the User Guide

A Guide to the Microfilm Edition of
The Frank B. Kellogg Papers,
A UPA Collection
Cover: Frank B. Kellogg, ambassador to the Court of St. James, Great Britain, November 14,
1923. Photo courtesy of the Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.
The Frank B. Kellogg Papers,
Guide compiled by
Norma L. Wark
A UPA Collection from
7500 Old Georgetown Road • Bethesda, MD 20814-6126
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
The Frank B. Kellogg papers [microform] : 1916–1937.
microfilm reels
Accompanied by a printed guide, compiled by Norma L. Wark, entitled: A guide to the
microfilm edition of the Frank B. Kellogg papers
“Microfilmed by the Minnesota Historical Society Library and Archives, M332,
The Frank B. Kellogg papers 1890–1942.”
Summary: Contains correspondence, memoranda, speeches, background materials,
clippings, memorabilia, and other papers from the Kellogg’s years as U.S. senator from
Minnesota (1917–1923), U.S. ambassador to Great Britain (1923–1925), Secretary of
State (1925–1929), and judge on the Permanent Court of International Justice (World
Court) (1930–1935), the papers also provide information about state and national
Republican party politics, and about U.S. politics in general.
ISBN 1-55655-967-4
1. Kellogg, Frank B. (Frank Billings), 1856–1937—Archives. 2. United States—
Foreign relations—20th century—Sources. 3. United States—Politics and government—
1901–1953—Sources. 4. Minnesota—Politics and government—Sources. I. Wark,
Norma L. II. Minnesota Historical Society.
Copyright © 2007 LexisNexis,
a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.
All rights reserved.
ISBN 1-55655-967-4.
Scope and Content Note ............................................................................................... vii
Source Note ................................................................................................................... xix
Reel Index
Reel 1
Undated, 1890–April 1912...................................................................................... 1
Reel 2
May 1912–December 1915..................................................................................... 2
Reels 3–5
January 1916–November 20, 1916 ......................................................................... 3
Reel 6
November 21, 1916–December 1917 ..................................................................... 7
Reel 7
1918–May 15, 1921 ................................................................................................ 8
Reels 8
May 16, 1921–March 1922..................................................................................... 9
Reel 9
April 1, 1922–July 1922 ....................................................................................... 10
Reel 10
August 1922–November 1923 .............................................................................. 11
Reel 11
December 1923–June 10, 1924............................................................................. 12
Reel 12
June 11, 1924–London Reparation Conference.................................................... 13
Reel 13
London Reparation Conference–August 25, 1924................................................ 14
Reel 14
August 26, 1924–January 5, 1925......................................................................... 15
Reels 15–16
January 6, 1925–September 10, 1925 ................................................................... 16
Reel 17
September 11, 1925–January 10, 1926 ................................................................. 17
Reels 18–23
January 11, 1926–December 31, 1926.................................................................. 18
Reels 24–29
January 1, 1927–December 20, 1927.................................................................... 22
Reel 30
December 21, 1927–February 20, 1928................................................................ 28
Reels 31–35
February 21, 1928–November 15, 1928 ............................................................... 29
Reel 36
November 16, 1928–January 10, 1929. ................................................................ 33
Reels 37–38
January 11, 1929–December 10, 1929.................................................................. 34
Reel 39
December 11, 1929–March 1930........................................................................... 36
Reels 40–41
April 1930–December 15, 1930............................................................................ 37
Reel 42
December 16. 1930–March 1931.......................................................................... 39
Reels 43–44
April 1931–December 31, 1931............................................................................ 40
Reels 45–46
January 1, 1932–November 20, 1932 ................................................................... 43
Reels 47
November 21, 1932–June 1933 ............................................................................ 45
Reel 48
July 1933–May 15, 1934....................................................................................... 46
Reel 49
May 16, 1934–April 1935..................................................................................... 47
Reels 50
May 1935–December 1936................................................................................... 48
Reel 51
January 1937–1942 ............................................................................................... 50
Reel 52–53
Volumes 1–14, Newspaper and Magazine Clippings ........................................... 51
Reel 54
Voume 15, Newspaper and Magazine Clippings–Volume 26, Memorial to
Frank Billings Kellogg................................................................................... 52
Principal Correspondents Index ................................................................................... 55
Subject Index .................................................................................................................. 71
The personal papers of Frank Billings Kellogg in the Division of Archives and
Manuscripts of the Minnesota Historical Society measure thirty-five linear feet and are
divided into two groups: correspondence and miscellaneous papers (1890–1942) and
twenty-six volumes (1907–1938). The bulk of the collection was generated during
Kellogg’s years of public service as United States senator from Minnesota (1917–1923),
United States ambassador to Great Britain (1923–1925), secretary of state in the cabinet
of President Calvin Coolidge (1925–1929), and judge of the Permanent Court of
International Justice—the World Court (1930–1935). Besides reflecting the issues and
activities associated with these positions, the papers contain information about Kellogg’s
participation in Republican Party politics on both the national and state levels and, to a
lesser extent, about his organizational memberships and activities, business affairs, legal
career, and family matters. They consist primarily of correspondence but also include
memoranda, drafts and printed versions of speeches and articles, official documents and
publications, booklets and leaflets, diplomas and other certificates, loose newspaper and
magazine clippings, and clippings scrapbooks.
This microfilm edition of the Kellogg Papers reproduces thirty-four linear feet of
records on fifty-four reels of film. Correspondence and miscellaneous papers are filmed
on Reels 1–51; the volumes, primarily clippings scrapbooks, appear on Reels 52–54. This
represents the entire collection in the possession of the society with the following
exceptions measuring one linear foot: a floor plan of the chauffeur’s house at the country
estate of Kellogg’s law partner, Cordenio A. Severance; two guest books that apparently
did not belong to Kellogg; chapter drafts of David Bryn-Jones’ authorized biography (see
selected bibliography, page 52); a 1940 series of newspaper articles about the Duke and
Duchess of Windsor by Adela Rogers St. John; typed copies of legible, handwritten
correspondence; and numerous duplicates. In addition, during preparation of the
collection for microfilming, a letterpress book containing copies of letters written in 1898
by Kellogg and Severance to their senior law partner, Senator Cushman Kellogg Davis,
was transferred from the Kellogg Papers to the society’s collection of Davis, Kellogg,
and Severance law firm records.
The correspondence and miscellaneous papers are arranged and microfilmed in a
single chronological sequence, with some exceptions. Undated items are filmed at the
beginning of Reel 1. Partially dated items appear before those with specific dates: for
example, an item dated [April, 1916] would precede one dated April 1, 1916, and one
dated [1916] would precede the rest of the papers for that year. Although an effort was
made to date undated items and to check the dates of those questionably or provisionally
dated, a thorough study of these items was not possible during the preparation of this
microfilm edition. Therefore, the reader is advised to be cautious in using undated items
and items whose dates are bracketed. Certain groups of papers, such as those relating to
legislation, conferences, or particular events, have sometimes been filed together under a
single appropriate date. Typewritten targets identify these groups of papers. Enclosures,
no matter what their date(s), have been filed whenever possible immediately after the
item(s) with which they were enclosed. Occasionally, as a research aid, a photocopy of an
enclosure with a much earlier date than its covering letter is filmed under the earlier date
when it contains significant information about, or fills gaps in the documentation of, the
earlier period. When this technique is used, the photocopy is accompanied by a statement
that identifies it as such and indicates the date under which the original is filmed. When
photocopies of documents other than enclosures are filmed under dates different from the
originals, they are similarly identified.
The 2-B format has been used in microfilming the manuscripts. A running title
beneath each film frame gives the title and publisher of the microfilm edition and the reel
and frame numbers. Targets usually identify enclosures, incomplete or defective
documents, and the reduction ratio when other than the standard 14 to 1 is used. Although
most of the manuscripts are legible, two techniques have been used in an effort to
increase the legibility of certain items. Sometimes a manuscript is filmed more than once
at different camera settings, with a target indicating an intentional duplicate exposure on
the duplicate frame. Also, photocopies of faded carbon copies typed on blue and green
paper have been filmed in place of the carbons, because the photocopies produced better
film images. When an item was incorrectly filmed out of sequence within several frames,
it was not re-filmed. Other items found out of place and inserted into the proper film
sequence are identified by a letter following the frame number (as 163A).
This guide to the microfilm edition of the Kellogg Papers provides information about
the society’s acquisition of the collection, biographical data on Kellogg, and a description
of the content of the papers. It also contains a selected list of authors, a selected
bibliography of primary and secondary sources of information on Kellogg, and a list of
the contents of the microfilm reels.
The biography of Frank B. Kellogg, as reflected in the chronology below, reads like
a classic Horatio Alger story. A poor farm boy who received little formal education, he
taught himself the law and became not only one of the nation’s foremost corporate
lawyers but also one of its leading trust-busters. At the age of sixty, he embarked on a
new career of public service which took him to the United States Senate, the Court of St.
James, the cabinet of the president of the United States, and the Permanent Court of
International Justice at The Hague. He is remembered most often, perhaps, as the
statesman who co-authored the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact (often referred to as the Pact
of Paris), whose signatories agreed to renounce war as an instrument of national policy.
For this effort in behalf of world peace he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1929.
December 22. Born in Potsdam, St. Lawrence County, New York, the eldest of
three children of Asa Farnsworth Kellogg and Abigail Billings Kellogg. Asa
Kellogg also had a son by a first marriage.
1857 Family moved to Long Lake, Hamilton County, New York.
1865 Family moved to a small farm near Viola, Olmsted County, Minnesota.
Assumed primary responsibility for working the family farm because of his
father’s poor health. Could no longer attend school; received no additional formal
Family moved to a larger farm in Olmsted County near Elgin, Wabasha County,
Left the family farm. Moved to Rochester, Olmsted County, Minnesota, to read
law in the office of Halftan A. Eckholdt, in exchange for doing chores and
errands. Supported himself by working on nearby farms, either for room and
board or for a small salary.
Admitted to the Minnesota bar. Began to practice law in Rochester.
Formed law partnership with Burt W. Eaton, also a self-taught lawyer.
Appointed Rochester city attorney by the city council. A Republican, served until
when defeated for re-election by his Democratic opponent.
Elected Olmsted County attorney on the Republican ticket. Served until 1887.
In first important legal case, agreed to represent two Wabasha County townships,
Plainview and Elgin, in a lawsuit against the Winona and St. Peter Railroad
Company. Prior to accepting the case and during the course of the litigation
sought the advice of his cousin, Cushman K. Davis, former governor of
Minnesota and prominent St. Paul attorney.
June 16. Married Clara M. Cook of Rochester. They had no children.
Unsuccessfully sought the Republican nomination for Minnesota attorney general.
Accepted invitation to join the St. Paul law firm of Davis, newly elected U.S.
senator from Minnesota, and Cordenio A. Severance.
Law firm of Davis, Kellogg, and Severance established with Kellogg as acting
head. During the next thirty years the firm became one of the most prominent and
successful corporate law firms in the Upper Midwest, representing many powerful
companies and individuals. Formed lasting relationships with some of the
country’s most influential businessmen and politicians.
Became senior partner in the law firm after the death of Davis in 1900.
Minnesota delegate to the Republican National Convention.
Elected Republican national committeeman from Minnesota. Served 1904–1912,
U.S. delegate to the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, held in St. Louis,
Appointed special assistant attorney general to prosecute the federal government’s
case against the General Paper Company of Wisconsin and Minnesota (the socalled Western Paper Trust) for alleged violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act.
Served until 1906, when the company was declared illegal and dissolved as a
combination in restraint of trade. Received widespread attention in the press as a
With Severance, appointed by President Theodore Roosevelt as special counsel to
the Interstate Commerce Commission for its investigation of Edward H.
Harriman’s financial manipulations and railroad consolidations, particularly of the
Union Pacific, Southern Pacific, and subsidiary railroads. Served until 1908.
Appointed special assistant attorney general to lead the federal government’s
prosecution of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey under the Sherman
Antitrust Act. Served until 1911.
With Severance, appointed special assistant attorney general to prosecute the
federal government’s suit against the Union Pacific Railroad under the Sherman
Antitrust Act. Served until 1912.
Minnesota delegate to the Republican National Convention.
U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the government in the Standard Oil case.
The so-called Standard Oil Trust ordered dissolved; Kellogg hailed as the
nation’s number one trust-buster.
U.S. Supreme Court decided the Union Pacific case in favor of the government.
Elected president of the American Bar Association for 1912–1913.
Minnesota delegate to the Republican National Convention. Walked out of the
convention with the rest of the Minnesota delegation in support of Theodore
Roosevelt. Did not join the Progressive party; instead, worked to restore unity in
the Republican party.
After initially declining to become a candidate, elected to the U.S. Senate on the
Republican ticket, the first senator from Minnesota to be elected by popular vote.
Served 1917–1923 (65th–67th Congresses). Campaigned on a platform of war
preparedness, economy in government, prosecution of the trusts, and tariff
reduction. As senator, primarily concerned with issues relating to his committee
assignments (Judiciary, Interstate Commerce, National Banks, Public Lands, Joint
Committee for Revision of the Federal Statutes, Foreign Relations) and with
Minnesota delegate to the Republican National Convention.
Defeated for re-election to the Senate by Henrik Shipstead, Minnesota FarmerLabor party candidate.
U.S. delegate to the Fifth International Conference of American States, held in
Santiago, Chile (appointed in 1922 by President Warren G. Harding).
Briefly rejoined law firm in St. Paul.
Appointed U.S. ambassador to Great Britain by President Coolidge. Served until
While ambassador, served as one of two American delegates to the London
Reparation Conference, which negotiated the Dawes Plan to revise the schedule
of World War I reparations payments by Germany to the Allies.
While ambassador, represented the United States at the Conference of Finance
Ministers, held in Paris, which agreed on the distribution of reparations payments
by Germany to the Allies.
Assumed the office of secretary of state in Coolidge’s cabinet. Served until 1929.
Primarily concerned with Latin American problems, including U.S. relations with
Mexico and Nicaragua and the Tacna-Arica boundary dispute between Chile and
Peru; revision of American policies toward China, particularly with respect to
tariffs and extraterritoriality privileges; American relations with Canada and the
St. Lawrence waterway project; settlement of World War I debts; disarmament;
negotiation of international arbitration and conciliation agreements; U.S.
participation in the World Court; and negotiation of the Kellogg-Briand Peace
1928 August 27. Signed the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact in Paris.
1929 Rejoined law firm in St. Paul.
1930 Elected to a nine-year term as judge of the World Court. Served until 1935,
resigning because of ill health.
Awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 1929 for his work in negotiating the KelloggBriand Peace Pact.
1937 December 21. Died in St. Paul.
The collection of Frank B. Kellogg’s personal papers at the Minnesota Historical
Society was built up gradually over the years between 1937 and 1974. The papers were
secured in some fifteen different accessions, through gift and purchase, from a variety of
The first manuscript to formally become part of the Kellogg Papers reached the
society shortly after Kellogg’s death in December, 1937, when Herbert (Lefkovitz)
Lewis, editorial director for Northwest Publications (publisher of the St. Paul Dispatch
and St. Paul Pioneer Press newspapers), presented a memorandum he had written
describing events and circumstances at the Kellogg home on the evening of Kellogg’s
death. In 1938 Ira C. Oehler, a St. Paul attorney and a vice-president of the society,
donated several items, including a copy of the Kelloggs’ will and a clipping of a
memorial article from the American Bar Association Journal. In acknowledging this gift,
curator of manuscripts Grace Lee Nute wrote Oehler that the manuscripts would be added
to the “tiny nucleus” of Kellogg Papers already in the possession of the society. That
same year Mrs. Kellogg added a group of clippings relating to Kellogg’s receipt of the
Nobel Peace Prize for 1929. In accordance with their will, she also arranged to have
placed in the society’s care all of Kellogg’s diplomas, certificates, awards, commissions,
memorials, testimonials, and other ceremonial items. Most of them remained a part of the
society’s museum collections until 1962, when they were transferred to the Division of
Archives and Manuscripts and placed with the Kellogg Papers; several final items were
transferred in 1977. In 1939 a representative of the Ramsey County Bar Association
gave materials from the association’s files which he felt more properly belonged with the
society’s growing collection of Kellogg Papers.
This pattern of small deposits by different individuals continued during the 1940s. In
1942 George W. Morgan, one of Kellogg’s law partners, contributed scrapbooks of
newspaper and magazine clippings; the following year, on two separate occasions,
Kellogg’s sister-in-law, Mrs. Francis J. Ottis, deposited Kellogg papers in her possession;
and in 1948 Charles J. Moos, Kellogg’s campaign manager and long-time political
confidant, turned over a summary of Kellogg’s senatorial activities which had been
compiled from the Congressional Record under his direction.
Throughout this period the heart of the present collection—the papers generated,
collected, and retained by Kellogg—remained in the offices of Kellogg’s law firm and its
successors. Nute was aware of the existence of these manuscripts and someday hoped to
acquire them, along with the records of the original firm of Davis, Kellogg, and
Severance. When she wrote Morgan in 1942 to thank him for the Kellogg scrapbooks,
she stated, “You will keep in mind, I know, how much interested we are to secure the
whole collection of Kellogg papers when the time comes.” That time came in 1950
through the initiative of the law firm, whose members were deeply imbued with the sense
of tradition surrounding it and keenly aware of the historical importance of the records in
their possession. A partner in the firm contacted Lucile M. Kane, Nute’s successor as
curator of manuscripts, with the news that the storeroom housing Kellogg’s personal
papers and the files of the original law firm was soon to be cleared out. He expressed
concern for the survival of the records and asked if the society wished to acquire them.
Kane’s response was immediate. During the next few days she examined the materials in
the storeroom, identified and separated Kellogg’s personal papers from the records of the
law firm, and arranged for the transfer of both groups of papers to the society. Additional
papers donated by the law firm in 1954 substantially completed the collection.
In the ensuing twenty years three items were purchased by the society (in 1959 and
1960) and several more were donated (in 1960, 1970, and 1974). The acquisition of
individual items will undoubtedly continue as people discover Kellogg materials in their
files and, recognizing their potential significance, offer to add them to the society’s stillgrowing Kellogg collection.
The correspondence and miscellaneous papers (1890–1942) are filmed on Reels 1–
51. They are described below in five sections, each of which corresponds roughly to a
major phase of Kellogg’s career: 1890–1916, Reels l–6; 1917–November, 1923, Reels 6
cont.–10; December, 1923–January 5, 1925, Reels 11–14; January 6, 1925–December 10,
1929, Reels 15–38; December 11, 1929–1942, Reels 39–51.
The twenty-six volumes (1907–1938) appear on Reels 52–54.
Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers
Each of the five sections of the correspondence and miscellaneous papers is
introduced by a brief narrative that summarizes and characterizes the manuscripts for that
period, points out any peculiarities, and identifies certain topics and record types
occurring throughout which are not specifically noted by microfilm reel. The narrative is
followed by reel notes that list in alphabetical order the major subjects documented by the
manuscripts filmed on each reel. Descriptive phrases or subheadings beneath the main
headings are often used to highlight subtopics of particular interest or to suggest the
scope of the main headings; they should not necessarily be interpreted as either restrictive
or all-inclusive.
Printed and typescript copies of the major speeches by Kellogg that appear in the
papers are listed in chronological order following the subject headings for each reel.
When a speech constitutes the only significant documentation of a topic, that topic is not
reflected in the preceding subject headings. Therefore, researchers should scan the lists of
speeches as well as the subject headings for citations to topics in which they are
Personal names seldom appear as subject headings in the reel notes. Researchers
wishing to locate information about individuals and organizations should look for related
subject headings in the reel notes, examine the narrative descriptions for references to
topics and record types not covered in the reel notes, and consult the selected list of
authors on pages 46–51. Because the description of the papers and the author list are
necessarily selective, it is possible that a topic is documented in the papers even though it
is not referred to—directly or indirectly—in this guide.
Reels 1–6 (cont.)
The manuscripts for the years 1890–1916 are dominated by correspondence and
other papers relating to Kellogg’s avid interest and involvement in Republican party
politics on both the national and state levels, as Minnesota’s representative on the
Republican National Committee from 1908 to 1912, as a delegate to the Republican
National Conventions of 1904, 1908, and 1912, and as a candidate for the United States
Senate in 1916. They reflect his relationships with such prominent national political
figures as Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft.
Most of the papers are for 1916. They focus on the circumstances surrounding
Kellogg’s agreement to seek the Republican nomination for U.S. senator and on the
primary and general election campaigns.
Scattered throughout the papers for this period and not specifically referred to in the
reel notes are items pertaining to Kellogg’s law practice, business affairs, professional
and other organizational memberships and activities, personal and family matters, and
requests for favors, assistance, recommendation, and support.
Reels 6 cont.–10
Manuscripts documenting Kellogg’s term in the United States Senate constitute the
bulk of the materials for this period. Unfortunately, they are very fragmentary; when
Kellogg left the Senate in 1923 he had most of his senatorial papers destroyed.
Apparently, he saved only those items relating to treaties and legislation that he
introduced, held hearings on, made speeches about, took a particular interest in, or
thought would be useful to his law firm. They consist of correspondence with interested
and potentially affected parties, including bill sponsors, organizational and business
representatives, and constituents; speech memoranda, drafts, and printed texts; pamphlets
and leaflets; congressional publications, including bills and resolutions, transcripts of
hearings, and committee prints; and newspaper and magazine articles.
There are documents pertaining to (1) the Colombian Treaty (signed in 1914, ratified
in 1921), by which Colombia agreed to recognize the independence of Panama and the
United States paid Colombia an indemnity of $25 million for its loss of Panama during
the Panamanian Revolution of 1903 (Kellogg vehemently opposed the treaty on the
grounds that it constituted an unwarranted admission of guilt by the United States);
(2) the Treaty of Versailles (1919), which Kellogg supported with “reasonable”
reservations and amendments; (3) United States participation in the League of Nations;
(4) revision of judicial procedures and provisions for additional federal district judges;
(5) railroads; (6) the ownership, regulation, and development of domestic and
international radio, telephone, and telegraph communications systems, the latter via
submarine cables; (7) the protection of aliens residing in the United States and the
enforcement of their treaty rights; (8) free passage for American ships through the
Panama Canal. Some correspondence relating to contemporary social, economic, and
political issues has also survived, as well as materials concerning Kellogg’s campaign for
re-election to the U.S. Senate.
Appearing throughout the papers for this period but not specifically referred to in the
reel notes is correspondence pertaining to Kellogg’s organizational, professional, civic
and business activities; his law firm; his health; vacations; and family matters.
Reels 11–14
Kellogg felt that his post as ambassador to Great Britain afforded him “exceptional
opportunities to get all the inside information” about the social, economic, political,
military, and diplomatic aspects of the European scene. He passed on the information he
gathered to the State Department and to U.S. embassies in both official and unofficial
dispatches. Although the Kellogg Papers contain no official dispatches, there are letters—
marked “personal” and/or “confidential”—to and from Secretary of State Charles Evans
Hughes and American diplomats stationed in Europe. They record the writers’
impressions, analyses, and opinions of public events and private conversations relating to
contemporary issues, conditions, and developments in Great Britain and continental
Kellogg’s letters to his friends and political confidants in the United States contain
the same types of information, as well as descriptions of official functions and social
events, references to his duties and responsibilities, and reflections on being an
ambassador and a public servant. They also express his intense interest in the American
elections of 1924 and his concern about the dangers of socialism, communism, and other
radical movements. His American correspondents kept him abreast of national and local
political developments in the United States.
The one diplomatic issue that commanded much of Kellogg’s attention while he was
in Great Britain was the revision of the schedule of World War I reparations payments by
Germany to the Allies as proposed by the Dawes Plan. The terms of the plan were
negotiated during July and August, 1924, at the London Reparation Conference which
was held in London (the Inter-Allied Conference) and in Paris (the International
Conference). Distribution of the reparations payments among the Allies was agreed upon
at the Conference of Finance Ministers held in Paris in January, 1925. Kellogg attended
the conferences as one of two American delegates, and he discusses them and the
reparations question in general frequently in his letters. Official documents of the London
Reparation Conference are filed together under the date of July 16, 1924.
Much of the correspondence for this period deals with the semi-official and social
aspects of Kellogg’s ambassadorial responsibilities that, in fact, occupied much of his
time. It concerns invitations to social events, letters of introduction, and requests for
presentation at court and other favors. These materials are not specifically referred to in
the reel notes nor is the correspondence pertaining to Kellogg’s personal, financial, and
legal affairs, which were handled by his St. Paul law office, and to the activities of the
organizations in which he retained membership.
Reels 15–38
The papers in this collection that were generated during Kellogg’s tenure as secretary
of state consist almost exclusively of his personal correspondence files. They are
particularly valuable for the unofficial discussions they offer about the dominant
concerns of American foreign policy during the period, for the insights they provide into
the formulation, development, and execution of that policy, and for the light they shed on
international relations and the conduct of foreign affairs. This is especially true when they
are used in conjunction with the official records in the files of the Department of State.
They also provide commentary on contemporary domestic social, economic, and political
conditions, issues, and events. In addition to correspondence, there are memoranda and
working papers, drafts and printed texts of speeches, diplomas and other certificates, and
printed materials of various kinds. There are also some official documents. It should be
noted that Kellogg did not write all of the letters and other documents that carry his
signature; many were apparently written by his secretary and by other State Department
The papers reveal that as secretary of state Kellogg was often concerned with Latin
American problems, including U.S. relations with Mexico in the face of the Mexican
government’s determination to reduce foreign ownership of its land and natural resources
and to curtail the power of the Catholic church; the mediation of the Tacna-Arica
boundary dispute between Chile and Peru and the Chaco boundary dispute between
Bolivia and Paraguay; and the civil war in Nicaragua. They also document his
involvement in the revision and reform of American policies toward China, particularly
with respect to tariffs and extraterritoriality privileges; in the establishment of formal
diplomatic relations with Canada; and in negotiations regarding the St. Lawrence
waterway project. His other major concerns, as revealed in the papers, included the
settlement of Allied war debts and German reparations payments; negotiation of, and
U.S. participation in, international agreements and conferences dealing with arbitration,
conciliation, and disarmament (arms limitation and reduction); U.S. participation in the
World Court; and negotiation of the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact.
“Routine” correspondence—the bulk of the papers for this period—is not
specifically referred to in the reel notes. It includes numerous requests: for personal
favors and assistance, for endorsement of organizations and causes, for statements of
opinion, for interviews, and for biographical information, autographs, and photographs.
There are many invitations to appear as a speaker or honored guest, as well as
congratulatory notes and other greetings. There are also letters written in behalf of
candidates for appointive office, and letters enclosing literature of various kinds.
In addition, certain topics appear frequently but are seldom specifically noted: the
organization and operation of the State Department; departmental and diplomatic
appointments, promotions, and personnel; Kellogg’s feelings about his work and career;
his receipt of academic degrees and other honors; the activities of the organizations in
which he held membership or retained an interest; his health; and financial, business,
legal, and family matters.
Three groups of documents dating from this period appear as enclosures to letters
filmed on Reels 47 and 48 under the dates of May 8, 1933, May 9, 1933, and February 7,
1934. They relate, respectively, to the negotiation of the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
(1928–1929); to United States efforts to secure ratification of the 1922 ColombianPeruvian boundary treaty (1925–1927); and to Mexican affairs (1926–1929).
Reels 39–51
The manuscripts documenting Kellogg’s years as judge of the World Court and elder
statesman reflect his enduring interest and involvement in foreign affairs, politics, and
civic activities. Although some new topics are introduced in this section of the papers,
many of the themes established in the earlier sections are further articulated and
developed. Between 1930 and 1935 there are many items, including some official papers,
relating to Kellogg’s work on the World Court. Papers for the period following his death
in 1937 contain memorials, tributes, and sympathy letters and correspondence relating to
his estate, to the installation of a memorial window in the National Cathedral in
Washington, D.C., and to Mrs. Kellogg.
The topics and record types appearing throughout this period that in general are not
specifically referred to in the reel notes are also similar to those of the earlier sections.
They include congratulatory and other greetings, as well as numerous requests for favors
and assistance, endorsements, interviews, articles, speeches, appearances, views and
opinions, autographs, and biographical information. There are materials that reveal
Kellogg’s feelings about his work on the World Court and his public service career and
that relate to the writing of his biography and the painting of his portrait. Also
documented are his receipt of honorary degrees; his organizational and fund-raising
activities; his financial, business, legal, and family matters; and his health.
Reel 52. Volumes 1–8.
Clippings Scrapbooks, 1907 and 1924–December 2, 1926.
Reel 53. Volumes 9–14.
Clippings Scrapbooks, December 2, 1926–August 27, 1928.
Reel 54. Volumes 15–26.
Clippings Scrapbooks, August 27, 1928–1929 and 1937–1938; [Visitors’ Book?], 1924;
Testimonials, 1929; Memorials, 1937–1938.
Volumes 1–21 in the Kellogg Papers are scrapbooks of newspaper and magazine
clippings. Volumes 1 and 2 (January–March, 1907) relate to the Interstate Commerce
Commission’s investigation of alleged violations of the Sherman Antitrust Act by
Edward H. Harriman’s Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads. The articles,
columns, and editorials in Volumes 3–20 (1924–1929) date from Kellogg’s term as
secretary of state and are arranged chronologically. They contain news and commentary
about the Coolidge administration’s conduct of American foreign relations and about
international and domestic issues and events in general. The publications in which they
originally appeared represent a variety of viewpoints and geographical locations. Volume
21 (1937–1938) consists of news reports of Kellogg’s death and funeral, obituaries, and
tributes; some include lengthy biographical sketches. This volume also contains a few
photographs of Kellogg and his wife.
Volume 22 dates from 1924, when Kellogg was U.S. ambassador to Great Britain.
Although the cover is inscribed “Visitors’ Book,” it appears to be a correspondence
The remaining four volumes are testimonials and memorials to Kellogg. Volume 23
is a testimonial (February, 1929) presented by the Citizens’ Non-Partisan Committee at a
banquet honoring Kellogg and the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact. Volume 24 is a resolution
of appreciation and gratitude adopted in March, 1929, by the members of the governing
board of the Pan American Union. Volumes 25 and 26 are memorials by the directors of
the First National Bank of St. Paul (December, 1937) and of the First Trust Company of
St. Paul (January, 1938).
Official papers in the National Archives that document Kellogg’s terms as
ambassador to Great Britain and secretary of state are found in the following files of the
Department of State: General Records of the Department of State (Record Group 59);
Records of the Foreign Service Posts of the Department of State (Record Group 84);
Records of Boundary and Claims Commissions and Arbitrations (Record Group 76);
Records of International Conferences, Commissions, and Expositions (Record Group 43).
These records are described in National Archives and Records Service, Guide to the
National Archives of the United States (Washington, D.C., 1974). The record series in
Record Groups 59, 84, and 43 that are available on microfilm from the National Archives
are listed in National Archives and Records Service, Catalog of National Archives
Microfilm Publications (Washington, D.C., 1974). The State Department has published
selected diplomatic correspondence and related documents from its files in the continuing
series, Foreign Relations of the United States: Diplomatic Papers.
The Division of Archives and Manuscripts of the Minnesota Historical Society has
materials relating to Kellogg in the papers and records of more than thirty persons and
organizations, including Elmer E. Adams, Fred A. Bill, Joseph A. A. Burnquist, Francis
D. Butler, Willard R. Cray, Cushman K. Davis, William Dawson, Frank A. Day, Lynn
Haines, John Lind, Charles August Lindbergh, Minnesota Society of the Sons of the
American Revolution, William D. Mitchell, Mount Zion Hebrew Congregation, Francis
H. Murray, Knute Nelson, William I. Nolan, Agnes M. Park, Ransom J. Powell, Jacob A.
0. Preus, Ole O. Sageng, James H. Simpson, Society of Colonial Wars in the State of
Minnesota, Twelfth Judicial District Bar Association, Andrew J. Volstead, Knud Wefald,
Henry B. Wenzell, Harry M. Wheelock, Charles J. Wright, and the law firm of Davis,
Kellogg, and Severance.
1. Bryn-Jones, David. Frank B. Kellogg: A Biography. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons,
This authorized, somewhat laudatory study remains the standard biography of
2. Cleaver, Charles G. “Frank B. Kellogg: Attitudes and Assumptions Influencing His
Foreign Policy Decisions.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1956.
3. Cleaver, Charles G. “Frank B. Kellogg’s View of History and Progress.” Minnesota
History 35 (December 1956):157–166.
4. Ellis, Lewis Ethan. “Frank B. Kellogg,” in An Uncertain Tradition: American
Secretaries of State in the Twentieth Century, ed. Norman A. Graebner. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1961.
5. Ellis, Lewis Ethan. Frank B. Kellogg and American Foreign Relations, 1925–1929.
New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1961.
6. Ferrell, Robert H., ed. The American Secretaries of State and their Diplomacy, Vol.
11, Frank B. Kellogg–Henry L. Stimson, by Robert H. Ferrell. New York: Cooper
Square Publishers, 1963.
7. Ferrell, Robert H. Peace in Their Time: The Origins of the Kellogg-Briand Pact. New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1952.
8. Ferrell, Robert H. “The United States and the Origins of the Kellogg-Briand Pact.”
Ph.D. dissertation, Yale University, 1951.
9. Kennedy, Roger G. “Ignatius Donnelly; Frank Billings Kellogg,” in Men on the
Moving Frontier. Palo Alto: American West Publishing Co., 1969.
10. Kneeshaw, Stephen John. “The Kellogg-Briand Pact: The American Reaction.” Ph.D.
dissertation, University of Colorado, 1971. Kreuter, Kent and Gretchen. “Frank B.
Kellogg and the Practice of Law in Dakota Territory.” North Dakota History 37
(Winter 1970):57–62.
11. Stuhler, Barbara. “The Impassionate Diplomacy of Frank B. Kellogg,” in Ten Men of
Minnesota and American Foreign Policy, 1898–1968. St. Paul: Minnesota Historical
Society, 1973.
12. Traphagen, Jeanne C. “The Inter-American Diplomacy of Frank B. Kellogg.” Ph.D.
dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1956.
The Frank B. Kellogg Papers, 1916–1937, have been microfilmed by the Minnesota
Historical Society Library and Archives, M332. The materials are in the custody of the
Minnesota Historical Society.
Following is a list of the folders that compose the The Frank B. Kellogg Papers,
1916–1937. The four-digit number on the far left is the frame at which a particular file
folder begins. The file title follows the frame number. Substantive issues are highlighted
under the heading Major Topics, as are prominent correspondents under the heading
Principal Correspondents. Major Topics and Principal Correspondents are listed in the
order in which they appear on the film, and each is listed only once per folder.
Most of the correspondence is either to or from Frank B. Kellogg, therefore his name
will not appear among the Principal Correspondents.
Reel 1
Frame No.
0001 Undated, 1890–1907.
Major Topics: Kellogg speech on Napoleon; transportation; Kellogg speech
on Wealth and Its Influence on Civilization; poem, “Silver Jack”; Durant
Prize; Kellogg address on evolutionary development of governments and
the role of lawyers in the process to Bar Association of North Dakota;
monopolies and cartels; Philippine question; Kellogg address on
enforcement of the Sherman Anti-Trust Act at National Civic Federation
conference; Sherman Anti-Trust Law.
Principal Correspondents: Henry C. Lane; J. A. Leonard; Theodore
0138 1908.
Major Topics: Political situation in Minnesota; The Messina (Transvaal)
Development Co., Ltd.; Republican National Committee; Standard Oil
Company; election and election campaigns.
Principal Correspondents: William Howard Taft; Theodore Roosevelt;
Cordenio A. Severance.
0249 1909–1910.
Major Topics: Tenure of supreme court justices; tariff revision; Republican
Party; Standard Oil Company; Kellogg address “The Law’s Delay” to
State Bar Association of Minnesota; reform of federal court procedures;
monopolies and cartels; Standard Oil case; interstate commerce; Kellogg
address to Minneapolis Transportation Club; railroads; steel trust;
Republican Party resolutions; Minnesota Republican state convention;
Conservation Congress; William Howard Taft visit to Minnesota; by-laws
of Consolidated Elevator Company; congressional candidates; Republican
Party politics; Kellogg address at Fairmont, Minn.; Panama-Pacific
International Exposition; Minnesota state reapportionment.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: William Howard Taft; Theodore Roosevelt;
Edmund S. Durment; Joseph H. Beek; Charles D. Norton; William C.
Hook; Chester A. Congdon.
0396 1911.
Major Topics: Panama-Pacific International Exposition; reciprocity;
Republican National Convention; postal reorganization; accomplishments
of William Howard Taft administration; steel trust; Commissioner of
Indian Affairs; tariff bills; Kellogg address on trusts and monopolies to
Palimpsest Club in Omaha; political campaigns and contributions;
Republican National Committee; William Howard Taft visit to Minnesota;
William Howard Taft address at Hamilton Club of Chicago; presidential
primary; Republican Party finances; presidential campaign.
Principal Correspondents: Charles S. Whiting; Cordenio A. Severance;
George A. Knight; Robert E. Olds; Calvin E. Stone; William Howard Taft;
Moses E. Clapp; Charles D. Hilles; Darwin S. Hall; William D. McHugh;
Joseph H. Beek; William Hayward.
0546 January–April 1912.
Major Topics: Indian affairs; National Republican Alliance; Republican
National Committee; committee on revision of rules; Lincoln Republican
Club; presidential candidates; Republican National Convention; National
Roosevelt Committee; Kellogg health issues; Panama-Pacific Exposition;
political situation in Minnesota; Progressives and Robert M. Lafollette;
race and congressional district conventions; Standard Oil Company; free
sugar bill; sergeant at arms appointment.
Principal Correspondents: Knute Nelson; William Hayward; Charles F.
Brooker; Harry S. New; Edwin W. Sims; Robert E. Olds; Calvin E. Stone;
Cordenio A. Severance; Charles D. Hilles; Frederick C. Stevens; Adolph
O Johnson; John G. Capers; William Howard Taft; Alfred Teisberg; Philip
Harrison; Theodore Roosevelt; Armand Romain; George W. Perkins.
Reel 2
May 1912.
Major Topics: Republican National Convention; Republican National
Committee; assistant sergeant at arms appointments; election of delegates
from Minnesota; convention ticket requests; Warren, Minn.; political
situation; Kellogg support for Theodore Roosevelt.
Principal Correspondents: William Hayward; Theodore J. Gronewold;
Frederick C. Stevens; Harry S. New; Theodore Roosevelt; C. L. Stevens;
Albert Shaw; Knute Nelson; Moses E. Clapp.
