The Spanish-American War

Ch. 10, Sect 2
The Spanish-American War
In 1898, the United
States goes to war to
help Cuba win its
independence from
Revolution in Cuba
From 1868 the Cuban people had struggled for
independence from Spain. U.S. Interest in Cuba:
1. Geographically – island is only
90 miles south of Florida
2. Economically – Cuba had
productive sugar plantations
which attracted U.S. business.
3. American sympathies – can
relate to the idea of
By 1895, José Martí, poet and
journalist, launches second revolution in
– He organized a guerrilla
campaign to destroy
American-owned sugar mills,
– He wanted to provoke U.S. intervention to
help rebels achieve Cuba Libre!
War Fever Escalates
Spain Takes Action
• 1896, General Valeriano Weyler
“The Butcher” sent to Cuba to
restore order
– Puts about 300,000 Cubans in
concentration camps. Lacking proper
sanitation, tens of thousands died.
Headline Wars
Newspapers exploit Weyler’s actions in circulation war
• Yellow journalism — sensational
writing used to lure, enrage
– American press turns U.S.
citizens against Spain
William Randolph Hearst: NY Journal
Joseph Pulitzer: NY World
The de Lôme Letter
Headlines increase American sympathy for
independent Cuba
1897 McKinley becomes President and wants to
avoid war with Spain, tries diplomacy to resolve
de Lôme letters
criticized Pres. McKinley
calling him weak
• Feb 9, 1898:
– Spanish minister Enrique Dupuy de Lôme
private letters were published by the New York
• Spain apologizes, de
Lôme resigns; American
public angry
Enrique Dupuy de Lome
The U.S.S. Maine Explodes (Feb. 15, 1898)
• U.S.S. Maine sent to pick up U.S.
citizens, protect U.S. property
– Ship blows up in Havana
harbor; newspapers blame
• Over 260 American officers and crew
were killed
• “Remember the Maine! To War with
Spain!” became the rallying cry for
U.S. intervention in Cuba.
War with Spain Erupts
President McKinley issues ultimatum to Spain in
March 1898:
Demanding an armistice in Cuba
Negotiate peace with the Cubans
Abolish the concentration camps
Work towards granting Cuban independence
The U.S. Declares War
1. Under public pressure, McKinley
asks Congress to use force against
2. Regardless of Spain agreeing to
most U.S. demands, public
opinion still favors war
3. U.S. declares war April 20,1898
The Outbreak of War in the Philippines
• First battle with Spain
occurs in Spanish colony
of the Philippines
– Commodore George Dewey destroys
Spanish fleet in Manila harbor, sinking
all 10 ships
• Filipino rebels, led by Emilio
Aguinaldo, support Dewey
and successfully ousted
Spanish rule.
– August 1898, Spanish troops in
Manila surrender to U.S.
The War in the Caribbean
• U.S. blockades Cuba; Spanish fleet in
Santiago de Cuba harbor
– Unlike navy, U.S. army has small professional force,
many volunteers
• volunteers ill-prepared, ill-supplied
Rough Riders
• Rough Riders — Leonard Wood,
Theodore Roosevelt lead volunteer
• Roosevelt declared hero of attack on
strategic San Juan Hill.
– Spanish fleet tries to escape blockade, is
destroyed in naval battle
• U.S. troops invade Puerto Rico soon after
Result of the War with Spain
12 weeks of actual
fighting, the war was over.
Secretary of State, John Hay, called it “a
splendid little war.”
2. Human Cost:
about 300,000 soldiers
served; less than 400 were killed at battle, but
5,400 died from disease
(unsanitary conditions led to typhoid);
prepared, ill-supplied
3. Treaty of Paris - Spain, U.S. sign armistice
August 12,1898
• Result:
1. Cuba gains
independence from Spain
2. U.S. acquires Guam and
Puerto Rico
3. U.S. pays $20 million for
Aftermath of the Spanish-American War Chart
Directions: Recreate the chart on the Left-Side and use Ch. 10, sect 3 (pg352)
[375] to fill-in the boxes.
What we told
What actions did we
take? (acts, policies,
court cases)
• Foraker Act •Insular Case -
•Teller Amend -
•Platt Amend -
•Open Door
Notes/Policy -
Reactions –
What was the