to a wall for witchcraft by Ann Putnam? ______
A witchcraft skeptic
31) John Proctor was a ____________________ farmer who sternly denounced the proceedings and warned against listening to
the young girls.
32) Proctor was enraged after the examination of Rebecca Nurse. He made comments that many people used against him. The
townspeople believed that someone with so little concern for the afflicted girls must be what? _______________
33) Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth, was also arrested for witchcraft. However, she was not hanged because of what reason?
A beloved mother
34) Mary Easty was a wife and was well respected in Salem. How many children did she have? ______
35) After Easty was released from jail, Mercy Lewis made a claim that put Easty back in jail. Mercy claimed that Easty sent her
apparition out to do what to Mercy?
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American Literature: History of the Salem Witch Trials
35 Points Possible
Name: _____________________________________
Hour: _______
Directions: Answer the following questions or fill in the blanks. The questions come from the Discovery Education Web site on the Salem Witch
Trials. Go to the following Web site for this assignment:
Salem Witch Trials: The World Behind The Hysteria
1) How many innocent men and women were hanged for witchcraft?
2) An old man was PRESSED TO DEATH under heavy rocks for refusing to stand trial.
Life In Salem 1692
3) As part of the MASSACHUSETTS BAY COMPANY, Salem was under British rule.
4) During the hysteria, New England towns were under attack by NATIVE AMERICANS and French Canadians.
5) To the Salem villagers, misfortunes tended to be seen as having what lurk behind them? THE DEVIL
Life In Salem 1692: Religion and Witchcraft
6) What was the cornerstone of 17th century life in New England? THE CHURCH
7) The Puritan lifestyle was RESTRAINED and RIGID.
8) Since Puritans were expected to live by a rigid moral code, what did they believe should always be punished? ALL SINS.
9) The Puritans believed that those who followed Satan were what? WITCHES
10) More than how many witches had been tried and hanged in New England during the 1600s?
Life In Salem 1692: Economic and Social Divisions
11) What were the two distinct parts Salem was divided into in 1692?
12) Despite a three-hour walk between the two communities, Salem Village did not have its own church and minister until what
year? 1674
13) Who was the Puritan minister who denounced the worldly ways and economic prosperity of Salem Town as the influence of the
Life In Salem 1692: Puritan Children
14) When Puritan children played with toys and games, many people saw this as a SINFUL distraction.
15) The few books that were written for Puritan children warned against BAD BEHAVIOR and described punishment that children
would suffer for sinful acts.
16) These people, GIRLS, sparked the witch hunt, while these people, ADULTS, set the wheels in motion.
The People Behind The Trials
17) The people in the community who made up the witch hunt were wrapped in jealousy, ego, fear, and what? SUPERSTITION
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A zealous minister
18) One of the most ardent believers in witchcraft was a respected Boston minister who wrote on many religious topics. Who was
19) This minister wrote a book in 1689 that described a case of supposed witchcraft that had occurred in Boston the previous year
about three children. What is the name of this book?
20) George Burroughs did something unusual at his hanging that most Puritans believed a witch or wizard could not do. What did
Burroughs do?
An afflicted girl
21) How old was Ann Putnam Jr. when she sparked the Salem witch trials with her accusations?
22) In the winter of 1692, Ann and other “circle” girls began behaving strangely by babbling, CONVULSING, or staring blankly.
23) Ann and her parents accused dozens of townspeople of witchcraft. Most of the people they accused were what to the influential
Putnam family? ENEMIES
24) In 1706, Ann Putnam Jr. did something none of the other circle girls ever did. She stood before her CHURCH as the pastor
read her APOLOGY.
A Caribbean slave
25) Tituba was a slave captured and taken from what Caribbean island? BARBADOS
26) Tituba played fortune-telling GAMES and told the girls stories of magic and spirits from the Caribbean, which were activities that
were strictly forbidden by Puritan code
27) Tituba was put in prison, but she did not stand trial because she had CONFESSED to being a witch.
A homeless beggar
28) As an odd homeless woman who did not fit the Puritan mold, what woman was one of the first to be accused of witchcraft by the
circle of young girls in Salem? SARAH GOOD
29) Many villagers claimed Sarah Good’s “curses” were responsible for failed crops and death of livestock. What did Sarah Good
do that made people believe she was “cursing” them? It’s when she walked away from people who refused her something after she
30) How old was the little girl named Dorcas that was put in prison and chained to a wall for witchcraft by Ann Putnam?
A witchcraft skeptic
31) John Proctor was a WEALTHY farmer who sternly denounced the proceedings and warned against listening to the young girls.
32) Proctor was enraged after the examination of Rebecca Nurse. He made comments that many people used against him. The
townspeople believed that someone with so little concern for the afflicted girls must be what? GUILTY (OR A WIZARD).
33) Proctor’s wife, Elizabeth, was also arrested for witchcraft. However, she was not hanged because of what reason?
A beloved mother
34) Mary Easty was a wife and was well respected in Salem. How many children did she have?
35) After Easty was released from jail, Mercy Lewis made a claim that put Easty back in jail. Mercy claimed that Easty sent her
apparition out to do what to Mercy?
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