June 2015 - International School of Schaffhausen

School News
Looking Back and Moving Ahead
Dear Parents, Students and Friends of ISSH
We can look back at a very successful school year. The school
continues to grow and develop. We hit the 200 student mark in
November 2013 and since April 2015 we are at approx. 270 students. This is an increase of 35 % in 1.5 years. In spite of high
turn-over rates which are a characteristic of all international
schools- we have continuously grown and we are very proud that
we will keep the numbers up or even go beyond for the start of the
school year in August.
The Secondary Section and in particular the DP Section continue
to show a strong and balanced growth. This would have also been
an observable trend, if we had not had the sudden influx of Winterthur students - they merely reinforced an already existing trend.
We can now proudly say that the DP programme is off the ground
and flying with 45 students enrolled in grades 11 and 12 for next
year. Looking at the make-up of the DP section, we can say that
roughly speaking 1/3 are students transferring from grade 10, 1/3
are new students joining the DP programme and 1/3 are students
whom we attract through our boarding programme (see article ion
page 4 of this bulletin).
The growth in secondary is also reflected in the fact that we needed to hire 7 more secondary specialists for the subjects English A
and English B, Mathematics, Geography, History, Visual Arts,
Technology, French and Business and Management. The general
staff turn-over is again very low. I dare say that it is one of the key
strength of ISSH to attract and retain quality staff. And I am sure
that you all agree that good teachers and administrators are the
biggest success factor in a school. This is a great position to be in
as continuity and stability are essential in strong teams. I would
like to take this opportunity to thank our teaching and support staff
for their ongoing commitment, enthusiasm and the great care they
take in continually developing their practices and striving for excellence.
More achievements of the 2014-15 school year are
We continued to build up our IT in terms of hardware/software
and student and teacher use of IT. This is reflected in the
introduction of Managebac and Google+ across both departments, a make-over of our webpage, introduction of enewsletters and the new communication through Facebook.
The arts, drama and music departments are continually building
up their resources, as is the science department. We purchased a third school bus to ensure the shuttle service after
The Student Services have seen an increase in offerings such
as a Secondary Counsellor, an extension of the EAL allocation and services. The Careers’ Programmes have been
built up as we cater for an increasing number of older stu-
Last Day of School
Wednesday, 1st July 2015
Summer Break
2 July—19 or 20 August 2015
First Day Back
New Students: Wednesday, 19 August, 14:00
Returning Students: Thursday, 20 August
Parent Evenings
Wed 26 August
gr 2/3
Thu 27 August
Trans/gr 1
gr 4/5
Open Day at Boarding House
26 September, 14:00-17:00
MY Camp Week
28 September—2 October
gr 6/7 Scuol
gr 8 Kandersteg
gr 9/10 London
Professional Development
Day for PY Teachers
Friday 2 October 2015
No school for Primary Students
(MY students are in camp week)
Autumn Break
3—18 October 2015
The ISSH Team
wishes you a joyful
and happy summer!
fication visit for Primary will happen in May 2016
We both hosted and participated in many sporting and the joined IB verification visit for Middle Years
and DP is scheduled for November 2016.
competitions with other schools, both local
and international, and extended the club ofThe results of the self-studies will together with the
fers in amount and in range.
feedback from the IB visiting teams provide further
We bought a boarding house facility and continue guideline and input for the long-term development
to give scholarships to academically strong
students from around the globe.
As every year, we have been gathering input for our
long-term development plan in the course of this
year. This input is received from the different stakeholders within our community – the board, the staff,
the parents, the students. The school leadership
team has reflected on and discussed the input given.
I would like to thank the parent association for contributing in such a generous and committed way to
the spirit of ISSH. Their events, their support and
newsletter information for ISSH families are hugely
appreciated. Thank you for doing such a fantastic
A big thank you also goes to the board and foundation board members for generously giving of their
time and supporting the school with their expertise.
I wish all of you a good summer break!
