Central Coast Comments - Estero Bay Republican Women Federated

P.O. Box 395, Morro Bay, Ca 93443
Central Coast Comments
1997-Award Winning Newsletter * 4 Times NFRW Diamond Award Club * NFRW Gold Award * NFRW Silver Award Club
2003 * 2005 * 2007 NFRW 1st Place Caring for America Award *2007 3rd.Place Caring for America Award
2 Time Winner” Our Fair Lady” *2009 NFRW Gold Achievement Award
Volume 2010 Issue 7
Club umber 14101562
July 2010
President: Suzy Moyer
Membership Chairman: Althea Starble
Here it is July....the past 6 months really have zoomed
by. Looking back, our club has been quite busy. Our
fundraisers: income tax, Costco cards, and Bar-B-Q have
netted us some funds! Speaking of the Bar-B-Q, please
take a minute to personally thank Lori for her hard work
and Carla for her generosity. Believe me, these 2 people
are 2 of the jewels in our club. And speaking of jewels in
our club.........a huge "thank You" for everyone who
worked. You did a terrific job, and you can give yourselves a big pat on the
back. Our fund raisers aren't over and we have some work to do in the
election department. It's now time to concentrate on working for our
candidates. November is quickly approaching. We're looking for a building
in Morro Bay to house our volunteers - so everyone keep their eyes open,
let us know if you find something. Keep thinking WIN in 2010!"
Suzy Moyer
President 2010
ewsletter Pat Kenner
Estero Bay
Republican Women
July 15, 2010
Inn at Morro Bay,
Morro Bay State
Luncheon cost is
$17.00 Inclusive.
or if you need a ride:
Call Melinda Rice
772-7618 or E-Mail
[email protected]
John Allan Peschong honed his skills in
politics and media while working in the White House during the Reagan
Administration and later as the Executive Director for the California Republican
Party, a senior strategist for Senator John McCain and Vice President Dan
Quayle, and as Western States Political Director for the Republican National Committee (RNC).
John lives in Templeton, California with his wife Anna, their daughter Lila Lee and son John Lincoln.
As a Partner at MPI, Mr. Peschong develops and implements strategies for public affairs and political
campaigns. He has recently assumed the position of Chairman of the San Luis Obispo County Republican Party
and is the president of the Lincolin Club.
Volume 2010 Issue 7
Central Coast Comments
July 2010
Fundraiser! – Lorie Noble
Many thanks to all members and friends who sold tickets, purchased
items needed, and worked very hard at our BBQ fundraiser. I want to
thank our decorating team, BBQ team, food preparation team, cleaning
team, servers, those who solicited auction and drawing items, those who
donated needed items, and all who helped at the event. We could not
have done it so well without each and every one of you. We sold just
over 150 dinner tickets and served 123 meals.
Including our Costco Cash Card drawing and the silent auction we raised
$1,182 after expenses. I think we could have done better with pre-sales of the BBQ tickets if we had tried
harder. We certainly had enough quality help to serve 200 people. And now that you know how good the food
is, I’m sure our next one will be even bigger.
Congratulations to Jeanette Taylor who won $200 Costco Cash and to Jeanne Small who won $300 Costco
Our next fund raiser will be the Morro Bay Harbor Festival. We take shifts working
at the ticket booth and raise some good money for our Club. If you are going to be
out of town or just can’t volunteer to help, look for the “No Work Harbor Festival”.
With successful fundraisers we can do good things for our community and members
such as the MELP Books, No Child Left Behind donations
to the local schools, and the Grace Melton Memorial
Scholarship for MB High students.
Re: Costco cards:
"Facts: 58 people were mailed 4 card’s each (232), there
were 68 extras. We sold 170 cards. 8 people returned
tickets with no money. 15-17 people did not return tickets
or money. 35 people (of the 58) sold or purchased tickets"
Monies raised after expenses 1432.51
The Board is asking members to please send in ideas
for future fundraisers.
Volume 2010 Issue 7
Central Coast Comments
July 2010
How Capitalism Civilizes Greed
(NPR Commentary)
By Dinesh D'Souza
Suddenly we are hearing the word “greed” again. The 1980s were dubbed the Era of Greed—it was the era of
Ronald Reagan and Michael Milken—but wealth in the nineties was perceived as more virtuous, because it was
associated with tech entrepreneurs who were making new things. Now in the aftermath of the Microsoft trial,
and with Al Gore running for the presidency, we are seeing a revival of the charge of greed.
