6th Funding Cycle
Park and Recreation Capital Improvement Program
To assist in meeting the park and recreation needs of Nevada County residents within the Grass
Valley/Nevada City Benefit Zone, the Planning Department is soliciting proposals for capital
improvement projects at new or existing recreation facilities located in the Nevada City Subzone Area.
California Government Code Section 66000 through 66025, more commonly referred to as AB1600 or
the Mitigation Fee Act, provides specific enabling legislation for the establishment and collection of
development impact fees by a local agency for the purpose of defraying all or a portion of the cost of
public facilities related to new development projects. Effectively, all new housing must pay their
proportionate share for the expansion of infrastructure needed to offset the demand for services that
they create.
Nevada County began collecting recreation mitigation fees pursuant to AB1600 in January 1998
(Ordinance 1955 and Resolution 97-528). There are five benefit zones in Nevada County: Bear River,
Grass Valley/Nevada City, Truckee-Donner, Twin Ridges, and Western Gateway. Park and
Recreation Districts have been established for the Bear River, Truckee-Donner, and Western Gateway
Benefit Zones. The Nevada County Board of Supervisors is responsible for administering recreation
mitigation fees collected within the Grass Valley/Nevada City and Twin Ridges Benefit Zones (see the
attached map for zone boundaries).
Program Overview and Eligibility:
Eligible Entities
Recreation mitigation fees must be expended within the benefit zone, or subzone boundary, in which
they were collected. The following types of entities are eligible to submit a proposal for use of
recreation mitigation funding provided that their capital improvement project is located within the
boundaries of the Nevada City Subzone Area: County, Cities, Non-profit organizations, and other
municipal public corporations with recreation facilities primarily open for public use.
Eligible Projects
Recreation mitigation funding is intended for capital improvements only and cannot be used for
salaries, routine operation and maintenance costs, or costs attributable to existing deficiencies in public
facilities. Costs attributable to the increased demand for public facilities related to new development
projects are eligible for recreation mitigation funding if used to (1) construct new recreation facilities
to expand the existing level of service, (2) upgrade or significantly improve existing recreation
facilities to provide new or expanded level of service, or (3) achieve an adopted level of service that is
consistent with the General Plan.
The following types of projects are eligible for recreation mitigation funding: (1) acquisition of new
parklands, (2) creation of a new recreation facility primarily open for full and public use, and (3)
significant expansion of the capacity or availability of an existing recreation facility primarily open for
full and public use. Projects or project components that consist of equipment or items with a short
useful life or which are attributable to the correction of existing deficiencies are not eligible for this
program. Funds for development projects should be used for permanent or fixed features only.
Projects will be reviewed for consistency with the Capital Improvement Expenditure Plan (CIEP) for
the applicable benefit zone (see page 8). In addition, there must be sufficient funding in the benefit
zone account to accommodate the requested award amount (see page 8). Further, all proposals will be
evaluated to ensure that the funding requested is commensurate with the public benefit that will be
provided by the newly created or significantly expanded recreation facility or parkland.
Planning Department staff is available to provide preliminary feedback related to your project proposal
prior to the application deadline. Please contact staff as early as possible in order to allow ample time
for a response. The staff contact information is listed on the application instructions sheet (page 3).
Project Selection:
Each proposal will be reviewed by an evaluation panel based on the proposal evaluation guidelines
(see page 7). The Board of Supervisors will then hold a public hearing to consider the evaluation panel
recommendations before awarding Recreation Mitigation funding to specific projects. A minimum of
one person authorized to represent the requesting agency/organization must be present at the public
hearing to provide project specific information to the Board as necessary. The approved projects will
be incorporated into the Fiscal Year 2015/2016 Nevada County Budget.
