THE AMERICAN MI\TERALOGIST, VOL 50, JULY AUGUST, 1965 DENSITY OF BULK CHRYSOTILE AND MASSIVE SERPE}iTINE CuenlBs W. HuccrNs aNn H. R. Snnr-r, Bureau oJ Mines, Iorris, Tennessee Aesrnacr Density measurements r,veremade on trventy-three bulk specimens of chrysotile and seven massive serpentine samples, both by using mercury and by coating the samples l'ith paraffin and immersing in water Arizona chrysotile had densities of 219 to 2.25 gmicc, whereas canadian chrysotile gave slightly higher values that varied from 2.34 to 2.39 mgfcc. Arizona massive serpentine blocks had less porosity; the density ranged from 2.40 to 2.44 gm/cc. From published data obtained by"electron microscopy, a single fiber of chrysotile has an average outside diameter of 340 A and an inside diameter of 80 A. The theoreticai density of chrysotiie, composed of parallel bundles of hollou,cylinders of these d i m e n s i o n s ,w a s c a l c u l a t e dt o h e 2 . 1 9 g m / c c INtnonuctloN Turkevich and Hillier (1919)first pubiished electronmicrographsindicating that chrysotilesinglefibersmight be hollow tubes.Their work was verified by electronmicroscopicstudiesof chrysotileb1' Bates (1948)and Bateset al. (t95O).The hollow tube theory gainedsupport by the work of reNolI el ol. (195S)when he synthesizedseveralsubslancesthat closel-vwhen was evident structure tubular sembledchr,vsotileand showedthat the materiai was viewed with an electronmicroscope.Examination of Dr. Noll's cobalt chrysotiie by Huggins (1962) also indicated tubular morphologyZussman,etal. (1957),Huggins (1959),and othershave supported tubular morphology as electron micrographsof dispersedchrysotile appeared to show hollow cylinders for the ultimate structure. Maset et al. (1960) succeededin cutting crosssectionsof chrysotile and showedseveral crosssectionsthat were predominately doughnut shaped.Whittaker (1954, 1955a,b, c) contributed to the tubular morphology idea by comparing the :r-ray diffraction efiects expected from tubular or c1'lindrical Iatticeswith thoseobtained experimentally. ConverselyPundsack (1956) and Kalousek and Nluttart (1957) concluded that the density of compact bundles of chrysotile fibers was incompatible with either tubular or solid cylindrical shapes.Kalousek and Muttart did not rule out tubular structure entirell' since they did find a void volume in Globe, Lrizona, chrysotile ol 12.5 per cent. Ilowever, their measurementsgenerallyrevealeda porosity far too low compared to that required for massive specimens consisting of tubular structure. Pundsack (1961) also presentedexperimentaldata which indicated that if any pores existed in chrysotile they were less than 6O A in diameter. More recently, Whittaker (1963), and Bates (1958),have hypothesized that chrysotilefibers are filled with amorphousor partially oriented ma- DENSITY OF SDRPENTI N T:, terial and that this accountsfor the lack of voids in the fibers.Very surprising is the fact that nearly all of Pundsack's experimental bulk density determination gave values very closeto the theoretical 2.56 gm/cc, the Iatter being derived from r-ray difiraction. Severalother literature sourceshave indicated a much lower value for the density. Bowles (1955) gavea specificgravity oI 2.22for pure chrysotile and said that higher values were always obtained because of the presenceof impurities. Berger (1963) gave the density of cleanedchrysotileas2.22, and Dana (1892)gave a specificgravity of 2.219. The present investigation was initiated in an attempt to help resolve some of the conflicting data and also to see if the density determination would, or would not, support the tubular structure