Computing Guide - Ready for Email

Inspiring Creativity
Serif Graphics Software & KS3/4 Computing
Curriculum mapping guide
- Creative projects
- Digital video
- Animation
- Digital artefact
- Web design
- Game design
Serif Design Suite and
Curriculum Guide 2014
This guide shows where and how Serif software & resources can be used
to help deliver essential Digital Literacy and develop the creative IT skills
in the New Computing Curriculum for KS3 & 4 from September 2014.
The Serif Design Suite consists of a creative toolkit giving teachers and
pupils the essential integrated package to help meet the demands of the
new National Curriculum.
The suite provides an integrated range of software tools needed for
bitmap and vector drawing, digital video editing and animation, DTP, and
web publishing to support both cross curriculum communications and
digital literacy and support graphic design for use with the tools used to
deliver the specific computer science curriculum.
The computing curriculum can be divided into three broad strands:
The scientific and practical study
of computing;
The study of how computers store
and transmit data,
The ability to find, evaluate and
create digital resources using a
range of technologies.
The Serif Design Suite is supported by an online package of teacher
resources to support Computer Graphics, Web Design, Digital Video,
Digital Imaging, DTP, Digital Video and Animation.
The resources for each area introduce the subject area and include a
specific interactive project. Each area is broken down into sections, with
each having a summary listing what the pupil will learn, ideal in helping
find the resources needed to support interdisciplinary learning.
Serif Resources:
Serif Video Demos:
Serif Tutorials:
Case Studies:
Examples of pupil work:
This guide links to relevant specific topics in Serif’s online resources at
to show how they can be adapted to
support delivery of subject content.
Key Stage 3: Computing
Part of the New KS3 Curriculum states that pupils should be taught to:
Undertake creative projects that involve selecting, using, and
, preferably
, to achieve challenging goals, including collecting and
analysing data.
Create, re-use, revise and re-purpose
for a given
audience, with attention to trustworthiness, design and usability
Understand a range of ways to use technology safely,
respectfully, responsibly and securely, including protecting their
online identity and privacy.
So, what does ‘digital artefact’ mean in the new Computing framework?
Any type of item produced and stored digitally, including
digital documents, presentations, programs and codes, video and audio files,
images and photographs and the like. (from WikiEducator)
The recent Computing at School / Naace guide states that digital
artefacts will be integral to Computing. So even with the changes to the
curriculum, presenting ideas creatively through digital media is still a
fundamental skill in the new framework and one that can be supported
by the Serif suite of software.
Serif software can support the creation and repurposing of all kinds of
digital artefacts and resources such as movies, graphics, animations,
websites and publications. Here are some examples below:
DrawPlus is a vector drawing package with Quickshapes and freehand drawing
features. Pupils can create animations, web graphics , game sprites and backgrounds.
Creating Animations:
- Stopframe animations:
- Keyframe animations:
Creating Web Graphics:
- Create Navigation Bars:
- Create Navigation Buttons:
- Create Advertising Banners:
Digital Imaging:
- Source and Store Graphics:
- Create Vector Images:
MoviePlus allows pupils to create, edit and repurpose movie files and
images from various sources into digital movies. They can use Chroma key
techniques to add their own backgrounds to their movies.
Creating Video:
- How to edit clips in Movie Plus:
- How to trim and split clips:
- How to add transitions and effects:
- How to add titles and other text:
- How to use Chroma key or Green Screen:
WebPlus allows pupils to create their own multimedia websites to
showcase digital projects. They can incorporate animations, videos and
graphics produced in other Serif software or sourced elsewhere. Sites
can include user forms for collecting visitor feedback.
Create a Multimedia Website:
- Create Multimedia Webpages:
- Create Hyperlinks:
- Create Interactive elements:
- Create user forms:
PhotoPlus allows pupils to Import photographs from scanners and digital
cameras along with other bitmap images. They can combine and edit
them for use in other digital projects.
Digital Imaging:
- Source and Store Graphics:
- Create Bitmap Images:
PagePlus allows pupils to create publications to showcase their graphic
design work. They can produce documents for print such as magazines,
leaflets and posters. These can incorporate their own images created in
Serif software or those sourced from elsewhere.
Using PagePlus:
The new KS3 National Curriculum
asks pupils to “undertake creative
projects that involve selecting,
using, and combining multiple
applications, preferably across a
range of devices, including
collecting and analysing data”
“Combining multiple applications”
Serif provides an integrated suite of applications which can be used together to combine digital artefacts in
creative projects such as multimedia websites, movies, presentations, DTP, eBooks, animations, digital
imaging and even sprites for Scratch games:
“Across a range of devices“
Creating Video: How to capture video from a Camcorder in MoviePlus:
Digital imaging: Using Scanners and Cameras:
10 ideas for using iPads with Serif Software:
Collecting data”
WebPlus can be used to create forms to collect user input :
Key Stage 3:
Diagramming & Planning
, Serif software can also be used
As well as the creation of
to support the teaching of the coding aspects of the curriculum.
