Men of Style 2014

(352) 867-1900
When in the market for a new vehicle, there’s nothing more important than
experience and great customer service. You can expect all that and more at
Honda of Ocala.
Why did you get into the car business? I was 19 years old and wanted to
earn some extra money for school. My best friend worked part time at a car lot in
Jacksonville, Florida, so I followed his lead and was lucky enough to get a job with a
Ford store. I planned to work just a few months, but it got in my blood and I really
liked it. Except for a few years when I took a break, I have been in the car business in
one capacity or another, starting from sales, for many years.
You seem young to be a general manager of a car dealership. How did that
happen? Hard work, but I have also had great mentors who spent a lot of their
valuable time showing me the ins and outs of running a successful car dealership,
most importantly Tom Moore, who was the general manager of Honda of Ocala and
is now the platform manager of the northern stores for Morgan Automotive.
What sets Honda of Ocala apart from other dealerships? We want to create
a destination for people who not only drive onto our lot but who visit our virtual
showroom as well. But what really sets us apart is our people. I firmly believe we
have some of the finest men and women in Marion County working for us. It is truly
a blessing.
What can a person expect when they visit Honda of Ocala? You can expect to
experience what we call the Ritz Carlton experience. Whether it’s in sales or service,
I want all of our customers to leave with that “wow factor.” We have the only fully
functional dealership café in Ocala, along with a movie room, with Wi-Fi where
people can eat breakfast or lunch on us while buying or servicing their car. Although
we may have a slipup from time to time as any business does, I keep myself available
to help customers resolve any issue they may have. My door is always open, and my
cell number is posted throughout the dealership.
You’re a pretty stylish guy. Where does that come from? That’s an easy one.
The women in my life, my mom, my beautiful wife, Kelly, and my daughter, Kaylin,
always help pick out what looks great. I would also say that one valuable piece of
advice I received when I was young was, “Dress for the job that you want, not the job
you have.”
(352) 401-2867
What are you most passionate about in life? The word passion makes me think
about my father and how passionate he was about his country. He was a volunteer
firefighter and served as a cook in the Navy. He is the reason I desired to become a chef.
My passion shows when I’m able to put a smile on the face of someone who enjoys food I
have prepared or who has attended an event I planned.
Which celebrity chef has had the biggest influence on your cooking and
restaurant-management style? Two of my favorite chefs are Anthony Bourdain, for
his cooking style and quirkiness, and Gordon Ramsay, for his outspoken, no-nonsense
style of management. My admiration for these chefs comes from their desire to improve
the industry and willingness to guide those who decide to enter this career.
We heard you were the mastermind behind the menu at The Crazy Cucumber.
What goes into creating a menu from scratch?
I could talk for hours about menu planning, but in a few words, it takes many years in the
industry, education and training as well as a passion to please your guests through their
stomachs. When planning, I consider food cost, the profiles of my guests, and staffing and
seating turnover. Most importantly, I have to ensure the food’s flavor is great enough to
keep the guests coming back for more.
Why do companies choose Shelter Storage
USA? Many of our valued customers view Shelter
Storage as a complete supply-chain solution, which
allows the customer to focus more energy on their
core business competencies. We focus on our
ability to reduce costs and freight expenses as well
as related management and administrative costs.
Does Shelter Storage USA have its own
trucks, trailers or other transportation
vehicles? We are truly a “non-asset” based
company whose only business interest is to provide
our clients with time sensitive and cost efficiencies
that reduce operating costs, although we do
partner with many freight-forwarding companies
to provide logistics solutions for our clients. In the
near future, we’ll be providing pick-up, delivery
and courier services for our clients.
1417 SW 17TH ST., OCALA
(352) 840-9600
How can Shelter Storage USA help
their customers reduce logistics
costs? Value-added services from
Shelter Storage USA give you the
ability to respond to unexpected
changes in special orders and customer
requirements. Combining these services with
our warehouse and transportation network adds
even more supply chain flexibility, while reducing
your costs and increasing your profits.