theory. It was reasonedthat a valid bulk density value should be obtained if large blocks of choicespecimenswere used and correctionsmade for any contamination. Merenrer,s Many samplesof chrysotile were obtained from Canada; the best of these were used for density measurements. Chrysotile from Africa and another thought to be from New York were receivedfrom the Smithsonian Institution. Arizona chrysotile blocks of the highest quality, obtained from D. W. Jacquays Company, Phoenix, Arizona, were nearly translucent and free of admixed minerals. All the chrysotile sampleswere nearly free of cracks and admixed mineral impurities, except for 0 to 20 per cent magnetite in the blocks of Canadian chrysotile. All of the fiber blocks except one exceededf; of an inch in cross-sectionand one inch in length. The massiveserpentineblocks were from Arizona and were the highest purity we could obtain. DBNsrry MnasunpunNrs The blocks of chrysotile were dried at 130oC. for 36 hours to remove the sorbedwater and then weighed.Most were then immersedin mercury (Figs. 1, 2) and the density determined. The crank on the apparatus, (Fig. 1) was used to raise the tank until the block of chrysotile was completely immersed in the mercury and the tip of the pointer just touched the top of the mercury (Fig. 2, center). The following equation was then usedto calculatethe density of the block from the experimentaldata: (w)(d) . os:1a7ap where \[':weight of sample in grams d:density of mercury at its temperature during measurement 1060 C. W. HUGGINSAND H. R. SI]ELL F:force to immerse, which equals weight without sample, ninus weight with sampie. After determination of density in mercury, the blocks were dipped in molten paraffin until a smooth, impervious coating resulted.The density of the paraffin-coatedblocks was determined in water, and a correction was made for the paraffin. The measured densitl' of the paraffin was 0.904 gm/cc. Theoretical.Figure 3 is a drawing of a cross-sectionof a bundie of fibers predicted on perfect cylinders; the white areas are the void spaces.The absolutedensity of the solid portion may be calculatedif one knows the diameter (inner and outer) of the fibers: D.:2j: ("{;) " Frc. 1. Apparatus for the determination of density by immersion in mercury. Scale: 1 inch in photograph:4 inches on actual apparatirs' DENSITY OF SERPENTINE lrc. 1061 2. Close up of mercury container (Fig. 1) showing relationship of pointer, sample h o l d e r . a n d r n e r c u r y . Dimensions of mercury container are 41"X5"X4f;". F-ro. 3. Cross sectional vierv of chrysotile fiber bundle in hexagonal close packing. C. W. IIUGGINS AND H. R. SHELL where: Du: absolutedensity of solid D*:observed density of fiber block h:outer radius rz: inner radius The model in Fig. 3 is idealizedand in nature irregularitieswould be expectedin the diametersand packing arrangement.The electronmicrographshave shown the fibers to vary in outsidediameterfrom 150 400 ^i. The percentageof volume taken up by the voids between rigid solid cylindersof equal diameter is a constantindependentof the number and sizeof the cyiinders.If the ratio betweenouter and inner diametersof the tubes were constant, the bulk density would be constant. Nonuniform outsidediameterswould increasethe bulk density, if the "hole" diameter remainedconstant or decreased. If the averagediameters (inner and outer) and the theoreticaldensity of the fibers is known, thesevalues can be substituted into the previous equation and the bulk density can be calculated ver)/ closely. By r-ray diffraction,the unit cell dimensionsof chrysotilehave beenaccuratelydetermined; the theoreticaldensity (i.e. of spaceoccupiedby solid) based on these measurementsis 2.56 gmf cc. Kalousek and Muttart (1957) and Maser et al. (1960) gave, as an average, the outside diameter of chrysotile as 340 A and the inside diameter as 80 A. Using these two values (340 A and 80 A) ln ttre above equation, the bulk density value obtainedis 2.19gm/cc. The averagetaken for the insidediameter mav be a little high, Pundsack (1961),and might possibly-be as low as 50 A. Using as the outsidediameter 340 A and the inside value of 5OA in solving the equation, a bulk density oI 2.27 gm/cc was obtained. Therefore,one would expect the density of the bulk fi.berblock to be between2.l9 and 2.27 provided that no impurities filled the void areas. Also the use of an averageoutside diameter does not causetoo iarge a deviation from the theoreticalmodel becausethe fibers measuredwere at or near 340 A. C ouposrrroN Crrn'lrrc.q.r. The bulk specimenswere checked for impurities by chemical analy-sis, optical methods, and r-ray diffraction. Except for magnetite in the Canadian chrysotile, all of the fiber blocks were nearly free of foreign minerals. The only other appreciablemineral detected was calcite, but this was present in the Arizona massiveserpentineonly' Tabie 1 gives the analysis of three samples.The first is typical high-purity Arizona chrvsotile (note the low iron content). The secondis Arizona massiveserpentine blocks, with the Ca2+and COu being largely or completely present as 1063 DENSITI/ OF SERPENTINE 'I'esr,r Constituent 1. Cnnlrrcar Annrysns Arizona chrysotiler wt. per cent Massive serpentine2 wt. per cent 43.29 .23 .40 .06 .25 41.54 0 .04 0 .24 SiOz ALOr Fe:Os FeO CaO 40 23 .37 44 12.91 .02 .02 .02 3.00 39.09 0 .02 0 2.36 119 1 3. 3 3 0 0 0 100.09 100.03 Meo KzO NazO TiOs COr HzOHzO+ MnO Nio CrzOr r07 Total Canadian chrysotile3 (Thetford) wt. per cent 41.41 .55 103 .72 0 41.52 0 0 .34 |.47 t2.90 .02 .03 0 99.99 I Chrysotile from D. W. Jacquays Company, Phoenix, Arizona. 2 Massive serpentine from D. W. Jacquays Company, Phoenix, Arizona. 3 Chrysotile from Johns-Manville Company, Ltd , Box 1500, Asbestos, Quebec. Analysis of chrysotiles by R. L. Craig, and of massive serpentine by E. E. Sutton, both of Norris Metallurgy Research Laboratory, Bureau of Mines, Norris, Tenn. T,ters 2. Dtlsny Reference material Aluminum, purel Qtartz, clear Large test ball Small test ball Steel block, machined o-r' Densityusing Mercury gmfcc 2.696 2.644 7 .665 ,/.o.)/ 7 .841 Density in rvater Probable true gm/cc 2.708 2.653 7. 8 3 1 2 702 2.648 7 .6662 / . ooo" 7.830 1 Alcoa spectrographic standard. 2 Based on values for volume of test balls furnished with air uvrconometer. by Beckman Instruments. Pasadena. California. C, W. HIGGINS ANI) IT. R. SHD,LL calcite.The third is hand-pickedCanadian chrysotileand, at 100 magnification, was free of magnetite. Rosur,rs ANDDrscussroN Severalreferencernaterialswere selectedto check the newly designed and built apparatusfor density measurementsin mercury. The densities of three of these were also determinedin water. The results are given in Table 2. Aluminum and quartz were chosenbecausethey have a density Tlllr Sample No. 13 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 o 104 115 126 13 1A l.) 16 1a 187 t9 20 2l 22 ZJ 3. DnNsrtv or Sner-rn artn Unseernn Sample \rt. gms 118.2870 7 8. 3 7r 5 40.6490 166.5995 162 8144 64.3568 77.3860 185 6378 3 2. 1 7 4 3 13.7156 41.6885 205.6065 167.6960 111.2180 9 4 . 1 757 41.9352 33 0130 84 5540 104.0106 60 8961 39.2374 70.1196 67.5001 Br-ocKs ol Crlnnsotrr-n Bulk density, D e n s i t y , u s i n g Density, using after all correcparaffin tions (magnemercury, as coating as tite structural measured,l \\,t Der cent gm/cc measured2 Fe, air buoyancy, gm/cc) , 50r be(1 . arra tar 1.18 1. 