Riverhead Central School District Technology Plan 2010

Riverhead Central School District Technology Plan 2010 - 2013
Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Technology Plan 2010-2013
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Technology Plan 2010-2013
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Please review the entire plan to ensure we are meeting the goals of the district as well as those of the reviewers
District Technology Planning Committee Members
Nancy Carney
District Office
Deputy Superintendent for Curriculum and
Angelica Diaz
Director of Math
Dr. Lois Etzel
Director of Science
Liz Scaduto
Director of ESL
Alice Blackmore
Computer Lab Assistant
Bernice Brown
Computer Lab Assistant
Angie Carron
Computer Lab Assistant
Rose D’Orsogna
Library Media Specialist
Dr. Denise Douglas- BOCES Model Schools Technology Integrator
Liz Gerosa
Computer Lab Assistant
Eileen Gorman
Jeanne Grim
Assistant Principal
Robert Hines
Technology Coordinator
Computer Lab Assistant
Theresa Hubbard
Lisa McArdleComputer Lab Assistant
Ava Robinson
Computer Lab Assistant
Melissa Silverman
Computer Lab Assistant
Rafika Soaries
BOCES Model Schools Technology Integrator
Computer Lab Assistant
Maryann Soika
Jeanne Stearns
District Office
District Office
District Office
High School
Middle School
High School
High School
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Technology Plan 2010-2013
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Table of Contents:
Executive Summary/Mission Statement:
Core Element 1: Curriculum
Goal 1: Hardware
Goal 1: Software
Goal 1: Services
Goal 1: Telecommunications
Goal 1: Data Integration
Goal 2: Professional Development
Core Element 3: Assessment
Core Element 4: Fiscal Resources
Core Element 5: Evaluation
Addendum 1: Learning Standards
Addendum 2 Student AUP
Addendum 2 Staff AUP
Addendum 3: Current Network Infrastructure breakdown
Addendum 4: WAN Diagram
Tech Planning Resources
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Executive SummaryMission Statement
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Executive SummaryMission Statement
District Mission Statement:
The mission of the Riverhead Central School District is to inspire and academically empower all
students to become tomorrow’s leaders by: developing their unique gifts and potential;
providing an environment that fosters integrity, creativity, and respect; and, ensuring that our
students become successful, contributing citizens in a global community. (Adopted August
2007 by RCSD BOE)
Executive Summary:
The Riverhead Central School District recognizes that the students we educate must be
ready for the challenges for the twenty-first century. With that in mind we strive to provide
a learning environment rich in the skills and concepts that will enable our students to be
successful. It is our responsibility to provide the curriculum, systems and technology to
ensure each student’s ability to be productive citizens in our ever-changing world.
Our plan has these educational goals at its core:
--Provide relevant professional development for educators
--Use technology effectively in the preparation of our students for their future
--Ensure that all technology initiatives support local and state curriculum and standards
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Executive SummaryMission Statement
School Year
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Major Goals and Objectives at a glance
Increase access to Interactive Whiteboard
technology. Expand Staff Development
opportunities for teachers and staff. Expand Atlas
pilot from just a few teachers to all writers of
curriculum. Investigate and implement IP phone and
video applications.
Strengthen our teachers with Staff Development on
Interactive Whiteboards as well as other
associated tools used to enhance the teaching and
learning experience for students. Implement
curriculum mapping program. Expand multimedia
services including video editing capabilities to
enhance curriculum. Continue to refine and
expand our Professional Development offerings to
all staff.
Continue to Increase Access to appropriate
instructional technology. Expand the availability
and use of enriching programs and services
available through emerging technology.
Last modified at 6/1/2010 2:42 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Core Element 1 Curriculum
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Core Element 1 Curriculum
Goal 1: Goals and Strategy
The district will integrate 21st Century Skills into K-12 education so that students will
meet New York State standards by accessing and using technology. Using web
resources, electronic communications and programs such as Atlas Curriculum
mapping we plan to improve the organization and delivery of standards based
curriculum as well as centralize and inventory all appropriate resources and
services. Through these collaborative efforts we plan to systematically improve the
content and delivery of education in Riverhead Central School District.
• Interdisciplinary, project-based planning and learning
• Investigative learning using available technological tools and software
• Development of higher order thinking skills through technology-assisted
activities and creativity software
• Technological support for learning-style based teaching
• Move toward student centered learning.
• Instill computer and Internet safety at every grade level
Last modified at 6/1/2010 3:37 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Goal 1 Hardware
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Goal 1 Hardware
Goal 1: Goals and Strategy
Using telecommunication and information technology we plan to provide the tools and
resources needed to prepare our students for their future. 21st century learning
requires an investment not only in new ideas but in the underlying technologies which
bring those ideas to life.
2010 -2011 strategy - Using a Multiyear Agreement through Eastern
Suffolk BOCES we plan to install Interactive Whiteboard technology
in over 110 classrooms. Continue to improve instructional technology
equipment through upgrading and replacing hardware as budgetary constraints
allow. Increase server storage capacity. We will continue to pilot new ways to
engage students in learning such as Handheld Interactive Student Response
Assessment: Feedback from the Technology Committee
2011 -2012 strategy- Replace or upgrade 20% of the oldest computer technology
as budgetary constraints allow. Explore emerging instructional technologies. Increase
storage on server computers.
Assessment: Feedback from the Technology Committee
2012 -2013 strategy – Explore emerging instructional technologies. Replace or
upgrade 20% of the oldest computer technology as budgetary constraints allow.
Assessment: Feedback from the Technology Committee
Last modified at 5/5/2010 10:03 AM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Goal 1 Software
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Goal 1 Software
2010 -2011 strategy – Implement more online titles at grades 3-12 to support
interdisciplinary as well as subject specific learning standards.