0116 June 1–10, 1912.
Major Topics: Thomas E. Watson; proposal to establish bureau for study of
“criminal, pauper, and defective classes”; “Study of Abnormal Man” by
Arthur MacDonald; Sherman Antitrust Act; Standard Oil case; proposed
Republican National Convention civil service plank; Taft-Roosevelt
Frame No.
delegate contests; assistant sergeant at arms appointments; convention
ticket requests; Republican National Committee rules.
Principal Correspondents: Charles L. Capen; John C. Greenway; Frederick C.
Stevens; Robert E. Olds; Harry S. New; Paul V. Collins; Hugh T. Halbert;
Guy Chase; Chester A. Congdon.
0292 June 11–30, 1912.
Major Topics: Convention ticket requests; assistant sergeant at arms
appointments; Taft-Roosevelt delegate contests; district delegates and
alternates elected from Minnesota; convention seating plan; official call
for Republican National Convention; temporary roll of delegates and
alternates to convention; Roosevelt-LaFollette campaign pamphlet.
Principal Correspondents: Robert E. Olds; Oscar F. Christensen; Cordenio A.
Severance; Hugh T. Halbert; S. B. Clarke; Frederick C. Stevens; William
Howard Taft.
0474 July 1912–November 1915.
Major Topics: Kellogg address to Mayland Bar Association; political situation
in Minnesota; primary elections; commerce bill; Kellogg addresses to
American Bar Association; Senate investigation of campaign
contributions; Standard Oil case; Union Pacific and Southern Pacific
Railroads case; Kellogg address to graduating class of the Shattuck
School; Kellogg’s political suggestions to Theodore Roosevelt; Kellogg
medical examinations and tests; farm mortgage investments; Kellogg as
senatorial candidate; potential presidential candidates; Kellogg horseback
riding accident; Swedish press; Kellogg appointment to American Bar
Association membership committee.
Principal Correspondents: Frederick C. Stevens; Albert B. Cummins; William
Loeb; Theodore Roosevelt; George T. Oliver; Frank O. Lowden; Calvin E.
Stone; W. L. Ward; William Muldoon; A. G. Johnson; Henry L. Stimson;
Edwin F. Whiting; Morton S. Paton; John C. O’Laughlin; John W. Nagle.
0679 December 1915.
Major Topics: Kellogg as possible senatorial candidate; effort to obtain
packing plant in St. Paul, Minn.; Republican National Convention;
potential presidential candidates; Henry D. Estabrook address at McKinley
Club of Omaha, Neb.; Duluth and Superior Steamship Companies
financial statements.
Principal Correspondents: John S. Runnells; Robert C. Dunn; Charles J.
Moos; William E. Borah.
Reel 3
0001 January 1916.
Major Topics: Great Northern Railroad stock; White Earth Chippewa Indian
reservation diseases; Kellogg as possible senatorial candidate; newspaper
coverage of possible senatorial candidacy; Interstate Commerce
Commission and stock and bond issues; campaign strategy for ethnic
groups; Clapp Indian land amendment; agriculture; individual enterprise;
Frame No.
mining; Republican National Convention; presidential primary candidates;
senatorial candidates; antitrust laws; Trade Commission; Standard Oil
Company; tariff bill; state expenses in Minnesota; political support for
Principal Correspondents: Robert C. Dunn; Edward E. Smith; Stephen G.
Porter; Paul V. Collins; Theodore Roosevelt; Howard White; John W.
Nagle; Edwin F. Whiting; Theodore Christianson; J. Frank Fraser; Halvor
Steenerson; Edgar A. Bancroft; Cardenio A. Severance; Calvin E. Stone.
0149 February 1916.
Major Topics: Senatorial candidates; state primaries; political support for
Kellogg; political situation in Minnesota; American Federation of Labor;
presidential candidates; Kellogg campaign strategy advice; Theodore
Roosevelt’s campaign role; bill for appointment of judicial clerks by
president; fair trade; Republican National Convention; Kellogg as
senatorial candidate; Moses E. Clapp; newspaper coverage of campaign.
Principal Correspondents: Victor Rosewater; Calvin E. Stone; Alex
McKenzie; Edwin F. Whiting; Charles J. Moos; William Loeb Jr.; Frank
Morrison; Theodore Roosevelt; Edward W. Stark; Walter D. Hines;
Frederick G. Ingersoll; Herman Roe; J. A. McDonald; Robert C. Dunn;
Thomas S. Wood; Edward H. Haas.
0270 March 1916.
Major Topics: Newspaper coverage of campaign; political support for
Kellogg; campaign strategy; local government spending; Moses E. Clapp;
Minnesota Corrupt Practices Act; campaign spending; political
committees; White Bear Yacht Club; war preparedness; Kellogg
appointment as delegate at large to the World Court Congress; StephensAshurst fair trade bill; political situation in Minnesota; exports and
imports; military and naval expenditures; federal government receipts and
Principal Correspondents: Cardenio A. Severance; E. J. Phelps; Albert Shaw;
James M. Beck; Hubert B. Fuller; William Loeb Jr.; Raynal C. Bolling;
John C. O’Laughlin; Knute Nelson; Charles J. Moos; R. H. Ross; J. G.
Pyle; Stiles W. Burr; J. H. Beek; John Hays Hammond; J. G. Pyle;
Frederick G. Ingersoll.
0451 April 1916.
Major Topics: Political support for Kellogg; Stephens-Ashurst fair trade bill;
political situation in Minnesota; Kellogg biographical information; draft of
Kellogg’s campaign speech in Rochester, Minn.; steel and oil company
Principal Correspondents: Herman Roe; R. E. Thompson; Thomas S. Wood;
Calvin E. Stone; Irving A. Caswell; Ira C. Richardson; Edwin F. Whiting.
0630 May 1–15, 1916.
Major Topics: Political support for Kellogg; farm loans; League to Enforce
Peace; Kellogg campaign portrait; prohibition and woman suffrage;
Interstate Commerce Commission; war preparedness; Moses E. Clapp;
Duluth Boat Club.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: R. J. Montague; Paul V. Collins; Frank A. Day;
Archibald T. Banning Jr.; M. H. Godfrey; William Howard Taft; Charles
J. Moos; Wade H. Ellis; A. Shannon; Jean Kellogg Austin; D. F. Clark.
Reel 4
May 16–31, 1916.
Major Topics: Duluth Boat Club; political support for Kellogg; The National
Cyclopedia of American Biography; Mississippi River flood relief; ethnic
vote; war preparedness; industrial preparedness; campaign advertising;
Kellogg Iron Range tour.
Principal Correspondents: William Codman; Eugene H. Long; Paul C.
Cooper; James E. O’Brien; Knute Nelson; George Derby; Levi M.
Willcuts; George H. Partridge; Edwin F. Whiting; P. A. Cosgrove; A. B.
Cole; Adolph O. Eberhart; Horace V. Winchell; George A. Flinn; Frank
D. Adams; Jean Kellogg Austin; Frederick G. Ingersoll; Charles W.
Farnham; Charles A. Lindbergh; Robert Benson.
0110 June 1916.
Major Topics: Republican National Convention; prohibition; Kellogg election
campaign; Kellogg campaign portrait; Kellogg biographical newspaper
article; ethnic vote; war preparedness; Society of Constructive Defence;
political support for Kellogg; campaign advertising; political situation in
Minnesota; Kellogg Senate nomination; senatorial nomination results;
National Young Men’s Republican League; Minnesota Mutual Investment
Principal Correspondents: Charles J. Moos; Archibald T. Banning Jr.; Ira C.
Richardson; Robert Benson; Verian D. Otis; W. S. Bartholomew; Paul V.
Collins; R. M. Jacks; Sherman Finch; J. E. Stangland; Levi M. Willcuts;
Herman Roe; M. E. Louisell; Lewis S. Gillette; Albert Shaw; George W.
Morgan; John C. O’Laughlin; Raynal C. Bolling; John H. Mee; Jean
Kellogg Austin; Edward E. Smith; Samuel G. Iverson; L. P. Hunt; Frank
D. Adams; N. M. Coursolle; Theodore Roosevelt; James T. McCleary;
Nicholas Murray Butler; Knute Nelson; Clara M. Kellogg; Franklin K.
Lane; Charles MacVeagh; Joseph H. Beek.
0383 July–August, 1916.
Major Topics: Kellogg senatorial campaign; National Democratic Committee;
Kellogg address at Minnesota State Fair and Exposition; railroad deed to
school land; Standard Oil case; ethnic vote; Kellogg county fair
appearances; railroad rates; Hollis Rural Credits Law; political situation in
Minnesota; prohibition; campaign advertising; Non-Partisan League;
Republican State Central Committee; woman suffrage; record of
Woodrow Wilson administration; Republican National Committee; Duluth
and Iron Range land grant cases; National Security League; Indian school
lands bill; National Republican Congressional Committee.
Principal Correspondents: Theodore Roosevelt; Charles J. Moos; Ed A.
Paradis; Knute Nelson; C. R. Davis; Robert C. Dunn; John C. O’Laughlin;
Frame No.
Levi M. Willcuts; Ira C. Richardson; Calvin E. Stone; Charles A.
Lindbergh; Edwin F. Whiting; Virgil B. Seward; Frederick C. Stevens; Ira
B. Mills; William Codman; William R. Willcox; Paul V. Collins; A. G.
Rutledge; John W. Nagle; Charles D. Velie; Myron T. Herrick; Cordenio
A. Severance; H. Askeland; W. E. McKenzie; Henry N. Benson; E. L.
Thornton; Tom Davis; George H. Gardner; Edgar A. Bancroft; Clarence
B. Miller; Frank M. Eddy; Campbell B. Slemp; Ralph D. Cole.
September 1–15, 1916.
Major Topics: Campaign advertising; Republican State Central Committee;
role of Democratic oponents; Republican National Committee;
agricultural conditions; Hollis Rural Credits Bill; NAACP; Kellogg
campaign appearances; political situation in Minnesota; primary election;
Minnesota Young People’s Citizenship Committee; shipping bill; federal
aid for road building; National Republican Congressional Committee;
trade conditions; American Institute of Banking.
Principal Correspondents: E. L. Thornton; Paul V. Collins; Donald J.
Cowling; John E. Diamond; M. E. Louisell; C. Louis Weeks; Knute
Nelson; Samuel G. Iverson; Ed A. Paradis; Francis W. Sullivan; Morton S.
Paton; Fletcher Maddox; Louis W. Hill; Julius H. Barnes; Charles J.
Reel 5
September 16–30, 1916.
Major Topics: State bar association; Scandinavian newspapers and campaign
strategy; Knute Nelson Senate endorsement of Kellogg; budget of the
U.S.; preparedness for national defense; pamphlet The Great Political
Crime of the democratic Party and the Democratic President; tariffs;
Republican advertising plan; Employees’ Antiliquor Alliance; agriculture;
campaign contributions; Hughes Woman’s League; National Security
League; national campaign reports; campaign literature; Charles Curtis
speech on Democratic tariff.
Principal Correspondents: Andrew A. Bruce; James Kelly; Lester Bartlett;
William H. Allen; Henry W. Rose; J. W. Beatson; Arthur B. Driscoll;
William R. Willcox; Frank O. Lowden; D. A. Anderson; Paul V. Collins;
W. S. Dwinnell; John Washburn; Fred E. Kip; William C. Sargent.
October 1916.
Major Topics: Kellogg campaign appearances and speeches; labor movement;
National Civil Service League and the civil service law; national campaign
reports; campaign advertising; water power for Minnesota valley; German
vote; infantry resignations; requests to Kellogg for employment; woman
suffrage; Woodrow Wilson; campaign contributions; Democrats; League
to Enforce Peace; Ramsey County Republican Club; W. G. Calderwood;
American Law Review; West Point appointment request; interstate and
foreign commerce; motion picture censorship; Charles Evans Hughes for
Frame No.
president; Stephens-Ashurst Price Maintenance Bill; separation of church
and state.
Principal Correspondents: John A. Dolan; Thomas H. Stange; George T.
Keyes; Harold Knutson; John Washburn; F. E. House; Ira C. Richardson;
Knute Nelson; A. G. Rutledge; Frank D. Stout; George Hazzard; William
R. Willcox; John Washburn; J. B. Burkholder; Robert E. Ward; William
Howard Taft; Carl W. Cummins; A. G. Rutledge; Frank D. Adams;
Charles J. Moos; E. L. Thornton; Andrew G. Johnson; Charles Millington;
Moses E. Clapp; E. L. Howe.
November 1–10, 1916.
Major Topics: Prohibition; woman suffrage; Minnesota State Republican
candidates; campaign contributions; political situation in Minnesota;
campaign spending; congratulatory telegrams and letters on Kellogg
senatorial victory; Kellogg telegrams and letters acknowledging support
for senatorial victory; free-trade vs. protective tariff.
Principal Correspondents: W. G. Calderwood; Ida L Holman; Winnifred
Bartlett; Jacob Tabert; Lyndon A. Smith.
November 11–20, 1916.
Major Topics: Congratulatory telegrams and letters on Kellogg senatorial
victory; Kellogg telegrams and letters acknowledging support for
senatorial victory.
Principal Correspondents: John Hubert Mee; A. G. Johnson; Marcus M.
Reel 6
November 21–30, 1916.
Major Topics: Arthur G. Rutledge; congratulatory telegrams and letters on
Kellogg senatorial victory; acknowledgment of telegrams and letters;
campaign expenses; National Young Men’s Republican League.
Principal Correspondents: James A. Tawney; John Powell; Jean Kellogg
Austin; Knute Nelson; George T. Olsen; John Uno Sebenius; Cordenio A.
Severance; Moses E. Clapp.
0246 December 1916–February 1917.
Major Topics: Knute Nelson; legislation affecting firemen; requests for
Kellogg photograph for publication; expenses of Minnesota Board of
Directors of the Naval Consulting Board; Kellogg resignation as member
of Lawyers Club; corporations and trusts; treaty rights; John Lind; J. S.
Arneson loan; Knapp-Tischmann mortgage contract.
Principal Correspondents: Laura B. Johnston; W. E. Verity; Jacob A. O.
Preus; Ira C. Richardson; Moses E. Clapp; E. A. Hollinshead; Horace V.
Winchell; Knute Nelson; Jean Kellogg Austin; Elihu Root; Jean Austin
Stanton; Charles J. Moos; W. W. Sivright; Clara M. Kellogg.
Frame No.
March 1–10, 1917.
Major Topics: Kellogg congressional record for 65th–67th Congresses; Senate
ladies lunch hostess photo; death of court clerk John Jordon.
Principal Correspondents: Robert E. Olds; Clara M. Kellogg.
0527 March 11–31, 1917.
Major Topics: Colombian treaty; Panama Canal.
Principal Correspondents: Frederick A. Johnson; Henry A. Granger;
Theodore Roosevelt; T. Ceron Camargo.
0698 April–December, 1917.
Major Topics: Colombian treaty; Kellogg Senate speech on amendment of
Interstate Commerce Act; war excess profits tax.
Principal Correspondents: Clara M. Kellogg; Jean Kellogg Austin; R. Reyes;
Theodore Roosevelt; Robert E. Olds.
Reel 7
Major Topics: Kellogg Senate speech on railroad control; Kellogg remarks on
amendment to agricultural appropriation bill; War Revenue Act; Senate
speech on telegraph and telephone control; Senate speech on federal
taxation of state governmental instrumentalities; Senate speeches on
League of Nations; list of treaties affecting commercial interests;
“Roosevelt” poem by Horace C. Carlisle; Colombia treaty; Senate speech
on price guaranties of wheat; American Bar Association meeting; League
of Nations; treaty of peace with Germany, Shantung Amendment to
League of Nations; Johnson amendment to League of Nations; poll of
Senate for Kellogg bill, American Bar Association reform procedural bill;
bill restoring private ownership and operation to certain radio stations;
railroad control.
Principal Correspondents: William W. Folwell; George A. Heisey; William
Howard Taft; Thomas W. Shelton; Thomas Sterling.
0174 1920.
Major Topics: Bill restoring private ownership and operation to certain radio
stations; bill to regulate operation and foster development of radio
communications; Kellogg planned trip to eastern Europe; Edward W.
Ryan American Red Cross trip to Moscow and Petrograd; Senate
resolution on standing committees; Roosevelt Memorial Association board
of trustees; Kellogg “Constitution Day” speech; League of Nations;
Colombian treaty; Committee of the Communications Conference; Miles
Poindexter bill for National Radio Commission to regulate U.S. radio
communication; radio stations under navy control; agricultural products
Principal Correspondents: Clara M. Kellogg; Robert E. Olds; Thomas W.
Shelton; Thomas C. McClellan; William Boyce Thompson; Elihu Root;
William Howard Taft; John Henry Hammond.
Frame No.
January–March, 1921.
Major Topics: Western Union Telegraph Company v. Daniels; Philippine
Islands; Colombian treaty; Panama Canal; constitutionality of federal
requirement and regulation of presidential primaries; radio
communication; government-owned radio stations; railroads; American
Bar Association presidency; government access to telegraphic
communications in Great Britain; need for district judge in Minnesota.
Principal Correspondents: Edgar A. Bancroft; J. A. Page; Hiram J. Johnson;
Cordenio A. Severence; E. T. Chamberlain; Gustavus S. Fernald; William
Howard Taft; Robert E. Olds; Frederick E. Wadhams; R. L. Craigie;
Francis B. Loamis; Irving A. Caswell.
0485 April 1921.
Major Topics: Colombian treaty; Panama Canal; radio communication;
submarine cables to U.S.
Principal Correspondents: Theodore Roosevelt; Cordenio A. Severance;
Thomas W. Shelton; W. H. G. Bullard; Herbert Hoover; Samuel W.
Stratton; R. P. Schwerin; Elbert F. Baldwin.
0634 May 1–15, 1921.
Major Topics: Treaty rights of aliens; district judge in North Dakota; radio
communication; cable landing licenses; emergency tariff act; American
Red Cross report on conditions in Europe.
Principal Correspondents: Everett P. Wheeler; Cordenio A. Severance; Fred
T. Cuthbert; C. R. Fowler; Nathan H. Chase; Robert E. Olds.
Reel 8
May 16–31, 1921.
Major Topics: District judge in North Dakota; American Bar Association
presidency; radio communication; treaty rights of aliens; district judge in
Minnesota; cable manufacture in U.S.
Principal Correspondents: Cordenio A. Severance; Kenneth B. Warner; Elihu
Root; John Crosby; Clarence H. Mackay.
0055 June 1921.
Major Topics: Russian post-war conditions; district judge in North Dakota;
treaty rights of aliens; radio communication; cable manufacture in U.S.;
American Bar Association presidency; American Red Cross; district judge
in Minnesota; Willard L. Converse; John F. McGee.
Principal Correspondents: Robert E. Olds; Merian C. Cooper; K. B. Warner;
V. S. McClatchy; Gustavus S. Fernald; Philip Tindall; Clarence H.
Mackay; R. P. Schwerin; John A. Burns; Cordenio A. Severance; William
W. Pye; Hiram T. Kellogg; William A. Durst; Albert A. Loring; Tom
Davis; J. A. O. Preus; A. E. Pillsbury.
0258 July–December, 1921.
Major Topics: Americans in Russian prisons; district judge in Minnesota;
treaty rights of aliens; Willard L. Converse; John F. McGee; district judge
in North Dakota; Russian post-war condition; Consolidated Elevator
Frame No.
Company annual statement; American Red Cross; peace treaty with
Germany; Roosevelt Memorial Association; free tolls for American ships
through Panama Canal; George Washington Memorial Building.
Principal Correspondents: Merian C. Cooper; Everett P. Wheeler; Cordenio
A. Severance; Frank E. Putnam; Tom Davis; Robert E. Olds; Knute
Nelson; A. E. Pillsbury; J. M. Millett; George H. Spencer; Hermann
Hagedorn; Lawrence F. Abbott.
January–March, 1922.
Major Topics: Treaty rights of aliens; American cables in foreign countries;
military tribunals jurisdiction; federal judges; Consolidated Elevator
Company business status; radio communication; radio telephony
conference; Kellogg Four-Power Treaty speech; uniform judicial
procedure; American Bar Association presidency.
Principal Correspondents: Cordenio A. Severance; Arthur J. Lovell; Robert
E. Olds; Jared How; George H. Spencer; Herbert Hoover; Jens K.
Grondahl; Stanley Partridge; Everett P. Wheeler; Thomas W. Shelton;
Samuel W, Stratton; William Burry.
Reel 9
April 1–15, 1922.
Major Topics: Department of Commerce Conference on Radio Telephony;
federal judges; John F. McGee; Charles A. Loring; radio station licensing.
Principal Correspondents: Samuel W. Stratton; C. M. Jansky Jr.; V. B.
Harris; Frank Thompson; L. J. Hopkins; H. P. Adair; William Hunter;
William A. Lancaster; Charles W. Bunn; William A. Durst; William
Burry; William L. Parsons; Cordenio A. Severance; J. A. O. Preus;
J. O. P. Wheelwright; Andrew Grindeland; G. W. Lawson; Dan W.
Stevens; Elmer E. Adams; W. J. Rasmussen; R. J. Powell; George H.
Gardner; William R. Henderson; R. M. Bennett; A. G. Anderson; Charles
S. Marden; Edgar A. Sharp; Paul L. Spooner.
0142 April 16–30, 1922.
Major Topics: Commercial cable and telegraph companies; federal judges;
Charles A. Loring; John F. McGee; N. F. Field; radio station licensing;
Commercial Cable Company of New York.
Principal Correspondents: Clarence H. Mackay; Alexander Fosmark; C. G.
Selvig; William Watts; Ralph V. Blethen; C. G. Dosland; Fred Dennis;
Victor E. Anderson; E. J. Scofield; Charles L. Alexander; C. M. Jansky
Jr.; Frank Pratt; William B. Henderson; Thomas O’Brien; John B.
Thompson; George W. Champlin; John L. Townley; Einar Hoidale;
Arthur A. Miller; Julius J. Olson; Charles Ray Dean; Arnold L. Guesmer;
Charles E. Houston; Ole O. Sageng; Cordenio A. Severance; Charles R.
Adams; E. C. Cooke; F. P. Sheldon; Robert E. Olds.
0325 May 1922.
Major Topics: Federal judges; N. F. Field; John A. Roeser; Department of
Commerce Conference on Radio Telephony; John F. McGee;
Frame No.
International cable communications; Charles A. Loring; Western
Telegraph Company Limited; cable licenses and landings; Western Union
Telegraph Company; All America Cables Incorporated; Willard L.
Principal Correspondents: Cordenio A. Severance; R. B. Brower; Samuel W.
Stratton; William A Durst; Fred B. Snyder; Irving A. Caswell; John H.
Mark; Clarence H. Mackay; Jesse E. Greenman; Willard L. Converse;
Newcomb Carlton; Rush L. Taggart; Charles Evans Hughes; James A.
Oldham; Ronald Macleay; C. B. Parker; F. H. C. Tarver; L. R. Cayley;
Edwin V. Morgan; Robert H. Kibbey.
June–July, 1922.
Major Topics: Federal judges; Charles A. Loring; Western Telegraph
Company Limited; cable landing licenses; Western Union Telegraph
Company; Commercial Pacific Cable Company; international cable
landing rights; Azores cable landing license; American Bar Association
presidency; French bar.
Principal Correspondents: Rush L. Taggart; Charles Evans Hughes; J. W.
Elwood; Newcomb Carlton; Leland Harrison; George H. Spencer;
Clarence H. Mackay; Cordenio A. Severance; Warren G. Harding;
Clarence R. Wilson; L. H. Woolsey; Richard Mays; Frederic R. Coudert.
Reel 10
August–November, 1922.
Major Topics: Azores cable landing license; international cable landing rights;
Commercial Cable Company; address of Cordenio A. Severance; Kellogg
agricultural address; federal judges; treaty rights of aliens; American
claims against Germany; Railway strikes; Brotherhood of Locomotive
Fireman and Enginemen; American Bar Association address of Cordenio
A. Severance; Kellogg bill for alien treaty rights; radio communications;
federal judgeship petitions for Willard L. Converse.
Principal Correspondents: Clarence H. Mackay; Cordenio A. Severance;
Newcomb Carlton; Charles Evans Hughes; Robert E. Olds; A. G. Wells;
William Phillips; J. W. Elwood; Daniel F. Foley; Everett P. Wheeler;
C. M. Jansky Jr.
0178 December 1922.
Major Topics: Treaty rights of aliens; federal judges; Charles Loring; John F.
McGee; agricultural prices; Roosevelt memorial; ownership rights to Isle
of Pines; international cable landing rights; Western Union Telegraph
Company; Commercial Pacific Cable Company; radio communications.
Principal Correspondents: John Uno Sebenius; Frank Arnold; Robert E. Olds;
C. Frant Lafarge; H. F. Taff; Cordenio A. Severance; George H. Prince;
Clarence H. Mackay; Miles Poindexter; Z. E. Merrill; Morton S. Paton.
0281 January–September, 1923.
Major Topics: Bank securities; cable landing licenses; telegraph cable tolls;
France cable company; federal judges; radio communications; John F.
Frame No.
McGee; elevator company claims; hearing to amend radio act of 1912;
William Holland Wilmer Foundation; Wallace H. White Jr. radio
communication bill; stocks; Kellogg appointment as delegate to Fifth
International Conference of American States; veterans claims.
Principal Correspondents: Clarence H. Mackay; Newcomb Carlton; C. M.
Jansky Jr.; George G. Ward; Cordenio A. Severance; George W. Morgan;
George H. Spencer; Wallace H. White Jr.; Francis R. Stark; H. F. Taff;
D. R. Crissinger; Robert E. Olds; Walter S. Rogers; Warren G. Harding;
Philip P. Wells; George W. Woodruff; C. D. Hibbard.
0492 October 1923.
Major Topics: Theodore Roosevelt memorial; Fifth International Conference
of American States resolution on electrical communications in U.S.;
electrical communications; veterans benefits; economic relief for central
Europe; sugar beet prices; Iowa League of Women Voters; foreclosure of
mortgage on property of Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad Company; The
National Republican; “The National Republican: Its Mission” by Calvin
Coolidge; Kellogg appointment as ambassador to the Court of Saint
James; English-Speaking Union of the United States; Sulgrave Institution;
Pilgrim’s Society of the United States.
Principal Correspondents: Hermann Hagedorn; Charles Evans Hughes; R. E.
Hilton; Roy F. Bergengren; George E. Ijams; Henry W. C. Block;
W. Thomas Kemp; A. E. Carlton; Calvin Coolidge; Nellie G. Tomlinson;
Thomas Cochrane; Jay C. Hormel; John A. Stewart; Robert E. Olds;
Cordenio A. Severance; John W. Davis.
0630 November 1923.
Major Topics: Kellogg appointment as ambassador to the Court of Saint
James; Kellogg farm rental; Theodore Roosevelt memorial; Pilgrims of
Great Britain banquet invitation; tariff on wheat.
Principal Correspondents: Charles Evans Hughes; John W. Davis; William C.
Edgar; John A. Stewart; Burt W. Eaton; Charles J. Moos; Hermann
Hagedorn; Lord Desborough; John Barrett; Clarence H. Mackay; Henry
W. Taft.
Reel 11
December 1923.
Major Topics: Agricultural credit; Kellogg passport and visa; world court
plan; Kellogg confirmation as ambassador to Great Britain; American Bar
Association presidency.
Principal Correspondents: John A. Stewart; Burt W. Eaton; William J. Mayo;
Elmer E. Adams; Belle M. Purdy; Morton S. Paton; William Howard Taft.
January–March, 1924.
Major Topics: American Embassy staff in London; British Labor Party; Great
Britain–U.S. foreign affairs with Russia; U.S. internal affairs; Kellogg
reception with King of England; meeting with Prince of Wales; hydroelectric power on Tennessee River; U.S.-Germany foreign affairs; Franco-
Frame No.
Russian Treaty; Four Points of the Programme of the League to Abolish
War; American shipping lines publicity; Ambassador Kellogg at Pilgrim’s
Dinner; Teapot-Dome scandal; political situation in Minnesota; European
economy; presidential election.
Principal Correspondents: Lord Curzon; J. P. Morgan; Henry Cabot Lodge;
Jean Kellogg Austin; Ed. H. Slater; Ross D. Whytock; Charles W.
Howard; William Howard Taft; Alanson B. Houghton; F. Herbert Stead;
Morton S. Paton; J. Ramsay MacDonald; Calvin Coolidge; John Callan
O’Laughlin; Henry White; Charles J. Moos; Fannie M. Pratt; George H.
0352 April 1924.
Major Topics: Presidential election; oil leasing investigation; Report of the
First Committee of Experts on German economy and balancing the
budget; Kellogg interest in Parsons estate.
Principal Correspondents: John Callan O’Laughlin; Silas H. Strawn; Charles
G. Dawes; Guy Chase; J. D. Armstrong; Clara M. Kellogg; John A.
Stewart; J. P. Morgan.
0560 May–June 10, 1924.
Major Topics: Gray’s Inn Moot Society and court claims; political situation in
U.S.; tax exempt securities; Frank J. McAndrew eviction notice;
presidential election; Kellogg interest in Parsons estate; U.S.–Great Britain
treaty of international law; securities; Anglo-Soviet conference in London;
Washington Commemoration bill; Committee on Industrial Arts and
Expositions hearings for bicentennial of birthday of George Washington;
George Pepper world court plan; American Bar Association; federal
Principal Correspondents: William H. Taylor; William Howard Taft; Charles
J. Moos; William Anderson; Guy Chase; Henry White; Medill
McCormick; Clara M. Kellogg; John Callan O’Laughlin; James O’Neill;
John A. Stewart; J. Arthur Barratt; Frances Tarbox; Charles Evans
Hughes; R. E. L. Saner; Clarence H. Mackay; George Wharton Pepper;
Charles Loring.
Reel 12
June 11–July 16, 1924.
Major Topics: American Bar Association; Japanese immigration law; German
economy; Republican Party; Theodore Roosevelt memorial; presidential
campaign; Democratic Party; death of Calvin Coolidge’s son; American
Bar Association conference in London; Pilgrims of Great Britain dinner
atendees; U.S.-Germany Reparations Commission; International Court of
Principal Correspondents: Hugh F. Spender; Charles Evans Hughes; Morton
S. Paton; Silas H. Strawn; Hermann Hagedorn; George A. Watson;
Stephen Walsh; Miles Poindexter; Frances T. Parsons; Charles J. Moos;
Frame No.
J. P. Morgan; Jean Austin Stanton; Ada Doyle; Clarence H. Mackay;
Arthur A. Stewart.
0189 London Reparation Conference. List of Delegations. Notices and Agendas.
Proceedings. Final Protocol.
Major Topics: Germany; Reparation Conference delegations, notices, and
agendas; Inter-Allied conference; International Conference; Inter-Allied
Principal Correspondents: M. P. A. Hankey; R. B. Howorth; J. Ramsey
0513 London Reparation Conference. Minutes of Plenary Sessions, I.C.P.
Numbers 264–271.
Major Topics: Germany; Reparation Conference minutes of plenary sessions;
J. Ramsey MacDonald speech on loan payments from Germany at
Reparation Conference; Dawes Plan; Inter-Allied Conference;
International Conference.
Principal Correspondents: J. Ramsey MacDonald; M. Herriot; M. Theunis;
M. P. A. Hankey; J. H. Thomas.
Reel 13
London Reparation Conference. Minutes of Heads of Delegations Meetings,
I.C.P. Numbers 268 A (1–9).
Major Topics: Germany; Reparation Conference minutes of heads of
delegations meetings; German delegation; Dawes Report; Reparation
Commission; Allied and French delegations; Franco-Belgian railway
personnel; Belgian delegation; International Conference.
Principal Correspondent: M. P. A. Hankey.
0103 London Reparation Conference. Documents of Plenary Sessions and of
Heads of Delegations Meetings, L.C. Numbers (24) 1–38.
Major Topics: Germany; reparation conference plenary sessions and heads of
delegations meetings; Dawes Report; Reparation Commission; German
Railway System; Inter-Allied Conference; International Conference.
Principal Correspondents: M. P. A. Hankey; H. A. Thomas.
0386 London Reparation Conference. Committee Records.
Major Topics: Germany; reparation conference committee records; Allied
Conference; Dawes Report; Inter-Allied Conference; Reparation
Commission; Treaty of Versailles.
Principal Correspondents: M. Clémentel; R. B. Howorth; N. F. Warren
0533 July 17–31, 1924.
Major Topics: U.S.–Great Britain loan formulas; Calvin Coolidge reelection;
American Bar Association conference in London; Charles Evans Hughes
addresses on policy of understanding and good will at bar association
conference and at Pilgrims of Great Britain dinner.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Thomas W. Lamont; W. H. Kerridge; John Callan
O’Laughlin; Otto Kren; Edward C. Stone; Henry H. Kerr; Joshua Butler
Wright; Charles J. Moos; Charles E. Lyon.
0599 August 1–25, 1924.
Major Topics: Germany; Reparations committees; Dawes Report; U.S. citizen
claims; Inter-Allied Conference; The Shakespeare Association; German
loans; Kellogg International Conference speech on reparations settlement.
Principal Correspondents: W. C. Teagle; Charles Evans Hughes; Eliot
Wadsworth; Edward C. Stone; Morton S. Paton; Thomas W. Lamont;
William H. Sanders; Seabury Austin; Cordenio A. Severance; Andrew W.
Mellon; William Phillips; Henry White; Calvin Coolidge.
Reel 14
0001 August 26–September, 1924.
Major Topics: Reparations Commission; Germany; London Reparation
Conference; presidential campaign in Minnesota; German loan; Dawes
Report; German railways.
Principal Correspondents: Owen D. Young; Charles J. Moos; Thomas W.
0114 October 1924
Major Topics: Reparations Commission; presidential campaign; Roosevelt
Memorial Association; German loan.
Principal Correspondents: Charles J. Moos; Charles Evans Hughes; Cordenio
A. Severance; Thomas W. Lamont.
0287 November 1924
Major Topics: Presidential election; oil claims against Great Britain; Calvin
Coolidge reelection; Dawes Report; Knute Nelson memorial; Gray’s Inn
Moot society case list; Great Britain agriculture; election returns;
Cordenio A. Severance; Minnesota Bar Association.
Principal Correspondents: Charles J. Moos; Clarence H. Mackay; J. Ramsey
MacDonald; Gustave Scholle; Cordenio A. Severance; James M. Beck;
J. A. O. Preus; Irving A. Caswell; James H. Hayes; Levi M. Willcuts;
Harry F. Hoyt; Silas H. Strawn; Burt W. Eaton; Calvin Coolidge; Henry
White; Clifford Riley; William H. Taylor; Clara M. Kellogg; Charles
Evans Hughes.
0501 December 1924.
Major Topics: Hamline University; presidential election; Dawes Plan; United
States Veterans Bureau; Minnesota congressional election; World
Federation of Education Associations; Cordenio A. Severance.
Principal Correspondents: Samuel F. Kerfoot; William H. Taylor; Cordenio
A. Severance; Charles Evans Hughes; Austen Chamberlain; Charles J.
Moos; Howard L. Fischer; Frank T. Heffelfinger; Henry P. Fletcher; Clara
M. Kellogg; Walter H. Newton; Charles G. Dawes; S. Parker Gilbert;
Frank T. Hines; Raphael Herman; Morton S. Paton; Calvin Coolidge.
Frame No.
0706 January 1–5, 1925.
Major Topics: Committee of Experts Report on preparation of Conference of
Finance Ministers; Arthur K. Salomon; Dawes Plan.
Principal Correspondents: Cordenio A. Severance; E. C. Kibbee; James M.
Reel 15
January 6–15, 1925.
Major Topics: War Finance Corporation; Dawes Annuities; Kellogg
appointment as Secretary of State; American Naval Policy.
Principal Correspondents: Eugene Meyer Jr.; Frederick A. Sterling; Charles
Evans Hughes; Calvin Coolidge; Morton S. Paton; Herman Roe; Cordenio
A. Severance; William R. Castle Jr.; Milton D. Purdy; John Hubert Mee.
0221 January 16–20, 1925.
Major Topics: Kellogg appointment as secretary of state; Dawes Report; State
of Minnesota Senate resolution.
Principal Correspondents: Chauncey M. Depew; George W. Peachey.
0332 January 21–31, 1925.
Major Topics: Dawes Report; World Court Ball; Dawes Annuities agreement;
Kellogg appointment as secretary of state; treaty rights of aliens;
Jurisprudence and Law Reform Report on treaty rights of aliens.
Principal Correspondents: Charles Evans Hughes; Everett P. Wheeler.
0500 February 1925.
Major Topics: U.S.-Russia relations; immigration bill; Kellogg appointment
as secretary of state; Japan-Russia treaty.
Principal Correspondents: Sylvester G. Williams; William N. Vaile; Charles
Evans Hughes; Edgar A. Bancroft.
0650 March 1–5, 1925.
Major Topics: Fred Morris Dearing; Mexico-Venezuela relations; U.S. foreign
relations; Kellogg appointment as Secretary of State; Dawes Report;
Soviet Russia relations with Western Powers; Colombia-Peru boundary
Principal Correspondents: Cordenio A. Severance; Francis Ralston Welsh;
Calvin Coolidge; Charles Evans Hughes.
Reel 16
March 6–31, 1925.
Major Topics: Kellogg appointment as secretary of state; U.S.-Italy relations;
Sulgrave Institution; grain market; Chile-Peru relations.
Principal Correspondents: George W. Wickersham; Levi M. Willcuts; E. H.
Slater; Cordenio A. Severance; Albert Shaw; John A. Stewart; Charles
Curtis; George H. Spencer; Charles Evans Hughes.
Frame No.
0167 April–May, 1925.
Major Topics: Disarmament conference; Norse-American Centennial; Death
of Cordenio A. Severance; Chicago & Alton Railroad; Wilson & Co., Inc.;
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway Company.
Principal Correspondents: Levi M. Willcuts; Albert Shaw; John A. Stewart;
Silas H. Strawn; George W. Wickersham; Jean Austin Stanton; Mary A.
Severance; Clara M. Kellogg.
0414 June–July, 1925.
Major Topics: Federal government spending in Alaska; Central America
Treaty of Washington; Geneva Protocol; Norse-American Centennial;
Mexico political policies; Merchants National Bank investigation;
Washington Conference at Peking; Communist propaganda agencies;
China; Reminiscences of Theodore Roosevelt by distinguished men who
knew him.
Principal Correspondents: Jno. Speed Smith; E. H. Slater; Silas H. Strawn;
Henry P. Fletcher; James R. Sheffield; F. S. Wood; Charles E. Hughes.
