african bullfrog -!
animal fact file
african bullfrog
NAME: Pyxicephalus adspersus
FROM: Africa
EATS: Insects and small vertebrates
SIZE: Up to 25cm in length
AGE: Up to 25 years
SEXING: Males are larger
HOUSING: Best kept alone
Unlike most frogs, the male bullfrog takes
care of the tadpoles, making sure they have
enough water in the shallow pools as they grow.
In Africa, during the dry months, they can spend
up to 10 months of the year deep underground
waiting for the rains.
This frog will eat anything that it can fit into its
mouth - insects, lizards, mammals, snakes
and even other frogs.
This is a large frog may weigh over 2kg.
© Guy Tansley 2011
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