Assessment: Teacher evaluation of the productivity of purchased software.
Ensure that purchased software meets existing learning standards and district
2011 -2012 strategy – Explore and implement standards based online software
titles which enhance the district’s curriculum.
Assessment: Teacher evaluation of the productivity of purchased software.
Ensure that purchased software meets existing learning standards and district
2012 -2013 strategy - Explore and implement other standards based online
software titles which enhance the district’s curriculum.
Assessment: Teacher evaluation of the productivity of purchased software.
Ensure that purchased software meets existing learning standards and district
Last modified at 6/1/2010 10:21 AM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Goal 1 Services
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Goal 1 Services
2010 -2011 strategy – Maintain and/or upgrade Internet Connectivity through the
use of all available technologies. Maintain and Upgrade subscription based services
which support instruction.
Assessment: User feedback
2011 -2012 strategy – Maintain and/or upgrade Internet Connectivity through the
use of all available technologies. Maintain and Upgrade subscription based services
which support instruction.
Assessment: User feedback
2012 -2013 strategy – Maintain and/or upgrade Internet Connectivity through the
use of all available technologies. Maintain and Upgrade subscription based services
which support instruction.
Assessment: User feedback
Last modified at 6/1/2010 10:23 AM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Goal 1 Telecommunications
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Te ch no l ogy Advisory Committee I ntranet > Te ch Commit tee W iki > Goal 1 Tele commu nic ations
Goal 1 Telecommunications
Telecommunications and Building Infrastructure
2010 -2011 strategy – Utilizing the District Fiber Optic Network we plan to Pilot
applications which require Quality of Service such as Video Streaming and IP telephony.
Maintain and upgrade inter building data communications infrastructure including
wireless communications. Install or upgrade intra building infrastructure as needed.
Upgrade power, HVAC and other computer related building infrastructure as needed.
Assessment: Feedback from building principals and buildings and grounds department.
2011 -2012 strategy – Continue to expand the use of QoS convergence applications
such as IP telephony. Maintain and upgrade inter building data communications
infrastructure including wireless communications. Maintain and upgrade power, data,
HVAC and other computer related building infrastructure as needed.
Assessment: Network monitoring and assessment tools and user feedback to
ensure upgrades have indeed improved available bandwidth for district initiatives
involving LAN, WAN and wireless technologies.
2012 -2013 strategy – Assess and Upgrade Active Network Infrastructure Components
including wireless communications. Maintain and upgrade inter and intra building
infrastructure as needed. Upgrade power, HVAC and other computer related building
infrastructure as
Assessment: Network monitoring and assessment tools and user feedback to
ensure upgrades have indeed improved available bandwidth for district initiatives
involving LAN and WAN technologies.
2013 -2014 strategy- Maintain and upgrade interbuilding infrastructure. Upgrade
power, HVAC and other computer related building infrastructure as needed.
Assessment: Network monitoring and assessment tools and user feedback to
ensure upgrades have indeed improved available bandwidth for district initiatives
involving LAN, WAN and wireless technologies.
Last modified at 5/5/2010 9:46 AM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Goal 1 Data Integration
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Goal 1 Data Integration
Data Integration
2010 -2011 strategy - Maintain and improve in place customized procedure to help
the district standardize demographic data transferred across multiple programs.
Ensure all purchases of new systems are SIF Compliant.
Assessment: Reduced data entry time for all included systems.
2011 -2012 strategy - Explore School Interoperability Framework (SIF) Compliant
Integration Server Applications which will work with all SIF Compliant systems the
district is using.
Assessment: Feasibility study
2012 -2013 strategy - Implement SIF application with all compatible systems.
Train all key individuals on SIF procedures.
Assessment: Reduction in data entry and replication time.
Last modified at 6/1/2010 3:39 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Goal 2 Professional Development
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Goal 2 Professional Development
Goal 2: Professional Development
Staff development must occur in three areas: basic computer usage, personal and
professional use of technology, and integration of technology in instruction. This proposal
will attempt to provide training in these areas. Turnkey trainers will base staff
development on the concept of specificity; that is, teachers will be trained from whatever
skill level they already possess. Once teachers have mastered basic skills, the turnkey
trainers will focus on developing technology-based lessons and units that correlate with
their curriculum needs.
We believe teachers should also have access to training in:
Management in the:
One-computer classroom
{ Ncomputing cluster classrooms
{ Laptop Cart (Computers on Wheels)
Use of the LAN (Local Area Network), and district data services
Video conferencing
Web 2.0
Productivity applications
Audio/visual applications
Reasearch using VRC (Virtual Reference Collection)
Digital Media Library
Graphic Arts
Integration of Technology Into the curriculum
Integration of Interactive Whiteboard Technology
Assessment: Teacher survey conducted by the District Technology and Professional
Development committees.
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Goal 2 Professional Development
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We propose that technology training will be addressed the following ways:
Formal Approach
• In-service courses – Formal 15 hour In-service courses made available through
the year facilitated by either Model Schools BOCES or RCSD Teachers.
Participants will earn credit or money for those who are maxed out.
Informal Approaches
Collegial Circles - A collegial circle will meet once a month to address issues of
concern identified by the participants. At the first meeting, the concerns will be
discussed and brain stormed. A schedule of topics will be arranged. Resource
people will be contacted to facilitate discussion of issues.
Observation – Observations will be used to identify areas of improvement regarding
technology integration.
Push in Training – Turnkey trainers need coverage for this aspect of the training to
work. We propose hiring a substitute teacher one day a month in each building for
the sole purpose of allowing classroom teachers the opportunity to “book” the turnkey
trainer to demonstrate, observe, team-teach or troubleshoot a technology related
issue in their classroom.