Grant Agreement
Entities with proposals that are selected for either full or partial funding must enter into a grant
agreement with the County setting forth terms for project performance. Such terms include, but are not
limited to, the maximum award amount, the time frame for project completion, the process for release
of funds on a reimbursement basis, maintaining or providing public access to the recreation facility,
compliance with applicable Federal, State, and Local regulations and permits, project indemnification
and liability insurance, and access to accounting records. Failure to complete the project and/or
maintain public access in accordance with the terms of the grant agreement may require repayment of
funding received under this program.
Application Instructions:
This section of the solicitation is designed to guide the organization of proposals in a consistent fashion
to facilitate the evaluation process.
 Provide one (1) original single-sided color copy of your application in a sealed envelope.
 Do not staple any portion of the application packet (paper clips & binder clips are acceptable).
 Applications must be typed or printed legibly in blue or black ink.
 Incomplete applications may result in disqualification or a substantial reduction in points.
 Documents or materials not specifically requested might not be reviewed or returned.
 Entities may submit more than one proposal for consideration. Proposals may address one
component of a larger project.
 Contact Brian Foss at (530) 265-1256 or [email protected] for further information.
Proposal Submission:
All proposals must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on Friday, December 18, 2015 to be considered.
Please mail the application packet to the following address:
Nevada County Planning Department
Attention: Brian Foss
950 Maidu Avenue, Suite 170
Nevada City, CA 95959
Contents of Proposal:
A. Each application shall consist of the following items:
Project Application Form. The project application form must be completed and signed by an
authorized representative from your agency/organization. In addition, if your
agency/organization does not own the property in fee title, provide a letter from the property
owner acknowledging your intended use of the requested funds.
Project Scope. Provide a project description that clearly and concisely details the scope of the
proposed project to be completed with requested funds. Eligible projects include acquisition of
parkland, construction of a new recreation facility, or significant expansion of an existing
recreation facility.
Cost Estimate. Provide details on construction and non-construction related costs for the
proposed project (non-construction costs should not exceed 25% of the total award amount). If
your proposal addresses one component of a larger project, include the total cost of the overall
project in addition to the amount of funds requested and how requested funds would be used.
Sources of Additional Funds. List all sources and amounts of additional funding for the
proposed project.
Implementation Schedule. Provide a schedule for implementation, including a tentative
completion date and the date the proposed project would be available to the public.
Photographs of project site. Choose images that will provide context for the evaluation panel.
Project Related Information. Provide all the requested information related to the proposed
project and your agency/organization (see page 6).
Site Plan (Development projects only). Provide a scaled drawing or depiction indicating what
improvements will be made, where the improvements will be located on the property, label the
approximate square footage of the improvements, and show existing improvements.
Acquisition Schedule (Acquisition projects only). Provide a list of assessor parcel number(s)
and acreage(s) to be acquired.
B. Each application may also include the following items if applicable:
Letters of support from individuals, user groups, and other agencies/organizations related to the
proposed project.
For Non-profit organizations, please provide proof of 501(c)(3) status.
Letter of commitment from any other agency/organization partnering on project completion.
Nevada County Planning Department
Request for Proposals
6th Funding Cycle
Park and Recreation Capital Improvement Program
Please complete the following information.
Project Name:
Project Address:
Property Owner Name:
Total Project Cost: $
10% Adm. Fee Amount: $
Amount of Request: $
Applicant Name:
Contact Person:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Mailing Address:
Signature of Authorized Representative:
I hereby certify that the following information is accurate and reflects our intended use of the requested funds.
Name and Title:
Project Related Information:
Responses to the following requests for project information will assist in determining whether your
proposal is suitable for the Nevada County Park and Recreation Capital Improvement Program.
1. Briefly describe the purpose and history of your agency/organization, the recreation facilities you
operate and/or the recreation service(s) you provide, and whether you have received funding
through this program in the past.
2. Justify how the proposed project will create a new or significantly expand the capacity or
availability of an existing recreational opportunity for the general public.
3. Explain how the proposed project satisfies an unmet park and recreation need in your benefit zone
(specify in which benefit zone the project is located). Include information regarding any shortage
of similar recreational opportunities in your benefit zone and the regional significance of the
proposed project.