Most surprising, this accusation is being leveled by some in the tech world. “When greed becomes this
prevalent,” telecommunications mogul Craig McCaw says, “something bad always happens.” Kim Polese of
Marimba worries about what she calls “the greed factor.” And in a recent article in Fast Company, author Jim
Collins complained that Silicon Valley used to be about inventing new things and developing “insanely great”
products, but now people mainly come there to get filthy rich.
What this rhetoric proves is that capitalism has won the economic war but it hasn’t won the moral war. The
failure of socialist planned economies has convinced most people that technological capitalism is the best way
to create wealth. But there remains the long-standing belief that the capitalist is a greedy, selfish person. This is
a very old accusation that long predates Marx. It goes back to the Greeks and Romans, who saw the trader as a
contemptible, low figure, and to the Bible, where it is written that “love of money is the root of all evil.”
But is this prejudice against money-making justified? Adam Smith, who first made the case for capitalism in his
book The Wealth of ations, acknowledged that capitalism is based on self-interest. The reason for this, he said,
is that human nature is self-interested. In Smith’s view, it is ridiculous to expect farmers in rural England wake
up at four o’clock in the morning to tend cattle and plant potatoes so that Londoners can have steak and potatoes
for dinner. What motivates the farmers is the desire to benefit themselves and support their families. This is not
a base motive, it is a decent one. It is rooted in self-interest, but it is self-interest ennobled by filial attachment
and responsibility.
Smith pointed out a further paradox of capitalism: although it is motivated by the desire for personal gain, the
way that the entrepreneur maximizes his profits is by focusing his everyday attention on meeting the needs and
wants of others. So greed leads to empathy. At Wal-Mart, for example, Sam Walton became rich by developing
an efficient inventory control system so that he could monitor consumer preferences and satisfy them as
promptly and cheaply as possible. The most successful entrepreneurs do not merely identify and gratify
people’s wants, but they anticipate desires before people have them. Think about the portable computer, the
Palm Pilot and the cell-phone: entrepreneurs figured out that we would want and benefit from these things even
before we knew we couldn’t function without them.
The moral argument for capitalism is that it makes us better people by regulating the vices of greed and
selfishness. Capitalism civilizes greed in much the same way that marriage civilizes lust. Greed, like lust, is part
of our human nature; it would be futile to try to root it out. What capitalism does is to channel greed in such a
way that it works to meet the wants and needs of society.
Volume 2010 Issue 7
Central Coast Comments
July 2010
If you're afraid of the future, then get out of the way, stand aside. The people of this country are ready to
move again.
Ronald Reagan
More than any other social type, excerpt perhaps the clergy, the capitalist is, in his everyday conduct, oriented
to the task of helping and serving others. There is no reason for entrepreneurs to feel bad about doing well,
because their success is proof that they have effectively met the wants and needs of their fellow human beings.
Helen Jones - July 4th
Chris Holmberg - July 8th
Elizabeth Novak - Aug. 5th
Charlotte Whitaker - Aug. 5th
Connie Papousek - Aug. 6th
Bethany Griffiths - Aug. 7th
Beverly Jamgs - Aug. 11th
Lew Stier - Aug. 13th
Dean Tyler - Aug. 18th
Linda Donnelly - Aug. 21st
Elizabeth Norton - Aug. 25th
"Conservative Victory" by Sean Hannity
"Courage and Consequence" by Karl Rove
Hello Members,
Do you have a friend who is concerned with the
direction our government is taking us, one that has
questions or maybe a person you meet at a gathering
who shows an interest in Republican Women, the news
or speaks about the politics in our area. I would like to
encourage each of us to carry a brochure about EBRWF
in our purse to hand to an acquaintance at a moment
like that. Perhaps you would like to invite her to attend
a meeting with you. Keep up to date on who we are
having as a speaker so you can refer to that point of interest. If you would like to pass
their name along to me I will send them a personal invite to the club.
Althea Starble, Membership
Volume 2010 Issue 7
Central Coast Comments
1. I wondered why the baseball was getting
bigger. Then it hit me.
2. Police were called to a daycare where a threeyear-old was resisting a rest.
3. Did you hear about the guy whose whole left
side was cut off? He's all right now.