Using Library Media Center – Using library media centers to allow users to
research topics.
Teacher Collaboration – Through the use of uniform prep periods and shared
intranet pages, teachers will be able to share technology infused lesson plans and
other exciting ideas.
Just in time training will be addressed in each building by the turnkey trainers.
We will continue to develop the skills and ability of computer lab assistants as a
resource for the classroom teacher.
Partnerships– We are investigating partnerships with universities and other
organizations in order to extend learning opportunities.
Last modified at 6/1/2010 3:42 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Core Element 3 Assessment
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Core Element 3 Assessment
It is our Goal with this technology plan to outline the best possible scenary of improving the
organization and delivery of instruction using technology. In many parts of this plan we discuss
how we would like to see expansion of technology into the classroom but it must be the right
technology and it also must work. So for our needs in order to improve education we envision a
solid infrastructure of people and electronics which work together to ensure the basic network is
available and secure at all times for all staff. We currently have 13 people total in the Technology
Department including 9 Computer Lab assistants, 1 Engineer, 1 Technician, 1 Secretary and 1
Tech Coordinator. In the past computer technology was mostly in the Technology Laboratory but
now we are adding more technology to each classroom changing the dynamic in many buildings.
Even though more technology is and will be available in the classroom it is important to
understand that Labs still play a vital role for students and teachers and should not be repurposed
but improved. Information about our Lab Hardware and Software Inventory can be found here
Our technology committee helps steer us in the right direction as far as developing plans for future
projects, assessing the results of past and existing projects and researching new and emerging
technologies. As we have discussed in this committee technology even with the best technical
support can not improve education which is one of the reasons the partnership with Eastern
Suffolk BOCES Model Schools is so important. They not only help support our Superintedent's
conference days with instructors but they provide Subject specific technology integrators
throughout the year for inservice, pushin and building PD opportunities. Training and Integration
are essential to improving education through technology.
Below are a few items we use here in the district to support our programs:
We currently use Wincap from Capital Computer in Albany to handle all of the Financial
needs of the district.
For Student Management we use the web based EschoolData system in all buildings.
For Asset Management we use a product called Altiris.
We currently use a solution from Freedom9 called ICR 2000 to archive all incoming
and outgoing email. This system is seperate from the Exchange environment and is only
used for legal discovery etc.
To help keep parents informed about their student's absenses as well as upcoming events
we use the automated calling system Connect Ed.
Last modified at 6/1/2010 3:43 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Goal 3 Fiscal Resources
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Goal 3 Fiscal Resources
Goal 3: Fiscal Resources
The plan must provide for sufficient budget to acquire and maintain the hardware software and
professional development and other services that will be needed to implement the strategies. Fiscal
District Funds
Capital Funds
Title Funds
State-aides software
State-aides hardware
Instructional Media School
Professional Development
Discount Percentage = 58%
Telecommunications Services
Verizon Telephone
Nextel Services
Lighpath Internet/Phone
Last modified at 6/1/2010 11:49 AM by Hines, Robert
Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Goal 4 Evaluation
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Goal 4 Evaluation
Goal 4: Evaluation or the Technology Plan
The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the district to monitor progress toward the
specific goal and make corrections in response to new developments and opportunities as they arise.
This technology plan is a living document which needs to incorporate new initiatives as they are proven.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our plan we are using a combination surveys observations
In this section please interview Principals to get their input of the previous technology plan and results of
said plan.
Last modified at 5/10/2010 12:55 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Addendum 1 Learning Standards
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Addendum 1 Learning Standards
The standards outlined below were adopted from the ITSE standards back in 2003 and updated in 2007.
Here are links to the newest ITSE NETS standards.
2008 NETS standards for Teachers
2009 NETS standards for Administrators
2007 NETS standards for Students
Addendum 1: Learning Standards
The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical
behavior in the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
• Identify the computer as a machine that helps people work and play.
• Identify the physical components of a computer system
• Demonstrate respect for the work of others
• Demonstrate the correct care and use of computers The learner will demonstrate knowledge and
skills in the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
Locate and use letters, numbers, and special keys on a keyboard.
Place the cursor at a specified location
Use a mouse
Grade level focus:
• Parts of the computer
• Keyboard familiarity
• Respect for the work of others
Grade 1
The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical
behavior in the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
• Identify the uses of technology at home and at school
• Discuss ownership of computer-created work
• Identify physical components of a computer system
• Identify the Internet as a source of information The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in
the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
• Identify and discuss fundamental computer terms
• Locate and use letters, numbers and special keys on a keyboard
• Identify basic word processing terms
• Key words and/or sentences using word processing
• Participate in the creation of a class multimedia sequential/linear story.
• Use e-mail as a means of communication
The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and
Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Addendum 1 Learning Standards
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communicate information. The learner will:
• Gather, organize, and display data
• Identify and use electronic drawing tools
Grade level focus:
• Using technology at home and school
• Gathering, organizing, and displaying data
• Using work processing
• Exploring multimedia
Grade 2
The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical
behavior in the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
• Identify the uses of technology in the community
• Recognize an individual’s rights of ownership to computer-generated work
• Identify how electronic databases are used in the school, neighborhood and community
The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies. The
learner will:
• Identify essential computer terms
• Identify the function of physical components of a computer system
• Demonstrate correct finger placement for home row keys
• Use word processing to enter, save, print, and retrieve text
• Using a graphing program to enter data and graph the results
• Identify and use electronic drawing tools to combine graphics and text
• Participate in the planning and creation for a class multimedia story
• Use e-mail as a means of communication The learner will use a variety of technologies to access,
analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and communicate information. The learner will:
• Collect, sort organize information to display as a graph or chart
• Interpret data on charts/graphs and make predictions
Grade level focus
• Using technology in the community
• Using electronic database to locate information
• Building word processing skills
• Collecting, sorting, and displaying data
• Exploring multimedia (graphics, sound, text)
• Using drawing tools
Grade 3
The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical
behavior in the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
• Identify uses of technology in the community and how it has changed people’s lives
• Recognize that the Copyright Law protects what a person, group, or company has created
• Recognize the benefits of word processing
• Recognize how electronic databases are used in the community
• Identify telecommunications technologies used to locate information.
