Pervasive Polymers

Pervasive Polymers
Polymers are an important part of our everyday lives, but
they frequently go unnoticed. In this activity, students will
recognize how important and pervasive polymers really are.
They will understand what a polymer is, and experience
how changing their molecular structure can change their
appearance, their strength, and their consistency. Students
will also get a sense of why polymers are a priority on
the ISS and why a microgravity environment makes a
Venn Diagram
Physical Science
Time Required
50 - 60 minutes
Materials Required
Handouts for each student and/or a
way to display the handout to the
whole class
Each of the experiments in this lesson
has its own materials. The quantity
will depend on how many different
groups will complete the experiments.
Here are the materials for each:
S’up with that Cup?
• Chemical presentation gloves
• 25 ml graduated cylinder
• Acetone
• polystyrene cup
Slime Time
• Elmer’s Glue
• Water
• 4%-5% Borax Solution using the
water [5 ml of Borax to 100 ml of
• Plastic Bag
• Food Coloring
Pervasive Polymers
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Background & Connection to the ISS
This lesson centers on two experiments on (and with) polymers.
Because polymers are so pervasive in our everyday lives, scientists
who are exploring a human presence in space are doing research to
explore how these substances behave in the space environment. By
understanding the physical properties of polymers, this research may
help reveal new polymers to be used on earth, or polymers that may
be used to further a human presence in space.
Polymers are an important focus of the materials science research on
the International Space Station (ISS). CASIS is especially interested in
fostering research in materials science that translates to benefits for
us on Earth. In fact, the ISS has been home to research on polymers
since 2005. Researchers have the ability to test a wide range of
sample polymers in the Low Earth Orbit (LEO) environment. They
have exposed hundreds of potential space construction materials to
the extreme space environment in order to evaluate the degradation of
the materials over time. These materials range from testing polymer
coatings to solar array blanket material to paints that are used on
spacecraft and many others. Investigators use the resulting data to
design stronger, more durable spacecraft, which in turn, translates to
stronger and more durable polymers for us on Earth.
Substances react chemically
in characteristic ways with
other substances to form new
substances (compounds)
with different characteristic
properties. In chemical
reactions, the total mass is
conserved. Substances often
are placed in categories or
groups if they react in similar
ways; metals is an example
of such a group.
Chemical elements do not
break down during normal
laboratory reactions involving
such treatments as heating,
exposure to electric current,
or reaction with acids. There
are more than 100 known
elements that combine
in a multitude of ways to
produce compounds, which
account for the living and
nonliving substances that we
Pervasive Polymers
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Lesson Steps
1. As students walk into the classroom,
have the following questions written in
a place that they’re likely to notice them
(whiteboard/smart board):
• What are some of the stronger materials
you have encountered?
• What are some of the more flexible
materials that you have encountered?
• What are some of the materials that are
both strong and flexible that you have
2. Once you call the class to attention, take the
three questions to a deeper exploration by
asking students:
• What makes something strong?
• What makes something flexible?
• How can something be strong and
Encourage students to go deep in their answers
— keep asking questions if their answers
only scratch the surface. Students might get
to density about the strength of something.
You can prompt them to think about the
materials at the molecular structure by
asking them what they think strong and/
or flexible materials might look like under a
3. Keep the discussion going as long as
students remain interested and add insight
to the conversation. Realistically, it is likely
to be 5 – 10 minutes. As it is winding down
ask students if they know what a polymer
is. Some students may have heard the term,
and others might try to break down the
term into its parts: “poly” and “mer.” Accept
some different answers.
4. Watch the multimedia definition for
“polymer.” []
Afterwards, have two students explain what
a polymer is based on the definition — i.e.,
one tries to explain its meaning, and the
other student adds to and/or amends to the
explanation. Watch the definition again and
then see if there are any other additions
or clarifications that students would like
to make. Make sure that they understand
enough about molecules and bonds before
moving on.
5. Much like the game Scattergories, give
students 45 seconds to find and write down
as many polymers in the room as they can.
In addition to listing as many as possible,
the challenge is to try to pick out one some
that nobody else has. (You don’t get a point
if someone else picked it!) After 45 seconds,
have students stop writing and ask a student
to share her/his list. If others in the class
have the same polymer on their lists, they
should raise their hands. (If you’re worried
about cheating, have students exchange
lists.) You can tally the cumulative list from
the class by writing the polymers on the
whiteboard/smart board, or you can simply
call them out. The main outcome is for
students to see how many polymers there
Pervasive Polymers
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6. Briefly shift the focus to scientists on the International Space Station, pointing back to the definition
of “polymer,” and asking students why they think scientists on the ISS are so interested in
researching polymers. Solicit at least a few answers — all likely to talk about the fact that there are
so many polymers and that they play such an important role in our everyday lives. Some students
might also mention that in microgravity, researchers can better manipulate molecular bonds.
7. As you distribute the handouts and/or display the handout, shift the conversation to the two
experiments on polymers for this lesson. You can read the introduction as a class or paraphrase it.
One experiment is called S’up with that Cup?, and the other is called Slime Time.
8. Remind students of their responsibilities and safety precautions for experiments. Use the group
sizes and set up that your students are familiar with. You may decide to have everyone do the same
experiment at the same time, or you may have stations with each experiment set up. Do it in the
way that makes the most sense for your class set up and your students!
S’up with that Cup?
Reminder: because this experiment involves
acetone, make sure that students are safe.
Should that be a concern, you can demonstrate
the experiment for the whole class.
1. Using the 25ml graduated cylinder, measure
out 10ml of acetone and pour it into the
petri dish.
2. Take an ordinary, foam, polystyrene coffee
cup and place the polystyrene cup into the
acetone in the petri dish. Describe what you
see happening.