4. To write with a broken pencil is pointless.
5. The short fortune teller who escaped from
prison was a small medium at large.
6. A thief who stole a calendar got twelve months.
7. When the smog lifts in Los Angeles , U.C.L.A.
8. The math professor went crazy with the
blackboard. He did a number on it!
9. The professor discovered that her theory of
earthquakes was on shaky ground.
10. The dead batteries were given out free of
11. A dentist and a manicurist fought tooth and
We all need a little fun so just enjoy.
12. A bicycle can't stand alone; it is just two-tired.
13. A will is a dead giveaway.
14. A backward poet writes inverse.
15. A chicken crossing the road: poultry in
16. With her marriage she got a new name and a
17. A grenade fell onto a kitchen floor in France ,
resulted in linoleum blown apart.
18. He broke into song because he couldn't find
the key.
19. A calendar's days are numbered.
20. A boiled egg is hard to beat.
21. If you jump off a Paris bridge, you are in Seine
22. When she saw her first strands of gray hair,
she thought she'd dye.
23. Bakers trade bread recipes on a knead to know
24. Acupuncture: a jab well done
July 2010
Officers and Committee Chairman 2010
Barbara Barisic
Phylllis Poe
Lorie Noble
LaVerne Smith
Mamie Eisenhower Library Project
LaVerne Smith
No Child Left Behind Project Chairman
Newsletter Editor
Pat Kenner
Marta Zanghi
Sunshine Chairman
Shirley Palmer
Ways and Means Chairman
Lori Noble
Marianne Kent
Volume 2010 Issue 7
Voter Registration/Bounty
Linda Donnelly
Voter Fraud Chairman
Cathy Novak
Web Pages:
Estero Bay Republican Women Federated
California Federation of Republican Women
National Federation of Republican Women
Central Division CFRW
The following are very informative sites.
www.human events.com
772- 1116
Central Coast Comments
July 2010
Americanism Chairman
Teri Coleman
Action Alert
Lori Noble
Budget/Auditor Chairman
Marta Zanghi
By-Laws Chairman
Lori Noble
Melinda Rice
Althea Starble
Suzy Moyer
1st Vice President (Programs)
Joyce Albright
2nd, Vice President (Membership)
Althea Starble
Recording Secretary
Joanne Tobias
Corresponding Secretary
Jacqueline Crumpley
Parliamentarian/Past President
Joyce Albright
Achievement Awards
Marta Zanghi
Louise Gorfain
Beth Tompkins
P.O. Box 395 Morro Bay, CA 93443-0395
We believe our strength comes from diversity of opinion, experience and culture.
We believe in the power of grassroots political activism.
We believe our legacy is developing political leaders for the future.
We believe women are the powerful force for change for the 21st century.
We believe in government that requires personal responsibility while protecting the rights of the individual.
The ational Federation of Republican Women advocate’s crucial issues to positively impact our nation, strengthens our Republican
Party through recruiting and electing candidates, and empowers women of all ages and diversity in the political process. To
accomplish our goals, we have developed a series of powerful programs and benefits for our members.
US Rep. Lois Capps 23rd Dist
1411 Marsh Street #205
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
Washington D.C. Office
FAX 202-225-5632
[email protected]
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger
First Floor State Capitol
Sacramento, CA 95814
Sen. Abel Maldonado 15th Dist
1356 Marsh St.
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
[email protected]
Assemblyman Sam Blakeslee PH.D.
33rd Dist
1104 Palm Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401
916.319.2033 FAX 916.319.2133
[email protected]
County Board Of Supervisors
[email protected]
County Gov Center, Rm 370
San Luis Obispo, CA 93408
Frank Mecham, Dist. 1
Bruce Gibson, Dist 2
Adam Hill, Dist. 3
Ketch Achadjian, Dist. 4
Jim Patterson, Dist. 5
President Barak Hussen Obama
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
Washington D.C. 20500
202/456-1414 Fax 202-456-2461
[email protected]
US Sen. Dianne Feinstein
331 Hart Senate Office Bldg
Washington D.C. 20510-0504
Fax 202-228-3954
[email protected]
US Sen. Barbara Boxer
112 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington D.C. 20510-0505
Fax 202-228-1338
[email protected]
Volume 2010 Issue 7
Central Coast Comments
July 2010