For next year the big overall targets are the selfstudies and the programme evaluation visits done
through the IB. The self-studies will be conducted
Gundula Kohlhaas, Head of School
separately in the 3 programme sections. The IB veri-
Curriculum - Looking back, moving forwards
At the heart of every school lie the students and the
curriculum they follow. Providing a significant,
relevant, challenging and engaging education that
develops students into responsible, lifelong learners
is central to the mission and core values we hold at
ISSH. As a result, teachers across the school are
engaged in ongoing reflection, evaluation and
professional development to ensure the rigour and
continued development of each of the programmes
offered (PYP, MYP,
DP). These processes
take place both within
the Primary and
Secondary Schools
and, significantly, as a
Whole School, thus,
ensuring a continuum
of education across the
This past academic
year, has seen
teachers work
collaboratively on: the
mission statement
review (which involved
all stakeholders), whole
school language policy,
the development of growth mindset in students,
examining the impact of different types of feedback
on student learning, deepening their understanding
of an array of special educational needs, as well as
considering the role of positive communication in a
school. In addition, teachers within each of the
programmes have continued to refine and develop
learning experiences planned for students.
Next year, is one of particular significance for ISSH.
As an authorized IB World School, we are required
to meet a set of standards and practices issued by
the IB. Every five years, each programme is
evaluated by the IB to determine whether the school
is, indeed, meeting these standards and the extent
to which the standards are being met. This
evaluation process is a rigorous one which, from
start to finish, takes a year to complete. First,
schools are
required to
undertake an indepth self-study
considering each
standard and
practice. Following
submission of this
study and
documentation to
the IB, a visiting
team comes into
the school to
complete the
process. Official
visits are
scheduled for May 2016 for the Primary Years
Programme and November 2016 (currently awaiting
confirmation) for the Middle Years and Diploma
Programmes. All stakeholders are involved
throughout the process, so please expect to be
hearing more from the programme coordinators next
Sara Goacher, Curriculum Coordinator
Moving the Boarding Facility to new Adventures
The year since the opening of our new boarding facility practically flew by. It seems that only yesterday
students were picked up from airports and train stations in order to be settling in with other students
from places around half the globe. It has been a
wonderful adventure for both students and members
of staff to get used to our unique concept of boarding school. Our concept is different in that students
are living a lifestyle similar to that which they would
encounter during university life. They live a pretty
independent life with the help of boarding staff members. Upon recent reflection on what has been the
most invaluable experience throughout the year, a
number of the boarders mentioned the fact that they
are able to live more independently now, have
picked up better study habits, and are able to cook
meals for a large group of people. What seemed an
unsurmountable challenge in the beginning of the
year. Cooking for nine people on a regular basis, is
now “no big deal”, anymore. The most important
and striking feature, however, is the fact that boarders motivated each other towards becoming more
academic and to become more proficient in studying.
This, of course a wonderful accomplishment.
Regarding our future, we are looking forward to
move into our new boarding facilities and the first
cohort of boarders are going to be the first graduating boarders of our school history. Our new building
is located centrally in Schaffhausen. An Off-campus
boarding facility allows students to live a boarding
life, which is not exclusively focused around the
school campus. In the new facility the girls’ rooms
are on the third floor, the common rooms are in the
middle and the boys’ rooms are on the first floor. We
also have our own
little garden.
As bags are being
packed and lastminute arrangements
are under way, we are
very pleased to be
able to say that this
past year was a success and, if past performance is indicative
of future success, we
are on the right path.
Silke Fox
Head of Boarding
DP Department
Looking back – Adam
Moving on in DP Coordination
After four years, my family and I say goodbye to
ISSH and Schaffhausen. It has been an eventful
period of time. However, what I will remember most
fondly (and probably most vividly) is the first year. It
was busy and it was tough but it was rewarding, too.
I had the pleasure to work with a committed group
of DP teachers. I can’t thank them enough for their
hard work. I will always treasure their enthusiasm,
trust and patience. I will always be grateful for their
tolerance of ambiguity! Moving on, I leave the DP in
good hands. I would like to take this opportunity to
wish Silke good luck at this exciting point in the history of the IB Diploma Programme at ISSH!
Having worked at ISSH for a number of years I have
grown very fond of the place and value its growth
and character. It is therefore with pleasure that I will
take on the role of the Diploma Programme Coordinator in the upcoming school year. I hope to be able
to have a positive impact on the furthering of the
programme’s growth and development, which have
flourished so far under Adam’s leadership. The Diploma Programme has seen a tremendous growth
over the past four years. We started with four students in the summer 2011 and have over 45 students enrolled in the upcoming school year. I know
that it will be a great task to follow in Adam’s footsteps and I am looking forward to the challenge and
am very thankful to have had such wonderful guidance in Adam Armanski!