At Shelter Storage USA, value-added services
get your products to market faster. Services include
product customization; kitting, picking and
packing, bundling and unbundling; light assembly;
packaging, re-packaging and re-boxing; labeling;
sort, segregate and recycle; reverse logistics and
returns management; and inventory management
and material supply management. JUN’14
1813 SW 1ST AVE.,
(352) 622-1136
What brought you to Ocala?
I was born and raised in Davison,
Michigan, which is quite similar to
Ocala. I graduated from Michigan State
University with a degree in human
physiology and moved to Florida
to complete my doctorate at Palmer
College of Chiropractic. After working
for two large practices in Orlando, I took
an opportunity to start my own practice
in Ocala and have been here since 2011.
What is the most important thing
you have learned as a business
owner? Integrity is No. 1. In today’s
health care system, it’s easy to
compromise integrity for the sake of
business. That’s something I refuse to do.
What sets Mack Injury & Spine
Care apart from other offices? We
focus on quality, not quantity. I believe
You are the 2007 Paso Fino Horse
Association Trainer of the Year. How do you
use that experience as a Realtor? As a trainer,
instructor and clinician, I need to guide clients
based on the horse of their dreams and not the
horse of mine. I learned to ask the right questions,
listen to their desires, formulate a plan with them
and use my skills and contacts to find them what
they are looking for.
Which of your personality characteristics
are most beneficial to your clients? I have
integrity and take responsibility for my actions. In
all my business dealings, I try to do the right thing
for my clients. My life experiences have given me
confidence that things happen as they are meant
to be, so there is no need to force things that aren’t
right for all parties involved. This fosters comfort
and trust, which are necessary for successful
business relationships.
1918 SE 17TH ST., OCALA
(352) 283-0406
Your slogan is, “Here to serve you.”
What does service mean to you? Life
is about people and relationships, and
God wants us to serve others by
treating one another with respect,
kindness and integrity.
From the smallest to the
largest transaction, each
person deserves my
utmost commitment
to serve them in
reaching their goals.
Keller Williams
shares this philosophy,
which ensures that I have
the support and resources of an
internationally acclaimed firm.
, D.C.
in concise treatment timelines and
goals and working with other providers
as necessary. We have also made the
office essentially paperless with a stateof-the-art office management system.
We are able to promptly communicate
electronic information to patients, other
providers and attorneys.
What types of treatments do you
perform? The spine is our specialty.
We treat a lot of neck pain, low
back pain and sciatica and have the
latest equipment, including spinal
decompression. Treatment does not
involve medications or extensive testing
but focuses on stretching, strengthening
and lightly manipulating the joints to
allow proper function and promote
healing. It’s amazing how well the body
responds to hands-on, active care when
done right.
OCALA: 7535 SW 62ND CT.
THE VILLAGES: 1400 US 441 N, BLDG 930
(352) 237-1253
Dr. Kesari began practicing in Central Florida in 2009, but the
technology in his office is as cutting edge as it comes. He’s the first
gastroenterologist in the area to use the latest and most innovative
colonoscope, called Fuse.
What kind of services and
procedures do you offer? We offer
screening for colonoscopy, hemorrhoid
destruction, upper endoscopy, capsule
endoscopy and ERCP. I also perform
several other endoscopic procedures,
including sigmoidoscopy and EGD. I
am board certified in gastroenterology.
My staff and I provide professional,
compassionate care and encourage
anyone experiencing discomfort to
investigate it. I want to keep things
running smoothly for my patients.
Why is it important to have
routine colonoscopies?
Colonoscopies save lives. When
cancer is discovered during a routine
screening, patients have a 90 percent
survival rate. If symptoms spur
discovery of cancer, the survival rate
drops to 8 percent. The gastrointestinal
tract can be up to 20 feet long in adult
males. Because of its size, there are a
number of conditions that can occur. I
specialize in colonoscopy procedures,
which serve as a means of discovering
and treating colon cancer, polyps,
colitis and lesions. And when it comes
to colonoscopies, quality matters.
What is Fuse? Fuse, or Full Spectrum
Endoscopy, is the latest advancement
in colonoscopy. It provides physicians
with a panoramic, 330-degree view,
while standard endoscopes only
provide up to 170 degrees of forward
vision. This increased view allows us
to see almost twice the anatomy, thus
detecting more abnormalities.