0663 August–September 10, 1925.
Major Topics: British-American Arbitration Commission vacancy; Russia oil
situation; World Court; China; Midshipman Rosser Holloway Matson
dismissal from Naval Academy.
Principal Correspondents: Silas H. Strawn; James R. Sheffield; Ella Kinnear;
Curtis D. Wilbur; W. R. Shoemaker.
Reel 17
September 11–30, 1925.
Major Topics: Facisti League of North America; John F. D. Meighen address
on China; China tariff; communism; U.S. admission denied to Shapurji
Saklatvala; U.S.-Mexico relations; September 28 cover article on Kellogg
in Time magazine.
Principal Correspondents: Francis Ralston Welsh; James R. Sheffield; Levi
M. Willcuts; Henry White.
0083 October 1925.
Major Topics: World Court; communism; U. S. admission denied to Shapurji
Saklatvala; Walter H. Wheeler; Farm income vs. railroad freight rates;
Chile-Peru relations; Security Pact; banquet for U.S. Minister to Norway
Laurits S. Swenson; Peru provinces of Tacna and Arica; Locarno
Conference; Plebiscitary Commission regarding Chile; U.S.-Russia
Principal Correspondents: Edward M. House; Percy Blair.
0249 November 1925.
Major Topics: U.S. protest against Mexico legislation; freight rates on farm
products; Security Pact and arbitration treaties at Locarno Conference;
Franklin D. Roosevelt disability and help to disabled Kellogg niece;
cloture rule; scope and purpose of U.S. Department of Interior.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Edwin A. Smith; Royal A. Stone; Jean Austin
Stanton; Frederic W. Wile; James R. Sheffield.
0377 December 1925.
Major Topics: Embargo on Spanish grapes; Civil Legion; Johnson v. Schall
Senate case; Locarno Pact; China tariff; Tariff Conference; The TariffExport Bounty-Excise Tax Plan; Kellogg address “Some Foreign Policies
of the United States” to Council of Foreign Relations; League of Nations
disarmament plan; Pan American Congress; Peru provinces of Tacna and
Arica; Disarmament Conference draft for limitation of armaments.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle; John P. Tansey; Levi M.
Willcuts; Silas H. Strawn; Walter Lippmann; Edith Spruance; John
Barrett; Andrew W. Mellon; Jean Austin Stanton.
0555 January 1–10, 1926.
Major Topics: Kellogg “Notes for a Speech” on a two-party political system;
memorandum re United States v. National Malleable and Steel Castings
Company, et al; U.S.–Latin America relations; League of Nations; Treaty
of 1853 with Argentina; Washington Conference; American Foundation
for the Blind; disarmament; U.S. economic conditions; U.S.-Mexico
Principal Correspondents: Felix Pacheco; Helen Keller; Calvin Coolidge;
Andrew W. Mellon.
Reel 18
January 11–20, 1926.
Major Topics: Kellogg biographical sketch for Who’s Who in America;
Spanish and English copies of minutes of meeting of Pan American
Union; address of James M. Beck, chairman of National Advisory
Commission, on the Constitution at Organization Meeting in
Independence Hall.
Principal Correspondent: Charles J. Moos.
0153 January 21–31, 1926.
Major Topics: Kellogg address and honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from
University of Pennsylvania; China tariff.
Principal Correspondents: Josiah H. Penniman; Edward W. Mumford; Silas
H. Strawn.
0292 February 1–10, 1926.
Major Topics: China tariff; church denomination discrimination in Italy;
Mexico alien land and petroleum laws; American packers claims against
the Board of Trade of Great Britain; Minnesota visit of Crown Prince of
Sweden; Italy debt settlement; Chile-Peru relations; Pan American Union
Principal Correspondents: Franklin M. Gunther; John H. Cowles; Henry D.
Kellogg; Levi W. Willcuts; John Uno Sebenius; Charles B. Warren; Henry
P. Fletcher.
Frame No.
February 11–20, 1926.
Major Topics: Armament conference; article by James M. Beck on America’s
influence in world reconstruction; American Bar Association report; U.S.–
Mexico relations.
Principal Correspondents: Gordon Johnston; Charles B. Warren.
0661 February 21–28, 1926.
Major Topics: U.S.-Mexico relations; Pan American Union meeting minutes;
Republican Party conditions in Texas; church denomination
discrimination in Italy; American Agricultural Mart.
Principal Correspondents: E. Gil Borges; R. B. Creager; Henry P. Fletcher;
James E. West.
Reel 19
March 1–10, 1926.
Major Topics: Disarmament; U.S.-Mexico relations; No-Tobacco League of
America; Republican Party of Texas.
Principal Correspondents: Chandler P. Anderson; Leonard Withington; Clara
M. Kellogg.
0122 March 11–20, 1926.
Major Topics: Spanish language copy of Pan American Union meeting
minutes; Kellogg as honorary member of India House.
Principal Correspondents: Clara M. Kellogg; E. Gil Borges; Arthur E.
0275 March 21–31, 1926
Major Topics: Boy Scouts of America; Pan American Union meeting minutes;
U.S.-Russia relations; Chile-Peru relations; Tacna and Arica Provinces;
state and federal laws regarding holding of real property by aliens;
Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., air mail service.
Principal Correspondents: Milton A. McRae; Asa G. Briggs.
0455 April 1–10, 1926.
Major Topics: First Pan American Congress of Journalists opening address;
caricature of Philip Snowden; Chile-Peru relations; The Genesis of the
Declaration of Independence by Jennings C. Wise.
Principal Correspondents: Leo S. Rowe; Percy Blair; Henry W. Anderson.
0603 April 11–25, 1926.
Major Topics: Alien property rights in Mexico; German cartoon on
disarmament; Kellogg address on foreign policy before The Associated
Press; Chile-Peru relations.
Principal Correspondent: Jacob Gould Schurman.
Frame No.
Reel 20
April 26–30, 1926.
Major Topics: Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn., air mail service; Canada vs. U.S.
wheat freight rates.
Principal Correspondents: Charles J. Moos; Edwin A. Smith.
May 1–15, 1926.
Major Topics: Visit of Crown Prince of Sweden; Spanish language copy of
Pan American Union meeting minutes; Tacna and Arica Provinces;
Ancient and Accepted Order of Hospitallers; Los Angeles and Long Beach
harbors; U.S.-Mexico relations.
Principal Correspondents: E. Gil Borges; Robert Bruce; Charles Evans
Hughes; Charles B. Warren.
May 16–31, 1926.
Major Topics: Topics for 1928 Sixth Pan American Conference in English
and Spanish; Great Britain general strike.
Principal Correspondents: E. Gil Borges; Robert H. Benson.
June 1–15, 1926.
Major Topics: United States Steel Corporation 1924 financial statement;
Kellogg reelection as honorary member of National Council of the Boy
Scouts of America; German tariff on wheat and flour; St. Paul airport and
bond issue; U.S.-Chile relations; French debt settlement; Tacna and Arica
Principal Correspondents: W. J. Duggan; Sydney Anderson.
June 16–30, 1926.
Major Topics: U.S.-Chile relations; Sesquicentennial International Exposition;
trade relations with Russia; Minnesota Red Lake band of Chippewa
Indians claims against U.S. government.
Principal Correspondents: Stuart G. Gibboney; William Miller Collier.
Reel 21
July 1–15, 1926.
Major Topics: Crown Prince of Sweden thank-you for Kellogg hospitality;
expulsion of Archbishop from Mexico; Tacna and Arica Provinces;
National Sesquicentennial Exhibition Commission; Kellogg
recommendation to President Coolidge for vacancies on The Hague
Tribunal; Great Britain war debt settlement; religious propaganda
concerning Wall Street.
Principal Correspondent: Henry P. Fletcher.
July 16–31, 1926.
Major Topics: U.S.-Chile relations; Chile-Bolivia relations; U.S.-France
relations; Plattsburgh Centenary Commission memorial.
Principal Correspondents: Henry P. Fletcher; Charles M. Harrington.
Frame No.
0334 August 1–15, 1926.
Major Topics: Chile-Peru relations; socialism; persecution of Catholic clergy
in Mexico; Round Table on Latin American Affairs; Sesquicentennial
International Exposition.
Principal Correspondents: William Lassiter; Leo S. Rowe; John W.
McCormack; W. Freeland Kendrick.
0458 August 16–31, 1926.
Major Topics: Annual statement of Consolidated Elevator Company; Kellogg
speech on U.S. foreign policy; U.S.-Mexico relations; Minnesota interstate
commerce; U.S.-Chile relations.
Principal Correspondents: William Miller Collier; Henry P. Fletcher; Calvin
0638 September 1–15, 1926.
Major Topics: Annual statement of Consolidated Elevator Company; U.S.Mexico relations; Walker v. Hopkins tax case; Oliver C. Wyman estate
Principal Correspondents: H. A. Starkey; Charles B. Warren; George H.
Partridge; Fred B. Dodge.
Reel 22
September 16–31, 1926.
Major Topics: U.S.-Chile relations; Pan American Union meeting minutes,
May 5, 1926.
Principal Correspondent: William Miller Collier.
October 1–10, 1926.
Major Topics: U.S. tariff policy; Asa G. Briggs address “Our Constitution:
The Hope of Our Future” before Riverview Commercial Club of St. Paul;
Samuel Untermyer trip around world; U.S.-Spain relations; foreign trade;
Revenue Act of 1921; U.S. Court for China district attorney in Shanghai;
U.S. economic conditions; Labor Day economic statement of the secretary
of labor; unofficial representation of American government.
Principal Correspondents: William Miller Collier; Samuel Untermyer; A. E.
October 11–20, 1926.
Major Topics: Russia foreign affairs; war situation in Roumania; Minnesota
election campaign.
Principal Correspondent: Guy Chase.
October 21–31, 1926.
Major Topics: Kellogg interview questions for his life story; Minnesota
election campaign.
Principal Correspondents: Wellington Gustin; Frank J. Ottis; Charles J.
November 1–10, 1926.
Major Topics: U.S. Mexico relations; Minnesota election results; House of
Lords reform; Silas H. Strawn address on China before the combined
Frame No.
meeting of the Industrial and Commercial Clubs of Chicago; Great
Britain–Japan-U.S. relations; China tariffs.
Principal Correspondents: James R. Sheffield; Jean Austin Stanton; Charles J.
Moos; Lady Nancy Witcher Langhorne Astor; Silas H. Strawn; Hugh
Reel 23
November 11–20, 1926.
Major Topics: Kellogg briefing on foreign affairs for President Coolidge
message to Congress; railroads; manuscript on bimetallism by Leopold
Principal Correspondents: Green H. Hackworth; George W. Muller; Clara M.
0138 November 21–30, 1926.
Major Topics: Queen of Rumania visit; bill for disabled emergency army
Principal Correspondents: Frank J. Ottis; Charles J. Moos; C. D. Symes.
0238 December 1–10, 1926.
Major Topics: S. H. Velie fact-finding mission to Europe; public sentiment
toward Calvin Coolidge; congratulatory notes on Kellogg Chile-Peru
Tacna-Arica proposal; Prince Sergei and Princess Obolensky; bill for
emergency disabled military officers; Minnesota postmaster appointment;
Queen of Rumania visit; Calvin Coolidge message to Congress; poison
gas use in warfare.
Principal Correspondents: S. H. Velie; Charles J. Moos; Henry W. Rose;
George Harvey; Charles M. Pepper; Edith Eustis; Elmer E. Adams; W. J.
Olcott; John J. Pershing.
0401 December 11–20, 1926.
Major Topics: Shortwave radio; Spanish language copy of Kellogg address to
members of Pan American Union flight.
Principal Correspondent: Willis Eugenes Everette.
0518 December 21–31, 1926.
Major Topics: Congratulatory notes on Kellogg seventieth birthday; veterans
with disabilities; tariff; Canada and Pan American Union; The United
States of America Sesqui-Centennial: A Giant Among Nations pamphlet;
U.S.-Mexico relations.
Principal Correspondents: William H. Taylor; Leo S. Rowe; Ethel Pearson;
William Howard Taft; Frank W. Stearns; Silas H. Strawn; Elmer E.
Reel 24
January 1–10, 1927.
Major Topics: Peace treaty draft between U.S. and non-U.S. powers; Canada;
Treaty of China of 1858 for protection of vessels near ports of China;
Frame No.
Chile ambassador reception at Pan American Union; Elias Buterac death
at Zenith Mine of the Vermillion Mining Company; California-Mexico
border; Lausanne Treaty between U.S. and Turkey; Turkey; Calvin
Coolidge Cabinet accomplishments for year 1926.
Principal Correspondents: Frank B. Thompson; Mark L. Bristol.
0117 January 11–20, 1927.
Major Topics: U.S.–Latin America relations; Kellogg testimony on relations
with Latin America before Senate Committee on Foreign Relations;
Nicaragua; Armistice sermon “Seeds of War”; Congressional Record
speech of Minn. Sen. Thomas D. Schall on character assassination for his
defeat in election; William Jennings Bryan Memorial Association;
Lausanne Treaty; Elias Buterac death at Zenith Mine; China-Japan crisis.
Principal Correspondents: Henry W. Rose; William H. Beck; Levi M.
Willcuts; W. Cameron Forbes.
0287 January 21–31, 1927.
Major Topics: U.S.-Mexico relations; China; address of Silas H. Strawn at
Tsing Hua College, Peking, China, on U.S. policy toward China; U.S.China relations; Chinese customs tariff; Spanish language copy of Pan
American Union meeting minutes, November 1926.
Principal Correspondents: Silas H. Strawn; E. Gil Borges.
0455 February 1–10, 1927.
Major Topics: Addresses by Olga Nethersole of The People’s League of
Health of Great Britain, William H. Welch of Johns Hopkins University,
Livingston Farrand of Cornell University, Haven Emerson of Columbia
University, Linsley Williams of Academy of Medicine, Frederick H. Sears
of New York State Department of Health, Medical Officer of Health
Charles J. Hastings of Canada given at the public health conference in
New York, and John Kingsbury of Millbank Memorial Fund; Monroe
Doctrine criticism; Abraham Lincoln leaflet; missionaries in China; U.S.China relations.
Principal Correspondents: F. Ponsonby; Albert Shaw; Silas H. Strawn; Henry
D. Kellogg.
0618 February 11–25, 1927.
Major Topics: Agriculture and McNary-Haugen bill; retirement of emergency
army officers with disabilities.
Principal Correspondents: Michael Holm; Charles W. Gordon.
Reel 25
February 26–28, 1927.
Major Topics: Kosmerl Mine tax case; National Electric Light Association
Principal Correspondent: R. F. Pack.
Frame No.
March 1–15, 1927.
Major Topics: Arbitration treaties; The Rough Riders (film); Kellogg
biographical newspaper article; Kellogg honorary Doctor of Laws degree
from New York University.
Principal Correspondents: Calvin Coolidge; William Floyd; Herman
Hagedorn; Henry D. Kellogg; Elmer E. Brown; Clara M. Kellogg.
0205 March 16–31, 1927.
Major Topics: Kellogg honorary Doctor of Laws degree from New York
University; tariffs and foreign trade; Kellogg memorial to grandfather; act
for acquisitions of buildings and grounds in foreign countries; FranceGermany relations; China; Minnesota proposal for president’s summer
Principal Correspondents: Clara M. Kellogg; John J. Smith; Stephen G.
Porter; Jacob Gould Schurman.
0394 April 1927.
Major Topics: U.S. relations with China and Mexico; draft of Kellogg
remarks at opening of Third Pan American Commercial Conference;
statements by ambassador on German reparations; Senate Congressional
Record speech by William E. Borah on U.S. citizens in Mexico; speech of
president of Cuba, Gerardo Machado, at Governing Board of the Pan
American Union; article “Briand Proposes Eternal Peace with Us”;
disaster relief for floods in Midwest.
Principal Correspondents: William Muldoon; William Howard Taft; William
H. Beck; Clara M. Kellogg; James R. Sheffield; Jacob Gould Schurman;
Leo S. Rowe; George Barnett.
0651 May 1–10, 1927.
Major Topics: Geneva Conference; Kellogg honorary Doctor of Laws degree
from New York University; Kellogg contribution for Mississippi flood
appeal by Red Cross; Great Britain claims against United States; President
Coolidge contribution to Potomac Park World War memorial; Kellogg
contribution to war memorial; U.S. protocol toward foreign governments;
Kellogg membership in Lincoln Club of Minneapolis.
Principal Correspondents: Frank B. Noyes; Calvin Coolidge.
Reel 26
May 11–20, 1927.
Major Topics: Kellogg honorary Doctor of Laws degree from New York
University; Kellogg honorary vice president of American Society of
International Law; article on American Civil Liberties Union committee
member Felix Frankfurter in Sacco-Vanzetti case; equitable tax against
shares of bank stock; Kellogg remarks at the Inter American Commission
on Commercial Aviation; Robert E. Olds appointment as under secretary
of state.
Principal Correspondents: Francis Ralston Welsh; Elmer E. Brown; Leo S.
Rowe; G. B. Rose; Guy Chase; George W. Morgan; Frank J. Otis.
Frame No.
May 21–31, 1927.
Major Topics: German reparations under terms of Dawes Plan; Charles A.
Lindbergh flight from New York to Paris; China; U.S. Veterans’ Hospital,
Fort Snelling, Minn.; U.S. delegation to Geneva Conference; National
Conference for Development of Commercial Aviation; Kellogg reelection
as honorary member of National Council of the Boy Scouts of America;
Charles A. Lindbergh reception; Herman Roe visit to Norway; U.S.France relations; draft treaty between France and United States; Mexico
censorship of Catholic Church.
Principal Correspondents: Melvin J. Maas; William H. Beck; Joseph S.
Frelinghuysen; Herman Roe; William H. Beck; Nicholas M. Butler; James
T. Shotwell; Frank J. Ottis.
0267 June 1–15, 1927.
Major Topics: Charles A. Lindbergh Minnesota reception; Knute Nelson
memorial; U.S.-France relations; Consolidated Elevator Company;
Geneva Conference; President Coolidge invitation to Charles A.
Lindbergh; Vice President Charles G. Dawes address at commencement
exercises of Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.; France monetary
policy; 1928 election campaign; treaties of complete arbitration;
questionnaire on U.S. citizens and property rights in foreign countries;
communism; Governing Board of the Pan American Union meeting
Principal Correspondents: Charles J. Moos; George H. Spencer; Ralph M.
0526 June 16–30, 1927.
Major Topics: Charles A. Lindbergh Washington reception; U.S.-Russia
relations; U.S. entry denial to Russian agents; Conference for the
Limitation of Naval Armament; Aristide Briand draft treaty to outlaw war;
draft Treaty of Perpetual Peace and Amity between the United States and
the Republic of France; Charles A. Lindbergh; bridge opening between
Buffalo, N.Y. and Ontario, Canada.
Principal Correspondents: Louis Ludlow; Asa G. Briggs; Salmon O.
Levinson; Guy Chase; Calvin Coolidge; S. Wallace Dempsey; Charles J.
0727 July 1–5, 1927.
Major Topics: U.S.-Canada relations and construction of St. Lawrence
Seaway; economic Cuba economic situation.
Principal Correspondents: Guy Chase; J. H. Durrell.
Reel 27
July 6–20, 1927.
Major Topics: Farm economic problem; Geneva Conference; assistant
secretary of state vacancy; Charles A. Lindbergh Minnesota reception;
William Jennings Bryan; Kellogg cook Lydia C. Bungener awarded medal
Frame No.
from Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf of Sweden; Guatemala-Nicaragua
relations; Farmers Conference, St. Paul, Minn.; veteran loans; Hawaii
statehood; prisoner family relief; Prisoners’ Relief Society; welfare
Principal Correspondents: Joseph H. Beck; Charles J. Moos; A. Fletcher
Kearney; James J. Davis; Harry Curran Wilbur.
0215 July 21–31, 1927.
Major Topics: Geneva Conference; Charles A. Lindbergh Minnesota
reception; assistant secretary of state vacancy; opening of bridge
connecting Buffalo, N.Y. and Ontario, Canada; agriculture; Anti-War
Council; veteran loans; assistant secretary of state vacancy; King of
Norway views on Germany; delegation to 1928 Sixth Pan American
Conference; Russia and Baltic states; Scandinavia; Great Britain proposal
for limitation of naval armaments; Interstate Commerce Commission;
draft of speech on Conference for the Limitation of Naval Armament;
Aristide Briand proposal for peace.
Principal Correspondents: Frank B. Baird; A Fletcher Kearney; Harry Curren
Wilbur; Jacob Gould Schurman; James M. Beck; J. F. Reed; Calvin
Coolidge; Hugh Gibson; David J. Hill; Jean Kellogg Austin.
0419 August 1–10, 1927.
Major Topics: Draft of speech on Conference for the Limitation of Naval
Armament; 1928 Sixth Pan American Conference; Calvin Coolidge
message read at unveiling of bust of Benjamin Franklin; Department of
State and Department of Foreign Service appropriations; U.S.–Great
Britain relations; Minnesota political situation; assistant secretary of state
vacancy; Geneva Conference.
Principal Correspondents: Hugh Gibson; Calvin Coolidge; Arthur E. Nelson;
Silas H. Strawn.
0591 August 11–20, 1927.
Major Topics: Annual financial statement of Consolidated Elevator Company,
Duluth, Minn.; Geneva Conference; China; St. Lawrence River project;
U.S.-Canada Peace Bridge; Russia; poem “The Monarch of the Air”
written for Charles A. Lindbergh; 1928 Sixth Pan American Conference;
foreign reaction to Sacco-Vanzetti case.
Principal Correspondents: William Miller Collier; G. H. Spencer; Francis
Ralston Welsh.
Reel 28
0001 August 21–31, 1927.
Major Topics: France government loans; Lafayette Day.
Principal Correspondents: Silas H. Strawn; Calvin Coolidge; E. T. Abbott.
0091 September 1–15, 1927.
Major Topics: Consolidated Elevator Company annual report; Kellogg
remarks to Ambassador Miguel Cruchaga Tocornal of Chile at Governing
Board of the Pan American Union; U.S.-France relations; Ex Slave
Frame No.
Convention in Alexandria, Va.; Pan American Union; drawings of Charles
A. Lindbergh and Hugh Gibson.
Principal Correspondents: H. A. Starkey; Frederic R. Dolbeare; Miguel
Cruchaga Tocornal.
0238 September 16–30, 1927.
Major Topics: Farm Labor Association Convention, St. Paul Minn.;
agricultural relief; Ruth v. Beatty fraudulent land case.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Josiah H. Chase.
0383 October 1–15, 1927.
Major Topics: North Dakota agricultural products; delegation to 1928 Sixth
Pan American Conference; U.S.-Canada canal negotiations; establishment
of Maison de la Chimie (House of Chemistry) in Paris; federal judges;
Latin America; Minnesota political campaigns; Kellogg and President
Coolidge visit Baltimore and Ohio Railway exhibition; International
Radiotelegraph Conference; ambassador housing in Tokyo.
Principal Correspondents: G. B. Rose; William H. Beck; Charles MacVeagh.
0604 October 16–31, 1927.
Major Topics: U.S.-Russia trade relations; U.S. foreign policy on economics
and armament; Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive
Medicine; Sixth Pan American Conference, 1928; China; Geneva
Disarmament Conference; Nicaragua; Mexico; World Court; Bulgaria
right to sea access.
Principal Correspondents: Ralph M. Easley; Peter J. Brady; Walter
Reel 29
November 1–15, 1927.
Major Topics: Fifth International Conference of American States, Santiago,
Chile; treaty to avoid or prevent conflicts between the American States;
Sixth Pan American Conference, 1928; Tacna-Arica territory; Latin
America resentment toward United States; merchant marines; Kellogg
remarks at memorial of Henry White; imports at customs office in
Duluth, Minn.
Principal Correspondents: Edward N. Hurley; Edward F. Wahl.
0211 November 16–30, 1927.
Major Topics: National Press Club of Washington; flood control to safeguard
the lower Mississippi Valley; executive order establishing rules of
precedence among Naval officers of the United States on duty abroad;
Governing Board of the Pan American Union meeting minutes, November
1927; Calvin Coolidge address at Sixth International Conference of
American States.
Principal Correspondents: W. H. Atkins; Jean Kellogg Austin; Paul B. Cook.
0433 December 1–10, 1927.
Major Topics: Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical and Preventive
Medicine; Lake Superior North Shore harbors; Communist organizations;
Frame No.
Italian Labor Charter; draft of Calvin Coolidge speech to Sixth
International conference of American States; Annual Meeting and
Educational Sessions of The Stable Money Association; U.S.-Canada
Principal Correspondents: George E. Leach; Henry P. Fletcher.
December 11–20, 1927.
Major Topics: draft of Calvin Coolidge speech to Sixth International
Conference of American States; Leonard Wood memorial; dinner guests
honoring President and Mrs. Coolidge; William J. Bryan Memorial; Lake
Superior North Shore harbors; Kellogg honorary life membership in
Executive Committee of the National Law Association; U.S.-Mexico
Principal Correspondents: James G. Harbord; Dwight F. Davis.
Reel 30
December 21–31, 1927.
Major Topics: U.S.-France treaty; U.S.-Japan relations; draft of Calvin
Coolidge speech to Sixth International Conference of American States;
Governing Board of the Pan American Union meeting minutes;
Consolidated Elevator Company grain report.
Principal Correspondents: Calvin Coolidge; Francis B. Loomis; Noble
Brandon Judah.
0208 January 1–15, 1928.
Major Topics: Treaty to avoid or prevent conflicts between the American
States adopted at Fifth International Conference of American States,
Santiago, Chile, 1923; Calvin Coolidge visit to Cuba for Sixth Pan
American Conference, 1928; Interstate Post Graduate Medical Association
of North America; Consolidated Elevator Company grain report; U.S.
Latin America policy; U.S.-Nicaragua relations.
Principal Correspondents: A. Fletcher Kearney; Charles H. Mayo; Guy
Chase; Frederic R. Dolbeare; Francis White.
0353 January 16–31, 1928.
Major Topics: U.S.-Latin America relations; draft of letter from President
Coolidge to Cuba President Gerardo Machado y Morales after Pan
American Conference; Kellogg letter on U.S. Latin America policy and
Sixth International Conference of American States; income taxes;
Consolidated Elevator Company grain report; Cuba President Gerardo
Machado speech at Sixth Pan American Conference; U.S. arbitration
treaty with France; U.S.-Canada relations; Semi-Centennial of the
American Bar Association; War Department.
Principal Correspondents: Robert E. Olds; Calvin Coolidge; David Lawrence;
Guy Chase; Dwight F. Davis.
0549 February 1–20, 1928.
Major Topics: Income taxes; Consolidated Elevator Company grain report;
Kellogg press conference in Canada; immigration bill; poem tribute to
Frame No.
Field-Marshal Earl Haig; The George Washington–Sulgrave Institution;
U.S.-Canada relations; Sixth International Conference of American States.
Principal Correspondents: Robert E. Olds; John W. Stones; Leo S. Rowe;
John A. Stewart.
Reel 31
February 21–29, 1928.
Major Topics: Consolidated Elevator Company grain report; Conference on
Arbitration; Sixth Pan American Conference; Sixth International
Conference of American States.
Principal Correspondent: Charles Evans Hughes.
March 1–15, 1928.
Major Topics: Presidential election; U.S.–Great Britain relations;
Consolidated Elevator Company grain report; European propaganda
against United States; agriculture tariffs; Charles Evans Hughes address at
Sixth International Conference of American States in Havana, Cuba;
Charles A. Lindbergh South American tour; status of American women
who marry aliens; St. Lawrence Seaway project; U.S.–Latin America
relations; collision between British steamship San Tirso and U.S. transport
Pocahontas; Minnesota elections; Kellogg address on war prevention to
Council on Foreign Relations.
Principal Correspondents: Henry D. Kellogg; Guy Chase; Charles J. Moos.
March 16–31, 1928.
Major Topics: Pan American Union; U.S.–Latin America relations; National
Sesquicentennial Exhibition Commission; U.S.–Great Britain relations;
U.S. foreign policy; irrigation; Consolidated Elevator Company grain
report; Locarno treaties; St. Lawrence Seaway project; neutrality;
arbitration treaty; Minnesota State Republican Convention resolution.
Principal Correspondents: Charles Evans Hughes; George W. Wickersham;
Francis B. Loomis.
April 1–15, 1928.
Major Topics: Harrah v. Cuba railroad claim; Texas political situation;
Consolidated Elevator Company grain report; death of Kellogg’s brother,
Frederick A. Kellogg; U.S.-Argentina relations; McNary-Haugen farm
Principal Correspondent: Guy Chase.
April 16–25, 1928.
Major Topics: Arbitration treaties; arrest of former Chile President Arturo
Alessandri’s son; McNary-Haugen bill; Briand treaty to outlaw war;
Northern Pacific Railway Company; Consolidated Elevator Company
grain report.
Principal Correspondents: James E. Markham; George W. Wickersham;
Walter Littlefield; Henry P. Fletcher; Henry F. Hoyt.
Frame No.
Reel 32
April 26–30, 1928.
Major Topics: Minnesota elections; Kellogg address to American Society of
International Law on renunciation of war; Consolidated Elevator
Company grain report.
Principal Correspondents: Frank J. Ottis; Theodore Marburg.
May 1–15, 1928.
Major Topics: Arbitration treaty; America-Greece financial settlement;
Consolidated Elevator Company grain report; U.S.-China relations;
Republican platform 1924; Great Britain response to U.S. antiwar policy;
St. Lawrence Seaway; Briand draft treaty to outlaw war.
Principal Correspondents: Hugh R. Wilson; Frederick W. Kelsey.
May 16–31, 1928.
Major Topics: Kellogg multilateral treaty to outlaw war; vacancy on
Permanent Court of International Justice; Consolidated Elevator Company
grain report; Great Britain support for Kellogg multilateral treaty to outlaw
war; Republican Party approval of Calvin Coolidge foreign policy.
Principal Correspondents: George W. Wickersham; Donald J. Cowling.
June 1–10, 1928.
Major Topics: Treaty to outlaw war; Calvin Coolidge visit to Wisconsin and
Minnesota; Consolidated Elevator Company grain report; Newton D.
Baker appointment to The Hague Court panel; Pan American building;
presidential election.
Principal Correspondents: George W. Wickersham; Philip H. Kerr; Elihu
June 11–20, 1928.
Major Topics: Minnesota election primaries; presidential election; treaty to
outlaw war; Bryan treaties; Consolidated Elevator Company grain report;
presidential veto of McNary-Haugen bill; Carleton College at Northfield,
Minn.; Newton D. Baker appointment to The Hague Tribunal.
Principal Correspondents: Frank J. Ottis; Thomas W. Lamont; Charles J.
Moos; Herbert Hoover; Elihu Root; George H. Prince; Charles H. Mayo;
Donald J. Cowling: Henry P. Fletcher.
Reel 33
0001 June 21–30, 1928.
Major Topics: Kellogg biographical information; Kellogg medical report;
Great Britain view on antiwar treaty; Consolidated Elevator Company
grain report; editorial on Kellogg; corporation stock; Charles A.
Lindbergh; venue for signing of antiwar treaty.
Principal Correspondents: Lewellys F. Barker; Allen W. Dulles; Guy Chase;
J. S. Arneson; Henry D. Kellogg; Henry P. Fletcher; Robert E. Olds.
0136 July 1–15, 1928.
Major Topics: Draft of Arbitration Treaty; Matthew E. Hanna; Consolidated
Elevator Company grain report; Merchants National Company of St. Paul,
Frame No.
Minn., stock and stockholders; Minnesota political situation; China;
antiwar treaty; Nicaragua; Honduras-Guatemala boundary dispute;
Mexico; property purchase for new American Embassy and Consulate in
France; Calvin Coolidge visit to Minnesota; agriculture.
Principal Correspondents: Charles H. Mayo; Calvin Coolidge; J. D.
Armstrong; Charles J. Moos; Myron T. Herrick; George H. Prince; Guy
Chase; Robert E. Olds.
0288 July 16–31, 1928.
Major Topics: Multilateral antiwar treaty; stock and stockholders; TacnaArica dispute; Mexico political situation; Geneva conference; Locarno
treaties; Multilateral Treaty for the Renunciation of War; Consolidated
Elevator Company grain report; Kellogg biographical information;
multilateral treaty affect on naval bill; Knute Nelson Memorial statue.
Principal Correspondents: Hugh R. Wilson; James R. Sheffield; Calvin
Coolidge; Walter Lippmann; Salmon O. Levinson; Paul V. Collins;
Thomas W. Lamont; William Lyon Mackenzie King; James T. Williams
Jr.; Paul V. Collins; Henry P. Fletcher; William E. Borah; Charles J.
0561 August 1–10, 1928.
Major Topics: Multilateral antiwar treaty; Calvin Coolidge address to
American Legion at Wausau, Wis.; Consolidated Elevator Company grain
report; world court; Charles A. Lindbergh trophies; multilateral treaty and
Monroe Doctrine; aviation at Minnesota State Fair; U.S.-Alaska-Canada
boundaries; U.S. recognition of Nationalist China.
Principal Correspondents: Guy Chase; William E. Borah; Calvin Coolidge;
Charles C. Bauer; Theodore Marburg.
Reel 34
0001 August 11–20, 1928.
Major Topics: Multilateral antiwar treaty and Monroe Doctrine; Consolidated
Elevator Company grain report; Minnesota Republican campaign;
Consolidated Elevator Company annual statement; China tariff treaty;
Chile-Peru relations; Mexico.
Principal Correspondents: Arthur E. Nelson; Dwight W. Morrow; Arthur
Bliss Lane.
0153 August 21–31, 1928.
Major Topics: Radio; Great Britain–France naval agreement; Kellogg
welcome to Plymouth, England, by F. Edgar Bowden; Peru; multilateral
treaty for the renunciation of war signing in Paris; congratulatory notes to
Kellogg on multilateral treaty for the renunciation of war; John H. Bartlett
political speech on industrial transition to Republicans of Everett, Mass.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Jacob Gould Schurman;
Myron T. Herrick; Laurits S. Swenson; Joseph C. Grew; Charles Mac
Veagh; Aristide Briand; William Lyon Mackenzie King.
Frame No.
September 1–15, 1928.
Major Topics: Kellogg visit to Ireland; congratulatory notes to Kellogg on
signing of Pact for the Renunciation of War; Consolidated Elevator
Company annual report; Kellogg portrait sketch; election primaries;
Carleton College; Minnesota political situation.
Principal Correspondents: William T. Cosgrave; H. A. Starkey; Henry D.
Kellogg; Guy Chase; Donald J. Cowling; Charles J. Moos.
September 16–25, 1928.
Major Topics: Minnesota political situation; multilateral antiwar treaty; draft
remarks of Kellogg at dedication of Severance Memorial Hall, Carleton
College; Red Cross and Florida hurricane; Arbitration treaty; automobiles
and automobile industry; bread supply to Germany in 1922.
Principal Correspondents: Hiram W. Johnson; Albert Shaw; Guy Chase;
Charles J. Moos; Donald J. Cowling; Charles Evans Hughes.
Reel 35
September 26–30, 1928.
Major Topics: Ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; Minnesota political
Principal Correspondent: Irving A. Bacheller.
October 1–10, 1928.
Major Topics: Multilateral antiwar treaty; armaments; Mexico; China;
Nicaragua; Tacna-Arica dispute between Chile and Peru; arbitration
treaties; Department of Commerce aid to farmers, producers, and shippers;
lumber industry; export trade; Kellogg prayer at tomb of unknown soldier
in France; U.S.-Bolivia relations; Kellogg appointment as delegate to
International Conference of American States on Conciliation and
Arbitration; Paris reception for Charles A. Lindbergh; Republican Party
campaign in Utah.
Principal Correspondents: Julius Klein; Charles M Schwab; Frank J. Ottis;
William J. Mayo; Charles H. Mayo; George W. Wickersham; Silas H.
Strawn; Calvin Coolidge.
October 11–20, 1928.
Major Topics: Secretary of Treasury Andrew W. Mellon radio speech on
Republican accomplishments; Kellogg address on behalf of Republican
administration to Women’s Republican Club in Minnesota; St. Lawrence
Seaway project; multilateral treaty; Republican Party; Herbert C. Hoover;
Kellogg receives honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Carleton College;
Cordenio A. Severance life sketch; Mary Harriman Severance life sketch.
Principal Correspondents: Andrew W. Mellon; Elihu Root; Silas H. Strawn.
October 21–31, 1928.
Major Topics: Pan American building; International Conference of American
States on Conciliation and Arbitration; U.S.-Argentina relations; KelloggBriand Pact; Pan American Union; Kellogg interview by Minnesota
Frame No.
students; agriculture; radio speech of Secretary of Treasury Andrew W.
Mellon on Republican policies.
Principal Correspondents: Salmon O. Levinson; William H. Beck; E. Gil
Borges; David Hunter Miller.
November 1–15, 1928.
Major Topics: Kellogg memorandum on President Coolidge foreign relations
speech; armistice agreement; multilateral treaty; open letter to corn belt
farmers; Kellogg address before the World Alliance for International
Friendship at the Metropolitan Opera House, New York City; draft speech
for President Coolidge at International Conference of American States on
Conciliation and Arbitration; Kellogg congratulatory letter to Herbert
Hoover on being elected president; Minnesota 1928 election returns;
Chile-Peru dispute over Tacna-Arica; Mexico; China; Japan; Citizens’
Non Partisan Committee to celebrate signing of Kellogg-Briand Peace
Treaty; copy of signed original General Pact for the Renunciation of War,
August 27, 1928; President-Elect Herbert Hoover visit to South America;
St. Lawrence Seaway.
Principal Correspondents: Spencer Phenix; David Hunter Miller; John B.
Moore; Albert Shaw; Charles J. Moos; William Miller Collier.
Reel 36
November 16–30, 1928.
Major Topics: International Conference of American States on Conciliation
and Arbitration; American Foundation for the Blind; Kellogg review of
president’s message to Congress; ratification of multilateral antiwar treaty;
draft of president’s address opening the International Conference of
American States on Conciliation and Arbitration; signing of KelloggBriand Peace pact celebration report to members of Citizens Non-Partisan
Committee; Argentine refusal to attend arbitration conference; address by
Walter Lippmann on renunciation of war treaty at annual meeting of
Academy of Political Science; International Civil Aeronautics Conference
trip to Kitty Hawk, N.C.; World Court; World Alliance for International
Principal Correspondents: Spencer Phenix; Helen Keller; Dwight F. Davis;
Albert Shaw; Charles Evans Hughes; Millard J. Bloomer; William Miller
Collier; Leighton W. Rogers; Donald J. Cowling; Jean Kellogg Austin.