Adam Armasnki, DP Coordinator
Silke Fox, Succeeding Adam Armanski
Looking back in Primary
We are coming to the end of another successful year
at ISSH Primary. Looking back I am amazed at the
number of things that have gone on, in addition to all
the work that both the students and teachers have
done in the classroom. We already have plans to
build on some of these areas next year and add
some new initiatives and events.
Standardized Assessment
This year, in October, we reintroduced the ACER
ISAs after using the British SATs for the past two
years. The ISAs are standardized tests developed
for international schools, across the world, for language and mathematics. We trialled the October test
period for Grades 4 & 5, but have now opted to participate in the May online testing option from next
year onwards. This will mean that we have annual
standardized, externally marked, testing for Grades
3 to 5. The teachers will be able to use the diagnostic reports from these tests to inform future teaching
and we will publish an overview of these results for
the school community.
will adapt the sign up process so families will sign up
during 3 set times of the year, rather than all at the
beginning. In this way we make it fairer for new families as this will provide everybody with the same sign
-up chances.
Outdoor Classroom
Our interest in utilising the outdoors as a stimulus to
learning has continued with some grades regularly
New additional Maths Scheme
going into the forest for lessons or investigations. By
In terms of academic testing, we also introduced a
organising various activities the student council has
new mathematics resource this year called ‘Busy Ant been vigorously raising funds for our outdoor classMaths’. This is a brand new scheme from the UK
room this year and are in the process of installing a
aimed at pushing the level of mathematics beyond
shed, with gardening tools, and more seating. The
the ’expected’ level. So far it has been a useful tool
gardening club has also helped in this area, redevelto aid in the differentiation for varying student abilioping the vegetable patch and the insect hotel. Next
ties. Next year we will receive the newly published
year we will have scheduled times for every class to
assessment material that support this scheme and
use this new learning environment.
start using them regularly to inform teaching and
Educational Visits
Our use of the locality also extended to finding new
Competitive Sports
opportunities for educational visits in and around
This year we have continued with our goal to devel- Schaffhausen. There have been a number, but the
op competitive sports in the school. We have hosted visits to the recorder factory, some Roman ruins, the
a basketball and football tournament and attended,
recording studio and the inside of the hydroelectric
with some real success, a number of tournaments
dam, were real highlights. We are investigating
both in the locality and at other international schools, some new opportunities including an outdoor educaincluding cross country running, football and basket- tion group, that offer team building and rafting, and
ball. We have also seen the continued growth of our the space observatory (Sternwarte) above the
field hockey group that play every Wednesday on
the school field. Next year we will continue to particiGuest Speakers
pate in such events, and we will additionally host a
cross country running event to which we have alWe have been extremely fortunate to welcome into
ready invited a wide circle of Swiss International
the school a number of guest speakers and performSchools through the SGIS (Swiss Group of Interna- ers this year. Some of the visitors have included: a
tional Schools).
published author, a professional wrestler, a hedgehog handler, a tango expert, an orchestral viola playAfter school clubs
er, a local handball player and a world famous freeWe changed our after school club system this year, style footballer. These visitors have both entertained
changing from every teacher offering 2 clubs in 2
and inspired the students and we hope to continue
set times during the year, to every teacher offering 3 with this next year. If you have any interesting conclubs in a variety of times throughout the year. This
tacts, please let us know. I hear Sebastian Vettel is
gave our students a lot more choices and offered
moving to the area so…
more flexibility in terms of timing. Moving forward we
Special Events
After the inaugural trial runs last year, we repeated
the Safety Week and Community Languages Morning this year. Both were again very successful and
appreciated by the students and parents alike. For
the safety week we had visits from the police; talking
about traffic safety with the younger students, and
first aid training for the older students. In addition
teachers addressed other aspects of safety through
activities and stories in the class and the student
council gave an award to the safest student of the
week. During the Community Languages Morning
some parent volunteers came in to teach the students some of their mother tongue language. This
raised awareness of the different languages that are
used in our community, celebrating the differences
we have in the school. We hope to build on the success of this morning next year, not only by running it
again, but also introducing more language after
school clubs, run by parents. UN day is always a big
hit and next year we are going to change the set-up
of the international lunch by creating buffet tables
that the students can go to and learn about the food
and where it comes from.
ondary students for their help in this and in many
other areas this year.