How is Fuse superior to
traditional endoscopy? Fuse
enables our practice to provide the
highest quality of care to our patients.
The revolutionary endoscope system
allows us to see more of the GI tract
than ever before, which can detect
significantly more polyps than a
standard endoscope.
Why is your work important to
members of the Central Florida
community? The American Cancer
Society estimated that in 2011
141,210 people were diagnosed with
colorectal cancer in the United States.
Colon cancer is the third leading
cause of cancer death in both men
and women in the United States.
At least six out of every 10 deaths
from colorectal cancer could be
prevented if all men and women
aged 50 years or older were
screened routinely. The goals of
screening are the prevention of
cancer through the detection and
removal of precancerous growths
and the diagnosis of cancers
at an early stage. Overall, 90
percent of new cases and 94
percent of deaths occur in
individuals 50 and older.
To schedule your Fuse
Colonoscopy call
(352) 237-1253. JUN’14
R O N A L D W.
(352) 484-0963
You may have seen Ronald Wetherington around town at some
of Ocala’s most prestigious events, camera in hand. His interests,
however, go far beyond his photographic skills and include a love
of travel and a successful career in real estate.
How long have you lived in
Florida? I am that most rare
breed of Floridian—a native. I
was born and raised by an historic
pioneering family in Miami. I
graduated from Miami Jackson
Senior High School where my
mother also attended. I later
studied business administration
at the University of Miami and
language at the University of
Munich, Germany. Early in
my career, I was the Manager
of Consumer Affairs for Pan
American World Airways and
was based in Miami. While I have
always considered Florida home,
I heeded my grandmother’s wise
words to see the world.
Why did you move to Ocala?
Ocala’s rolling green horse pastures
and Spanish moss-draped oak
trees tugged on my heart early on.
Seizing a golden opportunity, I
purchased Fort King Manor, a twostory, brick apartment complex in
Ocala’s historic district. I made it a
showplace, replete with a courtyard
rose garden, lighted pool and
Italian statuary. I have maintained
a stellar reputation in Florida
commercial real estate for 25
years, having owned and operated
apartment buildings in Coconut
Grove and Miami Beach. I am
a member of the Ocala/Marion
County Association of Realtors,
Florida Association of Realtors
and the National Association of
Realtors. As a Realtor-Associate,
I am licensed with ABS Property
Management in Ocala, Florida.
What do you like best about
being a photojournalist for
Ocala Style Magazine? My
press credentials were years in
the making. I was the society
editor and real estate writer for
Entertainment News and Views in
Miami, as well as society editor
of Social Magazine in Miami. As
a photojournalist for Ocala Style
Magazine, I have a full calendar
as I am seen out and about town.
What I find most rewarding,
as a photojournalist, is getting
acquainted with so many fine
individuals. The residents of Ocala/
Marion County are genuine, warm
and friendly.
What do you do for fun? I
wonder where life’s trajectory will
take me next. I frequently travel
to far flung places in the world.
I love traveling and am excited
about an upcoming trip this
summer to Barcelona, Spain and a
Mediterranean cruise to Istanbul,
Turkey. A few months later, I will
be sojourning in the Republic of
the Union of Myanmar “Burma”
on a classic mahogany vintage
riverboat. Still, Ocala is now my
permanent home. It is always a real
pleasure to come home to Ocala.
king & king
(352) 629-8747
Greg and Jarrod King are a father-son duo devoted to
personalized care for every client. As Ocala natives, they’re
striving to earn their clients everything they deserve and give
back to the community that they love.
What is the history of the firm?
The King Law Firm was founded
in 1995 by Greg King, managing
shareholder, based upon his desire
to provide his clients with prompt
and personal representation. In
2005, I joined my father at the
firm, and we still hold true to that
principle. Our attorneys personally
handle every legal aspect of our
clients’ cases. Unlike some firms
who operate on volume, we are
personally involved and accessible,
giving each case and every client
the attention they deserve while
delivering the skill and competence
required for a successful outcome.