• Discuss the need for Acceptable Use Policies (AUP)
The learner will demonstrate knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies. The
Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Addendum 1 Learning Standards
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learner will:
• Identify technology tools used to collect, analyze, and display data
• Identify the physical components of a computer system as input, output, or processing devices.
• Demonstrate proper keyboarding techniques for utilizing the shift key to create capital letters.
• Retrieve and edit a word-processing document
• Recognize the value of electronic databases
• Identify the parts of a spreadsheet (cell, row, column)
• Enter and edit data in a prepared spreadsheet and observe the results
• Create a multiple-outcome storyboard as a class activity
• Use telecommunications to locate community information as a group/class project
The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and
communicate information. The learner will:
• Create, save, and print a word-processed document
• Locate and use information in electronic databases
• Use a prepared spreadsheet to enter and graph data as a group activity
• Evaluate the usefulness of information obtained using telecommunication technologies
• Use e-mail as a means of communication
Grade 4
The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical
behavior in the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
• Identify the ways in which technology has changed the lives of people in New York
• Identify and understand the differences between non-networked and networked computers
• Identify violations of the copyright Law
• Recognize the correct use of copyrighted material in multimedia products
• Identify the need for Acceptable Use Policies (AUP) The learner will demonstrate knowledge and
skills in the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
• Use technology tools used to collect, analyze, and display data
• Practice proper keyboarding techniques
• Recognize word processing terms and functions
• Edit a word processing file to make indicated corrections
• Define the parts of a database
• Develop a simple database and enter and edit information as a class activity
• Define spreadsheet terms
• Enter data into a prepped spreadsheet and recognize the symbols (+,-,*,/) for calculations
• Use e-mail as a means of communication
• Use search strategies to locate information
• Recognize the differences between non-networked and networked computers
The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply, and
communicate information. The learner will:
• Create, format, save, and print a work-processed document
• Search and sort prepared databases for information to use in classroom projects
• Create a table/graph form spreadsheet data
• Create a multimedia project and cite sources of copyrighted material
• Evaluate information found via telecommunications for content and usefulness
• Use e-mail as a form of communication
Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Addendum 1 Learning Standards
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Grade level focus
• Using databases
• Using spreadsheets
• Locating information on the Internet
• Evaluating information found through telecommunications
• Developing word processing documents
• Identifying ways technology has changed New York
Grade 5
The learner will understand important issues of a technology-based society and will exhibit ethical
behavior in the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
• Recognize the influence of technology on life in the United States.
• Recognize the need for protection of software and hardware from computer viruses and
• Recognize video conferencing as a method of interactive communication.
• Describe the use of Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) The learner will demonstrate
knowledge and skills in the use of computer and other technologies. The learner will:
• Use technology tools to collect, analyze, and display data
Explain the differences between a non-networked and networked computer
Use keyboarding skills to improve speed and accuracy
Use a word processing application to create and format a document
Create/modify an electronic database
Search and sort information using one criterion
Add and delete records in a database
Create/Modify and use spreadsheets to perform calculations (+,-,*,/)
The learner will use a variety of technologies to access, analyze, interpret, synthesize, apply,
and communicate information.
• Create a product using information located in a database
• Evaluate the accuracy, credibility, and validity of data in a database
• Select search strategies to obtain information
• Select the most appropriate graph to display data and state reason
• Create/modify a multimedia presentation citing sources of copyrighted materials
• Participate in curriculum-based telecommunications projects as a class activity
• Evaluate information found via telecommunications for appropriateness, content, and
• Use email as a form of communication
Grade Level Focus
• Using search strategies
• Exploring the need for protection against viruses and vandalism
• Participating in curriculum-based telecommunication projects
• Developing word processing document using proper keyboarding techniques
• Developing multimedia presentation citing sources
• Developing a product using a database
Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Addendum 1 Learning Standards
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Grades 6-12
Upon graduation all students will possess:
■ Mastery of the functions/concepts of word processing
■ The ability to use and create a spreadsheet
■ Skills to manipulate and use software applications
Competence in the use of instructional technology tools for research purposes
Last modified at 6/1/2010 3:51 PM by Hines, Robert
Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - 2008 NETS standards for Teachers
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2008 NETS standards for Teachers
T he IS TE
National E ducational Technology S tandards (NE TS •T)
and P erformance Indicators for Teachers
Effective teachers model and apply the National Educational Technology Standards for Students (NETS•S)
as they design, implement, and assess learning experiences to engage students and improve learning; enrich
professional practice; and provide positive models for students, colleagues, and the community. All teachers
should meet the following standards and performance indicators. Teachers:
1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology to facilitate experiences that advance student
learning, creativity, and innovation in both face-to-face and virtual environments. Teachers:
a. promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking and inventiveness
b. engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources
c. promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and
creative processes
d. model collaborative knowledge construction by engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual
2. Design and Develop Digital­Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments incorporating contemporary tools and resources
to maximize content learning in context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS•S. Teachers:
a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity
b. develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to pursue their individual curiosities and become
active participants in setting their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their own progress
c. customize and personalize learning activities to address students’ diverse learning styles, working strategies, and abilities using digital
tools and resources
d. provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology
standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching
3. Model Digital­Age Work and Learning
Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society.