0216 December 1–10, 1928.
Major Topics: Foreign Relations Committee; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; The
Pilgrims of Great Britain dinner to celebrate signing of General Pact for
the Renunciation of War; text of the Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; Knute
Nelson memorial; International Conference of American States on
Conciliation and Arbitration; Blackmer French extradition case; forest
Principal Correspondents: Calvin Coolidge; Charles J. Moos; Robert E. Olds.
Frame No.
December 11–20, 1928.
Major Topics: U.S. treaty obligation to Rhineland; ratification of multilateral
treaty; second International Congress held at University of Minnesota;
1928 Pan American Conference at Havana; Bolivia-Paraguay incident;
Kellogg financial statement.
Principal Correspondents: Myron T. Herrick; Charles J. Moos; George W.
Wickersham; Guy Chase.
0507 December 21–31, 1928.
Major Topics: Congressional investigation of Northern Pacific Railway land
grants; Kellogg response to congratulatory notes on seventy-second
birthday; navy objections to Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; request for
clemency from former Kellogg chauffeur Carl E. Arosin Jr. in Folsom
Prison; letter from great nephew Frank Clifford Kellogg looking for father
Clifford Kellogg; political situation in Mexico; ratification of KelloggBriand Peace Pact; request to Nobel committee for Kellogg consideration
for peace prize.
Principal Correspondents: C. W. Bunn; James R. Sheffield; Laurits S.
0671 January 1–10, 1929.
Major Topics: Arbitration conferences; Merchants National Bank and Trust
Company; National Conference on the Cause and Cure of War; joint
reunion of surviving veterans of Civil War; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact.
Principal Correspondent: George H. Prince.
Reel 37
January 11–20, 1929.
Major Topics: Monroe Doctrine; ratification of the Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact; Georgetown University conferral of honorary degree of Doctor of
Laws upon Kellogg.
Principal Correspondents: Jean Kellogg Austin; Calvin Coolidge; James J.
Davis; Henry D. Kellogg; W. Coleman Nevils.
0119 January 21–31, 1929.
Major Topics: Consolidation of the First National Bank and the Merchants
National Bank; celebration of ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact;
Kellogg return as senior partner of law firm.
Principal Correspondents: Owen D. Young; George H. Prince.
0321 February 1–10, 1929.
Major Topics: Argentine educators visit to U.S.; German debate on
Ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; consolidation of the First
National Bank and the Merchants National Bank; U.S.-Argentina
relations; U.S.-Chile relations; Legal Business of the Federal Government
address by William D. Mitchell.
Principal Correspondents: Gustav Syresemann; George H. Prince; Silas H.
Strawn; William Smith Culbertson.
Frame No.
February 11–20, 1929.
Major Topics: Kellogg letter to President Coolidge on foreign affairs; tenth
anniversary of School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University;
embargo on arms and munitions of war; Mexico internal affairs;
ratification of antiwar treaty; Kellogg Doctor of Laws certificate; Kellogg
remarks at tenth anniversary of School of Foreign Service, Georgetown
University; Kellogg invitation to Herbert Hoover inauguration.
Principal Correspondents: Thomas H. Healy; Guy Chase.
February 21–28, 1929.
Major Topics: Herbert Hoover inauguration; letters of appreciation to Kellogg
for Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; requests to Kellogg for autographed
photographs; requests for photographs of Calvin Coolidge; appointment of
judges; Monroe Doctrine; Kellogg-Briand Peace Treaty.
Principal Correspondents: Calvin Coolidge; George W. Morgan.
Reel 38
March 1–10, 1929.
Major Topics: Chile-Peru relations; boundary dispute between Tacna-Arica
and Peru; Bolivia-Paraguay relations; tariff legislation; multilateral treaty;
letters of appreciation to Kellogg; Kellogg resignation as secretary of
state; U.S.-Mexico relations; Herbert Hoover inauguration; Permanent
Court of International Justice; Governing Board of the Pan American
Union; consolidation of the First National Bank and the Merchants
National Bank.
Principal Correspondents: Norman Armour; Rafael Martinez Ortiz; Elihu
Root; Herbert Hoover; Richard C. Lilly; Irving A. Bacheller.
0160 March 11–20, 1929.
Major Topics: Proposal of Nobel Peace Prize to Kellogg; U.S.-Ireland
relations; letters of appreciation to Kellogg for Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact.
Principal Correspondents: Herbert Hoover; Leland Harrison.
0310 March 21–31, 1929.
Major Topics: Hugh S. Gibson chairman at 1929 Disarmament Conference;
formation of First Bank Stock Investment Company; Preparatory
Committee for the Conference on International Law; letter of appreciation
from Kellogg to Coolidge.
Principal Correspondents: George H. Prince; Charles J. Moos; William
Randolph Hearst.
0455 April–October, 1929.
Major Topics: Encyclopedia Britannica article “Outlawry of War”; allied
governments debt to U.S.; repatriation payments from Germany; Naval
Disarmament Conference; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; Harvard University
conferral of honorary degree of Doctor of Laws upon Kellogg; Oxford
University conferral of Doctor of Civil Law degree upon Kellogg; Kellogg
radio speech on Flag Day; Kellogg Harvard alumni speech on KelloggBriand Peace Pact; arbitration and conciliation treaties; nomination for
Frame No.
Nobel Peace Prize; Kellogg radio speech on antiwar in Minneapolis,
Minn.; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact ratification.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Jean Kellogg Austin; Edwin
C. Wilson; Philip H. Kerr; Wallace McClure; Ray Atherton; Laurits S.
Swenson; Charles C. Hart;
November–December 10, 1929.
Major Topics: Brown University conferral of honorary Doctor of Law degree
upon Kellogg; Nobel Peace Prize; private property rights; prevention of
war; Kellogg speech at Pilgrims of Great Britain dinner in London,
England; Kellogg “Building on the Peace Pact” radio address; pamphlet
The Redemption and Fulfillment of Prophecies.
Principal Correspondents: Clarence A. Barbour; Laurits S. Swenson.
Reel 39
December 11–31, 1929.
Major Topics: Postponement of Nobel Peace Prize; World Court and juridical
questions; General Treaty of Inter-American Arbitration of 1929;
University College, Oxford, honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law; U.S.
policy toward Soviet Union; Pravda article “The Plans for Red Day in
Moscow”; The Pilgrims of Great Britain dinner speeches; campaign on
behalf of Kellogg for Nobel Peace Prize; proposed changes to antiwar
treaty; requests for Kellogg autograph.
Principal Correspondents: Ralph M. Easley; William H. Beck; Ray Lyman
0182 January 1–20, 1930.
Major Topics: Economic conditions in Europe; U.S. adherence to World
Court; U.S. peace movement; League of Nations provisions for arbitration
and conciliation; requests for Kellogg photo and autograph; campaign on
behalf of Kellogg for Nobel Peace Prize; International Chamber of
Commerce endorsement of world peace.
Principal Correspondents: Aristide Briand; William S. Culbertson; Jean
Kellogg Austin; Edward N. Hurley.
0347 January 21–31, 1930.
Major Topics: U.S. immigration restriction; Kellogg address at Shubert
Theatre, Minneapolis, Minn., December 1929; campaign on behalf of
Kellogg for Nobel Peace Prize; Russia-China relations; Kellogg honorary
Doctor of Law degree from Brown University; suggestions for amending
Kellogg Peace Pact.
Principal Correspondents: Charles P. Craig; Willis Van Devanter; William
Howard Taft; Clarence A. Barbour; Charles Evans Hughes; Arthur Bliss
Lane; Ralph M. Easley; Stanley K. Hornbeck.
0464 February 1930.
Major Topics: Selection of American Rhodes Scholars by districts; death of
Paul B. Cook; campaign on behalf of Kellogg for Nobel Peace Prize; U.S.
immigration quota legislation; sympathy notes to Clara M. Kellogg on
Frame No.
death of brother, Paul B. Cook; U.S. adherence to World Court; political
conditions in Japan; Kellogg honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from
Occidental College, Calif.; construction of Washington Cathedral;
centralized government control House Resolution 185; League of Nations;
Rhodes scholarships; Kellogg biographical sketch.
Principal Correspondents: W. J. Mayo; Wilbur J. Carr; William Howard Taft;
Willis Van Devanter; Pierce Butler; William D. Mitchell; Lauritz S.
Swenson; James E. Freeman; John J. Pershing; Louis Ludlow.
March 1930.
Major Topics: Requests for Kellogg autograph; U.S. debt to Great Britain;
campaign on behalf of Kellogg for Nobel Peace Prize; conditions in
China; Kellogg address before The League of Political Education, New
York; Kellogg address at Peace Meeting at Shubert Theatre; possibility
of war.
Principal Correspondents: Herbert Hoover; Donald J. Cowling; William S.
Culbertson; Nelson Trusler Johnson; Willis Van Devanter; Charles Evans
Hughes; F. W. Kelsey.
Reel 40
April 1930.
Major Topics: Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; World Court opponents; Peru
opinion of Tacna-Arica question; League of Nations; World Court;
Kellogg testimony before Foreign Relations Committee; Pilgrims of Great
Britain dinner; arbitration and conciliation treaties; comments on World
Court pamphlet Fifty Questions Answered; list of British ambassadors and
ministers to the United States; newspaper articles on Kellogg address “The
Outlook for World Peace”; Roosevelt Memorial Association, Inc.; Kellogg
address “World Peace and the World Court” before the Chicago Bar
Association; requests for Kellogg autograph; nomination of John J. Parker
for associate justice of U.S. Supreme Court; Minnesota Law Review
publication of speech “The World Court” by Frank B. Kellogg.
Principal Correspondents: Salmon O. Levinson; William S. Culbertson;
Herbert Hoover; Charles M. Barnes.
May 1930.
Major Topics: World Court; revised system for electing Rhodes Scholars;
China; recommendation of Kellogg for judge of World Court; Magna
Carta Day; Naval Limitation Treaty; Carleton College; Standard Oil case;
Greece; requests for Kellogg autograph; Pan American Union; transcript
of Kellogg address at Brown University; Kellogg membership in
American Society of the French Legion of Honor; foreign trade; Charles
A. Boston.
Principal Correspondents: William H. Beck; Philip H. Kerr; Leo S. Rowe;
Donald J. Cowling.
Frame No.
0397 June 1930.
Major Topics: Minnesota Law Review publication of speech “The World
Court” by Frank B. Kellogg; Lady Nancy Witcher Langhorne Astor;
Immigration Act; affect of tariff bill on foreign trade; London Treaty;
Tacna-Arica plebiscite; Rhodes scholarships; Carleton College; Kellogg
address at Brown University; booklet Envoys Extraordinary; gifts and
private contributions for young children in Great Britain; amendments to
Banking Act and Federal Reserve Act; Kellogg receipt of Grand Prix
world peace award from La Orden Del Olivo society, Argentina; Monroe
Doctrine; peace movement.
Principal Correspondents: Lady Nancy Witcher Langhorne Astor; Charles C.
Eberhardt; Clarence A. Barbour; Nicholas Murray Butler; Henry L.
0583 July–August, 1930.
Major Topics: Monroe Doctrine; tariff bill; Treaty for the Limitation and
Reduction of Naval Armament of 1930; Francis Beattie Thomlinson
citizenship; Uruguay adherence to antiwar treaty; Pact of Paris; complaint
against Ford Motor Company; American Peace Society list “Men who
Serve the Nation”; Carleton College; World Court at The Hague; Kellogg
nomination for judge of World Court; Invitations issued by Kellogg to St.
Paul businessmen for luncheon at Minnesota Club; Minnesota Club
Principal Correspondents: Nicholas Murray Butler; Robert E. Olds; Donald J.
Cowling; Leo S. Rowe.
Reel 41
September 1930.
Major Topics: Tariffs; The American Peace Society; candidates for 1929
Nobel Peace Prize; congratulatory notes on appointment as judge of World
Court at The Hague; 1928 Pact of Paris for the Renunciation of War;
Massachusetts observance of Magna Carta Day; Elihu Root; Kellogg
acceptance of judgeship of World Court; Samuel Colcord recommendation
for Peace Prize.
Principal Correspondents: William E. Borah; Henry D. Kellogg; Jean
Kellogg Austin; Charles Evans Hughes; William S. Culbertson; R. W.
Van Demark; Charles H. Mayo.
0267 October 1930.
Major Topics: Samuel Colcord recommendation for Peace Prize; World Court
at The Hague; Colombia ratification of Treaty for the Renunciation of
War; Herbert Hoover.
Principal Correspondents: Charles Evans Hughes; Joshua Theodore Marriner;
Robert E. Olds; Charles M. Barnes.
0434 November 1930.
Major Topics: World Court; Kellogg membership in National Institute of
Social Sciences; Kellogg biographical sketch; Consolidated Elevator
Frame No.
Company earnings; Poland atrocities in Ukraine; Aristide Briand; The
American Peace Society; Nobel Peace Prize conferral on Kellogg;
congratulatory telegrams to Kellogg on receipt of Nobel Peace Prize;
newspaper clippings regarding Kellogg receipt of Nobel Peace Prize.
Principal Correspondents: George W. Morgan; Calvin Coolidge; Robert E.
Olds; Guy Chase; Theodore Rousseau.
December 1–15, 1930.
Major Topics: Norway; congratulatory telegrams to Kellogg on receipt of
Nobel Peace Prize; Kellogg letters acknowledging congratulatory
messages; The Hague, Nineteenth Session, Twelfth Public Sitting; The
Peace Prize 1930, address of welcome by Prime Minister Joh. Ludw.
Mowinckel; Kellogg speech at Oslo, Norway, on receiving the Nobel
Peace Prize; international bank; Magna Carta movement.
Principal Correspondents: William S. Culbertson; W. L. DeClow.
Reel 42
December 16–31, 1930.
Major Topics: political conditions in France; bill preventing medical
experimentation on dogs in the District of Columbia; political conditions
in Germany.
Principal Correspondent: Robert E. Olds.
0094 January 1931.
Major Topics: transcript of speech “The Briand-Kellogg Pact: Its Origin and
Its Nature”; Nobel Peace Prize; arms control and disarmament; requests
for Kellogg autograph; World Court; Council on Foreign Relations;
Scandinavian commercial treaty; Foreign Affairs; Kellogg acceptance of
invitation to receive Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from Princeton
University; illegal immigration from Canada; American Peace Society;
World Court: Root formula; Permanent Court of International Justice;
American Red Cross drought relief campaign; League of Nations
Association; American Society of International Law; Kellogg address
“Minnesota’s World Citizen” at Minnesota Editorial Association banquet;
Kellogg acceptance of Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws from
University of Minnesota; National World Court Committee; Women’s
International League for Peace and Freedom.
Principal Correspondents: Elihu Root; John W. Davis; Clarence H. Mackay;
Clara M. Kellogg; Hallett Johnson; Walter H. Mallory; Manley O.
Hudson; Leo S. Rowe; Charles Evans Hughes; William R. Castle Jr.;
Herbert Hoover; John J. Esch; Emily G. Balch.
0380 February 1931.
Major Topics: Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom; World
Court Franco-Swiss Free Zone case; The Hague; American Peace Society;
American Red Cross; Kellogg election as vice-president of National
Institute of Social Sciences; Magna Carta Day; Permanent Court of
International Justice; access to German minority schools; railway traffic
Frame No.
between Lithuania and Poland; Kellogg acceptance of Honorary Degree of
Doctor of Civil Laws from Hamline University; Kellogg receipt of Degree
of Doctor of Laws from Occidental College.
Principal Correspondents: Emily G. Balch; Hallett Johnson; John J. Esch;
Calvin Coolidge; Harry S. New; Albert Andrews Roden.
March 1931.
Major Topics: Presentation speech for Kellogg Degree of Doctor of Laws
from Occidental College; international law; foreign relations; Lithuanian
railways; Porto Rico Central Committee; food assistance for Puerto Rico
children; bill for relief of claimants for losses by fire in Minnesota; League
of Nations Conference on Communications and Transit; American Peace
Society; American Red Cross; World Court; International Chamber of
Commerce; National Institute of Social Sciences award to Kellogg of gold
Principal Correspondents: William S. Culbertson; Manley O. Hudson;
William H. Beck; Theodore Roosevelt; John J. Esch; Herbert Hoover;
Silas H. Strawn.
Reel 43
0001 April–May, 1931.
Major Topics: Address of J. H. Finley in awarding medal of the National
Institute of Social Sciences to Kellogg; Kellogg reelection as honorary
vice president of the American Society of International Law; revision of
rules of World Court; American Taxpayers League; Pact of Paris; fiveyear taxation program; American Academy of Air Law; Silas H. Strawn;
Minnesota Taxpayers Association; France naval arms reduction;
Disarmament Conference; World Court Polish-Lithuanian case; minutes
of meeting of Board of Trustees of Carleton College.
Principal Correspondents: George A. Finch; J. A. Arnold; William S.
Culbertson; J. F. Reed; Donald J. Cowling; Samuel Colcord; Enrique
Olaya Herrera; Mineiteiro Adatci; Fred’k W. Kelsey.
0212 June 1931.
Major Topics: Colombia President Enrique Olaya Herrera; Kellogg-Briand
Pact; G. W. Van Dusen; revision of rules of World Court; John L. Finley
remarks on presentation of gold medal of National Institute of Social
Sciences to Kellogg; Colombia ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact;
Austria-Germany Customs Agreement; unveiling of monument of
Woodrow Wilson in Poland; U.S. peace movement; The Women’s
International League for Peace and Freedom; address by David BrynJones of welcome at Kellogg Carleton College luncheon; University of
Minnesota Doctor of Laws degree conferral upon Kellogg; Hamline
University honorary degree of Doctor of Civil Law conferred upon
Kellogg; prospect of Kellogg-Briand motion picture statement; Princeton
University confers honorary Doctor of Laws upon Kellogg; American
Peace Society; World Court cases.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Samuel Colcord; Leo S. Rowe; Silas H. Strawn;
Andrew W. Mellon; William S. Culbertson; William R. Castle Jr.;
William H. Beck; Charles M. Barnes; Hallett Johnson; Mineiteiro Adatci;
Charles M. Barnes; Henry L. Stimson; John J. Esch.
0455 July–August, 1931.
Major Topics: World Court at The Hague; final report of Reunion of British
Official Missions to the United States; Abraham Lincoln Conference;
American Peace Society; France position on naval armaments;
representation of Canada at League of Nations; World Court presentation
to New Church at Delft, Holland, memorial window in memory of scholar,
statesman, and international lawyer, Hugo Grotius; minutes of annual
meeting of board of trustees of Carleton College.
Principal Correspondents: Donald J. Cowling; Charles H. Mayo; John J.
0542 September–October 5, 1931.
Major Topics: Austria-Germany Customs Agreement; Kellogg article “Peace
by Means of Arbitration”; political conditions in Europe; William S.
Culbertson; editorial “Holland and the Toll Union Decision”; AustriaGermany customs case; unveiling of the Columbus Memorial; U.S.
economic conditions; canceling interest on war debts; Pact of Paris;
Disarmament Conference; St. Lawrence Seaway; “Proposals Regarding
the Calling of a Congress of the Bars of the World” by the American Bar
Association; French pamphlet The International Right to Reply and the
Franco-German Relations by Maurice Holderer; decision of the
Permanent Court of International Justice in the Austro-German Customs
Union case; Roosevelt Memorial Association 1931 Annual Report; Navy
budgets and appropriations; Japan-China relations.
Principal Correspondents: Robert E. Olds; Hallett Johnson; Samuel Colcord;
William R. Castle Jr.
Reel 44
October 6–31, 1931.
Major Topics: Japan-China relations; Foreign Policy Association; KelloggBriand Pact; Herbert Hoover; U.S.-Europe depression; American
Taxpayers League; China flood; National Emergency Relief Committee;
World Court; Great Britain–France trade; France tariffs; Louis D.
Brandeis; taxation; Germany; radio talk by Arthur Charles Watkins
“Student equipment for Dealing with World Problems”; National Institute
of Social Sciences; League of Nations assistance to Hungary; Austria
economic conditions; Dwight W. Morrow; France-Switzerland Free
Zones; The Bishop Brent Fund; J. Ramsay MacDonald; Russia five-year
plan; National Student Forum on the Paris Pact; monopolies.
Principal Correspondents: Herbert Hoover; William R. Castle Jr.; Henry L.
Stimson; William H. Beck; Donald J. Cowling; Robert E. Olds; Aristide
Briand; Arthur Charles Watkins.
Frame No.
November 1–15, 1931.
Major Topics: World Court, Permanent Court of International Justice; Japan
invasion and occupation of Manchuria; Minnesota Taxpayers Association;
painting of Kellogg portrait; reduction of armament; taxation; Treaty for
the Renunciation of War; radio address of J. F. Reed, Minnesota
Taxpayers Association; Eighth Conference of Major Industries and
Friendship Dinner; The American Peace Society; Permanent Court of
Arbitration; Germany-Austria Anschluss case.
Principal Correspondents: Jane Addams; Philip A. de Laszlo; Donald J.
Cowling; John J. Esch; Robert E. Olds; Hallett Johnson; James Wilford
0350 November 16–30, 1931.
Major Topics: U.S. vacancy on Hague Tribunal; Japan-China Manchuria
conflict; U.S. Tariff Commission; Minnesota Taxpayers Association;
Switzerland-France Free Zones case; Rhodes Scholarships; National
Institute of Social Sciences; Kellogg endorsement of J. Ramsay
MacDonald for Nobel Peace Prize; taxation; Nine-Power Pacific Pact;
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; Paramount Pictures desire to film World
Court; Manchurian Railroad and Port of Darien; China-Japan trade; radio
address of J. F. Reed, Minnesota Taxpayers Association; Aristide Briand;
The Minneapolis Tribune; World Court.
Principal Correspondents: Robert E. Olds; Laurits S. Swenson; Philip A. de
Laszlo; W. A. Roseborough; Lou Henry Hoover; George W. Wickersham;
Charles M. Barnes; Aristide Briand; Hallett Johnson; Nicholas Murray
0519 December 1–15, 1931.
Major Topics: Japan-China Manchurian conflict; Kellogg medical reports;
Ecuador and Salvador ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact;
Depression of 1929 relief efforts; The American Peace Society; Kellogg
Principal Correspondents: Charles M. Barnes; James T. Shotwell; John J.
Esch; Leo S. Rowe; Robert E. Olds; Philip A. de Laszlo.
0592 December 16–31, 1931.
Major Topics: Germany-Austria Customs Union case; Kellogg speech at
unveiling of bust of James J. Hill, St. Paul, Minn.; World Court;
congratulatory notes to Kellogg on seventy-fifth birthday; “A Son of the
Soil: A Life Which Began in My Neighborhood and Achieved Great
Eminence”; Kellogg portrait; Japan-China Manchurian conflict;
Interorganization Council on Disarmament; economic conditions in U.S.;
“An End to Floundering” by Robert J. Caldwell; Washington Cathedral
building fund; Herbert Hoover portrait; U.S. budget; Minnesota Taxpayers
Principal Correspondents: George W. Wickersham; William H. Beck; J. F.
Reed; Henry L. Stimson; Robert J. Caldwell; Philip A. de Laszlo; Silas H.
Strawn; Laurits S. Swenson.
Frame No.
Reel 45
0001 January 1–5, 1932.
Major Topics: “Frank B. Kellogg: His Life and Work” (senior thesis) by
Friederick B. Kellogg; requests for Kellogg autograph; taxation;
government spending; depression in U.S.; railroads; Japan-China
Manchurian conflict; Washington Cathedral building fund.
Principal Correspondents: John B. Moore; James E. Freeman; W. A.
0108 January 6–31, 1932.
Major Topics: Increase in government spending; English-speaking judges of
the Permanent Court; Kellogg portraits at the State Department and Peace
Palace at The Hague; reappointment of Charles J. Moos as post master,
St. Paul, Minn.; banks and banking; foreign debt; Japan aggression;
taxation; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; Lincoln Memorial University
conferral of Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters upon Kellogg; Kellogg
bronze busts gifts to Carleton College and Corcoran Gallery of Art; JapanChina Manchurian conflict.
Principal Correspondents: Laurits S. Swenson; Silas H. Strawn; Nelson
Trusler Johnson; William J. Mayo.
0244 February 1932.
Major Topics: U.S. budget; taxation; radio address of Silas H. Strawn on
government and business from Washington, D.C.; Japan-China relations;
Department of State appropriations and expenditures; two-hundred
anniversary of birth of George Washington; Disarmament Conference;
The Hague; William R. Castle Jr.; William Randolph Hearst; Equador
ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact. Kingdom of Hejaz and Nejd
ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact.
Principal Correspondents: Silas H. Strawn; William R. Castle Jr.; William
Randolph Hearst; Robert E. Olds; Hallett Johnson; Laurits S. Swenson;
Joseph C. Grew; W. A. Roseborough; Charles M. Barnes; Herbert Hoover.
0388 March–April, 1932.
Major Topics: Japan-China relations; The Hague; Disarmament Conference;
death of Aristide Briand; tariffs; Kellogg medical records; European
financial situation; Kellogg portrait at The Hague; Minnesota Republican
Convention; Calvin Coolidge; taxation; banks and banking; Kellogg
tribute to Aristide Briand for school for boys, Paris, France;
Interorganization Council on Disarmament; Chile.
Principal Correspondents: Henry L. Stimson; W. A. Roseborough; Laurits S.
Swenson; Hallett Johnson; Robert E. Olds; William R. Castle Jr.; Herbert
Hoover; Calvin Coolidge; Clara M. Kellogg; Philip C. Nash; William S.
0603 May–June 15, 1932.
Major Topics: World Court France-Switzerland Free Zones case; taxation;
President M. Doumer of France assassination; government appropriations
and expenditures; international commerce and foreign trade; KelloggBriand Peace Pact; Monroe Doctrine; World Court; National Student
Frame No.
Forum on the Paris Pact; Chile; address “What the Country Has Before It”
by Silas H. Strawn; Council on Foreign Relations; John Mason Mack;
pamphlet An International Government to Secure Permanent Peace by
J. M. Mack; tariffs; German-Poland border; Japan-China conflict.
Principal Correspondents: Robert E. Olds; W. A. Roseborough; Calvin
Coolidge; William R. Castle Jr.; William S. Culbertson; Walter H.
Mallory; Nelson Trusler Johnson.
Reel 46
June 16–July, 1932.
Major Topics: Mexico earthquake; gold in Federal Reserve System;
Permanent Court of International Justice; World Court France-Switzerland
Free Zones case; Kellogg speech at July 4 dinner in Paris, France; Great
Lakes–St. Lawrence Tidewater Association; Chile.
Principal Correspondents: Elihu Root; Edouard M. Herriot; Mineiteiro
Adatci; Charles P. Craig; Henry L. Stimson.
August 1932.
Major Topics: Russia; National Student Forum on the Paris Pact; The Paris
Pact: A Textbook for Teachers and Students in the High School; rules of
dismissal from World Court; banks and banking; St. Lawrence Seaway;
international loans; Peace Ballot Stamp.
Principal Correspondents: Philip A. de Laszlo; Robert E. Olds; Harry S. New;
Ake Hammarskjöld; William R. Castle Jr.
September 1932.
Major Topics: The Hague; Czechoslovakia government case; Kellogg-Briand
Peace Pact; Banks and banking; Supreme Court cornerstone ceremony.
Principal Correspondents: Herbert Hoover; Robert E. Olds; Elihu Root;
Mineiteiro Adatci.
October 1932.
Major Topics: Kellogg health and World Court attendance; The Minnesota
Club; Colombia-Peru boundary lines; The Hague; St. Lawrence Seaway;
American Bar Association Committee on Supreme Court Cornerstone
Ceremony; Minnesota political situation; Council on Foreign Relations;
France willingness to carry out World Court decision in FranceSwitzerland Free Zones case; banks and banking.
Principal Correspondents: Guy Chase; Hallett Johnson; Charles J. Moos;
Walter H. Mallory; Mineiteiro Adatci; Calvin Coolidge; Robert E. Olds;
Laurits S. Swenson.
November 1–20, 1932.
Major Topics: Czechoslovakia-Hungary Mixed Arbitral Tribunal; St.
Lawrence Seaway; Russia; Silas H. Strawn address “The Chamber of
Commerce of the United States”; draft report of Committee on
Governmental Debts Due the United States; Silas H. Strawn address
“Economics and International Relations”; Pact of Paris; war article “Let’s
Advertise this Hell!”; Kellogg receipt of Cardinal Newman Memorial
Frame No.
Award for 1932; Kellogg speech at Illinois University upon receiving
Cardinal Newman Medal; Kellogg family genealogy; government
liabilities; draft statement by The Committee on Economic Sanctions;
banks and banking; presidential election; recommendation of Reinhard
Dohrn for Nobel Peace Prize of 1933.
Principal Correspondents: Charles P. Craig; Hugh L. Cooper; Nicholas
Murray Butler; John A. O’Brien; Herbert Hoover.
Reel 47
November 21–December, 1932.
Major Topics: 1932 Presidential election; death of Robert E. Olds; Russia;
speech by Thomas W. Lamont “Our Universities in an Unsettled World”;
banks and banking; Consolidated Elevator Company; air postal service;
St. Paul, Minn., street named Kellogg Boulevard; Silas H. Strawn speech
on world economic conditions; Council on Foreign Affairs; Permanent
Court of International Justice, The Hague; securities investments.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Hugh L. Cooper; John W.
Davis; George W. Morgan; William S. Culbertson; Walter H. Malory;
Ake Hammarskjöld.
0148 January 1933.
Major Topics: Proposed new foreign trade rule of World Court; tribute to
Elihu Root; Hitler interview quotes; requests for Kellogg autograph;
remedies for world depression; railroads; death of Calvin Coolidge; World
Court cases; Republican organizations memorial service for Calvin
Coolidge; appeals against judgments of Hungary-Czechoslovakia Mixed
Arbitral Tribunal; Chinese Eastern Railway; Amelia Earhart.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Mineiteiro Adatci; Ake
Hammarskjöld; Nelson Trusler Johnson.
0257 February–March, 1933.
Major Topics: World Court cases; U.S. peace movement; Kellogg-Briand
Peace Pact; Japan; Czechoslovakia court appeals; State Department
appointments; John Garibaldi Sargent; letter of Hungary government to
World Court; statement of Czechoslovakia government to Permanent
Court of International Justice, The Hague; opening of banks; Minnesota
Duluth Herald fiftieth anniversary; Kellogg congratulations to Franklin D.
Roosevelt on election; Bankruptcy Act.
Principal Correspondents: Mineiteiro Adatci; William S. Culbertson; Ake
Hammarskjöld; Louis McH. Howe; Drew Pearson.
0442 April 1933.
Major Topics: World Court; Dutch peace stamp; Czechoslovakia; banks and
banking; Salomon-Lazano Treaty between Colombia and Peru; Brazil;
Charles P. Craig; Hungary and Czechoslovakia World Court suits;
withdrawal of Denmark and Norway in South-East Greenland legal status
case; Calvin Coolidge; Pact of Paris; Salmon O. Levinson claim of
contribution to peace treaty; “The Pact of Paris: A Bibliography”; “The
Frame No.
Ouchy Convention: An Effort to Reduce the Current Obstacles to Trade”
by Hallett Johnson.
Principal Correspondents: Ake Hammarskjöld; Guy Chase; Hallett Johnson;
Mineiteiro Adatci; Hugh L. Cooper; Henry I. Green; Spencer Phenix.
May–June, 1933.
Major Topics: Salmon O. Levinson claim of contribution to peace treaty;
World Court; Colombia-Peru-Brazil boundary matter; banks and banking;
Arms Embargo Resolution; Germany; war veterans; Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact; Kellogg possible resignation from World Court; Consolidated
Elevator Company; Carlton College honors thesis “Frank B. Kellogg as
Secretary of State” by Caroline D. Burtis; Kellogg medical report; bank
guaranty bill; Germany-Poland dispute letter at The Hague; Franklin D.
Roosevelt administration; Warren G. Harding; Minnesota State Tax
Association; Peru-Colombia boundary treaty; Industrial Recovery Bill
provision for taxes; manufacturing prices; English-Speaking Union of the
United States; World Court cases; Women’s International League for
Peace and Freedom.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Salmon O. Levinson; Joshua
Theodore Marriner; Hugh L. Cooper; Hallett Johnson; James T. Shotwell;
Cordell Hull; Ake Hammarskjöld; Mineiteiro Adatci; George H. Spencer;
Dorothy Detzer.
Reel 48
0001 July–September, 1933.
Major Topics: World Court; economic indicators; Bolivia-Paraguay conflict;
Silas H. Strawn address “The United States and the Rest of the World”;
schedule of the Permanent Court of International Justice cases; public
welfare programs; William S. Culbertson; Great Lakes–St. Lawrence
Tidewater Association; Kellogg possible resignation from World Court;
Peace Palace at The Hague acquires U.S. Supreme Court decisions;
Carlton College loan; meeting of Committee for Mobilization of Human
Needs at White House; Kellogg attendance at World Court; Kellogg
photograph of painting for Mayo Clinic; Harry L. Hopkins; war; inflation;
election of officers of World Court; recognition of Russia; statement “The
Churches and the National Recovery Program.”
Principal Correspondents: Dorothy Detzer; Ake Hammarskjöld; Mineiteiro
Adatci; Charles P. Craig; Donald J. Cowling; Newton D. Baker; William
R. Castle Jr.
0161 October–December, 1933.
Major Topics: Roosevelt Memorial Association; Roosevelt Distinguished
Service Medal award to Stephen Vincent Benét for “John Brown’s Body”;
Indian Truth monthly publication; American Federation of Labor; farmers
strike; Library of the Palace of Peace, The Hague, request for future
Supreme Court reports; inflation; securities; Czechoslovakia-Hungary
World Court case; U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Edward Douglas
Frame No.
White memorial; Monroe Doctrine; Germany; arms control and
disarmament; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact ratifications; Geneva
Disarmament Conference; World Court.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Guy Chase; Homer S.
Cummings; Theodore Marriner; Norman H. Davis; Mineiteiro Adatci;
Cordell Hull.
0376 January 1934.
Major Topics: “History of the Paris Pact” by Frank B. Kellogg; banks and
banking; World Court; Free Zones case settled; Calvin Coolidge; Mexico;
Monroe Doctrine.
Principal Correspondents: Ake Hammarskjöld; James R. Sheffield; William
R. Castle Jr.
0481 February–March, 1934.
Major Topics: Monroe Doctrine; Mexico; World Court (Root) Protocol;
inflation; U.S.–Mexico relations; Kellogg receipt of honorary Doctor of
Literary Humanitarian Degree from Rollins College; English-Speaking
Union of the United States; Cecil J. B. Hurst; Farm Labor Platform.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Henry I. Green; Ake
0628 April–May 15, 1934.
Major Topics: The League of Nations Association, Inc.; League of Nations
Petition statement by Newton D. Baker; revision of rules of World Court;
fellowships to Sweden; Belgium–United Kingdom agreement; Council on
Foreign Relations; iron and steel industry; War Department Revolutionary
War debt; Homer Cummings Rollins College address “Education, Science,
and the New Deal”; Kellogg reminiscences; American Peace Society;
railroads; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact.
Principal Correspondents: Henry Goddard Leach; Cecil J. B. Hurst; Ake
Hammarskjöld; Walter H. Mallory; John J. Esch; Manley O. Hudson.
Reel 49
May 16–June, 1934.
Major Topics: Chaco War; Permanent Court of International justice; Library
of the Palace of Peace; Root Protocol of World Court; Consolidated
Elevator Company; revision of rules of World Court; business; Fifth
International Conference of American States; World Court cases; Carleton
College; drought; naval vessels; political conditions in Europe; possibility
of war; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; English-Speaking Union of the United
Principal Correspondents: Andrew W. Mellon; Cecil J. B. Hurst; Laurits S.
Swenson; Harrison G. Dwight; Ake Hammarskjöld; Manley O. Hudson;
Donald J. Cowling.
0126 July–September, 1934.
Major Topics: Brazil ratifies Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; Good Neighbor
Policy; government and business; State Department Treaty Series; Sixth
Frame No.
International Conference of American States; New Deal; Minnesota
elections; Kellogg Mayo brothers testimonial dinner address; Permanent
Court of International Justice.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Harrison G. Dwight; Hugh
S. Gibson; Ake Hammarskjöld; Cecil J. B. Hurst; Cordell Hull.
0310 October–December, 1934.
Major Topics: Kellogg health condition; League of Nations; Carleton College;
Permanent Court of International Justice; English-Speaking Union of the
United States; candidates for Nobel Peace Prize; Department of State;
Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Principal Correspondents: W. H. Donaldson; Guy Chase; Manley O. Hudson;
Cecil J. B. Hurst; William R. Castle Jr.; Ake Hammarskjöld; Cordell Hull;
Donald J. Cowling.
0500 January–February, 1935.
Major Topics: Carleton College; death of Mineiteiro Adatci; World Court
protocol; English-Speaking Union of the United States; Kellogg income
tax; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; chronology of events connected with
Dawes Plan; economic conditions in Europe; London Reparation
Conference; Great Britain–France relations; Kellogg memoir; League of
Nations; Charles J. Moos; Carnegie Corporation; Council on Foreign
Principal Correspondents: Donald J. Cowling; Cecil J. B. Hurst; Ake
Hammarskjöld; George W. Wickersham; Guy Chase; Manley O. Hudson.
0621 March–April, 1935.
Major Topics: Permanent Court of International Justice; English-Speaking
Union of the United States; World Court functioning; Kellogg income tax;
Bainbridge Colby–Kellogg armament views; Italy and the Unredeemed
Isles of Greece pamphlet; list of Chicago businessmen; war; Burlington
Railroad; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact joint resolution; Kellogg welcome
address on arrival of Burlington Zephyr in Minneapolis, Minn.; House
Joint Resolution No. 167 to minimize possibility of war; New Deal;
Republican National Committee.
Principal Correspondents: Ake Hammarskjöld; Guy Chase; J. Theodore
Marriner; William R. Castle Jr.; Herbert Hoover; Manley O. Hudson.
Reel 50
May–August, 1935.
Major Topics: Roosevelt Memorial Association; World Court rules and
report; Congressional Medal of Honor screen story; war; House Joint
Resolution 167 to prevent war; Library of the Palace of Peace exhibition
to commemorate centenary of Andrew Carnegie’s birth; World Court
cases; taxation; arms trade; Pact of Paris; China-Japan relations; Ethiopian
Crisis; New Deal.
Frame No.
