Key Stage - Karascope

Resource File
Key Stage
Years 3 & 4
Helen Hood, Tim Malessa & Chris Hood
Original music composed by Andrew Allpass
Commissioning Editor: Halina Boniszewska
Editor: Nicky Barrett
Design: Simon Dainty • Katie Pett • Pam McHale
Illustrations: Anita Guy • Lynda Murray
Photography: Doug Smith • Antony Dickens
Proofreader: Eleanor Holme
LCP Hampton House • Longfield Road,
Leamington Spa • Warwickshire • CV31 1XB
Tel: 01926 886914
Fax: 01926 887136
E-mail: [email protected]
© LCP Ltd 2004
First published 2004
Reprinted 2005
The photocopiable sheets in this pack may be reproduced and used only within the educational establishment which purchased this pack.
Reproduction of or use of reproductions of any or all of the sheets in this pack in any institution other than the purchasing
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All rights reserved.
The authors’ moral rights have been asserted.
ISBN 1 904178 49 9
The authors and publisher would like to thank the children and staff at Kewstoke Primary, St Anne’s Primary, Mead Vale Primary,
Hillside First School, St Mark’s Primary and St Martin’s Junior School for their valuable contribution to this publication.
© LCP Ltd 2004. Copies may be made for use within the purchasing institution only.
Imprint page KS2.indd 1
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PE Resource Files
KS2 Years 3 & 4
Suggested timetables for PE lessons
What is good quality movement?
Health and safety
Risk assessment
Units 8 & 9
Dance activities (3) & (4)
Unit 10
Invasion games (1)
Unit 11
Invasion games (2)
Unit 12
Striking and fielding games (1)
Unit 13
Net/wall games (1)
Unit 14
Gymnastic activities (3)
Unit 15
Gymnastic activities (4)
Unit 7
Swimming activities and water safety (1)
Unit 16
Swimming activities and water safety (2)
Unit 17
Athletic activities (1)
Unit 18
Athletic activities (2)
Unit 19
Outdoor and adventurous activities (1)
Unit 20
Outdoor and adventurous activities (2)
© LCP Ltd 2004. Copies may be made for use within the purchasing institution only.
PE KS2 Contents 3&4 NEW.indd 1
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Year 3/4
Units 8 & 9 | Dance activities (3) & (4) | Life on the Nile
PE Resource Files
Life on the Nile
This dance is set in ancient Egypt, on the banks of the River Nile.
It is sunrise in ancient Egypt and the ancient Egyptians are waking up
and beginning their everyday chores.
Many are working on the land, sowing seeds and irrigating the fields.
Some are scribing, cooking or making pots.
They greet a partner and continue their chores together, working out
a sequence of movements on high, middle or low levels.
They suddenly freeze as the pharaoh enters with his courtiers.
The pharaoh commands his people to work again, but this time, the
work is more frenzied and fun, for example, builders constructing
pyramids, mummies walking, dancers entertaining. The pharaoh and
his courtiers join in.
The ancient Egyptians then return to their previous tasks until it is
time to go to sleep.
Dance lntro+Topics KS2.indd 8
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1/4/04, 8:43:42
PE Resource Files
Lesson 1
Year 3/4
Units 8 & 9 | Dance activities (3) & (4) | Life on the Nile | Lesson 1
Life on the Nile
Learning objectives
Children should learn:
• to improvise freely on their own and with a
partner, translating ideas from a stimulus into
• to explore and create characters and motifs in
response to a range of stimuli
• to create and link dance phrases using a
simple motif
• to keep up activity over a period of time and
know they need to warm up and cool down
for dance
• to describe, interpret and evaluate their own
and others’ dances and say how they might
be improved.
Learning outcomes
• show an imaginative response to different
stimuli through their use of language and
choice of movement
• use different compositional ideas to create
motifs incorporating copying and mirroring
• link actions to make dance phrases, working
with a partner
• explain why they need to warm up and cool
• describe and interpret dance movements
using appropriate language.
National Curriculum Programme of Study
35-40 MINS
2a plan, use and adapt strategies, tactics and
compositional ideas for individual, pair,
small-group and small-team activities
identify what makes a performance
suggest improvements based on this
how exercise affects the body in the short
to warm up and prepare appropriately for
different activities
dance activities
create and perform dances using a range of
movement patterns, including those from
different times, places and cultures
respond to a range of stimuli and
change direction, cool down, copy, find a space,
freeze, high, jog, middle, mirror, mobilise joints,
motif, low, on the spot, still as a statue, stretch,
turn, walk, warm up
• Stimuli: artefacts from ancient Egyptian
times, e.g. shadoof, papyrus, pictures of
ancient Egyptians working on the land,
pictures of the sun god Ra.
• KS2 Years 3 & 4 Dance CD track 1
• CD player
1a consolidate their existing skills and gain
new ones
1b perform actions and skills with more
consistent control and quality
© LCP Ltd 2004. Copies may be made for use within the purchasing institution only.
