Arlana Tanner – Sibelle - Wholistic Essentials Wellness Directory

Arlana Tanner – Sibelle
Arlana is an artist, intuitive, writer, speaker, personal
coach and holistic practitioner.
She has facilitated numerous workshops, and is the
creator of “Awaken Your Goddess Wisdom”, an
interactive workshop to honour the Feminine Divine.
Empowering women is her passion. She became a
certified Image Consultant in the early 1980’s and
Fashion Feng Shui facilitator in 2001, and just recently
has included Bellyfit as a way to bring it all together.
She has received certificates of completion in Pranic
Healing; levels 1 and 2, as well as Pranic
Psychotherapy, Thought Field Therapy, Astrology and
Parapsychology. Arlana is also a lifetime member of
the Association of Holisitic Practitioners.
Workshops and Classes
Wardrobe Wisdom with Fashion Feng Shui
Discover how to honour your Essential Energy, identify your
Intentional Energy, and enhance your Physical Energy to
reflect your Authentic Self. Learn how your “image” connects
or disconnects you from your clients, co-workers and in all
your personal relationships and can be used to attract and
create your ideal life.
Goddess Wisdom
Re-connect with your Inner Goddess. Take it at your own
pace with the 7 week online course or create a one- time
unique and memorable event with family and friends that
includes; balancing your energy centers, relaxation, dancing
and fun! You can customize to suit your needs with:
aromatherapy, meditation, body painting, belly dancing, color
personalities, and other Goddess empowering activities.
Bellyfit offers a full range of extraordinary exercise
experience in a safe, effective group fitness format
guaranteed to satisfy women's desire to feel beautiful, strong
and healthy. Bellyfit is infused with the ancient and beautiful
fundamentals of Belly Dance, Bollywood and African Dance
and provides a holistic combination of sculpting, toning and
tightening with Pilates inspired core work, a deep yet relaxing
Yoga inspired stretch and mindful Mudra Meditation.
Arlana Tanner – Sibelle
Live a life you Love...
aligned with the passion in your heart
and the wisdom of your soul
Arlana, it was a beautiful and inspiring day. I
love your energy, your joy and your
"medicine". Your sense of humour added the
right touch and your immense wisdom was
never-ending. Thank you for sharing that
wisdom with through smells, dancing, laughter,
affirmations and beauty!
Namaste, M Rogers
I so enjoyed Arlana's Bellyfit class because she
encouraged us to flow and move easily to the
music. We had so many laughs and giggles
along the way. It was super fun and really gave
me a great workout. Great Job Arlana!!!
250 808 3006
Arlana Tanner-Sibelle is truly an excellent
coach and teacher. She is consistent with
positive feedback and encouragement. She
works with the whole person; mentally,
emotionally and physically.
Highly recommended!!
Felicia Rathwell
250 215 2282
More testimonials can be found
on my website 250 300 9933