Principal Correspondents: Donald J. Cowling; Ake Hammarskjöld; Louis L.
Ludlow; William R. Castle Jr.; Nelson Trusler Johnson; Thomas Jesse
Jones; Charles J. Moos; Cecil J. B. Hurst.
0160 September–December, 1935.
Major Topics: League of Nations Association; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact;
Permanent Court of International Justice; resolutions for prevention of
war; Kellogg resignation from Court of International Justice; EthiopiaItaly relations; possibility of war in Europe; 1936 U.S. elections; EnglishSpeaking Union of the United States; Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.;
Kellogg radio speech “The Pact of Paris and the Relationship of the
United States to the World Community; disarmament; Mark Twain;
Kellogg reminiscences; Ethiopia-Italy relations; Vermillion and Mesabe
iron ore ranges; iron and steel industry.
Principal Correspondents: Ake Hammarskjöld; Clark M. Eichelberger; Cecil
J. B. Hurst; Manley O. Hudson; Joshua Theodore Marriner; Charles D.
Hilles; Cordell Hull.
0356 January–April, 1936.
Major Topics: First Trust Company of Saint Paul financial statement; death of
King George V of Great Britain; Kellogg-Briand Pact; defense budget and
appropriations; publications of the Court at the Hague; English-Speaking
Union of the United States; Kellogg reminiscences.
Principal Correspondent: Guy Chase.
0475 May–August, 1936.
Major Topics: Federal Child Labor Amendment; importation of agricultural
commodities; Permanent Court of International Justice; Minnesota
politics; Kellogg-Briand Pact; anti-war House Joint Resolution 167;
Carleton College; 1936 elections; congratulatory notes to Kellogg on
fiftieth wedding anniversary; extracts of FDR speeches; farms and
Principal Correspondents: Harry E. Fosdick; Ake Hammarskjöld; Henry P.
Fletcher; Herbert Hoover; Louis Ludlow; William R. Castle Jr.; Alf M.
Landon; Nelson Trusler Johnson.
0616 September–December, 1936.
Major Topics: Queen Mary’s Message to the Nation on death of her husband,
King George V; St. Lawrence Seaway; Roosevelt administration; Kellogg
reminiscences; League of Nations; farms and farmers; Minnesota politics;
National Council of the English-Speaking Union; Carleton College;
Council on Foreign Relations; Britain and America: Guardians of World
Peace pamphlet; Pact of Paris peace pen; Kellogg portrait for Carleton
College; Kellogg eightieth birthday greetings.
Principal Correspondents: William R. Castle Jr.; Cordell Hull; Frank S. Coan;
Donald J. Cowling.
Frame No.
Reel 51
January–May, 1937.
Major Topics: Kellogg member of American Society of the French Legion of
Honor; farms and farmers; human rights and freemasonry; Kellogg
portrait to Carleton College; English-Speaking Union report; Pact of Paris
peace pen; Kellogg biography; Minnesota State Supreme Court; Kellogg
support for bills of 65th Congress and 66th Congress, 1st Session; peace
resolution; political conditions in Minnesota; Elihu Root; U.S. Supreme
Court; World War I; Emergency Peace Campaign; Oxford University.
Principal Correspondents: Charles J. Moos; Frank S. Coan; Donald J.
Cowling; Cordell Hull; David Bryn-Jones; Guy Chase; Louis Ludlow;
William R. Castle Jr.; Nelson Trusler Johnson.
0161 June–September, 1937.
Major Topics: Minnesota State Bar Association; English-Speaking Union
report; list of photographs for Kellogg biography; Marthe Garel editorial
“A Man of Peace”; radio broadcast to commemorate Kellogg-Briand Pact;
railroad bonds; railroads.
Principal Correspondents: Frank S. Coan; David Bryn-Jones; James E.
Freeman; Manley O. Hudson; George W. Morgan.
0290 October–December, 1937.
Major Topics: Kellogg biography; Pact of Paris; labor Wage-Hour Act;
foreign travel to United States; Kellogg Washington National Cathedral
burial request; Kellogg death, Dec. 21, 1937; letters of condolences to
Clara M. Kellogg.
Principal Correspondents: Guy Chase; William R. Castle Jr.; James E.
Freeman; Theodore Roosevelt; Albert Shaw; Leo S. Rowe; William J.
Mayo; Frederic R. Dolbeare.
0400 1938.
Major Topics: Kellogg memorial by Silas H. Strawn; Department of State
press releases; Kellogg will; Pact of Paris peace pen; U.S. District Courts
rules for civil procedure; Minnesota Historical Society; Kellogg memorial
at Washington National Cathedral; minutes of Permanent Court of
International Justice, Peace Palace; Fort Snelling; stained glass window
memorial to Kellogg at Washington National Cathedral.
Principal Correspondents: Cordell Hull; David Bryn-Jones; William H. Beck;
Guy Chase; James E. Freeman; Charles A. Lindbergh; William R. Castle
Jr.; Clara M. Kellogg; Noble C. Powell.
0537 1939–1942.
Major Topics: Kellogg stained glass window memorial for Washington
National Cathedral; Kellogg Pact peace pen to Department of State;
Minnesota Historical Society; dedication of Kellogg memorial window;
Kellogg memorial government room and library at St. Albans School,
Washington, D.C.
Principal Correspondents: Clara M. Kellogg; Cordell Hull; Guy Chase; Leo
S. Rowe; Noble C. Powell.
Frame No.
Reel 52
Volume 1. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. Interstate Commerce
Commission Investigation of Edward H. Harriman’s Railroad Interests.
January 4–10, 1907.
Major Topics: Interstate Commerce Commission investigation into Railroad
interests of Edward H. Harriman and William Rockefeller; railroad
Volume 2. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. Interstate Commerce
Commission Investigation of Edward H. Harriman’s Railroad Interests.
January 19–March 15, 1907.
Major Topics: ICC Investigation into Edward H. Harriman railroad interests;
railroad monopoly.
Volume 3. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. September 1, 1924–February
26, 1925.
Major Topics: German trade balance; League of Nations; foreign trade; U.S.–
Great Britain relations; Kellogg Peace Pact; Calvin Coolidge.
Volume 4. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. February 27–May 24, 1925.
Major Topics: Calvin Coolidge; Dawes Plan; Charles Evans Hughes; peace
movement; World Court; Disarmament Conference; Department of State;
Calvin Coolidge Cabinet; U.S. foreign relations; Russia; William E.
Borah; Soviet propaganda.
Volume 5. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. April 22–June 30, 1925.
Major Topics: Disarmament; Calvin Coolidge; Europe war debts; U.S.Mexico relations; Mexico.
Volume 6. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. July 1–October 31, 1925;
March 1–15, 1926.
Major Topics: U.S.-Mexico relations; China; Calvin Coolidge; negotiations
with China; disarmament; St Lawrence waterway.
Volume 7. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. November 1, 1925–February
10, 1926.
Major Topics: Russia; China tariff; Calvin Coolidge; U.S. foreign relations;
Herbert Hoover; Mexico.
Volume 8. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. August 3–December 2, 1926.
Major Topics: Mexico crisis; Geneva Conference; disarmament; Tacna-Arica
provinces dispute between Chile and Peru; China.
Reel 53
Volume 9. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. December 2, 1926–February
24, 1927.
Major Topics: Mexico; Tacna-Arica dispute; Chile; Peru; rivals for power in
Nicaragua; Calvin Coolidge; Russian Bolshevik activities in Mexico;
0089 Volume 10. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. February 24–July 25, 1927.
Major Topics: U.S.-China relations; Mexico; Calvin Coolidge; Herbert
Hoover; Chile-Peru crisis; U.S.–Great Britain relations; Nicaragua;
Frame No.
Canadian border immigration; Naval Disarmament Conference; Charles
A. Lindbergh.
0186 Volume 11. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. February 14–April 10,
Major Topics: Outlawry of war; Frank B. Kellogg–Aristide Briand views on
peace agreement; Pan-American Conference; Nicaragua.
0296 Volume 12. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. April 10–May 13, 1928.
Major Topics: St. Lawrence Seaway negotiations; Kellogg-Briand peace plan
conversations; outlawry of war; trade with Russia.
0402 Volume 13. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. July 10–August 3, 1928.
Major Topics: Calvin Coolidge foreign relations; Chile-Peru relations;
Germany acceptance of Kellogg peace treaty; U.S.-Japan relations; China.
0506 Volume 14. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. August 4–27, 1928.
Major Topics: Anti-war treaty; Chile-Peru relations; Russia; disarmament;
Calvin Coolidge.
Reel 54
Volume 15. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. August 27–September 11,
Major Topics: Signing in Paris of Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; Russia; Monroe
Doctrine; World Court; U.S.-China relations; Great Britain.
Volume 16. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. September 11–November 2,
Major Topics: Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; Russia; Monroe Doctrine;
Germany; disarmament; Chile-Peru relations; Anglo-French naval
agreement; St Lawrence waterway; China.
Volume 17. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. November 2–December 3,
Major Topics: Nicaragua election; Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact; Canada;
Herbert Hoover; Armistice Day; Latin America; Calvin Coolidge; William
E. Borah; World Court; railroads; Russia; Chile-Peru relations; navy bill.
Volume 18. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. December 3–31, 1928.
Major Topics: Calvin Coolidge message to Congress; Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact; Pan-American Conference on arbitration; Nicaragua; League of
Nations; navy bill; U.S. foreign relations.
Volume 19. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. December 31, 1928–
February 12, 1929.
Major Topics: Woodrow Wilson; Monroe Doctrine; Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact; navy bill; Pan-American Conference on arbitration.
Volume 20. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. February 12–28, 1929.
Major Topics: World Court; Kellogg-Brian Peace Pact; navy bill; Calvin
Frame No.
Volume 21. Newspaper and Magazine Clippings. 1937–1938. Photographs.
Undated; 1928.
Major Topics: Death of Kellogg; Kellogg biography; Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact; Kellogg burial.
Volume 22. [Visitors’ Book?]. January 3–October 17, 1924.
Major Topic: Memorial service attendees.
Volume 23. Testimonial to Frank B. Kellogg. February 23, 1929.
Major Topic: Testimonial signatures.
Volume 24. Resolution of Appreciation and Gratitude. March 11, 1929.
Major Topic: Signatures of ambassadors, ministers and chargés d’ affaires,
and members of governing board of the Pan American Union.
Volume 25. Memorial to Frank Billings Kellogg. December 28, 1937.
Major Topic: Memorial from The First National Bank of St. Paul, Minn., for
years of service as director and legal counsel.
Volume 26. Memorial to Frank Billings Kellogg. January 12, 1938.
Major Topic: Memorial from directors of First Trust Company of St. Paul,
Minn., for service on board.
The following index is a guide to the principal correspondents in this microform publication.
The first number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the
colon refers to the frame number at which the file containing information on the subject begins.
Hence, 28: 0001 directs researchers to Frame 0001 of Reel 28. By referring to the Reel Index,
which constitutes the initial segment of this guide, the researcher will find the folder title;
inclusive dates, if not supplied in the folder title, and a list of Major Topics and Principal
Correspondents, listed in the order in which they appear on the film.
Most correspondence in this collection is either to or from Frank B. Kellogg, therefore his
name is not included as a principal correspondent in this index.
Anderson, Henry W.
19: 0455
Anderson, Sydney
20: 0454
Anderson, Victor E.
9: 0142
Anderson, William
11: 0560
Armour, Norman
38: 0001
Armstrong, J. D.
11: 0352; 33: 0136
Arneson, J. S.
33: 0001
Arnold, Frank
10: 0178
Arnold, J. A.
43: 0001
Askeland, H.
4: 0383
Astor, Lady Nancy Witcher Langhorne
22: 0613; 40: 0397
Atherton, Ray
38: 0455
Atkins, W. H.
29: 0211
Abbott, E. T.
28: 0001
Abbott, Lawrence F.
8: 0258
Adair, H. P.
9: 0001
Adams, Charles R.
9: 0142
Adams, Elmer E.
9: 0001; 11: 0001; 23: 0238, 0518
Adams, Frank D.
4: 0001, 0110; 5: 0120
Adatci, Mineiteiro
43: 0001, 0212; 46: 0001, 0332, 0469;
47: 0148, 0257, 0442, 0569–
48: 0161
Addams, Jane
44: 0199
Alexander, Charles L.
9: 0142
Allen, William H.
5: 0001
Anderson, A. G.
9: 0001
Anderson, Chandler P.
19: 0001
Anderson, D. A.
5: 0001
Beck, James M.
3: 0270; 14: 0287, 0706; 27: 0215
Beck, Joseph H.
27: 0001
Beck, William H.
24: 0117; 25: 0394; 26: 0095; 28: 0383;
35: 0368; 39: 0001; 40: 0197;
42: 0610; 43: 0212; 44: 0001, 0592;
51: 0400
Beek, Joseph H.
1: 0249, 0396; 3: 0270; 4: 0110
Bennett, R. M.
9: 0001
Benson, Henry N.
4: 0383
Benson, Robert H.
4: 0001, 0110; 20: 0309
Bergengren, Roy F.
10: 0492
Blair, Percy
17: 0083; 19: 0455
Blethen, Ralph V.
9: 0142
Block, Henry W. C.
10: 0492
Bloomer, Millard J.
36: 0001
Bolling, Raynal C.
3: 0270; 4: 0110
Borah, William E.
2: 0679; 33: 0288, 0561; 41: 0001
Borges, E. Gil
18: 0661; 19: 0122; 20: 0088, 0309;
24: 0287; 35: 0368
Brady, Peter J.
28: 0604
Briand, Aristide
34: 0153; 39: 0182; 44: 0001, 0350
Briggs, Asa G.
19: 0275; 26: 0526
Bristol, Mark L.
24: 0001
Brooker, Charles F.
1: 0546
Brower, R. B.
9: 0325
Austin, Jean Kellogg
3: 0630; 4: 0001, 0110; 6: 0001, 0246,
0698; 11: 0107; 27: 0215; 29: 0211;
36: 0001; 37: 0001; 38: 0455;
39: 0182; 41: 0001
Austin, Seabury
13: 0599
Bacheller, Irving A.
35: 0001; 38: 0001
Baird, Frank B.
27: 0215
Baker, Newton D.
48: 0001
Balch, Emily G.
42: 0094, 0380
Baldwin, Elbert F.
7: 0485
Bancroft, Edgar A.
3: 0001; 4: 0383; 7: 0298; 15: 0500
Banning, Archibald T., Jr.
3: 0630; 4: 0110
Barbour, Clarence A.
38: 0654; 39: 0347; 40: 0397
Barker, Lewellys F.
33: 0001
Barnes, Charles M.
40: 0001; 41: 0267; 43: 0212; 44: 0350,
0519; 45: 0244
Barnes, Julius H.
4: 0650
Barnett, George
25: 0394
Barratt, J. Arthur
11: 0560
Barrett, John
10: 0630; 17: 0377
Bartholomew, W. S.
4: 0110
Bartlett, Lester
5: 0001
Bartlett, Winnifred
5: 0361
Bauer, Charles C.
33: 0561
Beatson, J. W.
5: 0001
49: 0126, 0310, 0621; 50: 0001,
0475, 0616; 51: 0001, 0290, 0400
Caswell, Irving A.
3: 0451; 7: 0298; 9: 0325; 14: 0287
Cayley, L. R.
9: 0325
Chamberlain, Austen
14: 0501
Chamberlain, E. T.
7: 0298
Champlin, George W.
9: 0142
Chase, Guy
2: 0116; 11: 0352, 0560; 22: 0343;
26: 0001, 0526, 0727; 30: 0208,
0353; 31: 0076, 0510; 33: 0001,
0136, 0561; 34: 0367, 0589;
36: 0353; 37: 0447; 41: 0434;
46: 0469; 47: 0442; 48: 0161;
49: 0310, 0500, 0621; 50: 0356;
51: 0001, 0290, 0400, 0537
Chase, Josiah H.
28: 0238
Chase, Nathan H.
7: 0634
Christensen, Oscar F.
2: 0292
Christianson, Theodore
3: 0001
Clapp, Moses E.
1: 0396; 2: 0001; 5: 0120; 6: 0001, 0246
Clark, D. F.
3: 0630
Clarke, S. B.
2: 0292
Clémentel, M.
13: 0386
Coan, Frank S.
50: 0616; 51: 0001, 0161
Cochrane, Thomas
10: 0492
Codman, William
4: 0001, 0383
Colcord, Samuel
43: 0001, 0212, 0542
Brown, Elmer E.
25: 0047; 26: 0001
Bruce, Andrew A.
5: 0001
Bruce, Robert
20: 0088
Bryn-Jones, David
51: 0001, 0161, 0400
Bullard, W. H. G.
7: 0485
Bunn, Charles W.
9: 0001; 36: 0507
Burkholder, J. B.
5: 0120
Burns, John A.
8: 0055
Burr, Stiles W.
3: 0270
Burry, William
8: 0515; 9: 0001
Butler, Nicholas Murray
4: 0110; 26: 0095; 40: 0397, 0583;
44: 0350; 46: 0575
Butler, Pierce
39: 0464
Calderwood, W. G.
5: 0361
Caldwell, Robert J.
44: 0592
Camargo, T. Ceron
6: 0527
Capers, John G.
1: 0546
Carlton, A. E.
10: 0492
Carlton, Newcomb
9: 0325, 0545; 10: 0001, 0281
Carr, Wilbur J.
39: 0464
Castle, William R., Jr.
15: 0001; 17: 0377; 28: 0238; 34: 0153;
38: 0455; 42: 0094; 43: 0212, 0542;
44: 0001; 45: 0244, 0388, 0603;
46: 0118; 47: 0001, 0148, 0569;
48: 0001, 0161, 0376, 0481;
Cowling, Donald J.
4: 0650; 32: 0290, 0624; 34: 0367, 0589;
36: 0001; 39: 0682; 40: 0197, 0583;
43: 0001, 0455; 44: 0001, 0199;
48: 0001; 49: 0001, 0310, 0500;
50: 0001, 0616; 51: 0001
Craig, Charles P.
39: 0347; 46: 0001, 0575; 48: 0001
Craigie, R. L.
7: 0298
Creager, R. B.
18: 0661
Crissinger, D. R.
10: 0281
Crosby, John
8: 0001
Culbertson, William S.
37: 0321; 39: 0182, 0682; 40: 0001;
41: 0001, 0674; 42: 0610–43: 0212;
45: 0388, 0603; 47: 0001, 0257
Cummings, Homer S.
48: 0161
Cummins, Albert B.
2: 0474
Cummins, Carl W.
5: 0120
Curtis, Charles
16: 0001
Curzon, Lord
11: 0107
Cuthbert, Fred T.
7: 0634
Davis, C. R.
4: 0383
Davis, Dwight F.
29: 0593; 30: 0353; 36: 0001
Davis, James J.
27: 0001; 37: 0001
Davis, John W.
10: 0492, 0630; 42: 0094; 47: 0001
Davis, Norman H.
48: 0161
Davis, Tom
4: 0383; 8: 0055, 0258
Cole, A. B.
4: 0001
Cole, Ralph D.
4: 0383
Collier, William Miller
20: 0621; 21: 0458; 22: 0001, 0190;
27: 0591; 35: 0517; 36: 0001
Collins, Paul V.
2: 0116; 3: 0001, 0630; 4: 0110, 0383,
0650; 5: 0001; 33: 0288
Congdon, Chester A.
1: 0249; 2: 0116
Converse, Willard L.
9: 0325
Cook, A. E.
22: 0190
Cook, Paul B.
29: 0211
Cooke, E. C.
9: 0142
Coolidge, Calvin
10: 0492; 11: 0107; 13: 0599; 14: 0287,
0501; 15: 0001, 0650; 17: 0555;
21: 0458; 25: 0047, 0651; 26: 0526;
27: 0215, 0419; 28: 0001; 30: 0001,
0353; 33: 0136, 0288, 0561;
35: 0061; 36: 0216; 37: 0001, 0639;
41: 0434; 42: 0380; 45: 0388, 0603;
46: 0469
Cooper, Hugh L.
46: 0575; 47: 0001, 0442, 0569
Cooper, Merian C.
8: 0055, 0258
Cooper, Paul C.
4: 0001
Cosgrave, William T.
34: 0367
Cosgrove, P. A.
4: 0001
Coudert, Frederic R.
9: 0545
Coursolle, N. M.
4: 0110
Cowles, John H.
18: 0292
Durrell, J. H.
26: 0727
Durst, William A.
8: 0055; 9: 0001, 0325
Dwight, Harrison G.
49: 0001, 0126
Dwinnell, W. S.
5: 0001
Easley, Ralph M.
26: 0267; 28: 0604; 39: 0001, 0347
Eaton, Burt W.
10: 0630; 11: 0001; 14: 0287
Eberhardt, Charles C.
40: 0397
Eberhart, Adolph O.
4: 0001
Eddy, Frank M.
4: 0383
Edgar, William C.
10: 0630
Eichelberger, Clark M.
50: 0160
Ellis, Wade H.
3: 0630
Elwood, J. W.
9: 0545; 10: 0001
Esch, John J.
42: 0094, 0380, 0610; 43: 0212, 0455;
44: 0199, 0519; 48: 0628
Eustis, Edith
23: 0238
Everette, Willis Eugenes
23: 0401
Farnham, Charles W.
4: 0001
Fernald, Gustavus S.
7: 0298; 8: 0055
Finch, George A.
43: 0001
Finch, Sherman
4: 0110
Fischer, Howard L.
14: 0501
Fisher, N. F. Warren
13: 0386
Dawes, Charles G.
11: 0352; 14: 0501
Day, Frank A.
3: 0630
Dean, Charles Ray
9: 0142
DeClow, W. L.
41: 0674
De Laszlo, Philip A.
44: 0199, 0350, 0519, 0592; 46: 0118
Dempsey, S. Wallace
26: 0526
Dennis, Fred
9: 0142
Depew, Chauncey M.
15: 0221
Derby, George
4: 0001
Desborough, Lord
10: 0630
Detzer, Dorothy
47: 0569; 48: 0001
Diamond, John E.
4: 0650
Dodge, Fred B.
21: 0638
Dolan, John A.
5: 0120
Dolbeare, Frederic R.
28: 0091; 30: 0208; 51: 0290
Donaldson, W. H.
49: 0310
Dosland, C. G.
9: 0142
Doyle, Ada
12: 0001
Driscoll, Arthur B.
5: 0001
Duggan, W. J.
20: 0454
Dulles, Allen W.
33: 0001
Dunn, Robert C.
2: 0679–3: 0149; 4: 0383
Durment, Edmund S.
1: 0249
Granger, Henry A.
6: 0527
Green, Henry I.
47: 0442; 48: 0481
Greenman, Jesse E.
9: 0325
Greenway, John C.
2: 0116
Grew, Joseph C.
34: 0153; 45: 0244
Grindeland, Andrew
9: 0001
Grondahl, Jens K.
8: 0515
Gronewold, Theodore J.
2: 0001
Guesmer, Arnold L.
9: 0142
Gunther, Franklin M.
18: 0292
Gustin, Wellington
22: 0507
Haas, Edward H.
3: 0149
Hackworth, Green H.
23: 0001
Hagedorn, Hermann
8: 0258; 10: 0492, 0630; 12: 0001;
25: 0047
Halbert, Hugh T.
2: 0116, 0292
Hall, Darwin S.
1: 0396
Hammarskjöld, Ake
46: 0118; 47: 0001–0569; 48: 0001,
0376–0628; 49: 0001–0621;
50: 0001–0160, 0475
Hammond, John Hays
3: 0270
Hammond, John Henry
7: 0174
Hankey, M. P. A.
12: 0189, 0513; 13: 0001, 0103
Harbord, James G.
29: 0593
Fletcher, Henry P.
14: 0501; 16: 0414; 18: 0292, 0661;
21: 0001, 0180, 0458; 29: 0433;
31: 0681; 32: 0624; 33: 0001, 0288;
50: 0475
Flinn, George A.
4: 0001
Floyd, William
25: 0047
Foley, Daniel F.
10: 0001
Folwell, William W.
7: 0001
Forbes, W. Cameron
24: 0117
Fosdick, Harry E.
50: 0475
Fosmark, Alexander
9: 0142
Fowler, C. R.
7: 0634
Fraser, J. Frank
3: 0001
Freeman, James E.
39: 0464; 45: 0001; 51: 0161– 0400
Frelinghuysen, Joseph S.
26: 0095
Fuller, Hubert B.
3: 0270
Gardner, George H.
4: 0383; 9: 0001
Garner, James Wilford
44: 0199
Gibboney, Stuart G.
20: 0621
Gibson, Hugh S.
22: 0613; 27: 0215, 0419; 49: 0126
Gilbert, S. Parker
14: 0501
Gillette, Lewis S.
4: 0110
Godfrey, M. H.
3: 0630
Gordon, Charles W.
24: 0618
Hill, Louis W.
4: 0650
Hilles, Charles D.
1: 0396, 0546; 50: 0160
Hilton, R. E.
10: 0492
Hines, Frank T.
14: 0501
Hines, Walter D.
3: 0149
Hoidale, Einar
9: 0142
Hollinshead, E. A.
6: 0246
Holm, Michael
24: 0618
Holman, Ida L
5: 0361
Hook, William C.
1: 0249
Hoover, Herbert
7: 0485; 8: 0515; 32: 0624; 38: 0001,
0160; 39: 0682; 40: 0001; 42: 0094,
0610; 44: 0001; 45: 0244, 0388;
46: 0332, 0575; 49: 0621; 50: 0475
Hoover, Lou Henry
44: 0350
Hopkins, L. J.
9: 0001
Hormel, Jay C.
10: 0492
Hornbeck, Stanley K.
39: 0347
Houghton, Alanson B.
11: 0107
House, Edward M.
17: 0083
House, F. E.
5: 0120
Houston, Charles E.
9: 0142
How, Jared
8: 0515
Howard, Charles W.
11: 0107
Harding, Warren G.
9: 0545; 10: 0281
Harrington, Charles M.
21: 0180
Harris, V. B.
9: 0001
Harrison, Leland
9: 0545; 38: 0160
Harrison, Philip
1: 0546
Hart, Charles C.
38: 0455
Harvey, George
23: 0238
Hayes, James H.
14: 0287
Hayward, William
1: 0396, 0546; 2: 0001
Hazzard, George
5: 0120
Healy, Thomas H.
37: 0447
Hearst, William Randolph
38: 0310; 45: 0244
Heffelfinger, Frank T.
14: 0501
Heisey, George A.
7: 0001
Henderson, William B.
9: 0142
Henderson, William R.
9: 0001
Herman, Raphael
14: 0501
Herrera, Enrique Olaya
43: 0001
Herrick, Myron T.
4: 0383; 33: 0136; 34: 0153; 36: 0353
Herriot, Edouard M.
46: 0001
Herriot, M.
12: 0513
Hibbard, C. D.
10: 0281
Hill, David J.
27: 0215
Johnson, Adolph O
1: 0546
Johnson, Andrew G.
5: 0120
Johnson, Frederick A.
6: 0527
Johnson, Hallett
42: 0094, 0380; 43: 0212, 0542;
44: 0199–0350; 45: 0244–0388;
46: 0469; 47: 0442–0569
Johnson, Hiram W.
7: 0298; 34: 0589
Johnson, Nelson Trusler
39: 0682; 45: 0108, 0603; 47: 0148;
50: 0001, 0475; 51: 0001
Johnston, Gordon
18: 0487
Johnston, Laura B.
6: 0246
Jones, Thomas Jesse
50: 0001
Judah, Noble Brandon
30: 0001
Kearney, A. Fletcher
27: 0001–0215; 30: 0208
Keller, Helen
17: 0555; 36: 0001
Kellogg, Clara M.
4: 0110; 6: 0246, 0416, 0698; 7: 0174;
11: 0352, 0560; 14: 0287, 0501;
16: 0167; 19: 0001–0122; 23: 0001;
25: 0047–0394; 42: 0094; 45: 0388;
51: 0400–0537
Kellogg, Henry D.
18: 0292; 24: 0455; 25: 0047; 31: 0076;
33: 0001; 34: 0367; 37: 0001;
41: 0001
Kellogg, Hiram T.
8: 0055
Kelly, James
5: 0001
Kelsey, Frederick W.
32: 0046; 39: 0682; 43: 0001
Kemp, W. Thomas
10: 0492
Howe, E. L.
5: 0120
Howe, Louis McH.
47: 0257
Howorth, R. B.
12: 0189; 13: 0386
Hoyt, Harry F.
14: 0287
Hoyt, Henry F.
31: 0681
Hudson, Manley O.
42: 0094, 0610; 48: 0628; 49: 0001,
0310–0621; 50: 0160; 51: 0161
Hughes, Charles Evans
9: 0325, 0545; 10: 0001, 0492–0630;
11: 0560; 12: 0001; 13: 0599;
14: 0114–0501; 15: 0001, 0332–
0650; 16: 0001, 0414; 20: 0088;
31: 0001, 0300; 34: 0589; 36: 0001;
39: 0347, 0682; 41: 0001–0267;
42: 0094
Hull, Cordell
47: 0569; 48: 0161; 49: 0126–0310;
50: 0160, 0616; 51: 0001, 0400,
Hunt, L. P.
4: 0110
Hunter, William
9: 0001
Hurley, Edward N.
29: 0001; 39: 0182
Hurst, Cecil J. B.
48: 0628; 49: 0001–0500; 50: 0001–
Ijams, George E.
10: 0492
Ingersoll, Frederick G.
3: 0149, 0270; 4: 0001
Iverson, Samuel G.
4: 0110, 0650
Jacks, R. M.
4: 0110
Jansky, C. M., Jr.
9: 0001–0142; 10: 0001, 0281
Johnson, A. G.
2: 0474; 5: 0623
Lassiter, William
21: 0334
Lawrence, David
30: 0353
Lawson, G. W.
9: 0001
Leach, George E.
29: 0433
Leach, Henry Goddard
48: 0628
Leonard, J. A.
1: 0001
Levinson, Salmon O.
26: 0526; 33: 0288; 35: 0368; 40: 0001;
47: 0569
Lilly, Richard C.
38: 0001
Lindbergh, Charles A.
4: 0001, 0383; 51: 0400
Lippmann, Walter
17: 0377; 33: 0288
Littlefield, Walter
28: 0604; 31: 0681
Loamis, Francis B.
7: 0298
Lodge, Henry Cabot
11: 0107
Loeb, William
2: 0474; 3: 0149–0270
Long, Eugene H.
4: 0001
Loomis, Francis B.
30: 0001; 31: 0300
Loring, Albert A.
8: 0055
Loring, Charles
11: 0560
Louisell, M. E.
4: 0110, 0650
Lovell, Arthur J.
8: 0515
Lowden, Frank O.
2: 0474; 5: 0001
Ludlow, Louis L.
26: 0526; 39: 0464; 50: 0001, 0475;
51: 0001
Kendrick, W. Freeland
21: 0334
Kerfoot, Samuel F.
14: 0501
Kerr, Henry H.
13: 0533
Kerr, Philip H.
32: 0479; 38: 0455; 40: 0197
Kerridge, W. H.
13: 0533
Keyes, George T.
5: 0120
Kibbee, E. C.
14: 0706
Kibbey, Robert H.
9: 0325
King, William Lyon Mackenzie
33: 0288; 34: 0153
Kinnear, Ella
16: 0663
Kip, Fred E.
5: 0001
Klein, Julius
35: 0061
Knight, George A.
1: 0396
Knutson, Harold
5: 0120
Kren, Otto
13: 0533
Lafarge, C. Frant
10: 0178
Lamont, Thomas W.
13: 0533–0599; 14: 0001–0114;
32: 0624; 33: 0288
Lancaster, William A.
9: 0001
Landon, Alf M.
50: 0475
Lane, Arthur Bliss
34: 0001; 39: 0347
Lane, Franklin K.
4: 0110
Lane, Henry C.
1: 0001
McCormack, John W.
21: 0334
McCormick, Medill
11: 0560
McDonald, J. A.
3: 0149
McHugh, William D.
1: 0396
McKenzie, Alex
3: 0149
McKenzie, W. E.
4: 0383
McRae, Milton A.
19: 0275
Mee, John Hubert
4: 0110; 5: 0623; 15: 0001
Mellon, Andrew W.
13: 0599; 17: 0377–0555; 35: 0236;
43: 0212; 49: 0001
Merrill, Z. E.
10: 0178
Meyer, Eugene, Jr.
15: 0001
Miller, Arthur A.
9: 0142
Miller, Clarence B.
4: 0383
Miller, David Hunter
35: 0368, 0517
Millett, J. M.
8: 0258
Millington, Charles
5: 0120
Mills, Ira B.
4: 0383
Mitchell, William D.
39: 0464
Montague, R. J.
3: 0630
Moore, John B.
35: 0517; 45: 0001
Moos, Charles J.
2: 0679; 3: 0149, 0270, 0630; 4: 0110–
0650; 5: 0120; 6: 0246; 10: 0630;
11: 0107, 0560; 12: 0001; 13: 0533;
14: 0001–0501; 18:0001; 20: 0001;
Lyon, Charles E.
13: 0533
Maas, Melvin J.
26: 0095
MacDonald, J. Ramsay
11: 0107; 12: 0189, 0513; 14: 0287
Mackay, Clarence H.
8: 0001–0055; 9: 0142–0545; 10: 0001–
0281, 0630; 11: 0560; 12: 0001;
14: 0287; 42: 0094
Macleay, Ronald
9: 0325
MacVeagh, Charles
4: 0110; 28: 0383; 34: 0153
Maddox, Fletcher
4: 0650
Mallory, Walter H.
42: 0094; 45: 0603; 46: 0469; 47: 0001;
48: 0628
Marburg, Theodore
32: 0001; 33: 0561
Marden, Charles S.
9: 0001
Mark, John H.
9: 0325
Markham, James E.
31: 0681
Marriner, Joshua Theodore
41: 0267; 47: 0569; 48: 0161; 49: 0621;
50: 0160
Mayo, Charles H.
30: 0208; 32: 0624; 33: 0136; 35: 0061;
41: 0001; 43: 0455
Mayo, William J.
11: 0001; 35: 0061; 39: 0464; 45: 0108;
51: 0290
Mays, Richard
9: 0545
McClatchy, V. S.
8: 0055
McCleary, James T.
4: 0110
McClellan, Thomas C.
7: 0174
McClure, Wallace
38: 0455
22: 0507, 0613; 23: 0138, 0238;
26: 0267, 0526; 27: 0001; 31: 0076;
32: 0624; 33: 0136, 0288; 34: 0367,
0589; 35: 0517; 36: 0216, 0353;
38: 0310; 46: 0469; 50: 0001;
51: 0001
Morgan, Edwin V.
9: 0325
Morgan, George W.
4: 0110; 10: 0281; 26: 0001; 37: 0639;
41: 0434; 47: 0001; 51: 0161
Morgan, J. P.
11: 0107, 0352; 12: 0001
Morrison, Frank
3: 0149
Morrow, Dwight W.
34: 0001
Moses, George H.
11: 0107
Muldoon, William
2: 0474; 25: 0394
Muller, George W.
23: 0001
Mumford, Edward W.
18: 0153
Nagle, John W.
2: 0474; 3: 0001; 4: 0383
Nash, Philip C.
45: 0388
Nelson, Arthur E.
19: 0122; 27: 0419; 34: 0001
Nelson, Knute
1: 0546; 2: 0001; 3: 0270; 4: 0001–0650;
5: 0120; 6: 0001, 0246; 8: 0258
Nevils, W. Coleman
37: 0001
New, Harry S.
1: 0546; 2: 0001, 0116; 42: 0380;
46: 0118
Newton, Walter H.
14: 0501
Norton, Charles D.
1: 0249
Noyes, Frank B.
25: 0651
O’Brien, James E.
4: 0001
O’Brien, John A.
46: 0575
O’Brien, Thomas
9: 0142
O’Laughlin, John Callan
2: 0474; 3: 0270; 4: 0110, 0383;
11: 0107–0560; 13: 0533
Olcott, W. J.
23: 0238
Oldham, James A.
9: 0325
Olds, Robert E.
1: 0396, 0546; 2: 0116, 0292; 6: 0416,
0698; 7: 0174, 0298, 0634; 8: 0055–
0515; 9: 0142; 10: 0001–0492;
30: 0353, 0549; 33: 0001, 0136;
36: 0216; 40: 0583; 41: 0267, 0434;
42: 0001; 43: 0542; 44: 0001–0519;
45: 0244–0603; 46: 0118–0469
Oliver, George T.
2: 0474
Olsen, George T.
6: 0001
Olson, Julius J.
9: 0142
O’Neill, James
11: 0560
Ortiz, Rafael Martinez
38: 0001
Otis, Verian D.
4: 0110
Ottis, Frank J.
22: 0507; 23: 0138; 26: 0001, 0095;
32: 0001, 0624; 35: 0061
Pacheco, Felix
17: 0555
Pack, R. F.
25: 0001
Page, J. A.
7: 0298
Paradis, Ed A.
4: 0383, 0650
Parker, C. B.
9: 0325
Powell, R. J.
9: 0001
Pratt, Fannie M.
11: 0107
Pratt, Frank
9: 0142
Preus, Jacob A. O.
6: 0246; 8: 0055; 9: 0001; 14: 0287
Prince, George H.
10: 0178; 32: 0624; 33: 0136; 36: 0671;
37: 0119, 0321; 38: 0310
Purdy, Belle M.
11: 0001
Purdy, Milton D.
15: 0001
Putnam, Frank E.
8: 0258
Pye, William W.
8: 0055
Pyle, J. G.
3: 0270
Rasmussen, W. J.
9: 0001
Reed, J. F.
27: 0215; 43: 0001; 44: 0592
Reyes, R.
6: 0698
Richardson, Ira C.
3: 0451; 4: 0110, 0383; 5: 0120; 6: 0246
Riley, Clifford
14: 0287
Roden, Albert Andrews
42: 0380
Roe, Herman
3: 0149, 0451; 4: 0110; 15: 0001;
26: 0095
Rogers, Leighton W.
36: 0001
Rogers, Walter S.
10: 0281
Romain, Armand
1: 0546
Roosevelt, Theodore
1: 0001–0249, 0546; 2: 0001, 0474;
3: 0001, 0149; 4: 0110, 0383;
Parsons, Frances T.
12: 0001
Parsons, William L.
9: 0001
Partridge, George H.
4: 0001; 21: 0638
Partridge, Stanley
8: 0515
Paton, Morton S.
2: 0474; 4: 0650; 10: 0178; 11: 0001,
0107; 12: 0001; 13: 0599; 14: 0501;
15: 0001
Peachey, George W.