What services do you offer
the community? The King Law
Firm focuses its practice entirely
on representing plaintiffs in their
fight to obtain fair treatment
from the insurance industry. We
represent clients who have been
injured or killed through no
fault of their own in a variety of
accidents, including automobile,
truck, motorcycle, ATV, watercraft
and golf cart accidents. We also
represent clients who have been
injured in falls and other premisesrelated accidents.
Can you describe the
experience of you and your
colleagues? Our firm has over
40 years of combined experience,
and we have an AV rating by
Martindale Hubbell, the highest
rating possible. We also enjoy
Super Lawyers status and are
members of the Million and
Multi-Million Dollar advocates
forum, an honor reserved for
attorneys who have obtained
verdicts or settlements in excess
of 1 and 2 million dollars. Along
with our professional successes,
we also value our role in this
community. Greg has called Ocala
home for over 40 years, while I
was born and raised here and am
a second-generation native. We
are involved in our churches and
various local service organizations
where we have the opportunity to
bless others with a portion of the
blessings we have received.
What is your main goal with
every case? Our goal in every
case is to ensure that our clients are
treated fairly and that they obtain
the maximum value for the injuries
and damages they have suffered
through no fault of their own.
What can clients expect from
an experience with you? Our
clients can expect that we will
stop at nothing to ensure that all
of their realistic expectations are
met, that they are fully informed
about the process, and ultimately,
that they are fully satisfied with the
outcome of their case or claim. JUN’14
, AU.D.
2100 SE 17TH ST., SUITE. 202, OCALA
(352) 732-3277
At Hearing & Balance Solutions, Dr. Murray and his staff are
committed to helping those with hearing loss experience the
sounds of life using the most unique, individualized treatment
plan available. Every person is different with their hearing
needs; therefore, a one-size-fits-all approach is not optimal
for hearing rehabilitation. Come learn for yourself how
hearing care should be approached with a doctor of
audiology guiding you toward success!
Why is it that I feel as if I can
hear people talking, but I find it
difficult to understand what they
are saying, especially in crowded
or noisy environments? Believe it or
not, most people with hearing loss fall
into this category—they can hear but
not understand. This common type of
hearing loss affects the part of hearing
responsible for hearing high-pitch
sounds or the high frequencies. This is
easily treated.
At what age should I get my hearing
tested? If you feel you are asking others
to repeat themselves, you have ringing in
the ears or you can hear but not always
understand, then you should set up an
appointment for a hearing test right
away. Early detection of hearing loss is
much better than waiting too long to get
help. Otherwise, Medicare recommends
getting a baseline hearing test as soon
as you turn 65 in order to monitor any
changes over time (and yes, Medicare
covers the cost of the test).
Are all hearing aids the same? Ab-
solutely not. There are many factors that
will determine the type and size of the
hearing instrument that will be recommended. Some hearing aids are virtually
invisible, while others are larger and more
powerful. Size of ear canals, dexterity
and feeling in the extremities, lifestyle
and many other factors will determine
what’s recommended.
Does my
company pay
for the hearing
testing and hearing
aids? Most insurances
will pay for the hearing
testing. There are many
insurance companies that
have hearing aid benefits,
but each plan is different.
Some will pay for the full
amount, while others
only pay partly. There
are some plans that will
offer discounts. Our
trained staff will check
with your plan during
your visit. Payment plans
are available.
Does your office offer
the most qualified
hearing professional in
the area? We believe so!
As a doctor of audiology,
I have had extensive
training at several top-rated
universities in the country.
I believe my unique skill set
puts the practice above many
other competing hearing aid
stores in town, which typically
employ non-audiologists.
You’re about to celebrate your fifth
anniversary. What have the past few
years been like? Coming to the United
States was a big challenge, and we are lucky
to have this amazing community. Our
customers are very loyal to us and inspire us
to be consistent, curious and innovative.
I’m amazed and so grateful to have
won three Golden Spoons and the Best of
Taste 2014!
People come from Gainesville, Crystal
River and The Villages specifically to enjoy a
dinner with us. That’s my best reward!
Cooking is a passion for you. What do
you enjoy most about it ? Working with
the freshest products in order to respect
their true flavor. I like the unelaborate, rustic
nature of products.
