Camp Dodge Joint Maneuver Training Center, Iowa National Guard 36 37 38 4 39 Scale: 1:25,000 40 41 S 0 90 22 ay 22 lo 0 90 rv il B-5 le 21 C-4 B-4 B-6 R R ee dd B B uu ll ll D D rr oo pp Z Z oo nn ee B-2 C-2 B-3 B-7 C-6 ke 0 85 C-5 21 La C-3 20 C-1 B-1 A-2 D-6 C-7 46 20 A-1 A-4 A-3 SDZ2 D-5 19 19 A-5 D-4 F Be a v e r Cr D-2 D-3 ee k D-1 18 18 SDZN B eave r Cr ee k 850 Lit tl e 17 17 Sample Point X SDZS 0 85 0 90 E-1 Fuel P oint 0 95 16 16 0 95 0 90 E-2 0 85 15 000m. N 46 46 42 15 4 36 000m. E 37 38 39 4 40 41 42 1 cm = 250 m Legend 500 Rivers and Lakes Structures Surfaced Area Timber Roads Installation Boundary Foot Traffic Only Trails Training Area Red B ul l DZ Red B ul l DZ HUNTING INFORMATION Drop Zone 50 Foot Contour MOUT Natural Gas Pipeline 2,000 SAMPLE 1,000-METER GRID SQ 17 x Sample Point GN GN ET IC 100,000-METER SQUARE IDENTIFICATION NO RT H TH TO CONVERT A GRID AZIMUTH TO A MAGNETIC AZIMUTH SUBTRACT G-M ANGLE E N OR TO CONVERT A MAGNETIC AZIMUTH TO A GRID AZIMUTH ADD G-M ANGLE 16 42 41 MA 2010 G-M ANGLE 2° 09' (38 MILS) 1,000 0 Meters 1,000 500 0 2,000 4,000 1 in = 2,083.3 ft Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator Horizontal Datum: North American Datum of 1983 BLUE NUMBERED LINES INDICATE 1000 METER GRID TRU No Hunting within 100 Feet of Installation Boundary 10 Foot Contour GR ID NORTH Training Area Limits Bow Only F B1,B2,B5,E1,E2 Shotgun(no slug) and Bow Only Closed during S06 - S16 Fire SDZNS Closed during Rifle and T14 Fire SDZNN Closed during T14 and S06 Fire SDZN2 No Hunting within 200 feet MOUT MOUT No Limits All Other 1 November - 31 January Trapping Impact Area 250 GRID CONVERGENCE AT CENTER OF SHEET 0° 29' (8.5 MILS) 10 FE B 2014 Iowa Army National Guard Installation Geospatial Information & Services NGIA -DIM-P 100-METER REFERENCE 1.Read large numbers labeling the VERTICAL grid line left of point and estimate tenths (100-meters) from grid line to point. 2.Read large numbers labeling the HORIZONTAL grid line below point and estimate (100-meters) from grid line. Example: 416168 WHEN REPORTING ACROSS A 100,000-METER LINE, PREFIX THE 100,000-METER SQUARE IDENTIFICATION, IN WHICH THE POINT LIES. VG Example: VG416168 GRID ZONE DESIGNATION WHEN REPORTING OUTSIDE THE GRID ZONE DESIGNATION AREA, PREFIX THE GRID ZONE DESIGNATION 15T Example: 15TVG416168 Feet
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