DrawPlus can be used to assist in creating flowcharts and diagrams for
planning and reporting.
Understand several key algorithms
that reflect computational thinking,
such as ones for sorting and
searching; use logical reasoning to
compare the utility of alternative
algorithms for the same problem.
Understand simple Boolean logic
(such as AND, OR and NOT) and
some of its uses in circuits and
Understand the hardware and
software components that make up
computer systems, and how they
communicate with one another and
with other systems.
is an intuitive vector drawing package which can be used to produce algorithms graphically,
to help pupils easily see how problems can be solved using a logical process.
Standard flowchart symbols from the Gallery in DrawPlus can be used to define decisions, terminals and
processes, as well as auto-connecting lines to connect shapes and show the logical sequence of their
program. Algorithm flowcharts can be easily rearranged and presented to a high standard in DrawPlus,
before pupils code their solution.
Circuit and logic symbols within the DrawPlus gallery enables pupils to produce diagrams to show Boolean
logic, using gate symbols such as AND, OR and NOT, and text tools to label different input and outputs.
How to plan algorithm flowcharts in DrawPlus
Using connectors to make flowcharts /
Using the Gallery for flowcharts and circuits
Serif DrawPlus and Scratch
has been using Serif software to support the use of
Scratch programming in the classroom. DrawPlus can be used by
children to produce the sprites and backgrounds used in the games
they produce in Scratch.
You can read the full case study at:
Key Stage 4: Computing
The new KS4 National Curriculum for Computing states that all pupils
should be taught to:
Develop their capability, creativity and knowledge in Computer
Develop and apply their analytic, problem-solving, design, and
computational thinking skills
Understand how changes in technology affect safety, including
new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how to
report a range of concerns
Whilst the core of computing is computer science, covering computation
and programming, pupils should also be equipped to use information
technology to create a range of digital content.
They should become digitally literate – able to use, and express
themselves and develop their ideas through, information and
communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace
and as active participants in a digital world.
Being digitally literate includes the ability to create content in a variety of
forms, making use of text, images and sound, as well as new digital tools
and technologies (Renee Hobbs, Digital and Media Literacy, a Plan of Action)
This aspect of the curriculum is well supported by Serif Suite of software.
DrawPlus, PhotoPlus, WebPlus, MoviePlus and PagePlus software all assist
pupils in the creation of various forms of digital content such as films,
multimedia websites, digital images, animations and more.
resources are available online to support the creation of digital resources:
Creating Video:
Creating a Multimedia Website:
Creating Animations:
Creating Graphics for the Web:
Digital Imaging:
Pupils should understand how changes in technology affect safety,
including new ways to protect their online privacy and identity, and how
to report concerns. This includes information on Intellectual Property,
referencing sources, source logs and how copyright issues apply to
school/college use.
resources cover aspects of copyright, recording
sources and media piracy:
Creating a digital resource bank
How to reference sources
Record Sources of graphics &
consider legislation
Copyright laws & media piracy
Key Stage 3 / 4:
Cross Curricular Uses
of Serif Software
Outside of the computing curriculum, Serif software can be used to
support the many cross-curricular uses of ICT, particularly for digital
storytelling. Here are just a few examples:
Explain a scientific concept such as respiration or
Make a mockumentary about a historical figure.
Create news reports from important moments in
Redub existing films into a foreign language. Write and
film short scenes.
Place pupils into locations around the world to explain
the local geography. Create weather reports.
Report from the surface of other planets, rainforests,
deserts or from inside the body.
Create coaching videos for PE.
Create trailers for books. Write and film short dialogues.
Become television chefs and film recipes. Record the
process of making their design projects.
Mock news reports about current events.
Put the pupils into a painting then have them describe
key features.
Explain mathematical concepts and how to solve
Create mathematical diagrams.
Explain the structure of a cell, balanced forces or
chemical reactions.
Draw diagrams of circuits, states of matter, forces,
waves, food webs.
Create isometric diagrams, product design, process
Explain plate tectonics or weathering.
Describe the spread of the black death or the Norman
Create historical timelines.
Create a newspaper article about events in history such
as Battle of Hastings or the signing of Magna Carta.
Create leaflets or posters to promote awareness
campaigns such as healthy eating, dangers of
drugs/smoking, renewable energy.
Create campaigns to end slavery or women’s suffrage.
Produce newspaper articles in different languages.
Articles about famous scientists and their discoveries.
Promote community projects.
Serif (Europe) LTD, Education Sales, Unit 12 Wilford Industrial Estate Nottingham NG11 7EP