a. demonstrate fluency in technology systems and the transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations
b. collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success
and innovation
c. communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents, and peers using a variety of digital-age media and formats
d. model and facilitate effective use of current and emerging digital tools to locate, analyze, evaluate, and use information
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resources to support research and learning
4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical
behavior in their professional practices. Teachers:
a. advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology, including respect for copyright,
intellectual property, and the appropriate documentation of sources
b. address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies and providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools
and resources
c. promote and model digital etiquette and responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information
d. develop and model cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with colleagues and students of other cultures using
digital-age communication and collaboration tools
5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning, and exhibit leadership in their school and professional
community by promoting and demonstrating the effective use of digital tools and resources. Teachers:
a. participate in local and global learning communities to explore creative applications of technology to improve student learning
b. exhibit leadership by demonstrating a vision of technology infusion, participating in shared decision making and community
building, and developing the leadership and technology skills of others
c. evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular basis to make effective use of existing and emerging
tools and resources in support of student learning
d. contribute to the effectiveness, vitality, and self-renewal of the teaching profession and of their school and community
Copyright © 2008, ISTE (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], www.iste.org. All
rights reserved.
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - 2009 NETS standards for Administrators
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2009 NETS standards for Administrators
T he IS TE
National E ducational Technology S tandards (NE TS •A)
and P erformance Indicators for Administrators
1. Visionary Leadership. Educational Administrators inspire and lead development and implementation of a
shared visionfor comprehensive integration of technology to promote excellence and support transformation
throughout the organization. Educational Administrators:
a. inspire and facilitate among all stakeholders a shared vision of purposeful change that maximizes use of digital-age
resources to meet and
exceed learning goals, support effective instructional practice, and maximize performance of district and school leaders
b. engage in an ongoing process to develop, implement, and communicate technology-infused strategic plans aligned with a
shared vision
c. advocate on local, state, and national levels for policies, programs, and funding to support implementation of a technologyinfused vision and strategic plan
2. Digital­Age Learning Culture. Educational Administrators create, promote, and sustain a dynamic,
digital-age learning culture that provides a rigorous, relevant, and engaging education for all students.
Educational Administrators:
a. ensure instructional innovation focused on continuous improvement of digital-age learning
b. model and promote the frequent and effective use of technology for learning
c. provide learner-centered environments equipped with technology and learning resources to meet the individual, diverse
needs of all learners
d. ensure effective practice in the study of technology and its infusion across the curriculum
e. promote and participate in local, national, and global learning communities that stimulate innovation, creativity, and digitalage
3. Excellence in Professional Practice. Educational Administrators promote an environment of
professional learning and innovation that empowers educators to enhance student learning through the infusion of
contemporary technologies and digital resources. Educational Administrators:
a. allocate time, resources, and access to ensure ongoing professional growth in technology fluency and integration
b. facilitate and participate in learning communities that stimulate, nurture, and support administrators, faculty, and staff in the
study and use of technology
c. promote and model effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders using digital-age tools
d. stay abreast of educational research and emerging trends regarding effective use of technology and encourage evaluation
of new technologies for their potential to improve student learning
4. Systemic Improvement. Educational Administrators provide digital-age leadership and management to
continuously improve the organization through the effective use of information and technology resources.
Educational Administrators:
a. lead purposeful change to maximize the achievement of learning goals through the appropriate use of technology and
media-rich resources
b. collaborate to establish metrics, collect and analyze data, interpret results, and share findings to improve staff performance
and student learning
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c. recruit and retain highly competent personnel who use technology creatively and proficiently to advance academic and
operational goals
d. establish and leverage strategic partnerships to support systemic improvement
e. establish and maintain a robust infrastructure for technology including integrated, interoperable technology systems to
support management, operations, teaching, and learning
5. Digital Citizenship. Educational Administrators model and facilitate understanding of social, ethical, and
legal issues and responsibilities related to an evolving digital culture. Educational Administrators:
a. ensure equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources to meet the needs of all learners
b. promote, model, and establish policies for safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information and technology
c. promote and model responsible social interactions related to the use of technology and information
d. model and facilitate the development of a shared cultural understanding and involvement in global issues through the use
contemporary communication and collaboration tools
©2009, ISTE® (International Society for Technology in Education), 1.800.336.5191 (U.S. & Canada) or 1.541.302.3777 (Int’l), [email protected], www.iste.org. All
rights reserved.
Last modified at 11/12/2009 3:30 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - 2007 NETS standards for Students
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2007 NETS standards for Students
T he IS TE
National E ducational Technology S tandards (NE TS •S )
and P erformance Indicators for S tudents
1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes
using technology. Students:
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes.
b. create original works as a means of personal or group expression.
c. use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues.
d. identify trends and forecast possibilities.
2. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance,
to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others. Students:
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments
and media.
b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.
c. develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.
d. contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.
3. Research and Information Fluency
Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. Students:
a. plan strategies to guide inquiry.
b. locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and
c. evaluate and select information sources and digital tools based on the appropriateness to specific tasks.
d. process data and report results.
4. Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making
Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects, solve problems, and make
informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. Students:
a. identify and define authentic problems and significant questions for investigation.
b. plan and manage activities to develop a solution or complete a project.
c. collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions.
d. use multiple processes and diverse perspectives to explore alternative solutions.