Community Service from DP Students
Many of the older DP students have been working in
primary classrooms and tutoring students as part of
their community service work. We have had senior
students assisting with sports, refereeing games and
coaching both basketball and hockey and students
have come to offer informative talks on other subject
matters for the primary. We hope to continue this
next year and are delighted that the younger students have the opportunity to see such good role
As you can see it really has been another year of
growth and we will continue to adapt our programme
to better suit the needs of both our students and
their families. As a school who is always seeking
Musical Performance
This year’s show, Cinderella-Rockefella, had a bigger main cast than previous shows and featured performances from every grade. It was a great experience for all involved and resulted in a magical evening. Next year I am proud and excited to announce
that we will be presenting our own version of the
Disney smash hit ‘Frozen’. I have no doubt we will
have no shortage of aspiring actors and actresses
and a ready supply of costumes. Coming to a gym
ways to further enhance the learning experience, we
hall near you next December!
welcome feedback and urge all our community
members to get involved and make suggestions. My
For the Grade 5 Exhibition project this year the stu- door is always open.
dents were given the overarching theme of ‘Ripples Nick Wragg, Primary Principal
through time’ and tasked with developing a focus
that considered how things from the past can have a
lasting impact. We had a wide variety of subject matter, from motorcycle safety to the evolution of ballet
choreography, testament to the student’s individuality and each mind having its own method. During the
two open days we had more visitors than ever before, welcoming three international schools, one local school and even an English language adult
learners’ group, in addition to the rest of our school
community. All these visitors added a new element
to the student’s presentations and they had to answer some very different questions. Next year we
will again invite these groups and attempt to share
this with more of the local community as well.
Part of the preparation for the Exhibition in Grade 5
involved the Grade 6 students coming over to primary and talking about their experience during the exhibition and offering advice. We must thank the sec-
Reflections on the 2014/15 School Year
and a Look-out on 2015/16
It seems like yesterday that the academic year started back in August 2014 with about 80 students enrolled in the secondary section. We currently have
100 students and will start next year with about 123
students, 15 of those students joining us from Winterthur. Next year is likely to be a very busy year.
This year has also seen the impact that new staff
have made on ISSH and its students. Perhaps the
most significant, although hidden, impact has been
the introduction of Ms Tasovac as the MYP coordinator. Staff have been walked and led through the
Next Chapter, a major IB initiative for changes in the
Middle Years Programme. The changes were preThis year has also been busy. We began the year
with the annual school trips of Grade 6 and 7 explor- sented with ease, resulting in limited stress, as secing Zermatt, Grade 8 doing some community service ondary planning has been centralized on the new
electronic curriculum and assessment management
in Kandersteg and Grade 9 and 10 heading off to
tool Managebac. The introduction of Managebac for
Berlin. Class trips are a very beneficial way to start
assessment and reporting procedures has been a
the year and this will be repeated again next year.
At the end of September the Grade 6 and 7 will go to great improvement with reports going out electronically on Managebac which is more environmentally
Scuol, Grade 8 will visit Kandersteg and Grade 9
and 10 head off to London for the week. These trips friendly too. Googledocs has been introduced and is
in good use by students and staff, as documents are
serve as great ways of allowing our students (new
largely stored on Google now. Music and Drama
and old) to form friendships that will see them
have developed under the charismatic leadership of
Mr Burton, culminating in the performance of “ISSH
unplugged”. An original piece of drama, inspired by
Mr Burton, but created by the students. I am sure all
who attended were suitably impressed at the ability
In terms of classroom facilities, the Drama and Muand enthusiasm of our students. Secondary clubs
sic room was upgraded with more equipment includ- have continued to flourish with students attending in
ing staging and lights. The library received a elecgood numbers the latest extreme addition being the
tronic notice board screen and some additional work paragliding club, run by Mr Muller.
spaces were created. Finally, a DP student area, the
Grade 11 has seen the biggest increase in numbers
so-called common room was created for the large
as it rose from 8 to 17 students joining the diploma
Grade 11 to gather and relax in.
through their school years. The Secondary school
also travelled to Laax for the second year running to
enjoy a day’s skiing, making full use of the superb
environment that Switzerland offers.
programme last August. Class sizes have increased
and staff have adjusted with remarkable ease. The
introduction of DP online courses have benefitted
some students and allowed them to select subjects
such as Business&Management and Spanish Ab
Initio as part of their programme. Next year will see a
number of new courses running in Grade 12 for one
year only, as we accommodate our new exWinterthur students.
ing forums to ask any questions that may arise. This
was followed by a healthy walk and a not so healthy
BBQ! Sports day followed the next day with about
150 students participating. ISSH students plus our
new Winterthur friends and 50 students from Zurich
North joined us for some friendly competition on the
Munot sports field.
