
Part 1: What is Totalitarianism?
Instructions: Give a broad definition/explanation of Totalitarianism.
Underneath it, in bulleted form (using the checkbox symbol as your type of bullet), create a list
of the 5 most common hallmark characteristics of Totalitarianism and a brief description of each.
To do this, you need to compare three different resources (Videos, websites, etc.) to create your
list. Each of you in your group needs to find a different resource. Then, read through the
characteristics your resource discusses and compare each characteristic to everyone else’s
resources. If all three of your group’s resources contain the same characteristic, then you
should include it as one of your five characteristics on your checkoff sheet. This skill is known
as cross-referencing. Then look at the next characteristic your resource discusses. If it is not
cross-referenced on the other two resources, then you need to move onto the next
characteristic in our resource or you need to discuss it to see if there is a similar characteristic
on the other lists that you can argue is basically the same as the one on your list. Then add that
characteristic to your list. Work through that process until your group has all five characteristics.
Below your list, copy and paste the three resources that you cross-referenced.
Make sure all three of your names are on the document. Only one person from your group
needs to submit the file.
Here is a video to help you setup your checklist and use it. Or you can open this file, make a
copy of it, share it with your group members and use it.
Part 2:
Historical examples of Totalitarian governments
Do some research on one Totalitarian regime from the past AND one Modern-Day Totalitarian
Regime from today.
For the Regimes of the past, choose one from the following list:
Soviet Union
For a modern-day Totalitarian regime, you will need to do some research on the internet to
locate a modern-day example of a totalitarian state.
You cannot do the same regime as your partner. You and your partner can collaborate by
helping each other understand what to do, help understand how the regimes fit the
characteristics, etc. But, you should each be doing your own work and turning in your own
Use this template to help you setup your document
Part 3:
What is Fascism?
Fascism is similar to Totalitarianism. Where Totalitarianism governments are a type of system
where government controls many aspects of people’s lives, fascism tends to focus more on an
individual leader/group and the beliefs that guide their policies and actions. A fascist leader
might be in charge of a totalitarian government (or even a democratic one for that matter), but
those leaders demonstrate some characteristics that are different from Totalitarianism. Your job
is to identify and explain 5 key characteristics of fascism/fascist leaders that are different from
any of the characteristics you have used on your original Totalitarian check-off list? So, create
another checkoff list based on a minimum of 3 resources, but this time for the 5 characteristics
of fascist leaders that you have identified.
Use this template – Open it > make a copy of it > share it with everyone in your group > fill it out
Part 4:
Historical examples of Fascist leaders
Research a historical fascist leader from the past and one
modern-day one. For the historical leaders, choose a
leader from the list below.
Hitler (Germany)
Stalin (Soviet Union)
Hirohito/Tojo (Japan) (Note: These are two separate people. Hideki Tojo was the
military commander in Japan whereas Emperor Hirohito was the symbolic heart and soul
of the Japanese people. If you choose these guys to research, then you can combine
their ideas and beliefs as if they are one person)
Benito Mussolini (Italy)
FDR (Franklin Delano Roosevelt) - USA
For the modern-day fascist leader, you will have to locate one on the internet. Once again, you
cannot do the same people as your partner and your work must be your own.
Do an analysis (just like you did in part 2) based on your checkoff list of these leaders to
determine if they are Fascist. Make sure to explain how they exemplify each characteristic on
your check off sheet, or if they don’t fit a characteristic, describe why they don’t fit it.
Use this template to help you complete this part of the assignment.
Part 5:
Fascism in America: Can fascism occur here in America? Provide 2-3 different examples as to
why or why not? (Are there any examples of people or presidents in America who have fit the
criteria you came up with? Do we have any systems in place in our government that basically
prevent a fascist leader from taking over?)