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5. Digital Citizenship
Students understand human, cultural, and societal issues related to technology and practice legal and ethical
behavior. Students:
a. advocate and practice safe, legal, and responsible use of information and technology.
b. exhibit a positive attitude toward using technology that supports collaboration, learning, and productivity.
c. demonstrate personal responsibility for lifelong learning.
d. exhibit leadership for digital citizenship.
6. Technology Operations and Concepts
Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students:
a. understand and use technology systems.
b. select and use applications effectively and productively.
c. troubleshoot systems and applications.
d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.
© 2007 International Society for Technology in Education. ISTE® is a registered trademark of the International Society for Technology in Education.
World rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
or by any information storage or retrieval system—without prior written permission from the publisher. Contact Permissions Editor, ISTE, 175 West Broadway,
Suite 300, Eugene, OR 97401-3003; fax: 1.541.302.3780; e-mail: permissions@ iste.org or visit www.iste.org/permissions/.
For Student Profile use Link Below:
Last modified at 11/12/2009 3:31 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Student AUP (draft)
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Student AUP (draft)
Riverhead Central School District
Student Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use
Internet access is available to students, teachers and staff in the Riverhead Central School District. We are very pleased to
bring this access to Riverhead Central School District and believe the Internet offers vast, diverse and unique resources to
both students and teachers. Our goal in providing this service to teachers and students is to promote educational excellence in
the Riverhead Central School District by facilitating resource sharing, innovation and communication while maintaining a safe
and secure computing environment.
The District Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use contain guidelines on the appropriate use of the
District System. These guidelines along with an Integrated Internet Safety Curriculum will help students become and continue
to be safe, responsible Computer and Internet Users. The District will provide students and parents with guidelines for student
safety while using the Internet. The District will notify the parents about the District System and the policies governing its use.
There is a wide range of material available on the Internet, some of which may not be fitting with the particular values of the
families of the students. It is not practically possible for the district to monitor and enforce a wide range of social values in
student use of the Internet. Further, the district recognizes that parents bear primary responsibility for transmitting their
particular set of family values to their children. The District does encourage parents to specify to their child(ren) what material
is and is not acceptable for their child(ren) to access on the Internet.
The following policy for acceptable use of computers, networks, and system resources, including the Internet, shall apply to all
students. Any student who violates any condition of this policy is subject to disciplinary action or as specified in the Student
Handbook and District policy. The Technology Department reserves the right to terminate access to system resources for any
user who violates these guidelines.
Please review the following guidelines:
1. The individual in whose name a system account is issued will be responsible at all times for its proper use.
2. Users shall not let other persons use their name, logon, password, or files for any reason (except for authorized staff
3. Users shall not use others’ system accounts or try to discover another user’s password. Attempts to login to the District
System as a system administrator, root or netadmin may result in cancellation of all user privileges.
4. Users will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to the District System or to any other computer system through the
District System or go beyond their authorized access. This includes attempting to access another person’s files. These
actions are considered “hacking” and are illegal, even if only for the purposes of “browsing.”
5. Users shall not erase, rename, or make unusable anyone else’s computer files, programs or disks. Users shall not
intentionally damage the system, damage information belonging to others, misuse system resources, or allow others to
misuse system resources.
6. Security on any computer system is high priority, especially when the system involves many users. If you feel you can
identify a computer or network security problem, you must notify a computer lab assistant or the technology department.
Do not demonstrate the problem to other users.
7. Any user identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to
the District System entirely.
8. Users shall not use system resources for any non-instructional purpose, including, but not limited to: personal email
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account access (e.g. Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo, Gmail, etc.), personal instant messaging (chatting), online shopping, online
gaming, or personal use of streaming media such as online radio stations, music videos or video broadcasts.
9. Users may not install, download, copy, or distribute copyrighted materials such as software, audio/video files, graphics,
and without the express written permission of the copyright owner and the permission of the Technology Department.
10. Users are prohibited from introducing unapproved files, scripts, applets and programs via Email, CDROM, DVDROM, USB
Storage device or any other removable media.
11. District policies on plagiarism will govern use of material accessed through the District systems. Users will not plagiarize
works that they find on the Internet. Plagiarism is taking the ideas or writings of others and presenting them as if they were
original to the user. Teachers shall instruct students in appropriate research and citation practices.
12. Users shall not use the system for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, or for any other activity prohibited by
District policy and guidelines. Users will not use the District System to engage in any other illegal act, such as arranging
for a drug sale or the purchase of alcohol, engaging in criminal gang activity, threatening the safety of any person, etc.
13. Users shall not write, produce, generate, copy, propagate, or attempt to introduce any computer code designed to self
replicate, damage, or otherwise hinder the performance of any computer’s memory, file system, or software. Such
software is often called a bug, virus, worm, Trojan horse, or malicious code.
14. Users shall not use system resources to purposefully distribute, create, or copy messages or materials that are abusive,
obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. Users should be aware
that the inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state or federal laws. Violations
can lead to prosecution.
15. Users shall not use system resources to purposefully access materials that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented,
threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. The District provides filtering mechanisms to help
prevent accidental access to such materials as defined under 47 U.S.C. 254 (Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000).
However, in the event that accidental access to prohibited materials occurs, users are expected to immediately
discontinue such access and report the incident to the supervising teacher, Computer Lab Assistant, or building
administrator. Repeated visits to inappropriate sites will elicit a warning. Further attempts will result in a loss of internet
privileges. A supervising teacher, or Computer Lab Assistant may disable the filtering mechanism, during use by a
student, to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purpose.
16. Users shall not alter or vandalize computers, networks, printers, or other associated equipment and system resources.