The house system has been very successful,
generating a lot of interest and enthusiasm and thus
Clearly, limited space has to be taken into account a encouraging students to earn points for academic or
bit more now and we are relocating some of the
pastoral reasons. The school`s core values:
classrooms to overcome this. The new DP student
uniqueness, academic achievement and taking
area will relocate to the downstairs area of the Logi- responsibility drive the house system forward. Last
erhaus, to allow for the 46 students that will be in
year Matterhorn won the trophy- this year it is very
Grade 11 and 12 next year. The art room will move
next door to the classroom 0.3, recognising Ms New- The year ends very soon and we look forward to
by’s request for better light in the art room. Finally,
another exciting year.
the drama and music room will relocate to the art
area, beside technology, behind solid walls, to allow
the students to perform without disturbing the class
Chris Taylor, Secondary Principal
next door!
This year saw our first Health Awareness Day,
where students were provided with a variety of information on drug addiction and sex education, includ-
New: ISSH English School!
From September 2015, the International School of Schaffhausen
will open a new programme, the „English School“
The programme offered is specifically for students age 5-9, who have English as their Mother
Tongue, or are near native in their proficiency, but do not attend an English speaking school.
These afternoons (Wed, 14:00-16:00) will include 2 X 50 minute lessons, with a 20 minute
break in between.
The lessons will include differentiated work on reading and writing skills, comprehension,
grammatical structure, spelling patterns and spoken proficiency.
The cost is 50chf per afternoon, billed on a quarterly basis.
The students will have access to ISSH's modern educational resources and facilities, and be
able to borrow books from the ISSH Library.
Members of the ISSH English school are part of the ISSH community and welcome to all
community events.
Please email the Lead Teacher, Mrs Sharla Günthardt ([email protected]) if you are
interested. Sharla Günthardt is from Mesa, Arizona, USA and has been living in Schaffhausen
for 12 years. She is qualified in Elementary Education, has worked for ISSH in the past and
has a lot of experience tutoring children in English.
ISSH Parent Association:
Thanks are Due, Goodbye and Welcome!
Parent Association Committee 2014-15
As the school year is coming to its end, it's time
for us to say goodbye to the following PA Executive Committee members who are leaving ISSH:
Kim Hoyt (Treasurer & VP 2013-2015), Lucia
Gray (Class Parent Coordinator 2013-2015), Petra Ansorge (Social Event Coordinator 20132015), Denise Galbero (Class Parent Coordinator 2014-2015) and Melissa Shanks
(Communication Responsible 2014-2015).
Lucia and Kim and their families will both return to
the USA while Denise will be relocated with her
family to Mexico. We will miss you and wish them
and their families all the best! Petra & Melissa will
stay in Schaffhausen but, due to other commitments, it was not possible anymore for them to
combine this with a PA function. Annika Jenssen
and Sandra von der Geest will remain as PA
Executive Committee members and will ensure
As many of you know, this was also my final year
to serve as President of the ISSH Parent Association. It has been a pleasure and a privilege to
serve as Parent Association president over the
last 2 school years. I’m proud to have been associated with this wonderful group of parent volunteers, and also proud of all we’ve been able to
accomplish as a team. I thank all of you who so
generously gave of your time, energy, resources
and talents to make the ISSH community better
for everyone, particularly for our students. A special thank you goes to the 2014-15 PA Executive
Committee for all your vision, teamwork, support,
enthusiasm and creativity you put into your role.
Last but not least I want to thank Gundula, Nick,
Chris, Barbara, Hans and the whole school staff
for their strong support, the good collaboration
and partnership.
Parent Volunteers you were great!
As I reflect back on all of the PA activities and
events that took place this year (a lengthy list indeed), I am most struck by the truly remarkable
generosity of our parent volunteers. Time and
again, in ways large and small, ISSH parents
gave cheerfully of their time, energy, resources
and talents to make the ISSH community better
for everyone, and particularly for our students.