Dance lntro+Topics KS2.indd 11
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Year 3/4
Units 8 & 9 | Dance activities (3) & (4) | Life on the Nile | Lesson 1
Dance lntro+Topics KS2.indd 12
PE Resource Files
• Ask the children to sit in a circle. Pass around
the pictures of ancient Egyptians working on
the land. Ask the children what kind of work the
ancient Egyptians may have done (e.g. sowing
seeds, digging the earth and irrigating the
fields). Show a picture of a shadoof and explain
that this is a water-raising device. It consists of
a long, pivoted wooden pole with a bucket at
one end and a weight at the other. The Egyptian
would pull the bucket down into the water in a
well or ditch and then allow the weight at the
other end of the pole to raise the full bucket.
• Discuss briefly why it is important to warm up
(to practise good quality movement and loosen
limbs for better flexibility). The following warmup can be used at the start of every lesson. As
the children become more used to it, it can be
varied or the children can make up their own
warm-up sequence based on the movements.
Make sure that you oversee the warm-up and
that the exercises are safe.
• Ask the children to stand in a circle. Let them
copy you as you pat your arms, cheeks, chest,
tummy, bottom and legs (pat up and down one
leg at a time). Let the children copy you as you
shake your hands and legs and turn around.
• Now walk to a space, freeze, turn and walk to
another space (repeat). Increase the pace and
jog on the spot, keeping the back straight and
bending the knees. Jog to a space, freeze, turn
and jog to another space. Remember to call
out ‘freeze’ and ‘turn’. Encourage the children to
find a space before they freeze. As the children
become more aware of the space, just call out
‘turn’ or ‘change direction’ instead of ‘freeze’.
• Restrict the dance area, so that the children
are jogging in a smaller space. This will help
the children become more aware of others. Tell
them not to touch each other.
• Now ask the children to find a space. Ask them
to rotate their right arm forward and then their
left arm. Next ask them to rotate their right arm
backwards and then do the same with the left
arm. Do this with the children. Then rotate both
arms backwards and both arms forwards.
• Ask the children to copy you as you stretch one
arm up at a time and then stretch both arms up
• Remember to praise the children often,
individually and as a class. Ask the children how
they feel:
Do you feel warmer?
Why do you need to warm up before dance?
(to mobilise the joints and stretch the muscles
before doing exercise)
What happens to your heart rate and
breathing when you exercise?
• Introduce activities that the ancient Egyptians
may have done, such as sowing seeds and
digging the earth. Ask the children to copy
you as you walk around the space, pretending
to sow seeds. Freeze, turn and walk in another
direction. Encourage the children to remain in a
space away from others. Gradually increase the
pace, continuing to sow seeds or dig the earth.
Ask the children to stop to feel their pulses in
their necks or notice heavy breathing.
• Tell the children to get into a space and stretch
their arms up as if reaching to pull down a
shadoof. Do this action several times. Look for
good quality movement and remember to
praise the children often. Choose children to
• Ask the children to find a partner and stand
opposite each other. They should mirror each
other, reaching up and pulling down the
shadoof together. Also ask them to rotate their
shoulders forwards, and then backwards, and
do the same with their arms in order to fully
mobilise their limbs. (Play Track 1: Sunrise on
the Nile as they do this.)
• Ask the partners to sit down and stretch their
arms, as though waking from a deep sleep or
worshipping the sun god Ra. Choose children to
demonstrate good quality movement and give
them praise and encouragement.
© LCP Ltd 2004. Copies may be made for use within the purchasing institution only.
1/4/04, 8:44:19
PE Resource Files
Year 3/4
Dancing with the music
Units 8 & 9 | Dance activities (3) & (4) | Life on the Nile | Lesson 1
• Ask the children to sit in a space, remembering
you as you slowly wake up and stretch. Ask
to sit up with straight backs. Play Track 1:
them to choose an activity to do. Encourage the
Sunrise on the Nile and explain that this
children to think of their own motif (a simple
represents the ancient Egyptians waking up at
action which can be developed into a phrase
sunrise, stretching to worship their sun god Ra
later). Remind them to freeze, turn and change
and starting their daily chores, e.g. sowing seeds,
direction when doing these activities and to
digging the earth, irrigating the fields, scribing,
change levels. Remember to praise the children
etc. Ask the children to consider the following:
often and look for thoughtful actions (motifs).
What was the weather like in ancient Egypt?
• Split the class in two and ask half to perform
whilst the other half views. Ask those viewing to
How might you feel in the heat?
look for good use of space, changes in direction
Would the work be easy or hard?
and good quality movement. Choose children to
How can you express your feelings in the
demonstrate this. Encourage positive comments,
ideas for improvement and the use of simple
• Ask the children to find an interesting starting
dance vocabulary. Swap the groups over.
position as if they are asleep. Tell them to copy
• Ask the children to jog around the area, shaking
their arms gently. Now ask them to slow the
pace to a brisk walk and then a gentle walk.
Remind them to move in a space and maintain
good posture.
• Tell the children to freeze and stretch their
arms up one at a time. Now ask them to raise
both arms slowly together whilst inhaling. They
should exhale slowly as they bring their arms
down again. Repeat.
© LCP Ltd 2004. Copies may be made for use within the purchasing institution only.
Dance lntro+Topics KS2.indd 13
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