Alteration or vandalism includes, but is not limited to: removal of parts, intentional destruction of equipment, altering
system settings or software, installing unauthorized or unlicensed software or programs, attempting to degrade or disrupt
system performance, or attempting to make system resources unusable.
17. Users shall not remove technology equipment (hardware or software) from its location without written permission.
18. Users shall not use system resources to distribute or provide personal information or addresses that others may use
19. Users should be aware that electronic mail (email) and all other files stored on Riverhead Central School District’s network
are the property of Riverhead Central School District.
20. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the District system may lend to discovery that a user has or is violating the District
Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use, the disciplinary code, or the law. An individual search
may be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that a user has violated the District Internet Acceptable Use Policy and
Terms and Conditions of Use, the disciplinary code or the law. The Riverhead Central Schools District reserves the right
to access and view any material stored on the School District’s equipment or any material used in conjunction with the
District system.
21. In the event there is an allegation that a student has violated the District Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and
Conditions of Use, the student will be provided with notice and opportunity to be heard in the manner set forth in the
disciplinary code.
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Student AUP (draft)
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The terms and conditions of the “District Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use” reflect the entire
agreement of the parties and supersede all prior oral or written agreements and understandings of the parties. The terms and
conditions of the “District Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use” shall be governed and is
interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York and the United States of America.
AND CONDITIONS OF USE. I further understand that any violation of this policy may constitute a criminal offense. Should I
commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and school disciplinary action and/or legal action may be taken.
This agreement must be signed to allow student access to the Internet through the District System.
Student Account Agreement
Student ID __________________
Grade ______
School __________________
I have read the “District Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use”. I agree to follow the rules contained in the
“District Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use”. I understand that if I violate the rules, access to the Internet
and/or District System can be terminated and I may face other disciplinary measures.
Student Name _____________________________________________
Student Signature ___________________________________________ Date ____ / ____ / _______
Parent or Guardian Section
I have read the “District Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use” and I hereby release the district, its personnel,
and any institutions with which it is affiliated, from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my child’s use of, or inability to
use, the District System, including, but not limited to claims that may arise form the unauthorized use of the system to purchase products or
I will instruct my child regarding any restrictions against accessing material that are in addition to the restrictions set forth in the “District
Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use”. I will emphasize to my child the importance of following the guidelines
set forth in this agreement.
I give permission to issue an account for my child and certify that the information contained in this form is correct.
Parent Name ___________________________________________
Parent Signature ____________________________________________ Date ____ / _____ / ________
Home Address ___________________________________________________________ Phone ____ - ____ - ______
Last modified at 4/6/2010 2:50 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Staff AUP
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Staff AUP
Riverhead Central School District
Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use
Computers and the Internet have become essential to the operation of many K-12 School environments including Riverhead
Central School District. Our number one goal in providing these services is to promote educational excellence by facilitating
standards based resource sharing, research, innovation and communication while maintaining a safe and secure computing
environment. All of us including students, parents, teachers, staff and administrators; share responsibility in promoting the
proper use of Computers and the Internet.
The following policy for acceptable use of computers, networks, and system resources, including the Internet, shall apply to all
Riverhead Central School District administrators, faculty, staff and its affiliates. The use of the Internet is a privilege, not a
right; any user who violates any condition of this policy is subject to disciplinary action or administrative sanctions as specified
in the Collective Bargaining Agreements and District policy. The Technology Department reserves the right to restrict access
to any and all system resources for any user who violates this policy.
The “Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use” contains guidelines for the proper use of
Riverhead Central School District system resources.
1. The individual in whose name a system account is issued will be responsible at all times for its proper use.
2. Users must change their passwords periodically. When changing your password. Please choose a relatively complex
password of eight characters or more with letters, numbers and punctuation that is relatively easy for you to remember.
(e.g. Brown_sweater{99 or beaN~walker007!) Please do not store passwords in obvious places like taped under the
keyboard, on a monitor or anywhere else in plain sight.
3. Users shall not let other persons use their name, logon or password to the district system or any other district provided
application such as eSchooldata, Mylearningplan or IEP direct. Users shall not use others’ system accounts or try to
discover another user’s password.
4. Security on any computer system is high priority, especially when the system involves sensitive information and many
users. If you feel you can identify a computer or network security problem, you must notify a computer lab assistant or the
technology department. Do not demonstrate the problem to other users. Attempts to login to the District System as a
system administrator, root or netadmin user will result in cancellation of user privileges.
5. Users identified as a security risk or having a history of problems with other computer systems may be denied access to
the Internet or the District System entirely.
6. Users will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to restricted components of the District System or to any other network
attached computer system through the District System or attempt go beyond their authorized access. This includes
attempting to access another person’s files. These actions are considered hacking and are illegal, even if only for the
purposes of “browsing.”
Users shall not remove or borrow technology equipment (hardware or software) from its location without written
8. Users with district email access shall not waste District resources by inappropriate use of the email system for sending
and receiving a large number of personal messages, including using group email distribution lists to send nonadministrative or non-instructional messages to other users.
9. Users shall not use system resources to distribute or provide personal information that others may use inappropriately.
Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Staff AUP
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Riverhead Central School District
Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use
10. Users shall not use system resources to purposefully distribute, create, or copy messages or materials that are abusive,
obscene, sexually oriented, threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal.
11. Users shall promote the proper use of Computers and the Internet in our schools through educating themselves through
programs such as I-safe.org, Wiredsafety.org and powertolearn.com Internet Smarts.
12. Users shall not alter or vandalize computers, networks, printers, or other associated equipment and system resources.
Alteration or vandalism includes, but is not limited to: removal of parts, intentional destruction of equipment, altering
system settings or software, installing unauthorized or unlicensed software or programs, attempting to degrade or disrupt
system performance, or attempting to make system resources unusable.