Teaching my savoir-faire
is also important. I like to
share what I learned from
the best chefs in France.
We’re blessed to have such
a wonderful team; we learn
from each other and have a
great mix of cultures!
aste Of
(352) 433-2570
Best o
2 0 14
Tell us about the atmosphere at La
Cuisine French Restaurant. We have a
privileged relationship with our customers;
being in a small community is what makes
it special. We also like to entertain and have
live piano twice a week and a wine tasting
each month. We also just had a Derby party
and are planning a Bastille Day event. And
big news, in a few weeks La Cuisine will have
its own parking!
1701 NE 42ND AVE., OCALA
(352) 671-3100
, D.C.
What made you choose Ocala as the place to start your chiropractic practice? My wife,
Lauren, and I met while attending Forest High School, and we always knew we wanted to return
to Ocala to settle down. When it came time for us to start a chiropractic practice, there was no
question of where we would go, as we still have friends and family here. We’re looking forward to
giving back to Ocala and helping residents cultivate healthy lives.
What sets you and Ocala Chiropractic and Wellness apart from other chiropractors?
In addition to typical chiropractic treatment, I provide wellness and lifestyle consulting, and
take time to get to know my patients. I take a “whole person” approach to chiropractic care,
which means that I look for the underlying causes of disease, discomfort and pain, as opposed
to just treating the symptoms. This approach creates an optimal wellness environment, which
encourages natural healing and minimizes invasive treatments.
What can you treat with chiropractic care? Chiropractors are typically associated with car
accidents and back pain, but chiropractic care is also very effective for a variety of conditions.
Many issues in other parts of the body are connected to the spine. For example, some headaches
are tension headaches, which are caused by postural or joint positions of the upper back and
neck being improperly aligned. A chiropractor can alleviate these headaches naturally by
correcting the misalignment. Next time you’re in pain or discomfort, consider a chiropractor for
treatment of your ailment. JUN’14
(352) 732-7577
How do your products stand out above the rest? Not only are
we proud of our state-of-the-art showroom just built last year, but
we’re extremely excited about our award-winning product line. The
2014 Ram 1500 was named Motor Trend’s Truck of the Year, becoming
the first back-to-back winner in the history of the award. The Jeep
Cherokee continues to win awards for Safety and Best Value, while the
Dodge Dart is the most technologically advanced car in its class. With our
extensive inventory of new and used vehicles, we have options for every budget.
What can buyers look forward to on a visit to your facility? The facility
itself is simply beautiful, but it’s our knowledgeable and committed staff that makes
shopping with us such an enjoyable experience. We walk customers through the entire
buying process with no pressure. We treat the needs of each individual customer with
paramount concern.
How do you provide the best customer service possible? If we don’t have what
customers are looking for, we will find it! If they need financing, we’ll get them a great
rate! We know customers have high expectations, and as a car dealer, we enjoy the
challenge of meeting and exceeding those standards each and every time they come to
our dealership for sales or service.
F. L .
(385) 840-0611
What personal characteristics have helped you succeed in this line of business? I’m
personable, I wear a constant smile and I respect the fact that God is the center of my life and
commands my every being. I live every day as though it were my last day on Earth, and I strive
every day to be a better person.
What’s the most rewarding aspect of your career? I feel blessed that I have had the
opportunity to gain so much experience and interact with so many people. All of this has helped
me get to the point I am at right now. God knows what we need, and He has put a lot of families
in my life that have helped me grow as an individual.
What sets you and your business apart among other funeral homes? Our responsibility
is to the families that we serve. We strive to give them the best service, help them become
informed clients and represent them to the best of our ability. We serve each family with
professionalism and loving care and treat them with respect, kindness and the type of service I
would expect if I were seeking service for myself. My business is built on my love for God, and
each aspect is designed with God foremost.
(352) 615-5715
[email protected]
LICENSE # A 1200248
One of the biggest misconceptions about private investigation is that it’s
all about catching “cheaters.” Although this is part of the job, for Rob
Cole, private investigation involves working closely with law firms and
businesses, as well as individuals, to provide them with honest answers and
personalized customer service.