0 9 1.08 1. 0 5 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.04 1. 0 8 93 1.10 84 89 .80 89 .89 .80 .89 .83 .88 76 .91 69 2.20 2.22 2.24 222 2.24 2.25 2 -23 2.40 2.41 2.5r 2.40 2.40 2.49 2.43 2.42 2.66 2.19 2.22 2.25 2.25 2.23 2.25 2.25 2.23 2.23 2.39 2.25 239 2.40 2.51 2.4r 2.38 2.53 I t1 2.50 2.43 2.54 2.M 267 2.r9 2.22 a at 2.22 2.25 2.25 2.22 222 2.36 z.,tl 2.34 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.38 2.36 2.39 1 Density of sample excluding sorbed rvater 2 Density of sample excluding sorbed water and paraffin. 3 Samples 1 through 9 from D. W. Jacquays Co., Phoenix, Arizona a Sample No. 10, Aboutr.ille (?), New York, Smithsonian Cat. No. 91261. 5 Sample No. 11 from Kaapsche Hoop near Barberton E. Transval, Africa, Smithsonian No. 91197. 6 Sample No. 12-17, Johns-Manville Co , Ltd., Bor 1500, Asbestos, Quebec. 7 Sampies No 18-23, Bell Asbestos Mines, Ltd., Thetford Mines, Quebec. DENSITV OF SERPENTINIi 1065 Tenr,r 4. DnNsrry ot AnrzoN.q. MassrvB SnnppNtrNr lvrrn Coxcclrnar,FRACTURES Sample No. 1 2 3 a 6 7 Samplel wt., gms 117.4810 63.4768 7 8 .1 7 8 0 59.4592 55.5614 80.5733 101 0990 Density after soaking in waterg gmf cc Density b1' mercuryB lmmersl0n Density by paralnn coating gm/cc 2.56 2.56 2.43 2.41 2.43 2.40 2.41 2.44 2.M 2.42 2.41 2.43 2 -40 2.40 2.42 2.44 z.Jt 2.55 2.56 2.56 2.56 I Samples dried 1250 C. for 36 hours. 2 Samples soaked in warm water for 48 hours, and density was determined. 3 Samples again dried and density determined in Hg, and then by coating with paraliin and immersing in water. near the theoreticalvalue for chrysotile.The apparatus for determining density by weighingin mercury was very easy to manipulate, and based on the values found for referencematerialsiisted in Table 2, had an acc u r a c yo f * . 0 1g m / c c . The results of the density measurementson the block samples are given in Table 3. Considerablemagnetite was present in manv of the blocksof Canadianchrysotile.The magnetitewas separatedmagnetically after heating to destrol. the chrysotile structure and determined chemicaily. The density valuesobtained were correctedboth for the magnetite and for the Fe2+and Fe3+in the structure. The correcteddensity for the fiber blocksis given in the right hand column of Table 3. The densitiesof Arizona and African blocks of chrysotile show that void areas exist, and the density measurementsagreevery closely with theoretical data calculated from previouslv published electron microscopic measurementsof the single fibers (Kalousek and Muttart, 1957; Maser et al., t960). Canadianchrysotileis a little too high in densitv to be completely tubular, but the data in Table 3 certainlt' indicate that over half of the chrysotile must exist as hollow tubes. The authors have examined massiveserpentinein the past and have noted tubular structure. However, the present specimensof Arizona massive(rock-like) serpentinewere largely filled with unknown material (Fig. a). AIso, the determined density (Table 4) confirms considerablefilling of the tubes. Immersion in water gave density values approximately equal to the theoreticalas determinedby r-ray diffraction. This meansthat the void.?aces were filled with water during the 48 hour immersion.Chryso, 1066 C. W. HUGGINS AND IT ]1. SI]ELL Frc.4. Examples of filled and unfilled single fibers: serpentine on left, chrysotile on right. Both are from Arizona Dark line up the middle of the serpentine fiber indicates filiing; the light line up the micldle of the chrysotile fiber indicates a