3. Remove the lump of material from
the acetone with your gloved fingers.
Examine the polymer now and describe its
appearance and properties.
4. Form the polymer into some interesting
shape (ball, donut, cube) and allow it to dry
in your classroom or at home. Write down
what you observe the next day about the
1. Mix 3 parts tap water with 1 part glue
gel (For instance, use 10ml glue and 30
ml water) in the plastic bag. Stir until
completely dissolved. This may take 2-3
minutes. (Warm water works faster.)
2. Add 1-2 drops of food color, if desired, into
the glue-water mixture.
3. Add 1 teaspoon (5ml) of 4% borax solution
and stir until the slime adheres to the stick
in a large blob. You are now ready to play
with it and observe its properties.
4. Based on your observations during the
experiments, how would adding more
glue to the water change the polymer’s
consistency? What about using less glue?
How do you think increasing or decreasing
the amount of borax would affect your slime
CAUTION: Keep in a plastic bag when not using
it. Keep it off of clothes, upholstered furniture
and varnished wood.|
5. If time allows, give students the opportunity
to repeat the experience and changing the
amount of glue and or water in the gluewater mixture.
Slime Time
Pervasive Polymers
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9. For closure, have students respond briefly to this prompt: Who knew you could manipulate
molecules like that? Of the two experiments, which one surprised you the most with the results of
your molecular manipulation? Why?
Extensions & Modifications
•If you want another experiment to showcase the properties of polymers, here’s one to consider. It is
potentially dangerous to have students do it on their own, but you can complete the experiment as a
demonstration. Please note that the isocyanate monomer must be handled with extreme care.
Formin’ Some Foam
1.Put gloves on and keep them on at all times when working with the polyurethane foam.
2.Spread the paper towel on the tabletop. (The tabletop should remain covered while working with
the monomers.)
3.Into cup A pour 100 ml of the hydroxyl monomer.
4.Into cup B, pour 100 ml of the isocyanate monomer.
5.Add 3-5 drops of food coloring to one of the monomers, then mix it up thoroughly with the wooden
6.Pour the other liquid into the cup. Mix the two liquids thoroughly with the wood splint for at least
2 minutes. Continue to stir until the volume of the mixture begins to increase. At this point, stop
stirring the mixture and remove the splint.
7.DO NOT TOUCH THE FOAM! It must not be handled until it is completely set, since it may contain
unreacted materials. It will be ready to handle after 24 hours.
8.Describe the polymer. What do you think it will look like in 24 hours? Why do you think it was
important to keep gloves on the whole time?
•As a concrete connection to their everyday life, students can research natural (shellac, amber, wool,
silk, rubber) and synthetic polymers (neoprene, nylon, pvc, polystyrene, polyethylene) and then identify
how these polymers are useful in the materials that may make day-to-day life possible (and easier!).
They can then share what they have learned with their classmates through a presentation that may be
creative in nature – i.e. a song, video, work of art...etc.
Pervasive Polymers
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Pervasive Polymers
By now you know that polymers are pervasive. Maybe that’s not exactly how you’d put it, but you know
that there are a lot of ‘em! They come in many shapes, sizes, and textures. Clearly our lives would be
different if polymers weren’t so pervasive.
So it’s probably no surprise that scientists on the International Space Station are experimenting on
polymers. Some of the research exposes different polymers to the extreme space environment to see
how they hold up to those conditions. Some of the research happens completely at the microscopic
level. Scientists manipulate the molecular chains that make up the polymers, taking advantage of the
microgravity environment where forces act differently on those chemical bonds.
Today, you won’t be working in microgravity like them! However, you will be experimenting on polymers,
manipulating and even creating molecular bonds to explore some of the unique properties of polymers.
Below are steps for two different experiments:
• S’up with that Cup?
• Slime Time
Follow directions for the individual experiments, but make sure to follow directions that apply to any
experiments in class. Uphold your responsibilities to your teacher, your classmates, your research team,
and yourself. Always be safe. Always.
S’up with that Cup?
1.Using the 25ml graduated cylinder, measure out 10ml of acetone and pour it into the petri dish.
Take an ordinary, foam, polystyrene coffee cup and place the polystyrene cup into the acetone in
the petri dish. Describe what you see happening.
2.Remove the lump of material from the acetone with your fingers. Examine the polymer now and
describe its appearance and properties.
3.Form the polymer into some interesting shape (ball, donut, cube) and allow it to dry in your
classroom or at home.
What do you observe about what happened to the polystyrene coffee cap?
How could this characteristic of a polymer be used in another application?
Pervasive Polymers
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Slime Time
1.Mix 3 parts tap water with 1 part glue gel (For instance, use 10ml glue and 30 ml water) in the
plastic bag. Stir until completely dissolved. This may take 2-3 minutes. (Warm water works faster.)
2.Add 1-2 drops of food color, if desired, into the glue-water mixture.
3.Add 1 teaspoon (5 ml) of 4% borax solution and stir until the slime adheres to the stick in a large
blob. You are now ready to play with it and observe its properties.
4.Based on your observations during the experiments, how would adding more glue to the water
change the polymer’s consistency? What about using less glue? How do you think increasing or
decreasing the amount of borax would affect your slime polymer
5.If time allows, repeat the experience and change the amount of glue and or water in the glue-water
mixture to see what happens to the slime produced at the end.\
CAUTION: Keep in a plastic bag when not using it. Keep it off of clothes, upholstered furniture and
varnished wood.
How would you describe the substance that you created to someone who was not able to witness this
experiment first hand?
How would changing the amount of materials that you use change the final outcome of the experiment?
Of the two experiments, which one surprised you the most with the results of your molecular
manipulation? Why?
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