Solute Dissolves in water? Dissolves in acetone? Stain Removed by

Name: ___________________________ Due Date: ___________________________ Water : The Universal Solvent
An extraordinary property of water is its ability to dissolve other substances. There is hardly a substance known which has not been identified in solution in the earth’s waters. “About half of your blood is made up of water. It carries dissolved food materials and other essential substances all around your body. Water carries dissolved wastes out of your body, too. Because water is such a good solvent, it is used to wash people, clothes, food, cars, floors, and countless other things.” Solute Salt Juice Crystals -­‐ SciencePower 7, McGraw-­‐Hill, pg 126 Dissolves in water? Dissolves in acetone? The chemical structure of the water molecule makes it ideally suited to dissolve a large number of substances. This makes water a very suitable cleaner for spills and stains. However, some substances do not dissolve in water, especially oily or waxy substances. Other solvents, such as solvents, are useful items to have around the house. Stain Wax Nail Polish Removed by water? Removed by acetone? Analysis Question
One day, an assistant, who excitedly declared that he had just discovered a universal solvent, approached the famed German chemist Justus von Liebig. “And what is a universal solvent?”, Liebig asked. “One that dissolves all substances,” the assistant explained. “And where,” Liebig replied, “are you planning to keep this solvent?” Why does Liebig ask this question? _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Pure Substances and Mixtures Ho
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