Whether it was bringing in tasty food on the Staff
P AGE 1 0
Appreciation Day or Garden Party; helping with
sport activities; organising Halloween or Winter
Craft games; teaching their mother tongue on
Language Day; being a flight attendant during UN
Day; coordinating the Scholastic Book orders or
serving in any other hundreds of ways – the Parent Association asked for your help and you volunteered. On behalf of the PA Executive Committee, as well as myself personally, I want to thank
you all for this great support!
Parent Association Committee 2015-16
My thanks go to all of them for their acceptance
of their PA roles and responsibilities and I am
confident that the new PA team will ensure continuity and will further develop the PA support to a
next level. Good luck to the entire team!
I hope you and your families have a relaxing and
fun-filled summer holiday.
Chantal Dewit (-De Meester)
ISSH Parent Association President, 2013-2015
If the end of the school year is almost upon us,
then that means that next year must not be far
away, either! In order for us to go from strength to
strength, it is important to have new parents with
new ideas involved in the Committee. I am
pleased to announce the PA Executive Committee Members for the 2015-16 school year:
President Annika Jenssen; Vice-President
Jacqueline van Ryneveld; Treasurer Christine
Norberg; Secretary Sandra von der Geest;
Class Parent Coordinators Laura Kemper
Cogley & Iris Kath; Newsletter Kate Braukus &
Iris Kath and Communications Niki Anderson.
The new Parent Association Committee 2015/2016
Staff News
Leaving after 4 years at ISSH are
Adam Armanski and Agata
Wieczorek. They will tackle the
challenge of opening a new IB
school in Norway with Mr. Armanski as the founding principal. In his
role as DP Coordinator Mr. Armanski has brought our DP section to
great strength. Mrs Wieczorek was
the driving force in the implementation of the language B phases.
We thank them for their great commitment and enthusiasm for quality work and wish them good luck
for their future careers.
The Primary Team will welcome
Grace Tiffin who is relocating
from Brunei where she taught in
an International School. Grace is
originally from England.
Klara Reichl and Margarida Pereira will join the Primary German
team as Ebru Güver and Natalie
Hollenstein will take over more
German Groups in the Secondary
Grace Tiffin
Esther Harasko announced her leave after 7 years of teaching
French and German at ISSH. She has seen the secondary department grow from 30 to nearly 100 students and has virtually written
the French curriculum. We thank Esther for freely giving of her time
and enthusiasm for French, thus helping many ISSH students to discover the beauty of and love for this language. We wish Esther all
the best for her future.
Susan Lucas will leave ISSH
after 2 years of service in the
primary department. She will
move back to England. It’s
been great to have her on the
team as she is full of good
ideas for inquiry based learning and has a special talent
with class dynamics. We wish
her good luck for her future
We would also like to thank Regina
Buecker for her excellent services
in our back office. She was a great
support to Barbara. She is relocating with her family back to Canada.
Petra Ansorge has taken on the
back office responsibilities from
Regina a few weeks ago.
The Secondary School will see quite some growth due to the growing
demand for our DP programme. The new teachers are all highly qualified and experienced specialists in their field and
nearly all of them have many years of DP experience. The recruitment for the French Position
has not been finalized yet.
Alex Bamborough is Australian and teaches
Mathematics and Geography.
Paul Forbes is British and teaches English and
Don Campbell is British and teaches Mathematics,
Economics and Business &Management.
Klara Reichl
Philip Pflugbeil is Canadian and teaches
History and English.
P AGE 1 2
Stephen Rix is British and teaches English A and B (no picture available).
Bridget Thomson is British and teaches
English A and B.
Fabienne Good is Swiss-Canadian
and teaches Visual Arts
Last but not least we welcome Andy Maucher from Merishausen who will join the maintenance team.
He will work part-time as handy-man and additional bus driver.
The following staff members have been promoted to new roles.
Silke Fox will be the DP coordinator.
Paul Williamson will take on the role of Science Coordinator.
Ebru Guever will take on the role of DP CAS (Creativity, Activity, Service) Coordinator.
Inna Barker, who has been on the boarding Carer Team, will take on the role of
Assistant Head of Boarding.
We will also say goodbye to our trainees who have supported us during this academic year and are now
off to new adventures, be it studying, an apprenticeship or traveling. We thank Fiona Lutz, Corinne Willi,
Lara Fässler, Janine and Vivien Landgraf, Aina Llorens Recasens and Loana Schneider for all their
help—it was greatly appreciated!