15: 0221
Pearson, Drew
47: 0257
Pearson, Ethel
23: 0518
Penniman, Josiah H.
18: 0153
Pepper, Charles M.
23: 0238
Pepper, George Wharton
11: 0560
Perkins, George W.
1: 0546
Pershing, John J.
23: 0238; 39: 0464
Phelps, E. J.
3: 0270
Phenix, Spencer
35: 0517; 36: 0001; 47: 0442
Phillips, William
10: 0001; 13: 0599
Pillsbury, A. E.
8: 0055, 0258
Poindexter, Miles
10: 0178; 12: 0001
Ponsonby, F.
24: 0455
Porter, Stephen G.
3: 0001; 25: 0205
Powell, John
6: 0001
Powell, Noble C.
51: 0400, 0537
6: 0527, 0698; 7: 0485; 42: 0610;
51: 0290
Root, Elihu
6: 0246; 7: 0174; 8: 0001; 32: 0479,
0624; 35: 0236; 38: 0001; 42: 0094;
46: 0001, 0332
Rose, G. B.
26: 0001; 28: 0383
Rose, Henry W.
5: 0001; 23: 0238; 24: 0117
Roseborough, W. A.
44: 0350; 45: 0001, 0244–0603
Rosewater, Victor
3: 0149
Ross, R. H.
3: 0270
Rousseau, Theodore
41: 0434
Rowe, Leo S.
19: 0455; 21: 0334; 23: 0518; 25: 0394;
26: 0001; 30: 0549; 40: 0197, 0583;
42: 0094; 43: 0212; 44: 0519;
51: 0290, 0537
Runnells, John S.
2: 0679
Rutledge, A. G.
4: 0383; 5: 0120
Sageng, Ole O.
9: 0142
Sanders, William H.
13: 0599
Saner, R. E. L.
11: 0560
Sargent, William C.
1: 0001
Scholle, Gustave
14: 0287
Schurman, Jacob Gould
19: 0603; 25: 0205, 0394; 27: 0215;
34: 0153
Schwab, Charles M.
35: 0061
Schwerin, R. P.
7: 0485; 8: 0055
Scofield, E. J.
9: 0142
Sebenius, John Uno
6: 0001; 10: 0178; 18: 0292
Selvig, C. G.
9: 0142
Severance, Cordenio A.
1: 0138, 0396, 0546; 2: 0292; 3: 0001,
0270; 4: 0383; 6: 0001; 7: 0298–
0634; 8: 0001–0515; 9: 0001–0545;
10: 0001–0492; 13: 0599; 14: 0114–
0706; 15: 0001, 0650; 16: 0001
Severance, Mary A.
16: 0167
Seward, Virgil B.
4: 0383
Shannon, A.
3: 0630
Sharp, Edgar A.
9: 0001
Shaw, Albert
2: 0001; 3: 0270; 4: 0110; 16: 0001,
0167; 24: 0455; 34: 0589; 35: 0517;
36: 0001; 51: 0290
Sheffield, James R.
16: 0414, 0663; 17: 0001, 0249;
22: 0613; 25: 0394; 33: 0288;
36: 0507; 48: 0376
Sheldon, F. P.
9: 0142
Shelton, Thomas W.
7: 0001, 0174, 0485; 8: 0515
Shoemaker, W. R.
16: 0663
Shotwell, James T.
26: 0095; 44: 0519; 47: 0569
Sims, Edwin W.
1: 0546
Sivright, W. W.
6: 0246
Slater, Ed. H.
11: 0107; 16: 0001, 0414
Slemp, Campbell B.
4: 0383
Smith, Edward E.
3: 0001; 4: 0110
Smith, Edwin A.
17: 0249; 20: 0001
Stevens, Frederick C.
1: 0546; 2: 0001–0474; 4: 0383
Stewart, Arthur A.
12: 0001
Stewart, John A.
10: 0492, 0630; 11: 0001, 0352, 0560;
16: 0001, 0167; 30: 0549
Stimson, Henry L.
2: 0474; 40: 0397; 43: 0212; 44: 0001,
0592; 45: 0388; 46: 0001
Stone, Calvin E.
1: 0396, 0546; 2: 0474; 3: 0001, 0149,
0451; 4: 0383
Stone, Edward C.
13: 0533, 0599
Stone, Royal A.
17: 0249
Stones, John W.
30: 0549
Stout, Frank D.
5: 0120
Stratton, Samuel W.
7: 0485; 8: 0515; 9: 0001, 0325
Strawn, Silas H.
11: 0352; 12: 0001; 14: 0287; 16: 0167,
0414, 0663; 17: 0377; 18: 0153;
22: 0613; 23: 0518; 24: 0287, 0455;
27: 0419; 28: 0001; 35: 0061, 0236;
37: 0321; 42: 0610; 43: 0212;
44: 0592; 45: 0108, 0244
Sullivan, Francis W.
4: 0650
Swenson, Laurits S.
34: 0153; 36: 0507; 38: 0455, 0654;
39: 0464; 44: 0350, 0592; 45: 0108–
0388; 46: 0469; 49: 0001
Symes, C. D.
23: 0138
Syresemann, Gustav
37: 0321
Tabert, Jacob
5: 0361
Taff, H. F.
10: 0178, 0281
Taft, Henry W.
10: 0630
Smith, Jno. Speed
16: 0414
Smith, John J.
25: 0205
Smith, Lyndon A.
5: 0361
Snyder, Fred B.
9: 0325
Spencer, George H.
8: 0258, 0515; 9: 0545; 10: 0281;
16: 0001; 26: 0267; 27: 0591;
47: 0569
Spender, Hugh F.
12: 0001
Spooner, Paul L.
9: 0001
Spruance, Edith
17: 0377
Stange, Thomas H.
5: 0120
Stangland, J. E.
4: 0110
Stanton, Jean Austin
6: 0246; 12: 0001; 16: 0167; 17: 0249,
0377; 22: 0613
Stark, Edward W.
3: 0149
Stark, Francis R.
10: 0281
Starkey, H. A.
21: 0638; 28: 0091; 34: 0367
Stead, F. Herbert
11: 0107
Stearns, Frank W.
23: 0518
Steenerson, Halvor
3: 0001
Sterling, Frederick A.
15: 0001
Sterling, Thomas
7: 0001
Stevens, C. L.
2: 0001
Stevens, Dan W.
9: 0001
Vaile, William N.
15: 0500
Van Demark, R. W.
41: 0001
Van Devanter, Willis
39: 0347–0682
Velie, Charles D.
4: 0383
Velie, S. H.
23: 0238
Verity, W. E.
6: 0246
Wadhams, Frederick E.
7: 0298
Wadsworth, Eliot
13: 0599
Wahl, Edward F.
29: 0001
Walsh, Stephen
12: 0001
Ward, George G.
10: 0281
Ward, Robert E.
5: 0120
Ward, W. L.
2: 0474
Warner, Kenneth B.
8: 0001, 0055
Warren, Charles B.
18: 0292, 0487; 20: 0088; 21: 0638
Washburn, John
5: 0001, 0120
Watkins, Arthur Charles
44: 0001
Watson, George A.
12: 0001
Watts, William
9: 0142
Weeks, C. Louis
4: 0650
Wells, A. G.
10: 0001
Wells, Philip P.
10: 0281
Welsh, Francis Ralston
15: 0650; 17: 0001; 26: 0001; 27: 0591
Taft, William Howard
1: 0138–0546; 2: 0292; 3: 0630; 5: 0120;
7: 0001–0298; 11: 0001, 0107, 0560;
23: 0518; 25: 0394; 39: 0347, 0464
Taggart, Rush L.
9: 0325, 0545
Tansey, John P.
17: 0377
Tarbox, Frances
11: 0560
Tarver, F. H. C.
9: 0325
Tawney, James A.
6: 0001
Taylor, William H.
11: 0560; 14: 0287, 0501; 23: 0518
Teagle, W. C.
13: 0599
Teisberg, Alfred
1: 0546
Theunis, M.
12: 0513
Thomas, H. A.
13: 0103
Thomas, J. H.
12: 0513
Thompson, Frank B.
9: 0001; 24: 0001
Thompson, John B.
9: 0142
Thompson, R. E.
3: 0451
Thompson, William Boyce
7: 0174
Thornton, E. L.
4: 0383, 0650; 5: 0120
Tindall, Philip
8: 0055
Tocornal, Miguel Cruchaga
28: 0091
Tomlinson, Nellie G.
10: 0492
Townley, John L.
9: 0142
Untermyer, Samuel
22: 0190
Wile, Frederic W.
17: 0249
Willcox, William R.
4: 0383; 5: 0001, 0120
Willcuts, Levi M.
4: 0001–0383; 14: 0287; 16: 0001, 0167;
17: 0001, 0377; 18: 0292; 24: 0117
Williams, James T., Jr.
33: 0288
Williams, Sylvester G.
15: 0500
Wilson, Clarence R.
9: 0545
Wilson, Edwin C.
38: 0455
Wilson, Hugh R.
32: 0046; 33: 0288
Winchell, Horace V.
4: 0001; 6: 0246
Withington, Leonard
19: 0001
Wood, F. S.
16: 0414
Wood, Thomas S.
3: 0149, 0451
Woodruff, George W.
10: 0281
Woolsey, L. H.
9: 0545
Wright, Joshua Butler
13: 0533
Young, Owen D.
14: 0001; 37: 0119
West, James E.
18: 0661
Wheeler, Everett P.
7: 0634; 8: 0258, 0515; 10: 0001;
15: 0332
Wheelwright, J. O. P.
9: 0001
White, Francis
30: 0208
White, Henry
11: 0107, 0560; 13: 0599; 14: 0287;
17: 0001
White, Howard
3: 0001
White, Wallace H., Jr.
10: 0281
Whitefield, Marcus M.
5: 0623
Whiting, Charles S.
1: 0396
Whiting, Edwin F.
2: 0474; 3: 0001, 0149, 0451; 4: 0001,
Whytock, Ross D.
11: 0107
Wickersham, George W.
16: 0001, 0167; 31: 0300, 0681;
32: 0290, 0479; 35: 0061; 36: 0353;
44: 0350, 0592; 49: 0500
Wilbur, Curtis D.
16: 0663
Wilbur, Harry Curran
27: 0001, 0215
Wilbur, Ray Lyman
39: 0001
The following index is a guide to the major topics in this microform publication. The first
number after each entry refers to the reel, while the four-digit number following the colon refers
to the frame number at which the file containing information on the subject begins. Hence,
24: 0455 directs researchers to Frame 0455 of Reel 24. By referring to the Reel Index, which
constitutes the initial segment of this guide, the researcher will find the folder title; inclusive
dates, if not supplied in the folder title; and a list of Major Topics and Principal Correspondents,
listed in the order in which they appear on the film.
“Agriculture and Problems of Today”
Kellogg address 10: 0001
state and federal laws regarding holding
of real property 19: 0275
status of American women who marry
aliens 31: 0076
treaty rights 7: 0634; 8: 0001, 0055,
0258, 0515; 10: 0001, 0178; 15: 0332
All America Cables Incorporated
9: 0325
Allied Conference
French and Allied delegations 13: 0001
general 13: 0386
American Academy of Air Law
43: 0001
American Agricultural Mart
18: 0661
American Bar Association
Committee on Supreme Court
Cornerstone Ceremony 46: 0469
conference in London 12: 0001;
13: 0533
general 11: 0560; 12: 0001
Kellogg “New Nationalism” address
2: 0474
Kellogg appointment to membership
committee 2: 0474
meeting 7: 0001
poll of Senate for Kellogg reform
procedural bill 7: 0001
Abraham Lincoln (leaflet)
24: 0455
Accidents and accident prevention
Kellogg horseback riding accident
2: 0474
Adatci, Mineiteiro
death 49: 0500
conditions in U.S. 4: 0650
credit 11: 0001
freight rates on farm products 17: 0249
general 3: 0001; 5: 0001; 27: 0215;
33: 0136; 35: 0368
grain market 16: 0001
importation of commodities 50: 0475
Kellogg speeches and addresses
“Agriculture and Problems of Today”
10: 0001
price guaranties of wheat speech
before Senate 7: 0001
products speech 7: 0174
remarks on amendment to
agricultural appropriation bill
7: 0001
McNary-Haugen bill 24: 0618
North Dakota products 28: 0383
open letter to corn belt farmers 35: 0517
prices 10: 0178, 0492
relief 28: 0238
tariffs 10: 0630; 31: 0076
see also American Agricultural Mart
Ancient and Accepted Order of
20: 0088
American Bar Association
semicentennial 30: 0353
Duluth Herald fiftieth anniversary
47: 0257
Flag Day 38: 0455
Georgetown University School of
Foreign Service tenth anniversary
37: 0447
Kellogg birthday and 50th anniversary
congratulatory notes 23: 0518;
36: 0507; 44: 0592; 50: 0475, 0616
Norse-American Centennial 16: 0167,
Peace Palace library exhibition to
commemorate centenary of Andrew
Carnegie’s birth 50: 0001
Sesquicentennial International
Exposition 20: 0621; 21: 0334
United States of America SesquiCentennial 23: 0518
Washington, George, bicentennial
45: 0244
Anti-War Council
27: 0215
Antiwar treaty
see Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
Arbitration and mediation
conferences 36: 0671
treaties 25: 0047; 31: 0300, 0681;
32: 0046; 34: 0589; 35: 0061;
38: 0455; 40: 0001
Arbitration Treaty
draft 33: 0136
educators visit to U.S. 37: 0321
refusal to attend arbitration conference
36: 0001
treaty of 1853 with U.S. 17: 0555
Armistice Day
general 54: 0211
“Seeds of War” (sermon) 24: 0117
American Bar Association cont.
presidency 7: 0298; 8: 0001, 0055, 0515;
9: 0545; 11: 0001
proposals on calling of Congress of the
Bars of the World 43: 0542
report 18: 0487
semicentennial 30: 0353
Severance, Cordenio A., address
10: 0001
American Federation of Labor
3: 0149; 48: 0161
American Foundation for the Blind
17: 0555; 36: 0001
American Institute of Banking
4: 0650
American Law Review
5: 0120
American Peace Society
general 41: 0001, 0434; 42: 0094, 0380,
0610; 43: 0212, 0455; 44: 0199,
0519; 48: 0628
“Men who Serve the Nation” list
40: 0583
American Red Cross
drought relief campaign 42: 0094
Europe conditions report 7: 0634
general 8: 0055, 0258; 42: 0380, 0610
Kellogg contribution for Mississippi
flood appeal 25: 0651
Ryan, Edward W., trip to Moscow and
Petrograd 7: 0174
American Society of International Law
election of Kellogg as honorary vice
president 26: 0001
general 42: 0094
Kellogg renunciation of war address
32: 0001
reelection of Kellogg as honorary vice
president 43: 0001
American Society of the French Legion of
Kellogg membership 40: 0197; 51: 0001
American Taxpayers League
43: 0001; 44: 0001
National Institute of Social Sciences
award of gold medal to Kellogg
42: 0610
Roosevelt Distinguished Service Medal
award to Stephen Vincent Benét for
“John Brown’s Body” 48: 0161
Baker, Newton D.
The Hague Court panel appointment
32: 0479
The Hague Tribunal appointment
32: 0624
League of Nations petition statement
48: 0628
Baltimore and Ohio Railway Exhibition
Kellogg and President Coolidge visit
28: 0383
Banks and banking
Bankruptcy Act 47: 0257
equitable tax against shares of bank
stock 26: 0001
general 45: 0108, 0257, 0388; 46: 0118,
0332, 0469, 0575; 47: 0001, 0442,
0569; 48: 0376
guaranty bill 47: 0569
international 41: 0674
securities 10: 0281
Bar Association of North Dakota
Kellogg address on evolutionary
development of governments and the
role of lawyers in the process 1: 0001
Bartlett, John H.
industrial transition political speech to
Republicans of Everett, Mass.
34: 0153
Beck, James M.
address at Organization Meeting of the
National Advisory Commission in
Independence Hall 18: 0001
“America’s Influence in World
Reconstruction” article 18: 0487
delegation to reparation conference
13: 0001
Great Britain agreement 48: 0628
Arms control and disarmament
armistice agreement 35: 0517
embargo on arms and munitions of war
37: 0447
general 17: 0555; 19: 0001; 35: 0061;
50: 0160; 52: 0371, 0464, 0658;
53: 0506; 54: 0099
Germany 19: 0603
Kellogg–Bainbridge Colby armament
views 49: 0621
reduction of armament 44: 0199
42: 0094; 48: 0161
Arms Embargo Resolution
47: 0569
Arms trade
Arms Embargo Resolution 47: 0569
general 50: 0001
Arneson, J. S.
loan 6: 0246
Arosin, Carl E., Jr.
request for clemency from former
Kellogg chauffeur in Folsom Prison
36: 0507
The Associated Press
Kellogg address on foreign policy
19: 0603
Astor, Lady Nancy Witcher Langhorne
40: 0397
Austria-Germany customs case 43: 0542
customs agreement with Germany
43: 0212, 0542
economic conditions 44: 0001
Automobiles and automobile industry
34: 0589
Awards, medals, and prizes
Bungener, Lydia C., cooking medal from
Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf of
Sweden 27: 0001
Durant Prize 1: 0001
Grand Prix world peace award to
Kellogg from La Orden Del Olivo
Society, Argentina 40: 0397
Kellogg speech at Illinois University
upon receipt of Cardinal Newman
Medal 46: 0575
Kellogg reelection as honorary member
of National Council 20: 0454;
26: 0095
Brandeis, Louis D.
44: 0001
boundary dispute with Peru and
Colombia 47: 0569
general 47: 0442
ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact 47: 0442
Briand, Aristide
death 45: 0388
draft treaty to outlaw war 26: 0526;
32: 0046
general 41: 0434; 44: 0350
Kellogg tribute to school for boys in
Paris, France 45: 0388
proposal for peace 27: 0215
treaty to outlaw war 31: 0681
“The Briand-Kellogg Pact”
transcript of speech 42: 0094
“Briand Proposes Eternal Peace with Us”
article 25: 0394
peace bridge between Buffalo, N.Y., and
Ontario, Canada 26: 0526; 27: 0215,
Briggs, Asa G.
constitution address 22: 0190
Britain and America: Guardians of World
Peace (pamphlet)
50: 0616
British Labor Party
11: 0107
British-American Arbitration
vacancy 16: 0663
Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireman and
10: 0001
Brown University
conferral of honorary Doctor of Law
degree upon Kellogg 38: 0654;
39: 0464
Kellogg address 40: 0197, 0397
Benét, Stephen Vincent
Roosevelt Distinguished Service Medal
award for “John Brown’s Body”
48: 0161
general 3: 0451; 33: 0001, 0288;
51: 0001, 0290, 0400; 54: 0507
newspaper article 4: 0110; 25: 0047
interview questions for biography
22: 0507
memoir 49: 0500
photograph list for biography
51: 0161
reminiscences 48: 0628; 50: 0160,
0356, 0616
sketch 39: 0464; 41: 0434
Who’s Who in America
18: 0001
The Bishop Brent Fund
44: 0001
Board of Trade of Great Britain
American packers claims
Chile relations 21: 0180
conflict 48: 0001
incident 36: 0353
relations 38: 0001
Bonaparte, Napoleon
Kellogg “Napoleon and His Times”
speech 1: 0001
Borah, William E.
Senate Congressional Record speech on
U.S. citizens in Mexico 25: 0394
52: 0230; 54: 0211
with Alaska and Canada 33: 0561
Boston, Charles A.
40: 0197
Bowden, F. Edgar
Kellogg welcome to Plymouth, England
34: 0153
Boy Scouts of America
general 19: 0275
landing licenses 7: 0634; 9: 0325, 0545;
10: 0281
manufacture in U.S. 8: 0001, 0055
submarine cables to U.S. 7: 0485
telegraph cable tolls 10: 0281
U.S. cables in foreign countries 8: 0515
Calderwood, W. G.
5: 0120
Caldwell, Robert J.
“An End to Floundering” article
44: 0592
Mexico border 24: 0001
border immigration 53: 0089
canal negotiations with U.S. 28: 0383
general 24: 0001; 54: 0211
illegal emigration to U.S. 42: 0094
Kellogg press conference 30: 0549
Pan American Union 23: 0518
relations with U.S. and construction of
St. Lawrence Seaway 26: 0727
representation at League of Nations
43: 0455
U.S. wheat freight rates 20: 0001
negotiations with Canada 28: 0383
Cardinal Newman Memorial Award
Kellogg receipt of 1932 award 46: 0575
Carleton College
Bryn-Jones, David, welcoming address
at luncheon 43: 0212
general 32: 0624; 34: 0367; 40: 0197,
0397, 0583; 49: 0001, 0310, 0500;
50: 0475, 0616
gift of Kellogg bronze bust 23: 0001
honors thesis “Frank B. Kellogg as
Secretary of State” by Caroline D.
Burtis 47: 0569
honorary Doctor of Laws degree
35: 0236
portrait 50: 0616; 51: 0001
remarks at dedication of Severance
Memorial Hall 34: 0589
Bryan, William Jennings
general 27: 0001
memorial 29: 0593
peace treaties 32: 0624
Bryn-Jones, David
welcoming address at Carleton College
luncheon 43: 0212
Budget of the U.S.
5: 0001; 44: 0592; 45: 0244
“Building on the Peace Pact”
Kellogg radio address 38: 0654
Business cycles
remedies for world depression 47: 0148
right to sea access 28: 0604
Bungener, Lydia C.
Kellogg cook awarded medal from
Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf of
Sweden 27: 0001
Burlington Railroad
49: 0621
Chicago, Ill., businessmen list 49: 0621
general 49: 0001
industrial preparedness 4: 0001
Strawn, Silas H., address on China
before Industrial and Commercial
Clubs of Chicago 22: 0613
Stephens-Ashurst Price Maintenance
Bill 5: 0120
Business assets and liabilities
Kellogg financial statement 36: 0353
Business cycles
U.S.-Europe depression 44: 0001
Business income
Kellogg interest in Parsons estate
11: 0352, 0560
Azores landing license 9: 0545; 10: 0001
commercial cable and telegraph
companies 9: 0142
France cable company 10: 0281
international communications 9: 0325
international landing rights 9: 0545;
10: 0001, 0178
Cemeteries and funerals
Kellogg burial 54: 0507
prayer at tomb of unknown soldier in
France 35: 0061
Central America Treaty of Washington
16: 0414
Central Europe
economic relief 10: 0492
Chaco War
49: 0001
“The Chamber of Commerce of the
United States”
address by Silas H. Strawn 46: 0575
Chicago & Alton Railroad
16: 0167
Chicago Bar Association
Kellogg address “World Peace and the
World Court” 40: 0001
Chicago, Illinois
list of businessmen 49: 0621
Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway
16: 0167
ambassador reception at Pan American
Union 24: 0001
arrest of former Chile President Arturo
Alessandri’s son 31: 0681
Bolivia relations 21: 0180
general 45: 0388, 0603; 46: 0001;
53: 0001
Kellogg remarks to Ambassador Miguel
Cruchaga Tocornal at Governing
Board of the Pan American Union
28: 0091
Kellogg Tacna-Arica proposal
congratulatory notes 23: 0238
crisis 53: 0089
relations 16: 0001; 17: 0083;
18: 0292; 19: 0275, 0455, 0603;
21: 0334; 34: 0001; 38: 0001;
53: 0402, 0506; 54: 0099, 0211
Plebiscitary Commission 17: 0083
plebiscite dispute 40: 0397
Carleton College cont.
loan 48: 0001
minutes of annual meeting of board of
trustees 43: 0001, 0455
Carlisle, Horace C.
Roosevelt poem 7: 0001
Carnegie, Andrew
Peace Palace library exhibition to
commemorate centenary of birth
50: 0001
Carnegie Corporation
49: 0500
Case law
Austria Anschluss case 44: 0199
Austria Customs Union case 44: 0592
Austria-Germany customs case 43: 0542
Corrupt Practices Act 3: 0270
France-Switzerland Free Zones case
44: 0350, 46: 0469; 48: 0376
Harrah v. Cuba 31: 0510
Immigration Act 40: 0397
Industrial Recovery Bill 47: 0569
Interstate Commerce Act 6: 0698
Johnson v. Schall 17: 0377
Kosmerl Mine tax case 25: 0001
Labor Wage-Hour Act 51: 0290
land grant cases 4: 0383
Polish-Lithuanian case 43: 0001
radio communication bill 10: 0281
Ruth v. Beatty 28: 0238
Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1: 0001
Standard Oil Company case 1: 0249;
2: 0116, 0474; 4: 0383; 40: 0197
Switzerland-France Free Zones case
44: 0350
United States v. National Malleable and
Steel Castings Company et al.
17: 0555
Walker v. Hopkins 21: 0638
War Revenue Act 7: 0001
Western Union Telegraph Company v.
Daniels 7: 0298
World Court cases 47: 0442; 48: 0161
Castle, William R., Jr.
45: 0244
Chile-Peru dispute 33: 0288;
35: 0061, 0517; 52: 0658;
53: 0001
provinces 19: 0275; 20: 0088, 0454;
21: 0001
territory 29: 0001
flood 44: 0001
general 16: 0414, 0663; 24: 0287;
25: 0205; 26: 0095; 27: 0591;
28: 0604; 33: 0136; 35: 0061, 0517;
40: 0197; 52: 0464, 0658; 53: 0001,
0402; 54: 0099
Japan relations 24: 0117, 0287;
43: 0542; 44: 0001, 0350; 45: 0244,
0388, 0603; 50: 0001
Manchuria-Japan conflict 44: 0350,
0519, 0592; 45: 0001, 0108
missionaries 24: 0455
political conditions 39: 0682
Russia relations 39: 0347
Shanghai 22: 0190
Strawn, Silas H., address on China
before Industrial and Commercial
Clubs of Chicago 22: 0613
tariffs 17: 0001, 0377; 18: 0153, 0292;
22: 0613; 52: 0565
tariff treaty 34: 0001
treaty of 1858 for protection of U.S.
vessels near ports 24: 0001
U.S. relations 25: 0394; 52: 0464
China, Nationalist
U.S. recognition 33: 0561
Chinese Eastern Railway
47: 0148
Chippewa Indians
Minnesota Red Lake band of Chippewa
claims against U.S. government
20: 0621
White Earth Reservation diseases
3: 0001
see also Indians
Citizens Non-Partisan Committee
Kellogg-Briand Peace pact signing
celebration report 36: 0001
Civil Legion
17: 0377
Civil War
joint reunion of surviving veterans
36: 0671
American packers claims against the
Board of Trade of Great Britain
18: 0292
U.S. citizen 13: 0599
U.S. claims against Germany 10: 0001
Clapp, Moses E.
general 3: 0149, 0270, 0630
Indian land amendment 3: 0001
persecution of Catholic clergy in Mexico
21: 0334
Colcord, Samuel
recommendation for Nobel Peace Prize
41: 0001, 0267
Colleges and universities
Brown University 38: 0654; 39: 0464
Carleton College 23: 0001; 32: 0624;
34: 0367, 0589; 35: 0236; 40: 0197,
0397, 0583; 43: 0001, 0212; 0455;
47: 0569; 48: 0001; 49: 0001, 0310,
0500; 50: 0475, 0616; 51: 0001
Fisk University 50: 0160
Georgetown University 37: 0001, 0447
Hamline University 42: 0380; 43: 0212
Illinois University 46: 0575
Lincoln Memorial University 45: 0108
New York University 25: 0047, 0205
Occidental College 39: 0464; 42: 0380
Oxford University 38: 0455; 39: 0001
Princeton University 42: 0094; 43: 0212
Rollins College 48: 0481
University of Minnesota 42: 0094;
43: 0212
University of Pennsylvania 18: 0153
Washington University 26: 0267
dispute with Peru and Brazil 47: 0569
lines with Peru 46: 0469
treaty with Peru 15: 0650; 47: 0569
Eighth Conference of Major Industries
and Friendship 44: 0199
Ex Slave Convention 28: 0091
Farm Labor Association Convention
28: 0238
Fifth International Conference of
American States 10: 0492; 29: 0001;
49: 0001
First Pan American Congress of
Journalists 19: 0455
International Conference of American
States on Conciliation and Arbitration
35: 0368, 0517; 36: 0001, 0216
International Radiotelegraph Conference
28: 0383
League of Nations Conference on
Communications and Transit
42: 0610
Limitation of Naval Armament
Conference 26: 0526; 27: 0419
Locarno Conference 17: 0083, 0249
London Reparation Conference
12: 0189, 0513; 13: 0001, 0103,
0386, 0599; 14: 0001; 49: 0500
National Conference for Development of
Commercial Aviation 26: 0095
National Conference on the Cause and
Cure of War 36: 0671
National Electric Light Association
Convention 25: 0001
Naval Disarmament Conference
38: 0455; 53: 0089
Pan American Conference
27: 0419, 0591; 36: 0353; 53: 0186;
54: 0305, 0396
Public Health Conference 24: 0455
radio telephony conference 8: 0515
Reparation Conference 12: 0189, 0513;
13: 0001, 0103, 0386
Tariff Conference 17: 0377
Washington Conference at Peking,
China 16: 0414; 17: 0555
acquisitions of buildings and grounds in
foreign countries act 25: 0205
bank guaranty bill 47: 0569
Colombia cont.
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact ratification
41: 0267
Salomon-Lazano Treaty with Peru
47: 0442
treaty with U.S. on Isthmus of Panama
dispute 6: 0527, 0698; 7: 0001, 0174,
0298, 0485
Commercial Cable Company
10: 0001
Commercial Cable Company of New
9: 0142
Commercial Pacific Cable Company
9: 0545; 10: 0178
Committee for Mobilization of Human
meeting at White House 48: 0001
Committee on Economic Sanctions
draft statement 46: 0575
Committee on Foreign Relations
Kellogg testimony 40: 0001
Communications Conference
committee 7: 0174
Communism and communist parties
general 17: 0001, 0083; 26: 0267
organizations 29: 0433
propaganda agencies 16: 0414
Conference of Finance Ministers
Committee of Experts report on
preparation 14: 0706
Abraham Lincoln 43: 0455
Anglo-Soviet Conference in London
11: 0560
Armament Conference 18: 0487
Communications Conference 7: 0174
Conference of Finance Ministers
Committee of Experts 14: 0706
Conference on Arbitration 31: 0001;
36: 0671
Department of Commerce Conference
on Radio Telephony 9: 0001, 0325
Disarmament Conference 16: 0167;
17: 0377; 43: 0001, 0542; 45: 0244,
0388; 52: 0230
Washington, George, birthday
bicentennial hearings 11: 0560
Congressional districts
race and conventions 1: 0546
Congressional Medal of Honor
screen story 50: 0001
Congressional Record
Kellogg Congressional Record for 65th67th Congresses 6: 0416
Schall, Thomas D., speech on character
assassination 24: 0117
Conservation Congress
1: 0249
Consolidated Elevator Company
annual financial statement 8: 0258;
21: 0458, 0638; 27: 0591; 34: 0001
annual report 28: 0091; 34: 0367
business status 8: 0515
by-laws 1: 0249
earnings 41: 0434
general 26: 0267; 47: 0001, 0569;
49: 0001
grain report 30: 0001–0549; 31: 0001–
0681; 32: 0001–0624; 33: 0001–
0561; 34: 0001
separation of church and state 5: 0120
Converse, Willard L.
8: 0055, 0258; 9: 0325
Cook, Paul B.
death 39: 0464
sympathy notes to Clara M. Kellogg on
death of brother 39: 0464
Coolidge, Calvin
American Legion at Wausau, Wis.,
address 33: 0561
appreciation letter from Kellogg
38: 0310
Cabinet 52: 0230
Cabinet accomplishments for year 1926
24: 0001
Cuba visit to Sixth Pan American
Conference, 1928 30: 0208
death 47: 0148
death of son 12: 0001
Banking Act amendment 40: 0397
Bankruptcy Act 47: 0257
candidates 1: 0249
cloture rule 17: 0249
commercial bill 2: 0474
Committee on Governmental Debts Due
the United States report 46: 0575
disabled emergency army officers bill
23: 0138, 0238
Federal Reserve Act amendment
40: 0397
firemen legislation 6: 0246
bill for alien treaty rights 10: 0001
review of President Coolidge
message 36: 0001
support for bills of 65th–66th
Congresses 51: 0001
McNary-Haugen farm bill 31: 0510,
navy bill 54: 0211, 0305, 0396, 0491
Northern Pacific Railway land grants
investigation 36: 0507
Poindexter, Miles, bill for National
Radio Commission to regulate U.S.
radio communication 7: 0174
political committees 3: 0270
preventing medical experimentation on
dogs in the District of Columbia bill
42: 0001
proposal to establish bureau for study of
“criminal, pauper, and defective
classes” 2: 0116
radio stations bill 7: 0001, 0174
relief of claimants for losses by fire in
Minnesota bill 42: 0610
reparations committees 13: 0599
Sherman Antitrust Act 1: 0001; 2: 0116
shipping bill 4: 0650
Stephens-Ashurst fair trade bill 3: 0270,
Stephens-Ashurst Price Maintenance
Bill 5: 0120
War Revenue Act 7: 0001
Washington commemoration bill
11: 0560
32: 0001–0624; 33: 0001–0561;
34: 0001, 0367; 41: 0434; 47: 0001,
0569; 49: 0001
Merchants National Bank 37: 0119,
0321; 38: 0001
Merchants National Bank and Trust
Company 16: 0414; 36: 0671
Merchants National Company 33: 0136
The Messina (Transvaal) Development
Co., Ltd. 1: 0138
Minnesota Mutual Investment Company
4: 0110
Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad
Company 10: 0492
securities 33: 0001
Standard Oil Company 1: 0249; 2: 0116,
0474; 4: 0383; 40: 0197
trust funds 6: 0246
United States Steel Corporation 20: 0454
Vermillion Mining Company
24: 0001, 0117
War Finance Corporation 15: 0001
Western Union Telegraph Company
7: 0298; 9: 0325, 0545; 10: 0178
Wilson & Co., Inc. 16: 0167
Council on Foreign Relations
general 42: 0094; 45: 0603; 46: 0469;
47: 0001; 48: 0628; 49: 0500;
50: 0616
foreign policy address 17: 0377
war prevention address 31: 0076
Court of International Justice
see World Court, The Hague
China district attorney in Shanghai
22: 0190
civil procedure rules for district courts
51: 0400
federal procedures reform 1: 0249
uniform judicial procedure 8: 0515
Union Pacific and Southern Pacific
Railroads case 2: 0474
Craig, Charles P.
47: 0442
Coolidge, Calvin cont.
foreign affairs briefing by Kellogg
23: 0001
foreign affairs letter from Kellogg 37:
foreign relations 53: 0402
foreign relations speech memorandum
from Kellogg 35: 0517
general 45: 0388; 47: 0442; 48: 0376;
52: 0084, 0230, 0371, 0464, 0565;
53: 0001, 0089, 0506; 54: 0211, 0491
The Hague Tribunal vacancy
recommendation by Kellogg 21: 0001
International Conference of American
States on Conciliation and Arbitration
address 36: 0001
Kellogg dinner guests honoring the
president 29: 0593
Kellogg review of message to Congress
36: 0001
Lindbergh, Charles A., invitation
26: 0267
message read at unveiling of bust of
Benjamin Franklin 27: 0419
message to Congress 23: 0238; 54: 0305
Pan American Conference letter to Cuba
President Gerardo Machado y
Morales 30: 0353
Potomac Park World War memorial
contribution 25: 0651
public sentiment 23: 0238
reelection 13: 0533; 14: 0287
Republican organizations memorial
service 47: 0148
Sixth International Conference of
American States address 29: 0211,
0433, 0593; 30: 0001
Wisconsin and Minnesota visits
32: 0479; 33: 0136
Corcoran Gallery of Art
Kellogg bronze bust gift 23: 0001
Consolidated Elevator Company
1: 0249; 8: 0258, 0515; 21: 0458,
0638; 26: 0267; 27: 0591; 28: 0091;
30: 0001–0549; 31: 0001–0681;
Olds, Robert E. 47: 0001
Severance, Cordenio A. 16: 0167
Defense budgets and appropriations
military and naval expenditures 3: 0270
Democratic Party
5: 0120; 12: 0001
withdrawal from South-East Greenland
legal status case 47: 0442
Department of Commerce
aid to farmers, producers, and shippers
35: 0061
Conference on Radio Telephony
9: 0001, 0325
Department of Defense
budget and appropriations 50: 0356
Department of Foreign Service
appropriations 27: 0419
Department of Interior
scope and purpose 17: 0249
Department of Justice
appointment of judicial clerks by
president bill 3: 0149
Department of Labor
Labor Day economic statement of the
secretary of labor 22: 0190
Department of State
ambassador housing in Tokyo, Japan
28: 0383
appointments 47: 0257
appropriations and expenditures
27: 0419; 45: 0244
assistant secretary of state vacancy
27:0001, 0215, 0419
general 49: 0310; 52: 0230
press releases 51: 0400
secretary of state
Kellogg appointment 15: 0001–
16: 0001
Kellogg resignation 38: 0001
treaty series 49: 0126
U.S. embassy staff in London, England
11: 0107
Department of War
general 30: 0353
Revolutionary War debt 48: 0628
economic conditions 26: 0727
Governing Board of the Pan American
Union speech of President Gerardo
Machado 25: 0394
Culbertson, William S.
43: 0542; 48: 0001
Cummings, Homer
Rollins College address “Education,
Science, and the New Deal” 48: 0628
Curtis, Charles
Democratic tariff speech 5: 0001
court appeals 47: 0257
general 47: 0442
government case 46: 0332
government statement to Permanent
Court of International Justice, The
Hague 47: 0257
Hungary Mixed Arbitral Tribunal
46: 0575
World Court cases 47: 0442; 48: 0161
Dawes, Charles G.
Washington University, St. Louis, Mo.,
address 26: 0267
Dawes Plan
annuities agreement 15: 0001, 0332
chronology of events connection
49: 0500
general 12: 0513; 14: 0501, 0706;
52: 0230
Dawes Report
13: 0001–0386, 0599; 14: 0001, 0287;
15: 0221, 0332, 0650
Death and dying
Adatci, Mineiteiri 49: 0500
Briand, Aristide 45: 0388
Buterac, Elias 24: 0001, 0117
Cook, Paul B. 39: 0464
Coolidge, Calvin 47: 0148
Doumer, Paul 45: 0603
George V (King of England) 50: 0616
Jordon, John 6: 0416
Kellogg, Frank B. 51: 0290
Kellogg, Frederick A. 31: 0510
ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact 44: 0519
access to German minority schools
42: 0380
Argentina educators visit to U.S.