What type of services do you offer?
I offer private investigations involving
infidelity, fraud, skip tracing (finding people), background investigations, witness
interviews, and asset verification and location. I work with family law and civil
litigation attorneys and also have law firms and private individuals as clients both
state and nationwide. I am also a certified process server who serves subpoenas,
summonses and evictions.
When should someone hire a private investigator? Follow your gut. If you think
more than once that something is not quite right, you should look into it—whether it
be a possible dishonest employee, bogus insurance claim, workers’ compensation
fraud or problem in your relationship.
What makes you good at what you do?
For me, customer service
is paramount. I strive to provide my clients with individualized
attention, and I won’t rest until I deliver the results they expect and
deserve. My clients should expect hard work and honesty—even
if the results are hard to hear. At the end of the day, I want my
clients to be satisfied with the service I provide, and I will do
what it takes to make sure they are confident that I did my best
for them.
In your line of work, you must have some funny stories.
Can you tell us one? I was once working for a prominent
family attorney in town. I had been trying to serve the alleged
mistress of a husband in a 20-year-plus marriage for months
so that my client could take her deposition in the divorce case.
She kept evading me and went so far as to install cameras
outside her front door so she could see me as I knocked and
then refuse to answer. After months of trying, Valentine’s Day
came around, so I bought some balloons and flowers. When
she answered the door to receive her Valentine’s Day gift, she
was served!
It sounds like you have a pretty exciting and sometimes
dramatic professional life. What do you do to
decompress? I work out about five days a week and have for
20 years. Also, my wife, Ami, is a local family attorney, and we
love to travel. On a daily basis, it’s my animals. We have two
dogs, four Persian cats and chickens. Just being around
them is a great stress reliever. JUN’14
(352) 307-1968
L-R: Remo, Dru, Dave, John, Jack,
Bruno and Josh. (Not Pictured: Tony)
With talented, experienced staff like the Burnyzz men, anything is possible. They’re
dedicated to quality customer service and making dream cars into realities. Josh and staff
will deliver the best every time.
What special products and services do you offer? We’re able to do just about anything you
dream of doing to your automobile—paint, bodywork, interior, wiring, suspension, custom engines,
turbos, superchargers, wheels, brakes, exhaust, digital gauges, tuning and chassis dyno services. We
strive to merge old cars with the hottest technology and best creature comforts of today.
What makes your staff unique? We will not settle for second best. I went into business for myself
in 1999 and sold my first multimillion-dollar company in 2008. My dog, Bruno Hart, is VP of Burnyzz
and my right-hand man. Remo DiGenova, general manager, has 40 years in the automotive business
and has drag raced for 30. He started with Burnyzz in 2012 and has changed the way our service
department is run for the better. Dru Buckley is the life of the service department. He’s an amazing
fabricator and an electrical genius. John Kohlweiss has turned into a great mechanic. His diagnostic
capabilities are unmatched by anyone in
this area code. If there’s a problem with
your car, John will find it. Tony Gonyon
just joined our team and is nationally
known for his custom tuning and dyno
capabilities. Dave Toomey is by far the
best mechanic in Central Florida. Jack
Valentine has been part of Burnyzz since
the beginning in 2009 and has 45 years
as a pro GM mechanic.
What are you involved in outside
the shop? We host an annual car show
and sponsor just about every car show
you find locally. We welcome anyone
to stop by our 25,000-sq-ft facility to
look at the amazing cars we have on
display and are working on. The staff
will take you on a tour, and you will
get the sense of community this hobby
inspires. We also compete on a divisional,
national level with our drag racing team,
Fearless Racing.
What partnerships have you built
within the community? Burnyzz has
always been 100 percent Ocala. We try
to use local businesses and services for
our builds. We donate car show proceeds
to local charities like Interfaith and the
Humane Society. We have also developed
a great relationship with the Don Garlits
Museum. You will see Don Garlits’
name on the side of our top dragster
and our ‘33 Ford Roadster. On the side
of Don’s competition Challenger, you
will see the loud and proud Burnyzz
logo! This hobby deserves respect and
more attention, and that’s why Burnyzz
was born.