Name Hisl0-rlgallllaps-,\ -\ -, \, !, e-,\,: ^ \, \, North America show how a place has changed over tirne" You can use these rnaps to compare the way a place is now wittrr the way it was years a$o. The maps on this page show that the countries that controiled North,A,e-nerica changed frorn l-7tr 3 to 1783. That was a long time ago, but ttrese events still affect North Arnerica today. For examptre, people in Vlexico speak Spanish, people in the United States speak Engtrish, and naan), people in Canada speak French. These languages carne from thre European settlers who claen'led the land rulore tFran 300 years ago. FXistoricaX maps CIffiAilGf ffi I ) British ilffi 0wilFmSHlF: Niorth Amerrca mFrench ffi Spanish ffilndependent 30_ v . i i: Name ,ii rl i Flistorical Maps l I l i Across 3 In 1763 the British owned land mostly in the north and Between 1713 and 1763 which country lost most of its land? The war that made an independent country in North America after 1783 was the American In 1783 did Spain control more or less of L2 r5 16 19 2l 23 North America than in I7I3? Between 1763 and 1783 lost much of its land in the east. After 1783, Great Britain still controlled land in the In 1713 France owned most of the part of North America. These maps show the countries that controlled land in North These maps show changes of land ownership None of these countries claimed land in the far part of the continent. In 1783 Spain owned what is now the state of 10 This country controlled the southern and 1l _. over trn 1713 France owned land around the Lakes. In 1783 Spain controlled the land along the l4 Pacific that is now the state of In 1783 the eastern part of North America became In 1713 how much of North America was an independent country? These countries that controlled land are on which continent? Did France own more land in the first or last map? - in mainland North America? l7 .--?Pus I western parts of North America in 1783. In 1763 the border beh,veen Spanish and River. British land was the The British took land first along the coast of ocean. the After 1763 how :nuch land did France control - Land along the after that along the Atlantic. 18 In 1763 Spain Ocean was claimed - owned land of the Mississippi River. 22 Spain controlled the land of Mexico in The country listed as "independent" on the 1783 map is what country? these maps. IL -of DTD YOA rNOW? 0ther countries also clarmed fand in North America, incfudinq the Nerhlrfands, ::,.1.n, and Russia.
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