World Federation of Associations
14: 0501
Educational attainment
Kellogg Doctor of Laws certificate
37: 0447
see also Honorary degrees
Eighth Conference of Major Industries
and Friendship
dinner 44: 0199
Elections and campaigns
advertising 4: 0001–0650; 5: 0120
constitutionality of federal requirement
and regulation of presidential
primaries 7: 0298
contributions 1: 0396; 5: 0001–0361
convention seating plan 2: 0292
convention ticket requests 2: 0001–0292
ethnic vote 4: 0001–0383
expenses 6: 0001
general 1: 0138
appearances 4: 0650
campaign 4: 0110, 0383
portrait 3: 0630; 4: 0110
speeches 3: 0451; 5: 0120
strategy advice 3: 0149
support 3: 0001–0630; 4: 0001, 0110
literature 5: 0001
campaigns 14: 0001; 22: 0343, 0507;
28: 0383
congressional election 14: 0501
Delegates 2: 0001
Democratic opponents role 4: 0650
general 31: 0076; 32: 0001; 49: 0126
1928 election returns 35: 0517
primaries 32: 0624
Diplomatic and Consular Service
Kellogg appointment to the Court of
Saint James 10: 0492, 0630
Disarmament Conference
delegation 26: 0095
draft for limitation of armaments
17: 0377
general 5: 0001; 16: 0167; 25: 0651;
26: 0267; 27: 0001–0591; 28: 0604;
33: 0288; 43: 0001, 0542; 45: 0244,
0388; 48: 0161; 52: 0230, 0658
protocol 16: 0414
Disaster relief
Midwest floods 25: 0394
Red Cross and Florida hurricane
34: 0589
Dohrn, Reinhard
recommendation for 1933 Nobel Peace
Prize 46: 0575
Doumer, Paul
President of France assassination
45: 0603
49: 0001
Duluth Boat Club
3: 0630; 4: 0001
Duluth Herald
fiftieth anniversary 47: 0257
Duluth, Minnesota
imports at customs office 29: 0001
land grant cases 4: 0383
see also Minnesota Iron Range
Durant Prize
1: 0001
Earhart, Amelia
47: 0148
Economic indicators
48: 0001
Strawn, Silas H., speech on world
conditions 47: 0001
U.S. conditions 17: 0555; 22: 0190;
43: 0542; 44: 0592
Republican campaign 34: 0001
results 22: 0613
State Republican candidates 5: 0361
newspaper coverage of campaign
3: 0149, 0270
1928 26: 0267
1936 50: 0160, 0475
political situation in U.S 2: 0001;
11: 0560
campaign 1: 0396; 12: 0001; 14: 0114
campaign in Minnesota 14: 0001
candidates 1: 0546; 2: 0474, 0679;
3: 0149
election 11: 0107, 0352, 0560;
14: 0287, 0501; 31: 0076;
32: 0479, 0624; 46: 0575
in 1932 47: 0001
primary 1: 0396; 3: 0001
primaries 2: 0474; 4: 0650; 34: 0367
returns 14: 0287
Roosevelt, Theodore, role 3: 0149
Roosevelt-LaFollette campaign
pamphlet 2: 0292
Scandinavian newspapers and campaign
strategy 5: 0001
Senate investigation of campaign
contributions 2: 0474
senatorial candidates 3: 0001, 0149
senatorial nomination results 4: 0110
spending 3: 0270; 5: 0361
strategy 3: 0001, 0270
state primaries 3: 0149
Taft-Roosevelt delegate contests
2: 0116, 0292
Utah Republican Party campaign
35: 0061
Elevator company
claims 10: 0281
Emergency Peace Campaign
51: 0001
Emerson, Haven
address at Public Health Conference
24: 0455
Employees’ Antiliquor Alliance
5: 0001
requests to Kellogg for employment
5: 0120
Encyclopedia Britannica
“Outlawry of War” 38: 0455
“An End to Floundering”
Caldwell, Robert J., article 44: 0592
see United Kingdom
English-Speaking Union of the United
general 10: 0492; 47: 0569; 48: 0481;
49: 0001, 0310–0621; 50: 0160, 0356
report 51: 0001, 0161
Envoys Extraordinary (booklet)
40: 0397
ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact 45: 0244
Estabrook, Henry D.
address at McKinley Club of Omaha,
Neb. 2: 0679
crisis 50: 0001
Italy relations 50: 0160
Denmark 47: 0422
economic conditions 11: 0107; 39: 0182;
49: 0500
financial situation 45: 0388
Kellogg planned trip to Eastern Europe
7: 0174
political conditions 43: 0542; 49: 0001
propaganda against U.S. 31: 0076
war debts 52: 0371
see also names of individual countries
Executive Committee of the National Law
Kellogg honorary life membership
29: 0593
Exhibitions and trade fairs
aviation at Minnesota State fair 33: 0561
Kellogg county fair appearances 4: 0383
Facisti League of North America
17: 0001
Finley, John L.
remarks on presentation of gold medal of
National Institute of Social Sciences
to Kellogg 43: 0212
legislation 6: 0246
First Bank Stock Investment Company
formation 38: 0310
First National Bank
consolidation with Merchants National
Bank 37: 0119, 0321; 38: 0001
Kellogg memorial from St. Paul, Minn.,
bank 54: 0638
First Pan American Congress of
opening address 19: 0455
First Trust Company of Saint Paul
financial statement 50: 0356
Kellogg memorial from directors in St.
Paul, Minn., for service on board
54: 0644
Fisk University
50: 0160
Flag Day
Kellogg radio speech 38: 0455
Red Cross and hurricane 34: 0589
Food assistance
bread supply to Germany in 1922
34: 0589
Ford Motor Company
complaint against 40: 0583
Foreign debt
Allied governments debt to U.S.
38: 0455
general 45: 0108
U.S. cancellation of interest on war debts
43: 0542
Foreign Policy Association
44: 0001
Foreign relations
Argentina 31: 0510; 35: 0368; 37: 0321
Bolivia 35: 0061
briefing for President Coolidge message
to Congress 23: 0001
Fairmont, Minnesota
Kellogg campaign speech 1: 0249
see Exhibitions and trade fairs
Kellogg genealogy 46: 0575
Farm Labor Association Convention
27: 0001; 28: 0238
Farm Labor Platform
48: 0481
Farms and farmers
economic problem 27: 0001
farm income and railroad freight rates
17: 0083
farm mortgage investments 2: 0474
freight rates on farm products 17: 0249
general 50: 0475, 0616; 51: 0001
Kellogg farm rental 10: 0630
loans 3: 0630
open letter to corn belt farmers 35: 0517
Federal Child Labor Amendment
50: 0475
Federal Reserve System
gold reserves 46: 0001
Ferand, Livingston
address at Public Health Conference
24: 0455
Field, N. F.
9: 0142, 0325
Fifth International Conference of
American States
general 29: 0001; 49: 0001
Kellogg appointment as delegate
10: 0281
resolution on electrical communications
in U.S 10: 0492
treaty to avoid or prevent conflicts
between the American States
30: 0208
U.S. financial settlement with Greece
32: 0046
Finley, J. H.
address for medal award to Kellogg by
National Institute of Social Sciences
43: 0001
Canada 26: 0727; 29: 0433; 30: 0353,
Chile 20: 0454, 0621; 21: 0180, 0458;
22: 0001; 37: 0321
China 24: 0287, 0455; 25: 0394;
32: 0046; 53: 0089; 54: 0001
economics and armament policy
28: 0604
France 21: 0180; 26: 0095, 0267;
28: 0091; 30: 0353
general 15: 0650; 31: 0300; 42: 0094,
0610; 52: 0230, 0565; 54: 0305
Germany 11: 0107
Great Britain 27: 0419; 31: 0076, 0300;
52: 0084; 53: 0089
Ireland 38: 0160
Italy 16: 0001
Japan 30: 0001; 53: 0402
Kellogg address to Council on Foreign
Relations 17: 0377
Latin America 17: 0555; 21: 0334;
24: 0117; 30: 0208, 0353; 31: 0076,
memorandum on President Coolidge
speech 35: 0517
Mexico 17: 0001, 0555; 18: 0661;
19: 0001; 20: 0088; 21: 0458, 0638;
22: 0613; 23: 0518; 24: 0287;
25: 0394; 29: 0593; 38: 0001;
52: 0371, 0464
neutrality 31: 0300
Nicaragua 30: 0208
protocol toward foreign governments
25: 0651
Soviet Union 39: 0001
general 15: 0500; 17: 0083; 19: 0275;
26: 0526
recognition 48: 0001
trade relations 28: 0604
Saklatvala, Shapurji, U.S. admission
denied 17: 0001, 0083
Spain 22: 0190
U.S. foreign policy speech 21: 0458
U.S.-Germany Reparations Commission
12: 0001
Foreign Relations Committee
36: 0216
Foreign trade
fair trade 3: 0149
free-trade versus protective tariff 5: 0361
general 3: 0270; 5: 0120; 22: 0190;
35: 0061; 40: 0197; 45: 0603;
52: 0084
imports 29: 0001; 50: 0475
Soviet Union trade 20: 0621; 53: 0296
Stephens-Ashurst fair trade bill 3: 0270,
trade conditions 4: 0650
Forests and forestry
devastation 36: 0216
Fort Snelling
51: 0400
Four Points of the Programme of the
League to Abolish War
11: 0107
Four-Power Treaty
Kellogg Senate speech 8: 0515
allied delegations 13: 0001
cable company 10: 0281
debt settlement 20: 0454
Germany relations 25: 0205
government loans 28: 0001
Great Britain relations 34: 0153;
44: 0001; 49: 0500
Kellogg prayer at tomb of unknown
soldier 35: 0061
monetary policy 26: 0267
naval arms reduction 43: 0001, 0455
political conditions 42: 0001
property purchase for new American
Embassy and Consulate 33: 0136
tariffs 44: 0001
trade with Great Britain 44: 0001
U.S. relations 26: 0095, 0526; 30: 0353
Franco-Belgian railway
personnel 13: 0001
Franco-Russian Treaty
11: 0107
King of Norway views 27: 0215
loans 13: 0599; 14: 0001, 0114
London Reparation Conference
delegation 13: 0001
Poland border 45: 0603
political conditions 42: 0001
railways 13: 0103; 14: 0001
reparations under terms of Dawes Plan
25: 0394; 26: 0095
repatriation payments 38: 0455
tariff on wheat and flour 20: 0454
trade balance 52: 0084
treaty of peace and Shantung
amendment to League of Nations
7: 0001
A Giant Among Nations (pamphlet)
23: 0518
Gibson, Hugh
drawings of 28: 0091
Gibson, Hugh S.
1929 Disarmament Conference 38: 0310
Good Neighbor Policy
49: 0126
Gorgas Memorial Institute of Tropical
and Preventive Medicine
28: 0604; 29: 0433
Government and business
general 49: 0126
individual enterprise 3: 0001
Kellogg invitation to St. Paul
businessmen for luncheon at
Minnesota Club 30: 0208
religious propaganda concerning Wall
Street 21: 0001
Strawn, Silas H., radio address from
Washington, D.C 45: 0244
Government spending
Alaska 16: 0414
appropriations and expenditures
45: 0603
federal government receipts and
disbursements 3: 0270
general 45: 0001
increase 45: 0108
liabilities 46: 0575
local 3: 0270
“Frank B. Kellogg: His Life and Work”
senior thesis by Friederick B. Kellogg
“Frank Billings Kellogg, 1856–1937”
memorial by Silas H. Strawn 51: 0400
Frankfurter, Felix
Sacco-Vanzetti case article 26: 0001
French, Blackmer
extradition case 36: 0216
Garel, Marthe
editorial “A Man of Peace” 51: 0161
General Treaty of Inter-American
Arbitration of 1929
39: 0001
“The Genesis of the Declaration of
article by Jennings C. Wise 19: 0455
George V (King of England)
death 50: 0616, 0356
Georgetown University
conferral of honorary degree of Doctor
of Laws upon Kellogg 37: 0001
Kellogg remarks at tenth anniversary of
School of Foreign Service 37: 0447
George Washington Memorial Building
8: 0258
The George Washington-Sulgrave
30: 0549
Austria customs agreement 43: 0212,
bread supply from U.S. in 1922 34: 0589
claims by U.S. 10: 0001
economy 12: 0001
First Committee of Experts on economy
and balancing the budget report
11: 0352
France relations 25: 0205
general 12: 0189, 0513; 13: 0001, 0103,
0386, 0599; 14: 0001; 44: 0001;
47: 0569; 48: 0161; 54: 0099
German vote 5: 0120
Germany-Austria customs case 43: 0542
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact acceptance
53: 0402
veterans 23: 0518
Hanna, Matthew E.
33: 0136
Harbors and ports
Los Angeles and Long Beach harbors
20: 0088
Port of Darien 44: 0350
Harding, Warren G.
47: 0569
Harrah v. Cuba
railroad claim 31: 0510
Harriman, Edward H.
ICC Investigation into railroad interests
52: 0001, 0031
Harvard University
alumni speech on Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact 38: 0455
conferral of honorary degree of Doctor
of Laws upon Kellogg 38: 0455
Hastings, Charles J.
speech at Public Health Conference,
N.Y. 24: 0455
statehood 27: 0001
Health condition
1: 0546; 49: 0310
Hearst, William Randolph
45: 0244
Hejaz and Nejd, Kingdom of
ratification of Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact 45: 0244
Herrera, Enrique Olaya
43: 0212
4: 0650
Hill, James J.
Kellogg speech at unveiling of bust in
St. Paul, Minn. 44: 0592
“History of the Paris Pact” (article)
48: 0376
Hitler, Adolph
interview quotes 47: 0148
Labor Day 22: 0190
Lafayette Day 28: 0001
Gray’s Inn Moot Society
case list 14: 0287
court claims 11: 0560
Great Britain
see United Kingdom
Great Depression
relief efforts, 1929 44: 0519
45: 0001
Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Tidewater
46: 0001; 48: 0001
Great Northern Railroad Company
stock 3: 0001
The Great Political Crime of the
Democratic Party and the Democratic
President (pamphlet)
5: 0001
financial settlement with U.S. 32: 0046
general 40: 0197
withdrawal of Denmark and Norway in
South-East Greenland legal status
case 47: 0442
Grotius, Hugo
World Court memorial window
presentation to New Church at Delft,
Holland 43: 0455
Guardians of World Peace (pamphlet)
50: 0616
boundary dispute with Honduras
33: 0136
Nicaragua relations 27: 0001
The Hague
see World Court, The Hague
Haig, Earl
poem tribute to Field-Marshal Haig
30: 0549
Hamilton Club of Chicago
Taft, William H., address 1: 0396
Hamline University
conferral of honorary degree of Doctor
of Civil Law upon Kellogg 42: 0380;
43: 0212
general 14: 0501
Hopkins, Harry L.
48: 0001
House of Lords
reform 22: 0613
House of Representatives
Anti-War House Joint Resolution 167
50: 0475
centralized government control House
Resolution 185 39: 0464
Hughes, Charles Evans
campaign for president 5: 0120
general 52: 0230
policy of understanding and good will
13: 0533
Sixth International Conference of
American States in Havana, Cuba,
address 31: 0076
Human rights
free masonry 51: 0001
Czechoslovakia Mixed Arbitral Tribunal
46: 0575
Czechoslovakia World Court case
48: 0161
League of Nations assistance 44: 0001
letter from government to World Court
47: 0257
World Court cases 47: 0442
Hurst, Cecil J. B.
48: 0481
Hydroelectric power
Tennessee River 11: 0107
Illinois University
Kellogg speech upon receipt of Cardinal
Newman Medal 46: 0575
bill 15: 0500; 30: 0549
illegal from Canada 52: 0031
quota legislation 39: 0464
restriction 39: 0347
Immigration Act
40: 0397
Income taxes
Kellogg income tax 49: 0500, 0621
30: 0353, 0549
Hollis, Henry French
Rural Credits Act 4: 0383, 0650
boundary dispute with Guatemala
33: 0136
Honorary degrees
Brown University conferral of Doctor of
Laws 38: 0654; 39: 0347
Carleton College conferral of Doctor of
Laws 35: 0236
Georgetown University conferral of
Doctor of Laws 37: 0001
Hamline University conferral of Doctor
of Civil Law 42: 0380; 43: 0212
Harvard University conferral of Doctor
of Laws 38: 0455
Lincoln Memorial University conferral
of Degree of Doctor of Humane
Letters 45: 0108
New York University conferral of
Doctor of Laws 25: 0205
Occidental College conferral of Doctor
of Laws 39: 0464; 42: 0380
Oxford University conferral of Doctor of
Civil Law 38: 0455; 39: 0001
Princeton University conferral of Doctor
of Laws 42: 0094; 43: 0212
Rollins College conferral of Doctor of
Literary Humanitarian Degree
48: 0481
University of Minnesota conferral of
Doctor of Laws 42: 0094; 43: 0212
University of Pennsylvania conferral of
Doctor of Laws 18: 0153
see also Educational attainment
Hoover, Herbert C.
general 35: 0236; 41: 0267; 44: 0001;
52: 0565; 53: 0089; 54: 0211
inauguration 37: 0639; 38: 0001
Kellogg congratulatory letter to Hoover
on being elected president 35: 0517
Kellogg invitation to inauguration
37: 0447
portrait 44: 0592
president-elect visit to South America
35: 0517
Kellogg appointment as delegate
35: 0061
Kellogg speech for President Coolidge
35: 0517
International Congress (1928)
University of Minnesota 36: 0353
An International Government to Secure
Permanent Peace (pamphlet)
Mack, J. M. 45: 0603
International Radiotelegraph Conference
28: 0383
The International Right to Reply and the
Franco-German Relations (pamphlet)
French pamphlet by Maurice Holderer
43: 0542
Interorganization Council on
44: 0592; 45: 0388
Interstate commerce
general 1: 0249
Minnesota 21: 0458
Interstate Commerce Act
Kellogg Senate speech on amendment
6: 0698
Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC)
general 3: 0630; 27: 0215
investigation into Edward H. Harriman
railroad interests 52: 0031
investigation into railroad interests of
Edward H. Harriman and William
Rockefeller 52: 0001
stocks and bonds 3: 0001
Interstate Post Graduate Medical
Association of North America
30: 0208
Iowa League of Women Voters
10: 0492
Kellogg visit 34: 0367
Iron and steel industry
general 48: 0628; 50: 0160
steel and oil company prices 3: 0451
steel trust 1: 0249, 0396
Vermillion and Mesabe iron ore ranges
50: 0160
India House
Kellogg honorary member 19: 0122
Indian claims
Minnesota Red Lake band of Chippewa
Indians against U.S. government
20: 0621
affairs commissioner 1: 0396
general 1: 0546
land amendment 3: 0001
Minnesota Red Lake band of Chippewa
claims against U.S. government
20: 0621
school lands bill 4: 0383
White Earth Chippewa reservation
diseases 3:0001
Indian Truth (monthly)
48: 0161
Industrial Recovery Bill
provision for taxes 47: 0569
resignations 5: 0120
48: 0001, 0161, 0481
Inter American Commission on
Commercial Aviation
Kellogg remarks 26: 0001
Internal affairs
11: 0107
International Chamber of Commerce
endorsement of world peace 39: 0182
general 42: 0610
International Civil Aeronautics
Kellogg trip to Kitty Hawk, N.C.
36: 0001
International Commerce Commission
international commerce and foreign
trade 45: 0603
International Conference (1924)
Kellogg speech on reparations settlement
13: 0599
International Conference of American
States on Conciliation and Arbitration
Coolidge, Calvin, address 36: 0001
general 35: 0368; 36: 0001, 0216
Kellogg speech 2: 0474
U.S. appointment of judges 37: 0639
Judicial powers
military tribunals jurisdiction 8: 0515
Jurisprudence and Law Reform Report
treaty rights of aliens 15: 0332
Kellogg, Clara M.
letters of condolences 51: 0290
sympathy notes on death of brother, Paul
B. Cook 39: 0464
Kellogg, Frank B.
death 54: 0507
Kellogg, Frank Clifford
letter from great nephew to Kellogg
looking for father Clifford Kellogg
36: 0507
Kellogg, Frederick A.
death 31: 0510
Kellogg, Friederick B.
senior thesis “Frank B. Kellogg: His Life
and Work” 45: 0001
“The Kellogg Briand Pact: Its Origin and
Its Nature”
transcript 42: 0094
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
effect on naval bill 33: 0288
amendment suggestions 39: 0347
antiwar treaty 33: 0136; 53: 0506
Briand, Aristide, views 53: 0186
Citizens’ Non Partisan Committee
signing celebration 35: 0517
congratulatory notes to Kellogg
34: 0153; 0367
copy of signed original 1928 General
Pact for the Renunciation of War
35: 0517
general 33: 0288, 0561; 34: 0001, 0589;
35: 0061–0517; 36: 0216, 0671;
37: 0639; 38: 0001, 0455; 40: 0001,
0583; 43: 0212; 44: 0001, 0350;
45: 0108, 0603; 46: 0332; 47: 0257,
0569; 48: 0628; 49: 0001, 0500;
50: 0160–0475; 52: 0084; 54: 0099–
German debate on ratification 37: 0321
joint resolution 49: 0621
31: 0300
Isle of Pines
ownership rights 10: 0178
Italian Labor Charter
29: 0433
church denomination discrimination
18: 0292, 0661
debt settlement 18: 0292
Ethiopia relations 50: 0160
Italy and the Unredeemed Isles of Greece
49: 0621
aggression 45: 0108
China conflict 24: 0117; 44: 0350, 0519,
0592; 45: 0001–0108, 0603
China relations 43: 0542; 44: 0001,
0350; 45: 0244, 0388; 50: 0001
general 35: 0517; 47: 0257
Great Britain relations 22: 0613
immigration law 12: 0001
Manchuria invasion and occupation
44: 0199
political conditions 39: 0464
Russia treaty 15: 0500
U.S. relations 22: 0613
“John Brown’s Body” (song)
Roosevelt Distinguished Service Medal
award to Stephen Vincent Benét
48: 0161
Johnson v. Schall
Senate case 17: 0377
Johnson, Hallett
“The Ouchy Convention: An Effort to
Reduce the Current Obstacles to
Trade” article 47: 0442
Jordon, John
death 6: 0416
district judge in Minnesota 7: 0298
federal 8: 0515; 9: 0001–0545;
10: 0001–0281; 11: 0560; 28: 0383
federal judgeship petitions for Willard L.
Converse 10: 0001
Kellogg testimony before Senate
Committee on Foreign Relations
24: 0117
resentment toward United States
29: 0001
Round Table on Latin American affairs
21: 0334
Lausanne Treaty
general 24: 0117
U.S. and Turkey 24: 0001
antitrust 3: 0001
French bar 9: 0545
international 42: 0610
Kellogg return as senior partner of law
firm 37: 0119
state and federal laws regarding holding
of real property by aliens 19: 0275
withdrawal of Denmark and Norway in
South-East Greenland legal status
case 47: 0442
Lawyers Club
Kellogg resignation as member 6: 0246
League of Nations
Canada representation 43: 0455
disarmament plan 17: 0377
general 7: 0001, 0174; 17: 0555;
39: 0464; 40: 0001; 49: 0310, 0500;
50: 0616; 52: 0084; 54: 0305
Hungary assistance 44: 0001
petition statement by Newton D. Baker
48: 0628
provisions for arbitration and
conciliation 39: 0182
Senate speeches 7: 0001
treaty of peace with Germany, Shantung
Amendment 7: 0001
The League of Nations Association, Inc
42: 0094; 48: 0628; 50: 0160
League of Nations Conference on
Communications and Transit
42: 0610
The League of Political Education
Kellogg address “The United States and
the Outlook for World Peace”
39: 0682
Harvard alumni speech 38: 0455
radio broadcast to commemorate
Peace Pact 51: 0161
views 53: 0186
letters of appreciation to Kellogg
37: 0639; 38: 0001, 0160
navy objections 36: 0507
outlawry of war 32: 0290; 53: 0186,
Pact of Paris for the Renunciation of
War, 1928 41: 0001
peace pen 50: 0616; 51: 0001, 0400,
plan 53: 0296
proposed changes to antiwar treaty
39: 0001
ratification 35: 0001; 36: 0001, 0353,
0507; 37: 0001, 0119, 0447;
40: 0583; 43: 0212; 38: 0455; 44:
0519; 45: 0244; 48: 0161; 49: 0126
signing in Paris 34: 0153; 54: 0001
signing of celebration report to members
of Citizens Non-Partisan Committee
36: 0001
text 36: 0216
venue for signing 33: 0001
Kitty Hawk, North Carolina
International Civil Aeronautics
Conference trip 36: 0001
movement 5: 0120
Labor Wage-Hour Act
general 51: 0290
Lafollette, Robert M.
progressive movement 1: 0546
Lake Superior
North Shore harbors 29: 0433, 0593
Lamont, Thomas W.
“Our Universities in an Unsettled
World” speech 47: 0001
Latin America
Ecuador 44: 0519
general 28: 0383; 54: 0211
Locarno Conference
general 17: 0083
Security Pact and arbitration treaties
17: 0249
Locarno Pact
general 17: 0377
Locarno treaties
31: 0300; 33: 0288
London, England
Kellogg speech at Pilgrims of Great
Britain dinner 38: 0654
U.S. embassy staff 11: 0107
London Reparation Conference
agreement 12: 0189
general: 12: 0189, 0513; 13: 0001, 0103,
0386, 0599; 14: 0001; 49: 0500
German delegation 13: 0001
loan payments from Germany speech by
J. Ramsay MacDonald 12: 0513
London Reparation Inter-Allied
see London Reparation Conference
London Reparation International
see London Reparation Conference
London Treaty
40: 0397
Loring, Charles A.
9: 0001–0545; 10: 0178
Lumber and lumber industry
35: 0061
MacDonald, Arthur
“Study of Abnormal Man” 2: 0116
MacDonald, J. Ramsay
general 44: 0001
speech at Reparation Conference on loan
payments from Germany 12: 0513
Machado, Gerardo
Governing Board of the Pan American
Union speech 25: 0394
Sixth Pan American Conference speech
30: 0353
Mack, John Mason
An International Government to Secure
Permanent Peace pamphlet 45: 0603
League to Enforce Peace
3: 0630; 5: 0120
“Let’s Advertise this Hell!” (article)
46: 0575
Levinson, Salmon O.
claim of contribution to peace treaty
47: 0442, 0569
Limitation of Naval Armament
Kellogg speech 27: 0215, 0419
Lincoln Club of Minneapolis
Kellogg membership 25: 0651
Lincoln Memorial University
conferral of Degree of Doctor of
Humane Letters upon Kellogg
45: 0108
Lincoln Republican Club
1: 0546
Lind, John
6: 0246
Lindbergh, Charles A.
drawings 28: 0091
flight from New York to Paris 26: 0095
general 26: 0526; 33: 0001; 53: 0089
Minnesota reception 26: 0095, 0267;
27: 0001, 0215
Paris reception 35: 0061
poem “The Monarch of the Air” written
for Lindbergh 27: 0591
President Coolidge invitation 26: 0267
South American tour 31: 0076
trophies 33: 0561
Washington reception 26: 0526
Lippmann, Walter
address on renunciation of war treaty at
annual meeting of Academy of
Political Science 36: 0001
railways 42: 0610
traffic between Lithuania and Poland
42: 0380
international 46: 0118
U.S.–Great Britain loan formulas
13: 0533
Magna Carta Day
Massachusetts observance
40: 0197; 41: 0001; 42: 0380
movement 41: 0674
Maison de la Chimie (House of
establishment in Paris, France 28: 0383
Railroad 44: 0350
“A Man of Peace” (editorial)
by Marthe Garel 51: 0161
Manufacturing and manufactured
prices 47: 0569
status of American women who marry
aliens 31: 0076
observance of Magna Carta Day
41: 0001
Matson, Rosser Holloway
dismissal from Naval Academy 16: 0663
Maryland Bar Association
Kellogg address “The Judicial Recall”
2: 0474
Mayo Clinic
Kellogg address at Mayo brothers
testimonial dinner 49: 0126
Kellogg photograph of portrait for Mayo
Clinic 48: 0001
McAndrew, Frank J.
eviction notice 11: 0560
McGee, John F.
8: 0055, 0258; 9: 0001, 0142, 0325;
10: 0178, 0281
McNary-Haugen bill
agriculture 24: 0618
Medical examinations and tests
general 2: 0474
medical records 45: 0388
medical reports 33: 0001;
44: 0519; 47: 0569
Meighen, John F. D.
address on China 17: 0001
Mellon, Andrew W.
radio speech on Republican
accomplishments 35: 0236
radio speech on Republican policies
35: 0368
Merchant marine
29: 0001
Merchants National Bank
consolidation with First National Bank
37: 0119, 0321; 38: 0001
Merchants National Bank and Trust
general 36: 0671
investigation 16: 0414
Merchants National Company
stock and stockholders of St. Paul, Minn.
33: 0136
The Messina (Transvaal) Development
Co., Ltd
1: 0138
alien land and petroleum laws 18: 0292
alien property rights 19: 0603
California border 24: 0001
censorship of Catholic Church 26: 0095
crisis 52: 0658
earthquake 46: 0001
general 28: 0604; 33: 0136; 34: 0001;
35: 0061, 0517; 48: 0376, 0481;
52: 0371, 0565; 53: 0001, 0089
internal affairs 37: 0447
persecution of Catholic clergy 21: 0001,
political policies 16: 0414
political situation 33: 0288; 36: 0507
Senate Congressional Record speech by
William E. Borah on U.S. citizens in
Mexico 25: 0394
U.S. protest against legislation 17: 0249
U.S. relations 18: 0487; 25: 0394;
48: 0481
Venezuela relations 15: 0650
Mines and mining
general 3: 0001
proposal for president’s summer
vacation 25: 0205
reapportionment 1: 0249
Republican campaign 34: 0001
Republican convention 1: 0249;
45: 0388
state Republican candidates 5: 0361
state senate resolution 15: 0221
Sweden Crown Prince Gustaf Adolf visit
18: 0292
Taft, William H., visit 1: 0396
Vermillion and Mesabe iron ore ranges
50: 0160
Warren 2: 0001
water power for valley 5: 0120
see also St. Paul, Minnesota
Minnesota Bar Association
general 14: 0287
The Minnesota Club
finances 40: 0583
general 46: 0469
Kellogg invitation to St. Paul
businessmen for luncheon 40: 0583
Minnesota Editorial Association
Kellogg “Minnesota’s World Citizen”
address 42: 0094
Minnesota Historical Society
general 51: 0400, 0537
Minnesota Iron Range
land grant cases 4: 0383
see also Duluth, Minnesota
Minnesota Law Review
publication of speech “The World
Court” by Frank B. Kellogg
40: 0001, 0397
Minnesota Mutual Investment Company
4: 0110
Minnesota State Bar Association
general 5: 0001; 51: 0161
Kellogg address “The Law’s Delay”
1: 0249
Minnesota State Fair
aviation at fair 33: 0561
Kellogg political address 4: 0383
Minnesota State Republican Convention
resolution 31: 0300
Mines and Mining cont.
Kellogg Minnesota Iron Range tour
4: 0001
Kosmerl Mine tax case 25: 0001
Minneapolis & St. Louis Railroad
foreclosure of mortgage 10: 0492
Minneapolis Transportation Club
Kellogg address “Minneapolis
Transportation and Its Relation to the
Public Welfare” 1: 0249
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Kellogg antiwar radio speech 38: 0455
The Minneapolis Tribune
44: 0350
Chippewa Indians
Red Lake band claims against U.S.
government 20: 0621
White Earth Reservation diseases
3: 0001
Corrupt Practices Act 3: 0270
district delegates and alternates 2: 0292
district judge 7: 0298; 8: 0001, 0055,
Duluth Herald fiftieth anniversary
47: 0257
campaign 22: 0343, 0507
general 31: 0076; 32: 0001; 49: 0126
primaries 32: 0624
results 22: 0613
expenses 3: 0001
Fairmont 1: 0249
interstate commerce 21: 0458
Kellogg interview by students 35: 0368
Minneapolis 38: 0455
political campaigns 28: 0383
political situation 1: 0138, 0546;
2: 0474; 3: 0149, 0270, 0451;
4: 0110, 0383, 0650; 5: 0361;
11: 0107; 27: 0419; 33: 0136;
34: 0367, 0589; 35: 0001; 46: 0469;
50: 0475, 0616; 51: 0001
postmaster appointment 23: 0238
primaries 3: 0149
service as director and legal
counsel 54: 0638
First Trust Company in St. Paul,
Minn., memorial for service on
board of directors 54: 0644
grandfather memorial 25: 0205
St. Albens School, Washington,
D.C., memorial of government
room and library 51: 0537
war memorial contribution 25: 0651
Washington National Cathedral
window 51: 0400, 0537
memorial service attendees 54: 0554
testimonial signatures 54: 0616
Plattsburgh Centenary Commission
memorial 21: 0180
Roosevelt, Theodore, memorial
10: 0492, 0630; 12: 0001
White, Henry, memorial 29: 0001
White, Edward Douglas, memorial
48: 0161
Wilson, Woodrow, monument unveiling
in Poland 43: 0212
Wood, Leonard, memorial 29: 0593
Moos, Charles J.
general 49: 0500
reappointment as postmaster, St. Paul,
Minn. 45: 0108
Morris, Fred
15: 0650
Morrow, Dwight W.
44: 0001
Knapp-Tischmann contract 6: 0246
Motion pictures
censorship 5: 0120
Kellogg-Briand prospect 43: 0212
Paramount Pictures desire to film World
Court 44: 0350
Multilateral antiwar treaty
see Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
Multilateral Treaty for the Renunciation
of War
see Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
Minnesota State Supreme Court
51: 0001
Minnesota State Tax Association
47: 0569
Minnesota Taxpayers Association
general 43: 0001; 44: 0199, 0350, 0592
Reed, J. F., radio address 44: 0199, 0350
Minnesota Young People’s Citizenship
4: 0650
Mississippi River
flood relief 4: 0001
Mississippi Valley
flood control 29: 0211
Mitchell, William D.
“Legal Business of the Federal
Government” address 37: 0321
“The Monarch of the Air”
poem written for Charles A. Lindbergh
27: 0591
1: 0001, 0249; 44: 0001
Monroe Doctrine
criticism 24: 0455
general 33: 0561; 34: 0001; 37: 0001,
0639; 40: 0397, 0583; 45: 0603;
48: 0161–0481; 54: 0001, 0099, 0396
Monuments and memorials
Bryan, William Jennings, memorial
29: 0593
Columbus Memorial unveiling 43: 0542
“Frank Billings Kellogg, 1856–1937”
memorial by Silas H. Strawn
51: 0400
Coolidge, Calvin, contribution to
Potomac Park World War memorial
25: 0651
Hill, James J., bust unveiling in St. Paul,
Minn. 44: 0592
bronze bust gifts to Carleton College
and Corcoran Gallery of Art
23: 0001
First National Bank of St. Paul,
Minn., memorial for years of
remarks on presentation of gold medal to
Kellogg 43: 0212
Kellogg American Bar Association
address “New Nationalism” 2: 0474
National Press Club of Washington
29: 0211
The National Republican
10: 0492
National Republican Alliance
1: 0546
National Republican Congressional
4: 0383, 0650
National Roosevelt Committee
1: 0546
National Security League
4: 0383; 5: 0001
National Sesquicentennial Exhibition
21: 0001; 31: 0300
National Student Forum on the Paris Pact
44: 0001; 45: 0603; 46: 0118
National World Court Committee
42: 0094
National Young Men’s Republican
general 4: 0110; 6: 0001
U.S. recognition 33: 0561
Naval Consulting Board
expenses of Minnesota Board of
Directors 6: 0246
Naval Disarmament Conference
38: 0455; 53: 0089
Naval Limitation Treaty
40: 0197
Naval vessels
49: 0001
Anglo-French agreement 54: 0099
bill 54: 0211, 0305, 0396, 0491
budgets and appropriations 43: 0542
objections to Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
36: 0507
U.S. policy 15: 0001
Multilateral Treaty to Outlaw War
see Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
National Advisory Commission
Constitution address by James M. Beck
at Organization Meeting in
Independence Hall 18: 0001
National Association for the
Advancement of Colored People
4: 0650
National Civic Federation Conference
Kellogg address on enforcement of the
Sherman Anti-Trust Act 1: 0001
National Civil Service League
civil service law 5: 0120
National Conference for Development of
Commercial Aviation
26: 0095
National Conference on the Cause and
Cure of War
36: 0671
National Council of the English-Speaking
50: 0616
The National Cyclopedia of American
4: 0001
National defense
preparedness 5: 0001
National Democratic Committee
4: 0383
National Electric Light Association
25: 0001
National Emergency Relief Committee
44: 0001
National Institute of Social Sciences
address for medal award to Kellogg
43: 0001
award of gold medal to Kellogg
42: 0610
general 44: 0001, 0350
Kellogg election as vice-president
42: 0380
membership 41: 0434
endorsement of J. Ramsay
MacDonald 44: 0350
nomination 38: 0455
speech at Oslo, Norway 41: 0674
newspaper clippings on reception of
Peace Prize 41: 0434
postponement 39: 0001
proposal to Kellogg 38: 0160
request to Nobel committee for Kellogg
consideration for peace prize
36: 0507
Non-Partisan League
4: 0383
North Dakota
agricultural products 28: 0383
district judge 7: 0634; 8: 0001, 0055,
Northern Pacific Railroad Company
congressional investigation of land
grants 36: 0507
general 31: 0681
general 41: 0674
king’s views on Germany 27: 0215
withdrawal from South-East Greenland
legal status case 47: 0442
“Notes for a Speech”
Kellogg speech on two-party political
system 17: 0555
No-Tobacco League of America
19: 0001
Obolensky, Sergei
U.S. visit of prince and princess
23: 0238
Occidental College
conferral of honorary degree of Doctor
of Laws on Kellogg 39: 0464;
42: 0380
presentation speech for Kellogg Degree
of Doctor of Laws 42: 0610
Olds, Robert E.
appointment as under secretary of state
26: 0001
death 47: 0001
Navy officers
U.S. rules of precedence on duty abroad
29: 0211
Nejd, Kingdom of
see Hejaz and Nejd, Kingdom of
Nelson, Knute
5: 0001; 6: 0246; 14: 0287; 26: 0267;
33: 0288; 36: 0216
Netherlands, Kingdom of the
“Holland and the Toll Union Decision”
editorial 43: 0542
Nethersole, Olga
address at Public Health Conference
24: 0455
New Deal
“Education, Science, and the New Deal”
address by Homer Cummings
48: 0628
general 49: 0126, 0621; 50: 0001
New York University
conferral of honorary Doctor of Laws
degree on Kellogg 25: 0047
election 54: 0211
general 24: 0117; 28: 0604; 33: 0136;
35: 0061; 53: 0089, 0186; 54: 0305
Guatemala relations 27: 0001
rivals for power 53: 0001
Nine-Power Pacific Pact
44: 0350
Nobel Peace Prize
campaign on behalf of Kellogg 39: 0001,
0182, 0347, 0464, 0682
general 49: 0310
1929 41: 0001
Colcord, Samuel, recommendation
41: 0001, 0267
conferral on Kellogg 41: 0434
Dohrn, Reinhard, recommendation for
1933 prize 46: 0575
general 38: 0654; 42: 0094
congratulatory telegrams 41: 0434,
Machado, Gerardo, speech at governing
board 25: 0394
meeting 18: 0292
signatures of ambassadors, ministers and
chargés d’ affaires, and members of
governing board 54: 0632
Spanish and English language copies of
minutes of meeting 18: 0001
Spanish-language copy of Kellogg
address to members 23: 0401
Spanish-language copy of meeting
minutes 19: 0122; 20: 0088; 24: 0287
Bolivia relations 36: 0353; 38: 0001;
48: 0001
Paris, France
Kellogg speech at July 4 dinner 46: 0001
Lindbergh, Charles A., reception
35: 0061
Maison de la Chimie (House of
Chemistry) establishment 28: 0383
The Paris Pact
see Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
The Paris Peace Prize
1930 welcoming address of Johan
Ludwig Mowinckel 41: 0674
Parker, John J.
nomination for associate justice of U.S.
