Moon Village

duration: 1 day
• To develop an understanding of what ‘disabled friendly’ means.
• To communicate information using different methods.
• To develop creative problem-solving using maths, science, and art and design
• To develop pupils’ skills in working as a group
national curriculum objectives
KS 1
KS 2
(Extension task)
Reading, handwriting, vocabulary,
grammar, punctuation.
Reading, handwriting, vocabulary,
grammar, punctuation.
Geometry – properties of shapes.
Recognise and name common 2-D and
3-D shapes.
Geometry – properties of shapes. Identify
3-D shapes, including cubes and other
cuboids, from 2-D representations.
Recognise, describe and build simple 3-D
shapes, including making nets.
Living things and their habitats. Identify
that living things live in a habitat to
which they are suited, and describe how
different habitats provide for the basic
needs of different kinds of animals
and plants.
Earth and Space. Describe the movement
of the Moon relative to the Earth.
Working scientifically. Reporting on
findings from enquiries, including oral
and written explanations, displays or
presentations of results and conclusions,
labelled diagrams, keys and tables.
Art and design
To use a range of materials creatively to
design and make products.
To use drawing, painting and sculpture to
develop and share their ideas, experiences
and imagination.
To improve their mastery of art and design
techniques, including drawing, painting
and sculpture with a range of materials.
Years 3 and 4: Believe, breathe, build, century, different, difficult, experiment, imagine, island, material,
natural, special.
Years 5 and 6: Achieve, attached, communicate, community, convenience, environment, equipment,
excellent, individual, leisure, lightning, marvellous, necessary, neighbour, physical, symbol, temperature,
• Moon Village worksheet and lesson plan.
• Large sheets of paper and pencils.
• Model-making materials, e.g. cardboard boxes, glue, scissors, felt tip pens and paint.
teacher’s notes lesson 2 moon village