hollow tube. Magnification 54,000X. tile from some locaiitiesmight exist with the void areasbeing all or partially filied. At least one-third of the possible void volume of Canadian chrysotile,that we examined,must be filled with solid material; or alternately, most or even all of the possiblevoid volume could be filled with a material or materials with a density considerablyless than 2.56 gm/cc. CoNcr,usroxs 1. The density of bulk chrysotile is lower than that postulated from r-ray diffraction data-in somechrl'sotilesbv an amount approximately equal to the calculated void volume based on hollow tubes. The actual valuesare in the range2.2 to 2.4 gmf cc. 2. The density values presentedin this report essentiailyagree with those given by earlf investigators (Berger, 1963; Bowles, 19551Dana, 1892),but disagreeand are irreconcilablewith some more recently pub- D]'',NSIT Y OF SI,:.RPF,NTI N ]' r067 lished data (Pundsack, 1956). The latter allowed only a solid structure without holes or spacesbetweenfibers,and has been the subject of considerablecontroversv. 3. The density of both bulk chrysotile and massive serpentineindicatesa hollow-tube or partialiv filled holiow-tube structure. A"**o-wLEDGMENT The authors are grateful to the following companiesand institution for bulk specimensof chrysotile: Bell AsbestosMines, Ltd., Thetford, Quebec; Johns-Manville Asbestos,Ltd., Asbestos,QuebeclD. W. Jacquays Company, Phoenix, Lrizona; and to the Smithsonian Institution for samples numbered91197 and9l26t. RrlrnnNcns 'I'. Brrns, F-. (1948) Electron microscopy of kaolin minerals. Geol.Soc. Am. Bull.59, 1310. --L. B. Sartns eNo J. F. Mwr (1950) Tubular crystals of chrysotile asbestos.Science lll,512. --(1958) Selected electron micrographs of clays and other fine grained minerals. Penn. State Univ. ColI Mineral Ind. Circ. Sl Boncen, HeNs (Trans. from German by Ralph E. Oesper) (1963) Asbestos Funilamentals. Chem. Pub. Co., Inc., N. Y., Or.ivrn (1955) The asbestosindustry. U. S Bur. Mines Bull.552, DeNr, Eowenr S. (1892) Q System of Mineralogy. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., N. Y HuccrNs, Cnanlrs W. (1959) Electron micrographs of asbestiform minerals. U. S. Bur. M i n e s R ep l . I n r c s l .5 5 5 1 . --(1962) Electron micrographs of some unusual inorganic fibers [/. S. Bur. Mines Rept. Int:est.6O2O Ka.r-ousrx, G. L. eNo L. E Murr,mr (1957) Studies on the chrysotile and antigorite components of serpentine. Am ,ilIineral.42r 1. Mason, M., R V Rrcn eNn H P Kr.uc (1960) Chrysotiie morphology. Am. Mineral.45, 680. Nor.r., W., H. Krncsrn eNl W. Svr:r:nrz (1958) Ein u'eiteres Solenosilikat: KobaltchrysoLil. N,t I u ru'i ssensha.[tcn .. PuNose,cr, F. L. (1956) The properties of asbestosII. The density and structure of chrysotlle. Jour Pkys. Chem.60, 361. --(1961) The pore structure of chrysotile asbestos.f our. Phys. Chem.65,30. Tunxnvrcn, J. aNn J. Hrr.r.rrn (1949) Electron microscopl' of colloidal systems. Anal. Chem.2l, 475. lVrrrrrarrn, E.J. W. (1954) The difiraction of X rays by a cylindrical latticeL Acta Cryst. 7,827. -(tO55a) The difiraction of r-rays by a cylindrical lattice II. Acta Cryst ,8, 261 --(1955b) 'Ihe difiraction of r-rays by a cylindrical lattice III. Acta Cryst.8,265. -(1955c) The diffraction of r-rays by a cylindrical lattice IY. Acta Cryst.8,726. --(1963) Chrysotile fibers-fiiled or hollow tubes? Chern €r Eng. News, Sept.30,34. ZussuaN, J. aur G. W BnrNlr.ry (1957) Electron difiraction studies of serpentine minerals Am. Mi.neral.42, 133. ilIanuscript recehed, December8, 1964; accepted. lor publication, March 21, 1965.
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