Supreme Court 40: 0001
Passports and visas
Kellogg 11: 0001
newspaper articles on Kellogg address
“The Outlook for World Peace”
40: 0001
“Peace by Means of Arbitration”
Kellogg article 43: 0542
Peace movements
39: 0182; 40: 0397; 43: 0212; 47: 0257;
52: 0230
Peace Palace, The Hague
Kellogg portrait 45: 0388
library 49: 0001
library exhibition to commemorate
centenary of Andrew Carnegie’s birth
50: 0001
“The Ouchy Convention: An Effort to
Reduce the Current Obstacles to Trade”
article by Hallett Johnson 47: 0442
“The Outlook for World Peace”
newspaper articles on Kellogg address
40: 0001
Oxford University
conferral of Doctor of Civil Law degree
on Kellogg 38: 0455
general 51: 0001
Pact of Paris
see Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
“The Pact of Paris and the Relationship
of the United States to the World
radio speech 50: 0160
“The Pact of Paris: A Bibliography”
47: 0569
Pact of Paris for the Renunciation of War
see Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact
Palimpsest Club
address on trusts and monopolies
1: 0396
Panama Canal
free tolls for American ships 8: 0258
general 6: 0527; 7: 0298, 0485
Panama-Pacific International Exposition
1: 0249, 0396, 0546
Pan-American Conference (1928)
on arbitration 54: 0305, 0396
general 53: 0186
Pan American Congress (1925)
17: 0377
Pan American Union
building 32: 0479; 35: 0368
Canada 23: 0518
general 28: 0091; 31: 0300; 35: 0368;
40: 0197
governing board 38: 0001
governing board meeting minutes, 1927
18: 0661; 19: 0275; 22: 0001;
26: 0267; 29: 0211; 30: 0001
Kellogg remarks to Ambassador Miguel
Cruchaga Tocornal of Chile at
governing board 28: 0091
U.S. Supreme Court decisions 48: 0001,
see also World Court, The Hague
Peking, China
Washington Conference 16: 0414
The People’s League of Health
see Public Health Conference
Pepper, George
World Court plan 11: 0560
Permanent Court of Arbitration
44: 0199
Permanent Court of International Justice
see World Court, The Hague
dispute with Colombia and Brazil
47: 0569
lines with Colombia 46: 0469
relations 16: 0001; 17: 0083;
18: 0292; 19: 0275–0603;
21: 0334; 34: 0001; 38: 0001;
53: 0402, 0506; 54: 0099, 0211
crisis 53: 0089
general 34: 0153; 53: 0001
opinion of Tacna-Arica question
40: 0001
Salomon-Lazano Treaty with Colombia
15: 0650; 47: 0442, 0569
Tacna and Arica Provinces
general 17: 0377; 19: 0275; 20: 0088,
0454; 21: 0001
Kellogg congratulatory notes on
proposal 23: 0238
Peru-Chile dispute 33: 0288;
35: 0061, 0517; 52: 0658; 53: 0001
plebiscite 40: 0397
territory 29: 0001
Petroleum and natural gas leases
oil leasing investigation 11: 0352
Petroleum and petroleum industry
steel and oil company prices 3: 0451
Philippine Islands
general 7: 0298
question 1: 0001
autographed photo requests 37: 0639;
39: 0182
Coolidge, Calvin, photo requests
37: 0639
photo for publication request 6: 0246
The Pilgrims of Great Britain
dinners 10: 0630; 11: 0107; 12: 0001;
40: 0001
General Pact for the Renunciation of
War signing celebration 36: 0216
Kellogg speech in London, England
38: 0654
speeches and addresses 39: 0001
Pilgrim’s Society of the United States
10: 0492
“The Plans for Red Day in Moscow”
Pravda article 39: 0001
Plattsburgh, New York
Centenary Commission memorial
21: 0180
Pocahontas (U.S. transport)
collision with British steamship San
Tirso 31: 0076
Poindexter, Miles
bill for National Radio Commission to
regulate U.S. radio communication
7: 0174
atrocities in Ukraine 41: 0434
Germany border 45: 0603
traffic between Lithuania and Poland
42: 0380
Wilson, Woodrow, monument unveiling
43: 0212
Political conventions
Minnesota Republicans 1: 0249;
45: 0388
Political parties
Kellogg speech on two-party political
system “Notes for a Speech” 17: 0555
Porto Rico Central Committee
42: 0610
Ancient and Accepted Order of
Hospitallers 20: 0088; 32: 0001;
43: 0001
Boy Scouts of America 19: 0275;
20: 0454; 26: 0095
Brotherhood of Locomotive Fireman and
Enginemen 10: 0001
The George Washington–Sulgrave
Institution 30: 0549
Gray’s Inn Moot Society
11: 0560; 14: 0287
Hamilton Club of Chicago 1: 0396
Iowa League of Women Voters 10: 0492
Lawyers Club 6: 0246
Lincoln Republican Club 1: 0546;
25: 0651
The Minnesota Club 40: 0583; 46: 0469
Minnesota Historical Society 51: 0400,
Minneapolis Transportation Club
1: 0249
National Press Club of Washington
29: 0211
Palimpsest Club 1: 0396
The Pilgrims of Great Britain 10: 0630;
11: 0107; 12: 0001; 36: 0216;
38: 0654; 40: 0001
Pilgrim’s Society of the United States
10: 0492
Prisoners’ Relief Society 27: 0001
Ramsey County Republican Club
5: 0120
Riverside Commercial Club of St. Paul,
Minn. 22: 0190
White Bear Yacht Club (Minnesota)
3: 0270
Women’s Republican Club of Minnesota
35: 0236
general 4: 0110, 0383; 5: 0361
woman suffrage 3: 0630
private rights 38: 0654
questionnaire on U.S. citizens and rights
in foreign countries 26: 0267
Carleton College 50: 0616; 51: 0001
Department of State 45: 0108
general 44: 0199, 0519, 0592
Peace Palace, The Hague 45: 0108,
sketch 34: 0367
Postal service
air 47: 0001
Minneapolis–St. Paul, Minn., air mail
19: 0275; 20: 0001
Minnesota postmaster appointment
23: 0238
postal reorganization 1: 0396
“The Plans for Red Day in Moscow”
39: 0001
Preparatory Committee for the
Conference on International Law
38: 0310
Presidential appointments
Olds, Robert E., under secretary of state
26: 0001
Presidential vetoes
McNary-Haugen bill 32: 0624
Prince of Wales
Kellogg meeting 11: 0107
Princeton University
conferral of Honorary Degree of Doctor
of Laws on Kellogg 42: 0094;
43: 0212
Prisoners’ Relief Society
27: 0001
Americans in Russia 8: 0258
Private clubs and societies
American Peace Society 40: 0583;
41: 0001, 0434; 42: 0094, 0380,
0610; 43: 0212, 0455; 44: 0199,
0519; 48: 0628
American Society of International Law
26: 0001; 42: 0094
American Society of the French Legion
of Honor 40: 0197; 51: 0001
Manchurian Railroad 44: 0350
monopoly 52: 0001, 0031
strikes 10: 0001
traffic between Lithuania and Poland
42: 0380
Ramsey County Republican Club
5: 0120
Real estate business
state and federal laws regarding holding
of real property by aliens 19: 0275
Red Cross
Florida hurricane 34: 0589
The Redemption and Fulfillment of
Prophecies (pamphlet)
38: 0654
Red Lake Chippewa Indians
Minnesota Indians claims against U.S.
government 20: 0621
see also Indians
Reed, J. F.
radio address for Minnesota Taxpayers
Association 44: 0199, 0350
churches and national recovery program
48: 0001
propaganda concerning Wall Street
21: 0001
Reparation Commission
13: 0001, 0103, 0386; 14: 0001, 0114
Reparation Conference
committee records 13: 0386
delegations, notices, and agendas
12: 0189
heads of delegations meeting minutes
13: 0001
plenary sessions and heads of
delegations meetings 13: 0103
plenary sessions minutes 12: 0513
Republican National Committee
advertising plan 5: 0001
committee on revision of rules 1: 0546
general 1: 0138, 0396, 0546; 2: 0001;
4: 0383, 0650; 49: 0621
rules 2: 0116
Public Health Conference
Nethersole, Olga, address 24: 0455
Public welfare programs
general 48: 0001
organizations 27: 0001
Puerto Rico
food assistance for children 42: 0610
bills 7: 001, 0174; 10: 0281
communication 7: 0298, 0485, 0634;
8: 0001, 0055, 0515; 10: 0001, 0178,
Department of Commerce Conference
on Radio Telephony 8: 0515; 9: 0001,
general 34: 0153
government-owned stations 7: 0298
hearing to amend act of 1912 10: 0281
International Radiotelegraph Conference
28: 0383
shortwave 23: 0401
station licensing 9: 0001, 0142
stations under navy control 7: 0174
Watkins, Arthur Charles, radio talk
44: 0001
bonds 51: 0161
control 7: 0001
deed to school land 4: 0383
farm income 17: 0083
Franco-Belgian railway personnel
13: 0001
freight rates 4: 0383; 17: 0083
general 1: 0249; 7: 0298; 23: 0001;
45: 0001; 47: 0148; 48: 0628;
51: 0161; 54: 0211
ICC Investigation into Edward H.
Harriman interests 52: 0031
ICC investigation into Edward H.
Harriman and William Rockefeller
interests 52: 0001
Kellogg speeches and addresses
Burlington Zephyr welcome address
in Minneapolis, Minn. 49: 0621
Senate speech on control 7: 0001
Lithuanian 42: 0610
conferral of honorary Doctor of Literary
Humanitarian Degree on Kellogg
48: 0481
Queen’s visit to U.S. 23: 0138, 0238
war situation 22: 0343
Roosevelt Memorial Association
annual report, 1931 43: 0542
board of trustees 7: 0174
general 8: 0258; 14: 0114; 40: 0001;
48: 0161; 50: 0001
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
administration 47: 0569; 50: 0616
disability 17: 0249
election 47: 0257
extracts of speeches 50: 0475
general 49: 0310
Kellogg congratulations on election
47: 0257
Roosevelt, Theodore
campaign role 3: 0149
reminiscences by distinguished men who
knew him 16: 0414
Kellogg political suggestions 2: 0474
memorial 10: 0178, 0492, 0630;
12: 0001
support from Kellogg 2: 0001
Taft-Roosevelt delegate contests
2: 0116, 0292
Root, Elihu
formula 42: 0094
general 41: 0001; 51: 0001
tribute 47: 0148
The Rough Riders (film)
25: 0047
see Romania
Rural Credits Act
4: 0383, 0650
see Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Ruth v. Beatty
fraudulent land case 28: 0238
Rutledge, Arthur G.
6: 0001
Republican National Convention
assistant sergeant at arms appointments
2: 0001, 0116, 0292
civil service plank proposal 2: 0116
general 1: 0396, 0546; 2: 0001, 0679;
3: 0001, 0149; 4: 0110
official call 2: 0292
sergeant at arms appointment 1: 0546
temporary roll of delegates and
alternates 2: 0292
Republican Party
Coolidge, Calvin, foreign policy
approval 32: 0290
finances 1: 0396
general 1: 0249; 12: 0001; 35: 0236
platform 1924 32: 0046
politics 1: 0249
Mellon, Andrew W., radio speech on
Republican policies 35: 0368
resolutions 1: 0249
Texas 18: 0661; 19: 0001
Utah campaign 35: 0061
Republican State Central Committee
4: 0383, 0650
emergency army officers with
disabilities 24: 0618
Reunion of British Official Missions to
the United States
final report 43: 0455
Revenue Act of 1921
22: 0190
Riverview Commercial Club of St. Paul,
“The Hope of Our Future” 22: 0190
Rockefeller, William
ICC investigation into railroad interests
52: 0001
Roe, Herman
Norway visit 26: 0095
Roeser, John A.
9: 0325
Rollins College
“Education, Science, and the New Deal”
address by Homer Cummings
48: 0628
general 17: 0083
“Seeds of War” (sermon)
24: 0117
“Silver Jack” (poem)
1: 0001
campaign contributions investigation
2: 0474
Congressional Record speech by
William E. Borah on U.S. citizens in
Mexico 25: 0394
election candidates 3: 0001, 0149
election nomination results 4: 0110
Kellogg Senate campaign
congratulatory telegrams and letters
on senatorial victory 5: 0361,
0623; 6: 0001
general 4: 0383
nomination 4: 0110
possible candidate 2: 0474, 0679;
3: 0001, 0149
Kellogg speeches
federal taxation of state governmental
instrumentalities 7: 0001
“The Four-Power Treaty” 8: 0515
Interstate Commerce Act amendment
6: 0698
League of Nations 7: 0001
price guaranties of wheat 7: 0001
railroad control 7: 0001
telegraph and telephone control
7: 0001
Kellogg testimony on relations with
Latin America before Committee on
Foreign Relations 24: 0117
ladies lunch hostess photo 6: 0416
poll for Kellogg American Bar
Association reform procedural bill
7: 0001
resolution on standing committees
7: 0174
Sesquicentennial International Exposition
20: 0621; 21: 0334
Severance, Cordenio A.
American Bar Association address
10: 0001
Ryan, Edward W.
American Red Cross trip to Moscow and
Petrograd 7: 0174
Sacco-Vanzetti case
foreign reaction 27: 0591
Saklatvala, Shapurji
U. S. admission denied 17: 0001, 0083
Salomon, Arthur K.
14: 0706
Salomon-Lazano Treaty
Colombia and Peru 47: 0442
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact ratification
44: 0519
San Tirso (British steamship)
collision with U.S. transport Pocahontas
31: 0076
Sargent, John Garibaldi
47: 0257
commercial treaty 42: 0094
general 27: 0215
Schall, Thomas D.
Congressional Record speech on
character assassination 24: 0117
Rhodes scholars
general 39: 0464; 40: 0397; 44: 0350
revised system for election 40: 0197
selection of Americans by districts
39: 0464
Sears, Frederick H.
address at Public Health Conference
24: 0455
equitable tax against shares of bank
stock 26: 0001
general 11: 0560; 48: 0161
Great Northern Railroad stock 3: 0001
investments 47: 0001
stock and stockholders 10: 0281;
33: 0288
tax exempt 11: 0560
Security Pact
arbitration treaties at Locarno
Conference 17: 0249
Snowden, Philip
caricature 19: 0455
21: 0334
Society of Constructive Defence
4: 0110
“A Son of the Soil: A Life Which Began
in My Neighborhood and Achieved Great
Eminence” (article)
44: 0592
South America
President-Elect Herbert Hoover visit to
South America 35: 0517
see also names of individual countries
embargo on grapes 17: 0377
Speeches and addresses
Beck, James M. 18: 0001
Borah, William E. 25: 0394
Briggs, Asa G. 22: 0190
Bryn-Jones, David 43: 0212
Coolidge, Calvin 29: 0433, 0593:
35: 0517
Cummings, Homer 48: 0628
Dawes, Charles G. 26: 0267
Estabrook, Henry D. 2: 0679
Farrand, Livingston 24: 0455
Finley, J. H. 43: 0001
Hastings, Charles J. 24: 0455
Haven, Emerson 24: 045
Kellogg, Frank B.
1890–1907 1: 0001
1909–1910 1: 0249
1911 1: 0396
1912–1915 2: 0474
1917 6: 0698
1918–1919 7: 0001
1920 7: 0174
1922 8: 0515; 10: 0001
1924 13: 0599
1925 17: 0377
1926 17: 0555; 19: 0603; 21: 0458
1927 26: 0001; 27: 0215; 28: 0091;
29: 0001
1928 31: 0076; 32: 0001; 35: 0236,
Severance, Cordenio A., cont.
death 16: 0167
general 14: 0287, 0501
life sketch 35: 0236
Severance, Mary Harriman
life sketch 35: 0236
The Shakespeare Association
13: 0599
Shanghai, China
U.S. Court for China district attorney
22: 0190
Sherman Anti-Trust Act
general 1:0001; 2: 0116
Kellogg address on enforcement at
National Civic Federation Conference
1: 0001
Ships and shipbuilding
Duluth, Minn. and Superior, Wis.
Steamship Companies financial
statements 2: 0679
free tolls for American ships through
Panama Canal 8: 0258
shipping bill 4: 0650
U.S. shipping lines publicity 11: 0107
Pocahontas (U.S. transport) and San
Tirso (British steamship) collision
31: 0076
Sixth International Conference of
American States
Coolidge, Calvin, speech 29: 0433,
0593; 30: 0001
general 30: 0549; 31: 0001; 49: 0126
Kellogg letter on U.S. Latin America
policy 30: 0353
Sixth Pan American Conference
Coolidge, Calvin, letter to Gerardo
Machado y Morales after conference
30: 0353
delegation, 1928 27: 0215; 28: 0383
general 28: 0604; 29: 0001; 31: 0001
Machado, Gerardo, speech 30: 0353
topics for 1928 Conference in English
and Spanish 20: 0309
Slaves and slavery
ex slave convention 28: 0091
1929 37: 0447; 38: 0455, 0654
1930 39: 0347, 0682; 40: 0001, 0197;
41: 0674
1931 42: 0094; 44: 0592
1932 46: 0001, 0575
1933 48: 0001
1934 49: 0126
1935 49: 0621; 50: 0160
Kellogg, William H. 7: 0174
Lamont, Thomas W. 47: 0001
Lippmann, Walter 36: 0001
Machado, Gerardo 25: 0394
Mellon, Andrew W. 35: 0236, 0368
Mitchell, William D. 37: 0321
Nethersole, Olga 24: 0455
Reed, J. F. 44: 0199, 0350
Sears, Frederick H. 24: 0455
Severance, Cordenio A. 10: 0001
Strawn, Silas H. 22: 0613; 24: 0287;
30: 0001; 45: 0244, 0603; 46: 0575;
47: 0001; 48: 0001
Taft, William Howard 1: 0396
Watkins, Arthur Charles 44: 0001
Welch, William H. 24: 0455
Williams, Linsley 24: 0455
St. Lawrence Seaway
general 32: 0046; 35: 0517; 43: 0542;
46: 0118, 0469, 0575; 50: 0616;
52: 0464; 54: 0099
negotiations 53: 0296
project 31: 0076, 0300; 35: 0236
U.S.-Canada relations and construction
26: 0727
St. Albans School, Washington, D.C.
Kellogg memorial government room and
library 51: 0537
St. Lawrence River
project 27: 0591
St. Lawrence Waterway
see St. Lawrence Seaway
St. Paul, Minnesota
airport and bond issue 20: 0454
Kellogg Boulevard named 47: 0001
Kellogg speech at People’s Church
1: 0001
packing plant 2: 0679
Stable Money Association
annual meeting and educational sessions
29: 0433
Stamps and postage meters
peace ballot stamp 46: 0118
Standard Oil Company
case 1: 0249; 2: 0116, 0474; 4: 0383;
40: 0197
general 1: 0138, 0249, 0546; 3: 0001
Sternberger, Leopold
manuscript on bimetallism 23: 0001
Strawn, Silas H.
“The Chamber of Commerce of the
United States” address 46: 0575
China address before the combined
meeting of the Industrial and
Commercial Clubs of Chicago
22: 0613
“Economics and International Relations”
address 46: 0575
“Frank Billings Kellogg, 1856–1937”
memorial 51: 0400
general 43: 0001
government and business radio address
45: 0244
“The United States and the Rest of the
World” address 48: 0001
U.S. policy toward China address at
Tsing Hua College, Peking, China
24: 0287
“What the Country Has Before It”
address 45: 0603
world economic conditions speech
47: 0001
Strikes and lockouts
farmers strike 48: 016
“Study of Abnormal Man”
MacDonald, Arthur, article 2: 0116
Sugar and sugar industry
free sugar bill 1: 0546
Sulgrave Institution
10: 0492; 16: 0001
Supreme Court
cornerstone ceremony 46: 0332
general 51: 0001
tenure of justices 1: 0249
policy 22: 0190
revision 1: 0249
Tariff Conference 17: 0377
The Tariff-Export Bounty-Excise Tax
Plan 17: 0377
U.S. Tariff Commission 44: 0350
on wheat 10: 0630
equitable tax against shares of bank
stock 26: 0001
federal taxation of state governmental
instrumentalities 7: 0001
five-year program 43: 0001
general 44: 0001, 0199, 0350; 45: 0001,
0108, 0244, 0388, 0603; 50: 0001
The Tariff-Export Bounty-Excise Tax
Plan 17: 0377
tax exempt securities 11: 0560
Walker v. Hopkins 21: 0638
war excess profits tax 6: 0698
Teapot Dome Naval Petroleum Reserve,
Teapot-Dome scandal 11: 0107
general 10: 0492
Senate speech on telegraph and
telephone control 7: 0001
Tennessee River
hydroelectric power 11: 0107
political situation 31: 0510
A Textbook for Teachers and Students in
the High School
46: 0118
Third Pan American Commercial
Kellogg remarks at opening of
conference 25: 0394
Thomlinson, Francis Beattie
citizenship 40: 0583
Time (magazine)
September 28, 1925, cover article on
Kellogg 17: 0001
Tokyo, Japan
U.S. ambassador housing 28: 0383
Supreme Court cont.
White, Edward Douglas (Chief Justice)
memorial 48: 0161
Adolf, Gustaf (Crown Prince)
Kellogg hospitality thank you
21: 0001
Minnesota visit 18: 0292
U.S. visit 20: 0088
fellowships 48: 0628
medal award to Kellogg cook Lydia C.
Bungener 27: 0001
Swenson, Laurits S.
banquet 17: 0083
Switzerland-France Free Zones case
44: 0350
Tacna-Arica Arbitration
boundary dispute with Peru 38: 0001
congratulatory notes on Kellogg
proposal 23: 0238
Taft, William H.
administration accomplishments 1: 0396
Hamilton Club of Chicago address
1: 0396
Minnesota visit 1: 0249, 0396
Taft-Roosevelt delegate contests
2: 0116, 0292
Tariff Conference
17: 0377
tariff bill effect on foreign trade
40: 0397
agricuture 31: 0076
bills 1: 0396; 3: 0001; 38: 0001;
40: 0583
China 17: 0001, 0377; 18: 0153, 0292;
52: 0565
emergency tariff act 7: 0634
and foreign trade 25: 0205
France 44: 0001
free-trade and protective tariff 5: 0361
general 5: 0001; 23: 0518; 41: 0001;
45: 0388, 0603
German tariff on wheat and flour
20: 0454
Scandinavia Commercial Treaty
42: 0094
treaty rights 6: 0246
Treaty to Avoid or Prevent Conflicts
between the American States
29: 0001; 30: 0208
U.S–Great Britain Treaty of
International Law 11: 0560
Treaty for the Limitation and Reduction
of Naval Armament of 1930
40: 0583
Treaty for the Renunciation of War
44: 0199
Treaty of Perpetual Peace and Amity
draft treaty between the United States
and the Republic of France 26: 0526
Treaty of Versailles
13: 0386
Trust funds
corporations 6: 0246
general 24: 0001
treaty with U.S. 24: 0001
Twain, Mark
50: 0160
Poland atrocities 41: 0434
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
Americans in prisons 8: 0258
Baltic states 27: 0215
Bolshevik activities in Mexico 53: 0001
China relations 39: 0347
five-year plan 44: 0001
foreign affairs 15: 0650; 22: 0343
general 27: 0591; 46: 0118, 0575;
47: 0001; 52: 0230, 0565; 53: 0506;
54: 0001, 0099, 0211
Great Britain relations 11: 0107
Japan treaty 15: 0500
oil situation 16: 0663
postwar condition 8: 0055, 0258
recognition 48: 0001
Soviet propaganda 52: 0230
Soviet relations with Western Powers
15: 0650
free tolls for American ships through
Panama Canal 8: 0258
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Kellogg prayer at tomb in France
35: 0061
Trade Commission
3: 0001
freight rates on farm products 17: 0249
general 1: 0001
League of Nations Conference on
Communications and Transit
42: 0610
foreign travel to U.S. 51: 0290
Treaties and conventions
arbitration and conciliation treaties
25: 0047; 26: 0267; 31: 0300, 0681;
32: 0046; 34: 0589; 35: 0061;
38: 0455; 40: 0001
Argentina Treaty of 1853 17: 0555
Bryan treaties 32: 0624
China Treaty of 1858 for protection of
U.S. vessels near ports of China
24: 0001
commercial interests treaties 7: 0001
Lausanne Treaty 24: 0001
Locarno treaties 31: 0300; 33: 0288
London Treaty 40: 0397
Naval Limitation Treaty 40: 0197, 0583
peace treaties
Treaty of Versailles 13: 0386
Treaty to Outlaw War 32: 0479, 0624
between U.S. and non-U.S. powers
24: 0001
U.S.-France 26: 0095, 0526; 30: 0001
general 8: 0258
Shantung Amendment to League
of Nations 7: 0001
Renunciation of War Treaty 44: 0199
Rhineland obligation 36: 0353
Salomon-Lazano Treaty between
Colombia and Peru 47: 0442, 0569
United States v. National Malleable and
Steel Castings Company et al.
memorandum 17: 0555
United States Veterans Bureau
14: 0501
University College, Oxford, England
conferral on Kellogg of honorary degree
of Doctor of Civil Law 39: 0001
University of Minnesota
conferral of Honorary Degree of Doctor
of Laws on Kellogg 42: 0094;
43: 0212
second International Congress 36: 0353
University of Pennsylvania
Kellogg address and conferral of
honorary degree of Doctor of Laws
18: 0153
Untermyer, Samuel
trip around world 22: 0190
adherence to antiwar treaty 40: 0583
U.S. statutes
alien treaty rights bill 10: 0001
bank guaranty bill 47: 0569
Banking Act amendment 40: 0397
Bankruptcy Act 47: 0257
commercial bill 2: 0474
disabled emergency army officers bill
23: 0138, 0238
Federal Reserve Act amendment
40: 0397
firemen legislation 6: 0246
Industrial Recovery Bill
47: 0569
Interstate Commerce Act
6: 0698
Labor Wage-Hour Act
51: 0290
McNary-Haugen bill 24: 0618
National Radio Commission to regulate
U.S. radio communication bill
7: 0174
navy bill 54: 0211, 0305, 0396, 0491
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics cont.
U.S. entry denial to agents 26: 0526
U.S. relations 11: 0107; 20: 0621;
53: 0296
United Kingdom
agriculture 14: 0287
antiwar policy response 32: 0046
Belgium agreement 48: 0628
claims against United States 25: 0651
France relations 49: 0500
general 54: 0001
gifts and private contributions for young
children 40: 0397
government access to telegraphic
communications 7: 0298
Japan relations 22: 0613
Kellogg confirmation as ambassador to
Great Britain 11: 0001
Kellogg reception with king 11: 0107
limitation of naval armaments proposal
27: 0215
list of ambassadors and ministers to the
United States 40: 0001
naval agreement with France 34: 0153
oil claims against 14: 0287
Queen Mary’s message to the Nation on
death of husband, King George V
50: 0616
Russia foreign affairs 11: 0107
strike 20: 0309
support for Kellogg multilateral treaty to
outlaw war 32: 0290
trade with France 44: 0001
foreign affairs 11: 0107
relations 22: 0613
U.S. debt 39: 0682
view on antiwar treaty 33: 0001
war debt settlement 21: 0001
see also London, England
The United States of America
23: 0518
United States Steel Corporation
financial statement, 1924 20: 0454
preparedness 3: 0270, 0630; 4: 0001,
prevention 38: 0654
resolutions for prevention of war
50: 0160
situation in Romania 22: 0343
veterans 47: 0569
War Finance Corporation
15: 0001
Warren, Minnesota
2: 0001
War Revenue Act
7: 0001
Washington Conference
Peking, China 16: 0414; 17: 0555
Washington National Cathedral
building fund 44: 0592; 45: 0001
construction 39: 0464
Kellogg burial request 51: 0290
stained glass window memorial to
Kellogg 51: 0400, 0537
Washington University
Vice President Charles G. Dawes
address in St. Louis, Mo. 26: 0267
Washington, George
commemoration bill 11: 0560
birthday bicentennial
general 45:0244
hearings 11: 0560
Watkins, Arthur Charles
“Student equipment for Dealing with
World Problems” radio talk 44: 0001
Watson, Thomas E.
2: 0116
Weapons of mass destruction
poison gas use in warfare 23: 0238
Welch, William H.
address at Public Health Conference
24: 0455
West Point
appointment request 5: 0120
Western Union Telegraph Company
9: 0325, 0545; 10: 0178
Western Union Telegraph Company v.
7: 0298
preventing medical experimentation on
dogs in the District of Columbia bill
42: 0001
radio stations bill 7: 0001, 0174;
10: 0281
Revenue Act of 1921 22: 0190
Sherman Antitrust Act 1: 0001; 2: 0116
shipping bill 4: 0650
Stephens-Ashurst fair trade bill 3: 0270,
Stephens-Ashurst Price Maintenance
Bill 5: 0120
War Revenue Act 7: 0001
Washington commemoration bill
11: 0560
U.S. Tariff Commission
44: 0350
Van Dusen, G. W.
43: 0212
Velie, S. H.
fact-finding mission to Europe 23: 0238
relations with Mexico 15: 0650
Vermillion Mining Company
Buterac, Elias death at Zenith Mine
24: 0001, 0117
benefits 10: 0492
claims 10: 0281
with disabilities 23: 0518
hospital, Fort Snelling, Minn. 26: 0095
loans 27: 0001, 0215
war 47: 0569
Walker v. Hopkins
tax case 21: 0638
excess profits tax 6: 0698
general 48: 0001; 49: 0621; 50: 0001
House Joint Resolution No. 167 to
minimize possibility of war 49: 0621;
50: 0001
“Let’s Advertise this Hell!” article
46: 0575
possibility in Europe 39: 0682; 49: 0001;
50: 0160
World Alliance for International
general 36: 0001
Kellogg address at the Metropolitan
Opera House, New York City
35: 0517
“The World Court”
Minnesota Law Review publication of
speech by Frank B. Kellogg 40: 0001,
World Court Congress
Kellogg appointment as delegate at large
3: 0270
World Court, The Hague
Austro-German Customs Union case
decision 43: 0542
Baker, Newton D., appointment
32: 0479, 0624
ball 15: 0332
cases 43: 0212; 47: 0148, 0257, 0569;
49: 0001; 50: 0001
comments on pamphlet Fifty Questions
Answered 40: 0001
congratulatory notes on Kellogg
appointment as judge 41: 0001
Czechoslovakia government statement to
Permanent Court of International
Justice 47: 0257
dismissal rules 46: 0118
election of officers 48: 0001
France-Switzerland Free Zones case
decision 46: 0469
general 42: 0380; 45: 0603; 46: 0001
function of court 49: 0621
general 16: 0663; 17: 0083; 28: 0604;
33: 0561; 36: 0001; 38: 0001;
40: 0001, 0197, 0583; 41: 0267,
0434; 42: 0094, 0380, 0610;
43: 0455; 44: 0001, 0350, 0592;
45: 0244, 0388, 0603; 46: 0001,
0118, 0332, 0469; 47: 0001, 0442,
0569; 48: 0001, 0161, 0376;
49: 0001, 0126, 0310, 0621;
50: 0160, 0475; 52: 0230; 54: 0001,
0211, 0491
Wheeler, Walter H.
17: 0083
White Bear Yacht Club (Minnesota)
3: 0270
White House
Committee for Mobilization of Human
Needs meeting 48: 0001
White, Edward Douglas
U.S. Supreme Court memorial 48: 0161
White, Henry
Kellogg remarks at memorial 29: 0001
White, Wallace H., Jr.
radio communication bill 10: 0281
William Holland Wilmer Foundation
10: 0281
William Jennings Bryan Memorial
24: 0117
Williams, Linsley
Public Health Conference address
24: 0455
Wills and probate
Kellogg will 51: 0400
Wilson & Co., Inc
16: 0167
Wilson, Woodrow
general 5: 0120; 54: 0396
Poland unveiling of monument 43: 0212
record of administration 4: 0383
Wise, Jennings C.
“The Genesis of the Declaration of
Independence” article 19: 0455
status of Americans who marry aliens
31: 0076
Women’s International League for Peace
and Freedom
42: 0094, 0380; 43: 0212; 47: 0569
Women’s Republican Club of Minnesota
Kellogg address on behalf of Republican
administration 35: 0236
Women’s suffrage
general 4: 0383; 5: 0120, 0361
and prohibition 3: 0630
Wood, Leonard
memorial 29: 0593
peace resolution 51: 0001
Permanent Court of International Justice
general 44: 0199
Peace Palace minutes 51: 0400
Polish-Lithuanian case 43: 0001
proposed new foreign trade rule
47: 0148
protocol 48: 0481; 49: 0001, 0500
publications 50: 0356
recommendation of Kellogg for judge
40: 0197
revision of rules 43: 0001, 0212;
48: 0628; 49: 0001
rules and report 50: 0001
schedule of cases 48: 0001
Switzerland-France Free Zones case
44: 0350
U.S. adherence 39: 0182, 0464
U.S. vacancy on Hague Tribunal
44: 0350
unofficial U.S. representation at Geneva
conference 22: 0190
vacancy on Permanent Court of
International Justice 32: 0290
World Federation of Education
14: 0501
World War I
51: 0001
Writers and writing
editorial on Kellogg 33: 0001
requests for Kellogg autograph 39: 0001,
0682; 40: 0001, 0197; 42: 0094;
45: 0001; 47: 0148
Wyman, Oliver C.
estate case 21: 0638
Austria Anschluss case 44: 0199
Austria Customs Union case 44: 0592
Poland dispute letter 47: 0569
Grotius, Hugo, memorial window
presentation to New Church at Delft,
Holland 43: 0455
appeals against judgments of Mixed
Arbitral Tribunal 47: 0148
cases 47: 0442; 48: 0161
Judges 12: 0001
juridical questions 39: 0001
acceptance of judgeship 41: 0001
address on peace and World Court
before Chicago Bar Association
40: 0001
health and attendance 46: 0469;
48: 0001
nomination for judge 40: 0583
portrait at Peace Palace 45: 0108
possible resignation 47: 0569;
48: 0001
recommendation to President
Coolidge for vacancies on
tribunal 21: 0001
resignation 50: 0160
letter from Hungary government
47: 0257
Nineteenth Session, Twelfth Public
Sitting 41: 0674
1923 plan 11: 0001
1924 plan by George Pepper 11: 0560
opponents 40: 0001
Paramount Pictures desire to film Court
44: 0350
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UPA Collections from LexisNexis®
self-taught lawyer, Frank B. Kellogg rose to prominence after admittance to the
Minnesota bar. For thirty years he was a prominent and successful corporate
lawyer, forming lasting relationships with some of the country’s most influential
businessmen and politicians. The Frank B. Kellogg Papers, 1916–1937, contain an
interesting collection of correspondence, memoranda, speeches, background material,
clippings, memorabilia, and other papers produced throughout his career.
In 1916, after initially declining to become a candidate, Kellogg ran on the Republican
ticket for the U.S. Senate. He was the first senator from Minnesota to be elected by
popular vote, and he served until 1923. Work on his judiciary, interstate commerce,
national banks, public lands, and foreign relations committee assignments as well as
agricultural policy are detailed throughout this collection.
President Calvin Coolidge appointed Kellogg ambassador to the Court of St. James in
Great Britain in 1923. While ambassador, Kellogg served as a delegate to the London
Reparation Conference, which negotiated the Dawes Plan (Reels 12–14), and then served
as a representative for the United States at the Conference of Finance Ministers, which
reached an agreement on the distribution of reparations payments by Germany to the
Allies (Reel 14).
Kellogg became secretary of state in the Coolidge cabinet in 1925 and served until 1929.
During his tenure he represented U.S. involvement in the Chaco boundary dispute
between Bolivia and Paraguay, the civil war in Nicaragua, Pan-American relations,
American policy toward China, relations with Canada and Mexico, and recognition of
Russia. The most troubling period of negotiation for Kellogg was the Tacna-Arica
boundary dispute between Chile and Peru. In his writings he states: “The settlement of
the Tacna-Arica case was one of the most trying experiences that I ever had and many
times I was much discouraged” (Reel 39, Frame 0597).
Kellogg worked tirelessly for world peace, world organization, and arms control through
the Geneva disarmament conference, the World Court, and the Kellogg-Briand Peace
Pact for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
In 1930, The Hague Tribunal elected Kellogg to a nine-year term as a judge on the
Permanent Court of International Justice of the World Court. Kellogg was reluctant to
accept another position in public office and said “I do not believe the members of The
Hague Tribunal will nominate a man of my age” (Reel 40, Frame 0229). He was seventyfive years old. After five years, he resigned because of ill health and died two years later
on December 21, 1937.
Researchers will uncover numerous gems throughout these papers produced by a
remarkable man who gave so much of himself to public service in so many positions and
dealing with important issues of which only a few are listed here.
UPA Collections from LexisNexis®