Dinner Talk
The Schaffhausen weekly „Schaffhauser Bock“ has
a new column for expats. Simon Sudbury of our
ISSH community contributed in the last edition on
23rd June. We thought you might enjoy his thoughts!
outdoors to visit on MTB, SUP (Stand Up Paddle),
ski or snowshoe. Plus all the things we city-types
profess to miss but rarely actually do, commonly
referred to as “culture”.
We dinner-partying, Trivial Pursuit-loving, citydwelling Brits love a quiz. So here’s a question:
What do the following numbers refer to? 8.6 million,
1.3 million, and 776.
Compared to London, your children stop having
allergies and going to the doctor. They will start
displaying a tendency to roam, actually, not digitally.
Kids do this in Switzerland freely, safely and all over
the place. Some even do it outside the house,
crossing cantons on their own.
Yes! The population of London, Brussels, and
Dörflingen, a village near Schaffhausen. And, no
points for guessing, the location of our last three
I can picture you at your next dinner party now, as a
prospective ex-pat contemplating exponential
population collapse and isolation. “What will happen
to my lifestyle?” you are thinking. Well, take heart,
my friend. As a member of the little understood
species, Pater Dirigentibus, commonly known as the
trailing dad, I’m here to help set matters straight.
You’ll stop also wondering whether your babies will
get into a certain school in 12 years’ time; whether
you are getting in or out of things too early - things
like the housing market, this or that fund, onesies;
and whether the spare room should be Cajun Red or
Majolica Green.
Granted, Schaffhausen talk also has its limits. But
they are different. And that is a good thing. In
general, I’d say we talk more about experiences and
less about things. Last month, my wife ditched the
car and started commuting by bike 10km along the
Rhine. She loves it.
Follow your spouse to Schaffhausen (pop. 34,587)
and many fantastic things await: an excellent
international school (ISSH), a large river upon which Simon Sudbury, ISSH parent and Humanities
all sorts of thing happen (the Rhine), and an endless Teacher
P AGE 1 3
We say Goodbye to our leaving Students
Armanski, Maciek
Marson, Harry and Hank
Campos, Amanda and Sophia
Mattoon, Sidney and Lee
Campos-Reuss, Coralie
Menon, Amala and Anula
Casciola, Dominic and Isabella
Miquel Marin, Andrea and Judith
Chatzopoulou, Paris
Ochoa, Victoria and Erika
Chaves, Arthur and Cecilia
Saunders, Devon
Colpan, Tarik and Kivanç
Schindler, Bernardo and Mariana
Conn, Natalie
Sharma, Avni
Cornero, Isabella
Stanojevic, Dorian
deAzevedo Ribeiro, Giovana
Strasser, Alain
DeSapio, Luca and Angelina
Szekendi, Timo and Mila
Eichhorn, Lea and Jan
van Tongeren, Sanne and Mats
Evans, Ben and Jack
Vermeirssen, Ellie
Firth, Brianna and Tate
Vibert, Marc
Gray, Marin and Connor
Vitta, Saket and Chitra
Hancock, Ren and Leo
Zacchi-Cossetti, Sophia
Hotti, Aurora
Hoyt, Tyler and Abigail
Livesey, Maxwell and Cameron
Lorentz, Rebecca
We wish you the best of luck for
the start at your new school.
Student Council Movie Night
Friday night’s movie night was a big sell out! Over
70 adults and children attended and all popcorn,
cookies and drinks were snapped up by the end of
the evening.
who attended and made this happen. Thank you
also to Emily Hatton (Grade 2M) for the loan of the
movie, Penny Sayago for her very subtle cleaning
throughout the evening and to Ania Czyznielewska,
Shelley Brightbill, and her nephew Cole, for helping
Despicable Me 2 was a great film to watch in
preparation for the Minions Movie, which comes out with the set-up, clean up and popcorn making. We
in July. Food and ticket sales resulted in a whopping really couldn't have done it without you.
411.75 CHF!!! All proceeds go to our outdoor
Our Student Council have once again proved to be
classroom and will be put to use at the beginning of committed, responsible and active learners
academic year 2015-2016, where we hope to
throughout the year and will be looking back on all
transform our very sad looking garden.
their achievements with a celebratory pizza lunch.
Well done Student Council and a big thank you to all Well done SC 2014/2015!