13. Users shall not intentionally damage any component of the district system, or make unusable any information belonging to
others, misuse system resources, or allow others to misuse system resources without reporting it.
14. Users shall not write, produce, generate, copy, propagate, or attempt to introduce any malicious computer code designed
to self replicate, damage, or otherwise hinder the performance of any computer’s memory, file system, or software. Such
malicious code is often called a bug, virus, worm, “Trojan Horse”, spyware or malware.
15. Users shall not use system resources to purposefully access materials that are abusive, obscene, sexually oriented,
threatening, harassing, damaging to another’s reputation, or illegal. The District provides filtering mechanisms to help
prevent accidental access to such materials as defined under 47 U.S.C. 254 (Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000).
However, in the event that accidental access to prohibited materials occurs, users are expected to immediately
discontinue such access and report the incident to the technology department so the filter can be manually updated.
Repeated visits to inappropriate sites will elicit a warning from the technology department. Further attempts will result in a
loss of internet privileges. An administrator, supervising teacher, or Technology Department representative may disable
the filtering mechanism, during use by a staff member, to enable access for bona fide research or other lawful purpose.
16. Users shall not use the district system for illegal purposes, in support of illegal activities, or for any other activity prohibited
by District policy. Users will not use the District System to engage in any other illegal act. Please be aware that the
inappropriate use of electronic information resources can be a violation of local, state or federal laws. Violations can lead
to criminal prosecution.
17. Users may not install, download, copy, or distribute copyrighted materials such as software, audio or video, files, graphics,
and text without the express written permission of the copyright owner and the permission of the technology department.
18. Electronic mail (email) is not guaranteed to be private. Users should be aware that electronic mail (email) and all other
files stored on Riverhead Central School District’s network are the property of Riverhead Central School District. Users
should not send any messages or create any files they would not want to be made public. Users with email access must
purge their email files on a regular basis in accordance with established retention guidelines and network limitations.
19. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the District system may lend to discovery that a user has or is violating the
Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use, the disciplinary code, or the law. An
individual search may be conducted if there is reasonable suspicion that a user has violated the Employee Internet
Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use, the disciplinary code or the law. The Riverhead Central Schools
District reserves the right to access and view any material stored on the School District’s equipment or any material used
in conjunction with the District system.
20. Users shall not use system resources for the forgery or attempted forgery of email messages. Attempts to read, delete,
copy, or modify the email of other system users, deliberate interference with the ability of other users to send/receive
email, or the use of another person’s email account is prohibited.
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Staff AUP
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Riverhead Central School District
Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use
21. In the event there is an allegation that an employee has violated the Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms
and Conditions of Use, the employee will be provided with notice and the opportunity to be heard in the manner set forth
in the Collective Bargaining Agreements and District Policy.
The terms and conditions of the “Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use” reflect the
entire agreement of the parties and supersedes all prior oral or written agreements and understandings of the parties. The
terms and conditions of the “Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use” shall be governed
and is interpreted in accordance with the laws of The Town of Riverhead, Suffolk County, the State of New York and the
United States of America.
AND CONDITIONS OF USE. Should I commit any violation, my access privileges may be revoked and school disciplinary
action and/or legal action may be taken.
Agreement must be filled out completely and signed to allow access to the Internet through the District System.
Employee Account Agreement
Full Name _____________________________________________________________________ (Please print)
User ID __________________________________ . _________________________________ (firstname.lastname)
Email address _____________________________________ . _____________________________ @riverhead.net
Position _____________________________________________________________________
School/Location _____________________________________________________ (If more than two locations write DISTRICT WIDE)
Department/Grade Level __________________________________
I have completed www.i-safe.org I-Learn or other Internet Safety PDP? Yes / Need more information (Circle appropriate answer)
I have read the “Employee Internet Acceptable Use Policy and Terms and Conditions of Use”. I understand that if I violate the
rules, I may face disciplinary action. I hereby release the district, its personnel, and any institutions with which it is affiliated,
from any and all claims and damages of any nature arising from my use of, or inability to use, the District System, including, but not limited to claims
that may arise form the unauthorized use of the system to purchase products or services.
Signature ______________________________________________ Date ____ / ____ / ______
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Last modified at 4/17/2010 9:47 AM by Hines, Robert
Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Addendum 2 Current Network Infrastructure breakdown
Technology Advisory Committee
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Addendum 2 Current Network Infrastructure breakdown
Addendum 2: Current Network Infrastructure breakdown
Network Equipment
Alternative High School
Aquebogue Elementary School
District Office
High School
Middle School
Phillips Avenue Elementary School
Pulaski Street Elementary School
Pupil Personnel Services
Riley Avenue Elementary School
Roanoke Avenue Elementary School
Technology Office
Wireless AP
Telecomunication Links
Fiber Optic
Aquebogue Elementary School
0 6 strands SM (leased) 1
District Office
0 24 strand MM
High School
0 24 strand MM
Middle School
Phillips Avenue Elementary School
0 24 strand MM
24 strands SM to
elementaries (leased)
0 6 strands SM (leased) 1
Pulaski Street Elementary School
0 24 strand MM
Pupil Personnel Services
0 24 strand MM
Riley Avenue Elementary School
0 6 strands SM (leased) 1
Roanoke Avenue Elementary School
0 6 strands SM (leased) 1
Technology Offices
6 strand MM
6 N/A
Last modified at 11/9/2009 12:37 PM by Hines, Robert
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Technology Advisory Committee Intranet - Addendum 3 WAN Diagram
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Addendum 3 WAN Diagram
Addendum 3: WAN Diagram
Last modified at 11/9/2009 12:32 PM by Hines, Robert