4. Which expenditure category below will the proposed project address? (Please note that the
expenditure categories highlighted in gray below have been completed and are not eligible).
 Athletic Fields
 Community Garden
 Outdoor Courts/Gymnasium
 Play Area
 Swimming Pool
 Children's Playground
 Land Acquisition
 Performance Stage
 Non-motorized Trails
 Community Building
 Land Improvements
 Picnic Area Improvements
 Special Use Areas
5. What will be the impact to the community if the proposed project is not funded during this cycle?
6. Identify the target group(s) that will benefit from the proposed project, estimate the number of
existing users if applicable, and quantify the anticipated number of new users.
7. Compare the anticipated public and private use of the proposed project and provide a user fee
schedule if applicable.
8. Is the proposed project a high priority for your agency/organization and expected users? Are you
collaborating or partnering with other agencies or organizations to complete the proposed project?
Are there specific user groups or other agencies/organizations that have requested this project? If
so, list the groups, organizations, and/or agencies and include letters of support where possible.
9. How were the general public, expected users, and/or adjacent property owners informed of the
proposed project? Describe any public participation that occurred or public feedback that was
received. Provide a copy of any flyers or notifications made available to the public.
10. Is your project consistent with an adopted recreation plan? If so, provide documentation.
Proposal Evaluation Guidelines
The following minimum qualifications must be met at the time of application submittal in order to be
1. The applicant has adequate tenure to, and site control of, properties to be improved.
2. The project and applicant qualify for recreation mitigation funding pursuant to AB1600.
3. The project is consistent with the Capital Improvement Expenditure Plan (CIEP) for the applicable
benefit zone.
4. The project creates a new or significantly expands an existing recreational opportunity.
5. The funding requested is commensurate with the public benefit that will be created by the project.
6. The project will be made available for full and public use at little or no cost.
Points will be awarded to proposals based on the following evaluation guidelines:
Project Merit
7. The project satisfies a currently unmet park and recreation need in the applicable benefit zone.
8. The project will benefit a meaningful number of people.
9. The project is a high priority for the applicant and expected users.
10. The project is consistent with an adopted recreation plan.
11. The project is regionally significant.
12. The project budget is detailed, realistic, and cost-effective.
13. The project implementation plan has measurable milestones and a realistic schedule for project
14. The project details have been thoroughly developed.
Agency/Organization Commitment
15. The applicant has dedicated or obtained funding from other sources to complete the project.
16. The applicant can successfully manage and complete the project within 1-2 years.
17. The applicant can provide long term public use of the project through on-going operation and
maintenance activities.
Public Outreach
18. The applicant solicited public input during the planning process and/or proposal development.
19. There is considerable community support for the project.
20. The applicant has established partnerships with other agencies/organizations to implement the
Grass Valley/Nevada City Capital Improvement Expenditure Plan
Available Amounts per Expenditure Category for 6th Funding Cycle
Years 12 - 17 (FY09/10 - FY13/14)
Estimated Expenses
Athletic Fields (Baseball, softball, soccer, football, etc.)
Children's Playground
Community Building
Community Garden
Land Acquisition
Land Improvements (restroom, parking lot, drinking fountain, utilities, etc.)
Outdoor Courts/Gymnasium (basketball, volleyball, tennis, etc.)
Performance Stage (indoor/outdoor)
Picnic Area Improvements (shade structure, tables, benches, barbeques, etc.)
Play Area (horseshoe pits, bocce ball, fishing dock, etc.)
Non-motorized Trails (pedestrian, equestrian, bikeway, multi-use, etc.)
Special Use Areas (disc golf, equestrian arena, dog park, skate park, etc.)
Swimming Pool
Years 12 - 17 Total
*This total includes projected revenue anticipated over the next five years.
Available Fund Balance for 6th Funding Cycle
Nevada City Subzone: $29,000