Body Systems “Pancake” Book

Body Systems “Pancake” Book
You are going to create a multipage flip-book to demonstrate the different systems
of the body. The book will focus on the four most obvious systems that we haven’t
talked about yet: Muscular, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, and Digestive systems. We
will not cover the endocrine, lymphatic, urinary, nervous, reproductive, or integument
systems at this time.
 Your book will demonstrate the following three things for each system:
- a detailed drawing labeled with appropriate examples for that system
- helpful information detailing the main ideas & important vocabulary
- creative, useful presentation of the material
 You must draw the pictures for each of the systems - no downloading from
another source. However... you may type the information instead of writing by
 What we'd like to see:
- neat, colorful, creative drawings (stick figures are fine if they meet these needs)
- concise, clear, helpful information
- professional presentation = easy to understand
- written in your own words (the way you write/speak in class)
- your BEST effort / something you are proud to show your parents
 What we don't want to see:
- hastily colored drawings (outside the lines / white showing through)
- unclear, unhelpful information
- disorganized presentation = hard to follow / cluttered /
- "cut and pasted" or "plagiarized" text
- rushed work / 20 minutes of effort / a project quickly completed the
night before it is due
If this project could be used during the test as a study guide, would you be more
careful with what you would include? Would you put any random information just
to get a grade or would you select those things you know are important and would
be on a test?
To help guide you in finding the most important and relevant information about these
systems, consider looking for answers to the following questions:
Muscular System:
What are the three types of humans muscles (not names of three different muscles), and
their purposes?
Why do muscles always work in pairs?
What is the difference between resistance exercise and aerobic exercise? Which is better for
the heart and which is better for building stronger muscles?
What are some types of muscles diseases, problems, or injuries for muscles?
Draw and label the major muscles/muscles groups, found on the other side of this paper.
Cardiovascular System:
How does the cardiovascular system help maintain homeostasis?
What are valves, and what are their purposes?
What is the difference between pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation?
Draw and label a picture that describes the path of blood through the heart and body.
What are the three main types of blood vessels, and their purposes?
What are the major components of blood, and their purposes?
What is blood pressure? Why are some blood vessels thicker than others?
What are some diseases, problems, or injuries of the cardiovascular system?
Respiratory System:
Draw and label the major components of the respiratory system?
What is the purpose of the respiratory system?
What is the role of the diaphragm muscle in respiration? How does it work?
In space, could you drink milk in a glass through a straw? Explain why or why not.
What are some diseases, problems, or injuries of the respiratory system?
Digestive System:
Draw and label the major components of the digestive system?
What is the real purpose of the digestive system overall?
Describe the purpose of the different organs that all work together to aid in digestion?
What other organ systems are necessary for an organism to get and utilize energy?
What are some diseases, problems, or injuries of the digestive system?
 Below is a list of the different things that should be labeled for each of the systems
you will display. These are not complete lists. You may add other things you feel
may be important!
Muscular System:
Latissimus Dorsi
Pectoralis Major
Gluteus Maximus
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
Cardiovascular System:
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Pulmonary artery
Vena cava
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Pulmonary vein
Femoral artery
Femoral vein
Carotid artery
Jugular vein
Nasal Cavity
Colon (large intestine)
Small intestine
Gall Bladder
Respiratory System:
Digestive System: