Chapter 18

Chapter 18
Section One
Page 415
1. African resources, such as
diamonds, have helped some of
Africa’s countries. How have
diamonds hurt countries such as
2. What caused Africa’s shape and
3. What type of landform covers
most of Africa? Because of this
landform, what do geographers
sometimes call Africa?
4. What are basins? Describe the
basins typically found in Africa.
5. Name the world’s longest river.
Name two other major African
rivers. Why are Africa’s rivers
difficult to navigate?
6. Define Rift Valleys. Where are
the rift valleys located in Africa?
What do rift valleys show is
happening to the eastern part of
7. Describe Lake Tanganyika.
Describe Lake Victoria.
8. What makes Africa’s mountains
unusual? Define Mount Kilimanjaro
and escarpment. What does the
Great Escarpment mark in Africa?
9. How do Africa’s natural
resources reflect a story of plenty
and one of scarcity?
10. Give eight examples of Africa’s
wealth of minerals.